The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

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The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 1 of 17 can

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Course Syllabus Spring 2007 CRIJ/SOCI 4317: Criminology

Class Days/Time Tues & Thurs 8:00 – 9:20 a.m.

Class Location Parker Rm 207

Required Text Glick, L. (2005 Criminology Boston, MA Pearson Education, Inc.

Perquisites UMHB email Computer access to LMS and the World Wide Web

Instructor Christine Nix, M.S., CJA

Office/Office Hours Hardy 141/Posted and by appointment (See additional info regarding civility).

Telephone 254.295.5513

Email [email protected]

Course Description

This course examines field and scientific approaches to criminal acts from the criminological perspective. Theory based causal factors explaining the various aspects of criminal behavior will be discussed. Discussions will be conducted regarding a variety of criminal acts and society’s responses to such acts.

Course Objectives

By course end the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of a criminologist and the field of criminology. 2. Understand the theories and other explanations of criminal behavior. 3. Differentiate between major forms of criminal behavior. 4. Conceptually analyze society’s response to crime and the U.S. criminal justice system. 5. Verbally or in writing apply the above concepts. 6. Select a topic of interest and conduct research for presentation both in written APA format and a visual presentation. CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 2 of 17 can

UMHB email and LMS usage:

You do not have the option of not utilizing your UMHB email, LMS, or the World Wide Web (internet) for assignments, information, and Knowledge and Application Inquires.

Each student will activate and utilize their assigned UMHB email address in order to receive assignments, notifications, and correspond with me. I will not accept, read, or acknowledge student email from sources external to the UMHB email system. You have an option available through your UMHB email account to have correspondence forwarded to a secondary account of your choice, however, to initiate or reply to my email you must use your UMHB email account. A link will be provided on LMS regarding setting up and forwarding your UMHB email account.

I am terrible with names and associating names with classes. You must identify the course in which you are addressing issues. A topic must be in the subject line to avoid automatic “dumping” into the junk file (this is a fail safe feature to prevent unsolicited spam and phishing).

Assignments, quizzes, and information will be posted on the UMHB LMS system. It will be necessary for you to obtain your log on information from Information Technology to access LMS. It is your responsibility to check both your UMHB email account and portals on LMS for assignments and information.

Semper Fi I am a proud U.S. Army Reserve Veteran but for the purpose of professionalism we will abide by the Marine Corps motto of adapt, improvise, and overcome. With the advantages of technology come the disadvantages of interruptions in service. If an assignment is due and LMS is out of service, do not panic. If you can’t access the program; neither can I. Therefore we will adapt, improvise, and overcome.

Here is the big HOWEVER. If you do not post your assignments in a timely manner and miss the deadline due to computer failure or inability to correctly assess the assigned portal – you miss out on the assignment (Refer to: Late assignments under Course work). (Note: Technology does allow for distinct advantages. LMS avails to instructors the ability to determine whether or not students have conducted assigned tasks in a timely manner).

Classroom decorum Do not wear a cap, hat, scarf, etc. in class. If you wake up late and have a bad hair day – I don’t mind. It will not distract me – I often have unruly hair days. This applies to everyone; after all we are an equal opportunity society.

You may bring drinks, no food, into the classroom. Pick up after yourself.

No video recording or photographing any one in the classroom without my permission (NOTE: I did not state “without the permission of another student).

You will be courteous and polite towards others. We will agree to disagree; one voice at a time. CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 3 of 17 can

Civility a.k.a courtesy, politeness, good manners, respect, graciousness, consideration. The following are the only correct and acceptable forms for addressing me whether verbally or in writing: Ms. Nix Professor Nix Sergeant Nix Ranger Nix Major Nix

I have an open door policy. If the door is open – please come in. You can chat, study, or visit with others. I don’t mind. What I do mind are rude interruptions. When you approach me in my office or elsewhere – do not launch into a conversation without a greeting. If someone else is in my office or I am in a conversation with someone – do not interrupt and certainly do not behave as though the other person or persons are invisible to you. (Only I can see the invisible people in the immediate area).

Acknowledge one another’s presence. If you are in my office or in my company and we are approached I expect you to extend the same courtesy. As future public servants you need to be aware of your demeanor when in the presence of others.

If you elect to be rude while proclaiming your need to speak with me – you will be turned away and instructed to return later (later will be determined by me). Regardless if you are having a bad day did not have enough rest, are stressed, or just plain unhappy. Take a deep breath, gather your composure, and think before you speak.

