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78 Golfview Crescent · Dundas, Ontario ·L9H 6T6 · Canada Phone (905) 525-9140, Ext. 22792 (work) · (905) 627-9898 (home) Fax (905) 521-8426 E Mail: Web: www.mcmaster.ca/pohem
PERSONAL Place of Birth:India Citizenship: Canadian EDUCATION 2006 D.Sc., UNIVERSITY OF WALES, United Kingdom 1969 Ph.D., UNIVERSITY OF WALES, United Kingdom 1967 M.Sc., UNIVERSITY OF WALES, United Kingdom 1966 B.Sc., (Hons) Eng., UNIVERSITY OF WALES, United Kingdom 1966 Dip. Met. Min., UNIVERSITY OF WALES, United Kingdom 1961 Dip. Eng., BIHAR STATE TECHNICAL BOARD, India 1958 B.Sc., Chemistry (1 of 2 yr Honours Degree Program completed), BIHAR UNIVERSITY, India 1957 I.Sc., BIHAR UNIVERSITY, India
CERTIFICATION 1987- R.O.H., Canada 1978-1986 Specialist, Occupational Health Engineering, Ontario, Canada 1975- C.I.H., United States 1969-1972 C.Eng., United Kingdom 1970- P.Eng., Ontario, Canada 1969- C.C.M., United Kingdom
July 2006 to Present Professor Emeritus Department of Family Medicine and Program in Occupational Health and Environmental Medicine
1990 to 2006 Professor Department of Family Medicine and Program in Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicine
1983 to 1990 Associate Professor Department of Family Medicine and Occupational Health Program 1978 to 1983 Assistant Professor Department of Family Medicine and Occupational Health Program DAVE K. VERMA 2
1978 to 2006 Director Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory
July 2005 to 2006 Acting Director and Program in Occupational Health and Environmental Medicine 1999 to 2000
July 2006 to Present Director Program in Occupational Health and Environmental Medicine
1980 to Present Associate Member Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
2003 to Present Core Member Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease (CRE-OD) University of Toronto
Feb 2007 to Present Professional Practice Leader (PPL) – Occupational Hygiene (Part-Time), Occupational Disease and Survivor Benefit Program Division, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Toronto, Ontario
2008 to Present President D.K. Verma and Associates Inc. Dundas, Ontario, Canada
1974 to 1978 GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA Section Head, Senior Occupational Hygienist Occupational Health and Safety Division
1973 to 1974 GOVERNMENT OF SASKATCHEWAN REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA Senior Occupational Hygienist Occupational Health and Safety Division
1970 to 1973 GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA Industrial Hygiene Engineer Occupational Health Branch
1969 to 1970 NATIONAL COAL BOARD SOUTH WALES, UNITED KINGDOM Scientific Technical Officer
1963 to 1969 Two years mining engineering experience in United Kingdom (during this period) DAVE K. VERMA 3
1961 to 1963 Two years engineering experience in India
. Silica and Silicosis among Hardrock Miners . Lung Dust Study (dusts, metals and fibres in workers' lungs) . Occupational and Non-Occupational Asbestos Exposures . PAHs in the Foundry Environments . Health Hazards in the Mining Environment . Occupational Hygiene Aspects of Epidemiological Studies . General Occupational Hygiene, Chemistry and Laboratory Analytical Issues . Education, Training and Professional Certification in Occupational Health and Hygiene . Diesel Exhaust and Lung Cancer among Workers . Benzene and Hydrocarbon Exposures in Petroleum Industry . Air Pollution and its effects on Utilization of Hospital Services . Metal Working Fluids Exposure in Workplaces . Mortality and Occupational Exposure in Construction Industry
2007 Recipient of American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) David L. Swift Memorial Outstanding Aerosol Paper Award for Excellence in Aerosol Research Applied to Industrial Hygiene.
2004 Recipient of American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Fellow Award.
2001 Recipient of Donald E. Cummings Memorial Award of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) given for the outstanding contribution to the knowledge and practice of Industrial Hygiene.
1999 Recipient of Meritorious Achievement Award of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygiene (ACGIH) given for the outstanding long-term contribution to the field of Occupational Health and Environmental Hygiene.
1997 Recipient of the OSH (Canada) 97 Award of Excellence for Lifetime Achievement in Occupational Safety and Health sponsored by OHS Canada Magazine and Canadian companies.
1996 Recipient of Occupational Hygiene Association of Ontario’s (OHAO) Hugh Nelson Award of Excellence in Occupational Hygiene given in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Profession and the Community. DAVE K. VERMA 4
1988 Recipient (As a member of the American Industrial Hygiene Association's (AIHA) Laboratory Accreditation Committee) of the AIHA's Edward J. Baier Technical Achievement Award given for the most significant contribution in Industrial Hygiene in recent years.
1966 to Post-graduate Research Scholarship 1969 University of Wales, United Kingdom
1966 Excelsior Ropes Prize for best honours thesis in the Department of Mineral Exploitation University of Wales, United Kingdom
1966 Excelsior Ropes Prize for best honours student in the Department of Mineral Exploitation University of Wales, United Kingdom
. American Board of Industrial Hygiene . American Academy of Industrial Hygiene . American Industrial Hygiene Association . American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists . British Occupational Hygiene Society . Occupational Hygiene Association of Ontario . Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists . Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario . Ontario Society of Professional Engineers
. Courses in Epidemiology, Statistics and Critical Appraisal; Industrial Ventilation; Toxicology; Laboratory Quality Control; Sampling Strategy; Ergonomics, Noise Control and Management Sciences; etc. . Workshops on Problem-based Learning in Small Group; Role of Tutor in Small Group Learning
. Courses taught: Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety, 1978 to present Post Graduate MS 600 Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety Post Graduate MS 752 Advanced Occupational Hygiene Certificate Program in Occupational Health Nursing, 1980 to 1997 Unit 5 M.D. Program (Tutor) . Resource to Undergraduate M.D. and Nursing Students, Postgraduate and DAVE K. VERMA 5
Residents . Thesis Reader and Co-Supervisor of M.Sc. Students . Supervisor of Post Doctoral Fellow . Member of Continuing Health Science Post Professional Education (CHSPPE) Committee, 1980 to 2003 (now known as HSEC) . Member of Evaluation Co-ordination Committee . Member of Search Committee for the Chairman of CHSPPE Committee, 1985 . Member of Search Committee for the Director of Continuing Medical Education (CME), 1986 and 1989 . Member of Search Committee for the Director of Occupational Health Program, 1988. . Member of Admission Committee for Occupational Health Program, 1979 to present . Letter Reader and Interviewer of M.D. Admission Committee . Interviewer for Rehabilitative Sciences (OT/PT) Admission Committee . Chair, Diploma Programs Committee, 1991 to 2003 . Member of Diploma Program Committee 2003 - present . Member, University’s Committee on Diploma and Certificates, 1996 to 1999 . Member, Appointments, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Dept. of Family Medicine, 1992 to present . Reviewer of Research Grant for Ontario Ministry of Labour . Reviewer of Research Grant for Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) . Reviewer of Research Grant for Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario . Reviewer of Research Grant for Worker’s Compensation Board of British Columbia . Reviewer of Research Grant for Province of Quebec. . Peer Reviewer for American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal . Peer Reviewer for Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Journal . Peer Reviewer for British Occupational Hygiene Association Journal (Annals of Occupational Hygiene) . Peer Reviewer for Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health . Peer Reviewer of several other journals . Editorial Board Member of American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 1990 to 2003 . Editorial Board Member of Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2004 - present . External Examiner for M.Sc., M.HSc. and Ph.D. Students in Industrial Hygiene for University of Toronto and McGill University . External Examiner for Ph.D. Candidates in Occupational Health of Gujrat University, India . External Reviewer of the University of Toronto's Occupational and Environmental Health Unit of Faculty of Medicine, 1986 . External Appraiser for Master of Occupational Hygiene, (MOHyg) Program of University of Toronto, 1992 . External Reviewer of the University of British Columbia’s Graduate Studies DAVE K. VERMA 6
Interdisciplinary MSc, Ph.D. Program in Occupational Hygiene, 1997
. Set up an Occupational Health Laboratory from scratch which was awarded comprehensive accreditation by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (one of the only two such facilities at that time in Canada) in 1981. It serves several hundred clients all across Canada and USA and has 12 full time employees . Director and Technical Manager of the Laboratory . Consultant Hygienist to Occupational Health Clinic, Government, International Associations, Universities and other groups . Given numerous invited talks on Occupational Health and Hygiene topics to various groups . President of the Occupational Hygiene Association of Ontario and Chairman and member of several committees, 1981 to 1982 . Member of the Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists Examination Committee, 1988 to 1998 . Chief Examiner of the Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists, 1990 to 1998 . Member of Advisory Committee for Occupational Hygiene Technology Program of Mohawk College, 1987 to 1991 . Member of the Industrial Hygiene Laboratory Accreditation Committee of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, 1986 to 1989 . Member of Asbestos Analysts Registry Group of American Industrial Hygiene Association, 1991 to 1994 . Editorial Board Member of American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 1990 to 2003 . Editorial Board Member of Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 2004 to present . Member of Scientific Advisory Board for Benzene Review Study of CONCAWE (the oil companies’ European organization for environment health and safety) Brussels, Belgium (2003 to present)
1. Principal applicant and investigator for a $58,250 (for 2 year period) grant awarded for the Lung Dust Study by the Ontario Ministry of Labour. An applied Research Grant in Occupational Health and Safety, effective date October 1979.
