Ph.D. : Program in Hospital and Health Care Administration School of Public Health University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1970

M.S. : School of Management University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1966

Fulbright Scholar : State University College New Paltz, New York, 1956-57

Certificate : Sorbonne University, Paris, France, 1954

B.A. : Brussels, Belgium, 1952

POSITIONS : Founder and President of The InterHealth Institute, L.L.C.;

2004 – 2005: Adjunct Professor, Department of International Health, School of Nursing and Health Studies, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

1997-2002 Adjunct Professor of Health Services Management and Policy at the School of Public Health and Health Services, The George Washington University, Washington D.C.

October 1, 1993 - March 31, 1997: Lead Public Health Specialist, and September 1, 1982 - October 1, 1993: Senior Public Health Specialist, World Bank, Washington, D.C.


A. Teaching : Adjunct Associate Professor, 1974-1982 Adjunct Assistant Professor, 1970-1974 Hospital and Health Care Administration School of Public Health University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

B. Management : Chief Executive Officer, 1975-1977 and Executive Vice President, 1970-1975 of Minnesota Systems Research, Inc. A private not for profit health services research organization

Assistant Administrator, 1961-1964 American British Cowdray Hospital Mexico City, Mexico C. Consulting : Consultant/Advisor (1968-1982) to: WHO/Pan American Health Organization Agency for International Development (USAID) Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), World Bank, W. K. Kellogg Foundation

D. Research : Between 1968 and 1978 numerous research grants and contracts from the Department of Health and Human Services, The National Institute of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the State of Minnesota.


Since 1997 The InterHealth Institute has carried out contracts to assist in reforming the health sector of Romania, in helping hospitals in Pakistan, Lebanon and Ecuador to operate autonomously , in designing and supervising HIV/AIDS projects in the Caribbean Region, in evaluating private investments in hospitals in Mexico, Argentina, China, Malaysia, Indonesia and public investments in the Dominican Republic and El Salvador, in decentralizing health systems in Mexico, in developing management training courses, and in writing case studies on hospital autonomy.

During my fifteen years at the World Bank as a Public Health Specialist, I designed, prepared and assisted in the implementation of numerous health, nutrition and population projects, inter alia:

Colombia: nutrition, integration of health services

Brazil: urban health, endemic diseases, health management

Ecuador: primary health care, integrated rural development, hospital autonomy

Dominican Republic: decentralization of public institutions, hospital autonomy

Argentina: decentralization of services, public health laboratories, food quality and drug safety institutes, training of health manpower

Chile: sector reform, decentralization, institution building, MIS

Russia: sector reform, medical equipment

Laos: basic health services, malaria, essential drugs

South Korea: biomedical equipment, health financing and cost containment policy studies

China: rural health manpower development

India: integrating vertical programs and three levels of care

Tunisia: family planning, hospital reform, cost containment

Turkey: primary health care, public health laboratories, manpower training

Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon: physical infrastructure, workforce development

Saudi Arabia: invited numerous times by the Government to provide advice on health sector issues

2 Africa: Tanzania, Zambia, Guinea, South Africa: QAG assessment of project performance


After Retiring from the World Bank in 1997:

“Seven Health Care Myths Undermined by Empirical Evidence”; December 2005; under consideration for publication

World Bank: “Reaching the Poor with Basic Health Services”; En Breve, No. 20, January 2003

International Journal for Quality in Health Care – Editorial – “Improving the Quality of Health Care in Latin America”; 2001: Volume 13, Number 2: 85-87

“Improving the Quality of Clinical Care”, Lecture for managers of leading Saudi Arabian hospitals, Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh, May 8-9, 1999

“Challenges and Opportunities for the Health Sector in Saudi Arabia”, Symposium on Health Sector Development and Reform, Riyadh, December 6, 1998

“Managing Quality in Developing Countries”, Lecture for faculty and students at the School of Public Health and Tropical Hygiene, University of Heidelberg, February 1-2, 1998

“Defining the Quality of Medical Care”, Keynote Address at the National Symposium of the Mexican National Medical Council (CONAMED) on November 24, 1997, Mexico DDF.

“Tools for Sustainability: Participatory Approaches and Ownership Strategies”, Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the National Council for International Health on June 13, 1997, Washington D.C.

“Conceptual Framework for Discussing Health Workforce Development”, Paper presented as the keynote address at the Conference on Healthcare Workforce for the 21st Century on April 21, 1997 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

During my career at the World Bank 1982-1997:

World Bank Technical Paper No 328: “Social Development and Absolute Poverty in Asia and Latin America”, August 1996

World Bank Technical Paper No 258: "Managing the Quality of Health Care in Developing Countries", 1995

Public Health Journal of Mexico: "A Synopsis of Approaches for Evaluating Patient Care Quality", 1986; 28:221- 229 (in Spanish, English version available as mimeograph)

Health Services Management Research Journal: "Towards a Common Vocabulary for Identifying Management Issues in Health Projects", Vol 3 No 2 July 1990;

World Bank Technical Paper No. 156: "Managing Health Expenditures under National Health Insurance - The Case of Korea", October 1991

World Bank Technical Paper No. 187: "From Barefoot Doctor to Village Doctor in China: From Collectivization to Privatization of Rural Health Care", 1992

Before 1982 (Selective):

3 "An Analysis of Five Approaches for Assessing the Quality of Care," Hospital Administration, Vol. 15, No. 1, Winter 1970

"Health Department, Medical School, Teaching Hospital: Differential Patterns in Comprehensive Health Care Delivery for Children and Youth", American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 60, No. 8, August 1970, pp. 1402-1420

"The Role of the Nurse in a Comprehensive Health Care Services Program for Children and Youth", American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 1, No. 4 (with B.J. Hallstrom)

"Referrals to, within, and from the Comprehensive Health Services Program for Children and Youth", American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 61, No. 12, December 1971, pp. 2387-2399

"The Cuban Hospital System", World Hospitals, Vol. 8, No. 3, July 1972, pp. 279-284

"Health Behavior and Health Needs of Urban Indians in Minneapolis", Health Services Reports, Vol. 88, No. 4, April 1973, pp. 360-366

"Organization and Delivery of Comprehensive Health Services with Major Emphasis on Services to Children and on the Role of the Federal Government", Doctoral Thesis, University of Minnesota, 1970

"Quality of Care: End Results Based on a Performance Reporting System", Comment Series, Systems Development Project, Minnesota Systems Research, Inc., No. 1-11 (39)

"Materials and Facilities Management", AUPHA Management Problem Solving Module, September 1981 (with Gary L. Filerman)

"Urban versus Rural Primary Health Care in Developing Countries: Similarities and Differences", Bulletin, PAHO, 1982.


University of Minnesota 1994 Gaylord W. Anderson Leadership Award Delta Omega National Honor Society (Public Health) Fulbright Scholar, Institute of International Education Tuition Room and Board Scholarship, State University College, New Paltz, NY Tuition Scholarship, University of Minnesota Kellogg Doctoral Fellowship, Kellogg Foundation U.S. Public Health Service Traineeship Award, University of Minnesota

Personal Data Business address:

The InterHealth Institute, L.L.C. 106 Crest River Drive Middletown, VA 22645

Email: [email protected] Telephone: 540 868 9141 Fax: 540 868 9012

December 2, 2005