An emergency is defined as natural or man made catastrophe, incidents of bleeding, broken bones, lack of oxygen, immediate emotional or physical trauma.

Attendance “ Students are expected to attend all classes regularly and are held responsible for all course work, assignments, and exams (2006/2007 UMHB Student Handbook, p. 30).” Attendance is required and is taken at the beginning of each class. To ensure proper credit for attendance a sign in roster will be available at the beginning of each class. Arriving late is rude and disruptive to both your cohorts and the professor. Late arrivals and early departures times will be noted and applied towards unexcused absences.

If you are absent for an extended period of time due to illness or other reasons beyond your control, you are required to inform me as soon as possible. Extended absences due to bona fide medical reasons must be professionally documented by appropriate medical personnel (e.g., medical doctor, the UMHB nurse, etc.). Dependent upon the circumstance, an absence of this nature may fall under excused absences. Do not ask nor expect me to extend to you special privileges or to treat you different than other students in the class.

“I need a me day” is a day you do not want to see or hear me, or just do want to attend class. Therefore each student is allotted 3 excused absences beyond the UMHB excused absence CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 4 of 17 can policy. Upon the 4th absence the course grade will drop by one letter grade. Thereafter, every absence the course grade will drop by one letter grade.

What constitutes an absence beyond non attendance during lecture? Conducting business other than Criminology course work (homework or studying for other courses. Reading novels, comic books, etc. (you get the point) Writing letters Sleeping in class to include: your head lower than shoulders eyes closed and the two most obvious drooling and snoring Talking to others without a direct contributive value to the class and the topic of discussion Attempting to establish a disruptive influence The ringing, buzzing, beeping, looking at, listening to, or checking an electronic device once class commences. Wearing a head covering for other than religious purposes during class. Video recording or photographing any one in the classroom without my permission. Non compliance with UMHB dress code

C. Nix’s interpretation of the above I view class attendance in the same venue as regular job attendance. Each of you is an integral part of the class cohort. Similar to a job with employee benefits the student begins the semester with 4 days of compensatory leave to be used as you determine to be necessary. Upon the 5th absence at a job you would lose a portion of your pay. In this class, instead of losing pay you will lose a letter grade. UMHB provides free to each student a UMHB calendar and student handbook. Keep up with your absences, late arrivals, and early departures. I will not, as a matter of routine, inform you of the sum total of absences you accrue.

Utilize your absences, late arrivals, and early departures wisely.

EXCEPTIONS: “TOES UP” Have you ever been at a meal where the person blessing the food prayed as though you were at the hospital or the grave? In Criminal Justice this is referred to as “toes up” or an exigent circumstance.

Your 3 days of compensatory leave may not be used in conjunction with: Knowledge or Application Inquiries Upon commencement of poster presentations

Athletes You must make and keep an appointment to have your academic/attendance chart signed prior to the assigned due date at a convenient time. Be prepared to spend several minutes discussing your progress in the class and have knowledge of the number of absences you have accrued. I will not sign records after the due date has passed nor if you do not have an accurate accounting CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 5 of 17 can of the days of lecture you have missed. UMHB provides free to each student a UMHB calendar and student handbook.

Academic Integrity: All policies of UMHB regarding academic integrity will be enforced in this class. Please refer to the UMHB Student Handbook for complete statement of these policies. Plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty will result in course failure and other possible sanctions applied by UMHB. (CNix’ interpretation: YOU CHEAT YOU FAIL)! Avoiding plagiarism certification online class will be posted on LMS as a part of the course evaluation.

Special Needs If you feel have a disability or have special needs, notify the Director of Counseling and Testing and me. You, the Counseling Center, and I will determine how to best accommodate you for an optimal learning environment. Keep in mind, not wanting to appear for an exam at the pre- determined class time, turn in assignments at the assigned due date, or reluctance to participate in presentations does not qualify as a special need in accordance with UMHB policy.

Weather Closing Weather-related closing, although rare in central Texas, does occur occasionally. Tune into local radio and television stations for information. I will post on LMS and to your UMHB email of cancelled classes, if possible. Adapt, overcome, and improvise.

Other Information Do not make plans to miss due dates, knowledge inquiries, or presentations. This is an exception to: adapt, overcome, and improvise.

It is my responsibility and discretion to determine whether the criteria of an exigent circumstance for missing an assignment due date or knowledge inquiry.

