Who Selects an IR for a Council?

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Who Selects an IR for a Council?

Questions that International Representatives or others may have about IRs and their responsibilities:

- Who selects an IR for a council?

o An International Representative is appointed by the Scout Executive.

- Who is the link between local councils and the national council on International matters?

o An IR who represents the council works with the International Department on all International matters.

- Can you name at least six qualifications for an IR position?

o Work well with council membership . From council leadership to district and unit level. You have a genuine interest in people. o Know council programs well . Important for suggestions for International programs o Scouting Visionary . You see the BIG picture, how World Scouting can widen horizons and open new visions for our council youth o Leader . You inspire and motivate people, give them direction, expect much and give much, you do things in style o Team Player . You can build a group, you are a hard worker, you respect others, you accept suggestions o Organizer . You have chaired many events, you can plan, delegate, pay attention to detail and follow through o Recruiter (of youth and adults) . You can find the right people for jobs, nobody can say “No” to you because they know that you will help them do the job well o Promoter . You understand the importance of picking a worthwhile project and then spreading the word and enthusiasm. Whether you promote International Scouting at Scout Fairs, University of Scoutings, Pow Wows, or OA functions, you try to make International Scouting a household word. o World Traveler . Understand the logistics of travel – tickets, schedules, visa, passports o Fundraiser . International Scouting costs money, you are able to assist youth in raising money for trips by providing sample letters to foundations and other very generous donors o Communicator . You are able to keep everybody “in the loop”─International Department, council leadership, council membership─by utilizing email, websites, and parent meetings where the information is shared o Trainer . Scouts on International opportunities need training for Scout craft skills and diplomatic skills. These are things you can arrange. o Most likable and useful attribute…. . You are an enthusiastic go-getter! The word “impossible” does not exist for you. If it’s good for our Scouts you will find a way to make it happen. - In one word, what’s the most important job of an IR?

o Promotion

- How many IRs are there in one council?

o One

- Where do IRs get their information?

o The International Department

- Can you name at least six programs that an IR should promote to his council’s Scouts?

o World Friendship Fund

o International Camp Staff Program

o European Camp Staff Program


o BSA Contingent/Youth Exchange program

o World Scout Jamboree

o International events

- Which one of these is the most important job/skill for an IR: Communication, Promotion, or Training?

o Promotion

- Can a council participate in international events, International Camp Staff program without having an IR?

o No, councils must have an IR for International Camp Staff qualification

- Which level does an IR belong to?

o The IR position is part of local council board. It is not a national position. Shoulder loops should be grey, not yellow.

- Can you name three kinds of support local units/leaders can get from an IR?

o Presentations about International

o Promote and communicate to units international program enrichment services

o Advise and assist unit leaders who are planning international activities

o Youth/Adult leader nominations for international events

- Who does an IR work for?

o Local Scouts

- Can you name at least three communication channels where you can find out about International Scouting opportunities?

o Websites

o Facebook

o Yahoo groups

o Global BSA

- Who do you contact to get support from the council for international committee or international Scouting?

o Scout Executive and Council Board

- Can you name at least three best places/events for International promotion in the council?

o Roundtables

o University of Scouting

o Scout Fair/Scout Show/Scout-O-Rama

o Commissioner Conferences o OA functions

o Council events

- What is the program that brings an international Scout to work in a local council camp during the summer?

o International Camp Staff Program

- Where can a BSA Scout go to work in a summer camp overseas that the BSA endorses?

o Europe

- What is the form for joining a BSA contingent/Youth exchange program and who signs it?

o BSA Contingent Program - Scout/Adult Leader Nomination Forms

o The forms must be signed/approved by an IR and a Scout Executive

- Can an IR be nominated to join a BSA contingent for an international event?

o IRs should promote and nominate Scouts and other adults first before nominating themselves for international events.

- Can you name at least five forms that need council SE’s approval?

o International Camp Staff program

o European Camp Staff program

o IR Nomination form

o BSA Contingent program – Scout/Adult leader Nomination forms

o International Scouter’s Award

o International Letter of Introduction

- Can you name at least two forms that an IR needs to sign off for Scouts and/or adults?

o BSA Contingent program – Scout/Adult leader Nomination forms

o International Scouter’s Award

- Must each council have an international committee?

o Each council should have an IR. If there is a desire for an international committee (more than one person committed to the International program and wants to be active), it must be approved by the Scout Executive and his council board.

- Who does an IR work with to organize a council international event?

o Council professional staff, with the support from the international committee.

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