PCH Cheerleading Tryouts

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PCH Cheerleading Tryouts

PCH Cheerleading Tryouts Varsity/Junior Varsity/Freshman 2011-2012

Please turn in the following forms to the PCH athletic office by February 25th. All forms should be placed in a large envelope with your first and last name, current grade level, and “Cheerleading Tryouts” on the front. You will be ineligible to participate in clinics until all forms are signed and completed.

Forms needed:

 Current physical (dated after February 1, 2010)  Emergency card  Copy of most recent report card  Cheerleading Application (with parent signature)  3 teacher evaluations (sent to the PCH athletic office through inner-office mail by evaluating teacher) Parkway Central Cheerleading (Varsity-Junior Varsity-Freshman) 2011-2012

February 2, 2011

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your son/daughter has indicated an interest in trying out to be a football/basketball cheerleader for the 2011-2012 school year. This is a position of leadership and responsibility. To maintain the Parkway Central Cheerleading program’s history of excellence and success, a position on one of the squads is very time consuming.

Guidelines will be discussed at today’s informational meeting. Cheerleaders are expected to comply with the PCH Cheerleading Guidelines.

Each student must have a physical dated after February 1, 2010, to be eligible to participate in the tryout. Each student must have a copy of their physical form included within his/her tryout packet.

To be eligible to participate in mandatory clinics and tryouts, please turn the following forms into the student activities office no later than Friday, February 25, 2010. Place all forms in a large envelope with the student’s name, current grade level, and “Cheerleading Tryouts” on the front. Please keep a copy of all forms for your personal reference.

Forms to be turned in by Friday, February 25th: 1) Current physical (dated after February 1, 2010) 2) Emergency card 3) Copy of most recent report card (You must have earned, the preceding semester of attendance, a minimum of 3.0 units of credit. For your current semester, you must be enrolled in and regularly attending courses that offer 3.0 units of credit. Citizenship should not consist of an “unsatisfactory” (U) mark or two “needs improvement” (I) marks. Cheerleaders must maintain in good standing or tryout will not be allowed.) 4) Cheerleading Application (signed by a parent/guardian) 5) 3 teacher evaluations (sent by the evaluating teacher to the PCH Student Activities Office through inner-office mail.) If the physical, emergency card, report card, or application forms are not submitted by Friday, February 25, 2010, you may not be eligible to participate in clinics or tryouts.

Parkway Central Football/Basketball Cheerleading Guidelines 2010-2011

Philosophy The Parkway Central Cheerleaders will serve as the primary support to lead the direct spirit for football and boys’ and girls’ home basketball games. Members will encourage school pride, good sportsmanship, and positive image in ALL school activities. Good personal conduct is not limited to sidelines; members will strive to project an image of high standards, morals, and goals for others to follow. Parkway Central Cheerleading is a progressive athletic program with a second component of competition. Cheerleaders are spirit leaders, role-models, and athletes. This program is designed to facilitate personal growth in the areas of responsibility, dedication, teamwork, self- confidence, and basic life skills.

It is the purpose of the Cheerleader to: 1. Promote and uphold school spirit. 2. Represent PCH to the highest degree. 3. Set an example of good behavior at all times (whether in uniform or not) in class, at games, and at all school functions, whether cheering or not. 4. Promote friendship between Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Cheer Squads. 5. Promote friendships among other schools.

Priorities 1. A cheerleader’s responsibility is to his/her academic program. The educational process should not be compromised by participation in cheerleading. 2. The primary function of high school cheerleading is to support interscholastic athletics. 3. A high school cheerleading squad has the responsibility to uphold, reflect, and project the goals and ideals of the school community. 4. Cheerleaders incorporate gymnastics, jumps, stunts, arm motions, pyramids, and dance movements to maintain crowd attention and direct focus onto the field/floor where athletic contest is taking place. 5. Cheerleaders have a responsibility to put forth an athletic and dedicated effort at all times.

