1. FP Full Powers for Staff / Officers Working Under Their Control
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EXPLANATORY NOTE:-ABBREVIATIONS 1. FP Full Powers for staff / officers working under their control 2. FP (CC) Full Powers for staff / officers whose cadre is also under their control
S. ITEM AUTH PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Scale Remarks No ORITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Estt. Independent Srl. No. Sr. Scale G.1. Grant of leave 1.1 Casual leave Rule FP FP FP FP FP FP 236 of IREC-I 1.2 Leave on Rule FP FP* FP* FP* FP* upto 1 FP* upto *Where relief is Average 514,523 month 1 month required, prior Pay/Leave on ,526 & consent of Half Average 527 of Cadre pay. IREC- I Controlling officer must be obtained 1.3 Special Rule FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Disability 552, Leave. 553 IREC-I (Item 1 Appex. VI) 1.4 Study Leave 1.4 a) Ex-India First Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Vigilance, D&A Schedul Clearance and e Finance Chapter Concurrence -5 of required IREC-I 1.4 b) Within First FP upto Sr. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Vigilance, D&A India Sch. Scale Clearance and Chapter Finance -5 of Concurrence IREC-I required 1.5 Sanction of 116/ FP upto SG Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Vigilance Ex.-India 2005 Clearance Leave & grant required of permission for Foreign visits
1 Estt. Independent Srl. No. Sr. Scale G- Pinpointing of FP up to NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Fin. Concurrence 2A Gazetted posts Sr. Scale not required G- Transfer ofAs per FP up to NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (i) On Inter 2B Gazetted the Sr Scale Railway Transfers Officers Codal on of gazetted Provisi recommen officers, releasing on dation from SECR or 1st Append posting in SECR from ix VI to requires GM’s Rule placement prior approval. 103, committee (ii) Transfer of an 110, officer with less than IREC-I a year in the present E/R No. place of posting, 103/ involving payment of 2014 CTG requires GM’s prior approval. G- Issuing Promotion Para NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL This will require 2C order and Ist207 of prior approval of posting order ofIREC-I GM. Gr.-B officers155/14 after being empanelled for promotion from Gr.-C to Gr.-B posts. G.3 Advance of Pay on Para FP FP FP FP FP Nil transfer of officers1113 & working under1114 them. IREM- I G.4 Resignation/ Voluntary Retirement
4.1 To accept Rule Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Vigilance, D&A Resignation. 302 Clearance Required IREC – Note- I, Rule Up to Sr. Scale- l803 of G.M. IREC- Above Sr. Scale- II Rly. Board. S. ITEM AUTH PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Scale Remarks No ORITY CHOD CWM Officer/ Estt. Independent Srl. No. Sr. Scale
2 4.2 To accept Rule 67 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Vigilance, D&A Voluntary of Clearance required. Retirement. RSPR- Powers will be 1993 exercised by GM for Gr. 'B' officers only. G.5 Forwarding ofPara FP up Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Vigilance & Applications for1402 of to Sr. D&A Clearance posts outside andIREM-I Scale required within the Railways for deputation and issuance of service certificate/ employment certificate. G.6. Dual Charge Paras Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil This power shall be arrangements 645 and exercised by GM 646 of only for a period up IREM –I to 6 months for 28/98 below SAG officers 186/ 88 & 3 months for SAG. G7.1 Counter Para FP FP FP FP FP FP Signature on 1697 of Travelling IREC Allowance -II journals. 7.2 Grant of Para FP FP FP FP Nil Nil conveyance 1606, allowance IREC- II 7.3 Grant of 1685 FP FP FP FP Nil Nil TA/DA for IREC- continuous II halt upto 180 days 7.4 Grant of 1506 FP FP FP FP FP Nil Advance of TA (iii) G I G. Sanction of 164/99, FP to Nil FP FP FP upto Nil 8.1 Composite 224/08 PHOD/ SS of Bill (a) Transfer CHOD of drawing Advance bill office Dy. drawing CPO at HQ/ office Workshop/C CPO/CSC/ on. & Sr. FA& DPOs in CAO Divisions S. ITEM AUTH PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Scale Remarks No ORITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Estt. Independent Srl. No. Sr. Scale
3 G. Sanction ofPara FP to FP to HOD FP FP FP upto Nil At the new 8.1 Composite 1643 PHOD/ of bill SS of Bill place of (b) Transfer GrantIREC- CHOD of drawing drawing posting. For II bill office office Dy. serving officers-164/99 drawing CPO at HQ/ within 67/90 office Workshop/ 6 months and for224/08 CPO/CSC Con. & Sr. retired officers- / DPOs in within 1 year FA&CAO Divisions G. Sanction of 8.2 Composite Transfer Grant for belated claims
(a) For serving 164/99 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil At the new place of officers beyond 224/08 posting 6 months Fin. Concurrence required (b) For retired 164/99 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Fin. officers 67/90 Concurrence beyond 1 year 224/08 required and within 2 years G.9 Provident Para FP to FP to NIL NIL NIL NIL Fund- 922 of PHOD/ concerned Advance/ IREC- CHOD of HOD (Pers. Withdrawal I. bill / RPF / drawing Finance) of office Bill upto JAG drawing CPO/ office upto CSC/ JAG FA& CAO G.10 Waival ofPara CPO Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Fin. overpayments 1109 of FP upto Concurrence of amounts for Indian Rs 10,000 required Gazetted Railway CSC for officers after 1 yearAdmn. RPF and where the person is& FA&CAO not in RailwayFinance For Service and it is not(1991 Accounts possible to recover. Edn.) up to Rs.10,000 S. ITEM AUTH PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Scale Remarks No ORITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Estt. Independent Srl. No. Sr. Scale
4 G.11 Extension ofPara FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil joining 1109 time to officers. IREC-I
G.12 Grant of House 1132 ofFP to FP to NIL NIL NIL NIL Building IREM- PHOD/ concerned Advance and I CHOD of HOD (Pers / signing of Bill RPF / Mortgage/ drawing Finance) of Reconveyance office Bill drawing deed (CPO/ up to SG CSC/ FA&CAO ) up to SAG
G.13 Advance for ChapterFP to FP to NIL NIL NIL NIL purchase of 11 PHOD/ concerned Motor IREM-ICHOD of HOD (Pers./ Car/Motor Bill RPF / Cycle/ drawing Finance) of office Bill drawing Scooter/ (CPO/ office upto Computer CSC/ SG FA&CAO upto SAG
G.14 Handling over & 210/ FP FP upto FP FP Nil Nil taking over charge 87 upto SG SG upto upto in cases in which SG SG several scattered works or stores have to be inspected before completing transfer of charge- treatment of period as on duty.
