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Ohio Foundation





This rule book will be in effect until a new edition is deemed necessary by the Board of Directors of the Ohio Foundation Quarter Horse Association.

All persons attending OFQHA events are considered participants.


THE FOUNDATION OF OUR RULE BOOK Our foundation quarter horses are honest, down-to-earth, working horses. We strive to make our rules the same way: honest and down-to earth; ones that will and do work, ones that are simple to understand and are fair to all. With that in mind and in that spirit, please do come and join us in enjoying the activities we offer.

Suggestions for improving what we do and how we do it are always welcome.




Exhibitor's conduct shall at all times be courteous and humane. We do not condone drunkenness, illegal drug use, unmannerly or lewd behavior. Any illegal conduct will be reported to law enforcement. Management reserves the right to require any contestant to leave the show grounds and forfeit any and all fees. for harassment or abuse of management, judges, crew, exhibitors, spectators, or for inhumane treatment of animals. *******

Any abuse of a horse or undue disturbance to the cattle shall trigger a stop work order by the 2 judge. Any contestant failing to stop immediately may be penalized $500 payable to OFOHA prior to


1. All animals shall be treated in a humane and safe manner at all times. No animals shall be treated in a manner that would be deemed cruel or abusive by a veterinarian or a person of good conscience. 2. All horses exhibited shall be sound, healthy and in working condition. The horse must be physically capable of completing the classes they are entered in. It is the management's duty to excuse all horses showing any signs of lameness, lethargy, sickness or weakness. 3. Unnecessary roughness to horses, cattle and other animals will not be permitted. Spurs shall not be used in front of the cinch. The romal may not be used as a whip. 4. Nursing foals must be kept haltered and under control at all times when outside of stalls or pens. They are not allowed in the arena or warm-up area during show hours.


1. Only the horse is judged. 2. Horses of any age may be ridden two handed in a snaffle or an approved bosal. Horses ridden in a shank bit must be ridden one handed. Snaffle Bit – When this rule book refers to a snaffle bit in western classes, it means the conventional O-ring, egg butt, or D-ring with a ring no larger than 4 inches. The mouthpiece should be round, smooth, unwrapped metal. It may be inlaid, but smooth or latex wrapped. The mouthpiece must be a minimum of 5/16” in diameter, measured one inch in from the cheek with a gradual decrease to the center of the snaffle. The mouthpiece may be two or three pieces. If it is three piece, a connecting ring of 1 ¼” or less in diameter or a connection flat bar of 3/8” to ¾” (measured top to bottom, with a maximum length of 2”), which lies flat in the horse’s mouth, is acceptable. Snaffle bits should be ridden using two hands and are acceptable in all classes. Curb/Shank Bit – Curb/shank bits are always ridden one-handed, and the index finger only is allowed between the split reins. The hand holding the reins will not be changed during the class. Split reins may not be tied together at the ends. If split reins are used, the bight hangs on the same side as the rein hand. 3. Plain, neat western clothing that is comfortable and sensible for ranch work, trail riding and cattle work is appropriate. Long sleeved shirt, heeled boots, and western hat or riding helmet are required. 4. Western saddles only are permitted. Saddles are to be clean, in good repair and fit the horse properly. 5. Silver on tack and attire is discouraged and will not be taken into consideration when judging the horse. 6. Halters and leads must be plain leather, nylon or rope. Leads may have chain end and chain can be placed under the chin or over the nose. No lip chains run through the mouth are permitted.

3 7. Spurs are optional and not to be used in front of the cinch. 8. No leg protection permitted in Conformation or Trail classes. 9. Equipment is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. Equipment failure will not result in re- work. 10. Numbers are required and may be displayed on the horse or rider, unless specified by the judge.6.

4 PROHIBITED EQUIPMENT 1. Tie downs with bare metal in contact with the horse's head, tack collar, draw reins, quick stops or any other device with metal contacting the jaw, NO MATTER HOW PADDED, are prohibited. 2. Choke rope or wire around the horse's neck is prohibited. 3. Any ill-fitted equipment is prohibited. 4. Anything used to restrict the natural movement of the horse's tail is prohibited. 5. Prohibited equipment may not be used anywhere on the grounds.


1. Horses are to be shown with natural manes and tails. Hooves are not be polished. 2. There are no penalties for scars or blemishes provided they are not caused by a conformation defect. 3. Pulling or banding of the mane is discouraged. 4. OFQHA does not condone practices that limit a horse's natural protection against dust and insects, such as shaving the eyelashes, inside the ears or inside the nostrils. 5. A bridle path the length of the ear is acceptable. 6. Clipping of excessive facial or fetlock hair is acceptable.

*Failure to comply with tack and attire rules outlined above could7. result in zero score or disqualification.



1. Horse should be responsive and willing. Carriage should be balanced and natural. 2. Gaits should be at working speed. a. Walk – Walk is a 4 beat gait with a marked change in speed for the extended

5 walk. b. Trot – Trot is a smooth, ground covering 2 beat diagonal gait with a marked change in speed for the extended trot. c. Lope – Lope is a 3 beat gait with cadence and rhythm with a marked change in speed for the extended lope. d. Backing – Backing is a 2 beat gait that should be performed willingly and collected. 3. All patterns will be posted prior to the class. a. Walk indicated by a dotted line (…………). b. Trot indicated by a broken line (_ _ _ _ _). c. Lope indicated by a solid line (______). d. Lead change area indicated by a line of X’s (XXXXX). 4. A fall of the horse and/or rider will result in a zero score. (A fall is the rider being separated from the horse or the horse’s shoulder coming in contact with the ground)


Points will be calculated for classes with 3 or more entries as follows:


# of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 & places over 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 8 1 2 3 9 1 2 10 1


Purpose: The purpose of the Versatility Classes are to recognize the horse that is an all-around athlete.

The horse must be entered in the classes prior to working its first class.

The following classes are required and counted for Versatility Ranch Horse: 1. Ranch Cutting

2. Ranch Trail 3. Versatility Ranch Riding - Pattern work

4. Working Ranch Horse 5. Conformation

All horses age 3 and over are eligible to compete in Versatility Ranch Horse & Cow Working classes.


Versatility points are earned for classes in which 3 or more horses are entered as follows:

Versatility class points are independent of individual class points and independent of how horses not entered in Versatility place. For example, in a class with 6 entries a horse not competing for Versatility wins the class and a horse that is competing for Versatility wins second. The Versatility score for first place horse would be 0 and the horse competing in Versatility who placed second would score 2.


At the conclusion of the show, all the Versatility points will be tallied and horses will be placed from 1st to 6th from highest to lowest total points earned for that show (see ties below).

The total number of horses completing their Versatility requirements is the determining number for computing OFQHA Versatility Horse points. These points are to be computed exactly the same as for other classes. 7 No class with less than 3 entries shall accumulate Versatility points. A class with less than 3 entries will be accepted as fulfilling the horse's requirement to compete in that class.

Only horses entered in Versatility that compete in all their qualifying Versatility classes will be counted when tabulating Versatility points.

In the event a horse is unable to complete the required classes for Versatility for any reason, none of its Versatility points will be counted in the tabulation process and all other horses shall move up according to their class points.

In the event of a tie, the horse placing highest in Working Ranch class will be awarded first place. Additional year end awards may be given at the discretion of the Directors.


Members may accrue points at any OFQHA show. Horses of any breed may compete.

To qualify for year-end points members must:

1. Be a member prior to the show in which they wish to begin accruing year-end points (memberships paid the day of show prior to entering first class fulfill this requirement.) 2. Show in at least 2 shows. 3. Complete 4 hours of volunteer service at an OFQHA sponsored event.

Points will be awarded in the following Divisions * High Point Foundation Quarter Horse: Documented Foundation Quarter Horse with the most points. Horse may accumulate points in both youth and adult divisions for this award. Points follow the horse. Same horse may also win the Overall High Point below.

* High Point Youth: A member age 18 and under as of January 1 st. Points will follow the youth. * High Point Adult: A member age 19 and over as of January 1 st. Points will follow the adult. * Open Versatility Ranch Horse: Horse of any breed with the most Versatility points shown by a member (adult or youth). Points follow the horse/rider combination. * Overall High Point Horse: Horse of any breed with the most points. Horse may accumulate

points in both youth and adult division for this award. Points follow the horse. 8 CLASSES

* Adult and Youth show concurrently except for Ranch Riding classes.

Green Reiner – Rules follow the NRHA Level 1

* Use the Ranch Reining patterns. * The rider can choose to ride with one or two hands in a snaffle or bosal. * The rider can choose to perform either simple or flying lead changes. * Standard NRHA Rules for legal bits and attire (long sleeved shirt, hat/helmet, boots, western saddle and western bridle) apply.

