Institute For Advanced Materials And Renewable

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Institute For Advanced Materials And Renewable

Institute for Advanced Materials and Renewable Energy (IAM-RE) January 22, 2007 Proposed Name: “Institute for Advanced Materials and Renewable Energy” (IAM-RE) Proposal submitted by: Dr. Mahendra K. Sunkara - Director Professor of Chemical Engineering Dr. Gamini Sumanasekera – Associate Director Assistant Professor of Physics Dr. Robert M. Buchanan – Associate Director Professor of Chemistry and Associate Dean for Research, A&S Mark Schreck P.E. - Manager Speed Research Administration Anticipated date of initiation of the Institute: ASAP (The anticipated start date for the cost center: January 1, 2007) The proposed institute replaces: Materials Research Lab – Ernst Hall 206 2 Section 1: Purpose of Proposed Institute: Advanced materials play an increasingly important role in the discovery and development of carbon-free, alternate energy technologies and a wide variety of nanoscale technologies. Advanced materials are also vital for facilitating new approaches to detect and cure diseases. However, there is no institutionalized academic focus at University of Louisville (UofL) on either basic or applied aspects of advanced materials science and engineering. We propose to establish such an institutionalized focus at UofL in order to consolidate research, education and industrial interactions in advanced materials. Mission “Enable research and education on advanced materials science and engineering with potential benefits to the global community, and support the growth of regional industry through advanced materials science and engineering” The primary goals of the proposed institute are: 1. Promote and enable the faculty research agenda in advanced nanomaterials for energy conversion, alternate energy technologies, nanotechnology and structural biology by establishing a comprehensive materials characterization core facility. 2. Promote a curriculum in basic and advanced materials science for UofL students as well as students and technologists from regional universities and industry. In conjunction with a sponsoring department (such as Chemical Engineering or Physics), we intend to provide the cornerstone and catalyst for the development of a Graduate Certificate in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering. 3. Establish and operate the core facility for advanced materials characterization as a university-wide resource for UofL faculty and support R&D services to regional universities and industries, leading eventually to the establishment of a nationally recognized NSF sponsored University-Industry Cooperative Research Center. 1. Research Agenda: The first goal of the proposed institute is to stimulate research in advanced materials science and engineering through facilitation of inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research group efforts across the University. The specific research agenda will be developed through both group and individual efforts of its core faculty. The current core faculty members have set the following initial research agenda for the institute: � The first research objective is structural materials science leading to new materials development. Initial area of focus will be energy free from carbon emissions. Synthesis of advanced materials such as defect free, large single crystals and nanoscale materials could provide the basis for major advances in the efficiency of 3 alternative energy conversion and storage, making them economically viable for the first time. Examples: i. High capacity, lithium ion battery technology using new advanced materials such as silicon nanowires and carbon microtubes. ii. Scaleable, low cost solar cell technology using nanowires. iii. Ultra-thin solid oxide fuel cells using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). This Institute will directly complement the state supported center in the University of Kentucky (Lexington) that is focused on coal-based energy solutions. It will also support the recently proposed DOE cluster of eleven PI’s developing new nanomaterials for � More efficient conversion of solar radiation to electrical energy, � Thermionic emission for “thermal to electrical” energy conversion. � The second research objective is the development of alternate fuels: Hydrogen and biomass derived ethanol products are two of the most important alternate fuels. The production of these fuels through economical conversion using new technologies will reduce our country’s reliance on oil and other fossil fuels. Presently, the technologies that are available are either too inefficient to be economical or contribute to pollution. In either case, a strong need exists to “invent” new materials and processes for achieving economical routes for producing both hydrogen from water and ethanol from a variety of agricultural and non-agricultural biomass. � The third research objective is bio-materials engineering: The facilities within IAMRE along with the above research on advanced materials are expected to stimulate new fields of research at UofL: (a) structural biology, (b) biomaterials and (c) nanobio interface characterization. Particularly, the proposed core facility will include a state-of-the-art transmission electron microscopy instrumentation (discussed below), with a cryogenic stage and 3-D chemical tomography capability. The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Center for Genetics and Molecular Medicine (CGeMM), the Brown Cancer Center and the Rudd Heart Institute have indicated a strong interest in collaborating with the proposed institute. 2. Education Agenda One of the objectives of this institute is to promote graduate education in advanced materials at UofL. Therefore, the facilities within the IAM-RE will be used for offering laboratory modules necessary to teach two graduate courses in materials: “Materials Characterization” and “Surface Science.” Students from chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and chemical engineering are expected to take the above two graduate elective courses. The longer term goal of this initiative is to enable and catalyze the offering of a graduate certificate program in advanced materials science and engineering for University of Louisville students. We anticipate that the certificate program will be administered by the JB Speed School of Engineering and will reside in the chemical engineering department. 4 3. Infrastructure Agenda: Development and Maintenance of Comprehensive Materials Characterization Facilities A facility design for the (IAM-RE) has been completed, utilizing approximately 2600 square feet in the lower level of Lutz Hall, Rooms 9 and 10. Details are shown in Section 4. A list of instrumentation and equipment for the IAM-RE is provided in Section 5. The central feature of this new facility is a high resolution, energy-filtered, field-emission transmission electron microscope, co-located with an array of new and existing analytical instrumentation supporting materials analysis and synthesis. Critical equipment for sample preparation will also be available in the facility. Details are described in Table 2 below. Section 2 – Organization and Staffing The Director of the proposed IAM-RE will be Dr. M. Sunkara who will assume overall responsibilities for the institute. The Associate Directors will be Dr. G. Sumanasekera and Dr. Buchanan. A new staff scientist (Dr. Z. (Tony) Chen), a high level expert with TEM and SEM techniques has been hired and is now on board, leading the start-up and qualification of the new HR-TEM instrument. Dr. Chen will supervise the TEM and SEM instruments, as well as the UHV surface science instrumentation described later. He will train users, seek external research funding in related research areas, and perform high level analysis for internal and external users. A new tenure track ChE faculty member with a strong interest in advanced materials and TEM is being hired by the ChE department. It is anticipated that this faculty member will utilize the IAM-RE as an intergral piece of his or her research agenda. A post doctoral fellow with expertise in electron microscopy, diffraction, surface science and other analytical materials techniques is being hired to support the industry service effort integral to the success of the IAM-RE. During the start-up phase, Mark Schreck will take the lead to order the equipment, set up the facility, establish and implement an internal service center, develop streamlined, easy to use operating protocols for internal and external users, and manage external relationships. In addition, in conjunction with the Institute director, he will establish an Industrial User group described in Section 6. He will also manage the overall IAM-RE budget during the start-up period. (Staffing details are shown below in Section 3.) Core Faculty, Staff and Advisory Board: A core group of faculty has been established whose research will directly or indirectly advance research and education involving advanced materials and renewable energy. This core group who will be closely connected to the core facility capabilities and utilize these capabilities on a regular basis in conjunction with their research, particularly the TEM and UHV instrumentation. The 5 intent is to grow the core faculty beyond the initial eleven members over five years. The initial core faculty members will be: Core Faculty � M. Sunkara (Director) � G. Sumanasekera (Associate Director) � R. Buchanan (Associate Director) � New ChE faculty – currently being hired. � G. A. Willing, ChE � E. Berson, ChE � C. Harnett, ECE � T.L. Starr, ChE � R.W. Cohn, ECE � R. Baldwin, Chemistry � F. Zamborini, Chemistry � Jafar Hadizadeh, Geology � Michael Tseng, Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology � D. Borchman/K. Ramos (Health Sciences – Liaison) Also, when the New Endowed Chair in Nanotechnology is hired, it is anticipated that he/she is expected to play an important role within the IAM-RE as a core faculty member. Core Staff � Chief Staff Scientist (Dr. Z. Chen – hired) � R.M. Schreck (Manager – Facility and Service Center) � R. McCoy (Facility co-coordinator) � Post-doc (new) � Biological Materials Staff Scientist (required – currently looking for budget) � Technician (allocate 10% time of the Physics/Chemistry technician for IAM-RE) � Technician (allocate 5% of ChE technician for IAM-RE support). Advisory Board: � Dr. John C. Angus – Smith Professor Emeritus of Engineering at Case Western Reserve University � Dr. Burtron H. Davis: Associate Director of CAER, University of KY � Dr. Thomas Mallouk: Professor of Chemistry and Director of MRSEC at Penn State University � Dr. Raul Miranda: Program Director in Basic Energy Sciences, US DOE � Dr. Doug Lowndes: Director, Center for Nanoscale Materials, ORNL � One member from the chemical/materials industry – to be named. The Board will meet annually to review direction and progress of the IAM-RE, starting in spring 2006. An introductory meeting was held June 9, 2006 in Louisville. An additional 6 meeting was held June 23, 2006 with Dr. Lowndes. The meetings were very productive. The Advisory Board was supportive of the overall approach described in this proposal. Inputs received have been incorporated into the planning for this institute. Copies of the findings are attached in the Appendix. Section 3 – Staffing Needs: Staffing requirements represented by name and- FTE commitment are shown in Table 1 below: Table 1: Staffing Requirements (FTE Basis) NAME YEAR 1 (2007) YEAR 2 (2008) YEAR 3 (2009) COMMENTS M. Sunkara* .10 .10 .10 Director - IAM-REG. Sumanasekera* .10 .10 .10 Assoc. Director R. Buchanan* 0.05 0.05 0.05 Assoc. Director Staff Scientist (Chen)* 1.0 1.0 1.0 TEM/STEM, SEM UHV operator/user training M. Schreck*/Manager 0.25 .05 .05 Management during start-up R. McCoy* 1.0 1.0 1.0 IAM-RE Coordinator Post-doc (new) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Industry support Physics/Chemistry Technician. 0.1 0.1 0.1 Instrument technician ChE Technical Facilities Manager (S. Williamson) 0.05 0.05 0.05 Instrument/computer technician *CV’s are included in the Appendix for the personnel listed above. Additional Notes: A new Ph.D. level staff scientist (Dr. Chen) has been hired using the DOEsponsored grant and is expected to remain permanently using funds from the income through the cost center and other university funds. This position will be 100% supported for year 1 and 50% supported with DOE funding in year 2. For year 3 and beyond, the IAM-RE operating plan provides for 50% of the funding for this position. The remainder is requested as C.A.R. This is detailed on page 14 of this proposal. Mr. Schreck will reallocate his current Materials Research Lab activities to the IAM-RE through the start-up phase ending July, 2007. Beyond that time he will allocate 5% of his time working with the Institute director and staff in an advisory capacity. 7 Ms. McCoy is currently a full time technical staff member of the Chemical Engineering Department assigned to the Materials Research Lab – Ernst Hall. That role will transition to the proposed IAM-RE. She will provide the institute with various coordination activities such as scheduling, ordering equipment and supplies, and vendor relations. Beyond the start-up phase, her role will expand to the overall facility manager. She will likely transition her current role as principle operator of several of the older analytical instruments that are transitioning from Ernst Hall to the IAM-RE to the new staff member described below. As discussed above, a post-doctoral associate with expertise in materials analysis and instrumentation will be hired starting calendar year 2007. This post-doc will assist the staff scientist with training and play the primary role for industry support. A search is currently underway. This position will be funded by IAM-RE revenue, not reallocation of existing funds. We also need approximately 10% time from a technician. This effort has been committed from the Chemistry and Physics department, using the position currently being filled. In addition, Steve Williamson (ChE technical facilities manager) who is familiar with the analytical equipment and computer interfaces will assist on a part time basis – estimated at 5%. Financial details are summarized in the operating plan (Section 6), and in Form 1 and Form 2 (Appendix). Section 4 – Space Requirements A facility design for the IAM-RE has been completed in CAD to scale, locating all of the instrumentation and office space. The design utilizes 2615.square feet in the lower level of Lutz Hall, Rooms 9 and 10. A high level pictorial plan and elevation view is shown in Figure 1 below. (It should be noted that this pictorial includes Room 11 which is not included in the initial concept for the Institute, but could be included in Phase II, as discussed below.) 