Schedule of Assignments
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Summer 2011
Beginning Algebra - Part 1
MATH 0920 – Section 1A
3.0 credit hours Tuesday – Thursday; 11:00am-12:30pm Elkhorn Valley Campus - Room 106
Instructor: Michael Flesch 289-1358 [email protected]
Metropolitan Community College
Course Syllabus 2011 - Summer Quarter
Metropolitan Community College 1 Title: - Beginning Algebra Part 1 Prefix/Section - MATH 0920 – Section 1A Credit Hours: - 3.0 Begins/Ends/No-Class Days - Tuesday, June 8th to Thursday., Aug. 11th No Classes @MCC – (College closed): Monday, July 4th, 2011
Meeting Day/Time - Tuesday & Thursday, 11:00am-12:30pm Last Day to Withdraw - Wed., July 27th Delivery Type - Classroom Class Location - EVC-106 Lab Location - no scheduled labs, but there are free Math Centers available at FOC, SOC, EVC & SRP
Instructor’s Name - Michael Flesch Office Location - EVC-156 - Arrangements may be made to meet with instructor by appointment &/or during office hours. Office Telephone 402- 289-1358 Office Hours - MTWTh: 1:00pm to 3:00pm @ EVC-156. Email Address - [email protected] Faculty Website - Academic Program Area: - Mathematics Dean of Math & Science EVC – Room 108 – Brad Morrison - ***Please see the “Process for Grade Appeals and Academic Concerns” as stated in the College Catalog under Academic Information. If possible, please discuss concerns with the instructor before contacting the Dean’s office.
Course Description:
This course is designed for the student who needs to learn basic algebra skills. Required topics include positive and negative real numbers, solving linear equations and applications of linear equations.
Course Prerequisites:
Successful completion of MATH 0910 or MCC Placement Test.
Course Objectives:
Metropolitan Community College 2 Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Add, subtract, multiply and divide positive and negative real numbers. 2. Solve linear equations and linear inequalities. 3. Solve application problems requiring linear equations with one variable.
Required and Supplemental Materials:
Required Text:
Title: Elementary Algebra for College Students
Edition: 8th Edition (2011); Author: Allen R. Angel; Publisher: Prentice Hall;
ISBN# 9780321620934; Estimated Cost: NEW:$174.75 - USED:$131.25 - RENTAL:$85.19
Supplemental Materials:
The textbook, a notebook, #2 pencils, and a straight-edge ruler are required. No calculators will be allowed while taking the Test over Chapter 1. It is suggested that the student make use of the supplemental Student Solutions Manual TITLE: Elementary Algebra etc (SSM) - AUTHOR: Angel - EDITION:8th COPYRIGHT YEAR: 2011 - PUBLISHER: Pearson Education - ISBN: 9780321653130 - NEW:$37.50 - USED:$28.25 - RENTAL:$18.28 A receipt is required to return book(s) to MCC bookstore
Course Structure:
Lecture, problem solving, homework review, group discussion, special assignments are assigned during the quarter . The Math Center may be very helpful for review, topic reinforcement, homework assistance, and problem-solving support.
Homework, quizzes, tests, attendance, and participation in class.
In Class Worksheets/Quizzes may be given with or without prior notice at any time and scores will contribute to the final grade. Tests will be scheduled and
Metropolitan Community College 3 given on a periodic basis to assess student understanding levels and to contribute to the final grade.
All quizzes and tests may include material from any part of the course to date. The Final Exam will, of course, be cumulative and comprehensive in scope.
Homework/Class work will be turned during each period as directed by your instructor.
At least six (3) in-class, closed-book exams, covering all the required objectives will be administered to the students individually. The student must obtain a minimum of 80% on each of these in-class exams to earn a passing grade. The student may retake any of the exams, except the final exam, on which he/she scores less than 80%. A test must be retaken within ten days of the original test date if the first score was below the 80% mastery level. In general, a test may be retaken only once. A total of two retests will be allowed for any student during the quarter.
P – Passing grade: This grade indicates that the student has earned a minimum of 80% on each of the required exams. The homework and attendance grades must be above 80%.
R – Re-enroll: This grade indicates that the student has not mastered all of the material, but has made significant progress toward mastering the course objectives.
F – Indicates failure. This grade indicates that significant progress has not been made toward mastering the subject matter.
FX – Attendance related failure. The student has been marked absent for more than 20% of the class meetings.
*** A grade of P or R will not affect the student’s grade point average. An F and FX will lower the student’s GPA. A grade of P is required to move on to a 1000 numbered Math class at Metropolitan Community College.
Make-up / Late Procedures: Make-up Test Procedures: If a student is unable to take a test at the scheduled time, the student must contact the instructor within 24 hours of the test being given and a make-up test will be allowed. Each student is allowed ONE make-up test with the retake option.
Metropolitan Community College 4 Make-up and retake tests will be administered in the testing center. You must have a photo I.D. and arrive at least 2 hours prior to close to take your test. Please contact the testing center to set up a time to take your test.
