Columbia University Panhellenic Council

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Columbia University Panhellenic Council

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Columbia University Panhellenic Council Formal Recruitment Rules and Ethics Table of Contents

1. Panhellenic Creed 2. Purely Panhellenic Spirit 3. NPC Agreements 4. Eligibility and Rules for Potential New Members (PNMs) 5. Pre-Formal Membership Recruitment Period 6. Chapter and Sister Education 7. Formal Membership Recruitment Period 8. Membership Recruitment Counselors (MRCs) 9. Rules Pertaining to Formal Membership Recruitment Figures and Procedures 10. Rules and Descriptions Pertaining to Each Day of Formal Recruitment 11. Finances 12. Judicial Procedures 1. Panhellenic Creed

We, the women of NPC fraternities at Columbia University, declare acceptance of the following standards of practice during any recruitment period and throughout the year: PANHELLENIC CREED

We, as undergraduate members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities.

We, as fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.

2. Purely Panhellenic Spirit


Chapters are constantly encouraged to maintain friendly relations with all university women throughout the year, whether they are affiliated with a women’s fraternity or not. No chapter member should ever make negative comments or references about other women’s fraternities or their members. Further, no chapter members should ask any PNMs about any specific membership recruitment party, including that member’s chapter party. Chapter members should never be seen drinking alcoholic beverages in their women’s fraternity letters, whether on or off campus at any time during an academic year. Finally, all chapters and their members should speak only in a positive and supportive manner when discussing the fraternity and women’s fraternity community, especially the Panhellenic Council.

3. Agreements A. All National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements shall be upheld and enforced. This includes: a. Each College Panhellenic Council shall prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages in membership recruitment and Bid Day activities. b. Each College Panhellenic Council shall prohibit the participation of men in membership recruitment and Bid Day activities. B. All Columbia University policies and procedures shall be upheld and enforced. C. All members, including collegiate, alumnae and new members, are responsible for knowing and upholding the CU Panhellenic Council and NPC rules and regulations. To ensure that each member is accountable and aware of the rules, all active women in the chapter are required to sign a statement saying that they have read and understand all of the Panhellenic Formal Membership Recruitment Rules and that their women’s fraternity will be responsible for fines or violations levied as a result of their noncompliance.

4. Eligibility and Rules for Potential New Members A. All undergraduate female Columbia University full-time students with at least 12 credit hours earned at CU are eligible for membership recruitment. B. The lowest GPA requirement to join a women’s fraternity at Columbia University is 2.50. C. A woman shall not be, or ever have been, an initiated member of an NPC fraternity. Women in doubt should consult the Panhellenic Council before registering for recruitment. D. A woman is ineligible for Formal Membership Recruitment if she has declined a Formal Membership Recruitment bid or if she has been a new member of an NPC fraternity on this campus within the same calendar year. E. In order for a woman to receive a bid from a Panhellenic chapter at the conclusion of the formalized recruitment process, she must have maximized her opportunities when attending each of the four rounds for recruitment. Therefore, in order for a PNM to receive a bid she must attend all events she receives an invitation to, unless she is in a position to release a chapter. F. Failure to maximize opportunities will result in the PNM being ineligible for a bid and being released from the Formal Membership Recruitment process. In the event of illness or other emergency, she shall notify Panhellenic and/or her Panhellenic MRC if she cannot attend. G. In the event of a class or extracurricular conflict, the PNM shall submit their excuse to her MRC or the Panhellenic Council at least 24 hours prior to any party she will miss, either entirely or partially. This excuse is subject to the approval of the Panhellenic Council. H. A woman shall consult her MRC before withdrawing from membership recruitment. In the event the woman feels she must withdraw from membership recruitment she shall go to her MRC and sign an official withdrawal form. I. A woman shall not communicate with members of men or women’s fraternities during formal membership recruitment. a. Communication includes but is not limited to in-person conversations, contact through social networking sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc.), and conversations via instant-messengers, telephones or text messaging. b. If contact with fraternity members, initiated by a PNM, is reported during formal membership recruitment, the Panhellenic Council reserves the right to release the PNM from the recruitment process. J. All Vice Presidents of Recruitment will have access to background information on each PNM. This information will be accessible via the ICS website. K. From the beginning of Formal Membership Recruitment through the end of Formal Membership Recruitment, no PNM may visit a women’s fraternity chapter residence or an individual fraternity member’s residence, unless she lives there (i.e. a women’s fraternity member’s roommate is a PNM). L. Strict silence is the period in which there will be absolutely no conversation or contact between women’s fraternity members and PNMs. This includes all references to women’s fraternities, verbal, written, typed or printed. Strict silence is the period from the end of the woman’s last event on Preference Night until she reports to the fraternity from which she accepts a bid. M. PNMs may not discuss the four women’s fraternities and/or the events of recruitment parties with anyone during the week of formal membership selection (February 5 to February 8, 2011), especially during strict silence. Any large, public conversations of PNMs’ opinions of the women’s fraternities will be reported to the Greek Advisor and Panhellenic Council, which reserves the right to release PNMs from recruitment if the subject of these conversations is slanderous or inappropriate. N. No women’s fraternity member may buy anything for a PNM (meal, soft drink, etc.) or vice versa. O. A woman shall not give a promise, verbal or written, to join a certain fraternity before formal bids are issued through Panhellenic. P. From the moment each PNM leaves her last party until she signs her preference card, she may not talk to anyone, except for MRCs, Panhellenic Council, or the Greek Advisor. Once a Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA) has been signed, no change may be made. Q. Any woman signing a MRABA and receiving a bid at the end of membership recruitment shall be bound by the agreement for one calendar year if she is at the same college or university.

