CAUL Council of Australian University Librarians

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CAUL Council of Australian University Librarians


CAUL Council of Australian University Librarians

Minutes of the Executive Meeting 2/96 held in the Menzies Library at ANU on Monday 15 April, 1996

358. Attendance. John Shipp, Helen Hayes, Colin Steele, Ray Choate, Eve Woodberry. In attendance: Diane Costello 359. Apologies 360. Minutes of the Executive meeting 1/96 held Melbourne 29 January 1996. There were no changes to the minutes. 361. Minutes of the CAUL meeting 1/96 held Adelaide 7-8 March 1996. There were no changes to the minutes. 362. Business arising not otherwise listed on the agenda. 363. Copyright a) Electronic Reserve. A demonstration of ANU’s electronic reserve was held at 10am for the members of the CAL board, followed by questions and an informal meeting over lunch with the board members. It was agreed that the meeting was valuable. It was noted that most concerns were related to downloading and forwarding files on to others. b) AVCC Committee on Copyright and Intellectual Property. The report of the meeting 1/96, 15 March 1996, was circulated with the agenda. E.Woodberry reported that CAL was still concerned about anthologies, and is pursuing the matter, although the CCIP view is that the VUT decision is final, and allows the production of coursepacks. With regard to electronic reserve, unless agreement is reached between CAL and the AVCC at their meeting on 22 April, CAL will ask for an urgent meeting of the Copyright Tribunal. The AVCC Board meets on 16 April to decide on the approach that the AVCC (represented by J.Mullarvey and B.Anderson) will take. CAL is strongly opposed to the “Monash formula.” It was agreed to follow up the level of costs incurred through the US Copyright Clearance Center for copyright permissions. (Action: DC) An exposure draft on the copyright act was released in February and CAUL will be expected to comment on it when it comes up for discussion again. c) J.Shipp, E.Woodberry and D.Costello were invited to the meeting of the ACLIS Libraries Copyright Committee on 17 April 1996 to discuss digital licences. D.Costello will attend. 364. Statistics a) Responses to the various surveys held in 1995, plus the CAUSTICS specification, were circulated to CAUL members in March for comment by the end of April. b) CAVAL has circulated the revised statistics collection form to CAUL for response by the end of April. c) A trial survey of electronic services will be run following the regular statistics collection exercise. (Action: DC) 365. CICOM/CICOP. It was agreed that the work on these indexes would provide useful data for CAUL libraries. a) CICOM. i) Ray Choate will continue to coordinate this project, and will nominate a steering group, at his discretion. (Action: RC) ii) Ray Choate and Marian Bate will decide whether to have separate values for research and undergraduate monographs. (Action: RC, MB) iii) Ray Choate and Marian Bate will consider whether they can follow identical policies on allocating acquisitions to particular funds. (Action: RC, MB) b) CICOP. i) Edward Lim will continue to coordinate this project, and will nominate a steering group, at his discretion. (Action: EL) ii) Edward Lim will advise CAUL members if their CICOP data still has not been received. (Action: EL) 366. National Priority (Reserve) Fund. a) Standing Committee on Information Resources. The next meeting will be in Brisbane on 26 April. J.Shipp has sought further information on funding from J.Mullarvey (AVCC) and Ian

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Creagh (DEET), but neither knows anything further at this stage. It was agreed that SCIR continued to provide a useful mechanism for allocating funds distributed through the AVCC. b) Database Access. The next meeting will be held in Canberra on 1 May 1996. A draft agenda was circulated. A representative from ISI will attend the meeting. J.Shipp will meet Blackwells’ representatives next week. i) Britannica Online consortium subscription. CAUL Datasets Coordinators were surveyed, with responses due on 15 April 1996. c) Improved Information Infrastructure. The JEDDS contract will be discussed by the AVCC Board tomorrow. d) Electronic publishing. There was a meeting scheduled for 1 April 1996. The Annual Report will be circulated to CAUL. A symposium on the progress of funded projects will be held in Sydney on 30 May 1996. J.Shipp will ensure that CAUL receives an invitation. e) CASMAC. The consultancy on data definition is due for completion at the end of May. f) Mirror sites. R.Choate reported that the Los Alamos mirror would not be ready before July. J.Shipp reported delays in mirroring the Humanities site at Wollongong. Colin Steele tabled correspondence from Tony Barry regarding mirror sites: if and when they should be established. g) Virtual Australian Reference Collection R.Choate agreed to complete the proposal. (Action: RC) h) ILL/DD Local Management System. (CILLA). The SCIR Database Access Working Group agreed to fund a feasibility study. 367. Working Group on Research Library Infrastructure. a) Colin Steele tabled recommendations on the allocation of DEET research infrastructure grants, and asked for comments. (Action: ALL) b) Revised version of discussion paper “Resource sharing in Australian research libraries” will be circulated to CAUL, then SCIR, and can be used as a guide to future directions for research libraries in Australia. (Action: JS) 368. Evaluations and Investigations Program. IDA Project. The final report is now due at the end of April. The recommendations are being revised before the final submission to DEET at the end of April. 369. Law Library standards. a) It was noted that the standards have been published, but that no formal notification of such had been received by CAUL. b) Proposed meeting with CALD and Law Librarians. Alex Byrne, Ray Choate, Bill Cations and Helen Hayes will represent CAUL at the CALD meeting on July 10. c) Lexis-Nexis. A fact-finding meeting with a Lexis-Nexis representative will be held 22 April 1996. Attending will be Prof Stephen Parker (Chairman, CALD), Nick Pengelley (President, Law Librarians Group), Lois Jennings, John Shipp, and Vic Elliott (Chairman, CONZUL). 370. Strategic Plan. The strategic planning document will be split into a public “strategy document” and an internal “task list”. H.Hayes restructured the document accordingly, and this was discussed by the Executive. The mission and objectives were retained. All comments will be incorporated and circulated to the Executive, then to CAUL. (Action: DC) 371. Professional Development. At the recent CAUL meeting it was agreed to develop the outline of a program for Associate-level staff, and call for tenders to run the program. Gaynor Austen wrote to the Executive proposing that a group for deputy librarians be established facilitate communication amongst them. It was suggested that there may be too much disparity in the levels and responsibilities within the group, and alternatives were discussed: Staff exchanges between institutions at the Associate level; Staff exchanges within institutions at the Associate level; Secondment of Associates to other institutions; Make more use of programs run by the AVCC, the Australian Graduate School of Management, AIMA, etc. J.Shipp proposes to attend the Magellan Institute to evaluate its usefulness as a program for Associate- level staff. 372. National Library of Australia. There is still concern about how the NLA will handle its “dead” collections. H.Hayes will discuss with the Director-General. (Action: HH) It was suggested that a meeting with the NLA Executive be arranged for August. (Action: DC) No correspondence has yet