2. Principal investigator and applicant for a "Lung Dust Study" for a three year period, an amount of $89,900 effective October 1, 1982 was awarded by the Ontario Ministry of Labour.
3. Principal investigator for the Study of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Other Suspected Carcinogens in the Ontario Foundry Environment. (A DAVE K. VERMA 7
research grant of $30,700 was awarded to the program for this study by the Workmen's Compensation Board of Ontario in 1979). 4. Principal investigator and sole applicant for a study of Asbestos Air Pollution in Indoor Environment (e.g. schools, offices, etc.) and the outside air of Ontario. A grant of $100,000 for four years was awarded by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, effective April 1981.
5. Principal Investigator for a study of Review of Methodology used in the Reconstruction of Dust Exposures in the Early Years on INCO's Sintering and Calcining Operation. A contract in the amount of $5,000 was awarded by the Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA Inc.), 1983.
6. Member of the Research Team involved in Epidemiological and other health studies of International Nickel Company (INCO) and Falconbridge Nickel Company workers (a continuing grant of approximately $150,000 per year from the Joint Occupational Health Committee of the Company from 1978 to 1997). (Principal Investigator - Dr. David Muir).
7. Co-investigator for the study of "Relationship between Environmental Exposure and Radiological Silicosis in Hardrock Miners of Ontario". A grant of $1,050,000 for a three year study was awarded jointly by the Ontario Mining Association, the Ontario Ministry of Labour and the Ontario Workmen's Compensation Board, effective April 1983. (Principal Investigator - Dr. David Muir)
8. Co-investigator for a 1 year study "Occupational and Environmental Risk Factors for Dementia - A Pilot Study", funded jointly by the Canadian Geriatric Society ($33,500) and the Ontario Ministry of Labour ($67,000), effective 1985. (Principal Investigator - Dr. John Chong)
9. A grant of $27,000 was awarded by I.R.S.S.T., Quebec for a post doctoral fellow to study "Environmental Characterization of Size Specific PAHs in the Foundry, Coke Oven and Steel Making operations (1984-1985).
10. Co-investigator for a study "Health Hazard Assessment of Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium in Gas Mask Wear". A contract of $30,000 was awarded by the Defence Research Establishment, Ottawa (DREO), 1985. (Principal Investigator - Dr. Evert Nieboer)
11. Co-investigator for a study "Examination of the Impact of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure in Underground Mines". A contract of $24,000 was awarded by the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Government of Canada, 1985. (Principal Investigator - Dr. David Muir)
12. Principal Investigator for a research study "Method Development and Analysis of 55 Specific Hydrocarbons for the Study of Exposure to Motor DAVE K. VERMA 8
Gasoline Hydrocarbons: Air Sampling and Sample Analysis". A contract of $110,000 for a two year period was awarded by the Petroleum Association for the Conservation of Environment (PACE) Canada, 1985.
13. Principal Investigator for "The Studies of Dusts, Metals and Fibres in Urban Lung". A research grant of $188,602 for a three year study was awarded by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, effective September 1986.
14. Principal Investigator for a Study "Analysis of OPA Hydrocarbon Exposure Study". A contract of $38,500 was awarded by the Ontario Petroleum Association (OPA), 1986.
15. Co-investigator for a study "Pilot Study of Past and Present Ethylene Oxide Exposed Hospital Workers". A research grant in the amount of $143,000 for a two year study was awarded from the Ontario Ministry of Labour, 1987. (Principal Investigator - Dr. Ted Haines).
16. Principal Investigator for a Study of Hydrocarbon and Dust Exposure in a Refinery Land Reclamation Operation. A contract in the amount of $25,000 was awarded by Shell Canada Ltd. (1988).
17. Co-investigator for a study of "Neurotoxicity in Hexane Exposed Workers". A research grant of $84,000 for a three year study was awarded by the Joint Health and Safety Committee of Ball Packaging Company, 1988. (Principal Investigator - Dr. Ted Haines)
18. Principal Investigator for a Study of Nickel, Cadmium and Zinc Exposure in Hot Metal Galvanizing Operation. A contract in the amount of $18,500 was awarded by Nickel Development Institute of Canada (1988).
19. Principal Investigator for a Study of Light Hydrocarbon Dosimetry. A contract in the amount of $18,000 was awarded by the Petroleum Association for the Conservation of the Canadian Environment (PACE), 1989.
20. Co-investigator for a study "Pilot Study of Past and Present Ethylene Oxide Exposed Hospital Workers Phase II". A research grant in the amount of $132,000 for a three year study was awarded by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, 1989. (Principal Investigator - Dr. Ted Haines)
21. Co-investigator for a Study of Health and Safety Approaches in Organizations. A research contract of $202,000 was awarded for an eighteen month study by the Industrial Accident Prevention Association of Ontario (effective January 1990). (Principal Investigator - Dr. Harry Shannon)
22. Co-investigator for a Study Health Hazard Assessment of ASC/A Charcoal. A contract of $125,000 was awarded by the Defence Research Establishment, Ottawa (DREO), 1991. (Principal Investigator - Dr. Evert Nieboer) DAVE K. VERMA 9
23. Principal Investigator for a Study Health Hazard Assessment of Enhanced Protection Carbon-Method Validation and Field Trial. A contract of $45,000 for a six month period was awarded by the Defence Research Establishment Ottawa (DREO) of the Department of National Defence, Supply and Services, Canada, 1992.
