Session 11 Lessons 81 - 89

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Session 11 Lessons 81 - 89

Session 11 Lessons 81 - 89 Creed Overview Creed Jeopardy 1. Apostles, Nicene, Athanasian. (What are the three creeds of the Church?) 2. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (What are the three persons of the Trinity?) 3. Monotheism. (What do you call belief in just one God?) 4. Martin Luther. (Who is the Lutheran church named after?) 5. Peter, John, and James. (Who are three disciples?) Multiple Choice 1. A creed is a. A prayer we say out loud. b. A hymn. c. A statement of shared beliefs. d. Another name for the pulpit. e. None of the above. 2. Christian creeds are based on a. A pastor's sermon. b. Luther's writings. c. the Lutheran Book of Worship. d. Biblical statements of belief. e. All of the above. 3. The following are creeds of the church: a. The Apostle's Creed b. The Nicene Creed c. The Athanasian Creed d. All of the above e. None of the above 4. The first creeds of the Church date a. From the time of Martin Luther. b. From the very beginning of the church. c. From the reign of Roman Emperor Constantine. d. From the Reformation. e. From the time that Lutherans first came to the United States.

5. Creeds are important to the Church for

Page 1 of 9 a. Guarding against false teachings. b. Passing on the faith. c. Teaching new believers. d. Maintaining Christian unity. e. All of the above. Article One 1. According to Genesis 1, what was created on the fourth day? a. Ants b. Trees c. Cows d. Stars 2. The seventh day was set aside as a day for a. Football. b. Shopping. c. Sabbath. d. Calling friends. 3. Which of the following did God create? a. Animals b. Your clothes c. Your house d. All of the above 4. Which of the following was NOT in the Garden of Eden? a. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil b. A serpent c. Fig leaves d. Doughnuts 5. The first thing Adam and Eve realized after eating the fruit was that: a. They should wait an hour before going swimming. b. They had left the oven on. c. They were naked. d. Snakes don't have legs.

6. The Latin phrase "creatio ex nihilo" means: a. God created everything out of nothing.

Page 2 of 9 b. God used an instruction manual. c. Snakes with legs are call ex nihilo snakes. d. Creating something with tempting trees. Article Two 1. Jesus is: a. Savior. b. Messiah. c. God. d. All of the above. 2. Jesus was born a. To the Virgin Mary. b. Fully human and fully divine. c. A only. d. A and B. 3. Pontius Pilate was a. An airline pilot for Palestine Airways. b. Ruler of Egypt. c. Roman head of government in Jerusalem. d. Center for the Roman basketball team. 4. In the Ancient world, to "sit at the right hand" meant a. you had to talk to the hand. b. you won an important battle. c. great honor. d. you arrived early enough to get a good seat. 5. Salvation is a. Earned through good works. b. A free gift. c. Belongs only to those who believe the right things. d. Is given only to those who have not sinned. 6. "Righteousness" is that which... a. you can achieve by hard work. b. you can achieve by much prayer. c. you can achieve by trying your very best. d. Christ gives by his death and resurrection. Article Three 1. Pentecost comes

Page 3 of 9 a. The first Sunday after June 1. b. The first day of summer. c. 50 days after Easter. d. When the pastor says so. 2. The color the church uses for Pentecost is a. Purple. b. Red. c. Green. d. White. 3. Pentecost happened in a. Bethlehem. b. Jerusalem. c. Nazareth. d. Rome. 4. At Pentecost, people heard the disciples a. Singing. b. Taking up a collection. c. Chanting for more food. d. Speaking in all languages. 5. Pentecost is celebrated by the church as the day a. Jesus first entered the temple. b. The Holy Spirit came. c. Peter went to Rome. d. Saul met Christ on the road.

The Greatest Prayer 1. True or False: Jesus taught the disciples the Lord's Prayer so that they would teach it to others. 2. True or False: The Lord's Prayer works best at night, just before bed. 3. True or False: When we pray the Lord's Prayer, we are joined to Christians throughout the world. 4. True or False: Luther reminded us that prayer is a mandate from God.

