State Water Resources Control Board s14
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Note: Copies of the orders, decisions, and resolutions mentioned in these minutes can be obtained from Maureen Marché, State Water Resources Control Board, Post Office Box 100, Sacramento, California, 95812- 0100; or call (916) 657-0990.
CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by James M. Stubchaer, Chairman, Thursday, July 15, 1999, at 9: 01 a.m., in the First-Floor Hearing Room, 901 "P" Street, Sacramento, California
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT James M. Stubchaer, Mary Jane Forster, John W. Brown and Arthur G. Baggett, Jr.
STAFF PRESENT Walt Pettit, Dale Claypoole, William Attwater, Maureen Marché, Mary Ann Jones, Bruce Fujimoto, Gerald Bowes and Craig M. Wilson.
OTHERS PRESENT Harold Singer, Executive Officer, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board.
PUBLIC FORUM Board Member Mary Jane Forster spoke in remembrance of Senator Bill Craven who recently passed away.
MINUTES The minutes of the May 20 and June 17, 1999 Board Meetings were unanimously adopted.
WATER QUALITY 1. Consideration of Approval of an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin Establishing a Total Maximum Daily Load for Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Newport Bay.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution approving the basin plan amendment. Resolution 99-066
CLEAN WATER PROGRAMS 2. Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Amending the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Cleanup Fund Priority List Amendment No. 65.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed list amendment. Resolution 99-067
3. Consideration of Approval of the Emergency, Abandoned, Recalcitrant Account Annual Sites List and Authorizing the Executive Director or Designee to Execute Contracts.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution. Resolution 99-068
4. Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Amending the Circle K Annual Priority List to Add 44 Claims and to Authorize the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund to Process and Pay Claims in Priority Order.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed list amendment. Resolution 99-069
5. Consideration of Approval of a $75,000 Facilities Planning Grant for East Bay Municipal Utility District for Oakland-Berkeley Recycled Water Project Study.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution approving the grant. Resolution 99-070
6. Consideration of Approval to Amend a Water Reclamation Loan to a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan for the Recycled Water Distribution System for City of Escondido Water Reclamation Project. Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution approving the loan amendment. Resolution 99-071
7. Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund Loan for the City of Brentwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Expansion Project No. C-06-4585-110.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution approving the loan. Resolution 99-072
STORM WATER PERMITS 8. Consideration of Approval of the Reissuance of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated With Construction Activities.
This item was previously removed from consideration and will be scheduled for a future meeting.
9. Consideration of Approval of the Adoption on the Proposed Statewide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Permit for Caltrans.
Mary Ann Jones, Division of Water Quality, presented the item summarizing comments received since the workshop discussion. Ms. Jones also passed out proposed revisions to the draft fact sheet and permit in response to the comments.
Harold Singer and Bruce Fujimoto addressed the Board.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed order including the revisions to pages 3 and 4 of the fact sheet and pages 14 and 30 of the permit. Water Quality Order 99-06-DWQ
WATER RIGHTS Item Removed 10. Proposed Order Denying Petition for Reconsideration of a Division of Water Rights Decision Rejecting Temporary Application Number X00133 of Robert Fetzer to Divert Water From the Russian River in Mendocino County.
ITEM # 10 PULLED. This item will be heard at a later date.
WATER QUALITY 11. Consideration of Approval of the 1999-2002 California Ocean Plan Triennial Review Workplan and Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate and Execute Contracts.
Gerald Bowes, Division of Water Quality, presented the item noting revisions made to the workplan in response to the workshop discussion. Mr. Bowes recommended adoption of the proposed resolution approving the revised workplan.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution. Resolution 99-073
12. Consideration of a Resolution Granting an Exception to a Prohibition Contained in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region for the California Department of Transportation, District 3 – Highway 267 Bypass Project, Nevada County.
There was no staff presentation.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution granting the exemption. Resolution 99- 074
BOARD MEMBER REPORTS There were no reports.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Executive Director submitted a written report summarizing current significant issues.
ADJOURNMENT The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:30 a.m.