Huffnan SCOS 2004 Curriculum 5

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Huffnan SCOS 2004 Curriculum 5

Huffnan SCOS 2004 Curriculum 1

BIOLOGY SYLLABUS ○ Communication among cells within an organism OBJECTIVE 2.01 Compare and  Chemical signals between cells contrast the structure and  Role of receptor proteins functions of the following organic  Hormones molecules: ○ Carbohydrates OBJECTIVE 2.03 Investigate and  starch analyze the cell as a living system . iodine including:  cellulose ○ Maintenance of homeostasis  glycogen  Regulation of temperature  glucose  Regulation of pH . Benedict’s Solution  Regulation of glucose ○ Proteins levels . Biuret’s Reagent  Regulations of water  Enzymes balance . organic catalysts ○ Movement of materials into and . specificity out of cells  Hemoglobin  Active vs Passive Transport  Insulin  Diffusion ○ Lipids  Osmosis  fats and oils  Porous nature of semi- . brown paper permeable plasma ○ Nucleic Acids membrane  DNA  Changes in cell due to  RNA changes is osmotic pressure OBJECTIVE 2.02 Investigate and ○ Energy use and release in describe the structure and biochemical reactions functions of cells including:  ATP as the source of ○ Cell organelles energy for cells  Nucleus  Storage and use of energy  Plasma membrane with ATP and ADP  Cell wall molecules  Mitochondria  Vacuoles  Chloroplasts  ribosomes ○ Cell specialization  Hierarchy of cell organization  Differences in plant and animal cells Huffnan SCOS 2004 Curriculum 2

OBJECTIVE 2.04 Investigate and ○ Similarities and differences describe the structure and between mitosis and meiosis function of enzymes and explain  Replication and division of their important in biological DNA  Changes in chromosome systems. number ○ Enzymes as proteins that speed  Number of cell divisions up chemical reactions (catalyst)  Number of cell produced Enzymes as re-usable and ○ ○ Mitosis diagrams – put in order specific and explain what is occurring Enzymes as affected by pH and ○ ○ Sources of Variation temperature  Crossing over  Random assortment of OBJECTIVE 2.05 Investigate and chromosomes analyze the bioenergetic reactions:  Gene mutation ○ Aerobic Respiration  Nondisjunction ○ Anaerobic Respiration  Fertilization  lactic acid fermentation  alcoholic fermentation OBJECTIVE 3.03 Interpret and ○ Photosynthesis predict patterns of inheritance. Comparison of Photosynthesis ○ o Dominant, recessive, and and Cellular Respiration intermediate traits  Mendel’s experiments and OBJECTIVE 3.01 Analyze the laws molecular basis of heredity  genotypes including:  phenotypes o DNA Replication  karyotypes  Compare DNA and RNA  co-dominance  Mutations  incomplete dominance o Protein Synthesis  autosomal inheritance  Transcription  genetic diseases  Translation . Sickle-cell Anemia o Gene Regulation . Cystic Fibrosis  Cellular Differentiation . Huntington Disease  Advantages and . PKU disadvantages associated o Multiple alleles with protein production  ABO blood typing o Polygenic traits OBJECTIVE 3.02 Compare and  hair color contrast the characteristics of  eye color asexual and sexual reproduction.  skin color ○ Mitosis as part of asexual o Sex-linked traits reproduction and meiosis as part  Hemophilia of sexual reproduction  red-green color-blindness Huffnan SCOS 2004 Curriculum 3

