Herman Talmadge- Governor That Supported Segregation And Created The First Sales Tax In Georgia

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Herman Talmadge- Governor That Supported Segregation And Created The First Sales Tax In Georgia

Herman Talmadge- governor that supported segregation and created the first sales tax in Georgia

Benjamin Mays- President of Morehouse College, mentor to MLK

Brown v. Board of Education – court case that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson decision, and banned segregation in public schools

Martin Luther King, Jr. – leader of nonviolent civil rights movement 1956 state flag- John Sammons Bell suggested state flag be changed to represent a Confederate battle flag- was a response to the Brown v. Board of Education decision. Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)- civil rights group that used nonviolent methods like sit-ins and freedom rides to protest segregation

Sibley Commission- group that gathered information about how individuals felt about desegregation

Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter- 1st African Americans to be allowed admission into UGA

Albany Movement- 1st mass movement attempt to desegregate a city

March on Washington- civil rights march at which MLK delivered “I Have a Dream” speech

Civil Rights Act of 1964- guaranteed equal voting rights and prohibited segregation in public places.

Maynard Jackson – Atlanta mayor that encourage affirmative action: moving blacks into higher status jobs

Andrew Young- first African American since Reconstruction to be elected to the House of Representatives from Georgia

Lester Maddox- governor that supported segregation, but appointed more blacks to government positions than any other governor Civil Rights Movement Albany Movement Civil Rights Act of 1964 1956 state flag

Take a “spoonful” of John Sammons Bell suggested information from someone 1st mass movement attempt to guaranteed equal voting rights state flag be changed to else, and add it to yours! desegregate a city and prohibited segregation in represent a Confederate battle public places. flag- was a response to the Brown v. Board of Education decision.

Benjamin Mays Andrew Young Maynard Jackson Lester Maddox

governor that supported President of Morehouse first African American since Atlanta mayor that encourage segregation, but appointed College, mentor to MLK Reconstruction to be elected to affirmative action: moving more blacks to government the House of Representatives blacks into higher status jobs positions than any other from Georgia governor

Martin Luther King, Jr. March on Washington Herman Talmadge Sibley Commission

of nonviolent civil rights civil rights march at which MLK governor that supported group that gathered movement delivered “I Have a Dream” segregation and created the information about how speech first sales tax in Georgia individuals felt about desegregation

Brown v. Board of Education Student Non-Violent Hamilton Holmes and ON YOUR OWN: Coordinating Committee Charlayne Hunter Using the information you’ve gathered, define the “civil rights court case that overturned civil rights group that used movement”. Plessy v. Ferguson decision, and nonviolent methods like sit-ins 1st African Americans to be banned segregation in public and freedom rides to protest allowed admission into UGA A mass effort of African schools segregation Americans to gain equal rights. Albany Movement Civil Rights Act of 1964 1956 state flag

Take a “spoonful” of information from someone else, and add it to yours!

Benjamin Mays Andrew Young Maynard Jackson Lester Maddox

Martin Luther King, Jr. March on Washington Herman Talmadge Sibley Commission

Brown v. Board of Education Student Non-Violent Hamilton Holmes and ON YOUR OWN: Coordinating Committee Charlayne Hunter Using the information you’ve gathered, define the “civil rights movement”. Answer the following questions:

1. In 1956, the Georgia state flag was changed to include a. The Board of Regents. b. A skull and crossbones. c. Three cornstalks. d. The Confederate battle flag. 2. Who influenced and helped shape the ideas of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? a. Herman Talmadge b. Benjamin Mays c. Abraham Lincoln d. Dr. W.E.B. DuBois 3. What was the effect of the Brown v. Board of Education decision? a. It overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson court case decision. b. It kept segregation legal. c. It made it illegal to protest through sit-ins and freedom rides. d. It forced blacks to go to certain schools. 4. How did participants of SNCC voice their opinions? a. By using nonviolent, direct actions b. By using force and violent means c. By writing their members of Congress d. By joining politics and making a difference 5. Why was the Sibley Commission formed? a. To find out how people felt about taxes b. To tell people about the March on Washington c. To organize freedom rides d. To help determine how Georgians felt about segregation 6. Which of the following was a goal of the Albany movement? a. To bring new residents to Albany, Georgia b. To bring resident of Albany, Georgia, to the integrated cities of the northeast c. To end segregation in Albany, Georgia d. To end segregation in Albany, New York 7. Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed? a. To ensure segregation in schools and businesses b. To guarantee protection from segregation and discrimination c. To allow African Americans to move to Canada d. To prevent a third March on Washington by protestors 8. Which Georgian and his description are matched correctly? a. Maynard Jackson—led the Albany movement b. Lester Maddox—founded Morehouse College c. Franklin Roosevelt—voted in favor of Brown v. Board of Education d. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.—led the March on Washington 9. Why are Georgians today less likely to own farm animals today than before World War II? a. Ownign farm animals has become too expensive. b. There is a higher tax now on farm animals than before World War II. c. Most Georgians live in cities today. d. The population of rural communities in Georgia has continued to grow. 10. Since the Civil War, advances in which field have contributed MOST to the growth of Georgia’s economy? a. Consumer products b. Manufacturing c. Tourism d. Agriculture Herman Talmadge Benjamin Mays Brown v. Board of Education Martin Luther King, Jr. 1956 state flag Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Sibley Commission Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter Albany Movement March on Washington Civil Rights Act of 1964 Maynard Jackson Andrew Young Lester Maddox

Herman Talmadge Benjamin Mays Brown v. Board of Education Martin Luther King, Jr. 1956 state flag Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Sibley Commission Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter Albany Movement March on Washington Civil Rights Act of 1964 Maynard Jackson Andrew Young Lester Maddox

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