5. Pre-Formal Recruitment Period A. The Pre-Formal Recruitment Period will begin the first day of the New Student Orientation Program (NSOP). This period will end two weeks before spring classes begin, January 4, 2011. B. Registration a. PNMs will register for recruitment through the Panhellenic Council’s computer program, ICS. b. A nominal registration fee per PNM will be incurred to help cover the costs of Formal Membership Recruitment. c. All PNMs will be asked to sign a GPA release form as a portion of the Formal Membership Recruitment registration. These GPA releases will be distributed to individual chapters to satisfy possible GPA requirements for membership set by those chapters. C. Interaction a. During Pre-Membership Recruitment Period, women’s fraternity members (including those who are disaffiliated) are encouraged to interact with prospective PNMs in only a method that promotes Panhellenic, not an individual chapter b. No individual women’s fraternity may give an event in the name of Panhellenic c. At no time shall a women’s fraternity member discuss another women’s fraternity, one of its members, or Panhellenic unfavorably D. Advertising a. No posters, banners or proactive advertisements for mixers with men’s fraternities should be displayed from this period until the end of the Formal Recruitment period b. If Facebook, or a similar social networking site is used to host an event with a men’s fraternity, it should be kept under the secret event setting. c. Any party that is not a mixer and is open to the public may be advertised on networks such as Facebook E. Chapter Events a. Chapters may hold off-campus events that are open to the public. b. All chapters not participating in informal recruitment shall be permitted to host events that are open to PNMs on campus during the Pre- Membership Recruitment Period with the following stipulations: i. Chapters may host events with other Panhellenic chapters, but not with a men’s fraternity. ii. All Panhellenic Executive Board members MUST be invited to the event. iii. All Panhellenic chapters on campus on must be invited to the event. iv. Chapters may only host philanthropic and fundraising events in their houses, not recruitment events. v. Invitation to events must be announced at least four days before the event is to take place.

