Books . Thesis TB= Textbook 4R= Reference Book
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ספרים חדשים לאולם קריאה ל מדעי הטבע יולי 2009
Books . Thesis TB= Textbook 4R= Reference Book . מס מערכת מחבר כותר מס. מיון .LC Call no System number Q 172.5.C74C54 2008 Creative model construction in scientists John H. Clement. 002013514 and students : the role of imagery, analogy, and mental simulation Q 181.S93 1998 Infusing the teaching of critical and creative Robert J. Swartz, Stephen 001989857 thinking into secondary science : a lesson David Fischer & Sandra Parks. design handbook Q 375.W35 2009 Picturing the uncertain world : how to Howard Wainer. 002014166 understand, communicate, and control uncertainty through graphical display Q 387.K55 2008 Knowledge cartography : software tools and Alexandra Okada, Simon 002013386 mapping techniques Buckingham Shum, Tony Sherborne, eds. QA 39.2.M29 1986 Mathematics, form and function Saunders Mac Lane. 002013827 QA 63.M53 2004 How to solve it : modern heuristics Zbigniew Michalewicz, David B. 001945957 Fogel. QA 76.76.I59S785 2009 Story circle : digital storytelling around the edited by John Hartley & Kelly 002014015 world McWilliam. QA 76.9.A73D63 2003 Documenting software architectures : views Paul Clements ... [et al.]. 002010803 and beyond QA 76.9.H85C64 2009 Development of interactive environment for Shai Cohen ; supervised by: 002013227 expert evaluation, utilizing eye movement Masha Maltz. Thesis (M. Sc.)--BGU of the Negev, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2009 QA 174.2.A26 2008 Buildings : theory and applications Peter Abramenko, Kenneth S. 002013567 Brown. QA 251.3.G76 2009 Groebner bases, coding, and cryptography Massimiliano Sala ... [et al], 002013554 editors. QA 268.H64 2008 An introduction to mathematical Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, 002013556 cryptography Joesph H. Silverman. QA 274.7.M49 2009 Markov chains and stochastic stability Sean Meyn and Richard L. 002013575 Tweedie. QA 276.2.C5 2008 An introduction to survival analysis using Mario A. Cleves ... [et al.]. 002013804 Stata QA 276.4.S68 2007 Stata longitudinal/panel data : reference 002013816 manual, release 10. QA 278.2.H345 2003 Spatial data analysis : theory and practice Robert Haining 001489271 QA 278.5.G74 2007 Correspondence analysis in practice Michael Greenacre. 002012759 QA 278.6.S57 2008 Multilevel and longitudinal modeling using Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, Anders 002013805 stata. Skrondal. QA 279.5.B56 2009 Rational decisions Ken Binmore. 002013854 QA 323.S63366 2009 Sobolev spaces in mathematics editor: Vadimir Maz'ya. 002013577 QA 613.2.K76 2007 Monopoles and three-manifolds Peter Kronheimer, Tomasz 002013570 Mrowka. QA 613.659.G45 2008 An introduction to contact topology Hansjorg Geiges. 002013571 QA 640.77.R54 2002 Rigidity in dynamics and geometry : Marc Burger, Alessandra Iozzi, 002013557 contributions from the programme, Ergodic editors. theory, geometric rigidity, and number theory, Isaac Newton Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 5 January-7 July 2000 QA 691.B78 2009 Polytopes, rings, and K-theory Winfried Bruns, Joseph 002013551 Gubeladze. QA 871.L48 2009 Robust adaptive nonlinear H [infinity] Itzhak Levi ; under the 002012572 tracking control for Euler-Lagrange systems. supervision of Nadav Berman, Thesis (Ph. D.)--BGU of the Negev, Faculty Amit Ailon. of Engineering Sciences, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2009 QC 16.B457B76 2007 J.D. Bernal : the sage of science Andrew Brown. 