SCORING The scoring will be on a basis of zero (0) to Infinity, with seventy (70) denoting an average performance. The individual maneuvers are scored in one-half (1/2) point increments from a low of -1 ½ to a high of +1 ½ with a score of zero (0) denoting a maneuver that is correct with no degree of difficulty. Scores will be announced after each horse works. TIES All ties for 1st place will be worked off if the tied exhibitors agree to participate in a run-off. Tied exhibitors have the alternate option of agreeing not to run-off and to be named co- champions but must determine the winner of the awards by a flip of a coin. If they do not agree, the exhibitor(s) who does not want to run-off will forfeit first place to the other. (Exceptions: Freestyle reining. See Freestyle Reining conditions to determine winner or co-champions; category 2 Snaffle Bit or Hackamore classes- a run-off is not required for 1st place.) If a tie occurs after the run-off, the entrants will be named co-champions; will evenly split 1 st and 2nd prize money, but must determine the winner of the awards by a flip of a coin. A horse not returning for a run-off without such an agreement will forfeit1st place .In the case of a run-off, the contestant(s) not winning the runoff cannot be placed lower than the lowest position for which he/she was tied, i.e., 2nd/3rd. All other ties are not worked off and will involve as many places as there are horses tied, i.e., 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,

9 * The following will result in a score of zero (0): (a) use of more than index or first finger between reins; (b) use of two (2) hands (exception in Snaffle Bit, Hackamore, NRHA Green or Ride & Slide Level 1 classes designated for

two hands) or changing hands; (c)~ (d) failure to complete pattern as written; (e) performing the maneuvers other than in specified order (f) the inclusion of maneuvers not specified, including, but not limited to: 1.backing more than two (2) strides 2.turning more than ninety (90) degrees 1. On run in patterns, once beginning a canter a complete stop prior to reaching the first marker. (Exception: a complete stop in the 1st quarter (1/4) of a circle after a canter is not to be considered an inclusion of maneuver; a two (2) point break of gait penalty will apply.) (See Figure #3B) (g) equipment failure that delays completion of pattern; (h) balking or refusal of command where performance is delayed; (i) running away or failing to guide where it becomes impossible to discern whether the entry is on pattern; (j) jogging in excess of one-half (1/2) circle or one-half (1/2) the length of the arena; (k) over spins of more than one quarter (1/4) turn; (I) fall to the ground by horse or rider. A horse is deemed to have fallen when its shoulder and/or hip and/or under- line touches the ground; (m) dropping a rein that contacts the ground while the horse is in motion; (n) failure to wear appropriate western attire as outlined in the NRHA Handbook, General Show Conditions. NOTE: Neither a no score nor a zero (0) is eligible to place in a go round nor single go round class.

* The following will result in a penalty of five (5) points: (a) spurring in front of cinch; (b) use of either hand to instill fear or praise; (e) holding saddle with either hand, except in the Youth 10 & Under Short Stirrup class where holding the saddle is allowed; (d) blatant disobedience including kicking, biting, bucking, rearing and striking. * The following will result in a two (2) point penalty: (a) break of gait; Note: Simple lead changes are allowed in NRHA Green classes, no break of gait penalty should be

10 applied during the lead change. NRHA Ride & Slide Level 1 classes may use altered patterns and if simple lead changes are specified, no break of gait penalty should be applied during the lead changes. (b) freezing up in spins or rollbacks; (c) on walk in patterns, cantering prior to reaching the center of the arena and/or failure to stop or walk before executing a canter departure; (d) on run in patterns, failure to be in a canter prior to reaching the first marker or break of gait prior to the first marker; (e) if a horse does not completely pass the specified marker before initiating a stop position. * Starting or performing circles or eights out of lead will be judged as follows: (a) Each time a horse is out of lead, a judge is required to penalize by one (1) point. The penalty for being out of lead is cumulative, and the judge will add one (1) penalty point for each one quarter (1/4) of the circumference of a circle or any part thereof that a horse is out of lead. (b) A judge is required to penalize a horse one half (1/2) of a point for a delayed change of lead by one (1) stride where the lead change is required by the pattern description. * Deduct one half (1/2) point for starting circle at a jog or exiting rollbacks at a jog up to two (2) strides. Jogging beyond two (2) strides but less than one half (1/2) circle or one half (1/2) the length of the arena, deduct two (2) points. • Deduct one half (1/2) point for over or under spinning up to one eighth (1/8) of a turn; deduct one (1) point for over or under spinning up to one quarter (1/4) of a turn. * In patterns requiring a run-around, failure to be on the correct lead when rounding the end of the arena will be penalized as follows: for one half (1/2) the turn or less, 1 point; for more than one half (1/2) turn, two (2) points. • There will be a one half (1/2) point penalty for failure to remain a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the side of the arena when approaching a stop and/or rollback. * Judges may not confer on any penalty or maneuver score prior to submitting a score. If a major penalty (a penalty which results in a no score, a zero (0), or a five (5) point penalty) is unclear, a judge will submit his/her score and ask that the score be held, pending a conference or review of the official video at the next drag or as soon as practical. Should the judges determine via conference or video replay that a penalty was incurred, it should be applied. If, however, no penalty occurred, the score will be announced as originally submitted. No judge shall be required to change his/her score following a conference or video replay. Each judge's decision is an individual call and based on individual decision from a conference or video replay. The use

11 of video equipment by the judges is only permissible if the judge has reason to believe that all entries have been videotaped. * The judge shall have the authority to remove any contestant from a show he is judging, should said contestant show any disrespect or misconduct so as to render himself or the show in an unprofessional manner. * Judges shall be the sole persons responsible to determine if a rider has correctly completed the pattern as written. * An exhibitor or owner in the respective class may request a review of a major penalty (penalty score zero (0) and five (5) point penalty). The judge has the right to deny or honor the request. If honored by the judge he/she must believe the entire class was videotaped by an official videographer. The request must be made no later than thirty (30) minutes after the last run of the day and before the judge has left the grounds for the day. In cases where a class is run in sections over multiple days, each day's scores will be official thirty (30) minutes after the last run of each section. Exhibitors or owners may not have direct contact with the judge during the entire process of requesting a review. The request must be submitted to the Show Steward, Show Representative, or if need be Show management who will take the request to the judge. * NRHA permits the judge the option of awarding a re-ride to any contestant who in the judge's opinion is unable to complete a pattern for reasons that are out of the rider's control. In the instance where a re-ride is warranted in the judge's opinion, the judge should advise the NRHA Representative and/or horse show management of such as soon as is possible.

12 RANCH HORSE CONFORMATION A) The horse wi11 be judged on type, conformation correctness, and athletic ability only. B) Ranch Horse Conformation is defined as the physical attributes necessary to perform under saddle. The ideal standard in evaluating horses in conformation should include but not be limited to soundness and correctness in conformation, particularly feet and legs with emphasis on correct manner of travel including athletic ability and the "appearance of" agility. C) The horse should possess eye appeal with an attractive head; refined throat-latch; well-proportioned trim neck; long sloping shoulder; deep heart girth; short back; strong loin and coupling; long hip and croup. The horse should show balance and uniform muscling with enough athletic ability to perform different tasks on the ranch and ARHA events. D) Horses are not penalized for scars or brands. E) All stallions two years and older shall have two visible testicles. Crypt orchids will be excused from the ring prior to the final placing by the judge. F) Only mares and stallions will be examined for parrot mouth and will be excused from the ring prior to the final placing by the judge. G) AII lame horses will be excused from the ring prior to the final placing by the judge. H) Rating conformation depends upon objective evaluation of the following five traits: balance, structural correctness, breed and sex characteristics, with emphasis on correct manner of travel, degree of muscling, and agility. Of the five, balance is the single most important, and refers to the structural and aesthetic blending of body parts. Balance is influenced almost entirely by skeletal structure. CONFORMATION EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS: A) Horses are to be shown in good working halter; rope, braided, nylon or

13 plain leather. No silver will be allowed on halters with the exception of mandatory buckles only. Keepers on open buckles are allowed, but tips are not. B) No lip chains, splint boots, leg wraps or bandages will be allowed in any conformation class. C) Banded or braided manes and braided tails and tie-in tails and/or extensions are not allowed. D) Hoof black hoof polish and/or oil is not allowed and will result in the horse being disqualified from the class. PROMPT ENTRY INTO ARENA All horses entered in a class to be judged must be assembled at the entrance to the arena in ample time for the judging to start promptly and continue without delay, and shall remain there, except while competing, until dismissed by the judge, unless the judge shall otherwise direct. A tardy contestant may be denied competition. Show management may combine or split age groups as justified by entries if there is unanimous consent of all involved exhibitors: however, if one division is not a point earning class then show management may combine age groups, without unanimous consent of all exhibitors, in order to make the division a point earning class. JUDGING PROCEDURE FOR CONFORMATION A) The judge shall make an individual examination for conformation defects, soundness and way of travel of each horse at the walk and jog as it it is lead directly to and away from the judge and additionally the jog from a direct side angle. The judge may ask for any further individual examination he may feel is needed. Any deviation from correct leg conformation and way of going shall be penalized. The horse must move straight and true. The walk should be a natural flat-footed four beat gait.

