Go To: to Learn About Second Hand Smoke and the Illinois Tobacco Laws

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Go To: to Learn About Second Hand Smoke and the Illinois Tobacco Laws

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Directions: Read the following questions thoroughly and visit the websites that will help you answer each question. Please use complete sentences and/or explain your thoughts where they may apply.


Go to: http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/tobaccocancer/secondhand- smoke to learn about second hand smoke and the Illinois tobacco laws.

1. What is second hand smoke also known as?

2. Explain the difference between side stream and mainstream smoke?

3. It is evident that both side stream and mainstream smoke have lasting health effects. Which of them, however, seems to be more toxic and why?

4. What is the term for non-smokers who are exposed to second hand smoke? 5. What diseases are linked to second hand smoke exposure? (list multiple examples)

6. Look under the Surgeon General’s report to finish this statement. “There is ______. Any



Click on the lungusa2.org link at the bottom of the cancer.org page. Click on “go to American Lung Association Link.” Click on the state of Illinois. Click on “smoking restrictions”

7. Sum up the “overall summary of smoking restrictions” in Illinois:

8. Read the “Exceptions to the Law section” and provide one example of exceptions to the public smoking law in Illinois. 9. Take a look at the penalties/enforcement section on the page to answer this question. A person who smokes in an area where smoking is prohibited shall be fined ______for a first offense and ______for each subsequent offense.

10. Take a look at the Purchase/Possession of Tobacco Products by Minors section. Kids under the age of 18 who try and purchase a tobacco product may be guilty of a petty offense and shall be fined ______for the first offense, ______for the second offense within a 12-month period and ______for subsequent offenses within a 12- month period.

11. What is the penalty for a minor under the age of 18 that has had their 3rd violation for possessing tobacco?


Go to: http://atlanta.cbslocal.com/2014/02/03/study-third-hand-smoke-exposure- as-deadly-as-smoking/ and use the article to answer the following questions about Third-hand smoke:

12. Explain what the term third-hand smoke means.

13. What health effects did the mice that were a part of the third hand smoke suffer from? 14. What are children in environments where smoking is, or has been allowed, at significant risk for?

15. Finish this statement. The CDC notes that smoking causes more deaths annually than




Watch the following clip on tar and carbon monoxide: http://www.healthline.com/hlvideo-5min/carbon-monoxide-and-tar-dangers- 155794263

16. What are the health dangers of carbon monoxide?

17. What does tar do to the lungs? What does it do over time?

18. If you smoke one pack of cigarettes per day for a year, how much tar have you inhaled? COPDs

Go to :http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases- conditions/copd/basics/definition/CON-20032017

19. Explain what COPD stands for.

20. List and explain the two most common conditions that make up COPD.

21. How can damage to your lungs be from COPD reversed?

22. Provide (4) examples of signs and symptoms of COPD.

23. Explain the term “exacerbation” as it relates to a COPD. 24. What are some differences between chronic bronchitis and emphysema?

25. Provide (3) examples of risk factors for COPD.

26. Why are people with COPD more susceptible to respiratory infections?

27. What is the most essential step in any treatment plan for COPD?

28. In addition to smoking cessation, what types of treatments are available for COPD? (List the four provided on the page)

29. Along with smoking, what is another risk factor for COPD? SMOKELESS TOBACCO

Go to : http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/e-cig-rule-coming-very- soon-fda-chief-says-n71796 and read the article about entitled “E-cigarette Rule Coming Very Soon.”

30. What does Sen. Jeff Merkley, Democrat of Oregon say about “products such as tutti- frutti flavored e-cigarettes and strawberry-flavored cigars”?

Watch the video clip on this page about E-Cigarette Myths:

31. What is the first myth concerning the use of e-cigarettes?

32. What do studies say about using e-cigarettes to help a smoker quit?

33. How is it that the FDA can regulate tobacco products but not e-cigarettes?

Go to: http://www.today.com/video/today/54772183#54772183. Watch the clip about the health risks associated with e-cigarette use to answer the following questions.

34. In 2012, how many middle and high school students had tried e-cigarettes?

35. What was the original premise behind e-cigarettes? 36. What can a teaspoon of liquid nicotine on the skin result in?

37. What did Dr. Nancy recommend using when handling the liquid nicotine?

38. Explain the main concern about some of the e-cigarettes coming out of China.

Go to: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/going-smokeless/ and watch the video on “going smokeless.”

39. Explain what “snus” is and the purpose behind it.

40. What does the Dr. say about snus being “less harmful” than cigarette smoke?

41. What type of cancer are you are increased risk for if you use snus? What does it do to your blood pressure? 42. Explain the idea of “harm reduction” as it pertains to tobacco use.

43. What are “orbs?” How many cigarettes does it take to equal the nicotine content of one orb?

44. Camel orbs look a lot like ______and seem to be marketed towards ______.


Go to:http://www.webmd.com/smoking-cessation/ss/slideshow-13-best-quit- smoking-tips-ever and flip through the slide show on quitting tobacco products.

45. What percentage of people who try to quit smoking without therapy or medication end up relapsing? What seems to be the reason?

46. What is an example of nicotine replacement therapy? What may it need to be combined with in order to double your chances of quitting successfully? 47. What exactly is behavioral therapy in relation to smoking cessation techniques?

48. Give an example of a common trigger that may increase the urge to smoke.

49. Why might setting a “quit date” help a person quit smoking?

50. ______may also help reduce nicotine cravings and ease some withdrawal symptoms.

51. How might focusing on eating more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products help you quit?

52. What physical benefit(s) does one experience twenty minute after choosing to quit using tobacco? What happens within two weeks to three months of quitting?

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