24. Principal Investigator for a study "Occupational and Ambient Exposure to Benzene and Total Hydrocarbons in the Downstream Petroleum Industries and Effectiveness of Controls for Exposure at Distribution Networks". A research contract of $40,000 has been awarded by the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute, (CPPI), 1994.
25. Principal Investigator for a study "Exposure to Benzene in the Upstream Industry and the Effectiveness of Exposure Control Strategies". A research contract of $20,000 has been awarded by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), 1995.
26. Principal Investigator for a study "Benzene Exposure and Control Strategies in Petroleum Industry Using a Task-Based Approach to Sampling". A research contract of $70,000 has been awarded by the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), 1996.
27. Principal Investigator for a study "Sampling Protocols for Diesel Exhaust". A research contract of $29,800 has been awarded by Canadian National Railway Company (CN), 1996.
28. Co-investigator for a study "Infrastructure and System for Risk Assessment of Speciated Materials for Human Health". A research contract of $19,500 has been awarded by the International Council on Metals and Environment (ICME), 1996. (Principal Investigator - Dr. David Muir)
29. Principal Investigator for a study of “Adjustment of Occupational Exposure Limit for Unusual Work Schedules”. A research contract of $5,000 has been awarded by the Noranda Inc., Montreal, 1997.
30. Principal Investigator for a study of “Analysis of Task-Based Photoionization air Monitor Exposure”. A research contract of $15,000 was awarded by the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), 1997.
31. Principal Investigator for a study “A Task-Based Exposure Study of Benzene and Other Selected Hydrocarbons for the Petroleum Industry’s Truck Distribution Network–Phase II”. A research contract of $130,000 for a two year study was awarded by the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), 1997.
32. Principal Investigator for a study “Preparation of Summary Report of the Task- DAVE K. VERMA 10
based Exposure Study of Benzene and Total Hydrocarbons for the Petroleum Industry’s Truck Distribution and Retail Network”. A research contract of $6,000 was awarded by the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute, 1998.
33. Principal Investigator for a study of sampling and analysis of “Diesel in Petroleum Industry”. A research contract in the amount of $27,000 for one year study was awarded by the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (PPI), 1998.
34. Co-Principal Investigator for a study of “Cancer and Diesel Exhaust Exposure in Railroad Workers: A Feasibility Study”. A research grant of $156,000 (US) for a one year study has been awarded by the Health Effects Institute (HEI), Massachusetts – an organization jointly funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Automotive Manufacturers, 1998. (Co-Principal Investigator - Dr. Murray Finkelstein)
35. Co-Investigator for a study of "A Cohort Study of Air Quality and Utilization of Hospital Services". A research grant of $576,900 for three year study has been awarded by Health Canada, 1999. (Principal Investigator - Dr. Murray Finkelstein)
36. Co-Investigator for a study "Update of Study of Glass Fibre Workers". A research grant of $165,000 for one year study has been awarded by the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, 1999. (Principal Investigator - Dr. Harry Shannon)
37. Principal Investigator for a study of sampling and analysis of diesel fuel in Petroleum Industry Phase II. A research contract for $17,500 has been awarded by the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute, 2000.
38. Co-Investigator for a Study "Mortality, Cancer Incidence and Workplace Exposure Among Ontario Construction Workers." A research grant of $272,500 for a two-year study has been awarded by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario, 2000. (Principal Investigator - Dr.Murray Finkelstein)
39. Principal Investigator for a Study "Occupational Exposure to Metal Working Fluids: An Assessment of Analytical Methods and Size Selective Air Sampling Techniques." A research grant of $153,000 for a two-year study has been awarded by the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), 2000.
40. Principal Investigator for a Study "Labrador West Dust Study. Phase I." A research contract, $48,750 for a one-year study has been awarded by The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's Department of Environment and Labour (September 2000). DAVE K. VERMA 11
41. Principal Investigator for a Study "Occupational Exposure to Chemical, Biological and Physical Agents in Ontario Sawmills and Veneer /Plywood Plants". A research grant of $30,000 for a one-year period has been awarded by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario (2002).
42. Co-Investigator for a Research Study "Work Organization and Prevention of Illness and Injury”. A grant of $69,099 for a one-year study has been awarded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) (2003). (Principal Investigators - Dr. Harry Shannon, Dr. Wayne Lewchuk, Dr. Joy MacDermid and Dr. Muriel Westmoreland)
43. Co-applicant with 9 other co-researchers for "Centre of Research Expertise in Occupational Disease”. A grant of 2.0 million dollars over 5 years (2003- 2008) has been awarded by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board WSIB) of Ontario. (Principal Investigator - Dr. Linn Holness)
44. Co-Investigator for a research study “A Cohort Study of Mortality in relation to Intra-urban Air Pollution Variability and Traffic Exposures. A grant in the amount of $438,000 for 4 years has been awarded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) (2003). (Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Mike Jerrett and Dr. Murray Finkelstein).
45. Co-investigator for a research study “Characterization of microbial contaminants in metalworking fluids.” A grant in the amount of $281,142 for a two-year study has been awarded by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario (2004). (Principal Investigator - Dr. James Scott).
46. Principal Investigator for a research pilot study “Assessment of Occupational Exposure to Diesel Fuel.” A grant of $10,000 for one year has been awarded by the Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease” (Funded by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board on Ontario) (2004-2005).
47. An Investigator (applicant) in the Network of Centre of Excellence “Aller Gen”. An Award of 20.9 million dollars has been made by the Government of Canada for year 2005 to 2010. (Principal Applicant and Scientific Director Dr. Judah Denburgh, McMaster University).
48. Co-Investigator for a study “The Relationship between Mortality and Silica Exposure in Vermont Granite Workers.” A grant in the amount of $388,650 (US funds) has been awarded. (Principal Investigator Dr. Pam Vacek, University of Vermont, USA) for 2 ½ years study by the Crystalline Silica Panel of the American Chemistry Council (2005-2008).
49. Co-Investigator (Exposure Assessment Team) for the study “ Pooled Analysis of Petroleum Case Control Studies” ( Principal Investigator Dr . Rob Schnatter, Co- Principal Investigators: Dr Deborah Glass and Dr. Lesley Rushton). A grant in the DAVE K. VERMA 12
amount of 675.000 Euros(approximately 1 Million dollars) has been awarded by CONCAWE ( the oil companies’ European Organization for Environment Health and Safety) Brussels, Belgium ( 2006-2009).
50. Co-Investigator for a research study “Determination of Ontario Firefighter’s Exposure to Particulate, Volatile and Semi-volatile Organics during Fire Fighting Including Measurements of Air Concentrations, Skin Concentrations and PAH Metabolites in Urine.” A grant in the amount of $277,561 for a three year study has been awarded by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario (2008). (Principal Investigator – Dr. Brian McCarry).
51. Co-Investigator for a research study “Health Effects of Diesel Exhaust Exposure among Construction Operating Engineers.” A grant in the amount of $217,200 for a two year study has been awarded by the Workplace and Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario (2008). (Principal Investigator – Dr. Murray Finkelstein).
PUBLICATIONS (TOTAL= 134 : 96 PEER REVIEWED, 4 THESES, 31 RESEARCH CONTRACT REPORTS AND NON-PEER REVIEWED, 3 SUBMITTED, 8 IN PREPARATION) PEER REVIEWED (96) 1. VERMA, D.K., MIDDLETON, C.G. (1980): Occupational Exposure to Asbestos in the Drywall Taping Process, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol 41, pp 264-269.