NO extra credit work to shore up sagging grades. Don’t ask! In the world outside of UMHB – bonuses are given as appreciation and recognition of exceptional work. It will be at my discretion to decide whether extra credit is merited.

Fairness I have discovered this is a carry over concept from elementary school. Let me help you understand this concept. We are all at a catered event and pie is served. Do not compare and contrast your type or size of, or presentation of your slice of pie. Be grateful you received a slice of pie. An example of unfairness would be if you were purposefully served an empty dessert plate. I grade your work product based upon comparison and contrast to others of your cohort. Your research, poster presentation, and Application Inquiry are based upon your individual conceptualization and application of critical thinking skills.

Electronics: All electronic devices are to be turned OFF (Not on vibrate or silent. UMHB officials are prepared to locate and notify you of an emergency situation). In the days prior to pagers and cell phones we were able to deal with emergencies. Exceptions will require an employer’s letter CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 6 of 17 can stating an on call status. Once class commences ringing, buzzing, beeping or looking at or checking an electronic device will result in one (1) unexcused absence.

If you need to note the time – wear a watch or note the time on the clock in the classroom.

Course work Grades are cumulative (point system) and not weighted (percentages). You keep up with your accumulated grades via LMS. Please do not share with me if you can not add; ask a cohort for assistance. Failure to complete or turn in any assignment is an automatic failure of the course. The course work and lectures are designed to keep you engaged in and interested in the topics of discussion. You must read the assigned text, take copious notes, and complete your assignments. Most students fail to achieve their desired or expected grades due to absenteeism and/or failure to comply with the requirements of the course work.

Late assignments Deductions will not be applicable to the anti-plagiarism Instead you will not be allowed to continue to the next assignment which will ultimately affect the rest of your coursework.

The countdown begins at once the due date and time has lapsed. If you submit your work after the designated date and time (on the same day – the deduction applies). Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your work. Murphy’s law was established especially for electronic submissions.

Deductions per day: Week 1: Ten points Week 2: Fifteen points Week 3: Twenty points Week 4: Twenty five points Failure of the course upon a grade of zero.

Study guides, lecture notes, and PowerPoint information. (Pssst! Pssst)! Com’ ‘mere. Come closer. Closer! Wanna know where you can get the crib notes for this class? Go back up to page 1; sixth line down. Have it from a reliable source it is where the instructor goes for all the information. Whadda you mean – you owe me. You don’t have to thank me. One student to another.

Evaluation Methods: Anti-plagiarism certification 100 points Research participation 100 points White paper & discussion 200 points Poster presentation of research topic 200 points General Knowledge Inquiries (100 each) 200 points Application Knowledge Inquiry 200 points

Total points available 1000 points CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 7 of 17 can

Grading system: 1000 – 900 points A 899 – 800 points B 799 – 700 points C 699 – 600 points D 599 - < points F

In accordance with federal regulations (FERPA) and UMHB policies, grades will not be discussed via email or the telephone. I will not respond to direct queries regarding your grade. Make an appointment for a face to face discussion. Additionally, per my policy I will not discuss your performance and attendance with an interested 3rd party beyond UMHB faculty.

Knowledge Inquiries a.k.a Exams (100 points each): There will be two (2) general Knowledge Inquiries (KI) as listed in the course schedule.

The General KI #1 will cover the first portion of the text and KI #2 will cover the second half of the text. Not all chapters will be discussed and will not appear in either of the Inquires.

The Application Knowledge Inquiry will be comprehensive based upon a scenario from which you apply knowledge you have acquired throughout the semester.

You will earn a grade of zero (0) points for a missed knowledge inquiry few exceptions for “toes up” or exigent circumstances. I, and only I, will determine whether the circumstance you present meets the criteria of an exigent circumstance.

Missing the Application Inquiry will result in failure of the course.

Dependent on the method available for acquiring the knowledge you have accrued – the Knowledge and Application Inquiries may be administered via LMS. If computer labs are unavailable Knowledge and the Application Inquiries may be administered in class. Answer sheets will be provided by the instructor.

Once an Inquiry begins you may leave the room only if you are prepared to turn in your final product.