The walk must be alert, with a stride of reasonable length for the size of the horse. The jog should be square, balanced with straight forward movement of the feet. B) After trotting, horses will be lined up head to tail for individual inspection by the judge. The judge shall inspect each horse from both sides, front and rear. C) At single-judged shows the judge should line the horses to be placed in head to tail order according to preference. D) Any horse that becomes detached from its handler and is no longer under control by the hander will automatically be disqualified and excused. If the initial horse exhibiting poor mannerisms (i.e.: rearing, backing, or falling into others, etc.) causes other exhibitor(s) to lose their horses, only the initiating horse will be disqualified and excused. The decision of the judge is final. E) The fall of a horse being judged in conformation shall be cause for

14 disqualification. A horse is considered having fallen when he or she is on their side with all four feet extended in the same direction.

RANCH CUTTING This class is judged on the ability of the horse to work a cow by separating it from the herd, driving it to the middle of the arena, and holding it to determine the horse's ability to work the cow. A single cow is cut from the herd, and the horse must demonstrate its ability to work the cow. 1) Objective will be to cut one cow from the herd and work the cow with the assistance of two turn back riders and two herd holders. 2) Cattle to be located at one end of the arena. 3) For open and amateur competition, there will be a two minute limit. Each exhibitor must work two head, but has the designated cow and one additional cow within the two minute time limit. Exhibitor must work their designated cow but has the option of working the full minute and a half. Time will begin when a rider crosses a time line just prior to entering the herd. Time should not start until contestant crosses a pre-determined and marked timeline. The rider will then quietly separate his/her cow from the herd. Unnecessary roughness or disturbing the herd excessively could result in disqualification. 4) Show management may supply two herd holders and two turn back riders, or exhibitors may supply their own helpers. If an exhibitor is a herd holder or turn back rider, he or she may use the horse that they are competing on, or use a different horse. Credit will be given to those horses who demonstrate excellence in their herd work, driving and setting up the cow to cut, working in the center of the arena, and degree of difficulty of the cow drawn, within the 2 minutes. Horses will not be penalized for reining during the cutting portion, but should display natural ability. One Point Penalty *losing working advantage *toe, foot or stirrup on the shoulder *working out of position

3 Point Penalty *cattle picked up or scattered *spurring on shoulder *pawing or biting cattle

15 *back fence

5 Point Penalty *quitting cow *losing cow O Score *illegal equipment *excessive disturbance of herd to the point that exhibitor is asked to leave the arena *two hands on reins except when exhibiting in either a snaffle bit or bosal

5) SCORING: 100 percent will be judged by the horse's performance and natural ability. If time and number of cattle permit, the judge may, at his discretion, award new cattle, to enable contestant to show his horse's ability on the cow.

RANCH CUTTING/PENNING This class is designed to show a horse's ability to separate a cow from the herd, hold that cow away from herd, then drive that cow away from herd and pen it. This class is to be judged on the horse’s natural cow ability, agility, and soft response to the rider's cues to help rein horse into position to hold cow from herd, on the way to the pen and while penning cow. Horse should display softness of handle and quietness in herd. Horse and Rider should work as a team, seeming effortless when working together. a) Settling of the herd is permissible by anyone but the first entry of the

class. b) There is a two and one half (2 1/2) minute time limit. c) Time will begin when a rider crosses a timeline just prior to entering the herd (minimum of ten head). The rider will then quietly separate one cow from the herd and work the cow, with the exhibitor and horse showing their ability to keep the cow from the herd. Upon working completion the cow shall be driven to the opposite end of the arena and penned. d) A whistle will be blown at the one minute point to let exhibitor know that one and one half minutes remain to complete the run. A contestant will be disqualified if he fails to pen the cow at the end of 2 ½ minutes, if the cow returns to the herd 3 times after it has been clearly separated from the

herd or if the cow crosses back over the time/foul line when attempting to be penned. e) The contestant may have up to four helpers during the cutting portion - two turn back riders and two herd holders. The helpers may not assist the contestant in penning the cow. f) The pen shall be placed on the side of the arena two-thirds of the way down the arena from the herd. Cow is not considered penned until the horse enters the wing area of the pen and whistle is blown. Show management may use either a 10' to 20' wing when constructing the pen. g) Horse will not be penalized for reining during cutting portion but should

16 respond softly to rider's cues, showing willingness to obey exhibitor’s directions as well as to display horse' s natural cow ability in controlling and driving the cow. h) Show management may supply two herd holders and two turn back riders or exhibitors may supply their own helpers. If an exhibitor is a herd holder or turn back rider, he/she may use the horse they are competing on, or use a different horse. All turn back riders and herd holders must have proper western attire. Failure to do so will result in disqualification of entry. 1) Whistles and/or Horns to be blown at: a) One minute mark b) Cow crosses back over time line after attempting to pen a) Losing the cow back to the herd 3 times d) 2 ½ minute at end of time e) Completion of run (judge’s discretion) Maximum of 2 attempts. ** It is the exhibitor's responsibility to keep engaging the cow until the judge’s whistle is blown. 2) Penalties: One Point Penalties: a) Loss of working advantage by more than 1 horse length or cow returns to herd. a) Gaping mouth when reined c) Excessive spurring or cuing d) Working out of position e) Toe, foot or stirrup on the shoulder Three Point Penalties a) Spurring in shoulder b) Cattle picked up or scattered c) Pawing or biting cattle d) Back fence d) Two hands on reins except when exhibiting a junior horse in either a snaffle bit or bosal Five Point Penalties a) Excessive help by turn back riders / per incident o Score a) Illegal equipment b) Excessive disturbance of herd to the point that exhibitor is asked to leave the arena 3) Automatic Disqualification: Allowing cow to return to the herd 3 times after it is clearly separated or crosses back over the time/foul line after attempting to be penned. Horse turns tail to cattle or falls to ground during any portion of the run.

17 4) Credits: Credit will be given to those horses who demonstrate excellence in their herd work, driving and setting up the cow to cut, working in the center of the arena, and degree of difficulty of the cow drawn, within 2 ½ (two and a half) minutes. Horses will not be penalized for reining during the cutting portion, but should respond softly to rider's cues, showing willingness to obey exhibitor’s directions as well as to display horse's natural cow ability in controlling and driving the cow. a) Quiet in the herd and smoothness of cut b) Degree of difficulty c) Time spent working d) Driving and controlling cow e) Softness/willingness of horse f) Natural cow ability g) Horse and rider’s ability to work together 5) Scoring: 100 percent will be judged by the horse's performance and natural ability. If time and number of cattle permit, the judge may, at his discretion, award new cattle, to enable the contestant to show his horse's ability on the cow based on the following criteria: a) The cow won't or can't run. b) The cow won't leave the end of the arena. c) The cow is blind or won't yield to the horse. d) The cow leaves the arena.


This class denotes the ability of the ranch horse to be reined willfully through all maneuvers of the patterns. Contestant should not be penalized for reining their horse through the pattern in a reasonable manner. Stops should be hard and deep as if needed to stop and go in the other direction. Stop should be square and done without resistance (it should be at the judge's discretion on what he/she considers an excessive slide. Excessive stops should be stops beyond 10 feet). Turn a rounds should be those of a working horse. They should be correct and job efficient. PENALTY POINTS 1/2 Point A) Failing to remain more than 20 feet from the fence when stopping or performing a rollback. B) In run to end, failure to change leads by 1 stride. B) Starting a lope departure at a jog or exciting rollbacks up to 2 strides. D) Delaying changes of lead by 1 stride. E) Over or under spinning by one-eighth (1/8) turn. 1 Point A)Delaying change of lead from start to one-fourth (1/4) circle. A) Over or under spinning by one-fourth (1/4) turn. C) Failure to be on the correct lead in run-about.

18 D) During the run to the end of arena, failure to change lead beyond 1 stride, but prior to next maneuver. 2 Points A) Break of gait B) Delaying change of lead from start to half (1/2) circle. C) During the run to the end of arena, failure to change lead prior to next maneuver. D) Jogging beyond 2 strides, but less than half (1/2) circle or half (1/2) the length of the arena. E)Failure to go beyond the markers. E) Freezing up in spins or rollbacks. 3 Points A) Delaying change of lead from start to three-fourth (3/4) of circle. 4 Points A) Delaying change of lead for a complete circle. 5 Points A) Spurring in front of the cinch. B) Use of free hand to instill fear. C) Holding saddle with free hand. A) Kicking out. o Score A) Failure to complete pattern. B) Performing maneuvers in unspecified order. B) Inclusion of additional maneuvers. C) Equipment failures. D) Balking or running away. F) Jogging more than half (1/2) circle or half (1/2) arena length while starting a circle, circling or executing rollback. G) Over spins of more than one-fourth (1/4) turn. H) Fall to ground by horse or rider. I) More than one finger between reins or more than one (1) hand on reins except for horses ridden with snaffle, bosal or mecate with snaffle. J) Blatant disobedience, bucking, rearing, etc. Faults not to be considered disqualification but should be scored according to severity: a) Crooked stops and backs b) Anticipating stops c) Uncontrollable speed d) Wringing of tail e) Knocking over markers

19 f) Failure to run pattern within markers g) Failure to go past markers on said pattern. h) Opening mouth, raising head on stops and turns.

