Beaverton Music Department

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Beaverton Music Department

989-246-3010(3320) MI48612 Beaverton, Road Crockett 3090 SchoolsRural Beaverton Beaverton Music Department Band Handbook 2014 - 2015 [email protected] Kintner,Catherine Director S. of EventsCalendar Forms and FeesUniforms Policies Grading Consequences andRules & ObjectivesExpectations/Goals Philosophy/Mission General information INSIDE THISHANDBOOK: 2

Beaverton Rural Schools Band Handbook


Every fine band has high standards in their rehearsals, concerts and special projects. The music standards (state and national) and standards of behavior are a vital part of our success. This handbook is designed to inform parents and students of these standards and the activities of the bands. It is also to inform both the student musician and their parents of the responsibilities that are a part of being in an outstanding music ensemble.


The purpose of this handbook is to acquaint all members and parents with the policies and activities of the Beaverton Band program. All students and parents should read the handbook thoroughly in order to understand what is expected and to avoid any conflicts and/or misunderstandings that may arise. Any questions should be directed to Mrs. Kintner ([email protected] OR #246-3010 ext 3320). To save on printing, this handbook can be found on our music website @ I can provide a copy to those pupils who do not have internet/computer access.


To instill an appreciation of music in all students, with special emphasis on music theory/literature/history, proper performance techniques, sight reading, self discipline; and to build positive personal character traits that all good leaders need.


 To provide students with a high quality performing group (marching and concert)

 To perform a variety of literature

 To provide an environment for development, both as an individual and as an ensemble

 To provide opportunities to learn about music; its development, construction and expression

 To create awareness about different styles of music

 To increase awareness of how music is unique in its expressive and communicative nature 3

 To provide a place of belonging and unity while emphasizing teamwork

 To provide an array of performance opportunities while performing a variety of musical styles

 To become interested and discriminating listeners and develop a strong, well rounded background

 To contribute to selected school and community functions while promoting and enhancing the reputation of our school at all times


1 Be PROMPT – Students need to be in their seats by the time designated by the director. Students should go directly to their assigned seats upon entering the classroom. All talking should stop while attendance is taken. Lesson plans will be clearly written on the board for students to read during this time. FYI: Get a drink and use the restroom before class – NO PASSES WILL BE GIVEN FOR EITHER. (If a student has special needs pertaining to this topic, please talk to Mrs. Kintner privately).

2 Be PREPARED – Come to class with items necessary to participate (instrument, music, pencil, reeds, sticks, etc.)

3 Be PRODUCTIVE – Come to class ready to work each day. Please be attentive during the entire rehearsal. Do not talk or play out of turn unless you have been called upon. Time management is valuable in order to accomplish the desired goals for each rehearsal by all members (including the teacher). You are expected to improve your skills and knowledge of music on a daily basis.

4 Be RESPECTFUL – Always display exemplary manners and respect (self and personal property) in and out of the classroom. Respect and Discipline are the building blocks to a Fine Band. Band members are constantly on display and must be aware of the importance of good behavior. The student should remember that he/she represents not only the band; but our school and community whenever in the public eye. Any misconduct casts a direct reflection on our school and community and could possibly undo many years of work by former members.

5 No FOOD, DRINKS, GUM OR CANDY allowed in the Band room!

6 I dismiss you – NOT the bell! 4


1st offense Warning 2nd offense Lunch detention/Parent contact 3rd offense Multiple lunch detention/Parent contact 4th offense After school detention assigned by office/Parent contact


 To provide band members with the proper kind of rehearsal room, seating, music stands, and instrumental storage space.

 Plan each day’s activities and encourage daily practice of all members (grades 7 – 12).

 Provide the band with a full musical education through rehearsal, performance, teaching, testing and listening.

 See that all members conform to school and band department policies.

 Supervise students in the classroom at all times.

 Evaluate every member of the band program as to his/her musical participation and citizenship.


 Be regular in attendance and account for all absences

 Make an honest attempt to learn and improve daily

 Become responsible for own actions

 Have respect for those in authority

 Follow all classroom rules and school handbook policies/rules

 Cooperate with fellow band members and share with them the responsibilities and privileges that are part of the band program

 Improve own knowledge and understanding of music theory/literature/history and develop good listening habits. 5


Professional performances are an important part of any ensemble. It is a privilege and honor to share the music that we learn with your parents, peers and members of the community. Each and every member of the band will be expected to attend all performances. Please see Performance Attendance Guidelines.

Performances require the very best conduct, appearance and musicianship.

 Always eat a nutritious meal and get plenty of rest before a concert.