002005187 QC 20.7.S54G74 2007 Introduction to singularities and G.-M. Greuel, C. Lossen, E. 002013573 deformations Shustin. QC 173.4.L55S74 2004 The static and dynamic continuum theory of Iain W. Stewart. 002000653 liquid crystals : a mathematical introduction QC 355.3.K56 2007 Matrix methods for optical layout Gerhard Kloos. 002010572 QC 441.C6 2003 Polarized light in fiber optics. Edward Collett 002010573 002016350 שאול סלומניצקי. צופן גרעין האטום : עבודת מחקר עיוני QC 778.S55 2009 QC 879.6.S45 2006 Atmospheric chemistry and physics : from John H. Seinfeld ; Spyros N. 002013730 air pollution to climate change Pandis. QC 925.S77 2009 Cloud and precipitation microphysics : Jerry M. Straka. 002013731 principles and parameterizations QD 96.F56V35 2006 Molecular fluorescence : principles and Bernard Valeur 002013737 applications. QD 101.2.H37 2007 Quantitative chemical analysis Daniel C. Harris. 002013740 QD 262.T52513 2007 Reactions and syntheses in the organic Lutz F. Tietze ... [et al.]. 002013738 chemistry laboratory. QD 923.O89213 2006 Smectic and columnar liquid crystals : Patrick Oswald, Pawel 002010576 concepts and physical properties illustrated Pieranski. by experiments QE 364.2.M4M4645 2008 Metasomatism in oceanic and continental edited by M. Coltorti and M. 002010744 lithospheric mantle. Gregoire. QE 475.M5S38 2008 (4R) Atlas of migmatites Edward W. Sawyer. 002010733 QE 475.M5W67 2008 Working with migmatites edited by Edward W. Sawyer 002010736 [and Michael Brown]. QH 212.S33M49 2004 Scanning probe microscopy : the lab on a Ernst Meyer, Hans Josef Hug, 002010726 tip Roland Bennewitz. 002014555 ג'נט בראון ; מאנגלית: ברוריה מוצא המינים של דרווין : ביוגרפיה של ספר QH 365.O8B7612 2009 בן-ברוך. QH 457.H363 2009 Handbook of behavior genetics Yong-Kyu Kim, editor. 002014357 QL 84.6.Z55D84 2000 Killing for conservation : wildlife policy in Rosaleen Duffy. 002010644 Zimbabwe QL 751.A58 2009 Animal behavior : an evolutionary approach John Alcock. 002014360 QL 933.C64 2009 Cognitive biology : evolutionary and edited by Luca Tommasi, Mary 002014361 developmental perspectives on mind, brain A. Peterson, and Lynn Nadel. and behavior 002013158 פול ברוקס ; מאנגלית: יוליה לתוך ארץ הדממה : מסעות בנוירופסיכולוגיה QP 360.B7512 2009 שטרנגר. QP 360.5.G395 2008 Human : the science behind what makes us Michael S. Gazzaniga. 002014389 unique QP 408.W64 2008 Proust and the squid : the story and science Maryanne Wolf ; illustrations by 002013414 of the reading brain/ Catherine Stoodley. QR 201.M3R6 2009 Characterization of the gene expression Elli Rosenberg ; under the 002012739 pattern observed upon exposure to supervision of Yaakov Pollack. biological stress in the human malaria causing agent plasmodium falciparum. Thesis (Ph.D)--BGU, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Microbiology and Immunology R 154 .R374A3 2006 Kitchen table wisdom : stories that heal Rachel Naomi Remen ; 002012585 foreword by Dean Ornish. 002012586 רחל נעמי רמן ; הקדמה מאת: חוכמה משולחן המטבח : סיפורים שמרפאים R 154.R374A312 1996 דין אורניש ; מאנגלית: נורית לוינסון. SD 387.C37C58 2007 Climate Change and Terrestrial Carbon editors, R. Lal ... [et al.]. 002013614 Sequestration in Central Asia. SB 611.M58 2002 Weed science : principles and practices Thomas J. Monaco, Stephen C. 001491373 Weller, Floyd M. Ashton. אוגוסט 2009
Books . Thesis TB= Textbook 4R= Reference Books .