(See patterns at back of rule book)

RANCH RIDING WALK-TROT (ADULTIYOUTH) Purpose: Same as Ranch Riding except no lope will be required. Same horse/rider combination not eligible to show in Ranch Riding (Lope).

RANCH RIDING LOPE (ADULT/YOUTH) A horse will be shown at three gaits - the walk, jog and lope. He will also be asked to reverse away from the rail, to stop and to back. The judge may ask for an extended walk or jog. Extended jog may be ridden by sitting in the saddle, posting or standing in the stirrups. Description: A superior ranch riding horse has a free-flowing stride of reasonable length in keeping with his conformation and covering a reasonable amount of ground with little effort. Ideally, he should have a balanced, flowing motion, while exhibiting correct gaits with proper cadence and rhythm. The quality of the movement and consistency of the gaits is a major consideration. Exhibitor should not be penalized for picking up reins or moving horses body if horse is soft, willing and free of resistance but should receive credit. Horse should be credited for softness when picking up through transitions, departures, stops, and back-ups. (This should not be confused with constant pulling and jerking around the arena as this shall be faulted according to severity).A willing horse will not ring their tail, or be blatantly disobedient to the rider's cues or demands. The horse should drive off his hind quarters using it as a driving force for his body. Horse should not carry his head behind the vertical, giving the appearance of intimidation, or be excessively nosed out, giving the appearance of resistance. He should have a bright expression with his ears alert. He should be shown on a reasonable loose rein, but with light contact and control. He should be responsive, yet smooth, in transitions when called for. When asked to extend, he should move out with the same flowing motion.

20 Horse's expression should be alert, mannerly without the appearance of a dull, sullen, lethargic, drawn or overly tired attitude. Maximum credit should be to flowing, balanced and willing horse that gives the appearance of being fit, alert and a pleasure to ride and a horse that processes great athletic ability and being agile. A) This class will be judged on the performance, condition and conformation of the horse. B) Horses must work both ways of the ring at all three gaits to demonstrate their ability with different leads. At the option of the judge, horses may be asked to extend the walk and the jog, one or both ways of the ring. The extended jog is a definite two-beat lengthening of the stride, covering more ground. Cadence and balance with smoothness are more essential than speed. Passing is permissible and should not be penalized as long as the horse maintains a proper and even cadence and rhythm. Horses are required to back easily and stand quietly. C) Horses are to be reversed to the inside (away from the rail). They may be required to reverse at the walk or jog at the discretion of the judge, but shall not be asked to reverse at the lope. D) Judge may ask for additional and individual(s) work of the same nature from any horse. E) Rider shall not be required to dismount except in the event the judge wishes to check equipment. F) Horses are to be shown at a walk, jog and lope on a reasonably loose rein or light contact without undue restraint. G) Faults to be scored according to severity: 1) Excessive speed (any gait) 2) Being on the wrong lead 3) Breaking gait (including not walking when called for) 4) Excessive slowness in any gait, loss of forward momentum (resulting in an animated and/or artificial gait at the lope) 5) Failure to take the appropriate gait when called for (during transitions, excessive delay will be penalized) 6) Head carriage to high or low (in keeping with horse’s conformation). 7) Over flexing or straining neck in carriage so that the nose is behind the vertical. 8) Excessive nosing out 9) Opening/gapping mouth excessively 8) Stumbling 9) Use of spur in front of the cinch 8) If horse appears sullen, dull, lethargic, emaciated, drawn or overly tired.

21 8) Quick, choppy or pony-strided. 8) Overly canted at the lope (Horses which lope with haunches In towards the center of arena). 15) Excessive head bobbing. 16) Excessive ringing of tail. H) Credits: l) Natural ground covering gaits 2) Consistency at all gaits 3) Smooth upward and downward transitions 2) Work on reasonably loose rein without excessive cueing to maintain moderate pace 5) Giving the appearance of being able to do a day’s work 6) Athletic Ability/Agile 7) Softness of horse’s chin, poll, neck, shoulder, body, hip and being broke through thru the whole body. PERFORMANCE GAITS The following terminology is a description of ranch riding gaits: A) THE WALK & EXTENDED WALK: 1. Poor Walk: uneven pace and no cadence. Has no flow and may appear intimidated or appear to march. 1a. Poor Extended Walk: Never lengthens stride, lack of ground covering. 2. Average Walk: has a four-beat gait, level top line and is relaxed. 2a.Average Extended Walk: Moves up in pace/covers more ground. 3. Good Walk: has a flowing four-beat gait, level top line, relaxed and is bright and attentive. 3a. Good Extended Walk: covers reasonable amount of ground; obvious lengthening in stride while being effortless for the horse. B) THE JOG & EXTENDED JOG: 1. Unacceptable Jog: cannot perform a two-beat gait and has no flow or balance in the motion. 2. Poor Jog: hesitates motion. Does no keep even and balanced motion or has negative characteristics such as walking behind, dragging rear toes or taking uneven length of stride with the front and rear legs. 2a. Poor Extended Jog: never lengthens stride and may appear to be rough to ride 3. Good Jog: is comfortable to ride while having a consistent two-beat gait. The horse guides well and appears to be relaxed. 3a. Average Extended Jog: moves up in its pace and appears to be smooth to ride. 4. Excellent Jog: effortless and very efficient motion. He has a bright and alert expression and exhibits more lift and self-carriage shows confidence, yet soft with its motion while being balance and under control.

22 4a. Excellent Extended Jog: has obvious lengthening of stride with a slight increase in pace while exerting less effort and appears to be smooth to ride. C) THE LOPE: 1. Poor Lope: does not have a three-beat gait. No flow, rhythm or balance. Uncomfortable to ride. 2. Average Lope: has a true three-beat gait with very little head and neck motion. He guides well and has a relaxed appearance. 3. Good Lope: has more lift and flow than average horse. Has a strong but smooth drive from behind. Steady top line, relaxed appearance and IS responsive to rider's aids. Appears to be comfortable to ride. 4. Excellent Lope: has a round back with an effortless strong, deep stride with the rear legs and a flat swinging with the front legs. Horse has a great degree of lift and self-carriage and is relaxed yet alert and confident. D) THE BACK-UP: 1. Poor Back-up: is resistant and heavy in front. May gap mouth and throw his head or back crooked. 2. Average Back-up: backs straight and quietly with light contact and without hesitation. 3. Good Back-up: displays balance and smooth flowing movements. Backs straight with self-carriage without gapping mouth with light contact and without hesitation.


This class requires that exhibitors use split reins as per the rule book. A) The idea of this class is to show the ability of the horse, and the rider’s skill in handling cattle as if they were doctoring injured or sick cattle. Cattle should be handled as calmly and slowly as possible. The judge should judge this class as if the cattle belonged to him or her. Entry does not have to separate their cow from herd and should not receive credit for separation from herd. When cow is separated from the herd there should be no excessive running or cutting of the cow. B) This is a judged event with a 90 second time limit. The rope must be thrown and the contestant may throw only two loops. A second rope may be used, but the total number of loops thrown may not exceed two (2). If a second loop is used it must be recoiled. The Honda on the rope used must be of a breakaway design. C)Horse and rider must start from behind a starting line which will be located 1/3 of the arena length away from where ten (10) calves are held as a herd with each bearing a number 0 - 9. A random draw will be used to select the calf to be roped, which will be announced to the contestant when

23 the horse crosses the starting line. D) Each contestant may have the option of a herd holder. The herd holder may not cross the starting line. The sole duty of the herd holder is to assist in holding the cattle at the working end of the arena, any assistance from the helper will result in disqualification of the contestant. E) The contestant must make a legal catch of the designated calf and dally up. A legal head catch is a loop that goes completely over the calf's head and Honda can be broken by any part of the calf's body, but must go over the calf's head first. When the calf breaks free from Honda, the Flag Judge will signal the end of the run. F) Youth exhibitors may have their ropes tied to the saddle horn instead of dallying, at their discretion. G) After catching, it is desired for the horse to remain facing the cow until the Honda breaks. Turning away from the cow to make Honda break quicker will be considered a penalty.

Credits: 1) Quietness in the herd 2) Handling the cattle 3) Position of the horse when cattle are roped 4) Facing to cow

Disqualifications: 1) Running into or over cattle. 2) Schooling. 3) Whipping or hitting horse with rope. 4) Half of herd crossing starting line. 5) Thrown from horse. 6) Fall to ground. 7) Loss of rope. 8) Failure to make a legal head catch. 1 Point Penalties a) Working out of position. b) Loss of working advantage. a) Holding cut too long without roping. 3 Point Penalties a) Picking up cattle in herd. 5 Point Penalties a) 2 loop run. b) Loss of cow (re-cut in the herd). c) Excessive running/scattering of herd. d) Blatant disobedience including kicking, biting, bucking, rearing or striking. e) Horse turns tail.