6. Chapter and Sister Education A. The Panhellenic Council will hold a mandatory Formal Membership Recruitment Workshop in the semester preceding Formal Membership Recruitment. B. At least 80% of a chapter’s membership must be present at the Formal Membership Recruitment Workshop. C. If this requirement is not met, chapters will be fined $5 per woman from their chapter that is not in attendance and must undergo another Formal Membership Recruitment Workshop. a. The fine will not apply to the 20% of the chapter’s membership that is permitted to be absent. b. Members that are in class are excused until their class ends as long as they provide proof of their class schedule at least one week prior to the meeting to the Greek Advisor and the Panhellenic Executive Board. D. Even if a member cannot attend the Workshop, she must sign the form to show that she has read and understands the Formal Membership Recruitment Rules in order to participate in Formal Membership Recruitment 7. Formal Membership Recruitment Period A. Recruitment a. After the fall of 2007, Formal Membership Recruitment will be held in either late January or early February. The Panhellenic Council will decide the dates on a yearly basis. The Panhellenic Council will inform each member women’s fraternity of the chosen dates by October 10th. b. All membership recruitment events shall be held in on-campus facilities. B. Responsibilities to Panhellenic Council a. Chapters shall submit their GPA to the Greek Advisor and Panhellenic Council by a date specified by the Greek Advisor. b. The Panhellenic Council has a zero tolerance policy on dirty recruiting. Violations of any of these rules or procedures mentioned in this document are punishable by the Panhellenic Council Judicial Board. c. Active rosters are due to the Greek Advisor at the beginning of the spring semester. d. All copies of materials including, but not limited to, games for Philanthropy Brunch and slide show pictures for Development Night, will be due to the Greek Advisor and Panhellenic Council Executive Board at the beginning of the spring semester. C. Formal Recruitment Orientation a. Orientation will take place two weeks before formal recruitment begins and is mandatory for all PNMs. D. No-Frills Recruitment The official guidelines of formal recruitment are shaped by a “no-frills” policy. This policy exists so that all chapters are on an equal playing field. a. No additional furniture may be brought into the room without the approval of the Panhellenic Executive Board. b. Donations, monetary or otherwise, from alumnae are not permitted. c. No outside rental of equipment, furniture, etc. is permitted. E. Participation a. Members whose names appear on the chapter roster for the current Formal Membership Recruitment session shall be eligible to participate in Formal Membership Recruitment i. “Member” refers to any active, holdover, uninitiated new member, social affiliate and affiliated or unaffiliated transfer. b. Any active collegiate and/or uninitiated new members from other campuses shall not be present during Formal Membership Recruitment, excluding Bid Night. c. A MRC released from her obligation shall not participate in chapter recruitment activities, except under extreme circumstances and with prior approval by the Greek Advisor and the Recruitment Chair i. A MRC released from her obligation after January 4th, 2011 shall not be permitted to participate in chapter recruitment activities under any circumstance. F. General Conduct a. All rules are in effect from the two weeks before spring classes begin until acceptance of any Invitation to Membership (Bid Night). b. All members, including alumnae and new members, shall be responsible for understanding and observing the Panhellenic Code of Ethics and the recruitment rules stated herein. c. From January 1, 2011 until acceptance of an Invitation to Membership, no individual chapter promotions shall be permitted; this include flyers, posters, Facebook groups open to the public, ads in Spectator, etc. that refer specifically to one chapter. d. Letters may be worn during the recruiting period as a way of advertising the Greek system as a whole and showing Greek pride i. During the Strict Silence Period, no shirts with slogans or event titles may be worn: only Greek letters, their English alphabet equivalents or the spelled out name of the letters. e. Women’s fraternities shall not directly or indirectly encourage a PNM to withdraw from a New Member Program in one organization in order to join another. f. No women’s fraternity member may buy anything, including but not limited to meals, soft drinks, presents, etc. for a PNM or vice versa. g. All chapters shall promote Greek life as a whole. To this end, all chapters shall participate in pre-recruitment activities as stipulated by the Panhellenic Executive Board. h. All chapters and members shall speak highly of all other chapters, and shall support every women’s fraternity in its efforts to succeed in the recruitment process. i. Women’s fraternity members are prohibited from taking new members to fraternity parties, bars, or any gatherings where alcohol is present during Bid Day night. This rule applies until 24 hours after bids are distributed j. No individual chapter’s banner, which includes homemade banners, tapestries, or Afghans, shall be displayed during parties except as approved by the Panhellenic Executive Board. k. All chapters and members shall support the MRCs and members of the Panhellenic Executive Board in their efforts to disaffiliate. i. There should be no contact between a member of a chapter and their MRCs or Panhellenic Executive Board officer. ii. Violators will be subject to judicial policy. G. Contact a. All members of a women’s fraternity must deactivate her profile on any social networking site such as Facebook during the Formal Membership Recruitment period until 8 PM on Bid Day. b. No women’s fraternity members, including new members and alumnae, may visit a PNM in her place of residence during recruitment. c. No contact between women’s fraternity members/alumnae and PNMs beyond the normal courtesy of greetings and giving campus information shall be permitted. No gifts will be given to PNMs, or any notes written to them. d. Chapter members shall not give specific information concerning their particular organization to a PNM; however, they can encourage PNMs to go through the recruitment process. e. No discussions, phone calls, notes, or messages regarding recruitment shall be exchanged with anyone outside of one’s individual chapter. f. No written or verbal invitations, including online invitations, for social engagements shall be extended to any PNM at any time during the Strict Silence Period. g. If a sister posts to another online source (such as an online diary or blog) about being involved in an incident/situation, which could potentially be an infraction, an infraction will be filled against her and she will be subject to the judicial policy. H. Language a. No mention, including veiled references or innuendo, of the following topics: i. Men ii. Men’s Fraternities iii. Alcohol iv. Bars or Clubs v. Drugs b. The following terms shall not be used under any circumstances: i. Rush ii. Suicide c. Language that implies that Formal Membership Recruitment is a competition is prohibited. d. No direct mention of any women’s fraternity housing should occur. I. Bid Promising a. Bid Promising can be defined as, but is not limited to, any statement that would suggest that you or your chapter wants a PNM to become a new member. b. A chapter shall not imply either directly or indirectly that a PNM will be invited back to their chapter for the next round of recruitment parties or that she will be invited back to is on a chapter’s bid list. c. Examples of what is not allowed includes, but is not limited to: i. “We really could see you as a sister.” ii. Any statement involving “we” that leads the PNM to believe that the whole chapter wants her as a member. iii. “I will see you tomorrow.” iv. “I think you will make a great addition to my chapter.” v. Anything that implies the PNM will be offered a bid at the jurisdiction of Panhellenic Council or MRCs d. What is allowed: i. Telling a PNM you had a great time meeting her. ii. Expressing your excitement for her involvement with recruitment iii. Language during Preference Night rituals that would normally be viewed as bid-promising as defined in sections 1 and 4 above, if approved in advance by the Greek Advisor and the Panhellenic Executive Board. J. Continuous Open Bidding a. The purpose of Continuous Open Bidding is to enable those chapters that did not reach Quota to take additional new members immediately following the designated Formal Recruitment period b. The intent of Continuous Open Bidding is to provide maximum opportunities for membership to the greatest number possible. c. A PNM shall not be told that a chapter will participate in Continuous Open Bidding during Formal Membership Recruitment d. A PNM shall not be encouraged to withdraw from formal recruitment in order to go through the Continuous Open Bidding process. K. Strict Silence a. Strict silence will begin on Preference Night, as soon as PNMs have left their last party, and continues until PNMs have signed their preference cards the following day b. During this period no active member shall have contact with a PNM L. Alumnae Guidelines a. Alumnae may attend Formal Membership Recruitment parties only to watch entertainment and/or prepare refreshments. b. Alumnae will wear nametags during Formal Membership Recruitment that clearly indicates their alumnae status. c. National officers shall remain in advisory positions only.

