Introduction: Good Morning Boys and Girls

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Introduction: Good Morning Boys and Girls

Puppet Show Health Educator Script1

Introduction: Good Morning boys and girls. I’m ______from Department of Social Medicine and Epidemiology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. We would like to thank ______(principal’s name) for having us here today at ______(name of school) to present you with a special show. But first let me tell you why we’re here. As many of you may already know, eating is very important. You don’t feel so good when you are hungry, right? But, avoiding hunger is not the only reason why you should learn about food. The types of food you eat can affect your health and if you don’t eat properly, you can feel a lot worse than a little hungry. You can develop diseases like diabetes or have problems with your heart. That’s why we came here, today, to show you how to eat properly to help you avoid getting those things. Okay…I can’t hear you…OKAY!

Not only is what you eat important, but also what you do when you’re not eating is just as important. What do I mean by that? What I’m talking about is exercise. I know, no one likes to run in gym class or do push-ups when practicing for a sport, but that’s not the only ways to be physically active. And that’s what we want to show, too. That the things that you do for fun like jump rope, play tag, and walking with you friends can help you stay healthy.

Well, I can’t do that alone, so I brought some friends with me who may be able to show you in a better way. My friends are called the “School Yard Kids” (maybe “Healthy Nuts” or some other creative name), but they are really shy. So, in order to bring them out, we need to make a lot of noise so they feel better. Do you think you can do that? Well, on the count of 3, I want to hear you make some noise. You ready? 1…2…3… (Ahhh!). Well here they are. Let’s meet the School Yard Kids. Why don’t you tell me your names? (Maria) Hello Maria. (Todd) Hello Todd. And (Shanequa) wasup Shanequa Okay, now you guys hurry up and get to lunch. We’ll talk to you later.

While they’re at lunch we’re going to eavesdrop and listen to what they’re talking about, maybe we’ll learn something. Let’s see…

Nutrition Skit (Lunchroom- food choice)

(Turn on tape player--- pause during audience laughter)

After Scene 1

(Using a “Food Guide,” preferable a “circular” or “plate” form- see Australian version) Let me see a show of hands, do any of you know what junk food is? What is junk food? Do you guys have any ideas? What does it look like, feel like? Let me see a show of hands, how many of you would choose the junk food? So, what foods do you think Shanequa should choose? What is the problem with eating only “junk food?” Let me see a show of hands, do you know what “healthy” foods are? Give me some examples of “healthy” foods? What do they look like, feel like?

4/3/18 AECOM Health Education Summer Program 1 How many of you think chocolate milk is a healthy food? Junk food? What is the difference between whole milk, lowfat milk and skim milk?

Let’s see what happens when the kids get to the lunch table.

(Resume tape---pause during laughter) After Scene 2 How many of you know when you’re full? Let me see a show of hands. Let see a show of hands, how many of you would keep eating when you’re full? Why do you think some people keep eating when they’re full? How would you manage to stop eating when your friends are telling you to keep eating? What happens if you keep eating when you’re already full?

Now, let’s see what the kids are up to.

(Resume tape --- pause during laughter)

After Scene 3

Let me see a show of hands, have any of you ever felt sick when you eat too much? Why do you think Todd doesn’t what to play? Do you think its okay to tease someone when they are not good at sports? Let me see a show of hands if you think it’s not a good idea to tease your friends?

Todd feels kind of sick from eating so much “junk food,” but there are more serious diseases than a stomachache that you can get if you don’t eat a proper, balanced diet. Do you guys know of any? Have you ever heard of diabetes? You can also have heart problems from eating foods high in fat and cholesterol. And some cancers are related to the foods you either eat too much of or eat too little of such as fat and fiber.

Exercise Skit (Playground- How to be active)

So do you guys want to see some more from the School Yard Kids? If so, they need to hear you, loud and clear, so that they will come back out. Let me here it!

Okay, let’s see what the kids are up to now. It looks like they are on their way to recess.

(Start tape --- pause during laughter)

After Scene 1

How may of you think they will play with Maria? What would you say to get them to play with you? Why is exercise important? What are some examples of exercise?

4/3/18 AECOM Health Education Summer Program 2 Do any of the girls here like to play sports? What are some other things girls can do to stay active if they don’t like sports? (e.g., dance, jump rope, etc.) What can happen to a person who doesn’t exercise?

Does anyone know what’s in Sunny Delight? Is Sunny Delight considered junk food? Does she need the Sunny Delight? What can she drink instead of Sunny Delight to feel full of energy and healthy? (water or flavored water)

(Resume tape --- pause during laughter)

After Scene 2

How many of you think Todd is going to play with Shambe? What would you say to convince Todd to play with you? Do any of you have any ideas? If someone isn’t good at a sport, should you tease him or her? Who likes to play video games? Why is it better to run around and be active instead of playing video games all day?

(Resume tape --- pause for laughter)

After Scene 3

How many of you have ever set goals for yourselves, and I’m not talking about the ones you score in soccer or hockey? Well, we want you have a “healthy goal,” which is “what you are going to do differently to be more healthy.” For example, my healthy goal is to eat more vegetables like carrots and broccoli.

Listen to some of the healthy goals that the School Yard Kids have made after playing today.

(Resume tape – pause for laughter)

Thank you all for being such wonderful group! You helped the schoolyard kids a lot. I’d like to introduce everyone involved with putting this show together. Ok now, you can think about what your healthy goal will be. When you go back to your classrooms, you are going to write down what your healthy goal is. And now, if you have any questions, please raise your hand and I’ll pick you one at a time.

