Association For Women In Psychology

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Association For Women In Psychology

Association Distinguished Career for Women in Awards Psychology 2004 – Leonore Tiefer Each year, the Association for Women in Psychology 2001 – Oliva Espin presents awards in recognition of significant and substantial 2000 – Gwendolyn Puryear Keita contributions to research and theory that advance our Bernice Lott understanding of the psychology of women and that promote 1998 – the achievement of the goals of the Association for Women in 1994 – Rhoda Kesler Unger Psychology. 1992 – Nancy Henley One of these awards is the Distinguished Career Award. 1991 – Nancy Felipe Russo Every few years, the DPA Committee of the AWP chooses to 1986 – Florence Denmark honor one of their colleagues in this way. AWP also selects books and articles for the 1984 – Irene Hanson Frieze Distinguished Publication Award. This award honors 1981 – Jean Baker Miller published works in women’s psychology. 1979 – Ethel Tobach

Updated August 2005 1978 – Jessie Bernard Found at ***

Crosby, Faye J., Iyer, Aarti, Clayton, Susan, & Downing, Distinguished Roberta A. (2003). Affirmative action: Psychological Publication data and the policy debates. American Psychologist, 58 (2), 93-115. Awards 2003 2005 Shields, Stephanie A. (2002). Speaking from the Heart: Biernat, Monica, Crosby, Faye J., & Williams, Joan C. (2004). Gender and the Social Meaning of Emotion. The maternal wall: Research and policy perspectives on Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. discrimination against mothers. Special Issue. Journal of Social Issues, 60 (4). Tolman, Deborah L. (2002). Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk about Sexuality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard MacGeorge, Erina L., Graves, Angela R., Feng, Bo, Gillihan, University Press. Seth J., & Burleson, Brant R. (2004). The myth of gender cultures: Similarities outweigh differences in men’s and women’s provision of and responses to 2002 supportive communication. Sex Roles, 50 (3/4), 143- 175. Campbell, Rebecca. (2001). Emotionally involved: The impact of researching rape. NY: Routledge.

2004 Fisher, Berenice M. (2001). No angel in the classroom: Teaching through feminist discourse. Lanham, MD: Brodsky, Anne. (2003). With all our strength: The Rowman & Littlefield. revolutionary association of the women of Afghanistan. Routledge. 2001 Nagel, Joane. (2003). Race, ethnicity, and sexuality: Intimate intersections, forbidden frontiers. New York: Oxford. Fausto-Sterling, Anne. (2000). Sexing the body: Gender politics and the construction of sexuality. NY: Harper Collins.

Jackson, Leslie, & Greene, Beverly. (Eds.) (2000). Psychotherapy with African American women: 1999 Innovations in psychodynamic perspectives and practice. NY: Guilford. Layton, Lynne. (1998). Who’s that girl? Who’s that boy?: Clinical practice meets postmodern gender theory. *** Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. Peplau, Letita Anne, & Garnets, Linda. (Eds.). (2000). Women's sexualities: New perspectives on sexual orientation and gender. Special issue. Journal of Social 1998 Issues, 56 (2). Waites, Elizabeth A. (1997). Memory quest: Trauma and the search for personal history. NY: W.W. Norton & Co. 2000 *** Frieze, Irene, & McHugh, Maureen. (Eds.). (1997). Measuring beliefs about appropriate roles for women and men. Kilbourne, Jean. (1999). Deadly Persuasion: Why women and Special issue. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21 (1). girls must fight the power of advertising. NY: Free Press. 1997 *** Crawford, Mary, & Kimmel, Ellen. (Eds.). (1999). Innovations Chrisler, Joan, Golden, Carla, & Rozee, Patricia D. (Eds.). in feminist research. Special issue. Psychology of (1996). Lectures on the psychology of women. NY: Women Quarterly, 23, 1&2. McGraw-Hill.