The ranch trail class contains a course with a minimum of six obstacles and is designed to show a horse's ability and willingness to perform several tasks that might be asked of him during the course of a normal day's ranch work. Whenever possible, realistic or natural obstacles are encouraged. Also, the course is encouraged to be set outside of an arena using the natural terrain of the land whenever possible. The horse will be judged on three gaits - walk, trot and lope - performed between six obstacles to be determined when the judge chooses the pattern. A horse will be rewarded with higher credit for performing these gaits on the correct lead and with an alert attitude. 1) Horses to be shown at a ground-covering walk, working trot and lope. The horse should perform with a reasonably loose rein that maintains contact with the horse. A distance of at least 30 feet or more is mandatory between obstacles to evaluate the horse's way of going at each gait. 2) Six obstacles will be used, three of which are mandatory and ten that are optional. Combinations of two or more obstacles are permissible. If three combinations of two obstacles are used, there must be sufficient distance between one of the combinations to allow the horse to perform two gaits. All obstacles must meet the approval of the judge. 3) The judge may walk the course and has the right and duty to alter the course in any manner. The judge may remove or change any obstacle in any manner. The judge may remove or change any obstacle he deems unsafe or unreasonable. If at any time a trail obstacle is deemed to be unsafe by the judge, it shall be repaired or removed from the course; the score for that obstacle shall be deducted from all previous works for that class. 4) Judges should use the suggested scoring system for trail as described in Rule 454B of the AQHA rulebook. Mandatory Obstacles 1) Opening, passing through and closing the gate. Use a gate that will not endanger horse or rider. The rein hand may be changed to work the gate without penalty if the change is made prior to and after the gate has been worked. 2) The horse shall remain quiet while rider dismounts. No penalty will be assessed for horse shifting balance. A one point penalty for one step, a three point penalty for two to three steps

and a five point penalty for four or more steps will be assessed. The horse should remain still and quiet as the rider remounts, leaving a loose rein. Exhibitors have the option of using a mounting block to remount. Once the rider is settled into the saddle and is still, he or she may then move the horse forward. 3) Log drag - Horse must be willing to drag a log for a short distance, either in a straight line or around a set pattern. Rope should be dallied around the saddle horn and not tied hard and fast. A five-point penalty will be assessed for obstacle by shying or backing more than two strides away. An additional five-point penalty will be assessed for second refusal, balk or attempts to evade an obstacle by shying or backing more than two strides away. Optional Obstacles

25 1) Water hazard - The horse should show willingness to cross a small ditch or shallow pond (or simulated water obstacle). 2) Hobble or ground tie (contestant's option) - The horse shall remain in place while the rider dismounts and performs a normal ranch task such as moving a rail, moving a bale of hay, etc. 3) Put on and remove slicker - Rider approaches slicker, removes slicker from holder, puts on slicker and replaces slicker to holder. 4) Remove, carry and replace item - Requires the exhibitor to carry or remove an item that is used every day on horseback such as mail from a mailbox, sack, rope, etc. 5) Bridge - Horse shows willingness to walk across obstacle designed to simulate a bridge. 6) Crossing obstacle - While mounted the horse would walk over obstacle no more than 18" in height. 7) Ride over at least four logs - Walking only if laid at odd angles. Laid flat and in measured distances, the measuring point should be the path the horse would be expected to take. Trot overs 2'6"to 3'6" Lope overs 6' to 7' 8) Stationary steer - This obstacle is used to show the willingness of the horse to have a rope thrown from its back. The judge will give credit to the horse that stands quietly while the contestant makes the swing and throw at the stationary steer. Shying from the rope will be penalized, but missing the stationary steer will not be penalized. 9) Back 10) Side pass

* A judge has the right and duty to alter the course in any manner or remove any obstacle deemed unsafe. All courses and obstacles are to be constructed with safety in mind so as to eliminate any possible accidents. It is permissible to change rein hand to work an obstacle. An exhibitor that does not perform an obstacle or performs an obstacle incorrectly is assessed a 10 point penalty and cannot place over another exhibitor that performs the course correctly.

VERSATILITY RANCH RIDING (PATTERN WORK) Ranch Riding and ranch trail will be shown back to back. Each exhibitor will perform the trail obstacle course and then immediately perform the ranch riding pattern along perimeter of arena. The suggested ranch riding pattern may be used or another pattern may be drawn as long as all elements of the class are fulfilled. The ranch riding class shows the horse's ability to move at a working speed with a rider. Horses will be shown individually at three gaits - walk, trot and lope - in each direction of the arena. Horses will also be asked to reverse away from the rail, to stop and back. The judge must ask for an extended trot and extended lope at least one direction of the ring. A horse will be given credit for traveling with his head held in a normal position, ear alert and moving at a natural speed for the gait requested. Credit will also be given for making a smooth transition between gaits, for keeping the correct lead, and for maintaining the gait requested until the judge requests a change. Judges are encouraged to work exhibitors thoroughly, if time permits.

26 Versatility Ranch Riding Pattern #1

27 1. Walk from start cone to cone A. 2. Jog from A to B. 7. Lope on the left lead from A to E. 3. Extend the jog from B to C. 8. Turn toward the middle of the arena and 4. Lope on the right lead from C to D. continue to lope to F. 5. Extend the lope from D to B. 9. Walk from F to G. 6. Stop at B, turn and jog to A. 10. Stop and back approximately one horse length.

28 WORKING COW (Box/Fence/Circle)

Purpose: Cow Working is a scored event in which the horse and rider are to demonstrate cattle moving skills as they would apply in a ranch situation. There is a 3 minute time limit with a warning given at 1 ½ minutes. Time begins when the cow is turned into the arena. The rider may hold onto the saddle horn without penalty. Directions for Cow Working: Time: 3 minute time limit with a warning whistle at 1.5 minutes. * Contestant shall hold cow on the prescribed end of the arena for sufficient time to demonstrate the ability of horse to contain and control the cow on that end "boxing cow". * Contestant must take cow down the fence past center cone. * Contestant shall turn the cow at least one turn each direction toward the fence prior to end cone. * To control the cow by circling the cow in one complete circle in each direction. At the end of the second circle, stop the horse and back away. SCORING: 1) Boxing cow. 2) Position 3) Control 4) Cow Sense 5) Degree of difficulty 6) Eye appeal 7) Circling

At the judge's discretion a re-run with a new cow may be given if the cow being worked leaves the arena, or is unworkable (won't or can 't run, won't leave the end of the arena, is blind or won't yield to the horse).

WORKING COW (Fence/Rope)

The class combines the cow sense and roping ability of the horse and will be judged on cow sense and roping ability. Each contestant will perform individually. 1.) Each exhibitor will be allowed a 3 minute time for cow working and roping. A warning is given at 1 ½ minutes. Time begins when the cow is turned into the arena. The rider may hold onto the saddle horn without penalty. 2.) Scoring is based upon the ability to trail, rate, and stop the cow. Additionally, a two loop run will receive a penalty of three points and a no catch run will receive a penalty of five points. It is not necessary that the rope catch for the contestant to receive a score in the roping portion. However, if there is a no catch, a five point penalty must be subtracted from the roping score accumulated prior to the catch (i.e.: if a horse trails and rates its cow but no catch is made, the horse will receive the score it has earned up to the point of the catch minus five points). 3.) After the cow has entered the arena, the contestant shall hold the cow at the prescribed end of the arena for sufficient time to demonstrate the ability of the horse to contain the cow on that end, "boxing the cow". After a reasonable amount of time, the contestant shall take the cow down the fence, making at least one turn each way on the fence. Exhibitor must then rope the cow and bring it to a stop. There will be no dragging. The exhibitor is allowed only two throws. In order for a catch to be legal, the loop must hold in front of the shoulders. If the rope falls off saddle during the class it would be considered equipment failure thus resulting in a score of zero. 4.) Riders are not permitted to have their ropes tied onto the horn of the saddle. 5.) Roping is defined in Section 468 of the AQHA Official Handbook. However, in the working cow class, the horse will be judged on three (3) maneuvers: The ability to trail The ability to rate The ability to stop the cow

WORKING COW HORSE (Rein and Box) A) This class has been designed to demonstrate and measure a horse's ability to do cow work. Holding the saddle horn is permitted in this class. This class has been developed for amateur and youth riders as an entry level working cow horse class. B) A Superior Ranch Boxing horse should be in complete control at all times. Showing natural cow sense along with softness of face and body with rider's cues. Horse should stop using haunches. Turns should be quick and snappy. C) This class will be judged on run, rate, control, degree of difficulty and eye appeal. 1. The rider will enter the arena and perform the ranch reining pattern. 2. After completing the pattern, the rider will face the cow end of the arena and call for a cow. Timing will be done by the announcer starting when the cow is turned into the arena. The rider will have one (1) minute to work the cow. 3. Boxing the cow- The rider shall signal for their cow to be turned into the arena. Upon entry into the arena, the cow shall be controlled on the entry end of the arena for one (1) minute to demonstrate the horse's ability to "hold" the cow. If the cow does not immediately challenge the horse, the rider shall aggressively move in on the cow to demonstrate his horse's ability to drive and block the cow on the entry fence. 4. At one (1) minute, the announcer will call time. The judge may blow a whistle at any time for the contestant to cease work for safety reasons. 5. If blown out the contestant shall receive a no-score in the cow work but shall receive rein work score. Same shall apply in the rein work portion. If contestant receive a no-score in the rein work he/she shall be allowed to do the cow work and receive a score In that portion. 6. Should the contestant receive a no-score in both the reined work and the cow work, he/she will be disqualified.