G.15 Fixing of HQs Para FP up Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Applicable to other of GAZ 234 of to Sr. than work charged officers other IREC-I Scale posts. than HODs/ADMs.
S. ITEM AUTH PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Scale Remarks No ORITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Estt. Independent Srl. No. Sr. Scale G.16 Permission to FP FP up to Nil Nil Nil Nil GAZ officers to up to SG Sr. Scale attend
5 conference, congress or meetings in India recognized by Railway Board on duty or grant them Spl. C.L. up to 30 days & Spl. passes. G.17 To permit GAZ officers to under- take journeys by road between stations connected by rail in the following type of cases :- 17.1 Journeys for Rule FP FP FP FP FP Nil surprise 1630 inspection of IREC- level crossing II gates 95/69 17.2 Journeys in Rule FP FP FP FP FP FP connection 1630 with accidents IREC- & breaches. II 95/69 17.3 Journeys for Rule FP FP FP FP FP Nil surprise 1630 checks at IREC- Stations in the II nature of raids 95/69 by road. G.18 Permission to178/ FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Tour programme of proceed on duty to65,Para Upto SG SAG officers & foreign Railways 1622, above for foreign Station. 1623 of Railway should IREC- have the approval of II 22/14 General Manager. S. ITEM AUTH PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Scale Remarks No ORITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Estt. Independent Srl. No. Sr. Scale G. Grant of cash FP to FP to FP FP FP to Bill Nil 19.1 payment in PHOD/ concerne drawing lieu of leave on CHOD of d HOD office upto average pay to Bill (Pers./ SS GAZ officers drawing RPF / on the date of office Finance)
6 retirement. (CPO/CSC/ of Bill FA&CAO) drawing up to SAG up to SG G. Grant of cash 208/ FP FP FP FP FP FP Leave 19.2 payment in lieu 08 Para sanctioning of leave on 540 A authorities will average pay to of only exercise GAZ officers IREC-I these powers. during service G.20 To sanction Rule FP upto Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil undertaking a 1334 Rs. 3000 to IREC –II, work for Bd's PHOD/ which fee is letter No. CHOD of offered and D (G)90 Bill acceptance of HO1-88 drawing the fee. DT. office upto 17.10. 91. SG Board's CPO/CSC/ lr.No. FA&CAO F(XII/97/ PW/4 DT. 16.9.97 G.21 To permit Para FP to PHOD/ Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil change of 1201 & CHOD of name in 1202 Bill drawing original IREM- office upto records I SAG CPO/CSC/ including FA&CAO service registers. G.22 To sanctionPara -FP to FP to NIL NIL FP to Bill NIL pension/gratuity 89 Rly.PHOD/ concerned drawing and Service CHOD of HOD office up to commutation of(Pensio Bill (Pers./ Sr.Scale pension n) drawing RPF / Finance) Rules office of Bill (Chapte(CPO/CSC/ drawing r-VIII) FA&CAO) office upto SAG upto SG S. ITEM AUTH PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Scale Remarks No ORITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Estt. Independent Srl. No. Sr. Scale
7 G.23 Attending Bd.'s FP to CPO Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil (i) Fin. Con. is Training/Seminar/ letter upto SG required. symposium in No. (ii) The overall Non-Rly. F(X)II- registration fee, Institutions. 2002/P however, is subject W/7 to a maximum of Rs dated 25,000/- and pro- 9.5.03 & rata registration fee F(X)II- of Rs 4,000/- per 2010/P day. W/2 dt 11.10. 10 181/08 G.24 To condone 113/ FP upto FP up to Nil Nil Nil Nil delay for non- 95, 2 yrs. 2 yrs. to insurance of 160/ to PHOD/ HOD of flat/house, 95 CHOD Bill purchased/ of Bill drawing built out of drawing office House building office upto upto SG Advance. SAG G.25 Grant of Rule FP To Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil permission to 18, 13, SDGM Group A & B 14 of only up to officers for Railway SG transactions in Service respect of s acquisition or (Condu disposal of any ct) immovable Rules, and/or l966. movable 206/80 property G.26 Grant of - FP to Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil --- service PHOD/ certificate. CHOD of Bill drawing office upto SAG. S. ITEM AUTH PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Scale Remarks No ORITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Estt. Independent Srl. No. Sr. Scale
8 G.27 Issue of NOC Board's FP to NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL D&A /SPE/prior for applying letter PHOD/ Vigilance for Passport No. CHOD of clearance required F(X)I2 Bill 003/P drawing W/10, office dt. 9/1/200(CPO/ 413/ CSC/ 2004 FA&CAO 116/05 ) up to SG 123/05
G.28 Acceptance of Hindu FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil After following adoption deed Adopti legal on Act- requirements and duly vetted by Law office