Requirements 1. Each semester, cheerleaders must maintain appropriate grades, credits, and citizenship. a) You must have earned, the preceding semester of attendance, a minimum of 3.0 units of credit (passed 6 credits the previous semester). For your current semester, you must be enrolled in and regularly attending courses that offer 3.0 units of credit b) Must have no U’s in citizenship, and no more than two I’s *Not fulfilling these requirements first semester will result in ineligibility for the following semester 2. Cheerleaders must maintain good citizenship marks, attendance, class performance, and teacher recommendations, which can be asked for anytime during the year. 3. All cheerleaders must have a current physical on file at all times. If you are injured during the summer or regular season and have received medical attention which results in restricted activity, you must have a written physician’s excuse. To be reinstated, you must provide written authorization from the same physician. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! (This means that if your physical was from the previous year, cheerleaders will need a new one before the start of the new school year.) 4. Cheerleaders are required to attend all cheerleading practices, pep rallies, game, clinics, and team events. (exceptions need to be pre-approved by the coach) 5. All cheerleaders must maintain a cooperative and positive attitude. 6. Cheerleaders must be willing to improve and maintain skills. 7. The attendance policy of the Parkway School District requires students to be present in all classes on the day of an athletic event (official games and competitions) in order to be eligible to participate. Weekend participation requires a full day of attendance on the school day prior to an event. The only exceptions to this rule are verified medical appointments that have been cleared by the athletic director, Mike Roth, prior to leaving campus. 8. Each athlete must have 14 days of practice before participating in their first athletic event. *Cheerleaders will not be allowed to only cheer for football or basketball. If a team member chooses to leave their spot on the squad to be a member of a non- school affiliated competition squad, their uniforms and other purchased items will not be resold by the booster club.

Conduct 1. By accepting the privilege/honor of wearing a PCH uniform, a boy/girl accepts the fact that his/her actions are more prominent than those not associated with such an activity. 2. Cheerleaders are representatives of the school, thus exemplary behavior is mandatory at all times, everywhere in the community of PCH and at all functions where the cheerleaders are recognized as representatives of Parkway Central. 3. Proper appearance is required at all times. 4. Cheerleaders must not use foul language at practice, in school, at games, camps, clinics, competitions, etc. 5. Excessive public displays of affection are never considered appropriate, especially in uniform, or at games, or in school. 6. Drug use (including alcohol) is not allowed at anytime according to Parkway’s Athletic/Activities Code of Conduct, either on or off campus. The consequences are explained in the Code for Interscholastic Athletic/Activities, which all parents and cheerleaders must sign. In addition, PCH Cheer Coaches reserve the right to impose additional consequences based on the circumstances of the offense, ranging from being benched to dismissal form the squad.

*If a cheerleader is removed from a squad by a coach or school administrator for inappropriate conduct, he/she will not be eligible to tryout for a cheer squad the following year.

Attendance 1. Regular attendance at school and practice is expected. 2. Cheerleaders are required to be at all assigned games and spirit event. (Schedules for all school sports are posted online at highschoolsports.net) 3. Excused absences: a) Illness: If you miss any class period during the school day, you are not allowed to cheer at a game or participate in practice. It is the responsibility of the cheerleader to inform his/her coach if they are ill and are going to miss a cheer event, practice or game. b) All cheerleaders will be allotted five absences for the year, this includes games, practices, and events. These absences are to be used for college visits, family obligations, and vacations, etc. Allotted absences must be pre-approved by cheerleader’s coach. More than five absences will result in a cheerleader’s removal from a squad. (Exceptions may be made for school engagements but must be preapproved by the coach.) 4. Any unexcused absences will result in sitting out the following game and the loss of an allotted absence. 5. Tardiness will not be tolerated or accepted and will be handled through disciplinary action.

Year-long Schedule  March – May: open gym practices once or twice a week  June: practices two to three times a week depending on the squad (these may be missed for family obligations, trips, )  July: practices two-four times a week, more for those squads participating in competition  August – October: football season, practices two to three times a week and all games  November: practices two to three times a week, more for those squads participating in the state competition  November – February: basketball season practices and games two to three times a week

Summer Vacation All cheerleaders must be available for summer practices by July 1, 2010. The cheerleaders have practices during the month of June, however, practices become mandatory as of July 1st. Parkway Central cheerleaders compete at the Regional level, and the St. Louis Regional competition is usually held the first week of August. We understand that “family time” is very important but scattered vacations interfere with competition preparation, cause much frustration for the other squad members, and hinder progress. This year all schools are being asked to have a “dead week” which is one week in which the school will be completely shutdown. During the week of (not set at this time) all Parkway school facilities will be closed to all activities. Coaches and sponsors are not permitted to meet with their team(s) during this week. This makes attendance for the remainder of the summer all the more important. Please schedule family vacations around this summer schedule. Competition is a wonderful experience for the cheerleaders and when one is chosen to be a member of a PCH cheerleading squad, he/she are pledging their dedication.