(Patterns in the back of the book)

WORKING COW HORSE (Rein/Box/Fence/Circle) -- A) Both the cow work portion of this event and the reined work portion are mandatory. Scoring emphasis on the cow work portion shall be based on the horse maintaining control of the cow at all times, exhibiting superior cow sense and natural cow working ability without excessive reining or spurring. Failure of an exhibitor to attempt to complete the cow work portion of the class, as well as the reined work will result in the exhibitor not being considered an entry in the class. In the cow work portion of the class the contestant will keep working until the judge blows the whistle to signify completion of work. If the contestant quits before the whistle is blown, the score shall be a 0 for the cow work portion. A horse going off pattern in the reined work and the cow work portion may be placed even if disqualified in one portion of the class (example: If a horse is disqualified and receives a 0 score for the reined work, but scores a 70 for the cow work, its total score would be a 70 and the horse would be eligible for placing) . B) The approved pattern will be used and each contestant will cause his horse to travel at the gait indicated for each part of the pattern. When judging reined work, the judge should refer to the reining portion of the rule book for guidelines. C) In approved working cow horse classes, any of the seven (7) approved ARHA working cow horse patterns may be used. One of the seven is to be selected by the judge of the class and used by all contestants in the class. D) Cones or markers shall be set at the half point mark on the long side of the arena fence and twenty (20) feet from each corner on the short and long sides of the arena fence, for a total of 10 cones or markers (2 on each side and 2 per corner). E) For the ideal cow work, each contestant, upon receiving a cow in the arena, shall hold the cow on the prescribed end of the arena for sufficient time to demonstrate the ability of the horse to contain the cow on that end. After a reasonable amount of time, the contestant shall take the cow down the fence, making at least one turn each way on the fence. The contestant shall then take the cow to an open part of the arena and circle it at least once each direction. The required pattern for the cow work is boxing, fence turns, and circles, in that order. It is the judge's responsibility to control the pen and treatment of all cattle. 1) Boxing: Working the cow on the end of the arena until such time as the contestant has proven the ability of the horse to hold the cow. The horse should exhibit superior cow sense and natural cow working ability without excessive reining or spurring. In the head-to-head working position, the degree of difficulty shall be considered. 2) Turning on the Fence: A good turn on the fence may be defined as when a cow, while being run down the fence on one side of the arena, is turned the other direction and held near the same fence while being run In a new direction. During the turn the horse should use himself in a controlled athletic manner, using his hocks to stop and drive out of the turn, while using his front end to balance and turn. The contestant must get at least one (1) turn in each direction. To be considered a turn, the contestant must be close to the cow to be the cause of the turn. The turn must be tight enough so as not to be considered just circling the fence. More than two (2) good turns in each direction should not result in extra credit but also should not be penalized, unless the cow is thereby too exhausted to circle correctly. One (1) turn each way may not necessarily result in extra credit if the horse and or cow is out of control. 3) Circling: After turning the cow on the fence, the rider should drive the cow off the fence and circle it once in each direction. The cow should be driven in a circle. F) The judge should take into consideration the size of the arena, condition of the ground and the disposition and degree of difficulty exhibited by the cattle worked. G) At the discretion of the judge, cow work may be done immediately following each individual's pattern work or immediately after completion of pattern work by all horses being exhibited. H) When enough cows are available the contestant should receive a new cow if the cow drawn is unreasonably difficult or unworkable. Allowing the horse to quit working before the judge signals for a new cow will result in zero score. The judge may blow his whistle at any time to terminate the work. A score of zero (0) will be charged if the work is not complete at this point. The contestant has the option to continue working even though the judge signals for a new cow. Judging ends when the whistle blows. I) The greater the difficulty of the run, the more credit should be given. The difficulty may be due to the extreme speed of the cow, the stubbornness of the cow (example: not respecting the horse), or the cow's reluctance to move, provided the job is accomplished. When all else balances out equal, the more pleasing or exciting cow work should be marked highest. J) Scoring will be on the basis of 0-100, with 70 denoting an average performance. The same basis of scoring shall apply to both the reined work and cow work. In the event of a tie, the entry with the highest cow work will be declared the winner. K) The following characteristics of the horse are considered faults: 1) Exaggerated opening of mouth; 2) Hard or heavy mouth; 3) Nervous throwing of head; 4) Lugging on bridle 1) Halting or hesitation while being shown, particularly when being run out, indicating anticipation of being set-up; 6) Losing a cow or being unable to finish a pattern because of a bad cow, the contestant should be penalized at the judge’s discretion; L) The characteristics of a good working cow horses are: 1) Good manners; 1) Shifty, smooth and having its feet under it at all times; when stopping, hind feet should be well under it; 3) A soft mouth that is responsive to a light rein, especially when turning 4) Head should maintain in its natural position; 4) Work at reasonable speed and still be under control of the rider; Cattle Work Penalty Points 5 points a)Not getting one turn each way (5 points each way) b)Deliberate spurring or use of the romal forward of the cinch c)Blatant disobedience 3 points a)Biting or striking the cow b) Hanging up on the fence (Refusing to turn) c) Exhausting or over working the cow before circling c) Knocking down the cow without having a working advantage 2 points a)Going past the end markers of the arena before turning the cow when going down the fence b) On trot-in patterns, failure to stop before executing a canter departure 1 point a) Loss of working advantage b) Horses that run past the cow shall be penalized one (1) point for every horse's length past the cow when the horse's buttocks pass the cow's head it is one (1)length past. c) Failure to drive cow past middle marker on first turn before turning cow d) Each time the arena is crossed to use the opposite fence to achieve a turn. e) Using the corner or end of the arena to turn the cow when going down the fence. f) Slipping a rein f) Excessive whipping, spurring or hollering. 0 score a) Turn tail b) Fingers between reins c) Leaving the arena before the pattern or work is completed d) Schooling between cows if new cow is awarded. e) Schooling between rein work and cow work. (Schooling is defined as gaining an advantage by excessive pulling, turning, stopping or backing). f) During the cow work, use of two hands on the reins, exception with junior horses ridden two-handed in a bosal or snaffle-bit. g) The judge may blow his whistle at any time to terminate the work. h) A score of zero will be charged if the work is not completed at that point. i) Failure to complete the pattern as given. i) Any horse that is out of control while working the cow, thus endangering the rider (i.e.,: crossing the path of the cow) shall be called off the cow j) Any horse that runs over the cow thus causing the fall of horse and/or rider shall terminate the work at that time.

WORKING RANCH HORSE (Rein/Fence/Rope) Regular Honda Required

This class combines the reining ability, cow sense and roping ability of the horse and will be judged on horse's ability to do these. Each contestant will perform individually; first with the reining pattern and then releasing one cow into the arena. 1. Each exhibitor will be allowed a maximum of 6 minutes to complete the class. At the 4 minute mark, there will be a two-minute warning. When the 6 minute time limit has expired, the exhibitor will be excused from the arena. 2. The class will be judged in three parts. The reining, the cow work and the roping portion. At the end of the performance, the scores for the three portions will be added together for the final score. Rules for reining portion are defined in the Reining section of this rulebook. Rules for the cow working portion are defined in the Working Cow Horse section of this rule book. The rules for the roping portion are defined in the Roping section of this rule book. However, in the working ranch horse class, the horse will be judged on three maneuvers: 1.the ability to trail, 2 the ability to rate, 3.the ability to stop the cow. Additionally, a two loop run will receive a penalty of three (3) points and a no catch run will receive a penalty of five (5) points. It is not necessary that the roper catch for the contestant to receive a score in the roping portion. However, if there is no catch, a five point penalty must be subtracted from the roping score accumulated prior to the catch (i.e.: if a horse trails and rates its cow but no catch is made, the horse will receive the score it has earned up to the point of the catch minus five points). In the working ranch horse portion any blatant disobedience for a circumstance that is not listed results in a five (5) point penalty. 4. After the exhibitor has completed his reining pattern, he will call for the cow to be turned into the arena. Upon receiving the cow, contestant shall hold the cow on the prescribed end of the arena a sufficient time to demonstrate the ability of the horse to contain the cow on that end. After a reasonable amount of time, the contestant shall take the cow down the fence, making at least one turn each way on the fence. A three (3) point penalty will be assessed for refusing to turn. The exhibitor must then rope the cow and bring it to a stop. There is to be no dragging. The exhibitor is allowed only two throws. In order for the catch to be legal, the loop must hold in front of the shoulders. If the rope falls off the saddle during the class it would be considered equipment failure thus resulting in a score of zero. Judge may blow the whistle at any time to terminate the cow work. A score of zero, in the cow work segment, will be given if the work is not complete at that time. The exhibitor should then continue with the roping segment of the class. 5. For the entire class, reining, cow work and roping, and average score will be 210 points. If the contestant fails to attempt any part of the class, he or she will receive a zero for the entire class. 6. Riders are not permitted to have their rope tied onto the horn of the saddle. 7. If time and number of cattle permit, the judge may, at his discretion, award new cattle, to enable the contestant to show horse's ability on the cow, based on the following criteria: a) The cow won't or can't run. b) The cow won't leave the end of the arena. a) The cow is blind or won't yield to the horse. d)The cow leaves the arena. The judge shall stop the cattle or roping work due to exhibitor or horse being unsafe, out of control or in situations when cattle are being abused (example: repeated crashing into the fence, running over cattle, etc.)