G.29 Issue of NOC forBoard’sFP to Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Application to correspondence letter PHOD/ be forwarded course/ No. CHOD of by PHOD part time E.58GSIBill concerned. course & /5 dateddrawing applying 27th/28th office for admission April to different 1955 (CPO/ courses 202/65, CSC/ 306/68, FA&CAO 274/64 )
G.30 Counting of ChapterFP to NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Fin Concurrence past service III ofPHOD/ required restricted to RSPR- CHOD of Pension, Leave, 93 &Bill Pass & NPS Rule drawing Rules 1405 ofoffice IREM-I(CPO/CSC/ FA&CAO)
S. ITEM AUTH PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Scale Remarks No ORITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Estt. Independent Srl. No. Sr. Scale
9 G.31 Provisional Para FP up to 3 FP to FP upto NIL NIL NIL Fin. Concurrence payment of 1103 ofmonths concerned 3 required salary/wages Indian to PHOD/ HOD months where the RailwayCHOD of (Personnel / vetted LPC Admn. Bill RPF / Finance) of has not been & drawing Bill drawing received from Finance office office upto the previous 1991 (CPO/CSC/3 months unit FA&CAO) G.32 Sanction of FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Powers to be various admissible exercised by allowances (viz. Bill Compiling Conveyance Officers only. allowance to doctors, Transport allowance, Family Planning Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Children Education Allowance & Hostel Subsidy etc) G.33 Payment of Paras FP to FP to FP FP Nil Nil 1. Fin. Concurrence any arrears of 1001 to PHOD/CH concerne required for claims salary related 1006 of OD of Bill d HOD beyond 1 year. items when the IREM-Idrawing (Personne 2. Claims beyond claim is not & 1021 office l / RPF / three years but not exceeding Rs. over three of (CPO/CSC/ Finance) 10,000/- will be years old Indian FA&CAO) of Bill sanctioned by GM Railway drawing only. Admn. office 3. Claims beyond 3 & years & exceeding Rs. Finance 10000 will require 1991 sanction of Rly. Bd. 15/ 2010 G-34 Maternity Rule FP FP FP FP FP Nil For long period of Leave, 551 of provided provide provided no leave, when relief is Paternity IREC-I no relief d no relief is required, powers to be Leave & Child E/R No. is relief is required vested with at higher Care Leave 204/08 required require levels only. d SOPEST-NON-GAZETTED
S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG. Creation of Posts.
10 1 1.1 Creation of non- E(G)98 NIL NIL FP NIL NIL NIL NIL With Divisional Prop gazetted posts for EC2-3 Finance osed maintenance and dt.3.8.98 concurrence and operation of new 38/99 GM’s approval. assets on 1:1 basis 248/98 (164/2012) (under safety &63/2010 operational categories) 1.2 Creation/extens PC- FP Nil FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Fin. Concurrence ion of currency III/74/PS- required of work 3/UPG/5/ charged posts. dt.10.5.76 and 20.10.761 63/76, 371/76 1.3 Extension of 54/87, FP FP FP for FP for Nil Nil Nil Fin. Concurrence currency of 200/82 the posts the required temporary they are posts posts. empowe they are red to empow create ered to create 1.4 Conversion of 54/87, FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Fin. Concurrence temporary 200/82 required posts into permanent posts. NG.2 Initial Rule 215 FP FP FP FP FP in respect FP for FP for appointments toof of staff staff staff Group-C and IREC- I whose cadre upto upto GP Group-D posts. is under their GP Rs. Rs. control 2800/- 1800/- NG.3 Promotions/ Confirmation 3.1 Regular Para 213 FP FP FP FP FP in respect FP for FP for promotion of of staff staff staff IREM-I whose cadre upto upto GP is under their GP Rs. Rs. control 2800/- 1800/- S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale
11 3.2 Ad-hoc Para FP to Nil *FP Only Nil Nil Nil Nil promotions 216-A CPO against * Beyond 120 Chapter only short-term days, CPO’s 11-B of vacancies approval is IREM-I upto 120 necessary days 3.3 Confirmation FP FP FP FP FP in FP for FP for respect of staff staff staff whose upto upto GP cadre is GP Rs. Rs. under their 2800/- 1800/- control NG.4 Acceptance of Rule FP FP FP FP FP in FP for FP for (i) To be dealt resignation of 302 of respect of staff staff through Pers. non-gazetted IREC-I staff whose upto upto GPBranch Officers staff. cadre is GP Rs. Rs. on Personnel Br. under their 2800/- 1800/- Files. control (ii) D&A, Vigilance clearance required NG.5Re-appointment ofBd's letr FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil non gazetted staffNo. as a fresh entrantE(NG)I/ on bottom seniority91rg 1-1 after acceptance ofdt. resignation 27.12.91 22/92 NG.6 Transfer of Staff 6.1 Transfer of Rule FP FP FP FP FP in respect FP FP (1) Out of turn Group-C and 226 & (CC) (CC) of staff (CC) (CC) transfer will be Group D staff 231 of whose cadre upto upto GPconsidered by within seniority IREC-I is under their GP Rs. DRMs in divisions unit 207/05 control 2800 1800 and PHODs/ CHODs in hqs. 69/14 (2) Transfer within the period of 1 year will also be treated as out of turn transfer (Admn. Interest as well as own request transfer).
