John Brayshaw S Cottage and Little Meadow in Smith Ing

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John Brayshaw S Cottage and Little Meadow in Smith Ing

1572 DD/121/31/5 1550 DD/121/29/2 Bolton Abbey MS260 1622 (at Chatsworth)

John Brayshaw’s Cottage and little meadow in Smith Ing

1550 Gersum 18s paid to Richard Grene John Brashay holds one cottage and garden with the appurtenances by the warrant of the lord’s Commissaries and renders per annum 3s

The same John holds the third part of one fulling mill by [blank] and renders per annum 12d and the third part of 1d

1572 John Brayshey @holds by indenture bearing date 14 April 6 Eliz one cottage with garden and the third Lease for part of one fulling mill, to hold for the term of 21 years from the feast of the annunciation of the blessed Mary next before the date aforesaid. And it yields per annum for the cottage and garden 3s and for the third part of the mill 13d and the third part of a penny at the feast aforesaid;@Respited 6 Eliz 21 years 4s 1d and the third part of a penny

1583 Thomas Brashawe son of John Brayshaw haithe taken of the said Commissioners one Cotaige one laithe one garden half one acre of of medow in Smytheyng with the apptnnce lying to the said Cotage of the rent of 3s And 1 little close of medowe at overbrigholme lait pcell of the tenure of Robart Brayshaw his brother of the rent of 20d now in the tenure of the said John To have and hold yelding And paying for his fyne £4 16s.

Provided that he shall pmytt the said John his father to occupie the pmsses During lief and the wief of the said John the therd pte thereof During her lawfull widowhood Thomas Brashey the elder 1589 (1587, parish regs;) His wife had died in 1582 No children’s births recorded Borthwick vol 23 fol 236 to Richard Brashey my sone the tent in the west end of the towne, of the yearly rent of sixtene shillinges with the leave and Licence of the lord allso I give to the said Richard Brayshay my sone all my land in Gigleswicke of the yearlye rent of vj s viij d Whearupon the said Richard nowe dwelleth and is possessed 1583 Richard Brayshaw eldest son of Thomas Brayshaw haith taken Of the said Commissioners one mess one Laythe one garden one oxgang of land and medow and pasture with the apptnnce lying unto the said mess of the rent of 15s And certain pcells of land laitlie improved at pighill Dawday & Feildyeat &Brakenbarr Close of the rent of 2s2d now in The tenure of the said Thomas his Father. To have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne £14 10s Provided that he shall pmytt the said Thomas his father to occupie the pmsses during his lief And the wife of the said Thomas the therd pte thereof During her pure & lawfull widowhood to John Brayshawe my sone my farmhould in the east end of the towne, of the yearlie rent of xs together withall appurtenances and improvements belonging to the same John Brayshaw second sone of Thomas Brayshas haithe taken of the said Commissioners one mess one Laythe one garden one oxgang & a half of land & medow cont by estimacon 7 Acres with the apptnnces Lyinge unto the said mess now in the tenure of the said Thomas his father of the Rent of 10s of the Surrendre of the said Thomas To Have and hold And payinge for his fyne £8 to Issabell my daughter one cow

Will of John Braishey 1597 the brother of Richard Married Margaret Brown 30th Oct 1584 Borthwick vol. 26 fol. 556 I give my tenement and houses with all taken grounds and their appurtenances situate lying and being within the town fields of Giggleswick which are now in my possession and occupation which said tenement and houses are of the yearly rent of 15s 10 1/2 d unto Richard my eldest son 6th Nov 1586 to Thomas my younger son 28th Sep 1589 to William my youngest 7th Nov 1596 Margaret my wife Richard Braishey my natural brother Thomas Browne and William Cocker my brethren in law to William my youngest son one Close called lowpke(?) and my part of a Close called Highewarke lying and being in the fields of Stainforth under bargh my wife shall have the use and occupation of my said tenement houses and grounds until my Children shall come to the age twenty and one years for their better education and bringing up to Richard my eldest son two pair of bedstocks the best in my house and one almory in the cellar and one Chest which was his natural mothers Item whereas I have entered to buy.. a field house and had bought oak wood whereof certain trees lie at my house and the rest in the west(?) I will that my son Richard shall have the same trees therewith to build the same house Item whereas in my brother Richard his being sole tenant the improvements belonging to my said house and tenement of the rent of 10s 1/2d yearly all which I always had and yet have in my own occupation were put in my said brother warrant which he had from the right honourable the Earl of Cumberland I desire my supervisors take care that when my said Son Richard or Thomas or William or any of them shall be set tenants that the said improvement may be sole in his or their or any of their warrant as it ought to be