מס מערכת מחבר כותר מס. מיון .LC Call no System number Q 127.G4H37 2007 The Jewel house :Elizabethan London and the Deborah E. Harkness. 002016509 scientific revolution Q 130.F37 2004 Pandora's breeches : women, science and Patricia Fara. 002013072 power in the Enlightenment. Q 325.5.S74 2008 Support vector machines Ingo Steinwart, Andreas 002014955 Christmann. Q 335.5.M492 1997 Mind design II : philosophy, psychology, edited by John Haugeland. 002014893 artificial intelligence. Q 336.F66 2008 Bio-inspired artificial intelligence : Dario Floreano, Claudio 002016740 theories, methods, and technologies Mattiussi. QA 3.L28 Lecture notes in mathematics. 1758 001047617 QA 76.623.P766 2008 A field guide to genetic programming Riccardo Poli, William B. 002016742 Langdon, Nicholas F. McPhee ; with contributions by John R. Koza. QA 76.63.M47 1989 Meta-programming in logic programming edited by Harvey Abramson 002016769 and M.H. Rogers. QA 76.64.C73 2002 The interpretation of object-oriented Iain Craig. 002016766 programming languages QA 76.7.P37 2007 The definitive ANTLR reference : building Terence Parr. 002016764 domain-specific languages QA 76.73.C4 2009 Erlang programming Francesco Cesarini and 002014828 Simon Thompson. QA 76.73.D95C73 1997 Programming in Dylan Iain D. Craig. 002016760 QA 76.73.D95D95 1997 Dylan programming : an object-oriented and Neal Feinberg ... [et al.]. 002016761 dynamic language QA 76.758.V54 2008 Software engineering : principles and practice Hans van Vliet. 002016756 QA 76.76.D47G38 2009 Model driven engineering and ontology Dragan Gasevic, Dragan 002017082 development . Djuric, Vladan Devedzic ; foreword to second edition by Jean Bezivin. QA 76.76.D47H74 2006 The security development lifecycle : SDL, a Michael Howard and Steve 002014820 process for developing demonstrably more Lipner. secure software QA 76.76.I58S75 2009 Multiagent systems : algorithmic, game- Yoav Shoham, Kevin 002014839 theoretic, and logical foundations Leyton-Brown. QA 76.76.S65E43 2007 Software measurement : establish, extract, Christof Ebert, Reiner 002014819 evaluate, execute Dumke. QA 76.87.S623 2006 The harmonic mind : from neural computation Paul Smolensky and 002016688 to optimality-theoretic grammar Geraldine Legendre. QA 76.9.A25S438 2006 Security patterns : integrating security and Markus Schumacher ... [et 002014825 systems engineering al.]. QA 76.9.D26A52 2006 Refactoring databases : evolutionary database Scott W. Ambler, Pramod J. 002016771 design Sadalage. QA 76.9.D3I68 2007 Introduction to statistical relational learning edited by Lise Getoor, Ben 002016341 Taskar. QA 76.9.D343N57 2009 Handbook of statistical analysis and data mining Robert Nisbet, John Elder, 002014849 applications Gary Miner. QA 135.6.C55 2009 Learning and teaching early math : the learning Douglas H. Clements and 002014718 trajectories approach Julie Sarama. QA 135.6.S27 2009 Early childhood mathematics education research Julie Sarama and Douglas 002014717 : learning trajectories for young children H. Clements. QA 164.A46 2008 The probabilistic method Noga Alon, Joel H. Spencer. 001997026 QA 169.L87 2009 Higher topos theory Jacob Lurie. 002019246 QA 171.48.H38 2005 Hausdorff on ordered sets J.M. Plotkin, editor ; 002016968 translated by J.M. Plotkin. QA 174.2.W454 2009 The structure of affine buildings Richard M. Weiss. 002007898