8 Figure 1: High-level pictorial of IAM-RE Location of the IAM-RE in the lower level of Lutz Hall is preferred in order to minimize building modifications required to meet TEM installation specifications for isolation from magnetic interference, mechanical/acoustic vibration, and heating, ventilation and air conditioning. A site engineering survey was completed by the TEM supplier’s field engineering team. The report confirms that after minor modifications, it is an appropriate site for the high resolution TEM. The longer range concept, beyond year 3, includes assimilating Room 11, the current “Clean Room”, into the IAM-RE complex to be used for process development of advanced materials. This “integration” facility would add approximately 1532 sq. ft., bringing the long range space allocation for the IAM-RE to 4147 sq. ft. The allocated space in Rooms 9 and 10 will be primarily utilized for analytical instrumentation. However space in Room 10 has been allocated for office space for staff and students and visitors, as shown in figures 2 and 3 below. 9 Fig. 2: Room 9 details 10 Fig. 3: Room 10 details Section 5 – Equipment and Infrastructure The most important feature of the proposed IAM-RE will be a state of the art, transmission electron microscope equipped with energy filtered imaging, a cryo-stage, and 3-D chemical tomography. Several other key materials characterization tools, such as UHV surface science instrumentation, scanning electron microscopes, sample preparation facilities, X-ray diffraction, and thermal analysis instruments already exist on campus in various locations and will be moved into the IAM-RE, as shown above. A complete list of instrumentation and equipment is shown in Table 2 below. Cost details, where applicable, are included in FORM 1, attached to this proposal. 11 Table 2: Instrumentation and Equipment – IAM-RE INSTRUMENTATION SOURCE PLANNED LOCATION - Bulk Characterization: DSC/TGA/TMA Ernst Hall 202 – MR Lab Room 10 – IAM-RE X-Ray Diffraction (powder) Ernst Hall 202 – MR Lab Room 9B – IAM-RE 30-KV SEM/EDAX (for in situ applications) Ernst Hall 202 – MR Lab Room 9A – IAM-RE Micro-Raman/PL Microscope Ernst Hall 202 – MR Lab Room 9 – IAM-RE TEM/SEM Sample Prep Ernst Hall 202 – MR Lab Room 9B – IAM-RE Surface Science XPS/UPS/ISS/Auger Lutz Hall – Room 9 Same location – IAM-RE LEED Lutz Hall – Room 9 Same location – IAM-RE UHV STM/AFM Lutz Hall – Room 9 Same location – IAM-RE High Pressure Gas Cell Lutz Hall – Room 9 Same location – IAM-RE UHV Kelvin Probe system New – DOE funding Room 9 – IAM-RE Nanostructure Characterization Energy filtered HRTEM including: • STEM/EELS/EDS • Cryo stage • 3-D Chemical Tomography • Reactive Chamber (later) New – DOE funding – currently being installed Room 10 – IAM-RE X-Ray Diffraction (high resolution/thin film) New – DOE funding Room 9A – IAM-RE 30-KV FE-SEM (“nano- SEM”) New – DOE funding Room 9A – IAM-RE Support Equipment FT-IR Spectrometer Ernst Hall 202 – MR Lab Room 9 – IAM-RE UV-Vis-NIR Spectrometer New – DOE funding Room 303, EH – IAM-RE Nanoparticle Size Analyzer New – DOE funding Room 9 – IAM-RE Zeta Potential Analyzer New – DOE funding Room 9 – IAM-RE Cryo-Microtome New – DOE funding Room 9A – IAM-RE Optical Microscope Ernst Hall 202 – MR Lab Room 9 – IAM-RE In addition to the above, we assembled another lab devoted to energy conversion research. This is established in Room 303, Ernst Hall. See the list of capabilities available for energy conversion research below. 12 Table 3: List of capabilities for preparation and characterization of energy conversion devices. Section 6 – Operating Expenses and Financial Plan Detailed costs of ongoing operations for years 1 -5 are shown in the budget (FORM 1) included in the Appendix to this proposal. A summary of the cost breakdown and resulting budget request is shown in Table 4 and Figure 4 below. Table 4: IAM-RE Cost Summary IAM-RE Cost Structure Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 PERSONNEL Cost - FTEF $30,425 $31,186 $31,965 $32,764 $33,584 Cost - Staff $203,221 $200,813 $205,833 $210,979 $216,253 TOTAL PERSONNEL $233,646 $231,998 $237,798 $243,743 $249,837 OPERATING COSTS $61,000 $85,500 $266,000 $266,000 $266,000 TOTAL COSTS $294,646 $317,498 $503,798 $509,743 $515,837 13 IAM-RE COSTS $294,646 $317,498 $503,798 $509,743 $515,837 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Fig. 4: IAM-RE Cost Summary Budget Justification: Excluding initial investments in new equipment, the total cost of ongoing operations for the IAM-RE’s cost-center is forecasted to be approximately $500,000/year. Personnel Costs: details extracted from Form 1 (Appendix) are shown below. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 FORM 1 I. Personnel Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1. Full time ranked faculty Mahendra K. Sunkara $11,560 $11,849 $12,145 $12,449 $12,760 Gamini U. Sumanasekera $7,000 $7,175 $7,354 $7,538 $7,727 Robert M. Buchanan $5,780 $5,925 $6,073 $6,224 $6,380 Benefits $6,085 $6,237 $6,393 $6,553 $6,717 Cost - FTEF $30,425 $31,186 $31,965 $32,764 $33,584 2. Part-time faculty (PTF) 0 0 0 0 0 3. Other staff Staff Scientist - Chen $60,000 $61,500 $63,038 $64,613 $66,229 Post-Doc (New) $35,000 $35,875 $36,772 $37,691 $38,633 Rodica McCoy $43,077 $45,000 $46,125 $47,278 $48,460 Facility Mgr* $13,500 $7,000 $7,175 $7,354 $7,538 UBM support - part-time $5,000 $5,125 $5,253 $5,384 $5,519 Technician Support - A&S $3,500 $3,588 $3,677 $3,769 $3,863 Technician Support - ChE $2,500 $2,563 $2,627 $2,692 $2,760 Benefits $40,644 $40,163 $41,167 $42,196 $43,251 Cost - Staff $203,221 $200,813 $205,833 $210,979 $216,253 4. Graduate Students $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL PERSONNEL $233,646 $231,998 $237,798 $243,743 $249,837 14 These personnel and skills are considered the minimum required to meet the goals of the Institute. Costs associated with the FTEF and most of the staff support represents internal reallocation of existing C.A.R. funding, as detailed in Form 2. Exceptions are the directors, staff scientist - Dr. Chen, the new post doc, and the facility manager during start-up are funded from other sources as follows: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Drs. Sumansekera Sunkara 10% DOE 5% (A&S /SSoE) 5% DOE 10% (A&S, SSoE) 10% (A&S, SSoE) 10% (A&S, SSoE) Dr. Buchanan 5% DOE 2.5% (A&S) 2.5% DOE 5% (A&S) 5% (A&S) 5% (A&S) Dr. Chen 100% DOE 50% DOE 25% IAM-RE 25% SSOE 50% IAM-RE 50% SSOE 50% IAM-RE 50% SSOE 50% IAM-RE 50% SSOE Post Doc 100% IAMRE 100% IAMRE 100% IAM-RE 100% IAMRE 100% IAMRE Facility Mgr (start-up) 25% DOE 5%(SSoE) 5% (SSoE) 5% (SSoE) 5%(SSoE) 50% of the Staff Scientist cost for year 2 and beyond is classified as “new money” in Form 2. This additional C.A.R. funding may not be needed, if costs and funding received is favorable to the operating plan discussed below. The Dean of the Speed School of Engineering has committed to support this amount. Operating Costs: details extracted from Form 1 (Appendix) are shown below. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year5 II. Operating Costs 1. Supplies - general instruments $10,000 $12,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 2. Supplies - TEM $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 3. Supplies FE-SEM $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 4. IT-Voice Network $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 5. Equipment Maintenance -TEM Warranty Warranty $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 -UHF Surface Science Inst. $5,000 $20,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 -FESEM-XRD Warranty Warranty $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 Raman PL Microscope $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 Thin Film XRD $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 JEOL 30-KV SEM $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 -Other Equipment $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Analytical Equipment Upgrades $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Comp Equipment/SW Upgrades $2,500 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Total Operating Costs $61,000 $85,500 $266,000 $266,000 $266,000 A large percentage of the operating cost is driven by the service contracts (as the warranty period expires) or maintenance repair costs on the analytical instruments needed due to the high utilization rates. 15 Financial Operating Plan: Details regarding the sources and amounts of IAM-RE funding are discussed in Section 7. Using the cost data from Table 4 (and Form 1) and the funding details from Section 7 and Form 2, a financial operating plan has been constructed shown in Table 5 below. A plot of cost versus funding estimates is shown in Fig. 5. Table 5: IAM-RE Cost Center Operating Plan OPERATING PLAN Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 TOTAL COSTS - Form 1 $294,646 $317,498 $503,798 $509,743 $515,837 FUNDING SOURCES: External Users $100,000 $150,000 $205,000 $240,000 $240,000 U of L Core Faculty Users $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $125,000 $150,000 OH Return $1,175 $1,293 $1,410 $2,938 $3,525 Internal Reallocation $71,971 $98,530 $120,916 $123,939 $127,037 New C.A.R. Funding (SSoE) $0 $15,375 $31,519 $32,307 $33,114 DOE Funding $117,925 $54,030 TOTAL Form 2 $341,071 $374,228 $418,845 $524,183 $553,677 Carry over - prior year $46,425 $103,155 $18,202 $32,642 TOTAL (Form 2 + carryover) $341,071 $420,653 $522,000 $542,385 $586,319 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) $46,425 $103,155 $18,202 $32,642 $70,482 OPERATING PLAN $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 TOTAL (Form 2 + carryover) TOTAL COSTS - Form 1 16 Fig. 5: IAM–RE Funding vs. Cost As shown above, the IAM-RE plans to be self-funded. Two requirements must be met to achieve self-funding as shown above. First, revenue growth must occur as described in Section 7 and detailed in Form. Second, the small operating surplus generated must be carried forward. This surplus, shown in Table 5 above, will be revisited each year. Adjustments to the operating plan and user fees will be made beyond year 3, as required to keep the surplus below $100,000. For example less external work could be planned in the out years. This will free up the facility to maximize usage for core faculty research and educational training. This is discussed more in detail in Section 7. Section 7 – Sources of Funding The proposed IAM-RE cost center will generate funding from a mix of internal and external sources, as shown in Table 6 below. In addition, details are captured in Form 2 in the Appendix. Table 6: IAM-RE Cost Center Funding Sources Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 EXT. USERS 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 SudChemie $75,000 $75,000 $100,000 $125,000 $125,000 ODC/VDC $0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Lexmark $0 $10,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Hexion $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Other (Zeon/Dow/etc.) $0 $25,000 $40,000 $50,000 $50,000 Non-Member Charges $15,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 1. TOTAL EXT. USERS $100,000 $150,000 $205,000 $240,000 $240,000 2. UofL CORE USERS $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $125,000 $150,000 3. OH Return - 5% $1,175 $1,293 $1,410 $2,938 $3,525 4. Internal Reallocation $71,971 $98,530 $120,916 $123,939 $127,037 5. New Funding (SSoE) $15,375 $31,519 $32,307 $33,114 6. DOE GB051184 $117,925 $54,030 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL FUNDING $341,071 $374,228 $418,845 $524,183 $553,677 Explanation: 1. External (Industry) Users: An external user group will have service work done by the Institute. Funding from this source will include an annual membership fee plus limited user charges. Details are provided below. The forecast shows 30-50% of the income for the institute from the external users. Although Table I is a forecast, we have already finalized the agreements with two external members (SudChemie, and Hexion) as projected in Table 1 for Year 1. We are currently in early stage discussions with other members indicated in Table 1. However, if the 17 internal user group funding grows more rapidly, or the operating costs are lower than forecasted, we will manage the external funding to a lower percentage (25- 30%) of the total in order to maximize IAM-RE availability for research and training. 2. Internal (University) Users: An internal user group, consisting of core research faculty, will use the facility as a critical enabler for their research activity. In the initial two-year period core faculty will be asked to contribute a nominal amount - $2500 to $10,000, (average $5000/year) to have the use of the facility for themselves and their students. This will entitle usage of the facility and staff for a specified number of hours. Access to the specific instrumentation will be given on a “peer-review” basis. The reason for this approach is to encourage faculty members from the University to “jump-start” their research programs utilizing the IAM-RE infrastructure. Additional charges will be assessed to allow additional students access to the facility and instrumentation, as needed. This is discussed in more detail in the Internal User Group section below. 3. Overhead Return: the funding plan includes an assumption of a 5% return rate on Overhead generated from Research contracts. 4. Explanation for items 4-6 in Table 6 is provided in Section 6. Rodica McCoy who is currently funded through the University C.A.R. budget will be reassigned from the Materials Research Lab to the IAM-RE starting FY07. After start-up, her position will be upgraded to include the entire facility management. Ex-pay is included in the cost summary to cover this cost. The need for additional C.A.R. to support 50% of the cost of the staff scientist is discussed in Section 6 above. 