Thomas Brayshay 1597 son of Richard and brother of Richard Borthwick vol. 27 fol. 516

I give and bequeath my whole estate and title of tenant right of my tenement and leases with their appurtenances now in my own occupation and also the Right and title of all that land tenements and houses in the tenure and occupation of my father Richard Brayshay whatsoever as(?) or may befall as due unto me after the decease of my said father (my mother her widow right according to law reserved unto her) unto Richard my son

Margaret my wife

Christopher my brother Elizabeth my daughter(?)

Item I will that the best almery in my father's house and one pair of bedstocks left in my house(s?) do still remain and continue at the houses

Remaining Brayshaw holdings in Giggleswick

1550 Note. For the son. Richard (3s 4d 1522) Brayshay holds one messuage with the Gersum 34s 6d paid appurtenances in the same place by the lord’s to Anthony Dale warrant and renders per annum 23s

1553 Gersum £3

Robert Brashay, the son of Richard Brashay, took from the aforesaid commissioners one messuage, with the appurtenances, in the same place, now in the tenure of the said Richard, to hold to him, for the term of his life, after the death of the aforesaid Richard. And he renders annually 23s, and for entry/gersum as appears, over and above 9s released and forgiven by the lord by reason of poverty.

1571 Robert Brayshey @holds by warrant of Edmund Eltoftes esquire and other Commissaries of the lord dated 16 December 6 Eliz one messuage with all lands belonging to the same for the term of the life of the said Robert. And he pays per annum at the feasts of Pentecost and St Martin 23s ex’ [ie extracted/paid?]@ Gersum 60s Fully paid Respited Dismissed The same Robert@ holds at the will of the lord one parcel of waste land at Stubynce and Leekkerwaithe And he pays per annum at the feast of MichaelmasSt Martin so much; 1½d ex’ @At will Dismissed

1583 Richard Brashaw son of Robart brashaw haithe taken of the said Commissioners one mess one laythe one garden tow closes of medow called overbrigholme and netherbrigholme 6 acres of lande in the fields there with the apptnnces lyinge unto the said mess pcell of Demeanes lands there now in the tenure of the said Robarte of the Rent 21s 4d And 2 pcells of waiste laitlie improved at Stubynge and beggerswathe of the Rent of 1d. To Have and hold the said mess and pmisses with the appurtnnces unto the said Richerd for tearme of lief of the said Earle and the said Richerd and unto his wife after his deathe the therde pte of the said pmsses. During her pure and lawfull widowhood yelding And payinge for his fyne £15 Provided that he shall pmytt the said Robarte his father to occupie the pmisses During his lief and the wyef of the said Robart the therd pte thereof During her Lawfull widowhood

1550 Gersum 24s paid Thomas Brashay [holds] one messuage with the to Anthony appurtenances in the same place by the lord’s Dale warrant and renders per annum 15s 11d

1572 Thomas Brayshey @holds by indenture dated 14 April 6 Eliz for the term of 21 years one messuage and one bovate of land and other things belonging to the same. And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid 15s 11dex’ @Gersum 63s 8d Dismissed Fully paid6 Eliz Lease for 21 years years

The same Thomas @holds at the will of the lord one parcel of waste land at Pighells, 4½d, one parcel of waste land at Daydaell, 4d, one parcel of waste land at Feld Yeat, 12d, one parcel of waste land at Bracanber close, 6d. And it yields per annum; 2s 2½d ex’ @At will Dismissed