CREDIT/PENALTY GUIDELINES - REINED WORK Maneuver Scores: -l ½ -1 -1/2 0 +1/2 +1 +1 ½ PENALTY SCORES: Penalty ½ - Not changing leads simultaneously, under/over spin 1/8, jogging less than 2 strides after rollbacks or spins Penalty 1 - Each quarter circle out of lead, under/over spin 1/8 to 1/4 Penalty 2 - Failure to run past marker, freezing up in turn or rollback, breaking gait, jogging beyond 2 strides Penalty 5 - Spurring or hitting in front of cinch, blatant disobedience, kicking, bucking, rearing or striking, holding on to saddle horn 0 Score- Off pattern, 2 hands on reins unless snaffle or hackamore, fall of horse or rider, backing more than 2 strides, illegal equipment COW WORK Guide for "new cow" (at judge's discretion, rider will receive a new cow(s) as necessary to show horse). 1) Cow that won't run, 2) cow that doesn't respect the horse, 3) when the cow leaves the arena, 4) the cow won't leave the end of the arena. CREDITS: Maintaining control of the cow at all times, exhibiting superior sense and natural ability without excessive reining or spurring. PENALTY SCORES: Penalty 1 - Loss of working advantage, using corner or end of the arena to turn cow, changing sides of arena to turn cow, for each length horse runs past cow, turning cow before passing middle marker on first turn. Penalty 2 - Going around corner of arena before turning cow. Penalty 3 - Biting or striking the cow, refusing to turn Penalty 5 - Not getting a turn each way (5 points each way) 0 Score- Turn tail, more than one finger between the reins in a bridle class, except the two rein class, balking, illegal equipment, fall of horse or rider, leaving working arena before pattern is complete, schooling between rein work and cow work. NOTE: Judge may blow the whistle at any time to terminate the cow work. A score of zero in the cow work segment, will be given if the cow work is not complete at that time. The exhibitor may continue after the whist1e and rope the cow. ROPING 1. In order for a catch to be legal; the loop must hold In front of the shoulders. 2. Only two (2) loops are permissible (must rebuild). 3. All maneuvers judged +3 to -3 with point increments. PENALTY SCORES: Penalty 2 - Setting up or scotching Penalty 3 - 2-loop run Penalty 5 - Blatant disobedience (kicking, striking, biting, bucking, kicking, rearing) running into steer, failure to catch. Penalty 5- No Catch or loss of rope during dally 0 Score - Whipping, or striking the horse with rope. 0 Score - (for entire class) - Failure to attempt any part of the class. 0 Score - If the rope falls from the saddle. 0 Score - No rope. (Patterns in the back of the book) PATTERNS 2013


HORSE MUST WALK OR STOP PRIOR TO STARTING PATTERN. BEGINNING AT THE CENTER OF THE ARENA FACING THE LEFT WALL OF FENCE. 1. Beginning on the right lead, complete 3 circles to the right, the first circle small and slow, the next 2 circles large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena. 2. Complete 3 circles to the left the first circle small and slow, the

next 2 circles large and fast. Change leads at the center of the

arena. 3. Continue around previous circle to the right. At the top of the circle, run down the middle to the far end of the arena past the end marker and do a right rollback - no hesitation. 4. Lope a small, slow circle to the left. S. Lope a large circle to the left with medium speed. Change leads. 6. Lope a small, slow circle to the right. 7. Lope a large circle to the right with medium speed. Change leads. 8. Continue down arena. 9. Stop and back 10 to 15 feet. 10. Do a 360 degree spin to the right. 11. Do a 360 degree spin to the left. 12. Hesitate to show completion of pattern. Rider may drop bridle to the designated judge. 1. I. Begin at center of 2. HORSES MA Y arena, facing right wall WALK OR TROT TO THE or fence. Take a right CENTER ARENA. lead and complete a HORSES MUST STOP circle to the right, away PRIOR TO STARTING from the judge. THE PATTERN 2. At the center of BEGINNING AT THE arena, change leads CENTER OF THE ARENA and do two circles to FACING THE the left, ARENA FENCE. approximately the 3. same size. 1. Beginning on 3. At the center of arena, the left lead, change leads. complete 2 4. Go to the end of arena circles to the and without stopping or left. Stop at the breaking gait, run center of the 7. down the center arena facing of arena past end the left wall or marker. fence. 5. Do a square stop. 2. Complete 2 Hesitate. spins to the left. 6. Do 2 ½ spins to the Hesitate. right 3. Beginning on 7. Run the full length the right lead of the arena past the complete 2 end marker and do a circles to the square stop. Hesitate. right Stop at the 8. Do 2 ½ spins to the center of the left. arena. Hesitate. 9. Run past center marker 4. Complete 2 of arena, do a square spins to the stop. right. Hesitate. 10. Back to the center 5. Beginning on of arena (10-15 foot). the left lead, go 11. Do a 360-degree around the end spin to the right or left. of the arena, 12. Do a 360-degree run down the spin opposite direction right side of the taken in #11. arena past 13. Hesitate to show center maker, completion of pattern. stop and roll 8. Rider may drop back right 6. Continue bridle to designated judge. around the end 9. of the arena to 10. run down the left side of the arena past the center marker. Stop. Back up. 4. 5. Rider may drop bridle to

designated6. judge. 11. 12. 13. 14.2.3. 20.

15. Ranch Reining Pattern #5 21.




25. Working Cow Horse

26. Pattern #1


29. 16. 30. 31.





36. Start at end of the arena.

17. MANDATORY MARKER ALONG FENCE OR WALL 37. 1. Run down middle past center marker to a sliding stop. 2. Back at least 10 feet to center. ¼ turn left. The judge shall indicate with markers on arena fence or 3. Pickup right lead, large fast circle, small slow circle. wall the length of the pattern. Markers within the area of 4. Change leads to left, large fast circle, small slow circle. the pattern are not permitted. HORSE MUST WALK OR 5. Change leads to right, do not close this circle. STOP PRlOR TO STARTING PATTERN 6. Run around end of arena and down the side 1. Starting at the center do 2 circles to the right The first, a (approximately 20 feet from fence) past center marker large fast circle. The second a small slow circle. 2. At center marker stop and do 2 spins to the right There should be no hesitation between stop and spin. and come to a sliding stop. Complete 3 ½ spins to the right. After the spins have been completed; slight hesitation. 7. 3. Continue back down the side and end of the arena to Do 2 circles to the left. The first a large fast circle. The 8. 4. other side (approximately 20 feet from fence) go past second a small slow circle. center marker and come to a sliding stop. At center marker stop and do 2 spins to the left. There 5. Complete 3 ½ spins to should be no hesitation between stop and spins. 2. 6. After spins completed; slight hesitation. the left. 7. Start a fast figure 8 to the right, changing leads at the 10. Hesitate to complete pattern. center marker. 38. 8. After figure 8 and both lead changes completed, continue a large circle to the right Do not close this circle. Run down the right side of arena past the center marker, stop and do a rollback to the left. Remain at least 20 feet from the wall or fence. There should be no hesitation between stop and rollback 9. Continue back around previous circle. Do not close this circle. Run down left side of arena past the center marker, stop and do a rollback to the right Remain at least 20 feet from wall or fence. There should be no hesitation between stop and rollback 10.Proceed back around previous two circles. Do not close this circle. Run down right side of arena past center marker and stop. Back at least 10 feet. Hesitate to show completion of pattern. 19.18.Working Cow Horse Pattern # 1 53. 39. Working Cow Horse Pattern #2 54. Working Cow Horse 55. Pattern #3 40.