5. Funding for the staff scientist position – 50% after DOE funding cut-off. 6. Funding for FTEF and start-up manager from DOE funding. – details above in Section 6. Rate Schedule: Based on a detailed cost study including forecasted maintenance cost including service contracts, equipment “uptime”, and utilization rates, a detailed rate schedule has be developed. This schedule is shown below in Table 7. Table 7 – IAM-RE User Rate Schedule HR-TEM VG-UHF FE-SEM JEOL SEM RAMAN ALL OTHER TF-XRD (3Q07) UNIVERSITY USER ($/HR) Instrument Usage $70 $56 $56 $21 $14 $11 $19 Inst. with Staff Scientist Operator $131 $117 $117 $82 $75 $72 Inst with Post Doc Operator $104 $90 $90 $55 $48 $45 $53 EXTERNAL MEMBER ($/HR) Instrument Usage $100 $81 $82 $25 $38 $36 $29 Inst. with Staff Scientist Operator $177 $158 $158 $25 $115 $29 Inst with Post Doc Operator $142 $124 $124 $68 $81 $78 $71 EXTERNAL NON-MEMBER ($/HR) Instrument Usage $115 $94 $94 $29 $44 $41 $33 Inst. with Staff Scientist Operator $203 $182 $182 $29 $132 $33 Inst with Post Doc Operator $164 $143 $143 $78 $93 $90 $82 18 External (Industry) User Group: The plan for the IAM-RE is to create an external user group that could include five to six members who are frequent, knowledgeable users. The following industries have indicated in writing an interest in the proposed institute as a source for material synthesis and characterization. • Sud-Chemie, Inc. • Optical Dynamics, Inc. • Lexmark • Hexion Specialty Chemicals (formally Borden Chemical), • ZEON Chemicals • Dow-Corning, Inc. Discussions have begun with the potential users shown above. They will be encouraged to commit to an Institute membership. The plan is to charge an annual membership fee. A sliding scale will be used with differentiated access priority of the access to the IAMRE technical resources. In addition, the external user gets the designated number of hours of instrumentation usage in accordance with Table 7 above. Table 8 – External User Annual Membership Fees - “SLIDING SCALE” Member Type I II III Non-members Annual Fee $50,000 $25,000 $10,000 None Facility Access Every week Bi-weekly Monthly As available Utilization (hrs.) – covered 400 hrs/yr* 200 hrs./yr* 70 hrs./yr* None *These are estimates based on an “average instrument usage. The actual hours will be determined by the rates defined in Table 7. Table 7 rates will be audited and updated on an annual basis. An agreement has been prepared with the assistance of the Office of Industry Contracts and will be used with the Industrial members. Internal (University) User Group: As stated in the introduction, a critical goal of the IAM-RE is to promote and enable the University faculty research agenda for advanced materials and renewable energy. When fully mature operationally, we estimate a large percentage of the anticipated funding for the I.A.M core facility will come from internal researchers using the IAM-RE’s core facility as an enabling resource for their research. The timing of the growth of this funding stream is less certain, particularly in the early years. As discussed above, the initial forecast indicates about 25% of the funding will come from internal users. The goal is to manage the usage of the IAM-RE so that the percentage of funding and usage for internal users is greater than 50%. 19 In the initial two-year period (DOE funding available for the institute), access to the facility will be given for a nominal charge, based on a “peer-review” basis. This is to “jump start” use of the IAM-RE in support of UofL faculty research in materials and energy. The internal “peer-review” screening process using faculty/staff to provide an informal review of the user requests will be used to ensure that the facility is used productively and the analytical instruments available are appropriate for the proposed uses. Students and core faculty are undergoing authorized user training for the three month period from November and December 2006, and January 2007. During that period regular meetings with the core faculty are planned. A main topic of discussion will be to develop the details of the operating procedures and usage fee structure for internal users. In order for the IAM-RE to sustain the ability to self-fund itself beyond year 2, (see Fig. 5 above), funding support must be included in research proposals to cover the cost of instrument usage longer range. The cost for internal users is comparable or lower than user facilities elsewhere and is shown in Table 7 above. It should be noted that there is no difference between core faculty and core users in terms of access to equipment located within the institute. The main difference is with their level of interest and participation in the institute. A core faculty member participates in the regular meetings and contributes to the success of the institute through overhead return, strategic planning and acquisition of facilities and personnel. Users are faculty members whose research pursuits and needs result in IAM-RE facility usage in the designated calendar year. A funding projection, believed to be conservative, is shown in Table 9 below. Table 9: Projected Internal Funding YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Core faculty 13 14 15 15 15 Faculty users 10 11 12 14 15 User Funding $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $125,000 $150,000 Total projected internal and external user funding, as discussed above and detailed in Form 2 (appendix), is summarized in Figure 6 below: Steady growth in funding from both internal user grants and external members is forecast. The largest opportunity for funding growth beyond year 3 is most likely to come from the core faculty research group. 20 FUNDING SOURCES $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 DOE Funds New C.A.R. Funding (SSoE) Internal Reallocation OH Return - 5% UofL CORE USERS EXT. USERS Fig. 6: IAM-RE Funding Growth Section 8: Library Resources Required: The concept of the IAM-RE was reviewed with Carol Brinkman, Director, Laura Kersey Engineering Library. In July, 2006 the Kersey Library was consolidated with the recently expanded Ekstrom (main) Library. However, Ms. Brinkman’s conclusions, is documented in a letter to Dr. Starr dated 7/19/2005, were based on an analysis of the complete University of Louisville library system, and are still considered valid. The letter is shown below: “I have reviewed the resources available from the University of Louisville Libraries in support of the proposed Institute for Advanced Materials and Renewable Energy. This Center will consolidate research efforts currently dispersed among various laboratories into one centralized Institute to promote the development of new materials. The Kersey Library of Engineering, Physical Science and Technology currently supports research and instruction in the general field of materials science. Furthermore, the focus areas of the new Institute – energy conversion and storage, and biomedical engineering – are also supported by the current holdings of the Kersey Library. Library resources that would support defense related initiatives and a business incubator are available at the Ekstrom (main) Library and the Kornhauser Health Sciences Library, as well as at the Kersey Library. Given the current level of support for the research areas covered by the proposed Institute for Advanced Materials, no new funding will be needed by the Libraries to support the Institute. If I can provide more information or be of further assistance, please contact me.” Although no explicit additional funding has been requested, due to the rapidly changing technology in materials science, particularly energy conversion research, we will revisit 21 the need for additional library research materials, and modify the operating plan accordingly. Section 9: Performance Evaluation Annual reviews with the Advisory Board will be held. Preliminary meetings were held June 9 and June 23, 2006. Inputs from the Advisory Board are incorporated in this proposal. The first regular meeting will be held in Louisville in June, 2007. In addition, annual reviews will be held with the Executive Vice President for Research and Development, and the Deans of the J.B. Speed School of Engineering and the College of Arts & Sciences. Primary measurements: 1) Support for the research mission of the university a) Number and dollar amount of related research contracts by core faculty members b) Number of publications – direct and referenced c) Number of patents and licenses by core faculty d) Number of students, staff and faculty that access the facility (measured in man-hours per year). 2) Support for the education mission of the university a) Number of lab course credit hours and short courses enabled by the Institute b) Establishment of an advanced materials engineering certificate program within an established academic department. 3) Operational funding requirements vs. cost of operation a) Total funding versus projections b) Number of external members/users 22 Section 10: Start-Up Timetable: Planned Activity 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 Start-up grant award (DOE) Complete Planning: Facility, Equipment, Operating Complete Institute Approval XXX Order major instrumentation X XXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXX X Facility preparation XXX XXXXX XXXXX Instrumentation deliveries X XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XX Installation and start-up X XXXXX XXXX Institute fully operational XXXX SUMMARY: The proposed IAM-RE will provide the following benefits to the University: • Enable a nationally recognized research center focused on advanced materials and renewable energy through research by its core faculty members. • Provide a complete set of advanced materials characterization tools, and expertise for engineering, science, medical schools and regional industry. • Provide an infrastructure resource base for faculty proposal submissions to external funding organizations. • Provide the basis for a minimum of two new laboratory courses at UofL and enable the offering of a university-wide academic certificate program in advanced materials science and engineering. • Operate as a resource for the existing students and faculty and as a recruiting tool for attracting new faculty and students to UofL. • Offer “project support services” to regional industry and provide the basis for establishing a NSF IUCRC in the future. 23 TO ESTABLISH THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED MATERIALS AND RENEWABLE ENERGY (IAM-RE), WE PROPOSE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Budget approval – starting January 1, 2007 – in the amounts defined above and shown in Form 1. As discussed above, the IAM-RE plans to be self funding. Beyond year 1, additional C.A.R. funding of approximately $32,000 per year is planned to support the staff scientist, as shown in Form 2. 2. Need the required facility space committed: Lutz Hall: Rooms 009 and 010. We are also requesting a commitment for Room 011 for use longer range. A target occupancy date of 1Q2008 is requested. 3. Need an allocation of 10% time of the Physics/Chemistry technician for the IAMRE, and 5% reallocation of the ChE technical services manager (Steve Williamson) to support the proposed IAM-RE. 4. Need approval of the 5% of the overhead recovery on all the research grants/contracts conducted by the core faculty members of the institute. 5. Define the Reporting Authority. It is proposed that the IAM-RE report to the Dean of J.B. Speed School of Engineering (Dr. M.R. Wilhelm). The IAM-RE will also seek input from the Dean of the A&S on its annual accomplishments. The Dean of Speed School (Dr. M.R. Wilhelm) has participated in the planning reviews and initial board meetings, and has shown keen interest in guiding IAMRE to achieve its strategic goal to be a true university wide resource and achieve its established goals in research, education and industrial support, leading to a nationally recognized center of excellence in research and education in advanced materials and renewable energy. 24 Submitted by: Dr. Mahendra K. Sunkara ______Date______Professor of Chemical Engineering Dr. Gamini Sumanasekera ______Date ______Assistant Professor of Physics Dr. Robert M. Buchanan ______Date______Professor of Chemistry and Associate Dean for Research, A&S Mark Schreck P.E. ______Date______Speed Research Administration 25 APPENDIX • Form 1- Cost Details • Form 2 – Amount and Sources of Revenue • Biosketches of Directors, Core Faculty/Staff, and the External Advisory Board Members M.K. Sunkara G. Sumanasekera R.M. Schreck G.A. Willing R.E. Berson T.L. Starr R.W. Cohn D. Borchmann R. McCoy Z. Chen External Advisory Board: 1. J.C. Angus 2. T. E. Mallouk 3. D. H. Lowndes 4. B. H. Davis 5. R. Miranda • Advisory Board Meeting Minutes – June 9 and June 23, 2006 26 FORM 1 - EXPENDITURES I. Personnel Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1. Full time ranked faculty Mahendra K. Sunkara $11,560 $11,849 $12,145 $12,449 $12,760 Gamini U. Sumanasekera $7,000 $7,175 $7,354 $7,538 $7,727 Robert M. Buchanan $5,780 $5,925 $6,073 $6,224 $6,380 Benefits $6,085 $6,237 $6,393 $6,553 $6,717 Cost - FTEF $30,425 $31,186 $31,965 $32,764 $33,584 2. Part-time faculty (PTF) 0 0 0 0 0 3. Other staff Staff Scientist - Chen $60,000 $61,500 $63,038 $64,613 $66,229 Post-Doc (New) $35,000 $35,875 $36,772 $37,691 $38,633 Rodica McCoy $43,077 $45,000 $46,125 $47,278 $48,460 Facility Mgr* $13,500 $7,000 $7,175 $7,354 $7,538 UBM support - part-time $5,000 $5,125 $5,253 $5,384 $5,519 Technician Support - A&S $3,500 $3,588 $3,677 $3,769 $3,863 Technician Support - ChE $2,500 $2,563 $2,627 $2,692 $2,760 Benefits $40,644 $40,163 $41,167 $42,196 $43,251 Cost - Staff $203,221 $200,813 $205,833 $210,979 $216,253 4. Graduate Students $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL PERSONNEL $233,646 $231,998 $237,798 $243,743 $249,837 II. Operating Costs 1. Supplies - general instruments $10,000 $12,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 2. Supplies - TEM $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 3. Supplies FE-SEM $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 4. IT-Voice Network $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 5. Equipment Maintenance -TEM Warranty Warranty $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 -UHF Surface Science Inst. $5,000 $20,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 -FESEM-XRD Warranty Warranty $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 Raman PL Microscope $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 Thin Film XRD $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 JEOL 30-KV SEM $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 -Other Equipment $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Analytical Equipment Upgrades $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Comp Equipment/SW Upgrades $2,500 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Total Operating Costs $61,000 $85,500 $266,000 $266,000 $266,000 III. Capital Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL COSTS $294,646 $317,498 $503,798 $509,743 $515,837 Detailed explanation for the costs shown above is provided in Section 6 of the proposal. 