2. VERMA, D.K., AND MIDDLETON, C.G. (1981): Occupational Exposure to Asbestos in the Ceiling and Wall Texture Process, Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol 51, pp 21-24.
3. VERMA, D.K., MUIR, D.C.F., CUNLIFFE, S., JULIAN, J.A., VOGT, J.H., ROSENFELD, J., AND CHOVIL, A. (1982): Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Ontario Foundry Environments, Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol 25, pp 17-25.
4. VERMA, D.K., MUIR, D.C.F., STEWART, M.L., JULIAN, J.A., AND RITCHIE, A.C. (1982): The Dust Content of the Lungs of Hard Rock Miners and Its Relationship to Occupational Exposure. Pathological and Radiological Findings. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol 26, pp 401-409, (Inhaled Particles V).
5. VERMA, D.K., CLARK, N.E., AND JULIAN, J.A. (1983): Methods for Sampling and Analysis of Asbestos Air Pollution in Ontario. Published in the Proceedings of Technology Transfer Conference, No. 4, Part 2 of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, (Nov 29/30, 1983) pp 544-568.
6. MCQUEEN, M.J., GREER, H., NAZIR, D.J., STRICKLAND, R.D., AND VERMA, D.K. (1983): Mercury Exposure in Acute Care Hospitals - An Evaluation. In Dimensions in Health (The Journal of the Canadian Hospital Association, February 1983, pp 22-24). DAVE K. VERMA 13
7. VERMA, D.K., CLARK, N.E., AND JULIAN, J.A. (1984): Quantification of Asbestos Air Pollution in Ontario. Published in the Proceedings of Technology Transfer Conference, No. 5, Part 2, of the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Nov 27/28 (1984), pp 741-756.
8. MUIR, D.C.F., JULIAN, J.A., SHAW, D.S., STEWART, M.L., VERMA, D.K. AND RITCHIE, A.C. (1984): The Relationship Between Lung Dust Content and Silicosis, In: Occupational Lung Disease, edited by Gee, J.B.L. et al., Raven Press, p 232.
9. VERMA, D.K. (1984): Inhalable Dust, Total Dust and Respirable Dust: A Field Study, Annals of Occ. Hygiene, Vol 25, pp 163-172.
10. VERMA, D.K., JULIAN, J.A., AND CLARK, N.E. (1984): Quantification of Asbestos Fibres for Assessing Low Dose Effects, Published in XXI International Congress in Occupational Health, Dublin, Ireland, September 9-14, 1984, p 398 (Abstract only). 11. MUIR, D.C.F., AND VERMA, D.K. (1985): Occupational and Environmental Aerosols: Characterization and Clinical Relevance, Chapter 12, in Aerosols in Medicine Principles, Diagnosis and Therapy (Moren, F., and Newhouse, M.T., and Dolovich, M. (Ed) pp 313-332, Elsevier Science Publishers, The Netherlands.
12. VERMA, D.K. (1985): The Occupational Hygienist, OH&S Canada, 1(2): p 47.
13. VERMA, D.K., AND VERRALL, A.B. (1986): Principles of Industrial Hygiene. Am Occ Health Nursing Update Series, Vol 2, No. 26, pp 1-12
14. SEBESTYEN, A., VERMA, D.K., AND MUIR, D.C.F. (1987): An Evaluation of Konimeter Performance - I. Determination of the Particle Acceptance Curves of Continuously Aspirated Konimeters Using Latex Spheres. Ann.Occ.Hyg., Vol 31, pp 441-449
15. VERMA, D.K., SEBESTYEN, A., AND MUIR, D.C.F. (1987): An Evaluation of Konimeter Performance - II. A Field Comparison of Konimeters. Ann.Occ.Hyg., Vol 31, pp 451-461
16. SHANNON, H.S., HAINES, T., BERNHOLZ, C., JULIAN, J.A., VERMA, D.K., JAMIESON, E., AND WALSH, C. (1988): Cancer Morbidity in Lamp Manufacturing Workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol 14, pp 281-290.
17. VERMA, D.K., SHANNON H.S., MUIR, D.C.F., NIEBOER, E., AND HAINES. A.T. (1988): Multi-disciplinary, Problem-based, Self-directed Training in Occupational Health. Journal of Society of Occupational Medicine, Vol 38, pp 101-104.
18. CHONG, J.P., TURPIE, I., HAINES, T., MUIR, G., FARNWORTH, H., CRUTTENDEN, K., JULIAN, J., VERMA, D.K., AND HILLER, T. (1989): Concordance of Occupational and Environmental Exposure Information Elicited from Patients with Alzheimer's DAVE K. VERMA 14
Disease and Surrogate Respondents. American Journal o f Industrial Medicine, Vol 15, pp 73-89.
19. MUIR, D.C.F., SHANNON, H.S., JULIAN, J.A., VERMA, D.K., SEBESTYEN, A., AND BERNHOLZ, C. (1989): Silica Exposure and Silicosis Among Ontario Hardrock Miners, Part I - Methodology. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 16, pp 5-11.
20. VERMA, D.K., SEBESTYEN, A., JULIAN, J.A., MUIR, D.C.F., SCHMIDT, H., BERNHOLZ, C., AND SHANNON, H.S., (1989): Silica Exposure and Silicosis Among Ontario Hardrock Miners, Part II - Exposure Estimates. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol 16, pp 13-28.
21. MUIR, D.C.F., JULIAN J.A., SHANNON, H.S., VERMA, D.K., SEBESTYEN, A., AND BERNHOLZ C. (1989): Silica Exposure and Silicosis Among Ontario Hardrock Miners, Part III - Analysis and Risk Estimates. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol 16, pp 29-43.
22. CHONG, J.P., HAINES, A.T., AND VERMA, D.K. (1989): A Pragmatic Approach to Standard Setting - The Example of Coal Tar Products and Asphalt. Ann Occup Hyg, Vol 33, pp 197-208.
23. CLARK, N., AND VERMA, D.K. (1989): A Method for Determining Asbestos Fibre Concentration in the Human Lung Using an Analytical Transmission Electron Microscope. Procec. Micros. Soc. Canada, Volume 16, pp 84-85.
24. DESTOMBE, K., VERMA, D.K., STEWART, L., AND RECZEK, E.B. (1991): Sampling and Analysis of Light Hydrocarbons (C1-C4) - A Review. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Volume 52, pp 136-144.
25. VERMA, D.K., CLARK, N.E., AND JULIAN, J.A. (1991): Asbestos Fiber Characterization Using an Analytical Transmission Electron Microscope and a Microfilm Reader. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Volume 52, pp 113-119.
26. VERMA, D.K. AND SHAW, D.S. (1991): An Evaluation of Airborne Nickel, Zinc and Lead Exposure at Hot Dip Galvanizing Plants. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Volume 52, pp 511-515.
27. SHAW, M.L., VERMA, D.K. AND FERGUSON, K.L. (1991): The Influence of Flame Conditions in the Analysis of Chromium by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry and the Evaluation of Chromium Contamination of the Sampling Filters. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Journal, Volume 6, pp 1027-1031.
28. VERMA, D.K., SEBESTYEN, A., JULIAN, J.A., AND MUIR, D.C.F. (1992): Field Comparison of Respirable Dust Samplers. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, DAVE K. VERMA 15
Volume 36, pp 23-34.
29. VERMA, D.K., JULIAN, J.A., ROBERTS, R.S., MUIR, D.C.F., JADON, N., AND SHAW, D.S. (1992): Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): A Possible Cause of Lung Cancer Mortality Among Nickel/Copper Smelter and Refinery Workers, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 53, pp 317-325.