Silverstein, Louise, & Auerbach, Carl. (1999). Deconstructing Firestein, Beth A. (1996). Bisexuality: The psychology of an the essential father. American Psychologist, 54, 397- invisible minority. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 407. Publications. Freyd, Jennifer. (1996). Betrayal trauma: The logic of forgetting childhood abuse. Cambridge, MA: Harvard 1995 University Press. Brown, Laura. (1994). Subversive dialogues: Theory in 1996 feminist therapy. NY: Basic Books. Comas-Diaz, Lillian, & Greene, Beverly. (1994). (Eds.). Adleman, Jeanne, & Enguidanos, Gloria. (Eds.). (1995). Women of color: Integrating ethnic and gender Racism in the lives of women: Testimony, theory, and identities in psychotherapy. NY: Guilford Press. guides to anti-racist practice. NY: Harrington Park Press. Morawski, Jill. (1994). Practicing feminisms, reconstructing psychology: Notes on a liminal science. Ann Arbor, Kimball, Meredith M. (1995). Feminist visions of gender MI: University of Michigan Press. similarities and differences. NY: Harrington Park Press. Segal, Lynne. (1994). Straight sex: The politics of pleasure. London: Virago Press. Landrine, Hope. (1995). Cultural diversity, contextualism, and feminist psychology. In H. Landrine (Ed.), Bringing cultural diversity to feminist psychology. 1994 Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press. Bem, Sandra L. (1993). The lenses of gender: Transforming the debate on sexual inequality. New Haven: Yale Weiner, Kayla, & Moon, Arinna. (Eds.). (1995). Jewish University Press. women speak out: Expanding the boundaries of psychology. Canopy Press. Bordo, Susan. (1993). Unbearable weight: Feminism, western culture, and the body. Berkeley, CA: University of *** California Press. Amaro, Hortensia. (1995). Love, sex, and power: Considering women’s realities in HIV prevention. American Campbell, Anne. (1993). Men, women, and aggression. NY: Psychologist, 50, 437-447. Basic Books. 1993 Kaschak, Ellen. (1992). Engendering lives: A new psychology *** of women’s experience. NY: Basic Books. Maccoby, Eleanor. (1990). Gender and relationships: A developmental account. American Psychologist, 45, Reinharz, S. (1992). Feminist methods in social research. 513-520. NY: Oxford University Press. Rodin, Judith, & Ickovics, Jeannette R. (1990). Women’s health: Review and research agenda as we approach the *** 21st century. American Psychologist, 45, 1018-1034. Riger, Stephanie. (1992). Epistemological debates, feminist voices: Science, social values, and the study of women. Tallen, Bette. (1990). Twelve-step programs: A lesbian American Psychologist, 47, 730-740. feminist critique. NSWA Journal, 2, 390-407.

1992 1990

Butler, Sandra S., & Wintram, Claire. (1991). Feminist Rozee, Patricia, & Van Boemel, Gretchen. (1989). The groupwork. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. psychological effects of war trauma and abuse on older Cambodian refugee women. Women and Therapy, 8, Lips, Hilary. (1991). Women, men, and power. Mountain 23-50. View, CA: Mayfield. 1989 *** Tiefer, Leonore. (1991). Historical, scientific, clinical and Bronstein, Phyllis, & Quina, Kathryn. (1988). Teaching a feminist criticisms of : The human sexual response psychology of people. Washington, DC: American cycle” model. Annual Review of Sex Research, 2, 1-23. Psychological Association.

