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Dr. Robert J. Pauly, Jr.
730 East Beach Boulevard Phone: 228-243-8820 Long Beach, MS 39560 E-mail: [email protected]
EDUCATION Old Dominion University—Norfolk, VA . Ph.D., International Studies (2001, Magna cum Laude). Dissertation Title: “The Impact of Muslim Communities on Society and Governance in Western Europe.” . M.A., International Studies (1998, Magna cum Laude). . GPA: 3.8.
University of Virginia—Charlottesville, VA . B.A., History (1989).
EMPLOYMENT Associate Professor of International Policy and Development [Promoted Early at Start of 2008-09 Academic Year; Tenured at Start of 2011-12 Academic Year]—The University of Southern Mississippi, Long Beach, MS . Responsible for developing and directing courses on range of topics, including comparative international political development, homeland security, international security and nation/state building managing a research team examining political development and security in the international system in the context of a hybrid online/traditional Ph.D. program. Also responsible for teaching undergraduate and M.S. courses in political science on the Gulf Coast campus. Duties include advising students and managing their research projects, including chairing and serving on numerous Ph.D. dissertation and Master’s thesis committees. (August 2008-present)
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Letters, Gulf Coast—The University of Southern Mississippi, Long Beach, MS . Chief academic officer for the College of Arts and Letters on the Gulf Coast campus. Responsible for administration of academic operations of unit, with 450 majors, 24 faculty members, eight staff members and a $1.7 million budget, including management of expenditures, facilities, faculty, scheduling, student advisement, community outreach and overall strategic planning for unit (January 2013-November 2014).
Interim Associate Dean, College of Arts and Letters, Gulf Coast—The University of Southern Mississippi, Long Beach, MS . Chief academic officer for the College of Arts and Letters on the Gulf Coast campus. Responsible for administration of academic operations of unit, with 450 majors, 24 faculty members, eight staff members and a $1.7 million budget, including management of expenditures, facilities, faculty, scheduling, student advisement, community outreach and overall strategic planning for unit (February 2011-January 2013).
Director of the International Policy and Development Ph.D. Program—The University of Southern Mississippi, Long Beach, MS 2
. Responsible for all administrative duties associated with the management, promotion and development of curriculum for hybrid traditional/distance learning format Ph. D. program. Duties include serving as primary point of contact for students in the program, heading marketing and recruitment efforts, managing faculty, arranging logistics for in-person sessions and refining curriculum. (January 2007-May 2009)
Associate Director of the International Policy and Development Ph.D. Program—The University of Southern Mississippi, Long Beach, MS . Responsible for assisting in administrative management, promotion and development of curriculum for hybrid traditional/distance learning format Ph. D. program. Duties include serving as principal point of contact between the program and applicants for admission, and planning and convening conferences. (October 2005-January 2007)
Assistant Professor of International Policy and Development—The University of Southern Mississippi, Long Beach, MS . Responsible for developing and directing seminars focused on comparative international political development, comparative international cultural development and academic publishing and for constructing and managing a research team examining state building in the international system in the context of a mixed distance learning/traditional Ph.D. program. Duties include advising students and managing their research projects, including chairing and serving on Ph.D. dissertation and Master’s thesis committees. (August 2005-August 2008)
Adjunct Professor of History—Midlands Technical College, Columbia, SC . Responsible for teaching introductory History of Western Civilization, History of East Asian Civilization and American History courses. Duties include development of course syllabi, presentation of lectures, direction of students’ research projects and grading of assignments. (August 2002-May 2005)
Research/Administrative Assistant—ODU Center for Regional/Global Study . Responsible for assistance in conduct of five-year program review, planning and administration of biennial ODU-North Atlantic Treaty Organization Symposium on EU-NATO relations and development of subsequent conference report, and research and administrative duties at CRGS. (August 2000-May 2001)
Research/Teaching Assistant—ODU . Under supervision of Dr. Francis Adams. Conducted research on globalization and Latin American politics, and assisted in teaching/grading for introductory international politics class. (August 1999-May 2000)
Research Assistant—ODU . Under supervision of Dr. Simon Serfaty. Conducted research on European- American economic, political and security relations, European domestic politics, and impact of Muslim communities on society and governance in Western Europe. (August 1998-May 1999)
Editor/Reporter—DCI Publishing, McLean, VA . Responsible for coverage of high school, college and professional athletics for chain of eight weekly newspapers in Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Served in reporting, writing, editing, and page design capacities. (July 1989- July 1996) 3
LANGUAGES French . Advanced reading, writing and verbal skills (three years of college coursework).
