2013- 2015 Consultant Petroleum Engineer

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2013- 2015 Consultant Petroleum Engineer



2013- 2015 Consultant Petroleum Engineer

Provided Petroleum Engineering services on contract to assist the Sub-surface Management team in the short to long term development of the Central North Sea, Southern North Sea & Eastern Irish Sea assets.

 Responsible for developing a production strategy document for the Greater Kittiwake Area (GKA) & Trees assets. Formulated guidelines for reservoir pressure management, well performance and highlighted key risks & opportunities into an agreed management plan. Regular meetings to agree priorities and actions were organised and chaired.

 Provide performance monitoring of GKA, Chestnut and Trees wells using Prosper including trouble shooting gas lift designs.

 Responsible for reviewing well intervention opportunities on the Trees fields and vetting them for suitability as part of a LWIV subsea campaign.

 Participate as part of the GKA & Chestnut Sub-surface Management team including chairing Field Review meetings and liaising with partners through presentations and workshops.

 Responsible for guiding a Mallard (GKA) re-completion through the SOR process including evaluation of additional wellwork through probability analysis. Final technical & economic analysis presented to internal management & partners for approval.


2009-2012 Consultant Petroleum Engineer

Provided Petroleum Engineering services on contract to assist the Base Management support team in the short to long term development of the Magnus and Clair North Sea Fields

 Responsible for developing a Coiled Tubing well campaign for the Magnus Field. Several well candidates were analysed and ranked in order to deliver a practical plan for maximum return.

 Provide well performance monitoring of Magnus and Clair wells using Prosper including trouble shooting gas lift designs.

 Responsible for developing a “Hopper” of future well opportunities to maintain base protection for Magnus reserves.

 Participate as part of the Magnus Reservoir Management team including chairing Well Review meetings and liaising with partners through presentations and workshops.  Responsible for developing and managing a strategy for controlling reservoir pressure development in the Magnus Field WAG EOR panels using Prosper/MBAL.

 Responsible for developing and managing the Magnus Surveillance Strategy for well PLT/Saturation log and pressure data collection.

 Base management representative at the Magnus New Well Development planning forum. Attending regular meetings to ensure issues to maximise success of the new wells are achieved.


2004-2009 Consultant Production Engineer

Provided Production Engineering services on contract to assist in the short to long term development of the Chevron operated Strathspey, Erskine and Caledonia North Sea Fields.

 Participate as a subsurface team member in guiding various major and minor projects through the Chevron planning process.

 Provided decision making and problem solving skills to the planning, risk assessment and execution phases of these projects

 Generated relevant technical data to allow probabilistic analysis of economic risk and return. Prosper, GAP, OFM and Crystal Ball are typical software tools which I have expertise.

 Promoting detailed well performance analysis to allow recognition of problems, generate opportunities for improvement and assist in reservoir monitoring.

 Communicating of progress and results through attendance at internal Decision Review Boards and presentation of material to partners and Government.

 Redrills, workovers, scale management and chemical treatments were part of the major wellwork themes over this period.


Nov 2003-Feb 2004 Consultant Production Engineer

Provided Production Engineering services on contract to assist in the production of the Galley Field during the sales transition period with Talisman. Responsibilities included well performance monitoring and directing the decision making process for scale inhibition choice.

Amerada Hess

1997-2003 Consultant Production Engineer

Provided Production Engineering services on contract to assist in the short to long term development of the Amerada Hess operated Scott, Telford , Marmion and Ivanhoe/Rob Roy North Sea Fields.  Directed the process of opportunity recognition, objective setting and planning of well interventions within the Reservoir Technical Services (RTS) group.

 Promoted detailed well performance analysis to allow recognition of problems, generate opportunities for improvement and assist in reservoir monitoring.

 Performed detailed analysis of subsea well network systems using Prosper and GAP software.

 Represented RTS in the Scott/Telford development drilling planning process to ensure objectives are aligned through the drilling, evaluation and completion phases (horizontal and Thru Tubing Rotary Drilling wells included).

 Investigated and promoted methods for production enhancement.

Elf Exploration UK plc (1993-1997)

1997 Production Strategist

Responsible for investigating opportunities to increase profitability in the maturing Piper and Claymore fields. Recommendations made for management approval were as follows:-

 Process de-commissioning saving £0.5MM,

 De-bottlenecking topside systems (estimated revenue acceleration of £18 MM)

 Feasibility of producing from the high H2S Crathes field to the Claymore platform

1995-6 Staff Well Performance Engineer

Previous communications role expanded to include both Piper and Claymore areas. Ensured development drilling, workovers and minor wellwork were economically justified and prioritised in order to satisfy reservoir management and production goals. Achieved agreed production targets within annual budget of £60MM.

Reinforced the decision making process for well workover and repair by formalising the selection and justification procedure (involved £10MM of well work).

Reviewed gas lift usage on Claymore and proposed long term plan for reduction.

1993-4 Staff Subsurface Engineer

Following re-organisation, promoted to the Claymore Asset management team.

Tasked with managing communications between the Asset and other functional departments to ensure production and reservoir management goals were achieved within the allocated annual well work budget of £40 MM. Successfully established as the focus of a multi-disciplinary team for all development drilling and well work planning, chairing regular meetings to direct, control and influence the decision making process. Production targets of 27 and 25 MMstb were achieved in 1993 and 1994 respectively. Co-ordinated a reservoir management strategy “peer review” of the Claymore and Scapa fields leading to a presentation of recommendations to senior management.

Occidental Caledonia Petroleum Ltd. (1979-1992)

1991-2 Engineering Advisor. (Elf acquisition completed 2 July,1991)

Tasked with advising section head on all aspects of well performance on Claymore.

Completed feasibility studies on two potential Claymore subsea satellite developments.

Reviewed alternative artificial lift method to gas lift and made technical and commercial recommendations.

Co-ordinated reservoir and production data input into creating development plays for prospects in the 14th Round Evaluation.

Successfully planned and co-ordinated the second phase appraisal testing of West Scapa with a potential £20MM development.

1990 Senior Petroleum Engineer

Supervised a team of three engineers responsible for maintaining and forecasting gas lifted well production from the Claymore and Scapa fields ( 87,000 stbopd).

Successfully planned and co-ordinated the first phase of the West Scapa appraisal testing.

1988-9 Senior Petroleum Engineer

Part of a two man team responsible for all production and reservoir management aspects of the Scapa Field.

1986-7 Senior Production Engineer

Assigned to the Scapa project team to address production engineering issues associated with the installation, commissioning and start-up of this subsea development.

Responsible thereafter for daily production monitoring (24,000 bpd), gas lift optimisation, scale inhibition, acid stimulation design and co-ordination of on-template well work.

1984-5 Production Engineer

Assigned to be part of a two man team tasked with the management of Piper daily production of 180,000 bpd with a combination of ESP's, gas lift and naturally flowing wells.

1980-3 Operations Engineer

Responsible for offshore supervision of all platform and rig well work including ESP, gas lift and subsea completions, cased hole logging, DST's, chemical stimulation, well workover, perforating and through tubing repairs.

1979 Assistant Engineer.-General petroleum engineering support. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS B.Sc. Eng.Science ( Aberdeen University ), M.Eng. Pet.Eng. ( Heriot Watt University )

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