S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale 6.2 Inter Divisional 207/05 FP Nil FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Out of turn transfer
12 Request Divnl. will be considered Transfer Controll by DRMs for Gr.- ed Posts D and PHODs/ CHODs for Gr.-C staff. 6.3 Inter Railway 207/05 FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Out of turn Request transfer will be Transfer considered by GM only 6.4 Change of 137/97, FP Nil FP for Nil Nil Nil Nil category 193/ posts 2007 carrying 196/07 GP upto 1800 only NG.7 Grant of leave 7.1 Casual leave Para 236 FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Leave Card of IREC- should be I maintained 7.2 Leave on AverageRule FP FP FP FP FP FP FP upto (a) Pay/Leave on Half510, 523, provided provide provided upto 60 30 days Average 525, 526 for HQ d for for HQ days Pay/Terminal & 527 of controlle HQ controlled leave/Leave duringIREC-.I d posts controll posts no notice no relief ed posts relief is period/Hospital is no relief required Leave upto 120 required is days required 7.2 Sanction of Ex. 116/0 FP FP FP for FP for FP for Nil Nil Vig. Clearance (b) India Leave 5 Divnl Divnl. Divnl. required and permission ControlleControl Controlled for Foreign d post upled post post up to visits to 2 up to 2 1 year years years
7.3 Special Para 552, FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil Disability 553 of Leave IREC-I 7.4 Study leave Para 556 FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil Nil & Appendi Fin. Concurrence, x-V of D&A and IREC-I Vigilance Clearance required S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale 7.5 Hospital LeaveRule 554 FP Nil FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Fin. Concurrence (a) beyond 120 days withof required.
13 full leave salary IREC- I FP 7.5 Maternity, Rule 551 FP FP FP FP FP FP For long period of Provided (b) Paternity leave of Provided no Provide leave, when relief is no relief & Child Care IREC-I relief is d no required, powers to is Leave 204/08 required relief is be vested with at required requiredhigher levels only. 7.6 Special casual Item-5(1) FP FP FP FP FP Nil Nil (i) To be sanctioned (a) leave for of up to up to up to 30 up to up to 30 based on participation in Annexur 30 days 30 days 30 days days recommendations of national and e - C to days GS/ international Master SECRSA. (ii) The annual Sports events. Circular limit is 120 days by No. 10 clubbing National/ International & Estt Srl. ordinary events. 168/80 However, GM is empowered for sanction without any upper limit. These powers have been redelegated to President/ SECRSA subject to quarterly post facto sanction of GM. 7.6 Grant of FP Nil FP for Nil Nil Nil Nil (i) To be sanctioned (b) Special Casual Division based on leave in excess al recommendations of of 30 days and controlle GS/SECRSA up to an d posts (ii) The annual limit is 120 days by additional 30 clubbing National/ days. International & ordinary events. However, GM is empowered for sanction without any upper limit. These powers have been redelegated to President/SECRSA subject to quarterly post facto sanction of GM. S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale 7.7 Extra -ordinary Rule 530 FP FP FP FP FP for staff Nil Nil leave in of they are combination IREC-I competent with or in to make
14 continuation of appointmen LAP and LHAP ts (inclusive of combined leave made up of LAP and LHAP) 7.8 Counting of Para FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil Extra-ordinary 1320 of leave for IREC-II Increment & Rule 36 of RSPR-93 NG.8 Sanction for Paras FP to FP to FP FP FP to Nil Nil 1. *Fin. Investigation of 1001 to PHOD/ concer concerned Concurrence claims of 1006 of CHOD ned Officer required for claims arrears of pay IREM-I of Bill HOD (Personnel / beyond 1 year. and allowances & 1021 drawin (Perso RPF / 2. Claims beyond when the claim of Indian g office nnel / Finance) of three years but not is not over Railway (CPO/CRPF / Bill exceeding three years old Admn. &SC/ Financ drawing Rs.10000 will be Finance FA&C e) of office sanctioned by 1991 & AO) Bill GM. 15/ drawin 3. Claims beyond 3 2010 g yrs & exceeding office 10000 will require Bd’s sanction.
NG.9 Permission for retention of Railway Quarters. 9.1 To permit to E/R No. FP FP FP FP FP FP FP continue the 10/2008 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 occupation of months month months months months months months railway quarter s after retirement except in case of earmarked quarters
S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale 9.2 To permit toE/R No. FP FP FP FP FP FP FP continue the10/2008 up to up to up to 24 up to up to 24 up to up to 24 occupation of 24 24 months 24 months 24 months railway quarter months month months months after death s 9.3 To permit toE/R No. FP FP FP FP FP FP FP
15 continue the10/2008 up to up to up to up to up to up to up to occupation of 1month 1mont 1month 1month 1month 1month 1month railway quarter in h case of resignation/ Discharge 9.4 Joint occupation of1712 of FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil Railway quartersIREM- II as per extant rules and orders - recovery of rent. 9.5 To permit to10/08 FP FP FP FP FP Nil Nil continue the up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 up to 8 occupation of months month months months months railway quarter on s medical grounds in case of transfer 9.6 To permit to10/08 FP uptoFP uptoFP upto FP upto FP upto Nil Nil continue the current current current current current occupation of academiacademiacademicacademi academic railway quarter on c c session c session educational session session session grounds in case of transfer 9.7 To permit to10/08 FP FP FP FP FP Nil Nil continue the upto 4 upto 4 occupation of railway months months quarter in case of temporary transfer NG. Sanction of 10 Advances 10.1 Advances from Rule FP FP FP FP FP FP FP for The powers will Provident Fund 922/923 staff be exercised by of upto GP the officers of IREC-I 1800. the bill drawing office only. 10.2 Advance of 1110- of FP FP FP FP FP FP Nil Travelling IREM - I Allowance
S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale 10.3 Advance of 1113, FP FP FP FP FP FP Nil pay on 1118 of Transfer. IREM-I 10.4 Advance of pay to1123 of Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil non-gazetted IREM-I Railway servants under very special
16 circumstances viz. the Railway servant's camp is burnt or serious damage caused to his belongings due to floods etc. 10.5 Grant of House1132 of FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil Building IREM -I Advance as admissible and signing of Mortgage/ Reconveyance deed 10.6 Grant of Para FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Fin. Concurrence advance for 1124 of required treatment of IREM cancer Vol. I 109/81 10.7 Grant of advance Para FP FP FP FP FP FP FP to a non-gazetted 1107 of employee for IREM-I purchase of 20/88 bicycle on the usual terms & conditions 10.8 Advance for Chapter- FP to FP to FP FP FP to Br. Nil Nil purchase of XI of PHOD/ HOD Officer of Motor IREM-I CHOD of bill Bill Cycle/Scooter/ of bill drawin drawing Motor Car/PC drawing g office office etc. CPO/ office CSC/ FA& CAO 10.9 Grant of Para FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Festival 1125 Advance IREM-I S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale 10.10 Grant of Para FP FP FP FP FP FP Nil advance of 1632 of leave salary IREC-II while proceeding on leave for a month or more.