50. 56. 57. 51. TROT TO CENTER OF ARENA, STOP. START PATTERN FACING TOWARDS JUDGE. 58. 1. Beginning on the left lead, complete 3 circles to the left., 59. TROT TO CENTER OF ARENA, The first one large and fast, the second small and slow, the STOP. START third large and fast. Change leads at center of the arena. PATTERN F ACING TOWARDS JUDGE. 2. Complete 3 circles to the right. The first large and fast, the 60. 1. Begin on right lead complete 3 circles to right, 2 large fast Second small and slow, the third large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena. circles followed by 1 small slow circle, change to 3. Continue loping to run down. left 4. Run to far end past the marker to a sliding stop. Hesitate. lead. 5. Complete 3 ½ spins to the left. Hesitate. 2. Complete 3 circles to left, 2 large fast circles 6. Run to far end past markers to a sliding stop. Hesitate. followed by 1 small slow circle. Change to right 7. Complete 3 ½ spins to the right. Hesitate. lead. 8. Run past center marker to a sliding stop. Hesitate. 3. Continue loping around end of arena without 9. Back at least 10 feet. Hesitate to complete pattern. breaking gait. 4. Run up center of arena to far end past the marker 52. and come to a sliding stop. 5. Complete 2 ½ spins to right. 6. Run up center of arena past the end marker and come to a sliding stop. 7. Complete 2 ½ spins to the left. 8. Run back to middle of arena past the center marker and come to a sliding stop. 2. Back at least 10 feet in a straight line. 10. Hesitate to complete pattern. 61. Working Cow Horse 65. Working Cow Horse Pattern Pattern #4 #5

62. 66. 63. 67.

1. Start at end of arena. 2. Run up center of arena past the end marker and come to a sliding stop. Complete 2 ½ spins to the left. 68. THIS PATTERN WORKS BEST WHEN THE 3. Run to other end of arena past the end marker and EXIBITOR stop. Complete 2 ½ spins to the right. & CATTLE ENTER FROM THE SAME END OF ARENA. 4. Run past the center marker and stop. 5. Back at least 10 feet in a straight line. 1.Start at end of arena. Run past center marker, stop, back at 6. Complete ¼ turn to the left, hesitate. Beginning on least 10 feet. the right lead, complete 2 circles to the right, the 2. ¼ turn left. Complete 2 circles to left. The first circle large first one small and slow, and the second large and and fast, the second circle small and slow. Change leads at fast. Change leads at the center of arena. center of arena. 7. Complete one small slow circle and one large, fast 1. Complete 2 circles to the right. The first small and slow, the circle. Change leads to the right. second large and fast. Change leads at center of arena. 8. Run around end of arena to the center side, past 2. Continue around end of arena without breaking gait or center marker, at least 20 feet from fence and change leads, run down center of arena past end marker, come to sliding stop. execute a square sliding stop. Hesitate to complete pattern. Complete 3 ½ spins to the right. 9. 64. 3. 4. Rundown center of arena past end marker, execute a square sliding stop. 5. Complete 3 ½ spins to the left. Hesitate to complete pattern. 69.Working Cow Horse Pattern #6 70. 71.Working Cow Horse Pattern #7


73. 74. 80. 83.

81. 85. 86.

75. 76.

87. 88.

77. 78.

89. 79.

84. 90.

91. 82.

1. Start at end of feet. Hesitate. arena. 8. Complete 1/4 turn 2. Run down the to the left. middle of the 9. Start a circle to arena, past the the right, change end marker and leads in the come to a middle to the left sliding stop. lead. Complete 3. Complete 2 ½ circle and spins to the left. change to the 4. Run to the right lead. Close other end of circle and stop. 10. Hesitate to the arena, complete pattern. past the end 92. marker and come to a sliding stop. 5. Complete 2 ½ spins to the right. 6. Run back to the middle of the arena, past the center marker and stop. 7. Back 10 to 15 93. Trot to the without breaking gait nge leads. co center of arena. Stop. or changing leads, 6. Lope small slow circle to m Start pattern facing run down center of right. pl judges. arena past end 7. Lope large circle to right eti marker, come to a with medium speed. Change on 1. Start in center of square sliding stop. leads. of arena and pick 4. Complete 3 ½ spins 8. Continue down arena. pa up left lead. to the left. 9. Stop and back 10 to 15 feet. tte Complete three 5. Run down 10. Do 360 degree spin right or m. circles; two large, center of arena left. 100. 101. fast circles, then past end 11. Do 360 degree spin one small slow marker and opposite direction taken in come to a #10. circle. Change 12. Hesitate to show leads to the right. square sliding 2. Complete stop. 6. Complete 3 ½ spins three circles to to the right. the right; two 7. Run down center large, fast of arena past circles, then center marker and one small slow come to a square circle. Change sliding stop. leads to the 8. Back up at least 10 left. feet. 3. Continue around 9. Hesitate to complete end of arena pattern.

94. Working Ranch Horse 4. L Pattern #1 o p 95. e s m al l, sl o w ci rc le to le ft. 5. L o p e la rg e 96. ci rc 97. le to le 98. MANDATORY MARKERS ft ALONG FENCE OR w WALL it h - RIDE PATTERN AS m FOLLOWS: e di 1. Start on right side of arena u and lope to far end of m arena. s 2. Stop and rollback to the p right. Continue to other e end of e 99. arena. d. 3. Stop and rollback to the C left. Continue to center of h arena. a 102. Working Ranch Horse 109.Working Ranch Horse 103. Pattern #2 110. Pattern #3 104. 105. 111.


113. Mandatory Marker Along Fence or Wall Ride Pattern as follows: 106. MANDATORY MARKERS ALONG FENCE 1. Start at end of arena. Run past the center marker and OR do a WALL- RIDE PATTERN AS FOLLOWS: sliding stop. Back approximately 10 to 15 feet to the 1. Start at end of arena. Ride down middle to center center. marker 2. Complete 2 spins right. 107. to a square sliding stop. 3. Complete 2 ¼ spins left. 2. Complete 2 spins to right. 4. Begin on right lead and complete one circle right 3. Complete 2 ¼ spins left. small 4. Begin on right lead and complete one circle right small and slow. Change leads. and slow. Change leads. 5. Complete one circle left large and fast. Change leads. 5. Complete one circle left large and fast. Change leads. 6. Continue loping around end of arena without breaking 6. Continue loping around end of arena without breaking gait. Run straight down the right side of the arena past gait. Run strait down the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollback. the center marker and do a left rollback. 7. Continue back around the previous circle but do not 7. Continue back around the previous circle but do not close this circle. Run down the left side of the arena close this circle. Run down the left side of the arena past the center maker and do a right rollback. past the center marker and do a right rollback. 8. Continue past center marker and do a sliding stop. 8. Continue past center marker and do a sliding stop. 114. 9. Hesitate to complete pattern. 7. Back at least 10 ft in a 115. straight line. 116. 10. Hesitate to complete pattern. 117. 108. 118. 119. WORKING RANCH HORSE



122. A

123. A


125. 126. 127. BEGIN AT END OF THE ARENA

1) Gallop to far end of arena past the end marker and stop 2) Execute one and one half spins to the left 3) Gallop to other end of the arena past the end marker and stop 4) Execute one and one half spins to the right 5) Gallop past the center marker and stop 6) Back ten to fifteen feet in a straight line, close back 7) Complete one-quarter of a turn to the left, hesitate. One right lead lope one small, slow circle and gallop one large, fast circle. Change leads to the left 8) Lope one small, slow circle and gallop one large, fast circle. Change leads to the right 9) Gallop around end of arena to the other side, past center marker, at least 20 feet from the fence and stop and settle to complete pattern 128. WORKING RANCH HORSE

129. REINING PATTERN #5 134. 130.

131. 132. 135.133. 136. START

137. START AT END OF ARENA 1) Gallop down middle past center marker to a stop 2) Back up ten to fifteen feet to center. Y4 spin to left 3) Pick up right lead, big fast circle, slow small circle 4) Change leads to left, big fast circle, small slow circle 5) Change leads to right, do not close this circle 6) Gallop around end of arena and down the side (approximately twenty feet from fence) past center marker and come to a stop 7) Complete 1 ½ spins to the right 8) Continue back down side and end of arena to other side (approximately twenty feet from fence) past center marker and come to a stop 1) Complete 1 1/2 spins to the left 10) Settle to complete the pattern 138. WORKING RANCH



139. J -.. ..



142.1) Beginning at the center, take a right lead and do two circles to the right, toward the judge, of moderate size and speed 2) At the center of the arena, change leads and do two circles to the left both of moderate size and speed 2) At the center of the arena, change leads 3) Go to the end of the arena without stopping or breaking gait, and begin run down near the 143. approximate center of the arena, run the length of the arena past marker 5) Do a square, sliding stop, hesitate 6) Turn left and begin a run to the opposite end of the arena; run length of arena past the marker 7) Do a square, sliding stop, then hesitate 8) Turn right, and begin a rundown past the center marker of the arena 9) Do a sliding stop, and back to the center of the arena or at least 10 feet (3 meters). Let horse settle in 144. approximate area of stop 10) Do two spins to the right 11) Do two spins to the left 12) Hesitate to show completion of pattern 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. "You can tell a true cowboy by the type of horse he rides." -Author Unknown 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164.

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