Audio Phile (Hearing Or Sound - Lover): Audiovisual(Sound - Pictures)

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Audio Phile (Hearing Or Sound - Lover): Audiovisual(Sound - Pictures)

Affixes PREFIXES SUFFIXES An affix added to the front of a base word (root word). Affix added to the end of a base word (root word)

Common Prefixes Suffixes That Mean "One Who" re-: (again): redo, retell -er: farmer, dancer, baker pre- (before): preheat, presale, prevent -man: fireman, policeman, mailman co- (together): coworker, copilot, coanchor -ist: dentist, cartoonist, typist de- (from, remove): defrost, decode, destabilize -ian: librarian, veterinarian, vegetarian -ant: servant, assistant, applicant The "not" prefixes. -ee: payee, lessee, mortgagee dis-: dislike, distrust, dissatisfied Suffixes That Change Nouns il-: illegal, ill-mannered, illiterate -ation: alteration, flirtation, starvation im-: improper, imperfect, impractical -ance: annoyance, allowance, resistance in-: incorrect, inactive, insecure -ness: darkness, goodness, kindness ir-/ear/: irresponsible, irregular, irreplaceable -ment: excitement, agreement, pavement mal-: malfunction, malformed, malpractice -ity: acidity, rancidity, activity mis-: mistrust, misguided, mismatch -ism: socialism, alcoholism, sexism non-: nonstop, nonfood, nondairy -ior: behavior, savior, warrior un-: unzip, unable, undo -dom: freedom, boredom, kingdom counter-: counteract, counterculture, countermove -ure: failure, pleasure, departure anti-: antifreeze, antibiotic, antismoking -ery: bravery, brewery, robbery -ship: friendship, ownership, showmanship Prefixes Telling Where -ade: lemonade, blockade hyper- (over): hyperactive, hyperacidity, hyperexcited -age: baggage, acreage, voltage hypo- (under): hypodermic, hypotension, hypothermia -hood: childhood, adulthood, statehood inter-(between): interstate, interbank, internet -ess: hostess, heiress, seamstress sub- (below): subnormal, subzero super- (over): superhuman, supermarket Suffixes That Make Descriptive Words trans- (across): transatlantic, transpolar, transport -y: sandy, watery, dirty -ful: careful, thoughtful, handful Prefixes Telling How Many or How Much -al: magical, coastal, natural uni- (one): unicycle, unilateral, unisex -less: worthless, cloudless, humorless bi- (two): bicycle, biannual, biplane -ish: foolish, boyish, impish tri- (three): tricycle, tricolor, triangle -ic: tragic, heroic, historic quadr- (four): quadrangle, quadriplegic, quadrant -esque: picturesque, grotesque, statuesque quin- (five): quintuplets, quintet, quintuplicate -ive: defective, explosive, conclusive dec- (ten): decade, decathlon, decalogue -ative: imaginative, informative, figurative centi- (hundred): centimeters, centipede, centennial -able: desirable, likeable, debatable milli- (thousandth): millimeter, milliliter, milligram -ible: horrible, edible, divisible mega- (million): megaton, megadose, "megabucks" -ous: famous, hazardous, joyous semi- (half): semicircle, semiannual, semitrailer multi- (many): multisyllabic, multistage, multilingual Suffixes That Make Verbs poly- (many): polysyllable, polygon, polytheism -en: lengthen, widen, loosen micro- (very small): microscope, microbe, microchip -fy: magnify, clarify, classify macro- (large): macroscopic, macroscale, macronutrient -ate: vaccinate, activate mini- (small): minimum, minibike, miniskirt -ize: popularize, customize, familiarize maxi- (extra large): maximum, maximize, maximal Suffixes That Make Adverbs -ly: softly, lowly, poorly -wise: clockwise, lengthwise, crosswise -ward: backward, downward COMBINING FORMS audio phile (hearing or sound - lover): audiovisual(sound - pictures) auto graph (self - written): automobile, automatic photo graph (light - written): photocopy, telephoto bio graphy (life - written): biology, biosphere theo logy (God - study): biology, geology hypo derm ic (under - skin): dermatologist, epidermis equi nox (equal - night): equidistant, equilateral geo metry (earth - measure): geology, geography pseudo nym (false - name): pseudoscience, pseudoparalysis homo phone (same - sound): homograph, homogenous tele phone (from afar - sound): phonograph, microphone hydro philic (water - loving): dehydrate, hydroplane hydro phobic (water - fear of): claustrophobic, homophobic psych iatric (mind - treatment): psychoanalysis, psychology atmo sphere (vapor - globe): hemisphere thermo meter (temperature - measure): thermostat dia logue (across - talk): monologue, travelogue syn o nym (same - name): antonym, pseudonym neur itis (nerve - disease): Her diagnosis is neuritis.+ neurologist, neurosurgeon mal (bad): malpractice, maladjusted, malformed

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