German . Intermediate reading, writing and verbal skills (one year of college coursework; extensive travel/interaction in Germany).
CERTIFICATE History of Strategy and Policy . Completed US Naval War College-sanctioned program focusing on theoretical and practical applications of the admixture of strategy and policy in the conduct of past and contemporary warfare (January 1997-December 1998).
RESEARCH Publications
Peer Reviewed Solo Authored Books . US Foreign Policy and the Persian Gulf: Safeguarding American Interests Through Selective Multilateralism (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2005). . Islam in Europe: Integration or Marginalization? (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2004).
Peer Reviewed Co-Authored Books . American Nation-Building: Case Studies from Reconstruction to Afghanistan, with Kevin Dougherty (Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press, 2017). . To Protect and Defend: US Homeland Security Policy, with Tom Lansford and Jack Covarrubias (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2006). . Strategic Preemption: US Foreign Policy and the Second Iraq War, co- authored with Tom Lansford (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2004).
Peer Reviewed Solo Authored Edited Volume . Ashgate Research Companion to US Foreign Policy, edited volume (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010).
Peer Reviewed Co-Authored Edited Volumes . The New Islamic State: Ideology, Religion and Violent Extremism in the 21st Century, with Jack Covarrubias and Tom Lansford (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate/Taylor & Francis, 2016). . Culture, Rhetoric and Voting in the 2012 Election, with Douglas M. Brattebo, Tom Lansford, Jack Covarrubias (Akron, OH: University of Akron Press, forthcoming in 2015).
Textbook . Speech, Media, and Protest, Installment in Foundations of Democracy Series (Broomall, PA: Mason Crest, 2017).
Peer Reviewed Solo Authored Book Chapters . “Conclusions on the Future of IS,” in Jack Covarrubias, Tom Lansford and Robert J. Pauly, Jr.,” The New Islamic State: Ideology, Religion and Violent Extremism in the 21st Century (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate/Taylor & Francis, 2016). . “An Assessment of the Barack H. Obama Administration’s Approach to the Threats to US National Security Posed by Iran,” in Jack Covarrubias, 4
Douglas Brattebo, Tom Lansford and Robert P. Watson, ed., The Obama Presidency: A Preliminary Assessment (New York: SUNY Press, 2012). . “Introduction,” in Robert J. Pauly, Jr., ed., Ashgate Research Companion to US Foreign Policy (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010). . “ America’s Emergence as a Global Power,” in Robert J. Pauly, Jr., ed., Ashgate Research Companion to US Foreign Policy (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010). . “ US Foreign Policy During the Cold War,” in Robert J. Pauly, Jr., ed., Ashgate Research Companion to US Foreign Policy (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010). . “ US Foreign Policy in the Post-9/11 World,” in Robert J. Pauly, Jr., ed., Ashgate Research Companion to US Foreign Policy (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010). . “Nation/State Building, Democratization and US Foreign Policy,” in Robert J. Pauly, Jr., ed., Ashgate Research Companion to US Foreign Policy (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010). . “Conclusions,” in Robert J. Pauly, Jr., ed., Ashgate Research Companion to US Foreign Policy (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2010). . “ Why Identify and Confront the ‘Axis of Evil’: A Critical Retrospective,” in Jack Covarrubias, Tom Lansford and Robert P. Watson, eds. America’s War on Terror, 2nd Edition (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2009). . “ Personal Diplomacy and US Policy Toward Iraq,” in John Davis, ed., Presidential Policies and the Road to the Second Iraq War (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2006). . “ From Rollback to Preemption: A Comparison of the Reagan and Bush Doctrines,” in Allan W. Eickelmann, Tom Lansford and Eric Nelson, eds., Justice and Violence: Political Violence, Pacifism and Cultural Transformation (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2005). . “ French Security Agenda in the Post-9/11 World,” in Tom Lansford and Blagovest Tashev, eds., Old Europe, New Europe and the US: Renegotiating Transatlantic Security in the Post-9/11 Era (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2005). . “ Why Identify and Confront the ‘Axis of Evil’," in Patrick Hayden, Tom Lansford and Robert P. Watson, eds. America’s War on Terror (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003).