30. VERMA, D.K., SASS-KORTSAK, A., AND GAYLOR, D.H. (1992): Evaluation of Professional Competency in Occupational Hygiene in Canada, J. UOEH, Vol. 24, Supplement, pp 417-424.
31. VERMA, D.K., SHAW, D.S., AND MCLEAN, J.D. (1992): An Evaluation of Airborne Concentrations of Selected Hydrocarbons at an Oil Refinery Land Reclamation Operation. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol. 36, pp 307-315
32. VERMA, D.K., JULIAN, J.A., BEBEE, G., CHENG, W.K., HOLBORNE, K., AND SHAW, L. (1992): Hydrocarbon Exposure at Petroleum Bulk Terminals and Agencies. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 53, pp 645-656.
33. VERMA, D.K., SEBESTYEN, A., JULIAN, J.A. AND MUIR, D.C.F. (1992): Comparison of Two Methods of Sampling and Analysis for Free Crystalline Silica -Quartz. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Journal, Vol 7, 758-763.
34. SHANNON, H., WALTERS, V., LEWCHUK, W., RICHARDSON, J., VERMA, D., HAINES, A.T. AND MORAN, L.A. (1992): Organizational Correlates of Work-Related Disability. In: 9th International Symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health, Sept. 23-25, 1992., p. 169, Cincinnati, USA (Abstract).
35. MUIR, D.C.F. AND VERMA, D.K. (1993): Occupational and Environmental Aerosols: Characterization and Clinical Relevance. Chapter 16, in Aerosols in Medicine, Principles, Diagnosis and Therapy [Moren, F., Dolovich, M.B., Newman, S.P., and Newhouse, M.T., (Eds)], pp 401-423 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., The Netherlands.
36. VERMA, D.K., MALIK, O.P., AND DANDEKAR, S. (1993): Recent Trends in Occupational Health and Safety in Canada. Proceedings of XIII World Congress on Occupational Safety and Health, held in New Delhi, India (April 4 - 8, 1993), pp 968 (abstract only).
37. VERMA, D.K., SEBESTYEN, A., JULIAN, J.A., MUIR, D.C.F., SHAW, D.S. AND MACDOUGALL, R. (1994): Particle Size Distribution of an Aerosol and its Sub- Fractions. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol. 38, pp 45-58.
38. VERMA, D.K., SASS-KORTSAK, A., AND GAYLOR, D. (1994): Evaluation of Professional Competency in Occupational Hygiene in Canada - The CRBOH Program. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 55, 364-369. DAVE K. VERMA 16
39. CLARK, N.E., VERMA, D.K., AND JULIAN, J.A. (1995): Determination of the Variability in Elemental Composition of Fibres by Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol. 39, pp 79-88.
40. VERMA, D.K., AND CLARK, N.E. (1995): Relationships Between Phase Contrast Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy Results from Samples Occupationally Exposed to Airborne Chrysotile Asbestos. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 56, pp 866-873.
41. WALTERS, V., LEWCHUCK, W., RICHARDSON, R.J., MORAN, L.A., HAINES, T., AND VERMA, D. (1995): Judgements of Legitimacy Regarding Occupational Health and Safety. In Corporate Crime: Contemporary Debates. Pearce, F. and Snider, L., (Eds), pp 284-301, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada.
42. VERMA, D.K., SASS-KORTSAK, A., AND GAYLOR, D. (1995): Professional Certification in Occupational Hygiene in Canada. Proceedings of International Occupational Hygiene Association Conference held in Hong Kong, November 16-18, 1994.
43. SHANNON, H.S, WALTERS, V., LEWCHUK, W., RICHARDSON, J., MORAN, L.A., HAINES, T. AND VERMA, D.K. (1996): Workplace Organizational Correlates of Lost Time Accident Rates in Manufacturing. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol. 29, pp 258-268.
44. VERMA, D.K. (1996): Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives and Trends in Canada in Particular in Ontario. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol. 40, pp 477-485.
45. VERMA, D.K. PAGOTTO, J., SHAW, D.S., DESTOMBE, K. AND NIEBOER, E. (1998): Assessment of Triethylamine and Diethylamine Emission from Military Gas Mask Canisters. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol 42, pp 325-330.
46. MUIR, D.C.F. AND VERMA, D.K.(1998): Evaluation of the Workplace for Suspected Occupational Asthma. Seminars in Asthma Management, Vol 2, pp 10-15.
47. VERMA, D.K. AND DESTOMBE, K., (1999): Measurement of Benzene in the Workplace and Its Evolution Process, Part I: Overview, History and Past Methods. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol 60, pp 38-47.
48. VERMA, D.K. AND DESTOMBE, K., (1999): Measurement of Benzene in the Workplace and Its Evolution Process, Part II: Present Methods and Future Trends. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol 60, pp 48-56.
49. VERMA, D.K., SMOLYNEC, K. AND SHAW, M.L. (1999): A Comparison of Methods for Assessing Occupational Exposure to Diesel Exhaust in Railroad Work Environment. In 1999 American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, June 5 - 11, Toronto, Canada, PP13 (Book of Abstract). DAVE K. VERMA 17
50. VERMA, D.K., SAUNDERS, G. AND CHENG, F. (1999): Evaluation of Photovac Snapshot Portable Gas Chromatograph and the Dräger Chip Measurement System (CMS) Monitor for Benzene in Air Measurements. In 1999 American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, June 5 - 11, Toronto, Canada, PP15 (Book of Abstract).
51. VERMA, D.K., SHAW, L., JULIAN, J., SMOLYNEC, K., WOOD, C AND SHAW, D. (1999): A Comparison of Sampling and Analytical Methods for Assessing Occupational Exposure to Diesel Exhaust in Railroad Work Environment. Applied Occupational & Environmental Hygiene Journal, Vol 14, pp 701-714.
52. VERMA, D.K., CHENG, W.K., SHAW, D.S., SHAW, L., DUMSCHAT, R., MULLIGAN, S. (2000): Canadian Petroleum Industry's Task-Based Benzene and Total Hydrocarbon Exposure Assessment Study. In 2000 International Scientific Conference of the International Occupational Hygiene Association, Cairns, Australia (abstract only).
53. VERMA, D.K., JOHNSON, D.M. AND MCLEAN, J. (2000): Benzene and Total Hydrocarbons in the Upstream Petroleum Industry. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol 61, pp 255-263.
54. VERMA, D.K. (2000): Adjustment of Occupational Exposure Limits for Unusual Work Schedules. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol 61, pp 367-374.
55. ALLAN, L.M., VERMA, D.K., YANG, F., CHAU, Y.K., AND MAGUIRE, R.J. (2000): A Method for Analysis of Butyltin Chlorides in Air by Gas Chromatography with Atomic Emission Detection. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 61, pp 820-824.
56. VERMA, D.K., JOHNSON, D.M., SHAW, L., AND DESTOMBE, K. (2001): Benzene and Total Hydrocarbons Exposures in the Downstream Petroleum Industries. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 62, pp 176-194.
57. FINKELSTEIN, M.M. AND VERMA, D.K. (2001): Exposure Estimation in the Presence of Non-detectable Values: Another Look. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 62, pp 195-198.
58. ROELS, H.A., ORTECA, M.I., CEULMANS, E., MAYERSON, B.S., VERMA, D.K. AND COHEN, H.J. (2001): No-observed Adverse Effects Level for Early Psychomotor Dysfunction in Workers Exposed to Manganese Dioxide. In the Ninth International Ferroalloys Congress and the Manganese 2001 Health Issue Symposium. June 3-6, 2001, Quebec City, Canada Page 628 (Book of Abstracts).