17 NG To grant/sanctionRule 1334 FP up FP up FP up to FP up FP up to Nil Nil (i) Fin. 11 undertaking a (FR-46) to Rs. to Rs. Rs. 10, to Rs. Rs. 5000 to Concurrence work for which IREC –II 15, 15, 000 10, Br. Officer required honorarium/fee is Board's 000 000 000 of bill (ii) Limit offered and to letter PHOD/ HOD drawing mentioned is for No.F(X)II grant or sanction/94/PW/3 CHOD of bill office individual cases. payment of dt. of bill drawin honorarium and 26.3.96 drawin g acceptance of fee Board's g office office letter No. CPO/ CPO/ F(X)II/97/ CSC/ CSC/F PW/4 dt. FA& A&C 16.9.9751 CAO AO /96 368/ 04, 29/ 2012 Board’s letter No. 2011/F(X) II/5/ 10 dt 29.12. 2011 NG. Sanction for 231/87, FP FP FP FP FP Nil Nil 12 payment of 31/05 compensation under Workmen's Act. NG. Recovery in Para FP FP FP FP FP to Br. FP to FP to 13 instalments of 1013-B officer of concernconcern amounts paid (IREM-I) bill drawing ed ed erroneously to and 1105 office officer officer Railway Admn & of bill of bill employees Finance drawingdrawing Code. office office
S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG. Recovery in lump Para 911 FP FP FP FP FP to Br. FP to FP to 14 sum or in of officer of concer concern Instalments of IREC-I bill drawing ned ed arrears of office officer officer subscription due of bill of bill from Railway drawin drawing servant who is g office office admitted as a
18 subscriber to the Provident Fund with retrospective effect. NG Grant of 202/ FP FP FP FP FP FP FP The powers will be 15 Children 2008 exercised by the Educational 109/13 concerned officers Allowance & of the bill drawing Hostel Subsidy office only. NG. Write off of Para FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil Fin. Concurrence 16 amounts 1017 & up to up to up to up to Required overdrawn by the 1018 of Rs. Rs. Rs. 5000 Rs. non-gazetted IREM- I 5000 5000 3000 Railway employees & para after 1 year where the person is not in 1109 of Railway Service G1210/8 and it is not 7 109/81 possible to recover. NG. Sanction to 917- FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil 17 refund of IREC- I Provident Fund by instalment by non-gazetted staff, on re- appointment NG. Sanction 18 rewards NG. To sanction Board’s FP FP FP FP FP* FP* FP* * Subject to 18.1 Rewards to letter No. up to up to up to up to up to upto Rs. upto Rs.availability of non-Gazetted F(X)II- Rs4000 Rs. Rs. 2000 Rs. Rs.1,000 500 300 funds with the staff. 2010/PW/ 2000 2000 officer. 2 dt. Limits are for 11.10.106 8/88, each individual 116/94, case 50/98 18.2 Cases Board's CSO NIL FP NIL NIL NIL NIL * Subject to connected L. No. up to up to availability of with averting E(G)64 Rs. Rs. funds with the accidents RN1-6 15,000 7500 officer. dt. Limits are for 6.9.9568/ each individual 88 case 254/87 18.3 Suggestions and FP FP FP FP FP* FP* upto FP* * Subject to inventions up to up to up to up to up to Rs. 500 upto availability of Rs Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.1,000 Rs. funds with the 4000 2000 2000 2000 300 officer. Limits are for
19 each individual case 18.4 Other cases of FP FP FP FP FP* FP* upto FP* * Subject to meritorious up to up to up to up to up to Rs. 500 upto availability of outstanding Rs Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.1,000 Rs. funds with the work 4000 2000 2000 2000 300 officer. Limits are for each individual case
18.5 Group Cash FP Nil FP Nil Nil Nil Nil (i) Subject to annual award for ceiling limit prescribed for those meritorious officers not to be outstanding exceeded & work availability of funds with the officers.
(ii) Cash received by each individual out of group award should not exceed the limit prescribed for sanction by the concerned officer.