If you arrive after the first student has finished the Inquiry you will be provided an alternate form of the Inquiry. Historically most students complete the inquiry within a 20-25 minute time frame. Subsequently if you are a late arrival you will not be afforded extra time for completion. CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 8 of 17 can

Research Participation Researching your topic will be a collaborative effort between you, your cohorts, and me. (There is safety in numbers). This portion of the course work will be divided into sections of: 1. Selection and discussion of topics. 2. Discussion and solicitation of ideas on a narrower topic within the interest area. 3. Submission of scholarly references. (No less than two and no more than four references) 4. Submission of portions of scholarly sources to be used (copy and paste). The purpose is to ensure you are on task with the assignment. There is no need to have in it a chronological order. Your finished research project must be comprised of 90% of this reference material. Note: # 3 and 4 will be to be submitted to Class name Crim2007 Class i.d. 1779873

White paper discussions Each student will write an abstract of their research to include citations and a reference page. The abstract will be written in the APA format style to include one inch margins, double spaced, and typed. You are required to have no less than 2 (two) and no more than 4 (four) scholarly references (the acceptable date range is 2000 to 2006). If you are unsure what comprises a scholarly reference/source – the Townsend Library staff will be happy to assist you, as well as, the discussions under Research Participation. I will provide an example of the requested abstract format via the LMS.

This abstract will be submitted to You will also upload your abstract to a designated class forum via LMS for review and comments by your cohorts.

Evaluation of the White Paper discussions Your abstract submission Organization Grammar and spelling Adherence to APA citation and reference page guidelines Your discussion or comments on other submitted abstracts

Poster presentation The end product of your research will be a poster presentation containing a logical representation of your research: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion... The foundation of a poster presentation is derived from a PowerPoint presentation.

Instructions regarding on the assembly of both a PowerPoint and poster presentation will be provided via LMS. The allotted amount of time for each poster presentation will be five to seven minutes with no more than five minutes of questions and answers. CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 9 of 17 can

Evaluation will consist of: Assembly Organization Grammar and spelling Knowledge of topic (both during the presentation and follow up discussions) Adherence to APA guidelines

Deduction of points during poster presentations Talking during, rude, disruptive behavior, or sleeping during another student’s presentation will result in points and or a letter grade dropped from your presentation at my discretion Reading, writing, or studying during presentations is rude, will not be tolerated, and dealt with as disruptive behavior.

You must be present at each session of the poster presentations and may not use a compensatory “I need a me day.” It will result in one absence and a deduction of five points from your presentation for each poster presented during the session. Example: five cohorts present during your unexcused absence = a deduction of 25 points from your presentation. If you are hesitant or not ready to present when your poster is selected for presentation it will result in a deduction of 25 points. Don’t chance it – be ready.

Late arrivals. You will not be permitted to enter the classroom while another student is presenting.

A guideline sheet for the paper will be posted in the handout section for this class on LMS.

Course Concerns: None. I have attempted to explain in-depth the expectations and requirements for this course. Don’t panic over the research – it is designed to follow into place one step at a time and diminish procrastination and keep you at a steady achievable pace.

Personal note: I look forward our exploration and sharing of perspectives of local and global Criminology. During various discussions, the topics are of such a nature as to inspire heated debate. As professional students we will listen and gain insight from those around you. Welcome to CJ World! CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 10 of 17 can Approximate Course Schedule Bring your text to each class. Not all the material in the text will be discussed per se in class; therefore it is the student’s responsibility to read the assigned chapters. Should it become clear class discussion and participation is minimal due to lack of preparedness, impromptu quizzes may be given.

This is a tentative schedule and subject to change as needed.

Week 1 Jan 11 Review of the syllabus Ch. 1

Week 2 Jan 16 Contract signing Ch. 2

Jan 18 Ch. 3 -4

Week 3 Jan 23 Ch. 4 -5 Jan 25 No class lecture. Class will meet online Navigating LMS Sign up at class name Crim2007 class id 1779873 Sign up at turnitin is case sensitive

Week 4 Jan 30 Ch. 6-7

Feb 1 No class lecture. Class will meet online: Complete and submit Anti-plagiarism certification at

Week 5 Feb 6 Game time: It’s Family Feud; Criminology style! Ch. 1-7 Feb 8 General Knowledge Inquiry #1 (format and location to be announced). Research Participation: #1. Selection and discussion of topics #2 Discussions and solicitation of ideas to narrow your topic of interest

Week 6 Feb 13 Ch. 8 Feb 15 Ch. 9 CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 11 of 17 can Week 7 Feb 20 Ch. 10 Feb 22 Ch. 11 Research Participation: #3 Submissions of scholarly references to

Week 8 Feb 27 Ch. 12 Research Participation: #4 Submission of the author’s original work to be cited: paragraphs, sentence, and quotes. Not the entire article (copy and paste) to

Mar 1 Ch. 13

Week 9 Mar 6 Ch. 14 Mar 8 Ch. 15

Week 10 Mar 12 – 16 Spring break Enjoy!