Fine, Michelle, & Asch, Adrienne. (Eds.). (1988). Women 1991 with disabilities: Essays in psychology, culture, and politics. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. Collins, Patricia Hill. (1990). Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of Kitzinger, Celia. (1988). The social construction of empowerment. NY: Scott Foresman. lesbianism. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Women and mental health policy. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Keller, Evelyn Fox. (1985). Reflections on gender and 1988 science. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Boston Lesbian Book Collective. (1987). Lesbian Walker, Lenore. (Ed.). (1984). Women and mental health psychologies: Explorations and challenges. Urbana, policy. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. IL: University of Illinois Press. *** Koss, Mancy. (1985). The hidden rape victim: Personal, 1987 attitudinal, and situational characteristics. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 9, 193-212. Belenky, Mary F., Clinchy, Blythe M., Goldberger, Nancy R., & Tarule, Jill M. (1986). Women’s ways of knowing. NY: Basic Books. *** 1985 Datan, Nancy. (1986). Corpses, lepers, and menstruating women: Tradition, transition, and the sociology of knowledge. Sex Roles, 14, 693-704. O’Leary, Virginia, Unger, Rhoda, & Wallston, Barbara S. (Eds.). (1985). Women, gender, and social Lott, Bernice. (1987). Sexist discrimination as distancing psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. behavior. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 11, 47-58. Vance, Carole S. (Ed.). (1984). Pleasure and danger: Rothblum, Esther D., & Cole, Ellen. (Eds.). Brown, Laura S. Exploring female sexuality. Boston, MA: Routledge (Case Author). (1986). A woman’s recovery from the and Kegan Paul. trauma of war. Special issue. Women and Therapy, 5. *** Major, Brenda, McFarlin, Dean, & Gagnon, Diana. (1984). 1986 Overworked and underpaid: On the nature of sex differences in personal entitlement. Journal of Belle, Deborah. (1984). Inequality and mental health: Low Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 1399-1412. income and minority women. In L. Walker (Ed.), 1981 1984 Rush, Florence. (1980). The best-kept secret. Englewood Golub, Sharon (Ed.). (1984). Menarche: The transition from Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.. girl to woman, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. *** *** O’Connell, Agnus, & Russo, Nancy Felipe (Eds.). (1980). Laws, Sophie. (1983). The sexual politics of pre-menstrual Eminent women in psychology: Models of tension. Women’s Studies International Forum, 6, 19- achievement. Special issue. Psychology of Women 31. Quarterly, 5

Unger, Rhoda K. (1983). Through the looking-glass: No Riger, Stephanie, & Galligan, Pat. (1980). Women in wonderland yet. (The reciprocal relationship between management: An exploration of competing paradigms. methodology and models of reality). Psychology of American Psychologist, 35, 902-910. Women Quarterly, 8, 9-32. 1980 1983 Sherif, Carolyn Wood. (1929). Bias in psychology. In J. No awards Sherman & E. Beck (Eds.), The prism of sex: Essays in the sociology of knowledge. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. 1982 *** Lott, Bernice. (1981). Becoming a woman. Springfield, IL: Gilligan, Carol. (1979). Women’s place in a man’s life cycle. C.C. Thomas. Harvard Educational Review, 49, 431-446. *** Block, Jeanne. For her work on the Time-Life film, “The pinks and the blues.” (a posthumous award) 1979 1977

Walker, Lenore. (1979). The battered woman. NY: Harper Henley, Nancy. (1976). Body politics: Power, sex, and and Row. nonverbal communication. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. *** Hare-Mustin, Rachel. (1978). A feminist approach to family *** therapy. Family Process, 17, 181-194. Condry, John, & Dyer, Sharon. (1976). Fear of Success: Attributing Cause to the Victim. Journal of Social Issues, 32, 63-84.

1978 Tangri, Sandra. (1976). A feminist perspective on ethical issues in population programs. Signs, 1, 895-904. O’Leary, Virginia. (1977). Toward understanding women. *** Monterey, CA: Brooks-Cole. Sandra L. Bem -- Distinguished Publication Award for cumulative research and theoretical publications. Tiefer, Leonore. (1978). The context and consequences of contemporary sex research: A feminist analysis. In W. Jo Ann Evansgardner -- Distinguished Publication Award for McGill, D. Dewsbury, & B. Sachs (Eds.), Sex and contributions in editing and publishing behavior: Status and prospectus. NY: Plenum Press. Judith Long Laws -- Distinguished Publication Award for *** cumulative research and theoretical publications. Eagly, Alice. (1978). Sex differences in influenceability. Psychological Bulletin, 85, 89-116. Mary Brown Parlee -- Distinguished Publication Award for cumulative research and theoretical publications. Frodi, Ann, Macaulay, Jaqueline, & Thome, Pauline. (1977). Are women always less aggressive than men? A review of the empirical literature. Psychological Bulletin, 84, 634-660.

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