Assistant Prof. Community Health. Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan
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Dr. Hani Nawafleh Assistant Prof. Community Health. Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan
Personal Details Name: Hani Nawafleh Nationality: Jordanian Date of Birth: 10th January 1967 Language: Arabic: Mother Language English Petra, Wadi Mousa Address: P.O. Box 130 , Jordan Phone: + 962 799500048
Degree Obtained Year University Place PhD, Community Health 2005 Monash University Melbourne, Australia MSc. Community Health 1996 Baghdad University Baghdad -Iraq BSc nursing 1988 Jordan University Amman-Jordan
June 2012- to Present Assistant Professor/Community Health, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan
February to June 2012 Visiting Lecturer and Director of Respiratory Therapy Department, Al-Maarefa College, Riyadh- Saudi Arabia
2010- 2011 Assistant Professor/Community Health, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan
November 2007- December 2009 Member of the Jordanian House of Parliament (MP), the 15th parliament (2007-2009) Responsibilities: Legislation, Oversight and Representation. Chairperson of the Jordanian Australian Parliamentary Friendship Association. Member of the Jordanian American Parliamentary Friendship Association. Member of the Jordanian Canadian Parliamentary Friendship Association. Member of the Jordanian Tunisian Parliamentary Friendship Association. Member of the Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA’s) 2009
Member in various parliamentary Committees includes:
1. Committee of Education, Culture and Youth: its tasks to study all laws and proposals related to education, higher education, culture and youth. 2. Committee of Health and Environment: its tasks to study all laws and proposals related to affairs of health, environment, health services and health insurance. 3. Committee Public Services and Tourism and Ruins: its tasks to study all laws and proposals related to transportation, traffic, public works, avenues, post, communication and tourism and ruins.
Represent Jordan in the 31 Annual Forums of the Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA’s) on the Environment, Energy Management and the Global Economy in Washington, DC. November 2009. Represent Jordan in the Georgia Debate and Mediterranean Forum Highlight OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Fall Meetings in Toronto conducted by the Commission on Security and cooperation in Europe (US Helsinki Commission), Toronto, Canada. November 12, 2008.
August 2005- October 2007 Vice Dean, Faculty of Nursing-Mu’tah University, Jordan 2007 Assistance Dean for Training, Faculty of Nursing-Mu’tah University, Jordan 2005- 2007 Head of the Community and Mental Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mu'tah University, Jordan. 2006-2007
2003-2005 Part-time research assistance: School of Nursing and Midwifery, Monash University
1996 – September 2000 University lecturer: Al-Zytoonah University, Amman-Jordan
Research Interests: Community health, smoking, tobacco control, breast cancer prevention, rural Health, primary health care, STIs, HIV/AIDS, health promotion, youth health and tourist health
Awards and Scholarships Postgraduate Publication Award, Monash University 2005 Mu’tah University 4 years Scholarship to precious PhD, 2001-2005 Honorary Appointments Honorary lecturer position , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Monash University, Victoria, Australia, 2005-December 2009
Consultancy and Membership activities Member of the Advisory Board of Ma'an Governorate, 2009 to present Member of the Jordanian House of Parliament (MP), through the election of 20/11/2007- 24/11/2009 Board Member of the First Trustees Board of Bait al- Anbat the Arab Forum for Cultural Interaction 2009 to present. Chairperson of Petra Gate Cooperative Tourism Society L.L, Petra-Jordan, 2007 to present Member of the Parliamentarians for Global Action 2009 Member of the Faculty Council, Princess Salma Faculty of Nursing, Al Al-Bayt University 2008-2009 Consultant of the Arab Nurses Union, 2008 Member /The Arab Forum for Cultural Interaction “Bait al- Anbat”.2004 to present Member of Wadi Mousa Municipality, Ministry of Municipal & Rural affairs & the Environmental through the election of 14/7/1999 Jordan. Member in Petra tourist encouragement committee, Petra Authority Council 1999 Member in Jordan Nursing and Midwives Council since 1988, Nursing registration number 1750 - Amman, Jordan.
Journal Publications Hamdan-Mansour, A.; Dardas, L; Nawafleh, H; & Abu-Asba, M. (2012). Psychosocial predictors of anger among university students. Children and Youth Services Review 34 (2012) 474–479 Shishani, K, Nawafleh, H., Jarrah, H. & Sivarajan Froelicher, E. (2010). Smoking Practices among Jordanian Health Professionals: A Study about the Impediments to Tobacco Control in Jordan. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing [Epub]. Ahmad, M., Alasad, J., & Nawafleh, H. (2010), Nursing care and quality of life among Jordanian patients with cancer submitted to International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance Leadership in Health Services, 23 (3), pp.233 - 243 Shishani K, Nawafleh H, Sivarajan Froelicher E. (2008). Jordanian nurses' and physicians' learning needs for promoting smoking cessation. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 23, 2:79-83. Nawafleh, H., Francis, K. & Chapman, Y. (2008). The Impact of Nursing Leadership and Management on the control of HIV/AIDS: A Jordanian Perspective. Submitted for publication International Journal of Nursing Studies. Hayagneh, F. & Nawafleh, H. (2007). Factors affecting nurses’ measurement of blood pressure. European journal of Scientific Research, 17 (3), PP356-365 Nawafleh, H., Francis, K. & Chapman, Y. (2005). The influence of HIV/AIDS on the practice of primary health care nurses in Jordan: Rhetoric and reality. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 11, 200-205 Nawafleh, H., Francis, K. & Chapman, Y. (2005). Jordan’s Vulnerability: A Population at Risk of HIV/AIDS. Contemporary Nurse. 19. 1-2 Nawafleh,H., Francis, K. & Chapman,Y. (2005). Spotlight on rural nurses: An Initiative for a new nursing paradigm in Jordan. On line Journal of Rural Nursing. 5(2), 12p Nawafleh, H., & Francis, K. (2004). Rural Nurses Working in Primary Health Care Centres in Jordan: The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Nursing Practice. AARN-Association for Australian Rural Nurses. 12(3), 1-24. Nawafleh, H., (2004). Student Profile. Nursing News: School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Nurses and Health Sciences, Monash University, Australia, 6, 4. Nawafleh, H., (2001). Knowledge concerning AIDS among workers with tourists in Petra and Wadi Mousa – Jordan: Poster presented in 6th international HIV/AIDS for Asia and Pacific Region. Melbourne, Australia. Nawafleh, H., (1996). Knowledge attitudes and practices concern AIDS among workers with Tourists in Petra and wadi Mousa city ALEF-BA, No 1454, P33
External Examiner: Postgraduate Thesis Examinations Al-Hyazai, A., Pattern of Jordanian automobile Drivers’ Traffic Safety Culture. Jordan University of Science and Technology, April 2, 2009 Abu-Rub, N., The Relationship between Co-worker Social Support and Job Performance among Jordanian Nurses. Jordan University of Science and Technology, 2008 Mousa, F., Breast Self- Examination: Life Style Practices, Commitment to Health Behaviour. A comparative Study between Female Registered Nurses and Female Teachers in Irbid City. Jordan University of Science and Technology, September, 2007