27 FORM 2 AMOUNT AND SOURCES OF REVENUE REVENUE SOURCE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1. Regular state appropriation and tuition and fees a. New Money (SSOE - see Section 6) $15,375 $31,519 $32,307 $33,114 b. Internal reallocation - FTEF (Note 1) $12,474 $25,572 $26,212 $26,867 c. Internal reallocation - STAFF $57,577 $63,275 $64,857 $66,478 $68,140 d. Benefits $14,394 $22,781 $30,487 $31,249 $32,030 2. Institutional allocation from restricted endowment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3. Institutional allocation from unrestricted endowment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4. Gifts $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5. Extraordinary state appropriation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 6. Grants or contracts a. Private sector $100,000 $150,000 $205,000 $240,000 $240,000 b. Local government c. State d. Federal - DOE GB051184 Chen $60,000 $30,750 Federal - DOE GB051184 Sumanasekera $7,000 $3,588 Federal - DOE GB051184 Buchanan $5,780 $2,962 Federal - DOE GB051184 Sunkara $11,560 $5,925 Federal - DOE GB051184 (Facility Mgr-start-up) $10,000 Federal - DOE GB051184 - Benefits $23,585 $10,806 e. Other - funding from core faculty (various sources) $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $125,000 $150,000 7. Capitation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8. Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9. Other a. 5% overhead return $1,175 $1,293 $1,410 $2,938 $3,525 TOTAL REVENUE $341,071 $374,228 $418,845 $524,183 $553,677 TOTAL COSTS (from FORM 1) $294,646 $317,498 $503,798 $509,743 $515,837 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) - CURRENT YEAR $46,425 $56,730 ($84,953) $14,440 $37,840 YEAR END BALANCE $46,425 $103,155 $18,202 $32,642 $70,482 Note 1: DOE funding is provided for Drs. Sumansekera, Buchanan and Sunkara for CY 2007 and half of 2008. Detailed explanation of the sources of revenue is provided in Sections 6 and 7 of the proposal. 28 MAHENDRA K. SUNKARA Phone: (502) 852-1558 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph. D. 1993 Chemical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. M.S. 1988 Chemical Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY. B.Tech., 1986 Chemical Engineering, Andhra University, Waltair, India. Dissertation: “Monte-Carlo Simulation of Diamond Nucleation and Growth” Advisor: J.C. Angus Thesis Title: “Selective Pulse plating of gold and tin-lead solder” Advisor: Der-Tau Chin AWARDS ● NSF CAREER Award, 1999. ● Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty in Engineering Award, 1999. ● Finalist, Speed School Research Scholar Award, 2000 and 2006. ● Top 25 Young Guns in Louisville, Louisville Magazine, 2002. ● Best student award during sophomore and junior years, National Merit Scholar,‘82-’86. EXPERIENCE Professor, University of Louisville, Louisville July ’06 - Present Assistant and Associate Professor, University of Louisville ‘96-’02; ’02- ‘06 Consultant, K-Systems Corp., Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton June ’96 – Aug. ‘96 Project Engineer, Faraday Technology, Inc., Dayton May '93 - June 96 Recent Five Publications (Out of total 65) 1. H. Chandrasekaran, G.U Sumanasekara, and M.K. Sunkara, “Rationalization of nanowire synthesis using low-melting point metals”, J. Phys. Chem. B., 110 (37): 18351-18357 (2006). 2. R.D. Lowe, R.C. Mani, R.P. Baldwin and M.K. Sunkara, ”Nanoelectrode ensembles using carbon nanopipettes”, Electrochem. and Solid State Lett., 9 (6): H43-H47 (2006). 3. H. Li, A. Chin, and M.K. Sunkara, “Direction-Dependent Homoepitaxial Growth onto GaN Nanowires”, Advanced Materials, 18, 216 (2006). 4. S. Vaddiraju, A. Mohite, A. Chin, M. Meyyappan, G. Sumanasekera, B.W. Alphenaar, M.K. Sunkara, ”Mechanisms of 1D Crystal Growth in Reactive Vapor Transport: Indium Nitride Nanowires” Nano Lett., 5, 1625-1631 (2005). 5. M. Mozeti , U. Cvelbar, M. K. Sunkara, and S. Vaddiraju, ”A Method for the Rapid Synthesis of Large Quantities of Metal Oxide Nanowires at Low Temperatures”, Advanced Materials, 17, 2138 (2005). Other Significant Five Publications 1. R.C. Mani, M.K. Sunkara, X. Li and K. Rajan, “Carbon Nanopipettes”, Nano Lett., 3, 671-673 (2003). 29 2. G. Bhimarasetti, M.K. Sunkara, U.M. Graham, B.H. Davis, C. Suh, and K. Rajan, “Morphological Control of Tapered and Multi-junctioned Carbon Tubular Structures”, Advanced Materials (featured article), 15 (19), 1629 (2003). 3. S. Sharma and M.K. Sunkara, “Direct Synthesis of Gallium Oxide Nanowires, Nanotubes, and Nanopaintbrushes”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124(41), 12288 (2002). 4. M.K. Sunkara, S. Sharma, R. Miranda, G. Lian, and E.C. Dickey, “Bulk Synthesis of Silicon Nanowires using a Low Temperature Vapor-Liquid-Solid Method” Appl. Phys. Lett., 79, 1546 (2001). 5. W. R. L. Lambrecht, C. H. Lee, B. Segall, J. C. Angus, Z. Li and M. Sunkara, "Diamond Nucleation by Hydrogenation of Prism Surfaces of Graphite", Nature, Vol. 364, 607 (1993). SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES • Advised about twenty (20) MS/Mengg/PhD and ten (10) undergraduate students in research. Mentored about ten (10) high school students in their science fair projects. Several of them won awards at regional science fairs but two of them won grand prizes at Intel Science Fair. • Actively organized several workshops and symposia devoted to nanomaterials. The notable ones are (a) an annual statewide workshop, to foster collaborations between industry and academic researchers in KY and (b) the 1st topical symposium on “Nanowires” at the 2005 AICHE meeting in Cincinnati. • Developed a comprehensive, state of the art nanomaterials characterization facility (Institute for Advanced Materials at UofL). Planned a laboratory course on nanomaterials and surfaces characterization next year and a small “hands-on” teaching module using nanomaterials enabled solar cells for a freshman engineering course. • Developed a specialized graduate-level course at UofL on “chemical vapor deposition & nanomaterials synthesis”. • Delivered over 30 invited talks in addition to several generic talks on nanomaterials to regional societies. Wrote an invited guest column about business opportunities in nanotechnology to BusinessFirst magazine published in October 2005. • Serves as an active reviewer to several top-notch journals and funding agencies. GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POST-DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES • Current Ph.D. Students: Ms. R. Dumpala, Mr. J. Thangala, Mr. S. Gubbala, Mr. C. Pendyala, Mr. P. Meduri and Mr. V. Kumar; Post-doctoral Associate (Dr. B. Deb) • Ph.D. Graduates: Ms. R.C. Mani, Mr. S. Sharma, Mr. H. Li, Mr. G. Bhimarasetti, Mr. H. Chandrasekaran and Mr. S. Vaddiraju) and about 12 M.S./M.Engg students so far. EXTERNAL COLLABORATORS B.H. Davis (UK-CAER), AM Rao (Clemson), K. Rajan (now at ISU), J. Wagner (Sudchemie, Inc.), T. Druffel (Optical Dynamics, Inc.), M. Mozetic (Institute for Jozef Stefan, Slovenia), M. Meyyappan (NASA Ames Research Center), C. Ning (UC-Santa Cruz), E. Grulke (UK), and P. Menguc (UK). 30 GAMINI U. SUMANASEKERA Department of Physics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 Email: [email protected], Telephone: (502) 852-0919 EDUCATION Indiana University Physics Ph.D. (1995) Bowling Green State University Physics M.S. (1987) University of Peradeniya, Sri-Lanka Physics B.S. (1981) EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor, University of Louisville, Physics (2002-Present) Associate Faculty, University of Louisville, ECE (2003-Present) Senior Research Associate, Pennsylvania State University (1999-2002) Post-Doc, University of Kentucky (1995-1999) RECENT FIVE PUBLICATIONS (out of over 50) (1.) B. Nagabhirava, T. Bansal, G. U. Sumanasekera, B. W. Alphenaar, L. Liu, “Gated spin transport through an individual single wall carbon nanotube”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 88 (2): Art. No. 023503 (2006) (2.) A. Tchernatinsky, S. Desai, G. U. Sumanasekera, C. S. Jayanthi, and S. Y. Wu, B. Nagabhirava and B. Alphenaar, “Adsorption of oxygen molecules on individual singlewall carbon nanotubes”, J. of Appl. Phys., 99, 034306 (2006) (3.) A. J. Mieszawska, R. Jalilian , G. U. Sumanasekera , F. P.Zamborini, “Synthesis of gold nanorod/single-wall carbon nanotube heterojunctions directly on surfaces”, J. of the Am. Chem. Soc., 127 (31): 10822 (2005) (4.) K. W. Adu , H. R. Gutierrez , U. J. Kim , G. U. Sumanasekera , P. C. Eklund , “Confined phonons in Si nanowires”, NanoLett., 5 (3): 409 (2005) (5.) A. Mohite, G.U. Sumanasekera, K. Hirahara, S. Bandow, S. Iijima and B.W. Alphenaar, “Photocurrent spectroscopy of double wall carbon nanotubes”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 412, 190 (2005) FIVE OTHER SIGNIFICANT PUBLCATIONS (1.) G.G. Chen, S. Bandow, E. R. Margine, C. Nisoli, A. N. Kolmogorov, V. H. Crespi, R. Gupta, G. U. Sumanasekera, S. Iijima, P. C. Eklund, ‘Chemically doped doublewalled carbon nanotubes: Cylindrical molecular capacitors’, Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, 2574031 (2003) (2.) G.U. Sumanasekera, B. K. Pradhan, H.E. Romero, C.W. Adu, P.C. Eklund, ‘Giant Thermopower Effects from Molecular Physisorption on Carbon Nanotubes’, Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 166801 (2002) (3.) G. Chen, G. U. Sumanasekera, B. K. Pradhan BK, R. Gupta, P. C. Eklund, M. J. Bronikowski, R. E. Smalley, ‘Raman-active modes of single-walled carbon nanotubes 31 derived from the gas-phase decomposition of CO (HiPco process)’, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno., 2, 621 (2002) (4.) S. Bandow S, G. Chen, G.U. Sumanasekera, R. Gupta, M. Yudasaka, S. Iijima, P.C. Eklund, ‘DIAM-REeter-selective resonant Raman scattering in double-wall carbon nanotubes’, Phys. Rev. B., 66, 075416 (2002) (5.) C.W. Adu, G.U. Sumanasekera, B.K. Pradhan, H.E. Romero, P.C. Eklund, ‘Carbon nanotubes: A thermoelectric nano-nose’, Chem. Phys. Lett., 337, 31 (2001) SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES • Advised 6 M.S. and 4 undergraduate students in research. • Mentored 4 high school students and 2 Middle school students in their science fair projects. Two of the high school students were chosen for Intel Science Fair. • Served as high school Science Fair judge. • Delivered several invited talks GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POST-DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES: • Currently Advising 4 PhD students, 2 postdoctoral associates, and 3 Masters Students • Graduated 5 Masters students EXTERNAL COLLABORATORS: Prof. Peter Eklund (Physics, Pennsylvania State University), Dr. A. M. Rao, (Physics, Clemson University), Dr. B. K. Pradhan (Columbian Chemicals Company, GA), Dr. Avetik Harutyunyan (Honda America R &D, Columbus, OH) Prof. T. Enoki (Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Dr. S. Bandow (Meijo Univ, Japan), Prof. Masaru Tachibana, (Yokohama City University, Japan). 32 ROBERT M. BUCHANAN Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 Email:[email protected], Telephone: (502) 852-6580 PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION Western Maryland College Chemistry B.A.(1973) West Virginia University Chemistry M.S.(1975) University of Colorado at Boulder Chemistry Ph.D.(1980) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemistry Postdoc( 1981-1982) APPOINTMENTS Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Education, Arts and Sciences, University of Louisville (2006-Present) Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville (1994-present) Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville (1988-1994) Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville (1982-1988) HONORS AND AWARDS University of Louisville Distinguished Teaching Award (2005-2006) Davoe Reynold’s Award in Chemistry (1994) President’s Young Investigators Award, University of Louisville (1988) MAJOR RESEARCH INTERESTS My research interests focus on the synthesis and properties of small molecule metal complexes with unique catalytic properties and the development of synthetic methodologies for the synthesis of supramolecular materials. Other interests include nanonstructures, porous materials, and the dynamical properties of hydrate structures that function as proton wires. PUBLICATIONS (SELECTED) 1. L.E. Cheruzel. J. Wang, M.S. Mashuta, R.M. Buchanan “Structure and Properties of a Fe(III) complex containing a novel amide Functionalized Polyimidazole Ligand, Chem. Comm. 2002, 2166-2167. 2. M.S. Mahout, L.E. Cheruzel, R.M. Buchanan “Tris[(1-methylimidazol-2-yl)methyl] amine-boric acid (1/1) Acta Crystallography. 2002, C58, o629-o631. 3. L.E. Cheruzel, M. Potenum, M.S. Mashuta, M. Cecil, R.J. Wittebort, R.M. Buchanan “Structures and solid-state dynamics of one-dimensional water chains stabilized by imidazole channels” Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. Engl. 2003, 44, 5451-5454 (featured communication). 33 4. P. D. Bauer, M. S. Mashuta, R. J. O’Brien, J.F. Richardson, R. M. Buchanan “Synthesis, Characterization and Crystal Structure of Ni(II) Complexes Containing Sterically Hindered Benzimidazole Ligands” J. Coord. Chem. 2004, 57, 361-372. 5. L.E. Cheruzel, M. S. Mashuta, R. M. Buchanan “ A novel stacking_ _assembly of side-by-side polyimidazole tripod coils stabilized by and unique boric acid templated hydrogen bonding interactions” Chem. Comm. 2005, 2223-2225. 6. L.E. Cheruzel, M. S. Mashuta, R. M. Buchanan “5,10-dihydroxy-5H,10Hdiimidazo[ 1,2-a:1’,2’-d]pyrazine” Acta Crystall. 2005, C61. o361-o362. 7. B.C. Frye, M.S. Mashuta, C.S. Mullins, C.A Grapperhaus, R.M. Buchanan “Ethyl 1- methylimidazole-2-carboxylate” Acta Crystall. 2006, E62, o1548-o1549. 8. L. E. Cheruzel, M. R. Cecil, S. E. Edison, M. S. Mashuta, M. J. Baldwin, R. M. Buchanan, “Copper(II) Complexes of a New Bis-Amide Functionalized Imidazole Tripod and Evidence for the Formation of a Mononuclear End-on Cu-OOH Species” Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 3191-3202. CURRENT FUNDING KSEF, “Development of One-Dimensional Proton Wires,” $99,081 (with matching funds). 34 R. M. (MARK) SCHRECK [email protected] PRESENT POSITION: Manager – Materials Laboratories, Research Administration, Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville, KY 40292. Directs the materials characterizations labs in the school of engineering. Liaison for materials related testing and research with faculty, students and regional industry. EDUCATION M.S., Electrical Engineering - Materials, 1972, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI B. S., Electrical Engineering - Materials, 1968, University of Detroit, Detroit, MI B.A., Mathematics, 1968, Bellarmine University M.S. Certificate – Reactor Materials & Engineering: Rickover Nuclear Reactor Engineering School – Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA PAST POSITIONS Vice president and General Manager – Chief Technology Officer, GE Consumer Products, (1992-1998). General Manager, Product Engineering, GE Consumer Products, (1987-1992). Technical management/engineering, GE Corp, (1973-1987). EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE: GE Consumer Products is a global manufacturer of home appliances and other consumer products, with sales of over $7 billion annually and 25,000 employees worldwide. Mr. Schreck directed the Technology and Engineering organization with 750 employees and an operating budget of $78 million. He managed annual investments in products and facilities of $300 million. Utilizing a state-of the-art Materials and Processes Development Center, GECP developed a steady stream of innovative, leadership appliances for the global market. Under his leadership, GECP introduced over 1000 new products and established GE consumer products as a leader in quality and reliability. OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER (Ky.) - License #9008 - Electrical and Mechanical branches • Six U.S. patents • Chairman, Industry Advisory Board - University of Illinois (1990-95) • Chairman - Int’l Science & Engineering Fair (1997) • MILITARY SERVICE: U.S. Navy Nuclear Program. ADM Rickover’s engineering staff. Highest rank: LT (SG). Served 1969-1973 (Vietnam Era). 