Curriculum Vitae s109
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Kathleen J. Tunney
Contact Information
Office: 1306-A Peck Hall, Box 1450 Department of Social Work Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Edwardsville, Illinois 62026 618-650-5428 (phone) 618-650-3509 (fax) [email protected]
1999: PhD. Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago. Dissertation topic: Clinical Decision Making by MSW Students in Field Practice
1983: Master of Social Work. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Specialty: Rural Social Work
1981: Bachelor of Science in Social Services. Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan
1994-present: Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Illinois (LCSW)
1982-1993: Certified Social Worker, Michigan (CSW)
Current Position
Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (tenured in May 2003)
Fall 1997 – current: Faculty, Dept. of Social Work, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Teach BSW courses in human behavior theory (both micro and macro), practice, and policy (including advocacy and policy practice skills). Teach MSW courses in generalist practice, advanced mental health practice, administration, and advanced human behavior theory. Co-authored self-study for MSW program reaffirmation in 2006; part of writing team for BSW reaffirmation self-study in 2002. With two faculty colleagues, developed successful funding proposals for use of student fees to support use of simulated clients for BSW and MSW programs
Autumn 1994, Autumn 1996: Lecturer, School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago. Taught human behavior theory for MSW students
Winter/Spring 1996, Spring 1997: Lecturer, Centre for Social Welfare Professional Education, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. Taught individual-family practice to graduate social work students. Co-led field seminars; participated in curriculum design and modification
1994-1997: Consultant to faculty members, Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago. Consulted on design and use of practice simulation method in graduate practice classes. With classroom instructor, wrote and implemented grant-funded research on outcomes of practice simulation
1988-1993: Part time faculty, Social Work Program, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan. Taught core individual, family, and community practice courses, senior field seminar and human behavior theory courses
1996, Spring: Field supervisor, Centre for Social Welfare Professional Education, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. Supervised students in health, mental, health, and child welfare residential and community agency placements
1985-86 and 1982-83: Field instructor, School of Social Work, Grand Valley State University.
1992-1993: Field instructor, School of Social Work, Western Michigan University.
2008-2009: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville: Interim Department Chair. Faculty and staff development, curriculum development, scheduling for both BSW and MSW programs, fiscal officer on department budget. Liaison and reporting to College of Arts & Sciences Deans. Assisted in development and implementation of research study focusing on field instructors’ practice experiences and training needs. 3 PRACTICE
1986-1993: Mercy Hospital Psychiatric Medicine Unit, Cadillac, Michigan. Clinical social worker in adult inpatient acute care unit. Assessment of inpatients; individual, marital, and family psychotherapy; psycho-educational patient groups. Emergency after-hours on call psychiatric evaluation to Emergency Department. Coordinated “Mercy Med” program (free medications to medically indigent patients). Coordinated unit in-service education program
1983-1986: Third Level Crisis Intervention Center, Runaway and Youth Services Program, Traverse City, Michigan. Program manager for five-county family crisis intervention program. Direct services to adolescents and families, outreach, education, and consultation to schools and Courts. Supervised two full time paid staff; liaison with funding source (Michigan Department of Social Services)
1981-1982: Cadillac FACT Center (Family, Adolescent, and Child Treatment). Family counselor. Family and youth counseling, consultation services to community groups, Courts, and schools
1977-1981: Wexford County Juvenile Court, Cadillac, Michigan. Volunteer Program Coordinator and Group Counselor. Designed and implemented volunteer program serving youth probationers, including a school-based tutoring program. Group counseling with probationers
Papers Published
Tunney, K. (2007). Teaching at the intersection: A three-culture model for international social work education. In S. Borrmann, M. Klassen, & C. Spatscheck (Eds.), International social work: Social problems, cultural issues, and social work education. Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
Linsk, N., Bruce, D., Schechtman, B., Warnecke, R., Tunney, K., & Bass, M. (2005). Development and implementation of a quality improvement program for Ryan White Title I care services using a stakeholder-based model. AIDS Patient Care and STD’s, 19, 174-185.
Tunney, K., & Kulys, R. (2004). Social work field education as social development: A Lithuanian case study. Social Work in Mental Health, 2, 59-75.
Wesley, C., Tunney, K., & Duncan, E. (2004). Training needs of hospice social workers: Spiritual assessment and intervention with diverse populations. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, 21, 44-56.
