Minutes of the Meeting of Hollesley Parish Council Held On

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Minutes of the Meeting of Hollesley Parish Council Held On



There were no reports given for this month

PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Chris Clement Councillor Chris Walker Councillor Alan Shelcott Councillor Jenny Friend Councillor Dennis Driver Councillor Cyril Stammers Councillor Andy Stebbens

IN ATTENDANCE Mrs. Noelle Gore, Clerk Mrs Helen MacLeod, Village Voices

ITEM 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillor Angela Lawrence Councillor Richard Coles Councillor Colin Beecroft Councillor Tony Barnard

ITEM 2 TO RECEIVE MEMBERS’ DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Andy Stebbens declared an interest in Items 7 and 8.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 March 2012 were proposed by Cllr Friend as correct, seconded by Cllr Shelcott and agreed by all present, and signed by the Chairman.


Cllr Walker wanted it noted that at the pre-meeting presentation by Blake Developments last month, the main concern seemed to be regarding road access to the site along Mallard Way, there was already a concern over the amount of cars parked on the road and an increase to traffic onto the site was of concern to residents.

Cllr Walker stated that under matters arising carried forward - item 4 - he was still to consult SALC for information regarding the remit of the working groups of the Council. The information he had gathered so far was of a general nature and he was seeking more specific guidance.

Cllr Driver reported that the Just 42 youth bus had been inconsistent in their attendance at the Village Hall. He felt that there needed to be more communication and contact to confirm if they would be attending or not, so it could be clear if entry to the Village Hall was required each week or not. The Clerk agreed to request that they contact Cllr Driver to give dates of attendance and should they not be able to attend on a particular week when expected, that they contact him. It was also pointed out that they had originally stated that they would only be attending during term time.


The Clerk read out her prepared report as follows - The Hall had been booked for 31st May for the Youth Participation Workshop. Times and further details will be passed to everyone nearer the time, but Councillors were requested to put the date in their diaries. A Fair amount of correspondence had been processed during the month via email and phone regarding allotments, cemetery and in general. The grit bins had been ordered and delivered, they now required sighting before the highways department could fill them. Cllr Driver agreed to organise a working group to do this and then inform the Clerk so she could request that they be filled. Invitations had been sent out for the APM to the usual groups. The Clerk still had the agenda to do and send this out with the minutes. The Clerk had reported several potholes and damage to a 30mph repeater sign to highways along with issues raised at the last meeting. Hours worked since 24 February 2012 to 2 April were 40 hours 40 minutes.


045f6432e6a113cce2dec02615590a43.doc Page 1 of 4 Correspondence had been received from Ann Westover regarding ownership of the lane which runs by the Bloor homes site from Tower Hill to the Village Hall playing field and whether the Parish Council would support hedging being planted along this stretch of lane. After discussion the Clerk was asked to respond to say that it was assumed that Bloor Homes owned up to the middle of the lane as it was thought to be previously owned by the mills site. Hollesley Parish Council would expect that, as in their planning application for the development, Bloor Homes would put maintenance of this area as part of their on going maintenance plan for the open spaces on the development. Or each part would be put with each plot along the boundary and become the responsibility of the property owner? ( regardless of hedge or fence) Hollesley Parish Council would not wish to become responsible for the upkeep of a hedge or fence along this lane. An email had been received from Woodbridge Town Council, requesting a donation to Jubilee activities in Woodbridge. It was unanimously agreed that as there were to be activities within the village, any possible donations should be directed towards the village than elsewhere. A letter from SCDC had been received regarding the Barthorps Folly Access Agreement which was due to be reviewed, the District Council wished to know the views of the Parish Council to the District Council terminating this agreement. The Parish Council agreed to reply to state that the Parish Council would like to see access maintained and assumed that in changing circumstances, existing maintenance would be passed to an alternative party, for example the landowner. In any event the Parish Council doesn't foresee that this would become a Parish Council obligation. An email had been received from Oak Hill residents regarding a proposal for provision of football goals for Oak Hill. After discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council supported the proposal to put goals onto the field but because there was no money available at the present time, the residents would be required to raise their own funds for this. The Parish Council supported the use of the Village Hall for a fund-raising event, but the request would need to be made directly to the Village Hall Management Committee. It was also agreed to suggest that the residents concerned approach the Fete Committee to ask if they could do something at the Fete to help raise funds for this. Cllr Walker agreed to look into the cost of appropriate goals for instillation on the field so the group had an idea of how much they would need to raise. The Clerk was asked to check how much was left in the 106 fund, but it was agreed that it would be inappropriate to request further money from this fund until the present project for instillation of play equipment had been completed and any application to this fund would be more likely to succeed once the residents had raised some of the funds towards the purchase. The Clerk agreed to respond to the residents to this effect.