COHEN, H.J. (2001): Validation of the Current ACGIH TLV-TWA for Inhalation Exposure to Manganese. Neurotoxicology, Vol.22, Page 514 (Abstract only)
60. VERMA, D.K. (2001): Silica, Silicosis and Lung Cancer: An Industrial Hygiene Perspective. (Cummings Memorial Award Lecture). In 2001 American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (June 2-7, 2001), New Orleans, L.A. Page 71 (Abstract only).
61. VERMA, D.K. AND SHAW, D.S. (2001): A Comparison of International Silica ( quartz) Calibration Standard by Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectrophotometry. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol. 45, pp 429-435.
62. VERMA, D.K., SAUNDERS, G.A., CHENG, W.K. (2001): An Evaluation of Photovac Snapshot Portable Gas Chromatograph and the Dräger Chip Measurement System Monitor for Benzene in Air Measurements. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Journal, Vol. 16, pp 832-840.
63. VERMA, D.K.. AND DESTOMBE, K. (2002): Benzene in Gasoline and Crude Oil: Occupational and Environmental Implications. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 63, pp 225-230.
64. VERMA, D.K.. PURDHAM, J.T. AND ROELS, H.A.. (2002): Translating Evidence about Occupational Conditions into Strategies for Prevention. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (previously known as British Journal of Industrial Medicine), Vol. 59, pp 205-214.
65. FINKELSTEIN, M.M. AND VERMA, D.K.. (2002): Cancer Risk from Diesel Exhaust in the Canadian Railroad Industry: A Feasibility Study. In: HEI Special Report: Research Direction to Improve Estimate of Human Exposure and Risk from Diesel Exhaust. Health Effects Institute, Boston, MA. pp 81-111.
66. SHAW, L., VERMA, D. FERGUSON, K. (2002): A Sampling and Analytical Method for Diesel Fuel in a Diesel/Gasoline Environment. In 2002 American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, June 1-6, San Diego, U.S.A. pp 20 in Book of Abstracts (Abstracts only).
67. KURTZ, L., VERMA, D., FINKELSTEIN, M., SAHAI, D AND DEWITT, J. (2002): Mortality Cancer Incidence and Workplace Exposure Among Ontario Construction Workers. In 2002 American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, June 1-6, San Diego, U.S.A. pp 55 in Book of Abstracts (Abstracts only).
68. VERMA, D.K., JOHNSON, D.M. AND DESTOMBE K. (2002):A Method for Determining Crystalline Silica in Bulk Samples by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol. 46, pp. 609-615.
Diesel Exhaust Exposure in the Canadian Railroad Work Environment. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Journal, Vol. 18, pp 26-34.
70. KURTZ, L.A., VERMA, D.K.. AND SAHAI, D. (2003): Coal Tar Pitch Volatiles and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Exposures in Expansion Joint Making Operation on a Construction Site - A Case Study. Applied Occupational and Environmental Journal, Vol. 18, pp 545-552.
71. VERMA, D.K., RITCHIE, A.C. AND SHAW, M.L. (2003): Measurement of Beryllium in Lung Tissues of a Chronic Beryllium Disease Case and Cases with Sarcoidosis. Occupational Medicine, Vol. 53, pp. 223-227.
72. FINKELSTEIN, M.M., JERRETT, M., DELUCA, P., FINKELSTEIN, N, VERMA, D.K., CHAPMAN, K. AND SEARS, M.R. (2003): Relation between Income, Air Pollution and Mortality: A Cohort Study. Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol. 169, pp. 397-402.
73. VERMA, D.K., KURTZ, L.A., SAHAI, D. AND FINKELSTEIN, M.M. (2003): Current Chemical Exposures Among Ontario Construction Workers. Applied Occupational Environmental Hygiene Journal, Vol. 18, pp. 1031-1047.
74. VERMA, D.K.. SAHAI, D., KURTZ, L.A., AND FINKELSTEIN, M.M., (2004): Current Manmade Mineral Fibres (MMMF) Exposures Among Ontario Construction Workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 1, pp. 306- 318.
75. FINKELSTEIN, M.M., VERMA, D.K., SAHAI, D. AND STEFOV, E. (2004): Ischemic Heart disease Mortality among Heavy Equipment Operators exposed to Diesel Exhaust. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Vol. 46, pp. 16-22.
76. FINKELSTEIN, M.M AND VERMA, D.K. (2004): A Cohort Study of Mortality Among Ontario Pipe Trade Workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 61, pp. 736-742.
77. VERMA, D.K, SHAW, D.S., SHAW, L. AND MCCOLLIN, S. (2004): Metalworking Fluids (MWFS): An Assessment of Analytical Methods, Size Selective Air Sampling Techniques and Airborne Occupational Exposure. Presented at Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s Research Advisory Council (WSIB- RAC) (Ontario) “Solutions for Workplace Change Conference – Nov 18, 2004, Toronto, ON.” (Abstract and Poster).
78. FINKELSTEIN, M.M. , VERMA, D.K, KURTZ, L.A., SAHAI, D., DEWITT, J. AND STEFOV,E. (2004): Mortality, Cancer Incidence and Workplace Exposures Among Ontario Construction Workers. Presented at Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s Research Advisory Council (WSIB-RAC) (Ontario) “Solutions for Workplace Change Conference – Nov 18, 2004, Toronto, ON.” (Abstract and Poster). DAVE K. VERMA 20
79. VERMA, D.K.. CHENG, W.F., SHAW, D.S., SHAW, M.L., VERMA, P., JULIAN, J.A., DUMSCHAT, R.E. AND MULLIGAN, S.J.P. (2004): A Simultaneous Job and Task- based Exposure Evaluation of Petroleum Tanker Drivers to Benzene and Total Hydrocarbons. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 1, pp 725-737.
80. FINKELSTEIN, M.M. AND VERMA, D.K. (2005): Mortality Among Ontario members of the International Union of Bricklayer and Allied Craft Workers: American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol. 47, pp 4-9.
81. VERMA, D.K AND SHAW, D.S. (2005): Comparison of Crystalline Silica (-Quartz) Calibration Standards NIST-SRM 1878 and NIST-SRM 1878a by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol 49, pp 359-361.
82. VERMA, D.K., SAHAI, D., KURTZ, L.A., FINKELSTEIN, M.M. (2005): Authors’ Reply to Letter by Tom Walters “R Exposure Data”. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 2, pp. D13-D15.
83. SHANNON, H.S., MUIR, A., HAINES, T., VERMA, D.K. (2005): Mortality and Cancer Incidence in Ontario Glass Fibre Workers. Occupational Medicine, Vol. 55, pp.528-534..
84. VERMA, D.K., SHAW, D.S., SHAW, M.L., VERMA, P., JULIAN, J.A. , CHENG, W.K., DUMSCHAT, R.E., AND MULLIGAN, S.J.P. (2005): A Simultaneous Job and Task-Based exposure Evaluation of Petroleum Tanker Drivers. Published in the Proceedings of the 6th International Occupational Hygiene Association’s Scientific Conference (Sept. 19- 23, 2005) South Africa. Paper #R1-5, 9 pages.
85. VERMA, D.K. AND SHAW, D.S. (2005): A Comparison of International Silica (α- quartz) Calibration Standards by Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectrophotometry. Presented at the 6th International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) Conference (Sept 19-23, 2005) in Africa. Published with Proceedings (Abstract and Poster #8).
