Langlade County Market Animal Committee September 16th, 2015 Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Amy Peters at 634pm.

Members present: Amy Peters, Patti Lucht, Lewis Bowman, Todd Lucht, Heather Noskowiak, Gretchen Lucht, Braeden Noskowiak, Linda Vollmar, Logan Vollmar, Fran Swim, Lauren Hackbarth, Heather Hackbarth, Jolynne Schroepfer, Jason Nagel, Payton Bunnell, Lily Nagel

Extension Agent: Krista Otto

Public Comments; None

Secretary’s Report was provided in writing. Motion made to accept the report as provided by Lewis; second by Todd. All in favor, none opposed.

Treasurer’s Report was provided by Patti Lucht. Fair Deposit $ 5540.00 Checking: $5866.97 Savings: $3976.59 Motion made by Jolynne; second Fran. All in favor; none opposed.

Youth Rep Report; None present

Species Chair Report Beef – Todd reported that he felt the fair went well and the sale was excellent.

Old Business

2015 Langlade County Youth Fair Follow Up. None

Fair Youth Meeting Suggestions/Issues. See attached

Buyer Appreciation Banquet Follow Up. Areas of improvement Sound System Positives Enjoyed the judge

State Fair Follow Up. Lily Nagel reported on her trip to the State Fair. Others who attended: Alison Peters, Matt Bowman, Jon Conklin, Amy Heistad, Olivia Wolf, Gavin Bunnell. New Business

Charter. Patti continues to work on.

Judge Selection. Discussion; will request that input will be given at the next meeting for selection of the judges.

Mandatory Meeting. Discussion; date set for Monday, November 30th; 6pm and 630pm start.

2015 Fairbook Changes. Changes are due to the Fair office on November 20th. Changes need to come to the October meeting in writing.

Weigh-in Dates. Beef Weigh In Saturday, December 12th 9am-11am Sheep/Swine Friday, April 15th 6pm-8pm

Website. Krista will confirm that weigh in slips will be placed

Nominations 1. Co chair; Lewis nominates Justin Schroepfer, second by Heather Noskowiak. No other nominations; motion made to cast a unanimous ballot by Lewis; second by Fran. All in favor; none opposed. 2. Sheep Chair; Lewis nominates Mel Lucht; second by Heather Hackbarth. Motion made to cast a unanimous ballot by Heather Noskowiak, second by Lewis. All in favor; none opposed. 3. Swine Chair; Lewis nominates Tom Anderson; second by Fran. Motion made by Lewis to cast a unanimous ballot; second by Todd. All in favor; none opposed. Heather Hackbarth has agreed to assist. 4. Beef Chair; Todd Lucht has declined the position and he is thanked greatly for his 15 years of service. No nominations at this time. Krista will place an announcement in the Forecast. 5. Treasurer. Amy nominates Patti; second by Kathy. Motion made to cast a unanimous ballot; second by Fran. All in favor; none opposed 6. Secretary. Amy nominates Kathy; second by Lewis. Motion made to cast unanimous ballot; second by Todd. All in favor; none opposed. 7. Presale Party. Jason provided a report from Judy regarding the Pre Sale Party. The cost of the party was $436.00, split between Pond Hill, Ken’s and Kropf’s. Only 28 buyers attended. The beer donation and Pond Hill will be unable donate next year. Will discuss how to proceed. Tabled for additional discussion at the October meeting.

Next Meeting: October 21st @ 630pm.

Motion made by Amy to adjourn the meeting; second by Kris.