Maintenance of Student Records:
Every attempt will be made to return all graded class work and tests promptly. After the course is finished, any unreturned student work, including exams, will be kept by the instructor until the end of the next academic quarter.
Attendance Policy: Attendance for the entire class period is REQUIRED and will be taken. The course is designed with the idea that the student will be present at every class. If an emergency exists such that a student cannot attend class, must arrive late, or must leave early, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements to obtain updates, assignments, notes, etc. of what was discussed in class during the missed time. The instructor will not re-teach the material. To remain eligible for financial aid, students are responsible for meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
Students who attend no class meetings up to and June 17th, 2011 will be disenrolled from the class. There is no appeal for this disenrollment. A student who fails to meet class attendance expectations (total number of absences being more than 20% of the class meetings) may receive a final grade mark of FX, indicating an absence-related failure, or a failing (F) grade.
Student Withdrawal: If you cannot participate in and complete this course, you should officially withdraw by calling Central Registration at 402-457-5231 or 1-800-228-9553. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an attendance-related failure (FX) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is August 1st, 2011.
Expected Classroom Behavior:
The student should: 1. Take notes on the lecture material and read the textbook material. 2. Participate in class discussions by offering ideas, answering questions asked by the instructor and asking questions. 3. Keep up with assignments regularly as a great deal of the material builds on previous material. Do not get behind! 4. Bring the assignment to each class with all problems completed or with your questions if it is not completed. 5. Use PENCIL on tests, quizzes, and assignments that are to be graded. 6. Be respectful of other students and the instructor.
Metropolitan Community College 5 Disruptive Classroom Behavior:
If you need to enter or leave the classroom when class is in session, please do so quietly and unobtrusively. It is distracting to the instructor and to the students to have this occur frequently, but we all understand emergencies.
Lengthy classes may mean students or instructors need food or water. In classes lasting more than an hour, there may be a break, but if in addition you wish drink, it should be in a container with a lid to avoid spills.
Cell phones are to be put on silent or turned off.
Internet or other portable electronic devices usage: Not permitted in class. If you have learning or physical disabilities that require you to use a laptop or recording device, please see the section on Accommodation for Students with Disabilities. Notice: This syllabus is written as an expectation of class topics, learning activities, and expected learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to make changes in this schedule that may result in enhanced or more effective learning for students. These modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course, and will be done within the policies and guidelines of Metropolitan Community College.
When Help is Needed
The student should: 1. Contact the instructor as soon as there is a problem. If a student seeks help from the instructor, they must bring their attempted homework, class notes, and textbook. 2. Work with classmates, friends, tutors or Academic Resource Center/Math Center personnel. Form study groups. The instructor is also available for help outside of class. Use all available resources.
Communication Expectations: When you communicate with others in this course, you must follow the Student Code of Conduct ( HYPERLINK "", which calls for responsible and cooperative behavior. Please think critically, ask questions, and challenge ideas, but also show respect for the opinions of others, respond to them politely, and maintain the confidentiality of thoughts expressed in the class. You may also wish to review information at HYPERLINK ""
Metropolitan Community College 6 Academic Honesty Statement: Students are reminded that materials they use as sources for class work may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library website at HYPERLINK "" or by your instructor. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.), the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. Disciplinary procedures are available in the Advising/Counseling Centers or at HYPERLINK " r_Student_Conduct_and_Discipline.pdf" r_Student_Conduct_and_Discipline.pdf.
Student Withdrawal: If you cannot complete this course, you should officially withdraw through WebAdvisor at or by calling Central Registration, (402) 457-5231 or 1- 800-228-9553. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an attendance related failure (FX), or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is August 1st, 2011 Learning Support MCC’s Academic Resource Centers, Math Centers, and Writing Centers offer friendly, supportive learning environments that can help students achieve educational success. Staff members in these centers provide free drop-in assistance with basic computing, reading, math, and writing skills. Self-paced, computer-assisted instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online course orientation is also available. Detailed information about the Academic Resource, Math, and Writing Centers is in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, and online at HYPERLINK ""
Accommodations for Students With Disabilities: If you have a disability that may substantially limit your ability to participate in this class, please contact a Disability Support Services Counselor located in the Student Services Office on each campus. Metropolitan Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for person with documented qualifying disabilities. However, it is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations. For further information, please visit HYPERLINK "" and/or contact Student Services.
For assistance with student email, passwords, and most other MCC technology, contact the Help Desk at 457-2900 or HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]" [email protected].
Technology Resources: By using the information technology systems at MCC (including the computer systems and phones), you acknowledge and consent to the conditions of use as set forth in the
Metropolitan Community College 7 Metropolitan Community College Procedures Memorandum on Acceptable Use of Information Technology and Resources. It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with these procedures. The full text of the Procedures Memorandum may b e found at the following website: HYPERLINK " 15_Technology_Resources_Use.pdf" 15_Technology_Resources_Use.pdf.