8. Membership Recruitment Counselors (MRCs) A. Selection a. MRCs shall be active members of their chapters through their service to the Panhellenic Council. b. Each chapter is responsible for ensuring that at least 10% of its active members submit applications to be MRCs. There is a $25 fine for each missing application and a $10 fine for any late application. i. Panhellenic may strongly suggest a higher minimum number of applications to be MRCs; however, failure to meet this minimum will not result in fines. c. MRCs will be selected from the applicants the semester before Formal Membership Recruitment. d. Chapters who have women who are selected to be a MRC and who fail to fulfill their MRC responsibilities during Formal Recruitment will be assessed a fine at the discretion of the Panhellenic Council. B. MRC Responsibilities include: a. Attend required MRC training programs and meetings in the fall and spring semesters. b. Be prompt to all meetings. c. Promote the Panhellenic spirit and build PNM spirit. d. Participate in all Panhellenic Formal Membership Recruitment events. e. MRCs shall disaffiliate from their chapters during the Formal Membership Recruitment Period (January 4th, 2011 through Bid Day). f. Disaffiliation is defined as: i. No wearing of women’s fraternity clothing/jewelry specific to one’s individual chapter. ii. Deactivating one’s Facebook profile. iii. Removal of any outward signs of affiliation, including Facebook groups, decals on possessions, pictures on websites, etc. iv. No verbal revelation of one’s Greek affiliation. Sisters who are affiliated should not reveal the chapter of their disaffiliated sisters. v. Restricting contact with one’s own women’s fraternity members to positive Panhellenic contact. g. Educate and answer PNMs’ questions about Formal Membership Recruitment rules and procedures. MRCs will be available to and supportive of PNMs, and provide their cellular numbers and email addresses to PNMs, if needed. h. Submit completed daily reports regarding the status of PNMs. i. Be objective when dealing with PNMs’ problems. j. A MRC is NOT permitted to: i. Participate in her chapter’s Formal Membership Recruitment events, excluding Bid Night. ii. Visit the chapter housing facility unless they live there. iii. Socialize publicly with members of her fraternity between 100th Street and 125th Street. iv. Recruit members for any individual women’s fraternity. v. Tell PNMs her affiliation. vi. Discuss confidential Formal Membership Recruitment information with anyone except the Panhellenic Executive Board and the Greek Advisor. vii. Attend her chapter’s discussion meetings, volunteer any information about a particular PNM or participate in membership voting. viii. Voice any opinions or concerns she may have about a PNM to affiliated members. k. MRCs are permitted to file membership recruitment infractions. l. Any violations by a MRC are subject to the NPC Judicial Procedures.