Peer Reviewed Co-Authored Book Chapters . “ Ideology and Theology,” with R. Alan King, in Jack Covarrubias, Tom Lansford and Robert J. Pauly, Jr.,” The New Islamic State: Ideology, Religion and Violent Extremism in the 21st Century (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate/Taylor & Francis, 2016). . “ The European Response to IS,” with Kelly Roberts, in Jack Covarrubias, Tom Lansford and Robert J. Pauly, Jr.,” The New Islamic State: Ideology, Religion and Violent Extremism in the 21st Century (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate/Taylor & Francis, 2016). . “ The Obama Administration’s Homeland Security Record as a 2012 Campaign Issue,” with Jack Covarrubias and Tom Lansford, in Douglas M. Brattebo, Tom Lansford, Jack Covarrubias, ed., A Transformation in American National Politics: The Presidential Election of 2012 (Akron, OH: Akron University Press, 2016). . “Introduction,” with Douglas M. Brattebo, Tom Lansford, Jack Covarrubias, in Douglas M. Brattebo, Tom Lansford, Jack Covarrubias, Culture, Rhetoric and Voting in the 2012 Election (Akron, OH: University of Akron Press, 2016). 5
. “The Centrality of Egypt to the Future of the Greater Middle East,” with B.J. Jordan, in Jack Covarrubias and Tom Lansford, eds., Strategic Interests in the Middle East (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2007). . “Denying Terrorists Sanctuary through the use of Civil Military Operations,” with Robert Redding, in James Forest, ed., Countering Terrorism in the 21st Century (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007). . “ Iraq in the 21st Century,” with Jeff Stephens, in James Forest, ed., Countering Terrorism in the 21st Century (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007).
Peer Reviewed Journal Article . “ National Security Policy and the Strong Executive: The French and American Presidencies and the War on Terror,” co-authored with Tom Lansford, American Diplomacy (June 2003).
Non-Peer Reviewed Solo Authored Book Chapters . “ Strict gun control laws are needed,” con viewpoint, in Robert P. Watson, ed., Debating the Issues: American Government & Politics (New York: Longman Publishers, 2005). . “The mass media has a liberal bias,” pro viewpoint, in Robert P. Watson, ed., Debating the Issues: American Government & Politics (New York: Longman Publishers, 2005). . “ Are Preemptive strikes an effective way of combating potential terrorist attacks?,” pro viewpoint analysis, in Tom Lansford and Robert P. Watson, eds., Targeting Terrorism (Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2003). . “ Are Preemptive strikes an effective way of combating potential terrorist attacks?,” con viewpoint analysis, in Tom Lansford and Robert P. Watson, eds., Targeting Terrorism (Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2003). . “Reconstruction, Reconciliation and the Primacy of Geopolitical Pragmatism in the Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals, 1945-1949,” in Tandy McConnell, ed., History in Dispute: The Holocaust (Farmington Hills, MI: St. James Press, 2002). . “ Why Cooperate? Motives of the World War II Judenräte,” in Tandy McConnell, ed., History in Dispute: The Holocaust (Farmington Hills, MI: St. James Press, 2002).