 Check in 30 minutes before the concert to warm up.

 High School Band members must arrive early enough to get into concert dress attire. Middle School Band members should arrive in concert attire (see concert attire) Failure to wear proper dress attire will result in non- participation in the concert. Booster parents will be available before concerts to help where/as needed.

 At all times, you represent not only yourself but the Beaverton Music Program and Beaverton Rural Schools.

 Just as the ensemble’s sound is important, so is the ensembles appearance; a well groomed, neatly uniformed ensemble is essential for a truly professional and artistic experience.


7 th and 8 th Grade Band Boys: Black dress pants, black long sleeve dress shirt, black sock, black shoes and tie. Ladies: Black dress pants, black blouse, black socks and black shoes. High School Band Attire Each student will be issued a marching/concert uniform for the year. Students will be required to pay a $20 deposit/uniform fee. Note: Free and reduced lunch students pay a $10 fee. These uniforms do NOT go home but are housed in the uniform room. Beware: Students will be responsible to replace lost or damaged uniform parts! It is your responsibility to keep them clean, pressed and hunt up properly in the uniform room! The H.S. Band uniform consists of the following:

School provides You Provide Coat (gold chain/2 buttons) White Tuxedo Shirt/ Black Bow tie Overlay (2 white braids) Black socks Pants Black shoes Hat & Plume 6

Parents/students are asked to provide shoes, socks, tuxedo shirts and bow ties. Mark Greer from the Gladwin Cleaners will come to school to fit students in October. Black shoes do not need to be expensive or fancy – they just need to be 100% black (no logos or accent colors). Students also need to be certain that any clothing worn under the uniform must be red, white or black. Pants must be hemmed to that the crease does not “break” but touches the shoe. Cannot Provide What We Ask? The importance of having all band members in exactly the same uniform cannot be overstated. If you cannot provide what is required, please contact the director immediately. We will find a way to outfit your student with the necessary items.


Marching Band Uniform Code: Pants, Coat, Overlay, Hat & Plume, Black Shoes, Black Socks, Band T-shirt

 Hats must be slightly above eye level

 Pant hems should rest on top of the shoes

 Hair must not touch the uniform collar - pull hair up and under hat.

 Complete uniform must be worn, never partial. Hats and plumes may be removed while seated in the stands.

Concert Band Uniform Code: Pants, Coat, White Tuxedo Shirt, Black Bow Tie, Black Shoes and Black Socks.

 A well groomed, neatly uniformed ensemble is essential for a truly professional and artistic performance.

 Complete uniform must be worn, never partial.

Failure to follow these guidelines will result in your Performance grade being lowered.


The band class is considered a co-curricular course. The required work for all bands includes both “in class” and “out of class” activities (more so in the high school). All band members will be evaluated and graded on the basis of work completed both in school and after school. 7

The following will be taken into consideration when grading:

 Rehearsal Skills

 Attendance – rehearsals and performances

 Music theory/literature/history work

 Written theory/literature/history work

 Sight reading

 Quarterly assessments

High School Band: Rehearsal skills = 30%, Performance/Project = 30%, Written work/Class work = 20%, Quarterly assessments/Exam = 20%

7th & 8th Grade Band: Rehearsal skills = 40%, Performance/Project = 20%, Written work/Class work = 40%


Absences from performances and/or after hour rehearsals are severely detrimental to student musical organizations. Preparation time that may be counted in weeks could be wasted by having student absences that create performance problems, and could result in an inadequate performance. The musical qualities of blend, balance, intonation, musicality (expression) and ease of performance can be seriously jeopardized. When one member is missing, all are affected. Depending on which student(s) were missing, the performance could possibly be destroyed.

Absences from outside rehearsals and performances are viewed by the director as harmful to the group and strongly discouraged. It is also recognized that extenuating circumstances sometimes arise, and must be treated with understanding and compassion. Each absence will be treated on an individual basis by Mrs. Kintner, and will adhere to the following guidelines.

Criteria for EXCUSED absences from performance and/or outside school rehearsals:

1 Death in the immediate family

2 Severe illness of the student

3 Extenuating circumstances

Conflicts with student jobs do NOT qualify. Appropriate scheduling involving teachers, student, parents, and employers should be able to resolve the conflicts with appropriate scheduling. 8

In the case of each excused absence, a make-up assignment may be given that would require the student to spend an amount of time in preparation equal to the time spent in the performance procedure (See Request for Excused Absence from Performance).

