BIO Review Sheet Final 2006

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BIO Review Sheet Final 2006

BIO Review Sheet – Final 2006

Chapter 1 Organization of Life Emergent Properties of Life Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes (characteristics of each) Basics of classification Properties of Living things Basic ideas of Evolution Scientific Method – Hypothesis formulation, dependent vs independent variable identification, controlled variables, etc. Info from Lab #1 on using scientific method

Chapter 2 Matter, elements, compounds (what they are, why this info is important) Elements of life (major vs minor, who they are) Atomic structure (number, mass, isotopes, why this info is important and what it means) Energy levels of electrons (eg., valence electrons, orbitals, etc and how this determines interactions of elements) ID info on Periodic Table (interpret info on Table or provide info on common elements of life like H, C, O, N etc) Bonding (Types, significance, including weak bonds) Chemical Reactions (balance equations, ID reactants, products, etc) Lab #2 – Chemical analysis of food (all reagents, what organics they indicate and pH info)

Chapter 3 Structure and significance of water Emergent properties of water (eg., adhesion, cohesion etc) Water as a solvent (and molecular mechanism of this ability) Solutes, solvents, hydrophobic, hydrophilic (relevance thereof) pH (all aspects) Acids and bases (recognize them, understand why something acts as an acid, base, buffer, etc. )

Chapter 4 Carbon – why is is important in life, mechanism of its versatility What is organic chemistry (and why do you care?) Carbon skeletons (variants, formulas, models, isomers etc) Functional groups (ID by sight, understand significance thereof)

Chapter 5 Condensation synthesis reactions – what they are, what happens Classes of organic compounds – recognize monomers, polymers, types of linkages (eg., peptide bonds, ester linkages) Biological functions of all four classes of organic compounds

Chapter 6 Basics of microscopy (including info from Lab #4, examples= parts of microscope, different types of microscopes, magnification calculations, thread, letter e etc) All organelles and their structures and functions Prokaryotic vs eukaryotic cells, animal vs plant cells Membranes and their functions Endomembrane system – which organelles belong, which don’t and why Cytoskeleton – structure and functions Cell surfaces and junctions

Chapter 7 Membrane structure and function Function of different constituencies in cell membrane (phospholipids, sugars, proteins, cholesterol etc) Functions of membrane proteins (basic, Fig 8.9 useful) Diffusion, osmosis, passive transport vs active transport (how and why they function), exocytosis, endocytosis

Chapter 8 Catabolic vs anabolic pathways (endergonic vs exergonic reactions) Energy and its significance in chemical reactions (eg., potential, kinetic) Role of ATP in energy transfer reactions Enzymes and their significance – all aspects Lab #3 – Enzymes and their activities – influence of temp, pH, substrate, inhibitors on enzyme activity

Chapter 9 Everything that goes into and comes out of all stages of cellular respiration (glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, ETS) Cellular respiration study sheet (analogy) has excellent questions Oxidative vs substrate level phosphorylation – what is it, why is it different, where it occurs etc. Endergonic vs exergonic reactions, redox reactions (basic), be able to follow electrons (and H+) in cellular respiration Uses of ATP produced in cellular respiration Physical location of all steps in cellular respiration and why this is significant Basics of fermentation

Chapter 10 Everything that goes into and comes out of all stages of photosynthesis (light reactions and dark reactions) Compare and contrast photosynthesis with cellular respiration Equations for cellular respiration and photosynthesis – and be able to explain them Nature of sunlight, role of photosynthetic pigments, how light is used in photosynthesis (all figures we discussed in class, especially Fig 10.12, 10.15, 10.1610.17, 10.18, 10.19) C4 vs CAM plants (what they are, why the adaptations are necessary) Role of electron carriers in photosynthesis vs cellular respiration Physical locations for rxns of photosynthesis (what is purpose of these locations?) Make sure you understand the lab material (Lab #5), all is fair game

