English 3 Cp Old English to 17Th Century

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English 3 Cp Old English to 17Th Century

ENGLISH 3 CP 2013/2014

BRITISH AND WORLD LITERATURE: FROM OLD ENGLISH TH TH TO THE 17 AND 18 CENTURIES Ms. Amber Spence Room: B217 (Pds. 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8) Email: [email protected] Phone: (610) 351-5900 Ext. 72217 Class Website: http://www.MrsSpence.wikispaces.com Moodle Website: http://moodle.parklandsd.org Study Island: http://www.StudyIsland.com Course Objectives:

 TO MAKE YOU READ – Don’t worry, you’ll be fine! We’ll be exploring British literature from the early Anglo-Saxon time to the 17th/18th centuries, with a few other breaks along the way. There are tons of heroes, more battles than the new movie 300, deceit and deception beyond belief, and so much love poetry you’ll want you to gauge your eyes out! That means we’ll have plenty of time to focus on building those close-reading skills/strategies (including note-taking) and learning how to critically analyze texts.

 TO MAKE YOU WRITE–This won’t hurt much either! You will learn to logically and clearly express your thoughts in not only discussions, but in written assignments as well. All of that hand strength you built up over the summer from playing video games all day will surely pay off this year to alleviate hand cramps! We will experience all types of writing assignments from 5-paragraph essays, SAT prompts, short reading responses, creative writing assignments, real-world application pieces, critical analysis papers, college essays, and the all-time favorite (obviously) the research paper! Don’t worry... we will go through everything step-by-step together.

 TO MAKE YOU THINK – I saved the best part for last! Now, we can’t forget about all of those grammar skills and vocabulary lessons either. We’re going to throw those in to help make us more articulate and respected as we debate issues throughout the year. We will also be touching on what it means to be successful in life and how to get there. Besides, you wouldn’t like it if people told you what to think or what to do all of your life anyway, would you?

