I Hereby Delegate You the Authority for Suppression Management Activities on the * Incident
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U n i t e d S t a t e s F o r e s t Bitterroot National Forest 1801 North 1st Street D e p a r t m e n t o f S e r v i c e Hamilton, MT 59840 A g r i c u l t u r e (406) 363-7117
File Code: 5130 Suppression Date: * Route To: District Ranger Subject: Delegation of Authority To: Incident; Incident Commander
I hereby delegate you the authority for suppression management activities on the * Incident which is located on the Bitterroot National Forest, * Ranger District. This delegation carries with it the full responsibility for management of the continuing suppression efforts, and the rehabilitation of effects directly resulting from suppression operations within the area under your authority. I expect all suppression operations to be conducted in accordance with the WFSA strategy, objectives and other direction which has been reviewed with you and your Incident Management Team (IMT). Close coordination will be maintained with the Forest Public Affairs Officer and the * District Ranger. Additionally, I expect you to maintain a close working relationship with local and County law enforcement agencies. Other existing or any new wildland fires remain the responsibility of the Forest and respective Ranger Districts. All new wildland fire will be reported to the Forest Dispatcher. The Forest Dispatcher and the District will retain the responsibility for coordinating all initial attack suppression management actions. The Forest Dispatcher will coordinate with your IMT on any request for suppression assistance on any new wildland fires. Once the IMT has sufficient resources in place and available to provide initial attack assistance to the Forest, a mutually agreed upon response zone may be established. The WFSA's Selected Alternative has established the appropriate suppression management response for this incident. Minimum Impact Suppression Tactics (MIST) will be used as much as possible in your tactical operational assignments. This will reduce the wildland fire suppression impacts on National Forest System Lands and the adjacent private lands. (Use of motorize equipment, such as chainsaws, pumps and helicopters, in the Selway-Bitterroot, Anaconda Pintler and Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness areas is authorized. However, the use of dozers is prohibited, and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis on the adjacent non-wilderness lands.) All questions concerning potential resource impacts related to strategic or tactical operations will be handled through the Forest's assigned Resource Advisor. Your Main Objectives on this Incident are: 1. Provide for firefighter and public safety. 2. Structure and private property protection. 3. Establish containment and control lines within the boundaries of the WFSA's selected Alternative. 4. Utilize Minimum Impact Suppression Tacts (MIST). 5. Develop and implement a rehabilitation plan for the impacts associated with
Caring for the Land and Serving People Printed on Recycled Paper tactical suppression operations. Utilize the general and specific guidelines provided by the Forest's assigned Resource Advisor. 6. Keep cost effectiveness as an important part of your decision making process, but do not compromise firefighter safety. 7. Use LACES analysis to document potential hazards associated with tactical operations, identify mitigation measures and include in each operational period Incident Action Plan. 8. Establish an R and R policy that provides the need rest and relaxation in accordance with the Employee Conduct on Fire Assignment letter. Please coordinate and work through Forest Expanded Dispatch as your resource needs arise. I will meet with you toward the end of this Incident for our close out.
RODD RICHARDSON Forest Supervisor
Enclosure cc: Incident Management Team