86. VERMA, D.K., JOHNSON D.M. AND DES TOMBE, K. (2005): A method for determining crystalline silica in bulk samples by Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectrophotometry. Presented at the 6th International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) Conference (Sept 19-23, 2005) in South Africa. Published with Proceedings (Abstract and Poster #9).
87. VERMA, D.K., FINKELSTEIN, M.M., KURTZ, L.A., SAHAI, D., DEWIT, J. AND STEFOV, E. (2005): A Mortality, Cancer Incidence and Workplace Exposures among Ontario Construction Workers. Presented at the 6th International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) Conference (Sept 19-23, 2005) in South Africa. Published with Proceedings (Abstract and Poster #10). DAVE K. VERMA 21
88. ARMSTRONG, T.W.; CALDWELL, D.J AND VERMA, D.K. (2005): ): Occupational Exposure Limits: An Approach and Calculation Aid for Extended Work Schedule Adjustments. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. Vol. 2, pp.600- 607.
89. VERMA, D.K.; SHAW, D.S.; SHAW, M.L.; JULIAN, J.A.; MCCOLLIN, S.; DES TOMBE, K. (2006) : An Evaluation of Analytical Methods, Air Sampling Techniques and Airborne Occupational Exposure to Metalworking Fluids. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. Vol. 3, pp. 53-66.
90. VERMA, D.K.; FERGUSON, K.; MCCOLLIN, S.; SHAW, L.; DES TOMBE, K; ASHLEY, K (COLUMN EDITOR) (2006): A P.C.-Based Quality Control (QC) Program for an Industrial Hygiene Laboratory. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 3, pp. D56-66.
91. VERMA, D.K. (2007): Relationships between Inhalable, Thoracic and Respirable Aerosols of Metalworking fluids. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 4, PP 266-271.
92. VERMA, D.K.; SHAW, D.S.; SHAW, M.L.; JULIAN, J.A.; MCCOLLIN, S.; DES TOMBE K. (2008): Assessing Occupational Exposure to Metalworking Fluids. Published in the Book of Program and Abstract of the 7th International Occupational Hygiene Scientific Conference (18-22 February 2008) Taipei, Taiwan. Pp. 89-90. (Abstract)
93. BECKERMAN, B.; JERRET, M.; BROOK, J.R.; VERMA, D.K.; ARAIN, M.A.; FINKELSTEIN, M. (2008): Correlation of Nitrogen Dioxide with other Traffic Pollutants near a Major Expressway. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 42, pp 275-290.
94. VERMA, D.K, RITCHIE A.C. AND MUIR D.C.F (2008): Dust Content of Lungs and its Relationships to Pathology , Radiology and Occupational Exposure in Ontario Hardrock Miners. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol. 51, pp 524-531.
95. JERRETT, M., FINKELSTEIN, M., BROOKS,J.,ARAIN,A.., KANAROGLOU, P., STEIB, D., GILBERT, N., VERMA, D.K., FINKELSTEIN, N., CHAPMAN, K., AND SEARS,M. (2009): A Cohort Study of Traffic-related Air-Pollution and Mortality in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Environmental Health Perspective. Vol. 117, pp 772-777
96. GLASS, D.C.; ARMSTRONG, T.W.; PEARLMAN, E.D.; VERMA, D.K.; SCHNATTER, A.R.; RUSHTON, L. (2009): Ensuring comparability of benzene exposure estimates across three nested case-control studies in the petroleum industry in support of a pooled epidemiology analysis. ( In press) Chem. Biol. Interact (2009) doi 10. 10/16 cbi 2009. 11. 003 DAVE K. VERMA
THESES (4) 97. VERMA, D.K. (2005): Occupational and Environmental Health Studies. D.Sc. Thesis, University of Wales, U.K., 1100 pages. (Three volumes containing 74 papers and 3 research grant reports).
98. VERMA, D.K. (1969): Comminution of Rocks: A Laboratory Study of Relationships between Standard Rock Properties and Comminution Mechanism. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wales, U.K., 180 pages.
99. VERMA, D.K. (1967): An Investigation of Factors Affecting the Shape of Micro- Comminution Products of Rocks and Minerals. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Wales, U.K., 95 pages.
100.VERMA, D.K. (1966): Underground Transport of Men and Materials with Special Reference to Material Handling. B.Sc. (Hons) Thesis, University of Wales, U.K., 106 pages.
101.VERMA, D.K. (1970-1978): Several hundred unpublished reports covering various aspects of Occupational Hygiene and Health related field investigations and literature reviews prepared for the Governments of Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
102.VERMA, D.K. (1983): A Review of Methodology Used in the Reconstruction of Dust Exposures in the Early Years of Inco's Sintering and Calcining Operations. A research report submitted to Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA Inc.), 38 pages.
103.NIEBOER, E., VERMA, D.K., AND EASSON, I. (1985): Health Hazard Assessment of Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium in Gas Mask Wear. A Research Contract Report to Defence Research Establishment, Ottawa (DREO), 51 pages.
104.CHONG, J.P., HAINES, T., VERMA, D.K., AND MUIR, D.C.F. (1985): Health Effects of Coal Tar Products and Bitumens. A Contract Report to Ontario Ministry of Labour, 254 pages.
105.MUIR, D.C.F., AND VERMA, D.K. (1986): Examination of the Impact of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure in Underground Mines. A Research Contract Report to the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Government of Canada, 61 pages.
106.VERMA, D.K. (1987): Indoor Air and Human Health. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Vol. 20, pp 317-318 (Book Review).
BERNHOLZ, C. (1987): Ontario Petroleum Study Final Report (A Research Contract Report), 120 pages.
108.VERMA, D.K. (1987): Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Asbestos Air Pollution in Ontario. A final research report submitted to Ontario Ministry of Environment, 70 pages.
109.DESTOMBE, K., VERMA, D.K., STEWART, L. (1989): Light Hydrocarbon Dosimetry. A Critical Review of Sampling Methodology. A contract research report submitted to the Petroleum Association for the Conservation of Canadian Environment (PACE) (73 pages). Also published as PACE Report #90-2.
110.SHANNON, H.S., WALTERS, V., LEWCHUK, W., RICHARDSON, J., VERMA, D., HAINES, T., AND MORAN, L.A. (1992): Health and Safety Approaches in the Workplace. A research report submitted to Industrial Accident Prevention Association (IAPA) of Ontario (386 pages).
111.NIEBOER, E., BRYANT, D.W., AND VERMA, D.K. (1992): Toxicological Profile for Di-N-Propylamine, Diisopropylamine, Piperidine, Triethylamine and Triethylenediamine. A Research contract report to Defence Research Establishment, Ottawa, 105 pages.
112.VERMA, D.K., SHAW, D.S., DESTOMBE, K., LINKERT, L.M., JOHNSON, D.M., SHAW, M.L., NIEBOER, E. (1994): Health Hazard Assessment of Airborne Exposure to Triethylamine and Diethylamine during Enhanced Protection Carbon Respirator Wear and the Laboratory Validation of the Sampling and Analytical Methods. A Research Contract report submitted to Defence Research Establishment Ottawa (DREO), 108 pages.
113.VERMA, D.K., JOHNSON, D.M., AND SHAW, M.L. (1995): Occupational and Ambient Exposure to Benzene and Total Hydrocarbons in the Downstream Petroleum Industries and Effectiveness of Controls for Exposure at Distribution Networks. A Contract Research Report submitted to the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), 206 pages.