35 BOARD POSITION Member of the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation, Lexington, KY, a non-profit center for development of technology and technology based companies with the commonwealth of Kentucky – since 1996. HONORS & AWARDS & SOCIETIES Tau Beta Pi (1967), Eta Kappa Nu (1967), Graduated Summa Cum Laude (BS), Graduate Magna Cum Laude (MS), KY Society of Professional Engineers, Tau Beta PI (Michigan Delta Chapter), KY Sciences and Technology Corp. 36 Gerold A. Willing Assistant Professor, University of Louisville Phone: (502) 852-7860 E-mail: [email protected] Education Ph.D. Department of Chemical Engineering, Auburn University Minor in Materials Science 2001 Dissertation: “Investigation of Adhesion and Related Phenomena Utilizing Surface Force Techniques” (Advisor: R.D. Neuman) B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin – Madison 1993 Professional Appointments Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Louisville 2004-date Postdoctoral Appointee, Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory 2001-2004 Visiting Researcher, School of Chemistry, University of Sydney, Australia 1995 Teaching/Research Assistant, Chemical Engineering, Auburn University, AL 1993-2001 Co-op, Specialty Chemicals Division, S.C. Johnson Wax, Inc. (Racine, WI) 1992-1993 Awards 3rd Place Winner, Poster: Professional Category, KYNanoMat, Lexington 2004 Sam Wyman Memorial Award, SUR/FIN, Milwaukee, WI 2003 Auburn University Graduate Research Fellow 2000-2001 Graduate Assistantship in Areas of National Need Fellow 1993-1995 National Merit Honorable Mention Scholar 1988-1992 Five Recent Publications (out of 19) 1. Noh, D.-Y, Willing, G.A., Han, C.Y., Shin, K.-S, Geiser, U., Wang, H.H., “Synthesis and Application of Electron Donor Molecule with Dodecanethiol for BEDT-TTF Template Crystallization”, Chemistry of Materials, 16 (2004) 4777-4782. 2. Han, C.Y., Xiao, Z.L., Wang, H.H., Willing, G.A., Geiser, U., Welp, U., Kwok, W.K., Bader, S.D., Crabtree, G.W., “Anodized Aluminum Oxide Membranes as Templates for Nanoscale Structures”, Plating and Surface Finishing, 91 (2004) 40- 45. 3. Geiser, U., Wang, H.H., Han, C.Y., Willing, G.A., “The Role of Organic Conductors in a World of Nanoscience”, in Organic Conductors, Superconductors and Magnets: From Synthesis to Molecular Electronics (L. Ouahab and E. Yagubskii, Eds.), Kulwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, (2004) 231-239. 4. Han, C.Y., Xiao, Z. L., Wang, H.H., Willing, G.A., Geiser, U., Welp, U., Kwok, W.K., Bader, S.D., Crabtree, G.W., “Porous Anodic Aluminum Oxide Membranes for Nano-Fabrication”, ATB Metallurgie, 43 (2003) 123-129. 5. Wang, H.H., Han, C.Y., Willing, G.A., Xiao, Z., “Nanowire and Nanotube Syntheses through Self-Assembled Nanoporous AAO Templates”, MRS Symposium Proc., 775 (2003) 107-112. 37 Five Other Significant Publications 1. Wang, H.H., Han, C.Y., Noh, D.-Y., Shin, K.-S., Willing, G.A., Geiser, U., “Thin Films and Surface Patterning with BEDT-TTF Based Charge Transfer Salts”, Synthetic Metals, 137 (2003) 1201-1202. 2. Willing, G.A. and Neuman, R.D., “Analysis of Asperity-Asperity Adhesion Forces Utilizing Statistical Analysis Techniques and the Force Selectivity of the Scanning Probe Microscope”, Langmuir, 18 (2002) 8370-8374. 3. Wang, H.H., Han, C.Y., Csencsits, R., Willing, G.A., Thiyagarajan, P., Wang, H., Yu, L., “Nanostructured Block Copolymers”, Proc. of the Twentieth Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, May 20- 21, 2002 (2002) 173-180. 4. Willing, G.A., Burk, T.R., Neuman, R.D., “Adhesion of Pharmaceutical Particles to Gelatin Capsules Having Variable Surface Physicochemical Properties: Evaluation Using a Combination of Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques”, Colloids and Surfaces A, 193 (2001) 117-127. 5. Willing, G.A., Ibrahim, T.H., Etzler, F.M., Neuman, R.D., “New Approach to the Study of Particle-Surface Adhesion Using Atomic Force Microscopy”, J. of Colloid and Interface Science, 226 (2000) 185-188. Synergistic Activities • Organized two separate scientific seminar series and two career development workshops on Proposal Writing and Alternative Funding Sources within the Department of Defense. • Judged the Annual ChemE Car Poster Competition and Annual Student Poster Competition at the AIChE Annual Meeting in 2004 and 2005. • Developing a nanoscience module for the high school chemistry and undergraduate engineering classroom with faculty in the Department of Education and Human Development. • Reviewed proposals for the Kentucky NSF EPSCoR and the Petroleum Research Fund programs. • Actively planning events for the Louisville Local AIChE Section in capacity as Treasurer. Mentoring students across multiple disciplines as Faculty Advisor to the Speed School of Engineering Student Council. Actively promoting engineering to high school students and the public at large through various school activities, including Engineering Expo, the Inspire program and Leadership Advantage. Graduate Students • Currently advising 2 PhD students and 2 MEng students. Collaborators T.R. Tretter (UofL – Dept. of Education), S.R. Singh (Alabama State University), M.A. Firestone (Argonne National Lab), J.A. Schlueter (Argonne), P. Kamat (Radiation Lab – Notre Dame) 38 R. ERIC BERSON University of Louisville Phone: (502)852-1567 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Louisville, Louisville, KY; 1/96-2/00. M.S., Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Louisville, Louisville, KY; 8/92-8/94. B.S., Chemical Engineering, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL; 8/86-12/91. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE University of Louisville, Department of Chemical Engineering, Assistant Professor 8/05 - present Research Assistant Professor, 8/03 – 7/05 Carrier Vibrating Equipment, Louisville, KY, Project Manager, 8/01-7/02 Waukesha Cherry-Burrell, Louisville, KY, Pilot Plant R&D Engineer, 7/00-8/01. Merck Pharmaceuticals, Albany, GA., Summer Internship, 6/90-8/90. AWARDS and HONORS •Research!Louisville 2005 Innovation in Biotechnology, 3rd Place •Patent on novel bio-reactor (US Patent #6,720,178). •1999 Zeon Engineering Fellowship Recipient. •Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society. •1st Place in Session, CHEGSA Symposium Oral Presentation Competition, Lexington, KY, 9/98. •Academic Scholarship, Florida State Univ., Chem. Eng. Dept., 89-90, 90-91. FIVE RECENT PUBLICATIONS • Berson, Dasari, and Hanley: “Modeling of a Continuous Pretreatment Reactor Using Computational Fluid Dynamics”, in press, Appl. Biochem. & Biotech • Berson, Young, and Hanley: “Re-Introduced Solids Increases Inhibitor Levels in a Pretreated Corn Stover Hydrolysate”, in press, Appl. Biochem. & Biotech • Berson, Young, Kamer, and Hanley: “Detoxification of Actual Corn Stover Hydrolysate Using an Activated Carbon Powder”, Appl. Biochem. & Biotech, 121-124, 923(2005) • Berson and Hanley: “The Use of CFD Simulations for the Design of a Pretreatment Screw Conveyor Reactor”, Appl. Biochem. & Biotech, 121-124, 935(2005) • Berson, Pieczynski, Svihla, and Hanley: "Enhanced Mixing and Mass Transfer in a Recirculation Loop Results in High-Cell Densities in a Novel Continuous Perfusion Roller Bottle Reactor", Biotech. Prog., 18, 72(2002) 39 OTHER PUBLICATIONS • Berson, Mane, Svihla, and Hanley: "Improved Oxygen Delivery in a Continuous Roller Bottle Reactor", Appl. Biochem. & Biotech, 70-72, 615(1998) • Svihla, Berson, Dronawat, and Hanley: "Liquid Mixing and Oxygen Transfer in a Novel Continuous Roller Bottle Reactor", Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 1, 623(1996) • Svihla, Berson, and Hanley: "Gas-Liquid Mixing and Mass-Transfer in Tall Tanks", AIChE Symp. Ser. 305(91), 161(1995) • Yerks, Zhang, Berson, Loha, Modi, and Tanner: "Estimating the Michaelis Constant and Total Enzyme Concentration in an Enzyme Kinetic Process Using the Henri Equation", Indian Chem. Engr., 37, 80(1995) • Svihla, Berson, and Hanley: "Modeling Mass Transfer and Gas Phase Mixing in the Reactive Absorption of Ozone", IChemE Symp. Ser., 136, 227(1994) SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES • Co-founder and core member of the Kentucky Rural Energy Consortium. • Developed graduate course at the University of Louisville on Computational Fluid Dynamics • Vice-chair of AICHE, Louisville chapter. • Organized UofL Department of Chemical Engineering seminar series, Fall 2003. GRADUATE STUDENTS •Currently advising 1 PhD student and 3 MS/MEng students. •Graduated first MEng student in Fall 2005. EXTERNAL COLLABORATORS MD Montross (University of Kentucky), C Crofcheck (University of Kentucky), TR Hanley (Auburn University) 40 THOMAS L. STARR Education Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Chemistry, University of Louisville 1976 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, University of Detroit 1970 Employment History University of Louisville Professor, Chemical Engineering Department 1998-present Chair, Chemical Engineering Department 2000-2004 Assoc. Dean, J.B. Speed School of Engineering 2004-present Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Scientist, Materials Science and Engineering Department 1995-1998 Research Scientist, Georgia Tech Research Institute 1980-1995 General Electric Company, Analytical Chemist 1977-1980 Research Interests Dr. Starr's current research interests are in the area of materials processing including atomic layer deposition (ALD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and solid freeform fabrication (SFF). His CVD and ALD research is directed towards applications in solid oxide thin films for solar cells, for fuel cells and for thermal barrier coatings. SFF research focuses on selective laser sintering (SLS), stereolithography (SLA) and direct laser deposition (DLD) for rapid prototyping, rapid tooling and custom manufacturing. Selected publications J. G. Hemrick, T. L. Starr and D. W. Rosen, “Release Behavior for Powder Injection Molding in Stereolithography Molds”, Rapid Prototyping Journal 7(2) 115-121 (2001) S. Jin, X. Wang, T.L. Starr and X. Chen, “Robust Numerical Simulation of Porosity Evolution in Chemical Vapor Infiltration I: Two Space Dimension,” Journal of Computational Physics, 162(2) 467-482 (2000) T.L. Starr and D.Y. Chiang, “Kinetics of Silicon Carbide Deposition in Forced Flow Chemical Vapor Infiltration,” Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 21(3) 281- 288 (2000) T.M. Besmann, V.G. Varanasi, T.L. Starr and T.J. Anderson, "Modeling and System Design for Atmospheric Pressure CVD of YSZ", in Chemical Vapor Deposition: CVD XV (15th), M.D. Allendorf, T.M. Besmann, eds. (The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, New Jersey, 2000) S. Jin, X. Wang and T.L. Starr, “A model for front evolution with a non-local growth rate” Journal of Materials Research 14(10) 3829-3832 (1999) T.L. Starr and N Hablutzel, "Measurement of Gas Transport Through Fiber Preforms and Densified Composites for Chemical Vapor Infiltration," Journal of the American Ceramic 81(5) 1298-1304 (1998) 41 E.A. Judson and T.L. Starr, “Rapid Prototyping with Ceramics Using Injection Molding and Stereolithography,” in Proceedings of the North American Stereolithography Users Group Conference, Orlando, FL, Feb. 16-20, 1997 S. Vaidyaraman, W.J. Lackey, P.K. Agrawal and T.L. Starr, "1-D Model for Forced Flow-Thermal Gradient Chemical Vapor Infiltration Process for Carbon," Carbon 34 (9) 1123-33 (1996) F. Yang, A. Saxena and T.L. Starr, "Fracture Mechanisms in Unidirectional SiC/Si3N4 Composite at Elevated Temperatures," ASTM STP 1297, 27th National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture (1996) J. H. Kinney, T. M. Bruenig, T.L. Starr, D. Haupt, M. C. Nichols, S. R. Stock, M.D. Butts and R.A. Saroyan, "X-ray Tomographic Study of Chemical Vapor Infiltration Processing of Ceramic Composites," Science 260,789-792 (7 May 1993) W. J. Lackey and T.L. Starr, "Fabrication of Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites by Chemical Vapor Infiltration: Structure and Properties," in FIBER REINFORCED CERAMIC COMPOSITES, Noyes Publications, Parkridge, New Jersey, 1990, K. S. Masdiyasni, editor 42 Robert W. Cohn Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Louisville EDUCATION B.A. English, University of Kansas 1975 B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Kansas 1978 M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Kansas 1982 Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Southern Methodist University 1988 Dissertation: Adaptive Methods for Reducing Sidelobe Levels of Surface Acoustic Wave Filters Thesis: Gallium Arsenide Surface Acoustic Wave Propagation PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Distinguished University Scholar, University of Louisville 2005-date Director, Nanotechnology Core Facility, University of Louisville 1998-date Director, ElectroOptics Research Institute & Nanotechnology Center, U. Louisville 1996-date Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Louisville 1995-date Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, University of Louisville 1989-1995 Member of Technical Staff, Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, Texas 1978-1989 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES, AWARDS AND HONORS Fellow of the Optical Society of America 1999 ASEE Southeastern Region Research Award 1995 Senior Member IEEE 1988 Member of SPIE and AAAS SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES Leads several Nanotechnology Initiatives in Kentucky (1997-date) Co-organized KY Nanomaterials Workshop (2003-04) Outreach to faculty, industry, government Recent Novel Courses: Nanotechnology Survey, Polymer MEMS, Nanostructure Self-assembly Reviews for NSF (1999-date) XYZ on Chip, Career, IGERT, MRI, NER, NNIN, NNIN annual site visit, Committee of Visitors review of ECS Division Invited Overview Talks on Nanotechnology to NSF/ECS Grantees Conference (2001) & Gerontological Soc. of America Annual Mtg. (2000) SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (In order of relevance to this proposal) M. M. Yazdanpanah, S. A. Harfenist, A. Safir and R. W. Cohn, “Selective self-assembly at room temperature of individual freestanding Ag2Ga alloy nanoneedles,” J. Applied Physics, 98(7), 073510. (1 October 2005) M. M. Yazdanpanah, S. A. Harfenist and R. W. Cohn, “Gallium-driven assembly of gold nanowire networks,” Applied Physics Letters 85(9), 1592-1594. (30 August 2004) M. M. Yazdanpanah, S. Chakraborty, S. A. Harfenist, R. W. Cohn, and B. W. Alphenaar, “Formation of highly transmissive liquid metal contacts to carbon nanotubes” Applied Physics Letters. 