City Council Agenda s1

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City Council Agenda s1

CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Springfield City Hall 170 North 3rd Street


City Attorney, Bill Seidler, will swear in newly elected City Council Members Bob Roseland and Dan Craney who were elected to serve a four (4) year term ending in December 2016.


 Public announcement that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Law is posted in the entry to the meeting room

 Roll call

 Pledge of Allegiance


All consent agenda items are approved in one motion unless removed by a Council Member. Removed items will be placed under the Regular Agenda for consideration and action by the Council.

1. Approve Minutes of the December 4, 2012 Council Meeting

2. Approve Treasurer’s Report

3. Approve the Certificate of Compliance for Maintenance Agreement No. 126 for roadway surface maintenance completed by the Nebraska Department of Roads in 2012


1. Conduct a hearing for the purpose of considering and levying special assessments on the lots and parcels of land in Street Improvement District No. 2012-1 (South 1st Street); consider approval of Resolution 2012-49 levying and assessing upon the lots and parcels of land in Street Improvement District No. 2012-1 special assessments to pay for the cost of constructing said improvements in the amount set out in the schedule of assessments

2. Conduct a hearing for the purpose of considering and levying special assessments on the lots and parcels of land in Sidewalk Improvement District Nos. 2011-1 and 2012-1 (Main Street); consider approval of Resolution 2012-50 levying and assessing upon the lots and parcels of land in Sidewalk Improvement District Nos. 2011-1 and 2012-1 special assessments to pay for the cost of constructing said improvements in the amount set out in the schedule of assessments

3. Craig A. Shives, property owner, and Pinnacle Bank-Papillion, trustee and beneficiary, of 280 South 2nd Street, are scheduled to appear and show cause as to why such condition of said property shall not be found to be a public nuisance

4. Authorize the Mayor to execute closing documents for the purchase of Lots 5 and 6, Springfield Industrial Park

5. Authorize the City Treasurer to pay $185,375.00 plus closing costs to Kessler Heikens, LLC for the purchase of Lots 5 and 6, Springfield Industrial Park

6. Consider approval of Resolution 2012-51 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services with Olsson Associates for a topographic survey of Buffalo Park in conjunction with the Buffalo Park Master Plan and splash pad project

7. Consider approval of Resolution 2012-52 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services with Olsson Associates for geotechnical exploration at Buffalo Park in conjunction with the Buffalo Park Master Plan and splash pad project

8. Consider projects for the One and Six Year Road Plan

9. Discuss water billing at 170 South 1st Street

10. Consider adopting an ordinance prohibiting residents from parking vehicles on their lawns and requiring that vehicles be parked on a hard surface


1. Water & Parks Department – Bob Roseland

2. Library & Community Building – Randy Fleming

3. Sewer Department – Dan Craney

4. Street Department – Chad Nolte

5. Mayor’s Report – Mike Dill

6. City Staff Reports

The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to adjourn into executive session per Section 84-1410 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes.


City Attorney, Bill Seidler, Jr., swore in new City Council Members Dan Craney and Bob Roseland who were elected to serve a four (4) year term ending in December 2016.

A regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Springfield, Nebraska was held at 7:00 o’clock p.m. at City Hall on December 18, 2012. Present were Mayor Mike Dill; Council Members: Bob Roseland, Randy Fleming, Dan Craney, Chad Nolte. Absent: None. Notice of this meeting was given in advance by posting in three public places, one of the designated methods of giving notice. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to the Mayor and all Council Members and a copy of their receipt of notice is attached to these Minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public. The Mayor publicly stated to all in attendance that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was available for review and indicated the location of such copy posted in the room where the meeting was being held.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Nolte, seconded by Fleming, to approve the Consent Agenda. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Regular Agenda

Agenda Item 1. The Clerk reported that, pursuant to the order heretofore entered by the Council, notice has been published that the Mayor and Council would hold a meeting at this time and place for the purpose of considering the levy of special assessments to pay for street improvements in Street Improvement District No. 2012-1 of said City. The Mayor then stated that the Board was in session for said purpose and all persons interested would be heard. No written objections were filed with the City Clerk.