9. Rules Pertaining to Formal Membership Recruitment Figures and Procedures A. Release Figures a. Release figures will be distributed to the Recruitment Chair of each chapter to follow during Formal Membership Recruitment. b. Chapter lists of invitations for PNMs will not be accepted unless they follow the release figure formulas which will be provided by Panhellenic to the chapter. B. Release of PNMs by the Panhellenic Council a. The Panhellenic Executive Board reserves the right to release (withdraw) any PNM who fails to abide by the PNM Rules (Section II.1). b. After any form of dismissal, a PNM will not participate in recruitment un- til the following Formal Membership Recruitment. C. Quota a. A Quota Range should be used and will be determined after the final round of Formal Membership Recruitment. b. Quota shall be set as the total number of PNMs accepting invitations to Preference Night divided by the number of chapters participating in Formal Membership Recruitment. This figure shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. c. Quota additions will be used if necessary in order to place as many PNMs as possible in chapters. d. Quota shall not be changed, except upon consent of the majority of chapters participating in Formal Membership Recruitment. D. Carry Figures a. Carry figures for each set of invitational rounds shall be determined by the Greek advisor in accordance with NPC guidelines. b. In order to ensure the health of the entire sorority system, these figures shall be adhered to by each chapter. A chapter shall not invite more than the specified carry figure and is strongly encouraged not to invite less than the recommended carry figure. If necessary, these figures may be adjusted slightly after consultation with the Greek Advisor. E. Preferential Bidding System a. The National Panhellenic Conference Preferential Bidding System shall be used. b. The name of every PNM who is invited and attends a chapter’s Preference Night party shall appear on the chapter’s first or second bid list. c. Invitation and bid lists are due to the Greek Advisor as written on the re- cruitment schedule. d. All invitation lists must be submitted using ICS-Interactive Collegiate So- lutions at the dates and times that are determined. Failure to submit the lists on time will result in monetary fines. e. Each chapter’s Recruitment Chair must attend an ICS training session. f. Bid matching will be done using the computer program, ICS. g. PNM Preferencing: i. The PNM will list and sign her preference immediately following her last final event. ii. The PNM will be escorted from the final event to the place of preferencing by her MRC iii. There should be silence among the PNMs F. Bid Acceptance a. PNMs will accept bids following the Bid Matching process. b. PNMs must sign a Bid Acceptance Card in order to accept her bid. c. If a PNM is matched to one of her preferences chapters and does not accept a bid card after Bid Matching, she is ineligible for Continuous Open Bidding until the following year’s Formal Membership Recruitment or one calendar year. G. Continues Open Bidding a. Chapters still below total after bids are accepted may begin Continuous Open Bidding (COB) on the day following Bid Day. Recruitment will only take place during the regular academic year. b. Once a chapter has reached total, the chapter must cease Continuous Open Bidding, unless its chapter loses members and falls below total. c. No woman that went through the entire Formal Membership Recruitment process will attend COB parties.

10. Rules and Descriptions Pertaining to Each Day of Formal Recruitment A. Recruitment Administration a. Formal Membership Recruitment shall be overseen by each chapter’s Recruitment Chair with the assistance of the Panhellenic Executive Board. Together, they will be responsible for all aspects of Formal Membership Recruitment, including the Formal Membership Recruitment handbook, forms, invitations, bid matching, snap bidding, supplemental bidding and setting quota and total. b. Only the Recruitment Chair, Panhellenic Executive Board and the Greek Advisor will have access to the Formal Membership Recruitment files and invitation information. B. General Party Policies a. The Formal Membership Recruitment area shall be confined to the inside of the specified recruitment room. b. There shall be no singing outside the Formal Membership Recruitment area. “Greek Leaders Handbook” policy regarding noise levels and curfews will be enforced. c. Each women’s fraternity shall not mention any women’s fraternity name other than their own. d. Women’s fraternities shall not mention women's fraternity housing during any of the parties. e. PNMs are not allowed to take anything with them from the recruitment room after they leave a party. f. Chapters shall be permitted to specify type and color of clothing for members for each specific day during Formal Membership Recruitment. g. No outside decorations, other than those specified in these rules, with the exception of chapter banners on Bid Day. h. The Panhellenic Executive Board has the right to walk through each recruitment room prior to all Formal Membership Recruitment events. i. No wax candles are permitted inside the recruitment rooms due to Columbia University Housing Policies. A. Electronic candles are permitted. C. Amendments to Formal Membership Recruitment Policies a. All changes to the Formal Membership Recruitment rules will be proposed to either the Panhellenic Council or the Chapter Presidents and Recruitment Chairs no less than 48 hours before a vote is taken to implement them. b. The full Panhellenic Council must vote to change the Formal Membership Recruitment rules. D. Event Details a. 1st Round: Philanthropy Day i. Conversation: The conversation will focus on: philanthropy and service opportunities, more detailed information regarding each women’s fraternity’s commitment to sisterhood, academic support and recognition programs, social development, leadership opportunities, alumnae life and support and chapter history. ii. Food: Beverages shall be served. Cups and napkins may not have a decorative theme. iii. Dress: No identical or mass produced outfits are allowed. No chapter letters can be worn. a. Articles of clothing will be considered “mass produced” if they are identical in brand, style and color. iv. Entertainment: There shall be no entertainment on this night. v. Decorations: While no decorations are permitted, there will be a philanthropy display and a crafts area. The philanthropy display should include information regarding national and local philanthropy and community service projects of the individual women’s fraternity. There should be no other information on this table except for philanthropy information, pictures and the like. If a display board is going to be used, it must be the size of a tri-fold board or smaller. If craft tables are used, they should contain supplies only. All supplies must be in plain containers and should not be made into table centerpieces of decorations. vi. Budget: A limit of $250.00 may be spent per 100 women attending on this night. An additional $2.50 may be spent on every girl that is not covered by the initial budget.

