Jubilees and Anniversaries
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1st CHORLEYWOOD SCOUT GROUP January 2012 Newsletter www.freewebs.com/chorleywoodscouts
A Happy New Year to you and your families from the 1st Chorleywood Scout Group. After a very successful night at Chorleywood’s Christmas evening we ended the year with our brilliant campfire carols Thanks go to Chess troop’s leaders for organising this event and to everyone else, children, parents, leaders and honoured guests who came along and made the evening such a great success. (Pat Cunnings, newsletter editor)
Jubilees and Anniversaries 2012 is going to be an even more exciting year for Chorleywood Scouts. Not only is it the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee but the group will be celebrating not 60 years but 65 years of scouting. Watch out for some exciting activities and events during the year.
Group Camp We are also looking forward to our group camp at Chalfont Heights on the weekend of 27-29 April. Details and information will be sent to you in the very near future.
Quiz Night Our first major fundraising event of the year is our quiz night on February 25th. This takes place at our HQ in Green Street. Doors will open at 7pm for a prompt 7.30 start. . Please contact Sarah Wright on 01923 282946 to book a table. Please feel welcome to get together a table of eight or we can make up a table for you.
This is always a great evening with our resident quiz master Paul. The cost is still only £10.00 a person and includes a delicious supper served halfway through the evening. Please let Sarah know when booking if you require a vegetarian meal or have any other dietary requirements. Feel free to bring some extra nibbles if you think it will help the little grey cells. However you don’t need to bring your own drinks as we will be running a bar where you can buy wine, beer, soft drinks or mineral water. HOWEVER PLEASE DO bring your own cutlery, and plates. It saves a lot of washing up at the end of the evening.
Are you a member of the 100 Club? The 100 Club is an important fundraiser for the Group and for an annual subscription of £20 you're in with a chance of winning £20 each month and £50 twice yearly. Application forms will shortly be sent home with each Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer. Please join up. It could even pay for itself in the first month alone! Full details are also available on the website at: http://www.freewebs.com/chorleywoodscouts100club/ Congratulations to Sara Lambert who won the December draw and to Anthea Hunter won the £50 Christmas draw. Thank you. (Martin Day)
Jumble and Bag2School We will be having another jumble sale in the autumn but if you want to get rid of any clothing before then we will be having another Bag2School collection in April. They collect second hand adult’s and children`s clothing, sheets, blankets, curtains, soft toys, shoes, belts and handbags. Hang on to these items until the spring. All items collected are for RE-USE and recycling. Please note they cannot accept: dirty or wet clothing, single shoes, off cuts of material, mats, carpets pillows and duvets or bric a brac.
Rickmansworth and Chorleywood Scouts District Cooking Competition - Saturday 14th January 2012 Report from Marion Walker At 1.30 the first of the four teams who had entered the District Cooking competition arrived, followed shortly afterwards by the three other teams. There was one team from Croxley Green, two from Batchworth and one from Chorleywood Chess Troop. On a strictly 'first come first served' basis they duly chose their cooking station and time for presentation of the meal. After time to set up their work station, at 2.00pm the teams were instructed to start cooking. A three course meal for four (and a small taster portion for the judges) with a maximum budget of £18, was to be prepared and cooked on a two-burner gas ring, using 'camp kitchen' equipment and utensils - no electrical gadgets allowed! The teams also had to follow a theme of 'The Queen's Jubilee', both in their choice of menu and in the table setting. The Scout Hall was a hive of activity for two hours, with scouts from all the teams fully occupied in preparing their various meals and setting some amazingly colourful and patriotic tables - Union Flags by the dozen! Page 1 of 2 At 4 o’clock precisely, the team who had been allotted that time slot presented themselves for judging. Coincidentally this was the team that arrived first and ultimately won, they had a written work schedule with everything timed down to the last minute AND they stuck to it! Their winning menu was a coronation chicken salad starter, mushroom risotto main (which was served hot!) followed by a variation on Eton Mess. The other teams followed at their allotted times and they also had some extremely tasty food to offer - Stuffed tomatoes cut into a crown shape, coronation chicken, bangers and mash, welsh lamb, smoked salmon and scrambled eggs - all very tasty and presented nicely. Very well done to all the teams for taking part, and thank you for cleaning up so well! The marks (out of 705) and placings were as follows: 1. Croxley Green 618 2. Batchworth 1 (boys) 558 3. Batchworth A (girls) 543 4. Chorleywood Chess Troop 528
The winning team goes forward to the County Cooking Competition in February.
SECTION REPORTS Cubs -Eagles (Richard Hall) The Eagle Pack has been out and about on the common with a treasure hunt as they work towards their navigators’ badge. In the HQ they have been cooking bangers and mash with homemade onion gravy followed by stewed apple and custard - and they even ate it. We have benefitted from wonderful support from parents who have given generously of their time. We now have a parent in charge of the helping rota and we are just about to start another off with organising our badges - this really is starting to make a difference, thank you. On 3 Feb we are off on our Winter Camp at Lees Wood staying in Flight oaks. We will include cooking outside on a fire, the district swimming gala and a combo of Fencing and Abseiling on the Sunday - but not at the same time. Four new cubs will be invested and our new sixers are working hard towards their Silver Chief Scouts Award. One new thing we tried recently was a Sixer and Seconders training afternoon to give the parade and fire lighting skills a focus
Scouts - Chess (Rob Cunnings) So far this term Chess Troop have been busy with a senses evening, with some interesting things to taste, listen to and feel. We also completed a series of Olympic based challenges, enjoyed a wide game on the common, and spent an evening learning a couple of knots, a skill which was put to good use by building rope ladders. These were then suspended from the roof in the upper hall and successfully climbed, remarkably without breaking. Coming up in the rest of the term, we will be making pancakes, building and then cooking in ovens and taking a trip to Quasar. Planning is also well underway for our Summer Camp at Buddens in Dorset. This will take place between 13th and 19th of August.
Thanks for your report Rob and we wish you well with your new job with PGL at Marchants Hill. Guess you will be seeing a few familiar faces when Chorleywood schools visit.
Explorers (Paul Sutton) At the end of November the Explorers enjoyed a weekend's white water kayaking on the River Dart. Both days were spent on the same grade 3 section with a definite improvement in performance from day one to day two. Better lines were taken more confidently down the rapids with fewer swims.
With the Christmas break we have had few evening meetings since the last newsletter, but did include a night hike finishing at Morag Watkins' house in the wilds for a hot dog and soup and the Explorer Christmas dinner. This term we have 9 members planning silver Duke of Edinburgh expeditions for the May bank holiday and we are starting to organise our summer camp to the Gower Peninsula.
Dates for your Diary Saturday 25 Feb for 7.30 Quiz Night HQ 27-29 April Group Camp April Bag2School Collection – date to be confirmed