Thomas B. Linehan, Extension Educator Family & Consumer Resources
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Thomas B. Linehan, Extension Educator Family & Consumer Resources Highlighted Accomplishments for Merrimack, County/UNH Cooperative Extension October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007 COUNTY/REGIONAL SITUATION ACTIVITIES OUTCOMES
In New Hampshire, there are 10,119 children The Cooperative Extensions New Hampshire living in grandparent-headed households (3.3 Relatives as Parents program , held the following % of all children in the state). There are activities and programs another 2,339 children living in households headed by other relatives (0.8 % of all children . Community Forum to determine needs in the state). It is likely that this trend is and priorities (attended by 35 Created needs assessment document resulted in growing and underreported in census data. grandparents and other relatives as parents, creation of statewide Relatives as Parents human service professionals and state Coalition agency representatives. . Support group facilitation training – Two trainings were held in Concord and Gorham. 40 participants were trained in Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Parenting a Second Time Around Support groups will be started by training Curriculum participants in currently underserved parts of the . NHRAPP.ORG website was created it state: Berlin/Gorham, Upper Valley, Carroll hosts current support group listings, County, Manchester financial and legal information, information about the needs of children etc.
Assessment tool: Product based assessment
1 COUNTY SPECIFIC SITUATION ACTIVITIES OUTCOMES Parenting Programs: Meeting the emerging and critical needs of new Multicultural Parenting Project in collaboration Participants increased awareness of parenting Hampshire community is a core mission of the with Lutheran Social Services, we created a 5 part practices in the US, emphasis on setting limits, UNH Cooperative Extension parenting class imbedded in the Concord English expectations of schools and community safety Language Learners 9 parents from Liberia or Refugee parents experience challenges to Somalia participate in the program successful parenting related to differences in Assessment through classroom discussion and role- cultural expectations of child rearing in their home play culture and their new homes. The Concord area is a refugee resettlement community. Parenting During Difficult Circumstances : This Participants reported: 6-8 session parenting series was presented 4 times Increase in confidence as parent in partnership with: Increase in discipline strategies Shea Farm Pre-release facility for Decrease in yelling as a parent incarcerated Women Decrease in stress in parenting role Merrimack Academy alternative sentencing Parents, children, and families face an increasing program for Merrimack County variety of challenges and stressors in our times. Pittsfield School District Children are at risk for abuse and neglect, early Friend’s Program Emergency Housing pregnancy, school dropout, substance use and program abuse, as well as mental health issues and out of home placement. County needs assessment 25 Parents participated in the program identified parenting issues as a primary concern. Assessment tool: Survey, or respective pre/post survey
2 COUNTY SPECIFIC SITUATION ACTIVITIES OUTCOMES The parenting educators reflective practice group Parenting in our times is extremely complex. The This group meets monthly (except July & August) Participants report: practice of parenting education & family and provides on going training for parenting Using an explicit “agreement” to Increase support home visiting mirrors this complexity. educators from four different education and social participant engagement service agencies. Use of systematic ethical decision making process There is very little in-service education and in- Use of reflective practice tool service training available for parenting education A reflective practice approach is utilized. professionals/paraprofessionals and volunteers. Topics have include: Parenting education as community building Protocol for reflecting on your own practice Working on a prevention through intervention continuum Creating an explicit “agreement” between facilitator/home visitor and participant Cultural awareness in parenting Assessment Tools, Survey, Product, Action plan education
Understanding and Supporting Children’s Behavior
Three part 6 hour training series for the Friend’s Program Foster Grandparent program, Income eligible seniors who work in schools, preschools and child care centers 11 Foster Grandparent attended the trainings Foster Grand Parents Reported:
Topics include: Increase understanding of children’s behavior as . What is effective helping? evidenced by decrease anxiety, frustration and anger . Understanding children’s behavior towards children in response to difficult behavior . Alphabet soup: PDD, ADHD, ASD, OSD …Understanding children’s Increase dialog around concerns with classroom developmental and mental concerns teachers Assessment Tools:
Social/Emotional Literacy is crucial to a child’s Helping kids get along: Fostering Children's Childcare providers reported: success. Skills learned in early childhood impact a Social and Emotional Competence child’s academic success and increase a child’s This four part monthly training series was held at Increase in knowledge of components of social resilience. Quality Childcare is essential to the the Learning Tree Child Development Center, competence development economic life of Merrimack County. Working Northfield & Penacook Community Center parents rely on quality childcare to ensure their Approximately 30 providers participated in the Increase in direct and in direct teaching of social child’s healthy development and permit their program and emotional skills continued employment. Childcare providers seek quality training in order to respond to the needs of "Helping kids get along, how children learn Increase in knowledge of components of anger 3 children and families and maintain childcare social skills" licensure. Increase in positive strategies for managing anger "Keeping the lid on: Helping children learn to COUNTY SPECIFIC SITUATION ACTIVITIES OUTCOMES The social and financial cost of increasing numbers Increase in knowledge of anger/conflict cycle of county citizens becoming incarcerated continues Thinking for a change a 16 hour anger Increase in knowledge of steps toward cognitive to mount. There are many stressors associated with management/social skills/problem solving Program change building a life outside of corrections programs, life adapted from National Institute of Corrections Increase in ability to recognize thoughts feelings, skills are an integral part of this process. Curriculum for 11 participants. Presented with the attitudes and beliefs, Increase in recognizing Merrimack County Academy an alternative thoughts feelings attitudes and beliefs are leading sentencing program for court involved adults. towards trouble. Increase in ability to use new thinking that leads away from trouble.
Career Builders a three part series on practical job Product based assessment-“Thinking Reports” and search and related life skills based on a curriculum in class observation created by Marilyn Sullivan presented for the Merrimack County Academy Program for 12 participants