Uniforms 1. Cheerleaders will wear appropriate uniforms on all game days. It is the responsibility of the team member to find out which uniform is to be worn (including ribbons, shoes, spankies, shells, etc.). Cheerleaders not wearing the proper uniform will have to sit out the game and lose an allotted absence. 2. Whenever a cheerleader is in uniform, he/she will not wear other shoes, pants, jewelry, etc. Hair longer than your shoulders must be pulled back in a ponytail for games, practices, and cheer events. 3. Cheerleaders should come to practice dressed in appropriate clothing, shorts, sweats, t-shirt, and cheerleading shoes. No jeans, dresses, heels, jewelry, etc. Cheerleaders dressed inappropriately will not be allowed to practice and will lose an allotted absence.

*If a cheerleader quits the squad for any reason, payment is still expected. Cheerleading uniforms cannot be returned to the company. If a cheerleader leaves on good terms, he/she will be allowed to resell their uniforms at the resale.

Game Rules and Etiquette *Each cheerleader should become familiar with game rules and procedures for each sport in which they are cheering. 1. NO visiting with friends. 2. Watch the game and be aware of what is going on. 3. Learn your cheers and sideline and supports your players. 4. Cheerleaders must stay the entire game, except in an emergency. 5. No fussing with hair or makeup during the game. 6. Hair must be worn out of your face and off your shoulders. 7. No jewelry allowed (including tongue rings). 8. Cheerleader must be in proper uniform with proper equipment. 9. Cheerleaders must remain positive and spirited and strive for a professional appearance and performance. *If Freshmen and JV cheerleaders wish to attend Varsity games, they must change out of their uniforms and represent themselves in a positive, respectful manner.

Competition/Camp - Although competition is a very important part of this program, the emphasis on competition will come after academic and games. - JV cheerleaders will compete at the Regional Competition. - Varsity cheerleaders will compete at the Regional and State level (if applicable). - All cheerleaders have an obligation to be at all practices beginning on July 1, 2010.

Financial Responsibility - Cheerleading uniforms can cost from $300-$900. All payments for uniforms will be due to the PCH school store by the last day of school. (If payments are not received by May 25th, girls will not remain on squad.) - Camp costs are around $200-$250. - Minimal added expenses for social gatherings, holiday parties, picnics, competition, etc. - The booster club is a parent organization that organizes the financial and social aspect of cheerleading such as fundraising, t-shirts, banquet, flowers, gifts, catastrophic insurance, etc. - Dues Freshman $50, JV $60, Varsity $70. - Fundraiser Cards each girl must sell 10 cards at $20 a piece.

PCH Cheerleading Tryouts 2010-2011 Football/Basketball Cheerleading

Schedule: You must attend all clinics and the tryout to be eligible

Clinics: Wednesday, March 9th 7:00-9:00 Thursday, March 10th 7:00-9:00 Friday, March 11th 7:00-9:00

Tryouts: Saturday, March 12th Freshmen-9:00 JV-10:30 Varsity-12:00

Arrive at the time indicated for your level. Squads will be posted on the front doors of Parkway Central High after 5:00pm.

Uniform Sale Information

Old Uniform Drop-Off Sunday, February 27th @ the Cheerleading Banquet (all uniform pieces should be cleaned and have cheerleader’s name pinned on them) Parent Meeting Wednesday, March 30th in the Social Studies Commons @PCH 7:00pm (no cheerleaders please)

Used Uniform Sale Saturday, April 2nd in the Family and Consumer Science Rooms @ PCH 9:00-Freshmen 10:00-JV 11:00-Varsity

New Uniform Sale Sunday, April 17th in the Family and Consumer Science Rooms @ PCH 9:00-Freshmen 10:00-JV 11:00-Varsity

*Please bring your checkbook to both uniform sales!

PCH Freshman, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Cheerleading Application 2011-2012

Name: ______Parents Name/s: ______

Address: ______

Home phone # ______Cell # ______

Email address: ______

Current Grade Level: ______Current Cumulative GPA: ______

Cheerleading Squad Trying out for: Freshman JV Varsity

Are you willing to move up to a higher squad if asked to do so? Yes No

Can you do a back-handspring? Yes No -if yes, can you do more? if so what? ______What leadership skills can you contribute to a cheerleading squad? ______Why do you think you should be a PCH cheerleader? ______What spring sports are you involved in if any? ______

I have read the information in the cheerleading tryout packet and my child and I fully understand the commitment it takes to be a PCH cheerleader. I also realize there are financial obligations (uniforms, booster club, camp, etc.) that accompany this type of program.

Cheerleader Signature:______Date:______

Parent Signature: ______Date:______2011-2012 Football/Basketball Cheerleading Tryout Form CONFIDENTIAL TEACHER EVALUATION FORM FOR:

______Student’s Name Current Grade Level

Thank you for your contribution to the 2011-2012 Cheerleading Tryouts! In order to choose the best candidates to represent PCH as a member of the cheerleading squad, we ask your help in evaluating the attitude and citizenship that this student exemplifies in your classroom. All three cheerleading coaches sincerely value your opinions and comments. Please rate this student in the following areas. Note: Grade point will be considered separately, so do not use academic standing as a criterion.

