First Marking Period Writing Standards Fourth Grade

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First Marking Period Writing Standards Fourth Grade

1st Marking Period Writing Standards Fourth Grade

1. Develop abilities in writing.

A. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify, summarize). B. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, revise) when producing products to include open response and on-demand writing. 2. Read, write, speak, observe, and listen to express, explore, and learn about ideas.

A. Use mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, Internet, software). B. Conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, create a model, explain a process). C. Write for a variety of reasons including writing-to-learn, writing-to-demonstrate learning, and writing for authentic purposes and audiences.

3. Establish and maintain a focused purpose in a variety writing forms. (Purpose/Audience)

A. Narrow the topic to present an idea or theme (thesis statement). (WR-04-1.1.0 DOK 4) [EL-4-WP-S-1] B. Choose a perspective authentic to the writer. (WR-04-1.1.0 DOK 4) [EL-4-WC-S-4] C. Analyze and address the needs of the intended audience. (WR-04-1.1.0 DOK 4) [EL-4-WC-S-3] D. Adhere to the characteristics of the form. (e.g. personal narrative, feature article, poem, memoir, short story, and letter) (WR-04-1.1.0 DOK 4) [EL-4-WC-S-4] E. Apply a suitable tone. (WR-04-1.1.0 DOK 4) [EL-4-WC-S-9] F. Allow voice to emerge when appropriate. (WR-04-1.1.0 DOK 4) H. Communicate the significance of an experience or relationship from the writer’s point of view. (personal expressive writing) (WR-04-1.1.2) [EL-4-WC-S-3]

4. Support main ideas and deepen an understanding of purpose. (Idea Development/Support)

A. Develop logical, justified, and suitable explanations. (WR-04-1.2.0 DOK 4) [EL-4-WC-S-5] B. Provide relevant elaboration. (WR-04-1.2.0 DOK 4) [EL-4-WC-S-8] C. Explain related connections and reflections. (WR-04-1.2.0 DOK 4) D. Apply idea development strategies appropriate for the form. (WR-04-1.2.0 DOK 4) G. Develop characters (fictional/non-fictional) through thoughts, emotions, actions, description, and dialogue. (personal expressive/literary writing) (WR-04-1.2.2) H. Develop plot, setting, mood, scene, image, and feeling. (personal expressive/literary writing) (WR-04-1.2.2) I. Apply literary and poetic devices. (e.g. simile, metaphor, and personification) (personal expressive/literary writing) (WR-04-1.2.2)

5. Create unity and coherence to accomplish the focused purpose. (Organization)

A. Engage the audience. (WR-04-2.3.0 DOK 3) B. Establish a context for reading. (WR-04-2.3.0 DOK 3) [EL-4-WS-S-3] C. Communicate ideas and support in a meaningful order. (WR-04-2.3.0 DOK3) [EL-4-WS-S-3] D. Apply transitions and transitional elements to guide the reader through a writing piece. (WR-04-2.3.0 DOK 3) [EL-4-WS-S-5] E. Develop effective introductions and closures. (WR-04-2.3.0 DOK 3) [EL-4-WS-S-3] F. Apply organizational devices and figurative language. (e.g. foreshadowing and flashback). (personal expressive/literary writing) (WR-04-2.3.2) [EL-4-WS-S-6] G. Arrange poetic stanzas in a way that enhances the meaning through the use of white space, line breaks, and shape. (personal expressive/literary writing) (WR-04-2.3.2) [EL-4-WS-S-7] June 2009 1st Marking Period Writing Standards Fourth Grade

6. Create effective sentences in a variety of writing forms. (Sentence Structure)

A. Apply a variety of sentence structures and lengths. (WR-04-2.4.0 DOK 3) (e.g. compound and complete) [EL-4-WS-S-1] B. Develop complete, correct sentences and apply unconventional structures when appropriate. (WR-04-2.4.0 DOK 3) (e.g. syntax – word order, form) [EL-4-WS-S-1] C. Arrange poetic language in a meaningful order. (personal expressive/literary writing) (WR-04-2.4.2)