114.JULIAN, J.A. AND VERMA, D.K. (1995): Statistical Summary of the Imperial Oil Data Collected as Part of the CPPI Study of Hydrocarbon Exposures at Service Centres. A contract report submitted to Imperial Oil Ltd., 80 pages.
115.VERMA, D.K., JULIAN, J.A. AND MUIR, D.C.F. (1996): Infrastructure and Systems for Risk Assessment of Metal and Metal Compounds on Human Health. A contract report submitted to the International Council on Metals and the Environment (ICME), 62 pages.
116.VERMA, D.K., AND JOHNSON, D.M. (1997): Literature Review of Exposure to Benzene and Total Hydrocarbons in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry and the Effectiveness of Exposure Control Strategies. A research contract report submitted DAVE K. VERMA PAGE 24
to Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), 89 pages.
117.VERMA, D.K., SHAW, M.L., WOOD, C., SHAW, D. AND JULIAN, J.A. (1997): A Comparison of Sampling and Analytical Methods for Assessing Occupational Exposure to Diesel Exhaust at CN Rail. A research contract report submitted to Canadian National (CN) Railway, 104 pages.
118.VERMA, D.K., SHAW, D.S., SHAW, L., VERMA, P., SPRUCE, L. AND JULIAN, J.A. (1997): A Task-Based Exposure Study of Benzene and Other Hydrocarbons at a Petroleum Bulk Terminal, Agency and Service Station. A contract report submitted to Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), 78 pages.
119.VERMA, D.K. (1997): Adjustment of Occupational Exposure Limits for Unusual Work Schedules. A contract report submitted to Noranda Inc., Montreal, 55 pages.
120.VERMA, D.K., SHAW, D.S., SHAW, L. AND VERMA, P. (1997): Analysis of Task- Based Photoionization Air Monitor Exposure Data Collected at Two of the Petroleum Industry’s Truck Distribution and Retail Network Locations in Southern Ontario. A contract report submitted to the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), 115 pages.
121.SAUNDERS, G.S. AND VERMA, D.K. (1998): Evaluation of Photovac Snapshot GC and Dräger CMS Monitor for Benzene in Air Measurements. A report to Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), 56 pages.
122.ALLEN, L.M., AND VERMA, D.K., YANG, F., CHAU, Y.K., AND MAGUIRE, R.J. (1998): Evaluation of Extraction Procedure for the Analyses of Butyltin Compound in Air. A National Water Research Institute (NWRI Contribution #98- 030) Research Report, 13 pages.
123.FINKELSTEIN, M.M. AND VERMA, D.K. (2000): Cancer and Diesel Exhaust Exposure in Railroad Workers: A Feasibility Study. A research report to the Health Effects Institute, Massachusetts, 145 pages.
124.VERMA, D.K., SHAW, D., SHAW, L., VERMA, P., SPRUCE, L. AND JULIAN, J. (2000): A task-based exposure study of benzene and total hydrocarbons for the Petroleum Industry's Bulk Distribution Terminal Truck Driver Exposures. A contract research report to Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), 40 pages.
125.VERMA, D.K., SHAW, L. AND FERGUSON, K. (2000): A study of methods of analysis of diesel fuel for the Petroleum Industry's Truck Distribution and Retail Network. A contract research report to Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), 102 pages.
126.VERMA, D.K., FINKELSTEIN, M.M, KURTZ, L.A., SHAW, D.S., MUIR, D.C.F. AND JULIAN, J.A. (2002): Labrador West Dust Study. Phase 1. Final Report. A research contract report submitted to the Government of Newfoundland, 86 pages. DAVE K. VERMA PAGE 25
127.FINKELSTEIN, M.M., VERMA, D.K., KURTZ, L.A., SAHAI, D., DEWIT, J., STEFOV, E. (2002): Mortality, Cancer Incidence and Workplace Exposures Among Ontario Construction Workers: Part 1: Occupational Exposures. A research grant report submitted to Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario, 84 pages.
128.FINKELSTEIN, M.M., VERMA, D.K., CHAPMAN, K., SEARS, M.R. (2002): A Cohort Study of Hospitalization and Mortality in relation to Air Pollution. Final research grant report for Toxic Substance Research Initiative (TSRI), Project #142 to the Government of Canada, Ottawa, 55 pages.
129.VERMA, D.K., SHAW, D.S., SHAW M.L. AND MCCOLLIN, S. (2003): Metalworking Fluids (MWFs): An Assessment of Analytical Methods, Size Selective Sampling Techniques and Airborne Occupational Exposure. A research grant report submitted to Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario, 116 pages.
130.VERMA, D.K., DEMERS, C., FINKELSTEIN, M.M., SHAW D.S., KURTZ, L.A., VERMA, P., WELTON, T. (2007): Occupational Exposure to Chemical, Biological and Physical Agents in Ontario Sawmill and Veneer/Plywood Plants. A research grant report submitted to Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario, 140 pages.
131.VACEK, P.M., VERMA, D.K., GRAHAM, W.G., and GIBBS, G.W (2009): A study of Relationships between Mortality and Silica Exposure in the Vermont Granite Industry. A research Grant report submitted to the Crystalline Silica Panel of American Chemistry Counsel, 76 pages.
1. VACEK, P.M.; VERMA, D.K.; GRAHAM W.G.; CALLAS, P.; GIBBS, G.W. (2009): Mortality in Vermont Granite Workers and its Association with Silica Exposure. Has been submitted to Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
2. SU, J.G.; JERRETT, M., BECKERMAN, B., VERMA, D, ARAIN, A.; KANAROGLOU, P.; STEIB, D.; FINKELSTEIN, M., BROOK, J. (2009) A land use regression model predicting ambient volatile organic compound concentrations. Has been submitted to the Atmospheric Environment.
3. VERMA, D.K.;DEMERS, C.; SHAW, D.; VERMA, P.; KURTZ. L.; FINKELSTEIN, M.; DESTOMBE, K.;AND WALTON, T. (2010): Occupational exposure to wood dust and Noise in Ontario Sawmills and Vaneer/Plywood Plants: A pilot study. Has been submitted to the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
1. VERMA, D.K., (2010-2011): Silica, Silicosis and Lung Cancer - An Industrial Hygiene Perspective. Will be submitted to the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. DAVE K. VERMA PAGE 26
2. JULIAN, J.A. AND VERMA D.K. (2010-2011): A Program to Generate Descriptive Statistics for an Industrial Hygiene Data Set. Will be submitted to the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.
3. VERMA, D.K., ET AL. (2010-2011): Lead, Cadmium and Zinc in the Lungs of Hard Rock Miners and its Relationship to Occupational Exposures and Radiological and Pathological Findings. Will be submitted to the Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health.
4. VERMA, D.K., ET AL. (2010-2011): Asbestos in the Lungs. Will be submitted to Journal of Occupational Medicine.
5. VERMA, D.K., ET AL. (2010-2011): Inhalable Dust and Total Dust - A Review. Will be submitted to Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.
6. VERMA, D.K., ET AL. (2010-2011): Asbestos Exposure during Spraying of Asbestos for Insulation, Fireproofing and Texturing. Will be submitted to Annals of Occupational Hygiene.
7. VERMA, D.K., ET AL. (2010-2011): Inhalable Dust and Total Dust Exposures in a Veneer/Plywood Plant. Will be submitted to Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.
8. VERMA, D.K., ET AL. (2010-2011): Retrospective Exposure Assessment for a study of relationships between mortality and Silica Exposure in the Vermont Granite Industry. Will be submitted to Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
January, 2010.