Thomas Brayshey@ holds by indenture of the said 14 April 6 Eliz for the term of 21 years one messuage and one bovate and a half of land with the appurtenances per annum. And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid; 10s ex’@ Gersum 40s Fully paid Dismissed 6 Eliz Lease for 21 years

1583 Richard Brayshaw eldest son of Thomas Brayshaw haith taken Of the said Commissioners one mess one Laythe one garden one oxgang of land and medow and pasture with the apptnnce lying unto the said mess of the rent of 15s And certain pcells of land laitlie improved at pighill Dawday & Feildyeat &Brakenbarr Close of the rent of 2s2d now in The tenure of the said Thomas his Father. To have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne £14 10s John Brayshaw second sone of Thomas Brayshas haithe taken of the said Commissioners one mess one Laythe one garden one oxgang & a half of land & medow cont by estimacon 7 Acres with the apptnnces Lyinge unto the said mess now in the tenure of the said Thomas his father of the Rent of 10s of the Surrendre of the said Thomas To Have and hold And payinge for his fyne £8

Provided that he shall pmytt the said Thomas his father to occupie the pmsses during his lief And the wife of the said Thomas the therd pte thereof During her pure & lawfull widowhood 1621

Fine £85 ...s 8d

1621 Thomas Brayshey holds by indenture dated 8 October in the last aforesaid year. All that messuage, one lathe, one garden, two closes of meadow, called [?]Warbrigholme and Netherbrig Holme, six acres of land in the field there, with the appurtenances, lying unto the messuage, parcel of the demesne lands there, then in his tenure, of the rent of 21s 5½d, Yielding 22s 5½d at Martinmas and Pentecost equally, And for Moore Rent 5s 1d at Michaelmas only,

1604 Thomas Brayshey holds by indenture dated 18 November 2 James 1604 One messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, lying and being in G aforesaid, of the annual rent of 4s, One fulling mill of the annual rent of 3s 4d One close of meadowe in Overbrig Holme, of the annual rent of 20d, And 2 parcels of ground in Thackthwayte, of the annual rent of 12d, And also three parcels of ground in Thackthwayte aforesaid, containing by estimation in all three roods, of the annual rent of 8d, late in the tenure of John Swaynson and then in the tenure of the said Thomas Brayshey, And also all those 2 parcels of meadow ground in Thackwayte aforesaid within the fields of Gigg. aforesaid, containing by estimation one acre, more or less, parcels of the tenement of Thomas Brayshey deceased, of the annual rent of 8d, all which were then in the occupation of the said Thomas Brayshey, And all houses etc, Except etc as before, To hold for 7000 years without impeachment etc, Yielding per annum 10s 4d rent at Martinmas and Pentecost equally, And for Moore Rent 17d at Michaelmas only, With like reservations, covenants and conditions as in the former leases of G aforesaid.

[Note in RH margin: examined 10s 4d And for Moore Rent 17d Thereof Wm Bankes 8½d Anne Banckes 4¼d & ... Tho. Preston 3¾d ... 1d]

[Note in LH margin: Thereof Tho. B. Jun 20d Henry Walker 2s 4d George Falthropp 3s ... 3 persons ... the fulling mill 3s 4d]

Gersum 13s Richard Banke holds two parts of one fulling mill Gersum 6s and John Brashay holds the third part of the said received by mill by the lord’s warrant and renders per annum 3s 4d

Thomas Brashawe son of John Brayshaw……..And 1 little close of medowe at overbrigholme lait pcell of the tenure of Robart Brayshaw his brother of the rent of 20d now in the tenure of the said John To have and hold yelding And paying for his fyne £4 16s.

