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Family Child Care
QRIS Standards
Provisional Version (Revised) red = major suggested changes grey = highlights proposed substantive deletions (standards or language)
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 1 Category 1: Curriculum and Learning
Early childhood research reports the critical elements of a high quality program include: utilization of a developmentally appropriate comprehensive curriculum aligned to the state’s standards, an assessment system that reflects the curriculum and state standards/expectations for children, adaptations to meet individual children’s needs and positive teacher-child interactions that foster children's self regulation and emotional well-being.
Subcategories within Curriculum and Learning: 1A. Curriculum 1B. Assessment (Collapse into Curriculum) 1C. Teacher Child Relationship and Interactions 1D. Special Education (Move to coordination with service providers) 1E. Serving Children with Diverse Languages and Cultures (Collapse into Curriculum)
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 2 Curriculum and Learning: CURRICULUM, DIVERSITY AND ASSESSMENT Level Revised Standard Measurement Level 1 Meets Licensing regulations License in good standing or program meets EEC Licensing Standards (for non- licensable and license exempt programs)
Level 2 Meets Requirements of Level 1 FCCERS-R score of 3 PLUS AND Materials reflect the language and culture of the children in the classroom Copy of admissions policy promoting diversity
Program has a written admissions policy that promotes enrollment of children with diverse cultures and language.
Level 3 Meets Requirements of Level 2 FCCERS-R score of 5 PLUS Educator offers opportunities for parental input in AND the progress reports 3 to 6 credit hours of professional development or college course work on Staff has received formal professional curriculum, diversity and assessment development in the curriculum and uses the MA Guidelines for Preschool Learning Standards and the Infant / Toddler Learning Guidelines (when they are available) ; how to document children's progress across all domains through anecdotal notes and portfolio collections related to the MA Guidelines for Preschool Learning, and the Infant / Toddler Learning Guidelines; and how to work with children from diverse languages and cultures and second language acquisition
Level 4 Meets Requirements of Level 3 PLUS Example lesson plan demonstrating alignment with MA Guidelines AND Educator documents the alignment of the curriculum with the MA Guidelines for Preschool Signed document that provider demonstrates language and literacy skills in English Learning Standards, and the Infant / Toddler or the child's language that provide a model for children Learning Guidelines in lesson plans AND Educator has completed coursework on language and literacy skills either in English or the child's Registry demonstrates at least 6 credit hours of coursework on curriculum and in language that provide a model for children, has formal assessment related to curriculum
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 3 Level Revised Standard Measurement completed coursework on screening and assessment.
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 4
Curriculum and Learning: TEACHER CHILD RELATIONSHIP AND INTERACTIONS Level Revised Standard Measurement Level 1 Meets Licensing Regulations License in good standing or program meets EEC Licensing Standards (for non- licensable and license exempt programs)
Level 2 Meets Requirements of Level 1 Meets training as evidenced by Registry for formal training Level 2 PLUS
Educator has participated in training on how to support positive relationships and interactions with children.
Level 3 Meets Requirements of Level 2 Signed document that the program uses outside consultants with expertise in PLUS children's behavior and mental health to provide support and assistance to staff in implementing strategies that support positive relationships/interactions and When needed, the Educator uses an outside prevention/intervention techniques consultant/mentor with expertise in children's cognitive development, behavior and mental health to provide support and assistance in implementing strategies that support positive relationships/interactions and prevention/intervention techniques
Level 4 Meets Requirements of Level 3 Engagement with children as evidenced by score on CLASS or Arnett Caregiver PLUS Interaction Scale
Educator engages children in meaningful Reflective practice as evidenced by agreements with coaches, mentors, or family conversations, as age and developmentally service network providers appropriate, use open-ended questions and provide opportunities throughout the day to scaffold their language to support the development of more complex receptive and expressive language, support children's use of language to share ideas, problem solve and have positive peer interactions
Educator utilize teaching strategies that ensure a positive learning environment, engage children in learning and promote higher order thinking skills
Providers have regular opportunities to engage in
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 5 Level Revised Standard Measurement reflective practice
Category 2: Environment
Program environments are the framework for children's learning. They support the implementation of the curriculum through the use of space, materials and opportunities for children to experiment, practice their skills, analyze, socialize and problem solve. Environments must provide support for the health, safety and nutrition of young children in order to ensure their optimum development and well being.
