Designing a Cruise in the Caribbean

NAME: ______DUE:

Key Learnings:

Evaluate the interdependence of human systems and patterns of travel and tourism. Use the methods and tools of geographic inquiry, to be an educated and environmentally and culturally responsible tourist. Apply geographic skills through technology, mapping and research.

Task #1: Annotated Map

You are to design a 7-day Singles (young adults 21-35) Cruise Trip through the Caribbean. The trip will be no more than 3500km long and will stop at least 7 times.

1. Cut out the Caribbean map you have already labeled and coloured in class and place it in the centre of a Ledger-sized paper. This will leave you more room to write your annotations. 2. Using the scale on the map create an outline of where the cruise ship will travel and where it will stop (7 locations). The ship must leave from a Caribbean port. 3. Trace this outline on your map and put the distance (in km) between each location. 4. At each of the 7 stops you need to create an annotation that includes: THIS WILL a. A description of the location (name, environment, interesting facts, etc) REQUIRE RESEACH!! b. An explanation of what is available for the tourists to do 5. The trip can not be longer than 3500km. Remember to use the scale on the map. 6. Make sure your map is labeled and coloured and includes all required information (title, legend, border, etc) 7. Include all rough notes and bibliography!

Example of an Annotated Map


A description of the location

Explanation of what is available for tourists Task #2: Description of Cruise Ship

On a separate piece of paper, you need to describe your Cruise Ship and what it has to offer to its passengers. Use the following criteria: 1. Name 2. Size 3. Speed 4. Approximate cost of cruise 5. Meals and Accommodations 6. Entertainment (day and evening) 7. Recreational Facilities


Knowledge/Understanding /15 Map labeled accurately 1 2

Title, legend, border included on map 1 2 3

Description of all 7 locations are accurate and complete 1 2 3 4 5

Name, size, speed, meals/accommodations and cost of cruise is included 1 2 3 4 5

Thinking/Inquiry /10 A detailed explanation of what is available at locations for tourists 1 2 3 4 5

Creative entertainment and recreational facilities on cruise ship is included 1 2 3 4 5

Application /15 Applied the scale correctly to cruise length 1 2 3

Trip and cruise ship are appropriate for a singles cruise 1 2 3 4 5

Research on each location is apparent and relevant 1 2 3 4 5

Activities, locations and excursions are appropriate for trip length 1 2

Communication /10 Spelling and grammar are used correctly 1 2 3 4 5

Annotated map is organized and visually appealing 1 2

Rough notes and bibliography are included 1 2 3 TOTAL /50