Provided that he shall pmytt the said John his father to occupie the pmsses During lief and the wief of the said John the therd pte thereof During her lawfull widowhood

William Bankes sone of Thomas Bankeshath taken one mess one laythe one garden one oxgang of land and medow & certen pcells of demeane land there cont by est 16 acres lying unto the said mess with the apptnnces And ½ pte of one fulling mylne standinge upon Ribble of the Rent of 30s 6 ½ d And certen parcels of ground laitlie improved of the L(ords) waiste at Kirkacre mains & lenertwhat & Brakenbarr Close of the rent of 2s 5d now in the tenure of the said Thomas and Wm his grandfather. To have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne £21 9s

Provided that he shall pmytt the said Willm his grand father to occupie the moytie of the pmisses during his lief And the wife of the said Wm after his death the therd of the pmsses during her lawfull Wydowhood Md that said 2 pts of the fulling mylne above specified is demised afterwards to Thomas Brashaw sone of John and the said 2nd pte of the said myln & the Rent thereof is to be lefte one of warrant Thomas Brayshaw son of John Brayshaw haithe taken of the said Commissioners one fullinge mylne standinge upon the watter of Ribble whereof 2 pte now are in the tenure of Thomas Banks and the therd pte in the tenure of the said John his father to whome the said Thomas hathe surrendred the said second pte of the Rent of 3s4d To have Yelding And paying for his fyne 16s

Provided that he shall pmytt the said John his father to occupy the pmsses During his lief and the wife of the said John the 3rd pte thereof during her lawfull widowhood


Adam Carre, James Tenaunt, Thomas Brashay and Richard Newhouse@ hold 4 tenements and 3 tofts at a rent in all of 75s. They pay for free rent; 12½d and 1 lb of cumin The same Adam@ holds one tenement at a rent of 14s, and another tenement at a rent of 5s 6d, and two other tenements at a rent per annum of 18s 4d, and he pays for free rent for all;@2s 7d

1572 Thomas Payley the son of William@ holds by the lord’s indenture dated 14 April 6 Eliz granted to the said William for the term of 21 years one messuage and one bovate and a half of land with the appurtenances. And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid;10s ex’ @Gersum 40s Fully paid Dismissed 6 Eliz Lease for 21 years The same Thomas@ holds at the lord’s will the fourth part of one rood of land at Lav[er]thwhate Heade at a rent of 1½d, one rood of land at Bracanber close at a rent of 6d. And they yield per annum at the feast aforesaid; 7½d ex’@ At will Dismissed@Memorandum that Richard Brayshey took to wife the mother of the said Thomas and occupies the premises at the will of the lord.

1622 free the lands of Stephen Ten[au]nt, Richard Braishet & others, 1 lb cumin ... 12½d

Out of the landes of Robert Cookeson <6d>, Thomas Corner senior <2½d>, Thomas Braishey <7½d> and Henry Roome <5½d> In all 21½d John Harryson holds by indenture dated 20 November 2 James I 1604: One messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, in Giggl. aforesaid, of the rent of 17s 3d, And all houses etc, with such general words as in Mr Shuttes lease before, And so much of the stinted pastures as before etc, And all the woods etc, And liberty for slate and stone etc. Exceptions as in Mr Shute’s lease (except parcels of the premises rented at 12d passed to Tho. Dockery, 8d Rent laid upon Thomas Braysey) So the rent for this ... is but 15s 7d, To hold for 6000 years with like covenants as in the last. And thus he renders yearly at the terms aforesaid equally [in RH margin: 15s 7d.] And for such part of the Moors as to the premises belongeth or shall be allotted, 3s 10d for his moor rent at Michaelmas only.

[Note in RH margin: and for Moore rent 3s ...]

[Note in LH margin: Thereof Jo. Harrison 2d Robt. Cote 12d Wm. Batman 18d James Dixon 2d Cr. Braishey 12d Jo. Foster 18d Ric. Preston cord 12d Cr. Preston 2s 6d Wm. Foster sen. 6d Tho. Walker 6d John Armestead 6d Rich. Preston 14d Tho. White 4d. Rowland Falthropp 18d & the severall persons aforesaid amongst them must pay 2s 4d.]