Chapter 12 Functions of cell division All stages of mitosis – what happens in each, what each one “looks” like including chromosome movement and segregation (info in Fig 12.5 very useful) Role of mitotic spindle in mitosis Cytokinesis vs Karyokinesis Mitosis in plant vs animal cells All check points External and internal regulation of cell cycle Differences in normal vs transformed cells Make sure you have reviewed info from Lab #6, as you will be asked to identify stages of the cell cycle in slides of both plants and animal cells for both mitosis and meiosis

Chapter 13 Purpose of meiosis Mitosis vs meiosis compare and contrast All stages of meiosis (Fig 13.7 useful) Different types of life cycles (basic, from fig 13.6) Independent assortment, crossing over (and how and where crossing over occurs) and random fertilization – what they are, how they are significant

Chapter 14 Gregor Mendel Character, trait, true breeding, P1, F1, F2 generations, alleles, dominant, recessive, heterozygote, homozygote, segregation, hybrids, genotype, phenotype Testcross Monohybrid, Dihybrid crosses and expected ratios Probability and genetics Rule of multiplication (be able to use it for any type of cross) Incomplete dominance vs codominance vs multiple alleles vs polygenic inheritance Pedigree analysis (identify types of inheritance from given pedigree) Be familiar with diseases that are inherited in simple Mendelian fashion (eg., sickle cell, CF, Huntington's). Genetics problems - probability, type of inheritance, frequencies of phenotype in offspring etc. Make sure to review FLYLAB info from lab #7

Chapter 15 Chromosomal behavior and Mendel's laws Morgan and fruit flies (sex linked genes) Inheritance and sex linked genes Linkage vs unlinked genes Independent assortment Recombination and how frequency relates to genetic mapping X inactivation Nondisjunction and polyploidy/aneuploidy Deletions, duplications, inversions, translocations

Chapter 16 Griffith experiment (transformation) Hershey/Chase experiment Chargaff's rule (A:T, C:G) Nature of DNA (double stranded, antiparallel, helical etc) Mechanism of DNA replication (all steps, see Figs in Powerpoint lectures online) Mismatch repair Telomeres , telomerase (significance and function) Chapter 17 Transcription, all steps (see Figs in Powerpoint lectures online) Be able to read codon usage table to translate proteins Translation, all steps (esp Review figure at end of chapter and individual steps as described in Powerpoint slides online) Targeting of translation to cytosol or RER by SRP (basic idea) Types of RNA Changes in genetic material --- changes in protein structure (point mutations, insertions, deletions etc., figs 17.23-17.25.) Figure 17.26

Chapter 18 TMV Types of viral genomes Viral parts (eg., Capsid, envelope) Host range of viruses Viral reproductive cycle (fig 18.5) Lytic vs lysogenic (Figs 18.6, 18.7) Mechanism of AIDS replication (Fig 18.10) Prions - what they are, how they work

Chapter 20 PCR Basics of cloning/recombinant DNA technology RFLP and restriction enzymes Gel electrophoresis Practical uses of DNA technology Review info in DNA Lab (#8) – pay attention to types of topics covered in previous exam

All lab info, labs 7,8 &9, including population genetic info (Hardy-Weinberg-Castle etc) – you may see a problem from Lab #9, so it would be good if you did the problems required at the end of that lab (#1, 2 and 3).

New Material (approximately 15-20% of final points):

Ch 22 Persons of interest: Darwin, Larmarck, Cuvier, Aristotle, Linnaeus, Wallace – what they did, what role they played in the science of the time, how they influenced Darwin Voyage of the Beagle & Darwin’s observations during his voyage Natural selection, adaptation, descent with modification, evolution Examples of natural selection Evidence for evolution (eg., anatomic, embryologic, molecular homologies)

Ch 23 Population, gene pool, allele frequency, Hardy-Weinberg-Castle (assumptions and how to use the equation) Causes of microevolution Genetic variation – polymorphism, sexual recombination, mutation Directional vs Diversifying vs stabilizing selection vs sexual selection Challenges and benefits of asexual vs sexual reproduction

Ch 50 - Ecology Info from student presentations

Lab #10 – Use and meaning of Simpson’s Index, ideas of population ecology, biodiversity, habitat, niche, gradient, distribution, etc. Take home message from results of lab, taxonomic keying of inverts to identify Phylum and class.

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