MEM Senior Design Oral Presentation Rubric Proposal
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MECE 4362 Senior Design II – Final Oral Presentation Rubric: Technical v2
Team Name ______Reviewer______Date______
Presentation Expert Practitioner Apprentice Novice Component (10 points for each) (8 points for each) (6 points for each) (4 points for each) Background Correctly identified all Correctly identified most Correctly identified some It appears as Research major sources of relevant major sources of relevant of the major sources of though ten minutes was work both in industry and work both in industry and relevant work both in spent on a search engine. the academy the academy. industry and the academy. Appreciation of Score: ______Demonstrated a thorough Demonstrated a good Demonstrated some the technical context of understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the the project clearly not related technology related “prior art” “prior art” demonstrated
Problem Solving Can identify appropriate Can identify appropriate Can identify appropriate Can identify appropriate (UPSE) process, theory, or tools for process, theory, or tools for process, theory, or tools for process, theory, or tools for solution solution solution solution Able to formulate & solve Able to formulate Able to formulate Score:______Able to evaluate and Able to solve contextualize solution
Analytical Skills Employed appropriate Employed appropriate Employed appropriate Did not make use of Shown by analytical techniques (both analytical techniques (both analytical techniques (both analytical techniques fundamental and advanced) fundamental and advanced) fundamental and advanced) relevant to the project Applying Math, acquired in the curriculum acquired in the curriculum acquired in the curriculum Did not demonstrate to the project at hand. to the project at hand. to the project at hand. Science, & requisite command of the Engineering Tools Clearly demonstrated Clearly demonstrated Demonstrated adequate material covered in the mastery of several areas of mastery of many areas of command of some areas of curriculum the curriculum the curriculum the curriculum Score:______Able to propose innovative solutions.
Application of Made use of all appropriate Made use of most Made use of some Did not make use of MSE Software and available software appropriate and available appropriate and available appropriate available Score:______software software software
Design & Analysis Presented sufficient Presented sufficient Presented sufficient Did not present steps of the various steps of the various steps of the various sufficient steps of the analyses to easily follow analyses to easily follow analyses to follow various analyses to follow development (including development (including development though often development assumptions made) any simplifying difficult Score:______Analyses not illustrated assumptions made) Analyses always Analyses seldom with clearly related charts, illustrated with clearly Analyses usually illustrated with clearly tables, figures, & equations related charts, tables, illustrated with clearly related charts, tables, figures, & equations related charts, tables, figures, & equations figures, & equations Experimental Details of Experimental Description of experimental Inadequate description of No information about setup including clear setups & some sketches experimental method experimental setup Details sketches, figures, & picture Incomplete description of Limited info relating setup & No figure or sketch r picture Clear description of purpose purpose & objectives objectives Score: & objectives Data Collection & Detailed discussion of Data presented but not the Limited data without any No data or any analysis measurement techniques techniques used analysis Analysis Detailed & clear analysis of Score: _____ data Design Summary Presented all design details Presented most design Presented some design Presented few if any design including; figure with details including; figure details including; figure details including; figure dimensions, material with dimensions, material with dimensions, material with dimensions, material Score:______selections, member loading selections, member loading selections, member loading selections, member loading and safety, costs, etc. and safety, costs, etc. and safety, costs, etc. and safety, costs, etc.
Recommendation Demonstrated an acute Demonstrated good Demonstrated some Did not demonstrate s awareness of the state of awareness of the state of awareness of the state of awareness of the state of their design relative to the their design relative to the their design relative to the their design relative to the potential for an optimal one potential for an optimal one potential for an optimal one potential for an optimal one
Score:______Handling of Demonstrated full Demonstrated sufficient Demonstrated difficulty Demonstrated an inability Questions knowledge of the material; knowledge of the material answering expected to answer expected ques Score:______explained and elaborated to answer expected questions beyond a on expected questions questions rudimentary leve
Comments below: Reviewer Signature______
Content adapted from “UPenn