[Note in RH margin: Thereof Wm. Banckes 6d Jo. Foster 21d Tho. Braishey Jun. ... Rich. Preston ... Rich.

And all those two parcels of land called Longe Watkers, and one parcel of meadow called Wyther Close in the Feyldes of G aforesaid, of the yearly rent of 12d, which the said Thomas Dockery had by assignment of Tho. Braishey of Giggleswick, and were parcel of the said Thomas Braishers tenement in G aforesaid,

three parcels of ground in Thackwayte formerly granted to Thomas Braishey senior, with common, for 8d, shall not pass in this grant,

John Banckes holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James of England etc 1604 All that one messuage, one lath, one garden, one oxgang of land and meadow, and certain parcels of the demesne lands thereunto belonging etc, of the yearly rent of 28s 4d, And a parcel of ground within the Spring, sometime parcel of Wm. Tailor’s tenement, of the ancient yearly rent of 7d, And certain parcels of ground lately improved at Maynes, Levarthwayte, Brakenber, and Byrkettes, of the rent of 2s 5½d, And one close, lately Wm Hynes, called Cragclose, lately improved, of the rent of 9d, And one close in Brakenber, late Thomas Braysheys, of the Rent of 1d, One cottage, late Mathew Newhouse, of the rent of 4d, And certain parcels of arable ground in G aforesaid Spring, lately improved, for the rent of 16d, All being of the yearly rent of 33s 10½d, and then in the tenure of the said Jo. Bancke

Fine £41 6s

Richard Brayshey the elder holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James 1604 All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with the appurtenances, late in the tenure of John Brayshey deceased, brother of the said Richard, of the ancient yearly rent of 10s, And also one parcel of late improved ground at Brakenber of the rent of 6d, Another parcel at Peghall, at the rent of 4½d, Also one fourth part of one tenement sometimes in the occupation of one Ric. Claphamson, of the ancient rent of 5s, and then in the occupation of the said Richard, And so in all of the ancient yearly rent of 15s 10½d , And all houses etc, as before, Except etc as in the rest, To hold for 6000 years without impeachment etc, Yielding per annum 15s 10½d at Martinmas and Pentecost equally, And for Moore Rent 3s 7½d, With like reservations, covenants and conditions as in the rest before of G.

[Note in RH margin: examined 15s 10½d And for Moore Rent 3s 7... Thereof Tho. King 8d Ric. Braishey 6½d Ja. Foster 16d Cr. Coleman 13d] [Note in LH margin: Thereof Tho. Armitsead 2s Eliz Falthr. 2d Wm Batma[n] 18d Ja. Dixon 2d Jo. Foster 4d Cr. Kellett 3d Tho. Carne 2d Ric. Barishey 11s 1½d Henr. Mitchell 2d]

Richard Hall for a Cottage and 2 little closes at Linthwayte in Giggleswick there for 21 years from the year etc 1610 that is to say 8 King James 2s 3d

[Note in LH margin: Now Tho. Stackhouse Compounded by him]

Fine £8

Wm. Newhowse for the 4th part of a fulling mill and a little close for 21 years from Michaelmas 1609 8 King James 3s 4d

[Note in RH margin: 3s 4d & Moore Rent ... paid by Tho. Braishey]

Richard Preston Braishey for a parcel of a house lately improved by Johan Hyne and granted to him on the backside of his book. R[ent] 6d.

Thomas Preston, Thomas Brayshey, Wm. Tailor, Thomas Remington and John Armisteade, cottagers, do occupy one parcel of waste of the north side of the wood adjoining to How Riddinge containing 4 acres, and they and the former tenants of their cottagers these 30 years last past [In RH margin: never rented but Cl[aim] the herbage. Thereof ask by what right.] Brayshaw


Free holders there with the rents they pay, payable always at the feast of St Martin the Bishop in winter only.