Non-Peer Reviewed Solo Co-Authored Book Chapter . “Denying Terrorists Sanctuary through the use of Civil Military Operations,” with Robert Redding, in James Forest, ed., Essentials of Counterterrorism (Denver: Praeger Security International, 2015).
Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Articles . “ Islam in the West: Perceptions vs. Reality,” Review Essay, International Studies Review 17-2 (June 2015). . “ Muslims in Western Europe: Bridging the Gap between Integration and Marginalization,” Review Essay, International Journal of Politics and Ethics (Spring 2002).
Book Reviews . Review of Ayhan Kaya’s Islam. Migration and Integration: The Age of Securitzation (London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009), American Journal of Sociology (September 2010). 6
. Review of David M. Abshire’s Saving the Reagan Presidency (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2005), White House Studies (Spring 2007). . Review of Tom Lansford’s A Bitter Harvest: US Foreign Policy and Afghanistan (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003), The Social Science Journal (Spring 2005). . Review of John Lewis Gaddis’ The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), Politics and Ethics Review (Spring 2005). . Review of Tom Lansford’s All for One: Terrorism, NATO and the United States (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2002), White House Studies (Spring 2003).
Reference Book Entries . Country Entries on Afghanistan, Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, France, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen in Tom Lansford, ed., Political Handbook of the World, 2016-2017 (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2017). . Entries on Communications in Military Operations, Drone Strikes, Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility, India: Relations with Afghanistan, International Security Assistance Force, United Kingdom: Relations with Afghanistan, and United States, Forces and Tactics (2001-) in Tom Lansford, ed., Afghanistan At War: From the 18th-Century Durrani Dynasty to the 21syt Century (Santa Barbara, CA: ABI-CLIO, 2017). . Entries on Mid-Atlantic and Chesapeake Colonies, and Election and Legislative System for Marshall Cavendish Publishing’s Exploring American History encyclopedia series (2007). . Entries on Florence, German towns, the Medici and the Visconti for Marshall Cavendish Publishing’s Renaissance and Reformation encyclopedia series (2007).
Media Commentary Work . Weekly segment on US foreign and national security policy on the Gulf Coast Mornings Radio Show on 104.9 FM in Biloxi, MS (December 2013-August 2015). . Range of semi-regular interviews on US foreign policy and national security issues on WLOX television broadcasts.
Publication Editorships . Contributing Editor for Congressional Quarterly Press Political Handbook of the World (June 2015-present). . Co-Editor of the peer reviewed academic journal White House Studies (January 2014-present).
Works in Progress . The Eye of the Storm: US Foreign Policy and Turkey, with Tom Lansford (under contract with Routledge; scheduled for release in 2017).
