State of Wisconsin s25
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PEPPERMILL LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Town of Jackson, Adams County Wisconsin
Minutes Board Meeting – Jackson Town Hall April 18, 2015 – 9:00 AM
Attending: Bill Pegler, Bob Cropp, Dan Henning, BJ Schmitt, Candy Pegler, Art Donner Guests: 7 Call to Order by B. Pegler at 9:00 AM Open Meeting Compliance Certification this meeting: Notice posted 3 places, 4/12/15 by B Pegler
Agenda: Motion by Schmitt to approve; Second by Henning M/C Minutes: Motion by Schmitt to approve minutes of 2/28/15; Second by Cropp M/C Treasurer’s report read and filed.
Committee Reports: * Aeration (D. Henning): Ice Off 3/25/15; both aerators worked fine during winter * Aquatic Plants (D. Henning & B. Pegler): Lily-pads starting * LAG (B. Pegler): Harvesting map has been submitted to Scott Provost and Reesa Evans * Dam Energy (BJ Schmitt): Decision made after further research that the alternative source is not practical for Peppermill * Lake History (R. Stearns): Completed and pricing as follows: Board price - $8, All others - $11, with all money to be sent to R. Stearns. History to be included with “New Homeowner’s” packet and 1 copy to be sent to the Adams County Historical Society.
Unfinished Business: There were no motions. New Business: There were no motions.
Discussion Lake Directory: Will check with Barb on status for July meeting. Parcel 12-504-10: Art to follow-up on possible quit-claim deed. Parcel 12-490-500: County will give parcel to the District for the cost of the recording fee ($30); will be agenda item for the Annual Meeting. Lake Leaders: BJ to attend and Bill to attend the Advanced Lake Leaders Spring Prep: Buoys weights replaced with chains; Barley Bags distributed 4/17; received 15 extra at NC. Lake Alliance News: R. Evans now part-time at County, so no help on Shoreland Buffer agreements; Parker Lake has the highest ever salinity rate due to proximity to Hwy 82; County to assess and provide solution to possibly include a buffer. General Lake Information: PH slowly rising possibly causing increased algae bloom this year; discussion on another lake study to be done?
Adjourn . Motion by Donner to adjourn, second by Schmitt – Meeting adjourned 10:16 AM
C. Pegler Secretary