A Public Hearing of the Springfield City Council was opened at 7:06 p.m. for the purpose of considering and levying special assessments on the lots and parcels of land in Street Improvement District No. 2012-1 (South 1st Street). The following appeared in person or by agent or by attorney and were heard:

Dan Williams, 7913 Hidden Valley Drive, and David Kildow, 400 North 3rd Street, inquired about payment for concrete they personally tore out and replaced in front of their buildings. Mayor Dill said that they could submit bills to the City Council for consideration.

No one else spoke in favor of or in opposition to the special assessments.

Motion by Craney, seconded by Nolte, to close the Public Hearing. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. Motion carried. Public Hearing closed at 7:10 p.m.

Mayor Dill and the City Clerk reviewed the special assessment collection process. Mayor Dill reported that assessments will be payable over ten (10) equal installments, the first of which shall be delinquent not less than 50 days from the date of adoption of the resolution. The property owners have until then to pay their first installment or all or a portion of the assessments without interest. After 50 days, the assessments will be turned over to the Sarpy County Treasurer for collection. Interest will be charged on all payments received by the County Treasurer. Motion by Roseland, seconded by Craney, to set the interest rate at 5.25% for collection of the special assessments on the lots and parcels of land in Street Improvement District No. 2012-1. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. Motion carried. All persons who desired a hearing having been heard, the Board having considered the recommendations of the engineer in charge of said improvements and the members of the Board having heretofore personally inspected the street improvements and the real estate abutting upon and adjacent thereto, Council Member Fleming offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption. Council Member Roseland seconded the motion for its passage and adoption, and after consideration, the roll was called upon the passage and adoption of said resolution and the following Council Members voted AYE: Roseland, Fleming, Craney. The following voted NAY: None. The following ABSTAINED: Nolte. The passage of the resolution having been concurred in by a majority of all members elected to the Council was declared passed and adopted. A true, correct and complete copy of said resolution is as follows:



1. The Mayor and Council find and determine: That the Council has heretofore designated this time and place for considering and levying special assessments upon property specially benefited by paving improvements in Street Improvement District No. 2012-1 to pay the cost of constructing same; that notice of the time and place of holding this meeting for said purpose has been duly given as provided by statute by publication in the Papillion Times, a legal newspaper published Sarpy County and of general circulation in the City, for more than four weeks (five consecutive weekly publications) before the time designated therein for holding this meeting said publication being made in the issues of said paper published on November 14, November 21, November 28, December 5, and December 12, 2012; that the Mayor and Council have at this session heard all persons who desired to be heard in reference to the special benefits or damages thereto by reason of the construction of said improvements and with reference thereto have considered the advice of the engineer in charge of the construction of said improvements. 2. The Mayor and Council find and determine that at the hearing all assessments have been adjusted and equalized with reference to the benefits resulting from the improvements and have been apportioned among the several lots and parcels of land subject to assessment in proportion to the special benefits accrued to said lots and parcels of land respectively from such improvements; that no lot or parcel of land in said District has been damaged by the construction of said improvements; that the amounts of benefits specially accruing to each lot and parcel of land in said projects by reason of the construction of said street improvements exceeds the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of land to pay the cost of said improvements. The benefits are equal and uniform and the assessments shown on the schedule hereinafter set out are according to front footage of the lots or real estate within the District.

3. There are hereby levied and assessed upon the several lots and parcels of land in Street Improv ement District No. 2012-1 special assessments to pay the cost of constructing said improvements in the a mount in dollars and cents set out in the schedule below in the column headed “Special Assessments”.


4. Said special assessments shall be a lien on the property on which they are levied from the date of the passage of this resolution and shall be certified by the City Clerk to the Treasurer of this City for collection; that the City Clerk shall also at the time provided by law cause such assessments or the portion thereof then remaining unpaid to be certified to the City Treasurer for entry upon the proper tax list; that said assessments shall be payable to and collected by the City Treasurer.

