World History & Geography I Unit 4 Review Test Format

Section I. Multiple Choice (50 points)

Directions: Each of the questions is followed by four suggested answers. Select the one that best answers the question.

On the test, 25 questions will appear based on the material discussed in class and/or from the textbook.

Section II. Map Identification (10 points)

Directions: Match the geographic feature or location listed below to the letter on the map.

On the test, you will identify 5 major features of the map of the Asian Subcontinent.

Section III. Free Response

Part I. Analytical Paragraph (20 points)

Directions: Write a strong analytical paragraph in response to one of the prompts.

On the test, two prompts will appear on the test, and you will answer ONE of them.

Part II. Comparison Paragraph (20 points)

Directions: Write a strong paragraph in which you compare and contrast two of the following religions.

On the test, you will be allowed to compare any two of the major Indian religions we studied: Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. Material Review

I. Geography – Asian Subcontinent a. KT: monsoons b. Features: Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Brahmaputra River, Deccan Plateau, Ganges River, Himalayan Mountains, Hindu-Kush Mountains, Indus River, Sri Lanka, Thar Desert (Great Indian Desert) c. Key Ideas: i. How did geography affect Indian history and civilization? II. Indus River Valley Civilization a. KT: Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro b. Key Ideas: i. What were the major features of Indus River cities? ii. Why is our knowledge of Indus River Valley civilization limited?

III. Caste System a. KT: varnas, jati, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, pariah, Aryans b. Key Ideas: i. What did Indians believe caused an individual to be born into a particular caste? ii. What was the relationship between each caste? iii. Why was the caste system created? iv. What were the main goals of the caste system?

IV. Indian Religion a. KT: Pantheism, Brahma, atman, Wheel of Life, Karma, Dharma, moksha, asceticism, yoga, Jainism, ahimsa, Siddhartha Gautama, 4 Signs, Great Enlightenment, 4 Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, nirvana, Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Shiva, Vishnu b. Key Ideas: i. What key ideas were part of the foundation of religious ideas that all of the major faith drew from? ii. What were the unique aspects of Jainism, and how did it impact history? iii. What were the unique aspects of Buddhism, and how did it impact history? iv. What were the unique aspects of Hinduism, and how did it impact history?

V. Indian SEPTIC a. KT: Laws of Manu, Silk Roads, rajas, Chandragupta Maurya, Kautilya, Ashoka, Rock Edicts, Chandra Gupta II, Aryabhata, Hindu-Arabic numerals, Ellora, devas, Ajanta, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Kalidasa, Sakuntala b. Key Ideas: i. What were the major social features of early India? ii. What were the major economic features of early India? iii. What was the significance of the Mauryan and Gupta Empires? iv. What were the major political features of early India? v. What were the technological achievements of early India? vi. What were the major intellectual achievements of early India? vii. What were the major cultural achievements of early India?