 geographic isolation and o Independent assortment speciation  genetic diversity o Applications o Test cross  Pesticides resistance o Pedigrees  Antibiotic resistance o Punnett squares  Monohybrid Cross OBJECTIVE 4.01 Analyze the . parental generation classification of organisms . F1 generation according to their evolutionary . F2 generation relationships. o Historical development and OBJECTIVE 3.04 Assess the changing nature of classification impacts of genomics on systems individuals and society.  two kingdoms evolving into o Human Genome Project three domains with six  Chromosome mapping kingdoms o Applications of Biotechnology  binomial nomenclature  gel electrophoresis  basis of classification  DNA fingerprinting . evolutionary  Transgenic Organisms phylogeny  Stem Cell Research . DNA and biochemical  Ethical issues of analysis biotechnology . embryology . morphology OBJECTIVE 3.05 Examine the . interpretation of phylogenetic trees development of the theory of o Similarities and differences evolution by natural selection between eukaryotic and including: prokaryotic organisms o Development of the theory  presence or lack of  Natural Selection membranes  Abiogenesis and  contrasts in size Biogenesis  contrasts in chromosome o Origin and history of life structure  Chemosythesis Hypothesis  presence of ribosomes  evolution of anaerobic and o Similarities and differences prokaryotic organisms among the eukaryotic kingdoms:  evolution of eukaryotic and Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and aerobic organisms Animalia o Fossil and biochemical evidence  cellular structures  biochemical similarities  unicellular vs multicellular  shared anatomical  method of making/getting similarities food and breaking down o Mechanism of evolution food to get energy o Classify organisms using keys Huffnan SCOS 2004 Curriculum 4

 Dichotomous Keys OBJECTIVE 4.04 Analyze and OBJECTIVE 4.02 Analyze the explain the interactive role of process by which organisms internal and external factors in representative of the following health and disease: groups accomplish essential life o Genetics functions including:  Sickle-cell Anemia and o Unicellular protists, annelid Malaria worms, insects, amphibians,  Lung/mouth cancer and mammals, nonvascular plants, tobacco use gymnosperms, and angiosperms  Skin cancer, vitamin D, folic o Transport, excretion, respiration. acid, and sun exposure regulation, nutrition, synthesis,  PKU and diet reproduction, and growth and o Immune Response development  function and relationship of T-cells, B-cells, and OBJECTIVE 4.03 Assess, antibodies/antigens describe, and explain adaptations  passive and active affecting survival and reproductive immunity success.  vaccines o Structure adaptations in plants o Nutrition and animals  optimal health  feeding adaptations  poor nutrition  adaptations to ensure o Parasites successful reproduction  Malarial Plasmodium  adaptations to life on land (general life cycle, vector, o Disease-causing viruses and o Toxins microorganisms  lead  structure of viruses  mercury  mutation of viruses and other microorganisms OBJECTIVE 4.05 Analyze the  variety of disease causing broad patterns of animal behavior agents including: as adaptations to the environment . HIV o Innate Behavior . influenza  instinct . smallpox  taxis . streptococcus  migration o Co-evolution  estivation  relationship  hiberntion between angiosperm and Learned Behavior their pollinators o  habituation  imprinting  classical conditioning Huffnan SCOS 2004 Curriculum 5

 trial and error (operant  factors affecting birth rate conditioning) and death rate o Social Behavior  effects of population size,  communication within density, and resource use social structure using on environment pheromones  human impact of ecosystem  courtship dances . acid rain  territorial defense . habitat destruction . introduction of non- OBJECTIVE 5.01 Investigate and native species analyze the interrelationships o Factors associated with those among organisms, populations, changes o Climate changes communities, and ecosystems  greenhouse effect (impact o Techniques of field ecology of atmospheric CO2)  mutualism  natural environmental  commensalisms processes (volcano)  parasitism o Resource use  predator/prey  direct and indirect impact of o Abiotic and Biotic factors humans on natural o Carrying Capacity resources  determined by limiting . deforestation factors (food availability, . pesticide use competition, harsh winter) . bioaccumulation  population growth graphs o Sustainable practices/stewardship

OBJECTIVE 5.02 Analyze the flow of energy and the cycling of matter in the ecosystem o Relationship of the carbon cycle to photosynthesis and respiration o Trophic levels- direction and efficiency of energy transfer  analyze food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids

OBJECTIVE 5.03 Assess human population and its impact on local ecosystems and global environments. o Historic and potential changes in populations  human growth population graphs

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