NG. Counter signatureRule FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 19 of Travelling1697 of Allowance IREC-II Journals
NG- Temporary 104/1 FP Nil FP in FP in FP in respect Nil Nil An advice of the 20.1 Transfer of Posts in 3 includi respect respect of posts in transfer of respect of non- ng grade pay of posts/grades should gazetted from one of posts of 1800 and be sent immediately inter- controll posts station to another Divisio Artisan staff to the associate for a period not ed by control only for finance for the nal exceeding 180 days them led by posts under purpose of transfer them their control. verification of the pay sheets.
S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG Variation/ 104/1 FP Nil FP for FP for FP in Nil Nil (i) *Prior finance 20.2 Redistribution of 3 includi concurrence is DivisionDivisio respect of necessary. non-gazetted posts ng /Worksh n/ posts in (ii) Variation/ within the intra- op cadres/ grade pay Redistribution should sanctioned Divisio cadres/ sanctio of 1800 be solely in public strength of the nal interest having regard sanction ned and to the changes in the grade/cadre transfer ed posts posts Artisan duties and responsibilities of the staff only posts and not in the
20 for posts interest of individual. (iii) While carrying under their out the Variation/ control. Redistribution the percentage of supervisors, intermediate grades and lowest grade to the total cadre needs to be maintained and the promotional avenues to be kept intact. NG- Alteration ofRule 225 FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 21.1 recorded date ofof CPO birth of Group 'C'IREC- I only and Group 'D' employees. NG. To make alteration Rule FP to FP to FP FP Nil Nil Nil 21.2 (other than Date Of1204, PHOD/ concer Birth) in the Service IREM-I CHOD ned Sheet e.g. change of of Bill HOD name, date of drawin (Person appointment etc. in nel / case of clerical error g office RPF / only in the first (CPO/CFinanc page of S/R. SC/ e) of FA&C Bill AO) drawin g office
NG. To permit change of Paras FP FP FP FP FP Nil Nil 21.3 name in original 1201 and records including1202 of Service Registers IREM -I subject to compliance of the prescribed procedure
S. ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks No RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG. Grant of Permission Rule 18 FP FP FP FP FP Nil Nil 22.1 to Gr. C & D staff of for transactions in Railway respect of acquisition Service or disposal of any (Conduct immovable and/or movable property ) Rules, l966 NG. Noting of intimation Rule 4 of FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil 22.2 of employment of Rly. near relatives in Services
21 private undertakings(Conduct enjoying Govt Rules, patronage under Rly l966 NG. Acceptance of gift,Rule 13 FP FP FP FP FP NIL NIL 22.3 value of whichof Rly. exceeds theServices prescribed limits(Conduct under Rly. Services) Rules, (Conduct) Rules l966 NG. To determine the1696 of FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil Fin. Concurrence 23 rate of TravellingIREC –II required allowance to an outsider attending Departmental enquiry NG. To Sanction Para -8 of FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 24 pension/ Railway gratuity and Services commutation of (Pension) pension Rules, l993(Chap ter VII) NG. Grant of Board's FP FP FP FP FP FP FP The powers will 25.1 Payment of Cash letter No. be exercised by Equivalent of F(E)III- the concerned unutilized leave 77 LE officers of the bill on Average pay 1/4 dt. drawing office on retirement. 15.11.77 only. 279/77 NG. Grant of 208/ FP FP FP FP FP FP FP The powers will 25.2 Payment of Cash 2008 be exercised by Equivalent of the concerned unutilized leave officers of the bill on Average pay drawing office during service only. S. No ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG. Provisional 1103 of FP up FP to FP FP FP Nil Nil 26 payment of Genl. to 3 concer up to 3 up to 3 up to 3 salary/wages Admn. & months ned months months months to where the Finance to HOD Bill vetted LPC has Code, PHOD/ (Person Drawing nel / not been l991 CHOD RPF / Office received from of Bill Financ the previous drawin e) of unit g officeBill (CPO/Cdrawin SC/ g office
22 FA&C up to 3 AO) month NG. To accept Rule 67 FP FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Vigilance, DAR 27 voluntary of RSPR (CC) (CC) (CC) Clearance retirement required including the waival of notice period
NG. Classification Section FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 28.1 of Railway 130 of CPO servants under Railways only Hours of Act. 1989 Employment & Rly. Rules. Servants (Hours of Work & Period of Rest) Rules, 2005 215/05
NG Temporary Rly. FP FP FP FP FP Nil Nil 28.2 exemption Servants under Hours of (Hours of employment Work & Rules. Period of Rest) Rules, 2005215/ 05
S. No ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG. To authorize aBoard's FP FP FP FP FP NIL NIL 29 Railway servant toletter No. only for proceed on duty toF(E)68/P mandatory outside the ZonalW5//1 training Railway DT. 3.4.69. NG. Sanction of 30 Composite Transfer grant
30.1 To sanction Rule FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Composite 1643 Transfer grant for (VIII) of
23 serving officersIREC - II within 6 months . 164/99 and for retired 224/08 employees within 1 year.
30.2 To sanction Composite transfer grant for belated claims.
a) For serving 164/99 FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil employees 224/0867 beyond 6 months. /90 2/80
b) For retired 164/99 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Finance employees 224/0867 concurrence beyond 1 year /90 2/80 required and within 2 years.
