Unit Plan Overview
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Unit Plan Overview
Grade 12 U Biology
Unit: Molecular Genetics
Submitted to: Janine Extavour
Submitted By: Hina Laxmi Trivedi
Title Topic Exp Learning Strategy Evaluation ectat and Assessment ion Cod e DNA: 1. Hereditary Material D2.2 Lecture: Assessment Molecula Discovery of DNA PowerPoint presentation of r Basis of Location of Hereditary on the founder of DNA Learning: Life Information and location of DNA in Multiple the cell. choice and Reference: short essay Nelson Biology 12 – answers Chapter 4 based on textbook.
2. Hammerling’s Experiment and D2.3 Lecture: Assessment Hershey and Chase’s D3.7 Demonstration of as Experiment Hammerling’s, Learning: Hershey’s and Chase’s Response experiment on how they Journal on came up with the fact isotope that hereditary material bacteriophag is found in nucleus. e or Reference: Anecdotal Nelson Biology 12 – record. Chapter 4 3. Structure of DNA D2.2 Simulation: Assessment Chemical Composition of Demonstration of DNA of DNA model on power point. Learning: Franklin Model for DNA Lab Activity: Multiple structure DNA model prepared by choice Double Helical Structure students with the help of questions Gummy beads, tooth- from pick and thread. textbook. Reference: Assessment Nelson Biology 12 – as Chapter 4 Learning: Lab Activity 4. DNA Repair and Replication D2.1 Lecture: Assessment Process of DNA replication D3.1 PowerPoint presentation for Complimentary Strand depicting pictorial Learning: Formation representation of DNA Multiple DNA repair replication and choice duplication. questions Reference: and short Nelson Biology 12 – answer Chapter 4 essay based on the textbook.
Protein 5. One – Gene – One – polypeptide D2.4 Lecture: Assessment Synthesis Hypothesis Presentation on how as Garrod’s Hypothesis these hypotheses Learning: Beadle’s and Tatum’s indicate that specific Checklist or Hypothesis type of gene produces peer specific type of protein. evaluation or self evaluation.
6. Protein Synthesis Overview D3.2 Lecture: Assessment The Central Dogma Demonstration by power of Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) point which would Learning: Types of RNA include explanation of Extended transcription and Essay translation with pictorial representation and YouTube videos. References: Nelson Biology 12 – Chapter 5, http://www.youtube.com /watch? v=PEDQoQuIhkg 7. Genetic Code D2.2 Lecture: Assessment Start Codon Lecture about the start as Stop Codon and stop codon followed Learning: by demonstration on Self how to use codon chart. Evaluation References: Nelson Biology 12 – Chapter 5
8. Transcription D2.1 Lecture: Assessment Initiation D3.3 PowerPoint presentation of Elongation which will be used to Learning: Termination cover the production of Multiple Posttranscriptional m-RNA from DNA. choice Modification Each slide would show questions each of the sub topics covered listed. from the text References: book and http://www.youtube.com lecture /watch?v=WsofH466lqk slides.
9. Human Immunodeficiency Virus D3.2 Case Study: Assessment Case study on HIV for related to the last topics Learning: covered and to discuss Interview the symptoms of an HIV patient. References: Nelson Biology 12 – Chapter 5 10. Ribosome D2.1 Lecture: Assessment Structure of Ribosome D3.3 Lecture explaining the of (Large and Small subunits) structure of Ribosome Learning: and its two sub units Short essay which come together to time form an intact ribosome. questions References: based on Nelson Biology 12 – text book. Chapter 5 11. Translation D2.1 Lecture: Assessment Role of t- RNA D3.3 Lecture about t-RNA of Structure of t-RNA and elongation of Learning: Elongation of polypeptide protein chain followed Multiple chain by Gizmo simulation on choice protein synthesis. questions Link to the gizmo: based on the http://www.explorelea simulation. rning.com/index.cfm? method=cResource.ds pDetail&ResourceID= 442
References: Nelson Biology 12 – Chapter 5,
12. Control Mechanism D3.3 Independent Self Assessment Housekeeping gene Study: as lac Operon Since this topic is Learning: trp Operon related to the already Peer covered topics 10 and Evaluation: 11; students will be Students instructed to read about will be this topic themselves allowed to from the textbook and discuss answer the questions as about the follows. questions in References: the Nelson Biology 12 – textbook; for Chapter 5, example definition of operon, housekeepin g gene.