Week 11 Mar 20 No class lecture. Class to meet on line: LMS Abstract submission and post responses to other abstracts.

Mar 22 Game time: It’s Family Feud; Criminology style! Ch. 8-15

Week 12 Mar 27 Game time: It’s Family Feud; Criminology style! Ch. 8-15 Mar 29 General Knowledge Inquiry #2 (format and location to be announced).

Week 13 Apr 3 Turn in Poster Presentation Apr 4 Criminal Justice career and job fair at Temple College 9-2p Apr 5 Poster Presentations

Week 14 Apr 10 Poster Presentations Apr 12 Play day

Week 15 Apr 17 Poster Presentations Apr 19 Poster Presentations Presentation of scenario for Application Knowledge Inquiry (Nix) CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 12 of 17 can

Week 16 Apr 24 Presentation of scenario for Application Knowledge Inquiry (Nix) Apr 26 Presentation of scenario for Application Knowledge Inquiry (Nix) Last day of class

Week 17 May 1 Tuesday 8:30 – 11:30am Breakfast snacks will be provided (Nix) Application Knowledge Inquiry (format and location to be announced)


Textbooks? I did not order the textbook as an afterthought. Yes, you need the textbook. It will come in mighty handy for class preparation, discussions, and knowledge inquiries.

Difficulty? No the course is not difficult when you come to class prepared, complete the assignments in a timely manner, and actively participate.

Understanding the stress? Yes, I do understand what you are going through. My fellow scholars, I feel your pain. I also work a full time job, have a part time job, mother of two, and am taking 6 hours of graduate classes as a 3rd year doctoral student.

Travel? We are such a mobile society. I drive 45 minutes one way to Belton. I drive two and a half hours one way to attend graduate school during the week. I do my best to be on time to classes – you do the same.

Illness? How sick is too sick? I can’t make the determination for you. Two months after starting graduate school, I was diagnosed with a second incident of breast cancer. One radical mastectomy and 6 rounds of chemotherapy later – no missed classes or late assignments at the same school two and a half hours one way travel. I graduated with my original cohort.

Education from kindergarten through high school graduation is a right. After high school, education is a privilege. Don’t sell yourself short on experiencing this privileged education opportunity. If a college degree was for everyone, everyone would have a college diploma hanging on their “I love me” wall.. Do your best and hang in there – it is definitely worth it! CNix

The last page (18) of this document is a contract. CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 13 of 17 can JIC (Just in Case) Information

Academic Calendar

January 2007 3 University Offices open 6 University Housing opens 8-9 Advising & Registration (Day & Evening Classes) 10 Campus Classes Begin (Day, Evening & Section A) 15 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday (University & Ft. Hood Offices Closed) 16 Fort Hood 1st 8 Week Session Classes Begin (Section 30) 22 Last day to register for spring classes (Day & Evening) 23 Last day to register for Fort Hood 1st 8 week Classes (Section 30) 26 Last day to Drop Fort Hood (Section 30) Classes with a W

February 2007 9 Last day to Drop Campus Classes with a W (Day, Evening and Section A) 9 Grades of Incomplete received during Fall 2006 Changed to F 13 Progress Reports available on Web 15 December 2007 Graduation Degree Plans due 16 Last day to withdraw Day Classes (Section A) with a WP/Q 23 Last day to withdraw Fort Hood Class (Section 30) with a WP/Q 28 December 2007 Graduation Filing Deadline

March 2007 1 Campus Classes End (Section A) 2 Campus Classes Begin (Section B) 9 Last Day to Register Campus Classes (Section B) 9 Fort Hood 1st 8 Week Session Classes End (Section 30) 12-16 Spring Break Holiday (University Offices Closed) 19 Fort Hood 2nd 8 Week Session Classes Begin (Section 35) 22 Last day to withdraw Campus Evening (Section 20) with a WP/Q 26 Last day to register Fort Hood 2nd 8 Week Classes (Section 35) 28 Last day to Drop Campus Classes (Section B) with a W 29 Awards Night 28-29 Evening Finals (Section 20) CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 14 of 17 can April 2007 2-3 Evening Finals (Section 20) 4 Last day to Drop Fort Hood (Section 35) 6 Good Friday (Campus Closed) Last day to withdraw (WP/Q) Campus Day & Evening Classes (Section 25) and 11 Campus Day (Section ) 12 Play Day 18 Last day to withdraw Campus (Section B) with a WP/Q 18-19, 23-24 Evening Finals (Section 25) 27 Campus Day Classes End (Section B) 28 Freshman English 1321 and 1322 finals, 10am 30 Day and Section E1 Evening Finals