7. Demonstrate effective word choices in a variety of writing forms. (Language)

A. Apply correct grammar and usage. (WR-04-3.5.0 DOK 2) (e.g. parts of speech, clauses, phrases, proper nouns, verb tense, prepositions, pronouns, and antecedents) B. Apply concise use of language. (WR-04-3.5.0 DOK 2) (e.g. direct/indirect objects, plurals, possessives, positive, comparative, and superlative forms) C. Incorporate strong verbs, precise nouns, concrete details, and sensory details. (WR-04-3.5.0 DOK 2) (e.g. nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives) [EL-4-WV-S-1] D. Apply language appropriate to the content, purpose, and audience. (WR-04-3.5.0 DOK 2) E. Develop ideas through descriptive and figurative language. (WR-04-3.5.2) [EL-4-WV-S-1] F. Incorporate specialized vocabulary of the discipline/content appropriate to the purpose and audience. (WR-04-3.5.3) [EL-4-WV-S-2]

8. Use appropriate conventions to communicate clearly. (Correctness)

A. Apply correct spelling, punctuation (e.g. commas, quotation marks, contractions, apostrophes, possessives, parentheses, and italics) and capitalization. (WR-04-3.6.0 DOK 2) [EL-4-WV-S-3, EL-4-WV-S-4] B. Incorporate acceptable nonstandard correctness to enhance meaning when appropriate. (WR-04-3.6.0 DOK 2) (pluralization) [EL-4-WV-S-6] C. Incorporate appropriate documentation of ideas and information from outside sources. (e.g. citing authors or titles within the text, listing sources, and bibliography) (WR-04-3.6.0 DOK 2) D. Write cursive neatly and legibly.

9. Communicate effectively using the various stages of the writing process.

A. Focusing (WR-04-4.7.0)  Connect to content knowledge and/or prior knowledge.  Initiate authentic connection.  Think about/select topic. B. Prewriting (WR-04-4.8.0) [EL-4-WP-S-2]  Determine appropriate form to meet the needs of purpose and audience.  Generate ideas (e.g., reading, journaling, mapping, webbing, note taking, summarizing, outlining, interviewing, researching, and other writing-to-learn activities).  Organize ideas. C. Drafting (WR-04-4.9.0) [EL-4-WP-S-3]  Write for an intended audience.  Develop and elaborate ideas, sentence variety, and language. D. Revising (WR-04-4.10.0) [EL-4-WP-S-4]  Reflect to determine where to add, delete, rearrange, define/redefine, and elaborate content.  Conference with teacher or peer.  Check for accuracy of content.  Compare with rubric criteria and anchor papers/models.  Identify the topic sentence/main idea and supporting details of a paragraph. (WR-04-4.10.4 & .5)  Check and correct sequential order of sentences if applicable. (WR-04-4.10.7)  Identify extraneous material. (WR-04-4.10.6)

June 2009 1st Marking Period Writing Standards Fourth Grade

E. Editing (WR-04-4.11.0) [EL-4-WV-S-5, EL-4-WP-S-5]  Use resources to support editing (e.g., spell check, thesauri, dictionaries, and handbooks).  Apply knowledge of subject/verb agreement, verb tenses, forms of adjectives and adverbs (comparative and superlative), special problems in usage (a, an, to, two, too, their, there, and they’re), pronouns, and double negatives. (WR-04-4.11.12, .13, .14, & .15)  Correcting run-ons, fragments, and combining short, choppy sentences effectively. (WR-04-4.11.16, .17, & .18)  Apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations, and rules to commonly used words, plural forms, contractions, and verb endings. (WR-04-4.11.19, .20, .21, & .22)  Capitalize proper nouns, beginning of sentences, and the pronoun “I”.  Correctly punctuate sentence endings, apply commas, and use quotation marks in dialogue. F. Publishing (WR-04-4.12.00) [EL-4-WP-S-6]  Present final work in a neat, legible form using basic software programs if appropriate.  Share final piece with intended audience. G. Reflecting (WR-04-4.13.00) [EL-4-WP-S-7]  Reflect and evaluate personal progress and skills in writing.

June 2009

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