ITEM 7 FINANCE a) Payments for Approval £ Parish Clerk - Salary for March 2012 (£225 minus 20% tax) 180.00 Graham Gore - Expenses for litter collection- March 2012 40.00 Parish Clerk - Expenses for March 2012 14.20 Harsco – Purchase of Posts for Cemetery (Agreed 1 March 2012 as part of Cemetery Expenditure 351.00 but not on previous sheet, so just for report as the Chq was written 28/3/12) Tornado Wire Ltd – Wire for Deer Fencing for Cemetery, as agreed 1 March 2012 671.93 Eastern Storage Equipment Ltd – Purchase of Grit Bins (Invoice: 70402) 1,345.25 Suffolk ACRE Services Ltd - Pavilion Insurance 1/4/12 – 31/3/13 £152.40 Suffolk ACRE Services Ltd - Membership renewal1/4/12 – 31/3/13 25.00 Marshall Hatchick - Payment for Transfer of Land and associated fees requested by Jackmans £488.00 Solicitors. D. Driver - Cash sale to Nelson Potter for Posts to repair further fence at V.H Play area 7.02 SALC - Membership for 2012/2013 (Invoice: 11640) 360.00 Total Payments 3,634.80 Payments proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Stammers with all in agreement. b) Receipts £ Mr P Collicott - Allotment Rent Plot 4b 21.00 Rev Ruth Hatchett – Allotment Rent Plot 4A 21.00 Suffolk County Council - Locality Budget Grant towards provision of Grit bins 601.04 HRMC - VAT Claim for period 1/3/11 – 29/2/12 821.07 Total Receipts 1,464.11

Cllr Clement stated that he had received a letter which needed to be authorised to pass responsibility for PAYE on behalf of the council over to SALC from the beginning of the new Tax year. This was proposed by Cllr Friend, seconded by Cllr Stammers, with all in agreement.


045f6432e6a113cce2dec02615590a43.doc Page 2 of 4 a) Planning Applications received at time of notice All received applications were available to view at the meeting. C12/0425/ - Greenfields, Bushey Lane, IP12 3RU. Erection of a conservatory. Supported with no further comments for Suffolk Coastal Planning. C12/0450/ - Richmond Hill, Rectory Road, IP12 3JS. Erection of self contained annexe (demolition of existing “log style” building and infilling of pool). Supported with the following comments sent to Suffolk Coastal Planning – It was felt that this annexe should be in perpetuity with main dwelling. C12/0507/ - Part south garden, Walden, Fox Hill. Erection of one-and-a-half storey dwelling and cartlodge. Supported as abutting village envelope and does not overlook neighbouring properties. C12/0609/ - Land East of Run Cottage, Alderton Road. Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission C11/2666/ to reduce closed season to between 15th January and the last day of February. This application was supported with no further comments for Suffolk Coastal Planning. b) Planning Permission granted by Suffolk Coastal D.C. C11/2666/ - Land East of Run Cottage, Alderton Road. Extension to Run Cottage Caravan Park to provide an additional 25 pitches (45 pitches in total)

ITEM 9 VILLAGE HALL RECREATION GROUND AND OAK HILL PLAYING FIELD a) Update on Play equipment for Oak Hill Cllr Walker reported that the orders for the play equipment had been delayed because of administration error on the part of the supplier. Cllr Walker stated that the site had been marked out for positioning of the equipment and he was expecting the Basketball hoop to be fitted shortly with the other two items hopefully installed by May. The Clerk agreed to let the play officer at Suffolk Coastal District Council know of the delay in the instillation of the equipment.