Out of the lands of Stephen Ten[au]nt, Richard Braishet & others, 1 lb cumin ... 12½d Out of the landes of Robert Cookeson <6d>, Thomas Corner senior <2½d>, Thomas Braishey <7½d> and Henry Roome <5½d> In all 21½d

Fine £65 13s 4d John Harryson holds by indenture dated 20 November 2 James I 1604:

One messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, in Giggl. aforesaid, of the rent of 17s 3d, Exceptions as in Mr Shute’s lease (except parcels of the premises rented at 12d passed to Tho. Dockery, 8d Rent laid upon Thomas Braysey) So the rent for this ... is but 15s 7d, And for such part of the Moors as to the premises belongeth or shall be allotted, 3s 10d for his moor rent at Michaelmas only.

[Note in RH margin: and for Moore rent 3s ...]

[Note in LH margin: Thereof Jo. Harrison 2d Robt. Cote 12d Wm. Batman 18d James Dixon 2d Cr. Braishey 12d Jo. Foster 18d Ric. Preston cord 12d Cr. Preston 2s 6d Wm. Foster sen. 6d Tho. Walker 6d John Armestead 6d Rich. Preston 14d Tho. White 4d. Rowland Falthropp 18d & the severall persons aforesaid amongst them must pay 2s 4d.] 13s 6d and 2s 4d = 15s 10d (2s 5d short) [Note in RH margin: Thereof Wm. Banckes 6d Jo. Foster 21d Tho. Braishey Jun. ... Rich. Preston ... Rich. Preston 1s ... himself 7... Total]

Fine £135 3s 4d Thomas Banckes holds by indenture dated 20 November 3 James of England etc 1604 All that messuage, farm and tenement, with the appurtenances, in G aforesaid, of the ancient yearly rent of 24s 3d, before that in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Dockery deceased, And all those parcels of land and meadow, with the appurtenances, lying and being in diverse several places in the fields of G aforesaid, called Quarter lands, Long Whatkers and Sandriges, of the yearly rent of 12d, which the said Thomas Dockery had in pasture for one parcel of land lying at Lymmar Thwayte, which several parcels then were in the tenure of Jennett Dockery, wife of the said Thomas Dockery, And all those two parcels of land called Longe Watkers, and one parcel of meadow called Wyther Close in the Feyldes of G aforesaid, of the yearly rent of 12d, which the said Thomas Dockery had by assignment of Tho. Braishey of Giggleswick, and were parcel of the said Thomas Braishers tenement in G aforesaid, And also all those shops lying and being in Settle in the said county, then in the tenure of the said Thomas Dockery, All those parcels of ground in the fields of G and Settle aforesaid in several places called Sandholme, Congleholme, Longestreame, Hippinges and Under Carnrock also in the tenure of the said Thomas Dockery by assignment of Ric. Cookeson of Settle aforesaid (amongst other things) and were parcel of the said Ric. tenement in Settle aforesaid, and are of the yearly rent of 6s, And all houses, buildings etc, as in the former leases of 6000 years, 32s 3d, And for Moor rent 5s 11¼d at Michaelmas only, [Note in RH margin: examined 32s ...And for M[oores] Rent 5s 11d Thereof Tho. Rem’ton 12d Mr. Shute 2s 2[d][ Tho. Carre Jo. Franckland 6d and amongst them ... Total]

[Note in LH margin: Thereof hold Tho. Armitstead. ... 7s Wm. Banckes 7s 2d Wm. Payley 7s 6d Tho. Lawson 3s 9d Henry Preston 3s Peter Ten[au]nte 3s 10d]

[Deleted:] John Swaynson holds by indenture dated 9 July 3 James of England etc One mansion or dwelling house and one garden, with the appurtenances, in G aforesaid, of the annual rent of 3s, then in the tenure of the said John Swaynson, by the assignment of Wm. Hyne former tenant of the same, And also one parcel of ground lying to the barn or lathe of Chr. Preston in the Demesnes of G aforesaid. [Note in LH margin: This is entered after amongst other things granted to Mr Robert Banckes in Fee Farm.]