Tunney, K. (2002). Learning to teach abroad: Reflections on the role of the visiting social work educator. International Social Work, 45, 435-446.
Kissman, K., & Tunney, K. (2001). Preparing students for family practice. Journal of Contemporary Family Therapy, 23, 261-273. 4 Linsk, N., & Tunney, K. (1997). Learning to care: Use of practice simulation to train health social workers. Journal of Social Work Education, 33, 473-489.
Papers In progress
Tunney, K. A question of values: Social work students’ personal values and relationships to contemporary social issues.
Tunney, K. Learning to care, revisited: Outcomes of twelve years’ experience using simulated clients in social work education.
Project Title: BSW Senior Assignment and Assessment Grant
Authors: O’Brien, G., & Tunney, K.
Funding: SIUE Provost’s Office of Undergraduate Assessment ($2,000)
Project Description: Review and evaluate BSW program assessment mechanisms, with special attention to Senior Assignment (capstone) project
Project Title: SIUE Head Start Community Needs Assessment (2006)
Authors: Brown, V., Tunney, K., & Boyd, R.
Funding: SIUE East St. Louis Head Start Center; $7,500
Project Description: Collect data and report on demographics and needs of Head Start-eligible children and families in Metro East St. Louis.
Project Title: Counselor Education: Toward More Effective Training (2002)
Author: Tunney, K.
Funding: SIUE Summer Research Fellowship; $6,000
Project Description: Analyze existing data from an earlier research project examining impact of role- play versus practice simulation on students’ counseling skills.
Project Title: Learning to Care: Innovation in Counseling Skills Training for MSW Students (2002)
Author: Tunney, K.
Funding: SIUE Excellence in Graduate Education Fund; $3,110
Project Description: Recruit, screen, train, supervise, and evaluate use of simulated clients in the advanced mental health practice class in the MSW program at SIUE. 5 Project Title: Healing the Hurt: Dialogues on Community Violence (2001)
Authors: Brown, V., and Tunney, K.
Funding: Illinois Campus Compact for Community Service; $6,413
Project Description: Explore the problem of community violence in the Metro East St. Louis area through campus-community dialogues.
Project Title: What Are They Trying to Say? Faculty-Student Perceptions of Student Writing and Feedback on Writing (2001)
Authors: McGee, S., Tunney, K., & O’Brien, G.
Funding: SIUE Multidisciplinary Grant Program; $4,779
Project Description: Conduct and analyze interviews with BSW students in regard to student perceptions of instructor feedback on written work.
Project Title: Training Needs of Hospice Social Workers: Spiritual and Religious Assessment and Intervention with Diverse Populations (2000)
Authors: Wesley, C., Tunney, K., & Duncan, E.
Funding: Illinois Campus Compact for Community Service; $2,500
Project Description: Survey a national sample of hospice social workers on roles and training needs related to spiritual and religious issues.
Project Title: Use of Practice Simulation in Social Work Education (1998)
Author: Tunney, K.
Funding: SIUE Research and Development Fund; $3,435
Project Description: Develop and implement in the BSW practice classes an experiential teaching method known as practice simulation.