Cllr Walker reported that he had met the contractor at the Village Hall Play area to discuss the availability of replacement parts for the Play Towers. He had been informed that replacement parts were no longer available. After discussion it was agreed that Cllr Stammers and Cllr Walker would create replacement parts. It was agreed that during this work the damaged sections would need to be removed to create patterns so the site would need to be taped off for safety. It was agreed that 5 platforms needed repairing/ replacing. Cllr Walker agreed to get quotes for the materials and the aim was to complete this project in time for the Summer Holidays. Cllr Stammers reported that the entrance gates to the field had now been made safe, the posts which had already been purchased were still to be replaced when time was available.

Cllr Stammers reported that apart from the items mentioned for action the Play area had been checked and everything else was ok.

ITEM 10 ALLOTMENTS a) Update on options / funding opportunities for water provision at the allotments There was no update available on this item, to be carried forward to the next meeting.

The Clerk reported that all the allotment plots were now let.

ITEM 11 CEMETERY a) Applications for Exclusive Rights of Burial – to clarify Council Policy on Plot Reservations Guidance from SALC was still outstanding so this item was differed until guidance had been received. b) To discuss and agree the plan for the Entrance gate to the Cemetery Cllr Shelcott showed a plan of the proposed Cemetery Gates and wall to the meeting. Cllr Driver agreed to contact Bloor Homes regarding the offer of any spare pallets of bricks. It was agreed to get a working party together to place the poles and erect the fence as soon as possible. c) To agree expenditure for new plot markers Cllr Driver had received a quote for the new plot markers from M & M Signs, Martlesham. This would be at £5.25 each + VAT. The top of the markers would be plastic with the base Aluminium. The minimum order the Parish Council could place would be for 25. It was proposed by Cllr Shelcott, seconded by Cllr Stebbens with majority agreement to order 25 new plot markers. Cllr Driver agreed to place the order on behalf of the Parish Council.


Cllr Clement reported that various activities were now planned for the Jubilee week end. Various individuals would be responsible for organising individual events throughout the weekend which had been co-ordinated by the group as a whole. The group were seeking a street closure for one of the events. Cllr Clement also reported that the group had made enquiries to provide Jubilee Mugs (Bone China) to all the Children in Hollesley Primary School and the Pre-School. It was proposed that the road closure fee and any shortfall in the cost of the mugs that couldn't be met by other sponsorship would be covered by Hollesley Parish Council, the balance to be presented to the Council once known, proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Friend and agreed by all present. The next Volunteer meeting was to be held on 15 April.


Cllr Driver agreed to provide the refreshments for the evening and resident Michael Friend agreed to serve the refreshments.


Cllr Friend requested the council's views on Emergency Planning. Cllr Driver stated that he had had a call to request use of the Village Hall as an emergency shelter in the event of an emergency, this was still to be put to the Village Hall Management Committee. It was felt that people would naturally help in the event of an emergency. It was agreed that in the event of a large scale emergency where the emergency services were unable to get through to the village a plan needed to be in place to co-ordinate volunteers and act as a central contact. Cllr Friend requested the Parish Council's approval and support to create a plan and carry out this role with the support of Mr Friend. This was agreed by all present. They had been given an emergency bag with equipment which it was agreed needed to be accessible in a central location. It was agreed to ask the management committee if it would be agreeable to install a cabinet in the hall to house the emergency bag. Mr Friend agreed to take the bag to the Village Hall management committee's next meeting on 18 April to show them. Purchase of the Cabinet and location of the key to be agreed once approval had been given by the Village Hall management Committee.

Cllr Stammers reported that he had received a complaint regarding the potholes on the track beside the Village Hall. It was agreed for Cllr Stebbens to get a quote for approval at the next meeting from Andy Stuart, Colchester for 20 tons of plaining s.

Cllr Driver reported that the Village Hall Management committee were looking to purchase signs for the bins at the Village Hall, to discourage inappropriate use. It had been reported that there was an amount of litter left in the play area, the Clerk was asked to request that the litter picker check the site more frequently to keep an eye on this.

Cllr Walker reported that the hedges from 4 corners towards the prison and towards Shingle Street were still overgrown, the Clerk was asked to send the land owner a letter requesting that these be cut.


The next Parish Council Meeting, The Annual General Meeting, will be held on 3 May 2012 at 7.30 pm. in the Village Hall, Hollesley. With the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on 19 April 2012 at 7.30pm in the Main Hall, Village Hall, Hollesley.

The meeting closed at 9.40 pm.

Signed: Chairman Date:

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