b. 2nd Round: Development Night i. Conversation: The conversation will focus on: specifics about new membership education, internal and/or national leadership development opportunities, awards, chapter programming, the meaning of sisterhood, and the academic, career and personal benefits of sorority life. ii. Food: Beverages shall be served. Light snack foods, such as pretzels, chips, candy, marshmallow rice treats or cookies may be served. Cups and napkins may not have a decorative theme. iii. Dress: The style of this round is the choice of each individual chapter. No mass produced or identical outfits are allowed. iv. Entertainment: Each chapter may design the evening’s entertainment to best display the individual chapter’s development programs, such as new membership education, leadership opportunities, etc. The presentation can be divided up according to the chapter’s preferences, but must not exceed ten minutes total. Any music, singing, or script MUST be approved by the Panhellenic Executive Board and Greek Advisor. Slideshow Rules: a. A slide show, focused on chapter programming, may be used. b. Slideshows may not feature pictures of mixers or other social events featuring men (e.g. homecoming), including fraternity men c. Pictures may not show women using alcohol d. Pictures may not show the exterior of any Columbia University Housing; pictures featuring the interiors of Columbia University Housing must not feature common spaces or identifying characteristics (e.g. big screen televisions, fireplaces, stoops, stairs, backyards, etc.). e. Pictures may only feature women who are current or past members of the individual chapter. At least two-thirds of the sisters in a featured picture must be currently active sisters at the time that the images are due to the Panhellenic Executive Board for review. f. Pictures from chapter formals and/or Inter-Greek Formal may be included if they meet all other specifications. g. Captions and/or music may be used, but must be submitted to the Panhellenic Council for approval along with the final presentation. h. The entire slideshow must be the work current, active members of the individual chapter; professional services may not be used and alums, relatives and friends may not work on the presentation. i. If a chapter chooses to use a slideshow, the completed slideshow must be submitted to the Panhellenic Council for review by the first day of classes of the spring semester, January 18th, 2011. j. Upon review, the Panhellenic Council will approve of the completed slideshow or request that specific changes be implemented. k. If needed, the second completed version of the slideshow for chapters that make revisions will be due January 23rd,2011. l. Once approved, the Panhellenic Council will retain possession of the individual chapter slideshows until Development Night, February 7th, 2011.

In addition to the slideshow, leaders in the individual chapter may speak about new member education and programming, leadership development, awards, values, etc. Alternatively, scripted narration may be provided during the slideshow. If narration is chosen, the script for the narration is due along with the final slideshow presentation on the first day of classes of the spring semester, January 18th, 2011. The entire presentation, including slideshow, speakers, narration, music, etc. must not exceed the time limit of ten minutes.

A chapter may use other (non-decorative) methods for displaying the individual chapter’s development strengths (e.g. tables, games, print information that will be returned to the chapter). If a chapter has questions about whether something is allowed, please contact the Panhellenic Council for advice as soon as possible. v. Decorations: No decorative themes or displays shall be permitted. vi. Budget: A limit of $200.00 may be spent per 100 women attending on this night. An additional $2.00 may be spent on every girl that is not covered by the initial budget.