85(16), 3564-3566. (18 October 2004) C. Y. Lim, Q. Huang, X. Xie, A. Safir, S. A. Harfenist, R. W. Cohn and E. J. Podlaha, 43 “Development of an electrodeposited nanomold from compositionally modulated alloys,” J. Applied Electrochemistry 34(8), 857-866. (August 2004) S. A. Harfenist, S. D. Cambron, E. W. Nelson, S. M. Berry, A. W. Isham, M. M. Crain, K. M. Walsh, R. S. Keynton and R. W. Cohn, “Direct drawing of suspended filamentary micro- and nano- structures from liquid polymers,” Nano Letters 4(10), 1931-1937. (13 October 2004) S. A. Harfenist, M. M. Yazdanpanah, and R. W. Cohn, “High aspect ratio etching of AFM-patterned nitrided silicon,” J. Vacuum Science and Technology B 21(3), 1176-1180. (May 2003) S. Sharma, M. K. Sunkara, M. M. Crain, S. F. Lyuksyutov, S. A. Harfenist, K. M. Walsh and R. W. Cohn, “Selective plasma nitridation and contrast reversed etching of silicon,” J. Vacuum Science and Technology B 19(5), 1743-1746. (September 2001) J. Chen, A. M. Rao, S. F. Lyuksyutov, M. E. Itkis, M. A. Hamon, H. Hu, R. W. Cohn, P. C. Eklund, D. T. Colbert, R. E. Smalley, and R. C. Haddon, “Dissolution of full-length single-walled carbon nanotubes,” J. Physical Chemistry B 105(13), 2525-2528. (5 April 2001) R. W. Cohn, S. F. Lyuksyutov, K. M. Walsh, and M. M. Crain, “Nanolithography considerations for multi-passband grating filters,” Optical Review 6(4), 345-354. (July/August 1999) R. W. Cohn, A. A. Vasiliev, W. Liu and D. L. Hill, “Fully complex diffractive optics by means of patterned diffuser arrays: Encoding concept and implications for fabrication,” J. Optical Society of America A 14(5), 1110-1123. (May 1997) COLLABORATIONS G. McKinley, MIT; R. E. Napolitano, Iowa State; E. J. Podlaha, Louisiana State U.; J. Randall, Zyvex Inc.; J. Stockley, BNS Inc.; G. N. Tew, U. Mass. Amherst; R. M. Westervelt, Harvard Univ. Kentucky: L. G. Hassebrook, J. T. Hastings, D. L. Lau, S. Rankin Univ. Louisville: B. W. Alphenaar, C. S. Jayanthi, R. S. Keynton, J. F. Kielkopf, J. F. Naber, T. L. Starr, G. U. Sumanasekera, M. K. Sunkara, K. M. Walsh, G. A. Willing, S-Y Wu, F. P. Zamborini Postdoctoral Scholars Sponsored (20 in all) X. Chang, U. Rochester; D. J. Cho, Ajou U., Korea; V. Dobrokhotov, U. Louisville; B. Fasciotto, U. Louisville; S. A. Harfenist, CalPoly San Luis Obispo; M. Kaykhaii, U. Louisville; E. W. Nelson, U. Louisville; T. Ramadan, Egypt; X. Xun, U. Louisville Graduate Students Directed (22 in all) A. R. Johnson, U. Michigan; P. Lisherness, U. Louisville; K. Nguyen, U. Louisville; T. Olaleye, U. Louisville; S. Pabba, U. Louisville; A. Safir, U. Louisville; S. Sampath, U. Louisville; L. Shindelbower, Lexmark; M. M. Yazdanpanah, U. Louisville Graduate Thesis Directors K. L. Heizer, Southern Methodist University; H. E. Talley, University of Kansas 44 DOUGLAS BORCHMAN Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences [email protected] EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE YEAR(s) FIELD OF STUDY Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, NY B.S. Ph.D. Post Doc. 1977 1984 1984-1986 Chemistry Chemistry Physiol. & Biophysics A. Positions and Honors. Positions and Employment 1979-1979 Biochemistry Research Technician, Veteran's Hospital, Allen Park, Michigan 1982-1984 Research Assistant, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. 1984-1986 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, New York. 1987-1988 Research Associate, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Louisville. 1988-1993 Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. 1994-2000 Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. 1987-present Associate, Department of Biochemistry, University of Louisville. 1988-present, Associate, Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville, Louisville. 2000-present Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY Other Experience and Professional Memberships 1995-present Editorial Board, Ophthalmic Research. 2000 National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia Grant Assessor. B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order). (Publications selected from 72 peer-reviewed publications) 1. Tang, D., Borchman, D., Cenedella, R J., Yappert, M.C.: Influence of cholesterol on the interaction of _-cystallin with phospholipid. Exp. Eye Res. 66:559-567, 1998. 2. Zeng, J., Borchman, D., and Paterson, C.A.: Ethanol and lens cation homeostasis. Alcohol 16:189-193, 1998. 3. Borchman, D., and Yappert, M.C.: Age related lipid oxidation in human lenses. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 39: 1053-1058, 1998. 4. Tang, D., Borchman, D., Harris, N., and Pierangeli, S.: Lipid interactions with human antiphospholipid antibody β2-glycoprotein and normal human IgG using the fluorescent probes NBD-PE and DPH. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1372:45-54, 1998. 5. Tang, D., Borchman, D.: Temperature induced structural changes of α-crystallin and sphigomyelin binding. Exp. Eye Res. 67:113-118, 1998. 45 6. Zhang, Z., Zeng, J., Tang, D., Borchman, D., and Paterson, C.A.: Membrane lipid - (α - crystallin interaction and Ca2+-ATPase activity. Curr. Eye Res. 18:56-61, 1999. 7. Tang, D., Borchman, D., and Yappert, M.C.: α - Crystallin -lens lipid interactions using resonance energy transfer. Ophthalmic Res. 31:452-462, 1999. 8. Borchman, D., Tang, D., and Yappert, M.C.: Lipid composition, membrane structure relationships in lens and muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biospectroscopy 5:151-167, 1999. 9. Ahuja, R.P., Borchman, D., Dean, W.L., Paterson, C.A., Zeng, J., Zhang, S., Ferguson- Yankey, S., and Yappert, M.C.: Effect of oxidation on Ca2+-ATPase activity and membrane lipids in lens epithelial microsomes. Free Rad. BioI. Med. 27:177-185, 1999. 10. Zeng J., Zhang, Z., Paterson, C.A., Ferguson-.Yankey, S., Yappert, M.C., and Borchman, D.: Ca2+ -ATPase activity and lens lipid composition in reconstituted systems. Exp. Eye Res. 69:323-330, 1999. 11. Liu, L., Bian L., Borchman, D., and Paterson, C.A.: Expression of sarco/endoplasmic reticular Ca2+ -ATPase in human lens epithelial cells and cultured human lens epithelial B-3 cells. Curr. Eye Res. 19:389-394, 1999. 12. Bian, L., Zeng, J., Borchman, D., and Paterson, C.A.: Plasma membrane calcium ATPase gene expression pattern in bovine lens epithelium. Ophthalmic Res. 32:100- 105, 2000. 13. Borchman D., Gibblin F.J., Yappert M.C., Leverenz V.R., Reddy, V.N., Lin L., and Tang D.: Impact of aging and hyperbaric oxygen in vivo on guinea pig lens lipid and nuclear light scatter. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis Sci. 41:3061-73, 2000. 14. Ferguson-Yankey, S., Borchman D., Taylor K.G., DuPre, D.B., and Yappert, M.C.: Conformational Studies of sphingolipids by NMR spectroscopy. I. Dihydrosphingomyelin. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1467:307-325, 2000. 15. Talbot, C.M., Vorobyov, I., Borchman D., Taylor KG., DuPre D.B., and Yappert, M.C. Conformational Studies of sphingolipids by NMR spectroscopy. II. Sphingomyelin. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1467:326-337, 2000. 16. Rujoi M., Borchman D., DuPre D.B., and Yappert M.C.: Interactions of Ca2+ with sphingomyelin and dihydrosphingomyelin. Biophysical J. 82:3096-3104, 2002. 17. Giblin, F.J., Leverenz, V.R, Padgoankar, V.A., Unakar, N.J., Dang, L., Lin, L-R., Lou, M.F., Reddy, V.N., Borchman, D., and Dillon, J.P.: UVA Light in vivo reaches the nucleus of the guinea pig lens and produces deleterious, oxidative effects. Exp. Eye Res., 75:445-58, 2002. 18. Liu, L., Paterson, C.P., and Borchman, D.: Regulation of sarco/endoplasmic Ca2+- ATPase expression by calcium in human lens cells. Exp. Eye Res., 75:583-590, 2002. 19. Byrdwell, W.C., Sato, H., Schwarz, A., Borchman, D., Yappert, M.C., and Tang, D.: 31P-NMR Quantification and monophasic solvent purification of human and bovine lens phospholipids. Lipids 37:1087-1092, 2002. 20. Rujoi, M., Borchman D., Vorobyov, I., and Estrada, R., and Yappert M.C.: Isolation and lipid characterization of cholesterol-enriched fractions in cortical and nuclear human lens fibers. Invest. Opthalmol. Vis. Sci., 44:1634-1642, 2003. 21. Tang, D., Borchman, D., Schwarz, A., Yappert, M.C., Vrenson, G.F.J.M., J. van Marle, and DuPre, D.: Light scattering of human lens vesicles in vitro. Exp. Eye Res.76:605-612, 2003. 46 22. Tang, D., Borchman, D., Yappert, M.C., and Vrenson, G.F.J.M.: Influence of age, diabetes, and cataract on lipid-calcium and protein-calcium relationships in human lenses. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 44:2059-2066, 2003. 23. Yappert, M.C., Rujoi, M., Borchman, D., Vorobyov, I., and Estrada R.: Glyceroversus sphingo-phospholipids in the control of mammalian lens growth Exp. Eye Res. 76:725-734, 2003. 24. Cenedella, R.J., Jacob R., Borchman D., Tang D., Neely A.R., Samadi A., Mason, R.P., and Sexton P. Cataracts caused by the oxidosqualene cyclase inhibitor U18666A may result from activation of membrane-mediated stress response pathways, independent of restricting cholesterol availability. Lipids. 45:1232-41, 2004. 25. Yappert, M.C., Borchman, D. Sphingolipids in human lens membranes: an update on their composition and possible biological implications. Chem. Phys. Lipids. 129:1- 20, 2004. 26. Borchman D., Yappert, M.C., and Afzal, M.: Lens lipids and maximum lifespan. Exp. Eye Res., 79:761-768, 2004. 27. Grami, V., Marrero, Y., Huang, L., Tang, D., Yappert, M.C. and Borchman, D. α- Crystallin Binding In Vitro to Lipids from Clear Human Lenses. Exp. Eye Res., 81, 138-146, 2005. 28. Marian, M.J., Li, H., Borchman, D., and Paterson, C.A. Plasma Membrane Ca2+- ATPase Expression in the Human Lens. Exp. Eye Res., 81, 57-64, 2005. 29. Huang , L., Grami, V., Marrero, Y., Tang, D., Yappert, M.C., Rasi, V., and Borchman, D. Human Lens Phospholipid Changes with Age and Cataract. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 46:1682-9, 2005. 30. Tang, D., Dean, W.L., Borchman, D., and Paterson, C.A. The Influence of Membrane Lipid Structure on Plasma Membrane Ca2+-ATPase Activity. Cell Calcium, In Press, 2005 C. Research Support Completed Research Support R01 EYO 6916 Paterson (PI) 4/2001 - 12/2005 NIH/NEI Regulation of lens cation balance and distribution The specific aims for this project were to determine the role of lens calcium homeostasis and cataractogenesis. Role: Co-Investigator Period: Status: Completed R01 EYO7975 Borchman (PI) 1/2000 - 06/2004 NIH/NEI Spectroscopic and related studies on lens membrane lipid The specific aims for this project were to determine the relationships between lens lipid composition, structure and membrane function. Role: Principal Investigator 47 Rodica McCoy Research Technologist, Senior, Chemical Engineering Department E-mail: [email protected] Ernst Hall, Room 206A EDUCATION: 1972 Associate Degree in Applied Science, Chemical Technology, Erie Community College, Buffalo, NY 1978 Bachelor of Science Degree in Ceramic Engineering, Alfred University, Alfred, NY 1985 Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY WORK EXPERIENCE 1972-1978 Corning Glass Works, Analytical Services Research Department, Corning, NY, Chemical Technician 1978-1982 Corhart Refractories, Division of Corning Glass Works in Louisville, KY, Process Engineer 1987-present University of Louisville, Speed School of Engineering, Chemical Engineering Department, Louisville, KY. Research Technologist Senior, Professional Staff Manage daily operations associated with analytical services in the Materials Research Laboratory (MRLab): Provide technical information in problem solving Operate equipment in the MRLab, prepare reports and invoice industrial clients and university faculty members. Prepare budget and oversee financial aspects of the MRLab and several of Dr. Sunkara’s accounts. Maintain MRLab equipment in good working condition. Negotiate contract work on equipment repair, with the least costly approach. Instruct/train and supervise graduate students in MRLab and oversee activities in the sample preparation laboratory for SEM/TEM analyses. Coordinate yearly “Materials Nanotechnology Workshop” 48 Zhiqiang Chen Phone: (502) 852-6338 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph. D. 2002 Materials Science, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. M.S. 1995 Materials Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin,China. B.E, 1992 Materials Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. Dissertation: “Effect of Carbon Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloys” Advisor: M. H. Loretto Thesis Title: “Experimental Study on High Temperature Copper Alloys” Advisor: G. Y. An and S. Q. Wang AWARDS ● Research Associateship, National Research Council, 2001. ● Rolls-Royce Studentships, The University of Birmingham 1998-2001. EXPERIENCE Research Scientist, Institute for Advanced Materials and Renewable Energy, University of Louisville, Louisville KY July ‘06 - Present Postdoctoral Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY May ‘03 – May ‘06 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA Aug. ‘02- May ‘03 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rice University, Houston TX Sept. ’01 - July ‘02 Recent Five Publications 1. M. Chavan*, Z. Chen*, G. Li et al. “Dimeric organization of the yeast oligosaccharyl transferase complex”, PNAS Jun 13;103(24):8947-52 (2006). (*These authors contributed equally to this work) 2. C. Speck, Z. Chen, H. Li, B. Stillman. “ATPase-dependent Coopertive Binding of ORC and Cdc6 to Origin DNA”, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 12, 965 - 971 (2005). 49 3. Z. Chen, T. J. Green, M. Luo, H. Li, “Visualizing the RNA molecule in the bacterially expressed vesicular stomatitis virus nucleoprotein-RNA complex”, Structure (Camb.) 12(2), 227-35 (2004). 4. Z. Q. Chen, V. Misra, R. P. Haggerty, S. Stemmer. “Stability of Ru- and Ta- Based Metal Gate Electrodes in Contact With Dielectrics for Si-CMOS”, physica status solidi (b) 241 2253-2267 (2004) 5. S. Stemmer, Z. Q. Chen, W. J. Zhu et al. “Electron energy loss spectroscopy study of thin film hafnium aluminates for gate dielectric applications”, Journal of Electron Microscopy 210, 74-79 (2003). Other Significant Five Publications 1. S. Stemmer, Z. Chen, C.G. Levi et al. “Application of metastable phase diagrams to silicate thin films for alternative gate dielectrics,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 42 Part 1 3593-3597 (June 2003) 2. A. S. Risbud, N. A. Spaldin, Z. Q. Chen, S. Stemmer, R. Seshadri, “Magnetism in polycrystalline cobalt-substituted zinc oxide”, Physical Review B 68, art.