5. Said assessments are payable in ten equal installments, the first of which shall become delinquent not less than fifty (50) days from the date of adoption of the resolution, and the remaining installments shall become delinquent the 6th day of February, subsequent to the date of levy and thereafter, in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine years respectively; that each of said installments shall draw interest from the date of the passage of this resolution at the rate of five and one- quarter per centum (5.25%) per annum, until the same become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent interest at the rate specified by law for delinquent special assessments for such projects shall be paid thereon; provided all said assessments may be paid at one time on any lot or land within fifty (50) days from the date of levy without interest.

PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of December, 2012.

______ATTEST: Mayor

______City Clerk

(S E A L)

Agenda Item 2. The Clerk reported that, pursuant to the order heretofore entered by the Council, notice has been published that the Mayor and Council would hold a meeting at this time and place for the purpose of considering the levy of special assessments to pay for street improvements in Sidewalk Improvement District Nos. 2011-1 and 2012-1 of said City. The Mayor then stated that the Board was in session for said purpose and all persons interested would be heard. No written objections were filed with the City Clerk.

A Public Hearing of the Springfield City Council was opened at 7:20 p.m. for the purpose of considering and levying special assessments on the lots and parcels of land in Sidewalk Improvement District Nos. 2011-1 and 2012-1 (Main Street). The following appeared in person or by agent or by attorney and were heard:

Glenn Trembley, 183 Main Street, recommended that the Council not levy the assessments against the property owners. He said that he had just replaced his sidewalk prior to Main Street construction and paid much less than the assessment amount to do so. He indicated that he has made several improvements to his property, which has led to the increase in his valuation and property taxes. Trembley said that he didn’t realize they would be assessed for the sidewalks post construction. He went on to say that he doesn’t make that much money and his business is mostly supported by customers outside of Springfield. He also pointed out that businesses now have to collect a city sales tax. Trembley suggested the city utilize the county’s economic development corporation.

Sandie Shotkoski, 138 Main Street, said that she has been unsuccessful in renting out her building. She noted that businesses are struggling financially and many property owners are paying taxes on empty buildings. She reported that the City of Plattsmouth did not levy assessments against their downtown businesses when their downtown revitalization project was completed. She also reported that the Cities of Bennington and Louisville worked out assessment amounts prior to the project being done. She suggested that the city sales tax be used to help out the downtown.

Jim Hrabik, 166 Main Street, said that his building has been empty for over a year. He said that his property did not need a new sidewalk. Hrabik pointed out that the south side businesses got a new water line, but the north side businesses did not. He said that the city needs to help downtown property owners bring business to town. He suggested that the property owners not be charged more than 50% of the assessment. He said that they need encouragement to stay in town. Alan Hans, 103 and 167 Main Street, informed the Council that he had just replaced the sidewalk in front of his property at 167 Main Street right before construction commenced. He said that he also lost three parking spaces in front of his building at 103 Main Street because of the bumpouts. Hans mentioned that he thought he was being assessed more because one of his buildings is on the corner.

Pete Gassman, 145 and 153 Main Street, said that he is in support of improvement, but inquired what the city’s vision was to bring business to Main Street. Mayor Dill reviewed the city’s strategic plan and noted that the revitalization of Main Street was the first project on the list. He said the city can make improvements to attract new businesses to town, but it is the property owners’ job to bring a business to their building.

Nick Evon, 192 Main Street, asked who is using the new sidewalks.

Scott Daly, 180 Main Street, inquired about the city’s business development plan. He recommended that the Council table this item until a representative of the Sarpy County Treasurer’s Office could attend to discuss the collection of assessments. Daly said that the cost of the project, including the sidewalks, should go to the entire city, not just be assessed to the adjacent property owners. He questioned whether or not the city looked into federal grants. Mayor Dill informed the audience that the city did research grant opportunities for the Main Street project; however, the city’s median family income is too high to be eligible for most grants. Mayor Dill also reported that the city researched blighting the area.