October, 2010: Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting, Portland, OR: Keeping it Real: Experiential Learning with Simulated Clients
February, 2009: Alton Public Schools Conference on Youth Mental Health, Alton, Illinois. Depression, Anxiety, and Self Harm in Adolescents and Youth (with B. Duckham) 6 June, 2008: International Learning Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Use of Simulated Clients in Social Work Education
March 2008: Keynote speaker, Metro East NASW Chapter, Alton, Illinois. Bowen Theory in the Workplace
September 2007: Keynote speaker, Southern Illinois Health Care Leadership Conference, Edwardsville, Illinois. Crisis Intervention Techniques
October, 2006: Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA: Using Simulated Clients in Social Work to Promote Diversity (with S. Rakers)
February, 2006: Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting, Chicago, IL: International Social Work Education: Challenges and Lessons Learned
October, 2004: International Association of Schools of Social Work-International Federation of Social Workers, Global Conference, Adelaide, Australia: Social Work Students’ Personal Value Priorities and Relationships to Contemporary Social Issues; and Social Work Education as Field Development: A Lithuanian Case Study
May, 2004: National Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, St. Louis, Missouri: What are They Trying to Say? A Study of Social Work Students’ Responses to Feedback on Writing Skills. (Co-authored with G. O’Brien and S. McGee; presented by S. McGee)
February, 2003: Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. Finding our Voice: Social Work Education for a New World of Interprofessional Practice (with J.W. Watt; presented by Dr. Watt)
July, 2002: International Association of Schools of Social Work Conference, Montpellier, France. Social Work Field Education in Lithuania: Challenges and Responses
July, 2002: International Association of Schools of Social Work Conference, Montpellier, France. Family Caregiving in African-American Families (with C. Bentelspacher)
February, 2002: The Tennessee Conference on Social Work Education, Knoxville, Tennessee. Finding our Voice: Social Work Education for a New World of Professional Practice (with J.W. Watt)
July, 2001: Third Annual Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Tampere, Finland. Social Work Education as Social Development: A Lithuanian Case Study (with R. Kulys)
June, 2001: Classification Society of North America (CSNA) Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. Theory, Instrumentation, and Data Analysis Methods for the Study of Social Values
March, 2001: Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, Texas. Training Models for Hospice Social Workers in Regard to Spiritual-Religious Assessment and Intervention with Diverse Populations (with C. Wesley) 7 March, 2001: Missouri Western State College, Second Annual Social Work Program Institute, St. Joseph, Missouri. Critical Thinking Skills: Basic Principles and Applications to Social Work Supervision (with R. Boyd)
July, 2000: IASSW-IFSW Conference on Social Welfare, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Cultural Challenges in Teaching Social Work Abroad (plenary presentation) May, 2000: King’s College-Ontario, Conference on Death and Bereavement, London, Ontario. Models of Spiritual-Religious Assessment and Intervention (with C. Wesley).
March, 2000: Missouri Western State College, First Annual Social Work Program Institute, St. Joseph, Missouri. Critical Thinking Skills in SWK Supervision (with R. Boyd)
March, 1999: Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Developing Social Work Education in Lithuania: Political, Social, and Pedagogical Challenges (with R. Kulys)
July, 1998: International Council for Social Welfare, Annual Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel. Teaching at the Intersection: A Three-Language Model of Social Work Education in Lithuania
March, 1998: Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, Florida. The Meaning of Self-Determination: SWK Education in Lithuania (with R. Kulys)
February, 1996: Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Washington, DC. Use of Practice Simulation in Social Work Education (with N. Linsk)
October, 2008: SIUE Kimmel Leadership Center. Panel presenter on vice presidential debates and presidential election (with D. Kauzlarich and L. Mauer)
April, 2008: SIUE College of Arts & Science Colloquium. Scholarship of Service: Defining, Measuring, Improving and Rewarding Faculty Service
March, 2007: SIUE Women’s History Month. Women Pioneers in SWK (with A. Pipas)
March 2005: SIUE School of Education. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and Team Development
March 2004: SIUE Instructional Services. Appreciative Inquiry and University 112 Courses
October, 2003: SIUE Fall Faculty Symposium on General Education. Panel on General Education and accreditation in the professions
April, 2003: SIUE Board of Trustees. Invited presentation: Learning to Care: Innovations in Counseling Skills Training for Social Work Students
March 2003: SIUE General Education Committee. AI and General Education
January, 2003: SIUE Faculty Development. Collaborative Learning (with E. Lavelle) 8
Department of Social Work, SIUE
2009- on: MSW Program Director. Program development, student affairs, admissions committee process. Liaison with the Graduate School. Coordinated process for 2011- 2012 reaffirmation of accreditation self study and related matters.
2008-2009: Interim Department Chair. Budget, personnel, curriculum, faculty, student, staff development and supervision; liaison with Dean’s Office, other campus administrative and support services
2006-2008: MSW Program Director. Program development, student affairs, admissions committee process. Liaison with the Graduate School. Facilitated development of MSW curriculum change proposal, approved in 2009. Co-authored 2005-2006 self study for CSWE MSW reaffirmation
1997-2006: Multiple roles: Director of Admissions for the MSW Program (2004-2005); member and Chair of the Promotion & Tenure Committee; member of the BSW and MSW committees; liaison and advisor to graduate and undergraduate student groups; member of the Student Affairs Committee.