5. Jesus taught that God knows what we need a. most of the time. b. even before we ask.

Page 4 of 9 c. but our moms think they know even more. d. but needs to be reminded about what we want. 6. The proper posture for saying the Lord's Prayer is a. arms raised in a football-type victory position. b. the fetal position. c. any difficult yoga position will work. d. There is no "proper posture" except openness to God. 7. Jesus taught his disciples the Lord's Prayer: a. on a slow afternoon for fishing. b. to emphasize their relationship to God. c. because he wanted to test them later on. d. so they would be ready for confirmation. 8. God hears prayers a. on Tuesdays or Thursdays, depending on your last name. b. from confirmation teachers every week. c. 24/7 in every language. d. from your Grandma about your report card. Father in Heaven 1. True or False: Praying "Our" Father makes this a prayer for the whole community of Christ 2. True or False: If you don't get along with your dad, you can't pray this prayer. 3. True or False: "In heaven" refers to the pearly gates and angels floating around on clouds. 4. True or False: Luther reminds us that praying the Lord's Prayer is more than a suggestion from God, it's a command to us. 5. "Our Father" reveals two great truths about God. They are a. That God is mentioned in both Old and New Testaments. b. That God loved to pray and raised Jesus to do so too. c. Too complicated to explain here. d. That God is both close to us and mysteriously everywhere.

6. We can pray to God as "Our Father" because a. We go to confirmation. b. Our parents give to the offering each Sunday. c. God thinks of us as God's children.

Page 5 of 9 d. We have those words memorized. 7. In Matthew 14:36, Jesus calls God "Abba." Abba refers to... a. a Swedish rock group. b. a meter of poetry. c. "Daddy" in the language Jesus spoke. d. All Powerful, All Knowing, Omnipotent Sir. 8. What percentage of children today have no father figure in their life? a. 50% b. 100% c. 25% d. 0%

A Holy Name Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

1. ______pointed out that our words and actions can either enhance or hinder the holiness of God's name. (Martin Luther.) 2. During the ______, Christian soldiers carrying crosses on their flags invaded the Holy Land. (Crusades.) 3. God's name is proclaimed by Christians throughout the ______.(World.) 4. When Moses met God, he wanted God's name to take back to the people of ______.(Israel.) 5. When believers pair the holiness of God's name with God-like action, they are ______with Christ. (One.) Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sins caused by actions we carry out are called a. Sins of commission. b. A mistake. c. Unusual. d. Sins of our fathers.

2. Christians who work to make the world a better place are a. Really rather naive. b. Just feeling guilty. c. Witnessing to the holiness of God's name. d. Few and far between. Page 6 of 9 3. Our Hebrew ancestors believed that knowing someone's name gave you a. Less embarrassment at a party. b. Something to name drop. c. Power. d. Too many entries in your organizer. 4. When we pray "Hallowed be your name" we are praying a. That God will remember us. b. That the world will find God's name to be holy. c. That we might contribute to God's holy reputation. d. All of the above.

The Kingdom True-or-False Questions

1. God's kingdom is in the Middle East. (False.) 2. In the kingdom of God the rich will be blessed and the poor will be sent away empty. (False.) 3. Jesus compared God's kingdom to the Magic Kingdom. (False.) 4. We participate in God's kingdom when we ask God to help us love our enemies. (True.) 5. Martin Luther explained that we can see God's kingdom here on earth and we can expect to see it during the eternal life that God promised. (True.) Multiple Choice Questions

1. God's realm is a. A way of life. b. A set of values. c. An identity. d. All of the above.

2. We can easily see the need for God's rule when we a. Watch the news. b. Confess our faults. c. Witness injustice. d. All of the above. 3. Jesus compared the kingdom of God to Page 7 of 9 a. A seed. b. Yeast. c. Hidden treasure. d. A pearl of great price. e. All of the above. 4. Jesus said it was easier for a ______to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter God's kingdom. a. Hippopotamus b. Slug c. Camel d. Jackalope 5. At times Christianity has imitated earthly kingdoms because Christians wanted a. Glamour. b. Power. c. Success. d. All of the above.

The Divine Will Multiple Choice Questions

1. We can discover God's will through a. Prayer. b. Hypnosis. c. Reading hymns backward in church. d. Our own strength. 2. We may not really want God's will to be done because a. We would rather that our will be done. b. It would upset the status quo of the world. c. God's will might force us to share more. d. All of the above.

3. People approach God with fear because a. They have heard about Noah and the flood. b. They worry that God will ask too much of them. c. They are afraid of everything. d. All of the above. 4. If God would listen to me, I might tell God

Page 8 of 9 a. To make church start later on Sunday mornings. b. That I really don't know how to trust God. c. That I'm fed up with choir robes. d. That God ought to charge people more for the offering. e. All of the above. True-or-False Questions

1. Micah 6:8 reminds us of God's will: "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (True.) 2. When you were baptized you received a personalized letter stating God's will for your life. (False.) 3. God needs our hands as much as God needs our money. (True.) 4. Prayer is about God listening to what we want God to do. (False.) 5. We can do God's will without trusting God. (False.)

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