May 2007 1-3 Day and Section E1 Evening Finals 3 Last day to Withdraw Fort Hood Class (Section 35) with a WP/Q 4 Graduation Rehearsal, 3:30pm, Expo Center 5 University Housing Closes 5 Commencement 10:00am at Expo Center 10 Spring Grades available on the web 12 Fort Hood Classes End (Section 35)

Additional Information

Semester Dates

Spring 2007 Final Exams

ENGL 1321/1322 CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 15 of 17 can Regular Class Time Date & Time of Final Exam English 1321, 1322 10:00am Saturday April 28

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Classes

Regular Class Day Date Final Will be Given

MWF 8:00, MW 7:45, M 8:00, W 8:00, 8:30 – 11:30am – Monday, April 30 WH 8:00, WF 8:00, F 8:00

MWF 9:00, MW 9:00, WF 9:00, MW 9:30 8:30 – 11:30am – Wednesday, May 2

MWF 10:00am and MW 10:00am 1:00 – 4:00pm – Wednesday, May 2

MWF 12:00, MW 12:00, MWF 12:30, 1:00 – 4:00pm – Monday, April 30 MW 12:30pm

MWF 1:00, MW 1:00, M 1:00, W 1:00, 5:00 – 8:00pm – Wednesday, May 2 F 1:00, MW 1:30pm

MWF and MW 2:00, MW 2:00, M 2:00, 5:00 – 8:00pm – Monday, April 30 W 2:00, MW 2:30pm

MWF 3:00, MW 3:00, M 3:00, MW 5:00 – 8:00pm – Tuesday, May 1 3:30, M 4:00pm

Tuesday/Thursday Classes

Regular Class Day Date Final Will be Given

TH 8:00, TH 7:45, T 7:45, H 8:30 – 11:30am – Tuesday, May 1 7:45, T 8:00, H 8:00

TH 9:30am 8:30 -11:30am – Thursday, May 3

TH 11:00, H 10:25, TH 12:00 1:00 – 4:00pm – Tuesday, May 1

TH 1:00, T 1:00, TH 1:30, TH 2:00pm 1:00 – 4:00pm – Thursday, May 3

TH 2:30, T 2:30, TH 3:00pm 5:00 – 8:00pm – Thursday, May 3 CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 16 of 17 can

All other sections have the final exam on the last scheduled class meeting. including Campus Sections A and B; Evening Sections 20, 25, and E1; and Fort Hood Sections 30 and 35.

(Print this completed form for submission on Wed, Jan 17, 2007)


Course and Section #______DATE______Name______Phone(s)______CRIJ 4317 Criminology T Th 8a spring 2007 Parker 207 Page 17 of 17 can Where do you call home: ______Email address (UMHB):______What is your goal or objective in attending college? ______Major?:______How many semesters have you attended college?______Please identify the other courses you are currently enrolled in: ______/ ______/ ______How many hours a week, if any, do you work?____ Job:______

On the back of this page, attach a photo of yourself. Also write (legibly) a paragraph about your interests, hobbies, and one unusual little known fact about yourself.


I have accessed a copy of the syllabus and I have read and understood the requirements for successful completion of this course. The instructor has explained course requirements to the class. I understand I am responsible for utilizing this syllabus as a reference source for the course requirements. I accept responsibility for my attendance, learning, and achievements, civility, and academic honesty in this class. In addition, by affixing my signature below I agree with the following statements:

I fully understand the policies set forth in this syllabus.

I acknowledge and understand my failure to abide by these policies may have significant academic consequences for which I am solely responsible.

I acknowledge and agree the lecture described in this syllabus can be changed at the discretion of the course instructor in order to meet the course objectives.

My signature does not in any manner signify the waiver of any rights granted to me by the policies, rules, and regulations of the University of Mary Hardin Baylor.

Student Signature:

Student Name (printed): ______


Witness signature (to be obtained during class at the instructor’s direction) Witness Name (printed): ______Signature ______Date______

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