-no. 205202 (2003) 3. S. Stemmer, Z. Chen, and R. Keding. “Stability of ZrO2 layers on Si (001) during high temperature anneals under reduced oxygen partial pressures”, J. Appl. Phys. 92, 82-86 (2002) 4. S. Stemmer, D. O. Klenov, Z. Chen et al. “Reactions of Y2O3 films with (001) Si substrates and with polycrystalline Si capping layers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 712- 714 (2002) 5. Z. Q. Chen, Y. G. Li, D. Hu, et al. “Role of alloying elements in microstructures of beta titanium alloys with carbon additions”, Materials Science and Technology 19 (10): 1391-1398 OCT 2003 SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES • Helped in advising one MS student and 2 postdoctoral students in research. • Developed a training course on transmission electron microscopy for faculty, staff, and graduate students at University of Louisville. • Planned to co-teach a specialized graduate-level course at UofL on “Materials Characterization”. 50 BIOSKETCHES OF EXTERNAL ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS John C. Angus Ph.D., University of Michigan (1961) Member, National Academy of Engineering Honorary ScD., Ohio University Fellow, AIChE, Electrochemical Society Kent Hale Smith Emeritus Professor of Engineering Short Biography He has been a senior NATO Fellow, a visiting lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, and a visiting professor at Northwestern University. Professor Angus is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and he received the Pioneer Award of the Electrochemical Society for his work in diamond synthesis. He has also received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Ohio University. Professor Angus organized the first Gordon Conference on vapor deposition of diamond and several international diamond meetings. He has served as a consultant on diamond technologies to corporations, the National Institute for Standards and Technology, and the National Materials Advisory Board. Research Interests A major thrust of Professor Angus' research is to relate the electronic properties and electrochemical response of conducting diamond to theoretical predictions of its electronic structure. Particular emphasis is being placed on several inter-related areas: codoping of diamond with sulfur and boron to produce n-type conductivity; and relating surface electrochemical effects that produce p-type surface conductivity in diamond to the electronic structure of diamond and the chemical nature of surface termination and adsorbates. Professor Angus is also conducting research on novel methods for the synthesis of gallium nitride and indium nitride and related II-IV nitrides, such as zinc germanium nitride. Bulk growth of these materials from liquid metallic phases saturated with nitrogen from a nitrogen plasma is being attempted. A long range goal is to grow large, bulk single crystals of GaN for use as a substrate for opto-electronic devices. Selected Publications S.C. Eaton, A.B. Anderson, J.C. Angus, Y.E. Evstefeeva, Y. Pleskov, "Diamond Growth in the Presence of Boron and Sulfur", Diamond and Related Materials 12, 1627-1632 (2003) 51 Alfred B. Anderson, Lubomir N. Kostadinov and John C. Angus, "Hydrogen Atom Pairs in Diamond Bulk and a the Surface: Hybrid Density Functional Theory and Cluster Models," Phys. Rev. B. 67, 233402 (2003) Tiberiu Fulop, Challa Bekele, Uziel Landau, John C. Angus and Kathleeen Kash, "Electrodeposition of Polycrystalline InSb from Aqueous Electrolytes," Thin Solid Films 449, 1-5 (2004). John C. Angus, Yuri V. Pleskov and Sally C. Eaton, "Electrochemistry of Diamond," Chapter in Thin Film Diamond II, J. Ristein and C. Nebel, Editors, pp. 545-567, Elsevier, Academic Press, Amsterdam, 2004. Vidhya Chakrapani, Sally C. Eaton, Alfred B. Anderson, Massood Tabib-Azar, John C. Angus, "Studies of the Adsorbate-Induced Conductance of Diamond Surfaces", Electrochem. and Solid State Lett. 8, E4-E8 (2005). Yu Cai, Alfred B. Anderson, John C. Angus, Lubomir N. Kostadinov, “Hydrogen Evolution on Diamond Electrodes and Its Dependence on Surface C-H Bond Strengths,” Electrochem and Solid State Lett. 8, (2005) 52 Thomas Edward Mallouk Telephone: (814) 863-9637 DuPont Professor of Materials Chemistry and Physics FAX: (814) 863-8403 The Pennsylvania State University e-mail: [email protected] University Park, PA 16802 Education Sc.B., Chemistry, Brown University (1977); undergraduate research with Aaron Wold in synthetic solid-state chemistry. Ph.D., Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (1983). Doctoral advisor: Neil Bartlett Work experience DuPont Professor of Materials Chemistry, 1998-present; Professor, 1993-98, Department of Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University. Professor (1991- 93), Associate Professor (1989-91), Assistant Professor (1985-89), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Austin. Postdoctoral Research Associate, MIT (1983-85); Advisor: Mark S. Wrighton. Chemist, Singer Corporate R & D Laboratories (1977-78). Research interests Chemistry of solids and solid-liquid interfaces; nanoscale materials; artificial photosynthesis; catalysis and fuel cells; molecular electronics; environmental chemistry; chemical sensors. Selected professional activities 1996-present, Associate Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society 1996-2002, Member, Chemical Sciences Council, U.S. Department of Energy 1997 Chair, Solid State Subdivision, Division of Inorganic Chemistry, ACS 2000 Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Sensors and Interfacial Design 2001-2004 Executive Member at Large, American Chemical Society Inorganic Division 2005 Co-chair, Gordon Research Conference on Electronic Materials 2005 Chair, NanoscienceSubdivision, Division of Inorganic Chemistry, ACS 2005-present, Director, Penn State Center for Nanoscale Science (NSF MRSEC) Editorial Advisory Boards, Chemistry of Materials (1995-99), Canadian Journal of Chemistry (1996-99), Accounts of Chemical Research (1997-99), Journal of Solid State Chemistry (2000-present), NanoLetters (2000-2003), Advanced Functional Materials (2000-present). Co-Founder and Technical Advisor, Molecular Electronics Corp., 1999-present. Chief Scientist, NuVant Systems, LLC, 2000-present. Co-Founder, Princeton Nanotech LLC. Honors, awards, and selected lectureships University of California Regents Fellowship, 1982 Exxon/ACS Solid State Chemistry Award, 1986 53 Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1987 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 1988 Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, 1989 Troisieme Cycle Lecturer, Ecole Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne, 1995 Kolthoff Lecturer, University of Minnesota, 1997 Clearfield Lecturer, Texas A&M University, 1998 National Science Foundation Creativity Award, 1998 DuPont Professorship, Penn State, 1998 Xerox Lecturer, McGill University, 1998 Lubrizol Lecturer, Case Western Reserve University, 1999 Glaxo-Wellcome Lecturer, University of North Carolina, 1999 Materials Design Institute Lecturer, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2000 Neckers Lecturer, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 2000 Boomer Lecturer, University of Alberta 2003 Outstanding Professor Award, ΑΧΣ Penn State Chapter, 2003 National Science Foundation Creativity Award, 2004 Centennial Lecturer, University of Texas at Austin, 2004 ICI Distinguished Visiting Speaker, University of Calgary, 2004 Treat B. Johnson Lecturer, Yale University, 2006 Publications: Approximately 250 to date, including a few good ones; 7 patents; 4 books edited. For full list see /pubs.htm Selected recent publications: 1. P. Dhar, Th. M. Fischer, Y. Wang, T. Mallouk, and A. Sen, "Autonomously Moving Nanorods at a Viscous Interface," Nano Letters 6, 66-72 (2006). 2. T. R. Kline, W. F. Paxton, Y. Wang, D. Velegol, T. E. Mallouk, and A. Sen, "Catalytic Micropumps: Microscopic Convective Fluid Flow and Pattern Formation," J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 17150 (2005). 3. P. G. Hoertz and T. E. Mallouk, "Light to Chemical Energy Conversion in Lamellar Solids and Thin Films," Inorg. Chem., 44, 6828-6840 (2005). 4. Wang, J-G.; Tian, M.-L.; Kumar, N.; Mallouk, T. E., "Controllable Template Synthesis of Superconducting Zn Nanowires with Different Microstructures by Electrochemical Deposition," Nano Letters 5, 1247-1253 (2005). 5. W. F. Paxton, A. Sen, and T. E. Mallouk, "Motility of Catalytic Nanoparticles through Self-Generated Forces," Chem. Eur. J., 11, 6462-6370 (2005). 6. M. Tian, S. Xu, J. Wang, N. Kumar, E. Wertz, Q. Li, P. M. Campbell, and T. E. Mallouk, "Penetrating the oxide barrier in situ and separating freestanding sub-10 nm porous anodic alumina films in one step," Nano Letters 5, 697-703 (2005). 7. L. I. Halaoui, N. Abrams, and T. E. Mallouk, "Increasing the Conversion Efficiency of Dye Sensitized TiO2 Photoelectrochemical Cells by Coupling to Photonic Crystals," J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, 6334-6342 (2005). 8. T. R. Kline, W. F. Paxton, T. E. Mallouk, A. Sen, "Catalytic Nanomotors: Remote- Controlled Autonomous Movement of Striped Metallic Nanorods," Angew. Chem.Int. Ed. Engl., 44, 744-746 (2005). 9. N. I. Kovtyukhova, B. K. Kelley, and T. E. Mallouk, "Coaxially-Gated Nanowire 54 Thin Film Transistors Made by Template Assembly,"J. Am. Chem. Soc, 126, 12738- 12739 (2004). 10. N. D. Morris, M. Suzuki, and T. E. Mallouk, "Kinetics of Electron Transfer and Oxygen Evolution in the Reaction of [Ru(bpy)3]3+ with Colloidal Iridium Oxide," J. Phys. Chem.A 108, 9115(2004). 11. Q. Lu, F.Gao, S. Komarneni, M. Chan, and T. E. Mallouk, "Ordered SBA-15 nanowire arrays inside porous alumina membrane," J. Am. Chem. Soc.,126, 8650- 8651 (2004). 12. W. F. Paxton, K. C. Kistler, C. C. Olmeda, A. Sen, S. K. St. Angelo, Y. Cao, T. E. Mallouk, P. Lammert, and V. H. Crespi, "Autonomous Movement of Striped Nanorods," J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 13424-13431 (2004). 13. B. Schrick, B. W. Hydutsky, J. L. Blough, and T. E. Mallouk, " Delivery Vehicles for Zero-valent Metal Nanoparticles in Soil and Groundwater," Chem. Mater. 16, 2187- 2193 (2004). 55 Douglas H. Lowndes Doug Lowndes is the Scientific Director of ORNL’s new Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences ( which began operation October 1, 2005. In 1999-2000 he served as Chairperson of the Nanoscience/Nanotechnology Group for the Department of Energy’s Basic Energy Sciences (BES) program, during which time he edited and contributed to the report Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Research Directions (1999) for BES. At ORNL Doug has served as leader of the Thin Film and Nanostructured Materials Physics group ( in the Condensed Matter Sciences Division. His current research interests include nanomaterials growth and properties measurements, and the creation of multilayered oxides (heterostructures) with enhanced or new combinations of properties. He has authored or co-authored approximately 300 journal articles and book chapters, including a number of invited papers and reviews. From 1986-2000 Doug served as professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, where he taught graduate and undergraduate courses in electronic materials and thin-film growth and supervised graduate student research. Prior to this he was professor of physics at the University of Oregon where he taught and carried out research on quantum oscillations in metals and solar thermal energy. Doug is a Fellow of the American Physical Society; he was appointed a Corporate Fellow of ORNL in 1994; and in 1995 he was named ORNL’s “Scientist of the Year”. In 2001 he was honored by UT-Battelle (which manages ORNL) with an R&D Leadership Award “for his innovative leadership in the development of nanoscale science research and capabilities at ORNL.” 56 Burtron H. Davis Center for Applied Energy Research 2540 Research Park Drive Lexington, KY 40511 Ph: (859) 257-0251 Fax: (859) 257-0302 email: [email protected] EDUCATION B.S., Chemistry, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 1959. M.S., Chemistry, St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, PA, 1962. Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 1965. Postdoctorate, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1965-1966. CURRENT APPOINTMENT 1998-Present Director, Catalysis Research and Testing Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 1977-Present Associate Director, Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. AWARDS • Henry H. Storch Award in Fuel Chemistry – 2002 • Outstanding Teacher Award, Potomac State College, for outstanding teaching and student support (three times in six years). • Founders' Award in Catalysis, Tri-State Catalysis Society, 1996, Regional. The award recognizes accomplishments in catalysis. • Industrial Scientist, Kentucky Academy of Science, State. The award recognizes outstanding accomplishment in industrial research. Areas of Expertise: • Direct and Indirect Liquefaction • Catalysis in Coal Conversion • Analysis of Synfuels Products • Relationship between Coal Structure and Liquefaction Behavior • Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis • Author of more than 575 technical publications. 57 Raul Miranda Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division Office of Basic Energy Sciences SC-22.1/Germantown Building U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20585-1290 E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: (301) 903-8014 BIOSKETCH SUMMARY Dr. Raul Miranda, a program manager in the Catalysis and Chemical Transformations program, has 17 years of academic experience with the University of Louisville as a Professor of Chemical Engineering. In 1990-91 he was Visiting Professor at the University of Mar del Plata (Argentina) and Ecole Nationale Sup. de Chimie (Montpellier, France). Between 1984 and 1989 he was summer research faculty associate at the Argonne National Laboratory in the Chemistry Division and Materials Science Division. Since 1996 until 1999 he was Program Director for the Kinetics and Catalysis program at the National Science Foundation. His teaching encompassed traditional Chemical Engineering courses, specializing in graduate-level kinetics and reaction engineering, heterogeneous catalysis, engineering mathematics, solid-state chemical processing and computational condensed-matter chemistry. His research interests are in catalytic reaction mechanism identification. He studied hydrogenation catalysis over self assembled chirally-modified surfaces, partial oxidation of alcohols and aldehydes over transition metal oxide nanoparticles, and hydrotreatment of N-heteroaromatics over acidic supported transition metal oxides. He is also interested in chemical microdevice technology, in particular the fabrication and characterization of solid-state microsensors. His B.S. degree was obtained at University of Cuyo (Argentina), with M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Connecticut in Storrs. 