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PANHELLENIC COUNCIL STRONGLY URGES EACH WOMEN’S FRATERNITY TO INVITE ONLY THOSE WOMEN THEY WILL PLACE ON THE BID LIST TO PREFERENCE NIGHT. ANY WOMAN ON YOUR BID LIST AND IN ATTENDANCE AT YOUR PREFERENCE PARTIES COULD RECEIVE A BID TO YOUR CHAPTER. c. 3rd Round: Preference Night i. Conversation: The conversation will focus on: lifelong bonds of sisterhood, helping the PNM talk through making her decision, personal stories from members of why they chose their particular women’s fraternity and answering any of the questions or concerns of the PNM. ii. Food: Refreshments and desserts may be served during both parties. PNMs’ names may be placed on desserts. Menus must be submitted to the Greek Advisor and the Panhellenic Executive Board by the first day of spring semester classes. iii. Dress: Active members should be wearing semi-formal or cocktail dressed. No mass produced or identical outfits are allowed. iv. Entertainment: Singing shall be permitted within the Formal Membership Recruitment area after all PNMs are admitted and before any PNM leaves the party. All songs must adhere to patents or penalties will occur. v. Decorations: Decorations shall be permitted within the Formal Membership Recruitment area with the approval of the Panhellenic Executive Board. No decorative themes shall be permitted. Examples of acceptable decorations include flowers, candles, balloons and lights. Symbolic items such as pearls and flowers shall be permitted for use during the Preference Ceremony. vi. Preference Cards: Preference Night cards must be on cards that fit into a sealable envelope. All cards must be submitted to the Greek Advisor and the Panhellenic Executive Board at the Greek Advisor’s office by 6pm of Preference Night. The cards must be unsealed but come with envelopes with the PNMs’ names on them. The Panhellenic Executive Board will review each card. If there is any language that implies a bid or other unapproved language, it will be crossed out with a black pen or marker. A MRC will take preference cards to each party. All cards will be sealed and marked to display the Panhellenic Executive Board’s approval. If an MRC sees a PNM with a card that has not been approved by the Panhellenic Executive Board she has the right to remove the card.

vii. Ritual: Please stay away from performing rituals or singing songs that use language implying a bid. viii. Budget: A limit of $300.00 may be spent per 100 women attending on this night. An additional $3.00 may be spent on every girl that is not covered by the initial budget. d. Bid Day i. PNMs will come to a designated room to receive their bids. ii. MRCs will be present for PNMs if needed. iii. Each chapter will be in a separate location on campus to receive its New Members. iv. No alcohol or men are to be involved during Bid Day activities. v. Bid Day ends on Wednesday at 12 pm which is 24 hours after the 12pm deadline to hand in bids. vi. No singing deemed competitive by the Panhellenic Executive Board shall be permitted on Bid Night. a. Any violators will be subject to judicial policy.

11. Finances A. PNM Expenses a. An information session discussing housing fees and general rules will be held before Formal Membership Recruitment. The session should include information about meeting housing occupancy requirements, expenses, alternate lists and sorority policy regarding expectations for living in. B. Chapter Expenses a. The limit for all Formal Membership Recruitment expenses, excluding necessary rental equipment, will be $850.00. b. There will be no expenses incurred through renting of equipment necessary for recruitment by individual chapters. The Panhellenic Executive Board will provide equipment as deemed appropriate under the no-frills policy. c. Each chapter will submit a budget of all Formal Membership Recruitment expenditures and receipts by the first day of classes. i. This expenditure list shall include, but is not limited to, expenses on food, decorations, paper goods, etc. C. Fines a. A chapter turning in bids, an invitation list or a no-show list after the deadline shall be charged $40.00 for the first 5 minutes and $2 for each additional minute past the deadline. b. A chapter turning in its member roster or alumnae recruitment roster after the deadline will be charged $20.00. c. Promissory notes shall be issued for fines. D. Enforcement a. A chapter that fails to submit the required expense information with a chapter advisor’s signature by the specified date will be subjected to Panhellenic judicial procedures. b. A chapter failing to pay recruitment fines by the dates specified on the promissory notes will incur a late charge of $20.00