SIUE College of Arts & Sciences (CAS)
2002-2003: Chair, Subcommittee on Development of the CAS Planning Committee (advisory to College development office on fund-raising priorities)
1998-2002: Dean’s Scholar mentor (BSWstudent) 9 SIUE University at Large
2006-2007: Past President, Faculty Senate
Chair, Scholarship of Service Working Group: Studied ways the university could define, measure, improve and reward faculty service
2005-2006: President, Faculty Senate
Duties: Chair executive committee and full senate meetings, advocate for faculty interests with university administration; provide oversight on University Governance office staff and budget.
Member, BRIDGE Committee (formerly the Objectives Project). Steering committee for campus-wide revision of general education
Member, Intercollegiate Athletics Task Force. Explored benefits and risks of changing from Division II to Division I athletics
Member, Culture of Academic Success Task Force. Studied risk and protective factors for student retention and graduation
2004-2005: President-Elect, Faculty Senate
Member, “The Objectives Project” (formerly the Task Force on General Education Reform)
Faculty mentor, Costa Rica project. Student-faculty trip made yearly in cooperation with the Costa Rica Ministry of the Environment
2003-2004: Member, Faculty Senate
Chair, Curriculum Council of the Faculty Senate Member, SIUE Chancellor Search Committee Member, Teaching Excellence Awards Committee Member, Task Force on General Education Reform Faculty mentor, Costa Rica project
2002-2003: Member, Faculty Senate
Chair, Curriculum Council of the Faculty Senate
Panel member, “Safe Zone” training. Supports gay-lesbian faculty-student rights through education and advocacy.
2001-2002: Member, Faculty Senate
Member, Academic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP). Steering committee for initiatives related to university accreditation with North Central Association 10
Member, Curriculum Council of the Faculty Senate (appointed Chair May 2002)
Member, Group Instructional Feedback Technique (GIFT) group. Conduct focus groups with students at faculty request; consult with faculty on results
2000-2001: Member, Curriculum Council of the Faculty Senate
Service to the Community
2004: Workshop leader, SIUE Continuing Education Series for Senior Citizens. Topic: Communication and Listening Skills
1999: Focus group facilitator, Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center (MATEC). Led two focus groups with HIV-AIDS patients to explore perceptions of health care provider knowledge, skill, and sensitivity to client/patient concerns
1999: Grant reviewer, Alton Mental Health Center
Community-Based Training
July 2010: Covenant House Missouri: Workshop series for staff on youth and mental health, substance abuse, staff development, listening skills.
April 2006: Project HOPE in Lithuania: Week-long program for community based practitioners on various topics related to HIV/AIDS and psychosocial issues
January-May 1996: Kaunas, Lithuania: Child, family, and adolescent development 1995 and 1997: University of Illinois Medical Center: Continuing Education Programs for Social Workers. Various topics related to social work as a profession in medical settings
1994-1997: Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center (MATEC), Jane Addams College of Social Work, UIC: With other MATEC staff, facilitated consumer focus groups and facilitated feedback to health care providers using simulated patients
1991-1993: Mercy Hospital, Cadillac, Michigan: Coordinator of Psychiatric Medicine Unit Inservice Training Programs: Consult and present trainings for interdisciplinary team
1983-1986: Third Level Crisis Intervention Center, Traverse City, Michigan: Youth- adolescent/family development; crisis management for parents and teens
1980-1983: Cadillac Area Women’s Network and OASIS Domestic Violence Shelter, Cadillac, Michigan: Issues of interest to women (e.g., child care, domestic violence)
1977-1981: Wexford Co. Juvenile Court, Cadillac, Michigan: Youth/family issues
1975-1977: Open Door Crisis Center, Cadillac, Michigan: Crisis counseling skills for volunteers 11 Service to the Social Work Profession
2007 – on: Clinical supervision for selected persons working on social work or counseling advanced licenses
2006-2007: Dissertation Committee Member for Chuck Bright, Jane Addams College of Social Work, UIC. Dissertation topic: Clinical social workers’ attitudes toward sexual orientation conversion therapies
2007-current:Consulting Editor, Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Work
Ongoing: Member, NASW, CSWE, BPD
2004, 2011: Trained as CSWE site visitor
2002: SIUE Teaching Recognition Award
References Available on Request