58 MINUTES University of Louisville Institute for Advanced Materials and Renewable Energy Advisory Board Report, June 9, 2006 Advisory Board: John Angus (Case Western), Thomas Mallouk (Penn State, chair), Raul Miranda (U.S. DOE), Burt Davis (CAER, UKY), Mickey Wilhelm (ex-officio, UofL) The Advisory Board commends the Institute for Advanced Materials and Renewable Energy (IAM-RE) on its leadership, vision, and innovative research in energy-related nanomaterials. IAM-RE has ambitious goals in education, research, and technology transfer. The Advisory Board feels that the Institute’s plans are well thought out and appropriate for the institutional setting at the University of Louisville. To achieve them, we recommend that the Institute focus its research efforts in areas such as nanomaterials synthesis, assembly, and characterization, in which it has unique capabilities and the potential to become a nationally pre-eminent center. The University should support the Institute by helping to hire key new faculty whose research interests are in energy-related materials synthesis, measurements, and theory. This core group should aggressively pursue federal grants as individuals and small groups of investigators. This will help the Institute position itself for major funding in the form of a MRSEC, ERC, or other large Center grant. University support of the Institute’s materials characterization facilities will be essential to sustaining this program. The Advisory Board considered the questions posed by IAM-RE and offers the following advice: I. Education (1) What should we pursue in terms of materials education? A certificate program or a degree program in advanced materials science and engineering? (2) What should the certificate program cover? Synthesis – Processing – Structure – Properties – Devices? The inter-relationship of all of the above? (3) Should IAM-RE offer outside user training/mini-courses? We believe that a certificate program is more appropriate than the establishment of a new Materials Science degree program. The proposed certificate program seems to be well thought out in terms of course requirements. While it is fine to engage Institute faculty from other departments, academic programs need to have a home department. In IAM-RE, the logical home is Chemical Engineering. The Institute should be cautious about over-committing the time of its faculty. Industrial workshops and training courses, for example, would be appropriate only if they are strongly tied to the goals of the Institute. II. Research (1) Do we have the necessary faculty expertise and facilities to attract such center funding? (2) Is the proposed research direction going to provide a niche for UofL to successfully compete? (3) What level of investment from the state and the UofL’s priority requests for federal set-aside funding will likely be needed to reach our goal in the next three to five years? There is a broad range of exciting science and engineering going on in the Institute. We recommend that IAM-RE build to its strengths in materials synthesis, assembly, scale-up, and characterization and seek to add new faculty with complementary expertise. Areas of need are photovoltaic/photoelectrochemical devices and theory/modeling. The focus of the group on 1-D nanostructures and renewable energy-related materials seems promising given the potential for growth of this field over the next decade. While the effort to include young faculty in the Institute is laudable, it is important to remember that a Center proposal such as a MRSEC or ERC will need to be well focused thematically. The best strategy to prepare for such a proposal would be to seek funding as individuals or small groups from sources such as DOE and NSF, while adding strategically chosen new faculty and projects. The Institute should establish a competitive peer-review process for existing and new projects. It will be important for the University to support the Institute’s materials characterization facility as it seeks to attract new faculty and grow into a 59 nationally recognized research center in energy-related materials. It will also be important for the growing Institute to create linkages with ongoing national efforts –particularly taking advantage of national user facilities—as well as to maintain its strong linkages with other efforts in the State and within the university. These associations should lead to increased opportunities for federal and State funding. III. Commercialization (1) Are we on the right track with this idea? (2) What should its priority be relative to the other three initiatives? (3) Is there a technology incubator model for us to follow? (4) What sort of space needs should we plan for with this incubator? (5) Should the long range plan for this incubator include a technology park?? Industrial connections and technology transfer will be important to the Institute. It seems clear that state funding will be contingent on partnerships with Kentucky companies. Also, MRSECs and ERCs are expected to have a strong industrial outreach component. In building these industrial collaborations, it will be important for the University to establish an intellectual property policy that is fair, fast, and transparent. To facilitate the success of new companies that grow out of Institute research, entrepreneurial faculty should be allowed to take unpaid leave, if necessary for two or more years. The Advisory Board felt that establishing a new technology incubator at the UofL might spread too thin the human and financial resources available to the Institute. Before taking this step, it would be best to explore the possibility of joining forces with the established MetaCyte Business Lab at UofL. IV. Sustainability (1) What is the probability of attracting line-item funding from the state? (2) What is the best approach to justify it? The constraints on state funding were outlined by Deborah Clayton at our meeting. It appears that lineitem funding is not likely in the near future. As noted above, a key component of sustainability for the Institute will be a long term commitment from the University for funding the materials analysis facility. Most facilities of this type are not completely self-supporting through user fees. They do however bring a valuable long term benefit to the University by enabling materials research and education, by attracting new faculty and graduate students, and by enabling extramural linkages with industry and the community and intramural linkages with other units of the University. A well-implemented facility — if used primarily to support faculty research — should in the long run lead to increases in federal and state grants for research, increased visibility for the faculty and increased number of industrial contracts. 60 MINUTES IAM-RE External Advisory Board Meeting with Dr. Doug Lowndes June 23, 2006 Key Findings: Overall: Modify the IAM-RE mission statement to indicate a less direct support role for KY high tech start-up companies. Modified mission statement: “Promote research and education in advanced materials science and engineering and alternate energy at UofL, support regional industry, and impact KY economy through high-tech startups - by providing highly trained human resources and faculty expertise.” I. Research: o Narrow the focus, and stay focused in key strength areas, i.e., new materials synthesis. Need to select scientific mission target carefully for MRSEC strategy to become a reality. o You can compete now with one or two Focused Research Groups (FRGs) to begin building momentum for a MRSEC proposal. For example: � Nanomaterial synthesis and transport properties � Renewable energy – solar is best focus � Perhaps focus on carrier diffusion length/life-time improvements could be a natural area. o There appears to be a potential collaborative research opportunity at UofL between ChE, Applied Physics, and Bioengineering which should be pursued. The resume of fresh PhDs in all three fields would be strengthened by the additional Materials Certificate. o Devices and sensors can be helpful, but they must support the primary materials research focus. o A good theoretician/modeler is needed as the Institute develops. Actually, more than one is likely to be needed, to something like one theorist or computational nanoscientist for each Focused Research Group (FRG) area. o A simple internal peer review process could be utilized for IAM-RE users. Elements of the CNMS process might be used as a model: (a) Is it technically feasible and safe? (b) What is the scientific merit and expected impact? II. Education: o Endorses multi-disciplinary certificate program in Materials. Chemical Engineering could be an appropriate administrative “home” for the academic program. All three departments (ChE, App Phys, BioE) should USE the Certificate to enhance/broaden their own PhD (which necessarily functions as a “union card” to enter a relatively narrow field). o Regarding training for industry users: do it only if it leads to a relationship for the IAM-RE. (Faculty time is precious; don’t use it to do “service” work, but instead build long-term research programs.) III. Industry Support: o Initially take the approach of providing industrial support when asked, but don’t make it a high priority and don’t strongly solicit. Industry must be internally motivated to come to you for this relationship to work. o If a proposal for a NSF I/UCRC makes sense down the road, pursue it at that time – after the Institute is well established, has developed a national reputation, and is sustainable. o Focus on MRSEC status first. IV. Sustainability: 61 o Search for a champion in the KY State legislature – preferably someone with a technical/materials background. o Share the search, sell the idea with UofK. o Use the approach that the Institute will not directly create jobs – but rather support high tech job creation by supplying trained resources and faculty expertise. The ODC technical support story is a powerful one. o Organization reporting relationship: regardless of where the IAM-RE reports administratively, it must not become exclusively Engineering. Physics and Chemistry must be heavily involved in enhancing their own degrees via the Materials Certificate. Can you get the Dean of the CAS involved also? Some sort of joint involvement at the Dean’s level would avoid needing to go to the level of the VP for Research. V. Working with ORNL and the CNMS: o Doug Lowndes (CNMS Scientific Director) can organize a visit including talks from CNMS scientific leaders and site tours of CNMS and other related user facilities (electron microscopy, neutron scattering). o Plan to visit and hear theme leader presentations. o Plan to attend the yearly User’s Meetings in the future. o IAM-RE has the opportunity to get nationally leading theoretical and computational nanoscience support through the CNMS’ Nanomaterials Theory Institute and its connections with ORNL’s Center for Computational Sciences. Simple process – two-page CNMS user proposal required. Since several departments may be at the point of competing nationally for NSF Focused Research Group (FRG) or Materials Research Group (MRG) awards, I thought I should add some comments about the importance of these awards and the type of institutional support that is needed to assist faculty members in winning them. These next two paragraphs are intended for your Deans, to assist moving the U. of Louisville to the next level of competition. Support to Develop Critical Research Initiatives and Obtain Block Grants. FRGs and MRGs are important tools both for building collaborations between individual faculty members’ groups and for obtaining national recognition. It is extremely important for raising the research visibility of a department to be able to advertise on its website the receipt of one or more of these block grants. With the addition of more faculty members who can conduct research together in several related areas, it also will become possible to compete for an NSF Science and Technology Center (STC) award. This can involve teaming of several departments and may involve teaming with other institutions to provide complementary strengths and ensure completeness and scientific/technological impact of the proposal. At other major research universities, the College or Office of Research provides “seed” funding to assist faculty members in preparing these block-grant proposals, whose teaming opportunities may require considerable time, thought, and travel to assess and prepare. For example, internal awards of $25,000 to $100,000 are offered at other universities for preparation of block-grant proposals. It would benefit the U. of Louisville to establish an internal competition for support of Critical Research Initiatives (CRI). One way of doing this is to issue a Call for 3-page white papers and then downselect the top 25% for CRI funding to prepare block-grant proposals. Institutional Support for Writing the Administrative, Outreach, and Educational Activities Parts of Block-Grant Proposals. The NSF takes very seriously its requirement of significant educational outreach activities in all block-grant proposals (FRGs, MRGs, and STCs). This includes establishing connections with K-12 education as well as undergraduate research participation on-campus. The administrative costs and reporting requirements of a block research grant also are significant and time-consuming. But faculty members need to focus their effort on their research. Consequently, there is a need for universities to develop a centralized service to provide the administrative and outreach components of block-grant proposals. In this way, you can develop an “institutional memory” and continually improve these components of block-grant proposals, thereby enabling faculty to submit more proposals. A number of universities have a faculty member from the education department, or a scientist experienced in outreach, available to assemble these non-research parts of a block proposal and to tailor them to the research being proposed. Even failed proposals are valuable if you have an “institutional memory” that improves these 62 parts of the proposal each time. Research-active faculty members know how to write proposals, but they need help in preparing the budgets for complex, multi-faculty member Center proposals, and they need assistance with the educational/outreach components.

Recommended publications