Materials: You will need:  Pen/pencil  Current text/novel  3-Ring notebook with paper  Email Account  Vocabulary book every Friday  Moodle Account (You have one and don’t even know it!)    Grading & Course Basics:   We will use a point system inclusive of homework, quizzes, tests, writing assignments, projects, and professional  development. There is no weighing of grades.   UNIT INFORMATION: At the beginning of each unit of study, you will receive a packet containing a calendar, grade check, handouts, and study guide for the entire unit. If you lose this packet you will not receive another one. You may download one from the class wikispace. Each unit will consist of, but is not limited to: (1) terminology and skill building, (2) reading checks or journals entries, (3) modern day article connections or activities, (4) class discussions or group projects, and (5) a culminating test. Please note, if our skills are not up to par, we may include Study Island to help with the skill building.   UNIT TESTS: There will be at least one test for every major unit. It will be announced and explained well in advance. It may consist of multiple choice, short answer questions, or essays. This will be completed on the Moodle in class and can be re-taken once for improvement up to an 85% grade outside of class.   UNIT QUIZZES: There will be announced quizzes and reading checks throughout the semester. Most reading checks will be done on-line through our Moodle system and will be available for students to complete on their own time during a designated time (roughly a week). If those deadlines are missed, students will receive a zero. When computing your grade at the end of the first marking period only, I will drop your lowest quiz grade (including vocab). HOWEVER, any zeroes received as a result of an illegal absence or cheating will NOT be dropped.   WARM-UPS: Each day (except Friday) students will be expected to begin and complete a warm-up exercise upon entering the classroom. These warm-ups will focus on current vocab, grammar, or writing topics as review and will be graded. They may or may not be graded.   VOCAB/GRAMMAR UNITS: See additional handouts.   WRITING UNITS: See additional handouts.   RESEARCH PAPERS: Every student will be required to write a research paper on a contemporary issue for this course. It must be 4-6 pages typed and double-spaced. More specific information on this paper will be given at a later time. Students will also be required to give a presentation on their findings.  ***GOOD NEWS! Research paper presentations may be used as a graduation requirement!   MISSED WORK: YOU are responsible for any missed work and/or notes. See the student handbook for guidelines on time. Check with a classmate BEFORE coming to see me before or after class. The wikispace also has downloadable forms of all handouts given out in class. Absentee or late assignments should be handed in directly to Mrs. Spence or placed in the “in-box.”  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: For professional development, you will earn or lose points every day of class based on your performance, participation, attitude, preparation, work ethic, behavior, cooperation/work with others, and respect. It is worth roughly 2 points every day. Remember, if you’re not here or aren’t awake you can’t earn points!   EXTRA CREDIT: Students who are up-to-date with ALL of their assignments and quizzes/tests will be eligible for extra credit. There will be several smaller-scale opportunities throughout the marking period, as well as one major assignment equal to a test grade.   CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM: Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated. It will result in a ZERO for that specific test, quiz, or activity at the very least.    HOW TO SUCCEED THIS YEAR  Complete all of your work.  Take personal responsibility.  Be honest.  Have a positive attitude.  Try your best!   “GREAT EXPECTATIONS”  ENGLISH 3 CP ~ 2011/2012   Listed below are the expectations for Mrs. Spence’s English 3 CP class. These expectations were developed by and agreed upon by the students and Mrs. Spence in addition to PHS policies.  1. BE PROMPT. I will speak with you personally if lates are becoming an issue. However, if you are late, you may not use the pass.  2. BE RESPECTFUL.  3. BE RESPONSIBLE.  4. FOOD & DRINK IS PERMITTED. Students may have a drink with a closed top and a snack in class when we are not using computers. However, students may not share their food/drink and are responsible for cleaning up all areas before leaving. This privilege can be revoked.  5. “NO HOMEWORK FRIDAYS” & “NO TEST MONDAYS” ARE IN PLACE! No new homework will be assigned on a Friday that is due on Monday. Any long-term assignment that was assigned well in advance of the weekend does not fall under the “No Homework Fridays” rule. For example, if an essay is assigned on Tuesday in class, it is reasonable for it to be due on the following Monday.  6. REWARDS PROGRAM: Being assiduous and working hard pays off. You will not be given any rewards for mediocre work; you must earn them! The following rewards programs are in place: a. Bonus Points will be added to each test when the class average is above an 85%. Five points will be awarded to the student with the highest grade on each test. b. Holiday Parties can be earned if the class has been working hard. c. One major extra Credit assignment will be available during each marking period. Several smaller opportunities will also be in place. d. Classes may have music played through Mrs. Spence during independent or group work when applicable.  7. GROUP WORK & PROJECTS: The class was in agreement that group work and projects are great ways to learn and work. Group work and projects will play a major role in class this year. Students may pick their own groups if that privilege has been earned.  8. 21st CENTURY LEARNING: We are lucky enough to have numerous computers and other advancements in technology here at Parkland High School. Every student is required to abide by the Acceptable Use Policy put in place by the Parkland School District. Any student who does not will endure the consequences detailed in the student handbook and will need to find another means to complete the current assignment.  9. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER POLICY: The substitute is ME for the day, so ALL rules still apply! If a substitute or nearby teacher leaves your name for being disruptive or disrespectful, you will serve a detention and receive a ZERO for participation for that day – NO QUESTIONS ASKED!   ------  I, ______, of period ______, have read and understand the expectations for Mrs. Spence’s English 3 CP class. I agree to abide by them at all times and will accept any consequences should I act otherwise.   ______ Student Signature  “GREAT EXPECTATIONS” 2010/2011  ENGLISH 3 CP  10. Be to class on time and prepared!!! Students have a 1 minute grace-period after the bell rings to get to their seat and begin working on the warm-up. This 1 minute grace-period may be taken away by the teacher at any time if it is taken advantage of. Besides, if you’re not in class, you can’t have fun!  11. Class is over when you are dismissed, not when the bell rings.  12. Food and drinks (with caps) are permitted. Students are allowed to eat or drink during class except when any use of technology is being used for the day (ex. Laptops). Students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves. This privilege may be taken away if students are not responsible.  13. “No Homework Fridays” and “No Test Mondays” are in place! No new homework will be assigned on a Friday that is due on Monday. Any long-term assignment that was assigned well in advance of the weekend does not fall under the “No Homework Fridays” rule. For example, if an essay is assigned on Tuesday in class, it is reasonable for it to be due on the following Monday.  14. A class party/free day can be earned through our “Attendance Competitions.” For every day that the every student is present for the bulk of a period, each class will receive a point. A party/free day will be earned once a class reaches 20 points.  15. Respect the rights of other students. Everyone has the right to question, respond, and learn. Much of this course will involve discussion. You WILL be expected to listen and participate. We must all understand that not everyone learns at the same time in the same way, but they do have the right to learn without fear of being made fun of. Respect and listen to everyone’s opinions. If you wish to say something, raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.  16. Use school appropriate language at all times. I realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with teachers and peers; however, it must be done in a respectable manner. For example:  INSTEAD OF: This assignment is ridiculous/gay/retarded. I’m not doing it!  TRY SAYING: I'm not sure how to go about beginning this assignment. Could you help me?  17. Cell phones and/or IPods must be turned off and out of sight at all times! In order to alleviate the temptation to text everyone and anyone, you should not have anything on your desk except a pen/pencil, notebook and the current assignment (Girls, that means purses stay on the floor too ).  18. YOU are responsible for any missed work and/or notes. Every student will be issued a packet of assignments and a calendar for each unit, therefore you have full access to all work missed.. Our class website is updated daily (calendar, assignments, etc.) as well for your convenience.  19. SUBSITUTE TEACHER POLICY: When I am not present the following policy will be enforced - If a substitute or nearby teacher leaves your name for being disruptive or disrespectful, you will serve a detention and receive a ZERO for participation for that day – NO QUESTIONS ASKED!   ------  I, ______, of period ______, have read and understand the class expectations for Ms. McQuillan’s English 3 CP class. I agree to abide by them at all times and will accept any consequences should I act otherwise.   ______ Student Signature  TECHNOLOGY ACCOUNT REMINDERS   Since we are going to be incorporating a lot of technology this year, I thought it would be in our best interest to have an organized system for all of our logins.   PARKLAND COMPER LOG-IN   USERNAME: Your student ID number   PASSWORD: Your personal password  *The first time password is “parkland”. The first login will prompt the user to change the  password. The students passwords must be a minimum of 6 characters.     GOOGLE APPS ACCOUNT (http://docs.student.parklandsd.net)  All 9th to 12th students will have access to a school email. The school email will be limited and meant for teacher to student communication. This will ensure that you do NOT have to share your home/personal emails with others or receive class information and it will help you understand what it means to be professional in terms of on-line communication. Having a Google Apps account will also give you access to all Google resources (ex. Google Docs).   USERNAME: Your First Letter of first name, first 5 of last, last 3 of ID, @student.parklandsd.net  (NOTE: If you have a hyphen or other character in your last name, it has been omitted.)   For Example: John Smithson (ID# 123456) would have the username …  [email protected]   PASSWORD: Your student ID number     WIKISPACE ACCOUNT (http://www.MrsSpence.wikispaces.com)  Wikispace is a free, yet private, class website! Through our class wikispace, you will be able to access all of our class notes, handouts, study guides, videos, calendar, and links to other helpful resources. You do NOT need to be a member to view or download information; however, you may not edit the pages unless you are a member.     MOODLE ACCOUNT (http://moodle.parklandsd.org)  Moodle is an on-line system in which we will have various on-line assignments for each unit. Tests, quizzes, discussion forums, group chats, and much more can be accessed from here at school or from the privacy of your own home. Logging in is simple too. It is the samething you would use to log on to the computers in the library!   USERNAME: Your student ID number   PASSWORD: Your personal password set for your student log-in    ENROLLMENT KEY: awesome     TURNITIN ACCOUNT (www.turnitin.com)  Turnitin and Grademark are both programs that we will use with our writing. Turnitin will be used to check for plagiarism and with help referencing outside sources. The Grademark portion of Turnitin will be used for peer editing and for grading by your teacher.   USERNAME: ______  PASSWORD: ______                                          

 TEXT REMINDERS  “REMIND 101” SERVICE   For class, you have the option of signing up to receive text reminders about class assignments, quizzes, and tests. While these are helpful, you should NOT rely on them. It is a courtesy and you are responsible for knowing all class deadlines and important dates. For example, if I forget to send one the night before a vocab quiz, the quiz is still on!!!! Follow the directions below to sign-up.                                  THIS IS COMPLETELY PRIVATE!   This service allows for complete anonymity. I cannot see or respond to your phone number; you cannot see or respond to mine; you cannot see or respond to another classmates’ phone number. Also, your phone number will not be passed on to any businesses or other websites.                                         

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