Subcategories within Environment: 2A. Indoor 2B. Outdoor (propose to merge 2a and 2b into 2c) 2C. Health and Safety
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 6 Environment: INDOOR (MERGE INTO GLOBAL ENVIORNMENT) Level Revised Standard Measurement Level 1 Meets Licensing regulations License in good standing or program meets EEC Licensing Standards (for non- licensable and license exempt programs)
Level 2 Meets Requirements of Level 1 PLUS
There are at least 3-4 interest areas, depending on the age of the children, with a variety of age appropriate materials and equipment available and accessible to children
Level 3 Meets Requirements of Level 2 PLUS FCCERS-R score of 5 or NAFCC accreditation (propose to merge into 2c) There is access to space for indoor gross motor activities
Children's work is displayed and is related to the current activities including creative artwork, graphs, journals and charts, if appropriate for the age group served
Level 4 NONE
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 7 Environment: Outdoor (MERGE INTO GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT) Level Revised Standard Measurement Level 1 Meets Licensing Regulations License in good standing or program meets EEC Licensing Standards (for non- licensable and license exempt programs)
Level 2 Meets Requirements of Level 1 PLUS
Access to an outdoor space that provides for a variety of gross and fine motor activities such as swings, slides, tricycles, balls and other games and, within reason, adaptations that ensure accessibility for children with disabilities.
Level 3 Meets Requirements of Level 2 FCCERS-R score of 7 (propose to merge into 2c AND move this to Level 4) PLUS
Access to an outdoor space that is designed to include areas that protect children from wind and direct sunlight and utilizes a variety of surface materials that support different types of play
Level 4 Meets Requirements of Level 3 PLUS
Access to an outdoor space that incorporates natural elements and clearly defined spaces for individual and small group play
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 8 Global Environment HEALTH AND SAFETY Level Revised Standard Measurement Level 1 Meets Licensing Regulations License in good standing or program meets EEC Licensing Standards (for non- licensable and license exempt programs)
Level 2 Meets Requirements of Level 1 PLUS Evidence of annual consultation by health consultant either directly or through a family child care network Annual consultations by a Health Consultant to monitor records, update health care policies and AND practices, identify program issues, assist programs in complying with health and safety Signed document that program documents nutritional needs of children and requirements and provides a written report to the program AND
Educator documents the nutritional needs of the Business Administration Scale (BAS) score of 3 children in their program through a questionnaire for families AND FCCERS-R score of 3
Educator provides information about available resources for annual vision, hearing and dental screenings (BAS Level 3)
Demonstrates safe indoor and outdoor environments as measured by FCCRS score of 3
Level 3 Meets Requirements of Level 2 PLUS Written agreements for screenings
Educator has documentation that children have AND FCCERS-R score of 5 received appropriate screenings (vision, hearing and dental)
Demonstrates safe and stimulating indoor and outdoor environment as measured on FCCRS score of 5
Level 4 Educator has a tracking system to ensure that Signed document that the program has a tracking system to ensure all health all health records are up to date and include any records and documentation are up to date special accommodations that must be met AND
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 9 Level Revised Standard Measurement FCCERS-R score of 6 or 7 AND Demonstrates stimulating indoor and outdoor environments
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 10 Category 3: Workforce Qualifications and Professional Development (Still in process. Proposed revised standards will be posted soon.)
Research indicates that the workforce engaged in early childhood education must have formalized training in early childhood education and content knowledge in order to support program quality and impact child outcomes. Ongoing professional development that links to the classroom activities is related to program improvement and child outcomes are directly affected by the quality of their experiences in the classroom
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 11 Category 4: FAMILY INVOLVEMENT
Families must be acknowledged as children's first teachers and thus must be recognized and supported as partners in their child's education. Programs must understand the interconnectedness between the family and a child's approach to learning and establish a relationship with families that is built on mutual trust, respect and a willingness to involve them as full partners; while providing them with information, resources and support in order to ensure children have a healthy nurturing environment in which to grow and learn.
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 12 FAMILY INVOLVEMENT Level Revised Standard Measurement Level 1 Meets Licensing regulations Level 2 Meets Requirements of Level 1 PLUS Signed document that the program provides opportunities for parents to meet with classroom staff at least once a month
Opportunities to meet with the Educator are offered for parents on a monthly basis Level 3 Meets Requirements of Level 2 FCCERS-R score of 5 AND Business Administration Scale (BAS) score of 5 shown to PLUS be available daily
A daily two way communication system is available between the educators and families through a variety of means such as a scheduled telephone hour, checklists, e-mail (BAS Level 5 and FCCERS-R Level 5)
Level 4 Meets Requirements of Level 3 Educator provides, or connects families to, education, training and support PLUS programs (such as family literacy, adult education, job training, child development, Families are encouraged to volunteer to assist in parenting, English as a second language etc.) the program, and with appropriate supervision share cultural and language traditions or other FCCERS-R score of 6 or 7 interests such as their jobs, hobbies and other relevant information
Program provides or connects families to education, training and support programs (such as family literacy, adult education, job training, child development, parenting, English as a second language etc.)
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 13 Category 5: Leadership, Management and Administration High quality programs require effective leadership with management and administrative practices that ensure a stable environment, fiscal accountability, evaluation of the program's practices and policies and the development of relationships within the community in order to support the staff and the children and families they serve.