NG. To condone delay Para FP Up FP Up FP Up to FP Up Nil Nil Nil 31 for non-insurance 1132, to 2 to 2 2 Yrs. to 2 of flat/house, IREM-I Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. purchased/built out of House Building Advance
S. No ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale
NG- Training in Board’s FP to Nil FP upto Nil Nil Nil Nil Fin. Concurrence 32(a) Non-Railway letter No. CPO limits as required if Institutions F(X)II- only allotted expenditure is 2010/PW to DRM/ beyond the /2 dt CWM budgetary limit. 11.10.10 Max. Rs. 25000/- 137/81, per course and 181/08 ceiling of Rs. 4000/- per day. NG- Sanction of- FP to Nil FP at Nil Nil Nil Nil (1)*Finance 32(b) expenditure for in- CPO only Divisional concurrence house training to be on / required. imparted to non- recomme Workshop (2) Max. Rs. gazetted Railway ndation of level upto 25000/- per course servants by outsider limits as and ceiling of Rs. specialists/trainers. concerned allotted to 4000/- per day. PHOD.
24 DRM/ (3) The funds CWM provision to be made available in the budget
NG. Reconstruction E/(NG)60 FP Nil FP FP Nil Nil Nil Fin. Concurrence 33 of ServicePTN1/3 to required Book/Sheet withdt. PHOD available records 28.3.60 as/CHOD of amended bill from time to time drawing 73/84, office 168/80, CPO/ 159/83 CSC/ FA& CAO NG. Extension of Para FP Nil FP Nil Nil Nil Nil 34 joining time up to 1109- 30 days IREC-I
NG. Write off of 210/87 FP up FP FP up FP up Nil Nil Nil Fin. Concurrence 35 irrecoverable to Rs. up to to Rs. to Rs. Required amount other 5000 Rs. 5000 3000 than 5000 overpayments made
S. No ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG. Grant of service FP to FP to FP FP FP to Nil Nil 36 certificate PHOD/ concer concerned CHOD ned officer of Bill HOD (Personnel/ drawin (Person RPF/ nel / g officeRPF / Finance) of (CPO/CFinanc Bill SC/ e) of Drawing FA&C Bill Office AO) drawin g office NG. Grant of Break Para FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 37 Down Allowance to 1420, Running Shed IREC-II staff, Relief Train Staff, Elect. Staff & Carriage & Wagon Deptt. Staff.
25 NG. Pinpointing of FP FP FP FP FP (CC) Nil Nil (i) Associate Fin. 38 posts at the time (CC) (CC) Con. required. of restructuring (ii) In divisions, final approval of DRM will be required NG. Handing over and 210/8 FP up FP up FP up to FP up FP up to 6 Nil Nil 358/66 39 taking over charges 7 to 6 to 6 6 days to 6 days in cases in which days days days several scattered works or stores have to be inspected before. NG. Issue of Passes for FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 40 families and transportation of Personal kit beyond the time limit of 06 months and grant of actual cost of transportation of personal effects of mileage allowance therefore within the time limit to which it is relaxed in respect of passes for families. S. No ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG. Grant of PassesPara FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil 41 and TA to1695 outsiders called asIREC-II witnesses in Departmental enquiry. NG. Powers to sanctionPara FP FP FP (CC) FP FP (CC) FP Nil 42 officiating 1320 up to 4 up to 4 up to 4 (CC) up to 3 (CC) arrangements inIREC-II months month months up to 4 months up to 3 place of staff sent s months months for training or on refresher course on the Railways period exceeding one month. NG Issuing Para FP FP FP FP FP Nil Nil (i) For deputation 43-A NOC/Forwarding of1402 (Excep(Except (Except (Except and Training applications ofIREM-I t deputatiodeputatiodeputation). abroad, serving railway240/08 deputan). n) Vigilance, DAR employees for posts
26 outside and within the tion). clearance will be Railway and issuance required. of employment (ii) For deputation certificate FP to PHOD/ CHOD only NG- Acceptance of Chapter-FP FP FP for FP for Nil Nil Nil (i) To be dealt 43-B Technical 14 Divnl/ Divnl/ through Pers. Branch Officers on Resignation of IREM-I WS controll Personnel Br. Files. non-gazetted controlled posts (ii) Vigilance, SPE Railway servants ed posts and DAR clearance will be required. NG. Fixing of Hd. Para 234 FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil Nil 44 Qrs. of Rly. IREC-I (CC) servants. & Para 1621 IREC-II NG. Grant of continuityPara FP FP FP FP FP in FP for FP for 45 certificates during1320 b respect of staff staff the period of leave(ii) of staff whose upto upto GP granted to the staffIREC-II cadre is GP Rs. Rs. officiating in higher under their 2800/- 1800/- grades for the purpose of increment control where officiating arrangements is made. S. No ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG. Grant of Spl. CL Para 7 of FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 46 up to 30 days in a MC No.- calendar year to 10 on Railway servants SCL who are Rovers 210/88 & Rangers Scouts & Guides of Rly. State Associations for activities like attending camps or rallies or when engaged on scouting duties on instructions from Scouting Authorities.
NG. Permission to Rly.Rule 15 FP FP Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 47 Servants holdingof recognized RSCR, qualifications in any
27 system of medicine &1966 registered under theBoard’s relevant laws in forceletter dt. in State/Union10.11.65 Territory concerned for under-taking Medical practice during their spare time, purely on charitable basis without detriment to official duties.
NG. Officiating 310/7 FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil 48 promotions under 1 the Next Below Rule in a cadre in vacancies of more than 90 days duration and also subject to the conditions stipulated.