Publication Consulting . Conducted pre-publication external review of Al-Qa‘ida: The Theological and Ideological Basis of al-Qai‘da’s Political Tactics for Ashgate Publishing Limited (August 2009). . Conducted pre-publication external review of Cooking the Stew: NATO Policy, Strategy and Burden Sharing for Ashgate Publishing Limited (July 2009). 7
. Conducted pre-publication external review of Ideas, Interests and Strategies of Regional Powers for Ashgate Publishing Limited (March 2009) . Conducted pre-publication external review of Broken Government: American Foreign Policy in Crisis for Ashgate Publishing Limited (April 2008). . Conducted pre-publication external review of Great Powers and Regional Orders for Ashgate Publishing Limited (November 2007) . Conducted pre-publication external review of Terrorism and Societies for Ashgate Publishing Limited (June 2007). . Conducted pre-publication external review of “Us” vs. “Them”: Jihadi Terrorism and the Radicalization Challenge in Europe for Ashgate Publishing Limited (January 2007). . Conducted pre-publication external review of Old Europe, New Security: Evolution for a Complex World for Ashgate Publishing Limited (August 2005). . Conducted pre-publication external review of Rules of War: Procedural Choice in the US House of Representatives for Ashgate Publishing Limited (December 2004). . Conducted pre-publication external review of In War We Trust: The Ethical and Moral Consequences of the Bush Doctrine for Ashgate Publishing Limited (October 2004). . Conducted pre-publication external review of Euro-Islam and Islam in the European Union: Present Conditions and Future Prospects for Ashgate Publishing Limited (August 2004). . Conducted pre-publication external review of European Muslims and the Secular State for Ashgate Publishing Limited (June 2004). . Conducted pre-publication external review of Religion and Politics in the Muslim Civilization for Ashgate Publishing Limited (June 2003). . Conducted pre-publication external review of A Bitter Harvest: US Foreign Policy and Afghanistan for Ashgate Publishing Limited (May 2003). . Conducted pre-publication external review of Obstacles to Market Economy and Democratic Development in the Gulf for Ashgate Publishing Limited (March 2003). . Conducted pre-publication external review of Balancing Act: US Foreign Policy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict for Ashgate Publishing Limited (December 2002). . Conducted pre-publication external review of Islam and the Arab Societies: A Neo-Weberian Interpretation for Ashgate Publishing Limited (June 2002).
Conference Presentations . “An Assessment of the Barack H. Obama Administration’s Approach to the Threats to US National Security Posed by Iran,” Southern Political Science Association Conference (January 2011). . “Islam in Europe: Assessing the Integrative Challenges Facing Muslim Communities and Western European Governments,” International Studies Association Annual Conference (February 2010). . “North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Enlargement: Past, Present and Future,” Anglo-American Strategic Defense Relations Visited Conference (February 2009). . “The United States, Sunni Tribes, Nation/State Building and the Battle Against Al Qaeda in Iraq,” National Social Science Association Annual Conference (April 2008). . “Islam in Europe: Integration or Marginalization,” Central Intelligence Agency Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program Conference (invitation only for academics and US government intelligence analysts) (May 2007). . “Islam in Europe,” National Social Science Association Annual Conference (April 2007) 8
. “Nation/State Building in the 21st Century,” Global Policy and Development Conference (April 2006) . “An Assessment of Nation/State Building in Iraq,” International Studies Association Conference (March 2006). . “ 9/11 and US Homeland Security Policy,” National Social Science Association Annual Conference (April 2005). . “ An Assessment of Nation Building in Iraq,” International Studies Association-South Conference (October 2004). . “ From Rollback to Preemption: A Comparison of the Reagan and Bush Doctrines”—University of Southern Mississippi-Gulf Coast Conference Assessing the Past, Present and Future of Political Violence and Pacifism (April 2004). . “ Personal Diplomacy and US Policy Toward Iraq”—International Studies Association International Conference (March 2004). . "Islam in the United Kingdom,” International Conference (February/March 2003). . “The Costs and Benefits of Confronting and Disarming Iraq”—University of Southern Mississippi-Gulf Coast Conference Assessing the George W. Bush Administration at Midpoint (November 2002). . “Islam and the West: Cooperation, Confrontation or Ambivalence?”—ODU Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference (April 2001). . “ The Evolving Relationship between Islam and the West”—ODU International Studies Conference (February 2001). . “United, Divided or Undecided: The Impact of Muslim Immigration on Society and Governance in Western Europe”—ODU International Studies Association Conference (April 2000). . “ A Region Divided: The Impact of Muslim Immigration on French and Western European Domestic and Foreign policies”—Georgetown University Graduate Conference (October 1999). . “ Dangerous Divisions: Domestic and Foreign Political Implications of the Failure to Integrate Muslims into French Society”—ODU Foreign Languages and Literatures Conference (April 1999). . “ Reconstruction and Reconciliation: The Role of the United States in the Occupation of Germany, 1945-49”—Virginia Commonwealth University Graduate Conference (March 1997).