(1= poor, 5= excellent)

Daily attendance 1....2....3....4....5

Completes assignment on time 1....2....3....4....5

Works well with others 1....2....3....4....5

Considered to be dependable and responsible 1....2....3....4....5

Attitude towards others 1....2....3....4....5

TOTAL ______


Teacher’s signature______Date ______

Please complete this form, by February 23rd, and send it through Parkway’s inner office mail addressed to PCH Student Activities Office c/o Sandra Struthers. Teachers at Central High can place it in the “Cheerleading” crate in the Student Activities Office c/o Sandra Struthers. If you have any questions or concerns that need to be further addressed about a student, please feel free to contact me through Groupwise ([email protected]). Thank you so much for your time! 2011-2012 Football/Basketball Cheerleading Tryout Form


______Student’s Name Current Grade Level

Thank you for your contribution to the 2011-2012 Cheerleading Tryouts! In order to choose the best candidates to represent PCH as a member of the cheerleading squad, we ask your help in evaluating the attitude and citizenship that this student exemplifies in your classroom. All three cheerleading coaches sincerely value your opinions and comments. Please rate this student in the following areas. Note: Grade point will be considered separately, so do not use academic standing as a criterion.

(1= poor, 5= excellent)

Daily attendance 1....2....3....4....5

Completes assignment on time 1....2....3....4....5

Works well with others 1....2....3....4....5

Considered to be dependable and responsible 1....2....3....4....5

Attitude towards others 1....2....3....4....5

TOTAL ______


Teacher’s signature______Date ______

Please complete this form, by February 23rd, and send it through Parkway’s inner office mail addressed to PCH Student Activities Office c/o Sandra Struthers. Teachers at Central High can place it in the “Cheerleading” crate in the Student Activities Office c/o Sandra Struthers. If you have any questions or concerns that need to be further addressed about a student, please feel free to contact me through Groupwise ([email protected]). Thank you so much for your time! 2011-2012 Football/Basketball Cheerleading Tryout Form


______Student’s Name Current Grade Level

Thank you for your contribution to the 2011-2012 Cheerleading Tryouts! In order to choose the best candidates to represent PCH as a member of the cheerleading squad, we ask your help in evaluating the attitude and citizenship that this student exemplifies in your classroom. All three cheerleading coaches sincerely value your opinions and comments. Please rate this student in the following areas. Note: Grade point will be considered separately, so do not use academic standing as a criterion.

(1= poor, 5= excellent)

Daily attendance 1....2....3....4....5

Completes assignment on time 1....2....3....4....5

Works well with others 1....2....3....4....5

Considered to be dependable and responsible 1....2....3....4....5

Attitude towards others 1....2....3....4....5

TOTAL ______


Teacher’s signature______Date ______

Please complete this form, by February 23rd, and send it through Parkway’s inner office mail addressed to PCH Student Activities Office c/o Sandra Struthers. Teachers at Central High can place it in the “Cheerleading” crate in the Student Activities Office c/o Sandra Struthers. If you have any questions or concerns that need to be further addressed about a student, please feel free to contact me through Groupwise ([email protected]). Thank you so much for your time!

2011-2012 Football/Basketball Cheerleading Tryout Form


______Student’s Name Current Grade Level

Thank you for your contribution to the 2011-2012 Cheerleading Tryouts! In order to choose the best candidates to represent PCH as a member of the cheerleading squad, we ask your help in evaluating the attitude and citizenship that this student exemplifies in your classroom. All three cheerleading coaches sincerely value your opinions and comments. Please rate this student in the following areas. Note: Grade point will be considered separately, so do not use academic standing as a criterion.

(1= poor, 5= excellent)

Daily attendance 1....2....3....4....5

Completes assignment on time 1....2....3....4....5

Works well with others 1....2....3....4....5

Considered to be dependable and responsible 1....2....3....4....5

Attitude towards others 1....2....3....4....5

TOTAL ______


Teacher’s signature______Date ______

Please complete this form, by February 23rd, and send it through Parkway’s inner office mail addressed to PCH Student Activities Office c/o Sandra Struthers. Teachers at Central High can place it in the “Cheerleading” crate in the Student Activities Office c/o Sandra Struthers. If you have any questions or concerns that need to be further addressed about a student, please feel free to contact me through Groupwise ([email protected]). Thank you so much for your time!

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