The schedule below for the course is tentative and subject to change as the quarter progresses. The Important Dates* have been fixed by the College.
Day Date Subject Matter Item *
Tue. 6/07 Chapter 1.1 & 1.3 First class meeting. Thu. 6/9 Chapter 1.4 & 1.5
Tue. 6/14 Chapter 1.6 & 1.7 - Quiz on 1.1 to 1.5 Thu. 6/16 Chapter 1.8
Tue. 6/21 Chapter 1.9 – Quiz on 1.1 to 1.8 Thu. 6/23 Chapter 1.10 and Review
Tue. 6/28 TEST #1 – Chapter 1.1 to 1.10 Thu. 6/30 Chapter 2.1
Tue. 7/5 Chapter 2.2 & 2.3 Thu. 7/7 Chapter 2.4 – Quiz on 2.1 to 2.3
Tue. 7/12 Chapter 2.5 Thu. 7/14 Chapter 2.6 – Quiz on 2.4 to 2.5
Tue. 7/19 Chapter 2.8 Thu. 7/21 TEST #2 – Chapter 2.1 – 2.8 & cumulative material
Tue. 7/26 Chapter 3.1 Thu. 7/28 Chapter 3.2 – Quiz on 3.1
Mon. 8/1 Last day to Withdraw
Tue. 8/02 Chapter 3.3 Thu. 8/04 Chapter 3.3 & Review – Quiz on 3.2 & 3.3
Metropolitan Community College 8 Tue. 8/09 TEST #3 – Sections 3.1 to 3.3 & cumulative material Thu. 08/11 Last Day – Review Tests – Schedule Retakes as needed
Wed. 5:pm 8/18 Grades Posted to WebAdvisor
Beginning Algebra I (MATH 0920) Homework Problem Assignments: Angel: Elementary Algebra for College Students – 8 th Edition
The following assigned problems are the minimum that are required. Many students may need to do more to gain a thorough understanding of the concepts being presented. Practice is imperative! One or two problems will not suffice.
Section Page Assignment 1.1 7 1-18 all 1.3 27-28 1-75 odd 1.4 34-35 1-10 all, 17-51 odd 1.5 39 11-77 odd 1.6 48-49 13-113 odd, 125- 139 1.7 57-58 13-129 odd 1.8 65-66 11-127 odd 1.9 73-74 7-121 odd 1.10 80-81 1-57 odd Review 88-90 9-138 Practice Test 90 4-25 TEST #1 Chapter 1 2.1 99-100 9-121 odd
2.2 106-107 11-65 odd, 77, 79 2.3 113-114 9-59 odd, 73, 75 2.4 120-121 7-95 odd, 99, 101 2.5 130-131 11-77 odd 2.6 140-141 11-25 odd, 37-81 odd
2.8 160-161 9-57 odd Review 167-169 1-88, 102-111 Practice Test 169-170 1-21, 23-24 TEST #2 Sections 2.1 – 2.6, 2.8 3.1 181-184 11-97 odd 3.2 192-194 7-45 odd 3.3 200-201 11-37 odd Review 216-218 1-45
Metropolitan Community College 9 Practice Test 219-220 1-25 TEST #3 Sections 3.1 to 3.3
2011 Summer Quarter Important Dates
Classes begin for 10-week and first 5-week sessions...... June 6 M Independence Day Recess (College Closed………………………………………………………… July 4 M Classes End for first 5-week sessions...... July 11 M Classes Begin for second 5-week sessions...... July 12 T Student Withdrawal Deadline to drop a class...... Varies by class* Spring Term Incomplete “I” Grades Due...... August 3 W Classes end for second 5-week and 10-week sessions...... August 15 M All Final summer grades due and posted to WebAdvisor by 11:59 p.m. ………………….August 17 W
*To view the Last Day for a student to withdraw “drop” a class; go to the class schedule found on line at Then, find the course section and click on the Important Dates link on the same line as the course title. The refund/withdraw dates for each course section are automatically calculated based on the start and end dates and the number of sessions for a course. A student must withdraw by this date to avoid being assigned a grade of “F”. REFUND POLICIES for Credit Courses
A student is responsible for withdrawing “dropping” from a course(s) if unable to attend. Non-attendance or non-payment does not relieve a student from the obligation to pay. To withdraw “drop” from a course, log on to WebAdvisor and click “Register and Drop Sections”.
An official schedule change that reduces or terminates a student’s academic credit load may entitle the student to a refund. The eligibility and amount of a refund is automatically calculated by the date of the withdrawal. A student may see the refund percentage received through midnight of the same day by logging into WebAdvisor and clicking on the Tuition Refund Calculator. Note: Schedule changes may have implications for students on Financial Aid. Check with the Financial Aid Office prior to any schedule changes at 402-457-2330.
Metropolitan Community College 10