Model United Nations . Edited and supervised production of newsletter staffed by high school students during annual regional conference in Norfolk (February 2001). . Argued case of Bahrain vs. Qatar in territorial dispute before panel of high school students in simulation of International Court of Justice proceeding during annual regional conference in Norfolk (February 2000). . Argued case of Chile vs. Spain over extradition of former Chilean President Augusto Pinochet before panel of high school students in simulation of ICJ proceeding during annual conference in Norfolk (February 1999).
Operation Purple Hope . Participated in Armed Forces Staff College-administered simulations to educate military officers on cooperation with non-government organizations in the planning and conduct of humanitarian operations (May 2001, October 1999, April 1999, October 1998, April 1998).
Study Abroad . Participated in Konrad Adenauer Foundation seminar series examining implications of German unification process in post-Cold War Europe (Berlin- Dresden-Prague, March 1999). 9
. Participated in Konrad Adenauer Foundation seminar series examining effects of globalization on European economics and politics (Bonn-Brussels- Amsterdam, March 1998). . Participated in University of the West of England seminar series examining business, economics and politics in Western Europe (Bristol-London- Brussels, May/June 1997).
SERVICE White House Studies . Co-Editor for peer reviewed academic journal focusing on the past, present and future of the White House (July 2012-present). . Member of the board for peer reviewed academic journal focusing on the past, present and future of the White House (July 2011-June 2012).
Council on Foreign Relations Academic Outreach Initiative . Participant in range of initiatives associated with prominent foreign policy foundation’s academic and broader public education outreach efforts (February 2015-present).
National Social Science Association . Member of the board for national academic research organization (June 2005-June 2013).
International Studies Association . Member of international academic research organization (March 2004- present).
Mentor/Peer Reviewer . Serving as occasional peer reviewer for Social Movement Studies (July 2017-present. . Serving as occasional peer reviewer for Journal of International Migration and Integration (March 2011-present). . Serving as occasional peer reviewer for International Politics (August 2008- present). . Serving as occasional peer reviewer for Contemporary Security Policy (October 2007-present). . Serving as occasional peer reviewer for Longman Publishers (May 2007- present). . Serving as occasional peer reviewer for the Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies (December 2006-present).
Conference Panel Chairmanships . Panel on Role of the American Military in Nation/State-Building Projects— International Studies Association Annual Conference (February 2010). . Panel on Social Capital and Social Resilience—“Ghosts of Katrina” Conference (June 2009). . Panel on Homeland Security Policy Recommendations for the Barack Obama Administration—National Social Science Association Conference (April 2009). . Panel on Nation/State Building Policy Recommendations for the Barack Obama Administration—National Social Science Association Conference (April 2009). . Panel on Sport for Development—International Studies Association Annual Conference (February 2009). . Panel on US Foreign Policy toward the Greater Middle East—Southern Political Science Association Conference (January 2008). 10
. Panel on National Security and Homeland Security—National Social Science Association Annual Conference (April 2006). . Panel on the Role of the Military in Nation/State-Building Operations in the 21st Century, Global Policy and Development Conference (March/April 2006). . Panel on the Centrality of Nation/State-Building to US Foreign Policy, International Studies Association Annual Conference (March 2006).