Fine £20 parcel of ground on the Ley Riges, And one other parcel of ground lying on the feed croftes in G aforesaid, which said several parcels of ground were heretofore parcels of the ancient messuage or tenement in G aforesaid, then in the tenure of Ric. Preston aforesaid, And the fourth part of one fulling mill in G aforesaid, near above the Water corn mill there, in 4 parts to be divided, then also in the tenure of the said Jo. Swaynson, together with the occupiers of th’other 3 parts thereof, The 4th part of all grounds, wastes, profits and commodities, and all ways, paths, watercourses and easements thereunto belonging, All which parcels of ground and 4th part are of the yearly rent of 3s 8d, And all houses etc, as in Mr Shute’s and in the rest of G,

Provided that one close under Craven Banck, called the Crest, formerly granted to Tho. Paley without rent, one shop and garden formerly granted to the aforesaid Mr Hyne without common, and three parcels of ground in Thackwayte formerly granted to Thomas Braishey senior, with common, for 8d, shall not pass in this grant,

Yielding 6s 8d rent at the said 2 terms equally, And for Moore rent 21d at Michaelmas only, With reservations, covenants and conditions as in the former leases of Giggleswick.

[Note in RH margin: examined 6s 8d And for Moores Rent 21d. This is entered after on Mr Robert Banckes so not to be charged here. Now paid by Mr. Banckes and Mr Armis...]

[Note in LH margin: Thereof ... wood tenants [and] Mr Ferrer 3s 4d ... Banckes & Mr Artmitsead & others ... the rest 3s 4d]

Fine £67 ... 4d John Barton holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James of England etc 1604 One messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, in G aforesaid, of the annual rent of 9s 6d, And also one messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, lying and being at Hunthwayte within the Lordship of G aforesaid, of the annual rent of 3s 11d, And one cottage or firehouse, with the appurtenances, in the Mill Hill in G aforesaid, of the yearly rent of 12d, Yielding 14s 5d at the feasts aforesaid equally, And for Moore Rent 2s 10½d at Michaelmas only, With the like reservations for suit of mill and such like covenants and conditions as before in the rest of Giggleswick.

[Note in RH margin: examined 14s 5d And for Moore Rent 2s 10½d Thereof Jo. Burton 9d Henr. Wig 11½d Tho. Braishey 10d moor rent Tho. King 4d]

[Note in LH margin: Thereof ... Burton 9s 6d ... Wigh... 3s 11d ...mes Wildman 12d]

Fine £41 6s Richard Brayshey the elder holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James 1604 All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with the appurtenances, late in the tenure of John Brayshey deceased, brother of the said Richard, of the ancient yearly rent of 10s, And also one parcel of late improved ground at Brakenber of the rent of 6d, Another parcel at Peghall, at the rent of 4½d, Also one fourth part of one tenement sometimes in the occupation of one Ric. Claphamson, of the ancient rent of 5s, and then in the occupation of the said Richard, And so in all of the ancient yearly rent of 15s 10½d , And for Moore Rent 3s 7½d,

1621 [Note in RH margin: examined 15s 10½d And for Moore Rent 3s 7... Thereof Tho. King 8d Ric. Braishey 6½d Ja. Foster 16d Cr. Coleman 13d]

[Note in LH margin: Thereof Tho. Armitsead 2s Eliz Falthr. 2d Wm Batma[n] 18d Ja. Dixon 2d Jo. Foster 4d Cr. Kellett 3d Tho. Carne 2d Ric. Barishey 11s 1½d Henr. Mitchell 2d]

Fine £8 Wm. Newhowse for the 4th part of a fulling mill and a little close for 21 years from Michaelmas 1609 8 King James 3s 4d 1621 [Note in RH margin: 3s 4d & Moore Rent ... paid by Tho. Braishey]

Richard Preston Braishey for a parcel of a house lately improved by Johan Hyne and granted to him on the backside of his book. R[ent] 6d.

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