Ron Bockerman, 111 Main Street, stated that he thought each property owner would be assessed approximately $1,000 for the sidewalks.

The City Clerk read the assessment figures for each property owner.

Council debated whether or not to include the Trembley’s (183 Main Street) and Hans’ (167 Main Street) properties in the sidewalk assessments due to them replacing the sidewalks right before construction.

Mayor Dill reported that there were several formal and informal meetings held regarding this project. The City Clerk reported that the city followed state statute in creating the assessment district and levying the special assessments.

Motion by Nolte, seconded by Fleming, to close the Public Hearing. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. Motion carried. Public Hearing closed at 8:00 p.m.

Mayor Dill and the City Clerk reviewed the special assessment collection process. Mayor Dill reported that assessments will be payable over six (6) equal installments, the first of which shall be delinquent not less than 50 days from the date of adoption of the resolution. The property owners have until then to pay their first installment or all or a portion of the assessments without interest. After 50 days, the assessments will be turned over to the Sarpy County Treasurer for collection. Interest will be charged on all payments received by the County Treasurer. Motion by Craney, seconded by Fleming, to set the interest rate at 5.25% for collection of the special assessments on the lots and parcels of land in Sidewalk Improvement District Nos. 2011-1 and 2012-1. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Council recessed at 8:06 p.m. for a short break. Council reconvened at 8:08 p.m.

All persons who desired a hearing having been heard, the Board having considered the recommendations of the engineer in charge of said improvements and the members of the Board having heretofore personally inspected the sidewalk improvements and the real estate abutting upon and adjacent thereto, Council Member Nolte offered the following Resolution, with the exclusion of Advantage Investment Properties, LLC at 167 Main Street and Glenn and Margie Trembley at 183 Main Street from paying the special assessments for their properties and by only assessing the remaining property owners 50% of the total assessment cost, and moved its adoption. Council Member Fleming seconded the motion for its passage and adoption, and after consideration, the roll was called upon the passage and adoption of said resolution and the following Council Members voted AYE: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. The following voted NAY: None. The passage of the resolution having been concurred in by a majority of all members elected to the Council was declared passed and adopted. A true, correct and complete copy of said resolution is as follows:



1. The Mayor and Council find and determine: That the Council has heretofore designated this time and place for considering and levying special assessments upon property specially benefited by paving improvements in Sidewalk Improvement Districts Nos. 2011-1 and 2012-1 to pay the cost of constructing same; that notice of the time and place of holding this meeting for said purpose has been duly given as provided by statute by publication in the Papillion Times, a legal newspaper published Sarpy County and of general circulation in the City, for more than four weeks (five consecutive weekly publications) before the time designated therein for holding this meeting said publication being made in the issues of said paper published on November 14, November 21, November 28, December 5, and December 12, 2012; that the Mayor and Council have at this session heard all persons who desired to be heard in reference to the special benefits or damages thereto by reason of the construction of said improvements and with reference thereto have considered the advice of the engineer in charge of the construction of said improvements.

2. The Mayor and Council find and determine that at the hearing all assessments have been adjusted and equalized with reference to the benefits resulting from the improvements and have been apportioned among the several lots and parcels of land subject to assessment in proportion to the special benefits accrued to said lots and parcels of land respectively from such improvements; that no lot or parcel of land in said Districts has been damaged by the construction of said improvements; that the amounts of benefits specially accruing to each lot and parcel of land in said projects by reason of the construction of said sidewalk improvements exceeds the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of land to pay the cost of said improvements. The benefits are equal and uniform and the assessments shown on the schedule hereinafter set out are according to front footage of the lots or real estate within the Districts.

3. There are hereby levied and assessed upon the several lots and parcels of land in Sidewalk Imp rovement Districts Nos. 2011-1 and 2012-1 special assessments to pay the cost of constructing said impro vements in the amount in dollars and cents set out in the schedule below in the column headed “Special A ssessments”.