Professional Speaking Engagements/Appearances . Invited address, “Populism and Electoral Politics in the United States and Europe, Hancock Performing Arts Center,” Kiln, MS (January 2017). . Regular weekly segment guest to discuss US foreign policy and national security issues on Gulf Coast Mornings Radio Show on 104.9 FM (December 2013-August 2015). . One-day seminar on “Islamic Europe” for US Department of Defense personnel, Elkridge, MD (August 2011). . Book signing, Islam in Europe: Integration or Marginalization?, 2009 National Library Week Celebration, Southern Miss, Gulf Coast Library (April 2009). . “The United States and Iraq: An Examination of Nation/State Building— Options for the Barack Obama Administration,” Invited Visiting Scholar for Presentation at Roundtable entitled, “Iraq: Six Years Later,” Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS (March 2009). . “Islam and Europe: Integration or Marginalization,” Presentation for Local History Discussion Group, Long Beach, MS (March 2009). . “The United States and Iraq: An Examination of Conflict Resolution and Nation/State Building—Options for the Next American President,” Keynote Address at the annual dinner meeting of the New Orleans chapter of the World Affairs Council (June 2008). . “Assessing the Costs, Benefits and Challenges of America’s Intervention in Iraq,” Invited Visiting Scholar for Presentation at Roundtable entitled, “Iraq: Five Years Later,” Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS (March 2008). . “America’s War on Terror,” Address to U.S. Army Psychological Operations Command, Fort Bragg, NC (May 2006). . “Islam in Europe: Integration or Marginalization,” Inaugural Graduate Program in International Studies Alumni Guest Lecture, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA (October 2005).
Committees . Member A&L Gulf Coast Events Committee (2017-present) . Chair, A&L Gulf Coast Emergency Preparedness Committee (2015-present). . Member, University Online Learning Committee (2014-present). . Member, PSIDIA Graduate Admissions Committee (2014-present). . Member, Gulf Coast PLS Search Committee (August 2015-February 2016). . Ex-Officio Member of A&L Gulf Coast Strategic Planning Steering Committee (August 2012-November 2014). . Co-Chair of Gulf Coast Heart Walk Committee (June-October 2012). . Chair of Interdisciplinary Studies Department Chair Search Committee (June/July 2012). . Chair of Gulf Coast Learning Commons Director Search Committee (June/July 2012). . Member of Gulf Coast Campus Adjunct Committee (June 2011-present). . Member of University-Keesler Air Force Base Collaboration Committee (May 2011-May 2014). . Member of Hiring Committee for Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Gulf Coast (May/June 2011). 11
. Member of University Digital Measures Implementation Team (April 2011- present). . Chair of Gulf Coast Cultural Arts Committee (October 2011-November 2014). . Chair of Butch Oustalet Gulf Coast Campus Faculty Awards Committee (2011-14). . Chair of University Faculty Handbook Committee (November 2010-July 2011). . Acting Chair of Butch Oustalet Gulf Coast Campus Faculty Awards Committee (July/August 2010). . Member of College of Arts and Letters, Gulf Coast Emergency Preparedness Committee (November 2009-present). . Member of Department of Political Science, International Development and Affairs Graduate Admissions Committee (January 2007-August 2009). . Member of Gulf Coast Campus College of Arts and Letters Associate Dean Search Committee (April/May 2009). . Member of Butch Oustalet Gulf Coast Campus Faculty Awards Committee (April 2009). . Member of Butch Oustalet Gulf Coast Campus Faculty Awards Committee (April 2008). . Member of Department of Political Science, International Development and Affairs Chair Search Committee (June 2007-April 2008). . Member of Department of Political Science, International Development and Affairs Alternative Learning Committee (June 2007-August 2008). . Member of University Distance Education Committee (February 2007-August 2008). . Co-Convener for second annual Global Policy and Development Conference (November 2006). . Convener for inaugural Global Policy and Development Conference (March/April 2006).
HONORS Distinguished Service Award . Recognized by the Association for Policy and Resilience for outstanding dedication and service to the International Development Doctoral Program (May 2009).
Phi Kappa Phi . Inducted into national academic honor society (April 1998).
Virginia Press Association Awards . Weekly sports event writing—second place (1995). . Weekly sports event writing—first place (1994). . Weekly sports event writing—first place (1993). . Weekly sports event writing—first place (1990).
Washington Society of Professional Journalists Awards . Weekly sports writing—first place (1993). . Weekly sports writing—first place (1992).