4/3/18 AECOM Health Education Summer Program 3 1 Adapted from Albert Einstein Community Outreach Program-Bronx School Education, “Striking Out Cancer”

“School Yard Kids” Puppet Show


Scenario 1: Lunchline/Cafeteria

Scene 1 – Lunch line

Characters: Lunch lady Maria Todd Shanequa

Props: food poster, food trays?

Maria: Hey, hey look at the lunch ladies today. What do you think of those chef hats? Todd: Oh yeah! They’re STLYIN. Lunch Lady: (crabby) Hey, hey! What do you want? Huh? Shanequa: Um, lunch? Lunch Lady: Ohhh, and look at all the great food I have to give you. So what do you want? It’s, “I love New York Day.” Today, you can have Pizza, Salad, Fresh Fruit, and Milk. Shanequa: (dramatic) I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WANT! There are too many choices! Todd: Oooohh get the pizza and Doritos. They’re really good for you. Maria: No, it’s not silly. That’s junk food. You can eat a little of that. But you should try to eat a balanced meal. See (look at poster): some veggies and fruits and meat and grains. YUMMEEE!

Scene 2 - Lunch table

Maria: Hey everybody! Anyone have anything good for lunch today? Todd: Yup! Today I have pizza, a coke, Doritos, and a chocolate chip cookie! Shanequa: I’ve got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a salad, and chocolate milk. Todd: Yuck! How can you eat that stuff? It’s gross! Shanequa: Actually, it’s not. Its tastes pretty good and it’s healthy for you too. Maria: My mom always tells me about how salads have vitamins and stuff. We always have it with dinner. I’m drinking low fat milk because it’s better for you than chocolate milk. Is chocolate milk healthy for you? Shanequa: It’s better to have chocolate milk than no milk at all, but low fat milk is the healthiest for you. Hey Todd, try some of my salad. Todd: (munching) Hey, it’s not that bad…but I still like junk food more! Maria: I’m really full. Anyone want the rest of my lunch? Todd: I’m full too, but I’ll eat your lunch anyway. I love to eat. Shanequa: I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to eat more if you’re full. Maria: Yeah, I think you can get sick. I’ll just eat it later. Todd: No! Give it to me! Ahh! (gobbling up food)

Scene 3 – On way to recess

Maria: (Now all energetic and healthy after a well-balanced meal) Do you guys wanna shoot some hoops? Shanequa: Yeah, sure. Todd: No. My tummy hurts. I think I ate too much. I’m gonna sit this one out. Maria: Ok, since Todd didn’t stop eating when he was supposed to (laughter), it looks like it’s you and me, one-on-one, Shanequa. Get ready to lose (oooooh). Shanequa: Nah. I’ll show you what MJ taught me. Maria: MJ? Which MJ? Michael Jackson? I know it’s not Michael Jordan, because I saw you playing yesterday, and you stink (oooooh). Shanequa: Alright, that’s it. Ok, let’s go!

Scenario 2: Playground

Characters: Todd Shambe Shela

Maria Shanequa

Scene 1 – Girls playing

Maria: Come on! Let’s play basketball! Shanequa: Ew, no! I don’t want to; I’ll get all sweaty and gross! Maria: So, what? It’s fun! When I grow up, I want to be like Cheryl Swoops and play for the WNBA! Shela: (sad) But I don’t know how to play basketball. I’m not a boy, I’m probably no good. Maria: Whaaaat? I’m a girl and I always win when I play against my brother. I usually drink a glass of Sunny Delight that gives me energy and makes me strong enough to beat him. Come on, I’ll show you how to play! It’s easy! Shela: I hate playing sports with winners and losers though, I always LOSE!! Shanequa: Hey, we can do other things at recess besides play winner/loser sports. Maria: Like what? Shanequa: We can dance (dance), we can jump rope (jump rope), we can do lots of stuff and still have fun! Shela & Kim: Well, we’ll think about it…

Scene 2 – Boys playing

Shambe: Hey Todd, let’s go play basketball with the other kids. Todd: No, I don’t feel like it today. Shambe: How come you never want to shoot hoops with us? Todd: I’m no good at basketball, unless I’m playing NBA Live on my XBOX. I’ll just sit here, eat some cookies and watch everyone else play. Shambe: My big brother always says that if you want to grow big and strong you have to exercise. He also says that if you want to get better at something you have to practice. Todd: Practice? What do you mean? Shambe: Well if I keep shooting hoops I’ll get better and stronger and someday I’ll play in the NBA! Todd: Yeah, but I’m not good at playing any sports. That’s why I always get picked last in gym class. Shambe: This is recess not gym class. Exercise and sports are fun. So forget about winning or losing, put down the cookies and let’s just have fun! Todd: Hmm?

Scene 3 – All kids together

All kids come in laughing…

Maria: I played basketball with my friends today. What did you guys do? Shambe: I played basketball, too! Todd: I played tag. I feel really healthy now. Tag was much more fun than sitting on the side doing nothing. Kim: Yea! I jumped rope all the way around the playground, it was so much better than just sitting around and talking. Everyone: WHO KNEW RECESS COULD BE THIS MUCH FUN?

Scene 4 – Healthy Goals

Shambe: I’m going to eat at least 3 pieces of fruit everyday. Shela: I will try to eat healthier snacks like low fat yogurt rather than Doritos.

Maria: I want to drink more water and less soda. Shanequa: I’m going to take a dance class, so I can be more active.

Todd: I will try to play my XBOX less and play more outdoor games with my friends.

All: YEAH!!

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