S. No ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG. Issue of NOC Board’s FP to FP to FP forFP FP to NIL NIL 1. D&A/SPE 49 for applying for letter No. PHOD/ concer DivisionDivision concerned /prior Vigilance Passport. F (XII- CHOD ned al/ controll officer clearance 2003/PW/ of Bill HOD Workshoed posts (Personnel/ required 10dt. drawin (Perso p RPF/ 2. Application to 9/1/2004 13/2004,1 g officennel / controlle Finance) of be forwarded by 16/ (CPO/CRPF / d posts Bill Controlling 2005 SC/ Financ drawing Officer 123/ FA&C e) of office 2005 AO) Bill drawin g office NG. Issue of NOC forBoard’s FP to FP to FP forFP FP to NIL NIL Application to 50 correspondence letter No. PHOD/ concer DivisionDivision concerned be forwarded by course/part timeE.58GSI/ CHOD ned al/ controll officer Controlling course & applying5 dated of Bill HOD Workshoed posts (Personnel/ Officer for admission to27th/28th drawin (Perso p RPF/ different courses April g officennel / controlle Finance) of 1955 (CPO/CRPF / d posts Bill 202/65, SC/ Financ drawing 306/68, FA&C e) of office
28 274/64 AO) Bill drawin g office NG. Acceptance of Hindu FP FP FP FP Nil Nil Nil After following 51 adoption deed Adoption legal requirements Act and duly vetted by Law Officer NG. Counting of pastChapter FP to NIL FP for FP for NIL NIL NIL Fin. Concurrence 52 service restrictedIII of PHOD/ DivisionDivision required RSPR-93 CHOD al/ WS al to Pension, Leave, of Bill Pass & NPS Rules & Rule controllecontrolle 1405 of drawing d posts d posts office IREM-I (CPO/C SC/ FA&CA O) NG. Sanction of FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Powers to be 53 various exercised by Bill admissible compiling officers allowances as per only rules (including Family Planning Allowance) S. No ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG- Incentive Estt Rule FP to Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil (i) *Finance 54 Increments forNo. CPO concurrence Outstanding Sports23/2011 only required. Achievements for& further (ii) on excellence atinstructio recommendation International andns issued of President/ National levels from SECRSA time to (iii) Subject to time fulfilling prescribed norms of Railway Board.
NG- Employment RBE No. FP to Nil FP at Nil Nil Nil Nil Cases specifically 55 Assistance on03/2009 CPO Division requiring GM’s Compassionate [Estt only for al/ approval, as per Grounds Rule No. HQ Worksho Board’s 15/2009] p level instructions issued & other from time to time,
29 instructio will be sent for ns issued GM’s approval. from time to time
NG- Printing of work * Up to Nil. *Up to ` Nil Nil Nil Nil FC is necessary 56 related to Railway 10,000 10,000 above ` 10,000/- Schools per case per case without without FC FC *Above 10,000/- *Above and up 10,000/- to ` 2 and up lakhs to 2 per case lakhs per with FC case (CPO with FC only)
S. No ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG- Fees for verification CPO – - Full - Full Power - - 57 of educational Full power certificates to power outside institutions / University / FC not required recognized Educational Board etc for new appointments or other reasons NG- Purchase of CPO - DRM/A Controlling 58 different ` DRM - ` Officers (in consumable items 1,00,0 75,000/- JAG) of for laboratory as 00/- per Schools - ` well as practical use, per school 50,000/- per FC is necessary if including school per school per the amount is installation of gas as per annum annum more than ` well as refilling in annum Principal 5,000/- Railway Schools. (Gaz) of Rly Schools ` 20,000/- per annum NG- Participation in co- CPO - DRM/A Controlling FC is necessary.
30 59 curricular activities ` DRM - ` Officers (in at District, State and 25,000 20,000/- JAG) of National levels by /- per per Schools - ` Railway Schools. school school 10,000/- per per per school per annum annum annum Principal (Gaz) of Rly Schools ` 5,000/- per annum NG- Payment of fees, CPO - DRM/A Controlling 60 academic as well as ` DRM - ` Officers (in FC is not others in reputed 25,000 20,000/- JAG) of necessary for Railway or other /- per per Schools - ` payment to recognized school school 10,000/- per school per Railway / State institutions per per annum Govt including affiliation annum annum Principal organizations, fee as required for (Gaz) of Rly CBSE etc. / State Railway Schools. Schools ` Board of 5,000/- per Secondary annum Education, etc
S. No ITEM AUTHO PHOD/ HOD DRM/ ADRM JAG/Br Sr. Jr. Remarks RITY/ CHOD CWM Officer/ Scale Scale/ Estt. Srl. Independent Gr-B No. Sr. Scale NG- Arranging Annual CPO - DRM/A Controlling FC is not 61 Sports Meets as well ` DRM - ` Officers (in necessary upto Rs. as Annual Cultural 1,00,0 75,000/- JAG) of 5000/- subject to programmes by 00/- per Schools - ` provisions of para schools, including per school 50,000/- per 1005 of Finance school per expenditure towards school per annum Code. prizes/certificates, per annum Principal inter-school annum (Gaz) of Rly activities, etc in Schools ` Railway Schools 5,000/- per annum NG- Procurement of CPO - DRM/A Controlling FC is necessary 62 sports materials both ` DRM - ` Officers (in above Rs. 5000/- indoor and outdoor 1,00,0 75,000/- JAG) of for Railway 00/- per Schools - ` Schools. per school 50,000/- per school per school per per annum annum annum Principal (Gaz) of Rly Schools ` 5,000/- per annum
31 NG- Procurement of CPO - DRM/A Controlling 63 Library books, ` DRM - ` Officers (in newspapers and 1,00,0 75,000/- JAG) of periodicals in 00/- per Schools - ` Railway schools per school 50,000/- per school per school per FC is necessary per annum annum above ` 5,000/- annum Principal (Gaz) of Rly Schools ` 5,000/- per annum