Subcategories within Leadership, Management and Administration: 5A. Administration Management and Leadership 5B. Supervision 5C. Evaluation 5D. Community Involvement
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 14 Administration: ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP Level Revised Standard Measurement Level 1 Meets Licensing regulations License in good standing or program meets EEC Licensing Standards (for non- licensable and license exempt programs)
Level 2 Meets Requirements of Level 1 PLUS Written business plan with operating budget, goals & planning
Program has a written business plan that AND includes an annual operating budget that is used to guide planning, set goals and make decisions. FCCERS-R score of 3 - with signed document that program updates are provided to parents and staff on a quarterly basis Communication and updates on the program are provided at least twice a year to families in their primary language to the extant appropriate and possible
Level 3 Meets Requirements of Level 2 PLUS Policy documentation to meet alternative staffing requirements Educator has a written plan that addresses alternative staffing by persons who meet the AND same qualifications requirements as the Educator in the event that the caregiver is ill, Annual financial review conducted by a certified public accountant has to be out of the home or in the case of an emergency.
Educator has an annual financial review conducted by a certified public accountant or other financial advisor
Level 4 Meets Requirements of Level 3 PLUS Signed checklist/document that the program has a system that maintains & tracks information on: children's health, services, absenteeism , children’s educational Educator has a system for data collection and information, staff qualifications, professional development and financial record tracking children's health, services, absenteeism keeping and educational information, and professional development and financial record keeping
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 15 Administration: SUPERVISION Level Revised Standard Measurement Level 1 Meets Licensing regulations License in good standing or program meets EEC Licensing Standards (for non- licensable and license exempt programs)
Level 2 Meets Requirements of Level 1 PLUS Schedule showing time for regular meetings and feedback for assistants If Educator has an Assistant, there are scheduled meetings each week to ensure the Assistant AND receives feedback and is informed on all issues Program policy showing incentive program for staff education advancement Educator ensures there are incentives (either fiscal or non fiscal rewards) to support Assistants in increasing their qualifications and moving up the career lattice
Level 3 Meets Requirements of Level 2 FCCERS-R score of 5 PLUS
Educator has a regularly scheduled meeting time each week to plan activities, child observations and use of materials
Level 4 Meets Requirements of Level 3 PLUS Business Administration Scale (BAS) score of 7
Educator salary scales reflect the educational levels, experience and performance levels, as determined by the annual evaluation of the educator
Educator, assistant and Family input are solicited through an annual survey in order to evaluate the program
Level 5 TBD TBD
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 16 Administration: EVALUATION (Merge into other categories) Level Revised Standard Measurement Level 1 Meets Licensing regulations License in good standing or program meets EEC Licensing Standards (for non- licensable and license exempt programs)
Level 2 Meets Requirements of Level 1 Business Administration Scale (BAS) score of 7 PLUS evidence staff input/evaluation PLUS
Educator, assistant and Family input are solicited through an annual survey in order to evaluate the program
Level 3 Meets Requirements of Level 2 Need measurement criteria PLUS
Results of the self assessment are shared with alternative educators and families who contribute to the development a comprehensive written program improvement plan
Level 4 Meets Requirements of Level 3 PLUS Need measurement criteria
Educator shares the results of the program quality rating with the families, alternative educators, and, if applicable, other funders
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 17 Administration: COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND COLLABORATION Level Revised Standard Measurement Level 1 Meets Licensing regulations Level 2 Meets Requirements of Level 1 Business Administration Scale (BAS) Score of 3 PLUS
Educator maintains a list of current community resources that support families that is always accessible to parents (BAS score of 3)
Educator participates in at least one community event each year (BAS score of 3)
Educator establishes ongoing communication with other family child care providers in the community to exchange information and resources (BAS score of 3)
Level 3 Meets Requirements of Level 2 PLUS Business Administration Scale (BAS) score of 5 or FCCERS-R score of 5 or NAFCC accreditation with evidence of resources produced in language of the community Educator has developed informational materials on the program that are in the language of the AND community, are available for use in the community and are given to prospective families Business Administration Scale (BAS) score of 5
Educator participates in local community group work that is related to early childhood, cultural group served by the program and/or family support (BAS Level 5)
Level 4 Meets Requirements of Level 3 Either directly or through a network provider has signed documents with providers PLUS demonstrating that children are offered the following screenings, referrals and services: developmental screening, mental health screening, speech screening, Educator maintains formal and informal speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, dental health care, nutrition collaboration agreements with community based services public and private agencies such as the arts, library, entertainment, family supports, human Provider demonstrates formal relationship with 4 or more service providers either services, business, and/or sports in order to directly or through a network.
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 18 Level Revised Standard Measurement enrich the program's services for children and their families. These agreements spell out the responsibilities and policies for both the Educator and the community agency.
Educator coordinates with other family child care providers in the community and develops sharing agreements to maximize resources, services and professional development opportunities
Rev. 10/27/10 pg. 19