Year 10 Curriculum Enrichment Days

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Year 10 Curriculum Enrichment Days

November 2015

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 10 Curriculum Enrichment Days Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 January 2016.

We have now finalised all of the arrangements for the two Curriculum Enrichment Days on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 January 2016, details of which are attached. We have endeavoured to provide a range of activities for all students and have subsidised a number of these activities to try to keep costs to parents/carers as low as possible. These Curriculum Enrichment Days offer valuable opportunities for students to experience activities not normally available in the curriculum.

We anticipate all students will take part in all activities.

Please read through the information carefully and complete the relevant form(s) attached, which should be returned to the Finance Office at the school, by Friday 4 December 2015. Forms only need to be filled in if your child studies Art/Photography and will be going on the Eden Trip. An EV5 medical consent form is attached and this will cover this activity. Please ensure this is completed and returned with the permission slip. If this form is not returned, your child will not be able to go on the trip.

In order to finance these trips, we ask that parents/carers make a voluntary contribution. We very much hope you are able to contribute; if we do not get enough contributions we will have to cancel the trips. As the school receives a grant for students eligible for free school meals, we do not require a contribution for these students as this can be funded from the grant; however, a completed consent form is still required. If you have any queries on the funding of this trip, please contact the school’s Finance Office.

Student must wear school uniform for all activities except for the Art/Photography trip to the Eden Project.

Yours sincerely

Mrs F Gormley Deputy Headteacher Year 10 students

Tuesday 12 January: Whole Year in school PSHE or Catering Assessment

Wednesday 13 January: Art/Photography trip to Eden Project Catering Assessment or Science Support Costs:

Eden Project Trip: £15.00 PSHE/ Study Support None

Important trip information for Year 10 students

PSHE Organising teacher: Mr M Wilkins

The day will involve covering the following topics:

Problems of Addiction

Learning Outcomes:

 Recognise that the majority of young people their age do not drink alcohol, smoke or use drugs regularly.  Identify and discuss how these ‘norms’ differ from the view of young people portrayed in the media.  Recognise how an awareness of the actual figures relating to young people and alcohol, drugs and tobacco can support those who would like to stop or cut down their use of them.  Describe how they could support a friend or family member who wanted to stop smoking, drinking or using other substances.  Explain what support is available to people who wish to stop smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs.

This in-school PSHE day will consist of two hours spent looking at problems of addiction. A counsellor from Broadway Lodge Rehab Centre will speak to students for one hour about the causes and problems of addiction. In the second hour, small, closely supervised groups of students will have the opportunity to speak frankly and honestly with recovering addicts. (This has been highly effective in past years.) The recovery centre is based in Weston-super-Mare.

Taunton Homeless Association

Learning Outcomes:

 Identify some of the problems that can lead to homelessness.  Describe the type of people that become homeless.  Explain what action people can take to avoid homelessness.  Empathise with people who find themselves homeless.


Learning Outcomes:

 Identify the possible online activity that may have future repercussions.  Describe how to protect themselves online from ‘internet trolls’.  Explain how a person’s current online activity and digital footprint can influence the career prospects of people.


Learning Outcomes:

 Students will be able to recognise the most appropriate metacognition technique to use at that time.  They will be able to apply this technique effectively to enhance their learning.  Ultimately these techniques will become embedded for life-long learning. Art & Photography Trip to the Eden Project Organising Teacher: Mrs V Crocker

This is a day for GCSE Art and Design Students: Fine Artist and Photography students ONLY. The aim is to provide an opportunity for you to work in a visually stimulating environment, looking at natural and man-made structures. Photographers will be using their photographs as part of the Layers coursework project. Fine Art Students will focus their studies on journeys and locations to build a standalone piece to strengthen their Traces project.

Students may wear non-uniform for the trip. As the day will involve some periods of working outside when weather permits, and in the biomes which have variable temperatures, layers of warm clothing are recommended, as well as a waterproof coat and comfortable flat footwear. Fine Art Students should bring a selection of easily portable art materials and a clipboard, sketchbook or something to lean on. Photographers will be sharing school cameras, and, as photographs would be useful to support all art and design students’ studies, they may wish to bring their own cameras. Please bring a packed lunch and a drink. Students need to meet at SCAT bus layby at 7.30am and aim to return to school for 5.30pm.

Science Support

Students will go over the key principles of the GCSE Science course as well as practising a variety of revision techniques in preparation for the actual GCSE examinations in May.

Catering Assessment

Year 10 Catering students will be completing the practical element of their controlled assessment. This will involve a 3 hour session to prepare, cook and present four products for an Afternoon Tea. This will make up 10% of their final GCSE grade. The Catering students will have practised their chosen recipes, in school or at home, to show a range of skills and presentation techniques.


Trip to the Eden Project (Art/Photography students ONLY) Wednesday 13 January

I would like my son/daughter …………………………………………………………………………… (Student’s name and form) to participate in the Art Trip to The Eden Project. As parent/carer, I have read, fully understood and am satisfied with the details supplied about the above mentioned activity and agree to my son/daughter taking part in it.

As parent/carer I would be willing/unwilling* to make a voluntary contribution of £15 to cover the cost of the trip. I enclose cash/cheque (made payable to The Castle School) I have paid online or by credit/debit card* (*Please delete as applicable).

I am currently receiving Free School Meals. a) except for visits abroad, insurance arrangements are the same as for students in educational establishments, ie, that the Academy can only insure against the proven negligence by the Academy and/or its employees; and

b) The Academy purchases travel insurance through Chubb Insurance which provides personal accident cover (see copy of the policy on the school website for details) but I may consider taking out my own travel insurance to supplement this if appropriate.

Emergency telephone number should we need to contact you (essential) ………………………………

I will: a) Arrange to have my child collected from front of school after the trip or

b) Give permission for my child to make their own way home.

Signed ……………………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………………

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