4. Said special assessments shall be a lien on the property on which they are levied from the date of the passage of this resolution and shall be certified by the City Clerk to the Treasurer of this City for collection; that the City Clerk shall also at the time provided by law cause such assessments or the portion thereof then remaining unpaid to be certified to the City Treasurer for entry upon the proper tax list; that said assessments shall be payable to and collected by the City Treasurer.

5. Said assessments are payable in seven equal installments, the first of which shall become delinquent not less than fifty (50) days from the date of adoption of the resolution, and the remaining installments shall become delinquent the 6th day of February, subsequent to the date of levy and thereafter, in one, two, three, four, five and six years respectively; that each of said installments shall draw interest from the date of the passage of this resolution at the rate of five and one-quarter per centum (5.25%) per annum, until the same become delinquent, and after the same become delinquent interest at the rate specified by law for delinquent special assessments for such projects shall be paid thereon; provided all said assessments may be paid at one time on any lot or land within fifty (50) days from the date of levy without interest.

PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of December, 2012.

______ATTEST: Mayor

______City Clerk

(S E A L)

Agenda Item 3. The Governing Body called Craig A. Shives, property owner, and Pinnacle Bank- Papillion, trustee and beneficiary, of 280 South 2nd Street, to appear and show cause as to why such condition of said property shall not be found to be a public nuisance. Neither Craig Shives nor a representative of Pinnacle Bank-Papillion was in attendance. The City Clerk provided photographs of the property to the Council, which were taken on the morning of December 18. Council considered the work performed on the property. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Roseland, to direct Craig A. Shives, property owner, and Pinnacle Bank-Papillion, trustee and beneficiary, of 280 South 2nd Street, to clean up the property within 30 days and to appear at the January 15 Council meeting to show cause as to why the property should not be found to be a public nuisance. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 4. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Craney, to authorize the Mayor to execute closing documents for the purchase of Lots 5 and 6, Springfield Industrial Park. AYES: Roseland, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: Fleming. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 5. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Craney, to authorize the City Treasurer to pay $185,375.00 plus closing costs to Kessler Heikens, LLC for the purchase of Lots 5 and 6, Springfield Industrial Park. AYES: Roseland, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: Fleming. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 6. The City Clerk reported that sales tax revenue is being used on the splash pad project. Council Member Nolte introduced Resolution 2012-51 and moved its adoption. Council Member Craney seconded the foregoing motion and on roll call on the passage and adoption of said resolution, the following voted AYE: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. The following voted NAY: None. Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said resolution passed and adopted. A true, correct and complete copy of said resolution is as follows:


BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Springfield, Nebraska as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Springfield, Nebraska, a Municipal Corporation, and Olsson Associates, wish to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services to conduct a topographic survey at Buffalo Park; and

WHEREAS, professional services provided by Olsson Associates shall consist of surveying topographic features, locating improvements, searching for property corners, and creating a site map showing current site conditions based off of the topographic survey; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Springfield, Nebraska that the Mayor is authorized to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services with Olsson Associates attached hereto as Exhibit “A”.

Introduced and Passed this 18th day of December, 2012.

Ayes __4__

Nays __0__

Abstain __0__ Approved:

Absent __0__




City Clerk

Agenda Item 7. Council Member Nolte introduced Resolution 2012-52 and moved its adoption. Council Member Fleming seconded the foregoing motion and on roll call on the passage and adoption of said resolution, the following voted AYE: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. The following voted NAY: None. Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said resolution passed and adopted. A true, correct and complete copy of said resolution is as follows:


BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Springfield, Nebraska as follows:

WHEREAS, the City of Springfield, Nebraska, a Municipal Corporation, and Olsson Associates, wish to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services to conduct geotechnical exploration services at Buffalo Park; and

WHEREAS, professional services provided by Olsson Associates shall consist of field exploration, laboratory services, engineering analysis and report preparation; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Springfield, Nebraska that the Mayor is authorized to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services with Olsson Associates attached hereto as Exhibit “A”.