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been received regarding the governance of World 1. No summaries of NLA Council meetings have yet been received as promised by the Director-General. 373. CAUL meeting 2/96. The meeting is now scheduled for 23 October 1996. It will be held at ANU (Council Room) in conjunction with the National Scholarly Communications Forum. The dinner will be on 22 October. (Action: DC, CS) 374. National Scholarly Communications Forum. This is now scheduled for 21-22 October at the Australian Academy of Sciences, Canberra. Guest speakers will include Prof Mel Collier (Chair, Management Committee, UKOLN - The UK Office for Library and information Networking), Lynne Brindley (Librarian; Director of Information Services, London School of Economics), Derek Law, (Chairman, JISC Information Services Sub-Committee), Prof Brian Fender (Chief Executive, Higher Education Funding Council for England) and Prof Arbuthnott (Chairman, Joint Information Systems Committee). The organising committee will include representatives of CAUL, CAUDIT, the AVCC members, and DEET. It was suggested that Prof Fay Gale be invited to nominate the AVCC representative, and that Mr Frank Hambly (AVCC) and Prof Gordon Stanley (Higher Education Council) be invited to the dinner. (Action: JS) 375. CAUL office and administration. a) Report from Executive Officer. A report was tabled at the meeting. b) The Commonwealth Bank has been advised of the alteration of the CAUL constitution to allow borrowing/credit. 376. CAUL communication. a) CAUL Annual Report. It was noted that 1995 statistics are not yet available for inclusion in the report. It was agreed that the statistics collection round be brought forward in future years to allow the data to be used in a timely manner for the annual report. (Action: DC) It was agreed that CAUL statistics would continue to be made available for publication in AARL (Australian Academic and Research Libraries) given that the coverage is wider than CAUL, but would also be included, as appropriate in the CAUL Annual Report. (Action: DC) b) Web page. It was agreed that information about the Executive Committee be included on the CAUL Home Page. The committee will provide cvs and photographs. (Action: DC, ALL) 377. CAUL finances. Following expenditure on catering at recent CAUL council meetings, Ray Choate has suggested that an upper limit be put on costs for lunches and teas and that the host institution be requested to keep within that cost. It was agreed that inclusion of wine is unnecessary, but should be available for members to purchase if they wish. It was agreed that a guideline of approx. $15 per head would be reasonable, and that morning and afternoon teas need not be elaborate. 378. Other business. a) CAUSE Conference, Melbourne, 1997. It was agreed that $15,000 be advanced on a loan basis to the conference organisers. b) Convergence Seminar, 7 March 1996. C.Steele and D.Costello will provide a report for AARL. c) CAUL meeting with ARL. It was agreed that a joint meeting with Association of Research Libraries (ARL) would be useful. Following recent meetings between ARL and SCONUL and CONZUL, it was suggested that an ARL meeting in 1997 in the USA include and invitation to those CAUL members who could attend. J.Shipp will contact Duane Webster, Executive Director, ARL. (Action: JS) d) Classics Departments meeting. It was noted that heads of departments of Classics met recently in Canberra, and a range of topics that did not include libraries. It was agreed that all such subject groupings of academics and scholarly societies in Australia be contacted, and advised of the willingness of CAUL members to attend such meetings to provide advice on libraries. (Action: DC) e) QUESTnet meeting, Townsville, July, 1996. J.Shipp has been invited to the CAUDIT meeting to be held in conjunction with the QUESTnet meeting. The meeting concluded at 5.00pm dmc260496/070596

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