12. Judicial Procedures A. Process a. During the school year, when a member’s women’s fraternity of the Columbia University Panhellenic Council, a MRC, Greek Advisor, or a PNM believes that there has been an infraction of these Formal Membership Recruitment Rules or the National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements concerning recruitment, a written report, signed by the President of that member women’s fraternity or the individual, specifying time, place and witnesses to the alleged infraction/complaint, accused fraternity and a copy for the Greek Advisor. Violations of the NPC Unanimous Agreements concerning recruitment or these Formal Membership Recruitment Rules, which take place during the school break shall be considered at the first meeting of the Panhellenic Executive Board after school reconvenes. b. A written notification shall be made on a standard reporting form. It must be presented to the Greek Advisor within 30 days of when the alleged infraction is known to have occurred. When an infraction is believed to have occurred during a school break, the same timing and procedures as stated above must be followed. When a report is from a member women’s fraternity, the president of the member group will sign the report. When a MRC, Panhellenic Executive Board member, a PNM, the Greek Advisor reports an infraction, the report will be signed and presented to the Panhellenic President. She will consult with the Panhellenic Executive Board. The Executive Board will investigate the matter and determine whether or not the report will be endorsed and submitted for mediation. c. The Greek Advisor, within one week after receiving a report from either a member women’s fraternity or the Panhellenic Executive Board, has the responsibility to see that the accused women’s fraternity receive a copy of the report and the NPC Area Advisor is notified. d. All reports of recruitment violations, whether from a college chapter(s) or from the Panhellenic Executive Board, will be designated for mediation within one week of receipt or endorsement by the Greek Advisor, unless the individual or representatives of the group involved can reach an amicable solution in the interim. A date and time convenient for the participants will be designated and the mediation will be held as soon as possible. The Assistant Director of Greek Life, or her designee, will preside. Participants will be representatives of each chapter involved, the Panhellenic President and the Panhellenic Recruitment Director. e. If mediation is not successful, the case may be appealed to the Panhellenic Judicial Committee, established according to the Panhellenic Bylaws. If the decision of the Panhellenic Judicial Committee is not acceptable, the case may be appealed to the NPS College Panhellenic Committee Appeals Chairman. Written notice of intention to appeal must be given to the Greek Advisor within 24 hours. f. If the NPC College Panhellenic Committee Appeals Chairman is unable to resolve the difficulty, she will be responsible for further conduct of the case and she will submit by certified mail, return receipt requested, all data to the National Presidents of the chapters involved. g. If the National Presidents cannot resolve the case, it may be appealed to the NPC Executive Board by any National President involved in the case. h. If the NPC Executive Board cannot resolve the case, it may be appealed either by a National President of by the NPC Executive Board to the National Panhellenic Conference whose decision will be final. B. Penalties for Infractions of Formal Membership Recruitment Rules a. Panhellenic will adjudicate fair and reasonable penalties for infractions of Formal Membership Recruitment rules. The NPC provides the following guidelines for establishing judgments. b. Minor infractions of Formal Membership Recruitment Rules i. Minor infractions emanate primarily from recruitment procedure violations and include, but are not limited to, such things as violations of budget, violations of guidelines for each Formal Membership Recruitment event, gift giving, not adhering to scheduled hours of Formal Membership Recruitment events and not meeting the deadline for submitting invitation lists. ii. Penalties for minor will be assessed to fit the nature and degree of the offense. An official reprimand will be recorded in the Panhellenic Minutes and a report sent to the National President and NPC Delegate of the offending group. iii. The Panhellenic penalty for minor infractions of Formal Membership Recruitment Rules will be clerical assistance in the Greek Advisor’s office. iv. Since one woman’s actions are representative of her entire chapter during Formal Membership Recruitment, if the woman from the women’s fraternity at fault is not able to complete the clerical assistance hours, her women’s fraternity must send another representative to fulfill her hours. The women’s fraternity will have two weeks after they are found at fault and informed of their clerical duties to complete the hours. c. Major Infractions and Penalties i. Major infractions emanate primarily from Formal Membership Recruitment ethics violations and include, but are not limited to, violations of the NPC Unanimous Agreements such as failing to observe silence or encouraging PNMs to intentionally single preference, suggesting another group and involving men or alcohol during Formal Membership Recruitment. ii. No alcoholic parties or get-togethers where PNMs may attend can be held until 24 hours after bids have been extended. iii. Penalties for major infractions will be assessed to fit the nature and degree of the offense. iv. Constructive penalties of a positive nature include, but are not limited to, planning and financing a Panhellenic workshop conducted by the NPC Area Advisor or other NPC representative, executing a major fundraiser to provide Panhellenic scholarships, speakers, regional Panhellenic Conference fees and sponsoring a retreat for Recruitment Chairs or other chapter officers. v. The deprivation of social privileges involves the suspension of social or intramural participation in varying degrees for specified periods of time. Penalties including loss of social privileges will not forbid formal or informal entertainment portions during Formal Membership Recruitment or the observance of a national women’s fraternity celebration. C. Inappropriate Penalties a. It is strongly recommended that penalties other than monetary be assessed. If fines are utilized for specified violations, such as late invitation lists, the fine should not exceed a previously determined amount established by vote of the Panhellenic Council. b. It is a violation of the NPC Unanimous Agreement to lower a chapter’s pledge quota as a Formal Membership Recruitment infraction penalty. c. Delaying pledging or initiation infringes on the sovereignty of individual women’s fraternities and may not be used as a Formal Membership Recruitment penalty. D. Duration of Penalties a. The duration of any penalty imposed by a College Panhellenic will not exceed 12 months from the time the final decision is rendered. E. Notification of Penalty a. The College Panhellenic will report in writing, within one week of the date it was imposed, any penalty to the NPC Area Advisor and to the NPC Delegate and the National President of the women’s fraternity against which it is imposed.

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