13. Mutation D3.4 Lecture: Assessment Types of Mutation Lecture on types of of Causes of genetic mutation mutations namely: silent Learning: Cancer mutation, missense Multiple mutation, nonsense choice and mutation, frame shift short mutation etc., how are answers they caused and their from the text impact on the body; for book and example - cancer. lecture References: slides. Nelson Biology 12 – Chapter 5, 14. Prokaryote and Eukaryote Cells D3.3 Independent Study: Assessment Differences regarding Students will be asked for their genome, to study the section learning: transcription and from the textbook and Response translation. reflect on the Journal questions that follow. References: Nelson Biology 12 – Chapter 5, 15. Gene organisation and D3.3 Lecture: Assessment chromosome Structure on the structure of the for Chromatid, Centromere, chromosome and parts learning: Histones. of the chromosome Essay type using the correct questions covered terminology. from the References: textbook. Nelson Biology 12 – Chapter 5 Biotechn 16. Tools and Techniques D1.1 Lecture and Inquiry: Assessment ology Restriction Students would be As Learning: Endonucleases given and asked to Frame up Methylases write notes on the their own different enzymes like questions RE and Methylases. and answer them with References: the help of Nelson Biology 12 – the notes Chapter 6 and the textbook. 17. Tools and technique : Lecture: Assessment continuation of the lesson 16 Continuation of the for learning: Plasmids lecture from last The students Transformation lesson. The students would be Steps in DNA Cloning would be asked to asked to write notes on answer the plasmids, questions in the textbook transformation and and then then they would write later would down the steps be discussed involved in DNA by the class. cloning followed by a YouTube video to let the students learn effectively. Link: http://www.youtube.co m/watch? v=Jy15BWVxTC0&featur e=related References: Nelson Biology 12 – Chapter 6
18. Genetic Engineering D3.6 Demonstration and Assessment Lecture: As Notes on genetic Learning: engineering for the The students students and the would be asked to demonstration would perform a be through a YouTube research on video to teach the Bt students the purpose Bacterium of the genetic and engineering. Biological Link: insulin http://www.youtube.co production m/watch?v=AEINuCL- by the 5wc bacteria and then they would be asked to mark each other research work. 19. Advanced Molecular Biological D1.2 Computer Assessment Technique Simulation: as learning: Polymerase Chain The lesson would be The students Reaction. taught through power would be Restriction Fragment point and over head asked to research for Length Polymorphism projector. These DNA sequencing a case study techniques are used in that involves DNA fingerprinting. the use of DNA fingerprintin g and use the notes from the lesson to present their findings to the class. 20. Applications of Biotechnology D3.5 Independent Study Assessment and Genetic Engineering followed by a Case as learning: Medical Applications study: Peer Agricultural The students would be evaluation Applications asked to read this done for debate on Forensics section from the the gene textbook and then therapy. would be asked to read a case study that involves gene therapy and then they would be asked to debate about gene therapy in the class with the peers and would be evaluated by each other. Link to the case study: http://www.msnbc.msn .com/id/20730647/ns/h ealth- health_care/t/womans- death-calls-gene- therapy-question/ References: Nelson Biology 12 – Chapter 6 Note: Modifications for ELL and IEP students: Out of all these lessons, some of the lessons could be modified for the students with special needs like ELL and IEP students and hence other strategies like differentiation would be used by grouping the students and giving them extra time for the lessons so that they learn effectively at their own pace.