UNEXCUSED absences from performances and/or outside school rehearsals may result in the lowering of the nine week grade. An unexcused absence cannot be made up and will result in the student receiving zero credit for the performance missed.

As with all grading policies – good judgment is required.


Please refer to the preceding article about excused and unexcused absences from a required rehearsal or performance. A request for an EXCUSED absence other than for health reasons MUST be made in WRITING to Mrs. Kintner a minimum of THIRTY DAYS prior to the said event (Use the Request for Excused Absence from a Performance/Rehearsal form). The director is NOT REQUIRED to accept excuses submitted after that time, but may do so in the case of extreme emergency. In all cases, a written excuse signed by the parent is REQUIRED. Verbal excuses are not considered sufficient, nor are telephone calls from parents.

The make-up assignment for an excused absence will be time spent after school in the Music Room doing work related to the band (music library, uniform preparation, practice, cleaning, or possibly written work). The amount of time spent will be equal to the time spent by the Band at the activity, from call time until dismissal. Tasks will be assigned by the director and will be scheduled at the director’s convenience.

IMPORTANT: If a student misses more than eight class periods in a marking period, the student may have a lowered grade because of the amount of rehearsal time missed. Attendance is a major influence on student and group achievement in a “performance class” such as band. Students who miss eight or more class periods in a marking period need to talk to Mrs. Kintner about their grade and make-up options (i.e. after school program/Saturday school). School excused absences will not be counted.

The unexcused absence polity of Beaverton Rural Schools will be strictly followed. (See school handbook).


The Beaverton Music Boosters consist of volunteer parents and a student board of band and choir members. The officers include: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and representatives from each grade level as well as adult offices of president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. All 9 parents of BMS and BHS music students are automatically members of this organization. These volunteers meet once a month in the high school band room @ 6:00 pm. Meeting dates will be determined at the first meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 3rd.

All band and choir members are encouraged to participate in our annual fund raising programs throughout the year. The music boosters help coordinate all events. There are also other events that will be held and hopefully new ideas to add as need be.

Signature Page ~ Due September 8, 2014

STUDENT: I have read Mrs. Kintner’s handbook/syllabus and I understand it. I will honor the discipline policy and do my best to meet the class requirements while I am under Mrs. Kintner’s supervision.

PRINT Student name


PARENT/GUARDIAN: My child and I have read and discussed Mrs. Kintner’s handbook/syllabus. I understand it and agree to support the class requirements and discipline policy while my child is under Mrs. Kintner’s supervision.

PRINT Parent Name/Relationship:______



Parent/Guardian Email Address:______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number:______


NOTE: All parent communication, class updates, etc. will be done through Skyward Message Center unless you indicate otherwise below. If you have questions about using Skyward, please contact the Beaverton Junior/Senior High School office at 989-246-3010 You may also always call me or email me if you have questions about your child.

______I will use Skyward to receive messages and keep track of my child’s grades.

______I do NOT have internet at home and prefer to be contacted by phone. The phone number I have provided on this sheet is accurate and up to date.

Looking forward to a great year! 

Request for Excused Absence from a Performance and/or Rehearsal

Student’s Name______Grade______11

Date of and/or Performance/Rehearsal to be missed: ______


Briefly state the reason(s) for your absence from this performance. Please remember to use correct grammar and sentence structure.

Student signature______Date______

Parent signature______Date______


In order to receive credit for the missed performance, this form must be completed and turned in to the director NO LATERTHAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABSENCE. The make-up assignment for an excused absence will be spent after school in the Music room doing work related to Music. The amount of time spent will be equal to the time spent by the Band at the activity, from call time until dismissal. Tasks will be assigned by Mrs. Kintner and will be scheduled at her convenience.

This form does not apply to student jobs. It is your responsibility to give your employer your schedule for school events in advance.

Beaverton Music Department Calendar of Events 2014-15 School Year

AUGUST SEPTEMBER 5/6/7 HS Percussion rehearsal 2 School begins – half day for students 12/13/14HS Percussion rehearsal HS Marching Band Rehearsal 26 Open House 5 – 7 pm 3 Music Booster Meeting HS band room @ 6 pm Uniform fittings 5 – 9 pm 5 HS Marching Band – Game #1 vs Tawas 8 MSBOA D9 Meeting in Oscoda @ 5 pm 9 HS Marching Band Rehearsal OCTOBER 12 HS Marching Band – Game #2 vs Roscommon 12

16/23 HS Marching Band Rehearsal 10 Homecoming 26 HS Marching Band – Game #3 vs Gladwin 16 Choir Clinic @ Standish 30 HS Marching Band Rehearsal

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