QA 177.N48 2000 New horizons in pro-p groups Marcus du Sautoy, Dan 002013576 Segal, Aner Shalev, editors. QA 267.7.A76 2009 Computational complexity : a modern approach Sanjeev Arora, Boaz Barak. 002013842 QA 274.2.A75 2007 Stochastic simulation : algorithms and analysis Sren Asmussen, Peter W. 002014914 Glynn. QA 274.2.B75 2008 Level crossing methods in stochastic models Percy H. Brill. 002014950 QA 276.4.K63 2009 Data analysis using Stata Ulrich Kohler, Frauke 002013810 Kreuter. QA 278.2.A66 2005 Applied linear statistical models Michael H. Kutner ... [et 002014920 al.]. QA 279.B69 2005 Statistics for experimenters : design, innovation, George E.P. Box, J. Stuart 002016743 and discovery Hunter, William G. Hunter. QA 279.5.D37 2009 Modeling and reasoning with Bayesian networks Adnan Darwiche. 002016339 QA 315.M46 2009 A primer on the calculus of variations and Mike Mesterton-Gibbons. 002019634 optimal control theory QA 329.2.B39 2009 Dynamics of linear operators Frederic Bayart, Etienne 002014690 Matheron. QA 401.M5138 2007 A concrete approach to mathematical modelling Mike Mesterton-Gibbons. 002013176 QA 564.G43 2003 An introduction to algebraic geometry and Meinolf Geck. 002013574 algebraic groups QA 564.I74 2007 Tropical algebraic geometry Ilia Itenberg, Grigory 002013572 Mikhalkin, Eugenii Shustin. QC 6.M44 2000 Insights of genius :imagery and creativity in Arthur I. Miller. 002016724 science and art QC 20.7.S8K35 2007 Stochastic processes in physics and chemistry. N.G. van Kampen 002014894 QC 225.15.S67 2007 Springer handbook of acoustics Thomas D. Rossing (ed.). 002014956 QC 355.G65 2005 Introduction to Fourier optics Joseph W. Goodman. 001996534 QC 476.C6W65 2007 Introduction to the theory of coherence and Emil Wolf. 001998311 polarization of light QC 611.92.S855 2008 Superconductivity (Vol 1 and 2) K.H. Bennemann, J.B. 002007606 Ketterson, editors. QC 920.S77 2007 Precipitation : theory, measurement and Ian Strangeways 002013732 distribution. QD 101.2.V63 2000 Vogel's textbook of quantitative chemical Vogel, Arthur Israel 002013739 analysis. 001991646 תמר רז-נחום, רפאל דוד דינמיקה מולקולרית של תהליכים כימיים. (QD 461.R36 2008 (TB לוין ; עורך: צבי עצמון. (מדריך למידה יחידות 1-7) QE 462.P4L66 2008 Pegmatites David London. 002010743 QE 511.44.B85 2007 Tectonic geomorphology of mountains : a new William B. Bull. 002019222 approach to paleoseismology QE 571.B82 2008 Earth surface processes, landforms and John Bridge and Robert 002013604 sediment deposits Demicco. QH 212.S33W54 1994 Scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy : Roland Wiesendanger. 002010725 methods and applications QH 367.3.B44 2008 The edge of evolution : the search for the limits Michael J. Behe. 002016518 of Darwinism QH 371.3.M37D47 2008 Analysis of evolutionary processes : the Fabio Dercole, Sergio 002014168 adaptive dynamics approach and its applications Rinaldi. QH 447.N386 2007 New science of metagenomics : National Research Council 002016588 revealing the secrets of our microbial planet (U.S.) Committee on Committee on Metagenomics: Challenges and Metagenomics: Challenges Functional Applications, Board on Life Sciences, and Functional Applications Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies. QH 541.15.M3K65 2008 Modelling for field biologists and other Hanna Kokko. 