Introduced and Passed this 18th day of December, 2012.

Ayes __4__

Nays __0__

Abstain __0__ Approved:

Absent __0__




City Clerk

Agenda Item 8. Council reviewed the 2012 One and Six Year Road Plan and considered changes for the 2013 plan. The City Clerk reported that a public hearing has been scheduled for the January 15, 2013, Council meeting for consideration and adoption of the 2013 plan. Council requested the city engineer move the four projects concerning Spruce Street from the six year plan to the one year plan. Council also requested that an asphalt overlay of Platteview Drive from 2nd Street to 5th Avenue be added to the six year plan.

Agenda Item 9. Council discussed the water billing situation and water shutoff system at 170 South 1 st Street. Dan Williams, previous building owner, and Steve Haffke, plumber, suggested the city ordinance be amended concerning shutoffs for buildings with more than one tenant. Council will consider an amendment to the ordinance. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Craney, to send notice to the property owner of 170 South 1st Street directing him to pay the delinquent water/sewer bill or face shut off of water service to the entire building for non-payment, after receiving direction from the city attorney regarding this item. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 10. Council discussed implementing an ordinance prohibiting residents from parking vehicles on their lawns and requiring that vehicles be parked on a hard surface. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Craney, to table agenda item 10, regarding vehicle parking ordinances, until the January 3, 2013, Council meeting. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. Motion carried.

Department Reports

Agenda Item 1. Roseland reported that Olsson Associates is moving forward with submitting the appropriate paperwork to the state in order for the city to chlorinate the water system full-time. Roseland also asked who is responsible for snow removal on Poplar Street. Mayor Dill noted that Poplar Street is a private road and the developer is responsible for maintenance and snow removal.

Agenda Item 2. Fleming reported that he spoke with Alan Hans regarding the sewer plant roof project. He said Hans informed him that he is trying to find someone to build the staircase and that is why the project has not started yet. Nolte reported that Larry Nolte, wastewater operator, informed him that he told Hans it was okay if the project did not get completed until after winter. Fleming also suggested the city consider doing a tree lighting event next year.

Agenda Item 3. No Department Report from Craney.

Agenda Item 4. No Department Report from Nolte.

Agenda Item 5. Mayor Dill reported that he met with Brett Richards, Springfield Platteview Schools Superintendent, regarding the high school using the city park ball fields for the proposed high school softball and baseball programs. Mayor Dill also reported that he met with Rick Lee, maintenance manager, and Denny Graham with Olsson Associates regarding drainage plans for Lots 5 and 6, Springfield Industrial Park.

Council agreed to close City Hall at 12:00 Noon and to close the Maintenance Shop at 11:00 a.m. on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.


Motion by Nolte, seconded by Roseland, to adjourn. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. Meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m. Motion carried.

I, the undersigned, City Clerk for the City of Springfield, Nebraska, hereby certify that the foregoing is a t rue and correct copy of proceedings had and done by the Mayor and Council on December 18, 2012; that all of the subjects included in the foregoing proceedings were contained in the agenda for the meeting, ke pt continually current and readily available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk; that such agenda items were sufficiently descriptive to give the public reasonable notice of the matters to be consid ered at the meeting; that such subjects were contained in said agenda for at least twenty-four hours prior t o said meeting; that at least one copy of all reproducible material discussed at the meeting was available a t the meeting for examination and copying by members of the public; that the said minutes from which th e foregoing proceedings have been extracted were in written form and available for public inspection with in ten working days and prior to the next convened meeting of said body; that all news media requesting n otification concerning meetings of said body were provided advance notification of the time and place of said meeting and the subjects to be discussed at said meeting; and that a current copy of the Nebraska Ope n Meetings Act was available and accessible to members of the public, posted during such meeting in the room in which such meeting was held.

Kathleen Gottsch City Clerk

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