002016498 interesting people QH 541.15.S72F66 2005 Spatial analysis : a guide for ecologists Marie-Josee Fortin, Mark 002016495 R.T. Dale. QL 82.M55 2009 Models for planning wildlife conservation in Joshua J. Millspaugh, Frank 002017445 large landscapes R. Thompson, III. QL 751.D34513 2008 Behavioural ecology Etienne Danchin, Luc-Alain 002016494 Giraldeau, Frank Cezilly. QL 754.W55 2008 No way home : the decline of the world's great David S. Wilcove; with 002016510 animal migrations illustrations by Louise Zemaitis. QL 756.H357 2007 Built by animals : the natural history of animal Mike Hansell. 002016505 architecture QP 37.M28 2008 The way we work : getting to know the amazing David Macaulay, with 002016516 human body Richard Walker. QP 88.F87 1993 Biomechanics : mechanical properties of living Y.C. Fung. 001453990 tissues QP 88.5.J33 2008 Skin : a natural history Nina G. Jablonski. 002016512 QP 356.P48 2001 Philosophy and the neurosciences : a reader edited by William 002016815 Bechtel ... [et al.]. QP 360.F65 2007 The neuroscience of psychological therapies Rowland W. Folensbee. 002017195 QP 360.5.C35 1998 The cerebral code : thinking a thought in the William H. Calvin. 002016730 mosaics of the mind QP 360.5.M48 2006 Methods in mind edited by Carl Senior, 002014359 Tamara Russell, and Michael S. Gazzaniga. QP 363.I23 2008 Mirroring people : the new science of how we Marco Iacoboni. 002014356 connect with others 002019989 נורמן דוידג' ; מאנגלית: חנה המוח הגמיש : סיפורים של ניצחון אישי מקו החזית QP 363.3.D6512 2009 עמית. של חקר המוח. QP 376.K375 2006 The complementary nature J.A. Scott Kelso and David 002016666 A. Engstrm. QP 411.E85 2003 Essential sources in the scientific study of edited by Bernard J. Baars, 002014882 consciousness William P. Banks, and James B. Newman. QP 411.M485 2004 Being no one : the self-model theory of Thomas Metzinger. 002014869 subjectivity. QP 426.H62 2005 13 dreams Freud never had : the new mind J. Allan Hobson. 002016768 science. QP 426.H63 2003 Dreaming : an introduction to the science of J. Allan Hobson. 002016765 sleep R 118.W755 2008 Health communication in the 21st century Kevin B. Wright, Lisa 002001371 Sparks, and H. Dan O'Hair. R 726.5.B4255 2008 Behavioral medicine : a guide for clinical edited by Mitchell D. 002017316 practice Feldman, John F. Christensen. R 726.5.L433 2008 Why do people get ill? Darian Leader and David 002013298 Corfield. R 857.M3I69 2006 Introduction to biomaterials Donglu Shi, editor. 002013845 R 895.A424 2008 Advances in medical physics 2008 edited by Anthony Brinton 002013083 Wolbarst, Kenneth L. Massman, William R.. Hendee ; with illustrations by Gordon Cook. RM 216.T38 2008 Good calories, bad calories : fats, carbs, and the Gary Taubes. 002016515 controversal science of diet and health S 591.R68 1994 Soil science : methods and applications David L. Rowell. 002013606 S 592.5.S656 2008 The chemistry of soils Garrison Sposito. 002013609 SB 106.O74D37 2006 Darwin's harvest : new approaches to the edited by Timothy J. 002016517 origins, evolution, and conservation of crops Motley, Nyree Zerega, and Hugh Cross. SB 176.A4L67 1996 Lost crops of Africa Board on Science and 001364410 Vol.II -Vegetables Technology for Vol.III - Fruits International Development. National Research Council. SB 434.H56 2009 (4R) The explorer's garden : rare and unusual Daniel J. Hinkley ; with 002019803 perennials photographs by Lynne Harrison ; foreword by Roy Lancaster. SF 85.4.U9R36 2003 (4R) Rangelands of the arid and semi-arid zones in G. Gintzburger ... [et al.]. 002017443 Uzbekistan. SF 458.O76C35 2008 Marine ornamental shrimp : biology, Ricardo Calado. 002016589 aquaculture and conservation