The Molloy College Governance Structure
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1Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 2Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3Save date: February 28, 2012 1 THE MOLLOY COLLEGE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE 2 Revised 2010-2012 3PROLOGUE The Molloy College Governance Structure exists for the overall good of the College. It is designed to enable representatives of the four constituencies–administration, faculty, staff, and students--to work together in a collegial manner by fostering effective communication, and facilitating campus-wide participation. 4The Molloy College Governance Structure exists to facilitate effective decision making for the 5College for the overall good of the College. It is designed to enable representatives of the four 6constituencies–administration, faculty, staff, and students--to work together in a collegial 7manner by defining roles and responsibilities, fostering effective communication, and 8facilitating campus-wide participation in the life of the College. 9 10The duties stated in this document do not supersede position descriptions, the Constitution and 11By-Laws of the Administrators’ Council, the Constitution and By-Laws of the Faculty Council, the 12By-Laws of the Staff Advisory Group or the Constitution and By-Laws of the Molloy Student 13Government. 14 15 16BOARD OF TRUSTEES 17 18The Board of Trustees is the legal body empowered by the University of the State of New York 19to manage the business and property of the College. As the ultimate governing body of the 20College, it determines and approves such policies as are necessary for the fiscal and educational 21soundness of the institution. 22 23The Board of Trustees functions through a system of standing and ad hoc committees. The 24current standing committees are the Academic Affairs Committee, Buildings and Grounds 25Committee, Committee on Trustees, Development Committee, Executive Committee, Fiscal 26Affairs Committee, and the Mission Effectiveness Committee. The ad hoc committees function 27as needed. 28 29 30PRESIDENT 31 32The President of the College is the Chief Executive Officer of the College and serves “at the 33pleasure of the Board” and is an ex-officio1 voting member of all Board and College Governance 34committees. The President is not bound by the attendance policy. 35
4 1 Words in bold type in the text can be found in the glossary, pages 23-24
5 1 6Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 7Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 8Save date: February 28, 2012 36The President provides leadership and direction for the management of all internal and external 37affairs of the College and is ultimately responsible for all of its activities. The President retains 38the right to seek advice from any and all college entities. 39 LEADERSHIP TEAM The Leadership Team of the College is comprised of the Vice President of all the administrative offices of the College. The Leadership Team provides day-to-day leadership and management of all internal and external functions of the College. The Leadership Team, with the President, develops policies and implements broad strategic initiatives of the College.
40 41THE PRESIDENT’S LEADERSHIP TEAM 42The President’s Leadership Team is advisory to the President and is an extension of the Office 43of the President. The Leadership Team assists with the operation and the mission of the 44College. The team consists of the Vice Presidents who report directly to the President. The 45President facilitates communication among the Vice Presidents 46 47The President retains the power to reject and/or amend any recommendations made by the 48Leadership Team. The Leadership Team does not take the place of any existing committee in 49the present governance structure.
13 3 14Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 15Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 16Save date: February 28, 2012 75ARTICLE I: PURPOSE 76 77The Molloy College Governance Committees ensure the fullest possible participation and 78incorporate the use of college expertise in the formation of policies to enable the effective and 79efficient functioning of the College. 80 81 82ARTICLE II: GOVERNANCE PROPOSAL FLOW PROCESS 83The consideration and adoption of proposals generated by the Molloy College community is 84shown in the process flow diagram below. The diagram shows that proposals originate from the 85community move through a well defined approval process that includes appropriate feedback 86loops and information flows. 87 88The process allows for both academic and non-academic proposals to be generated by groups 89at the College and forwarded to the appropriate standing committees for discussion and 90evaluation. Following a positive recommendation from the standing committee, the Priorities 91and Planning (P&P) Committee considers the recommendation. As part of the deliberation 92process, P&P places items that involved multiple constituencies on an agenda for Colloquium 93where the items are discussed prior to a decision by P&P. Endorsement of the proposal by P&P 94is passed on to the President, who makes a decision and in some cases refers the item to the 95Board of Trustees for final approval. 96 97At each step along the way approval or non-approval may occur. With approval, the proposal 98moves to the next step. With the final approval, notification is sent back to the originating 99group and the College for implementation. 100 101With non-approval the proposal is returned to the previous group with an explanation for 102reconsideration. If the proposal’s originating group decides to address the concerns and 103resubmit the proposal, the proposal needs to go back through the established process to 104ensure community participation and evaluation. 105 106After receipt of the proposal and recommendation from the Priorities and Planning Committee, 107the President shall render a decision. This decision shall occur within ten (10) working days of 108receipt of the documents. The President shall communicate this decision, in writing, to both 109the originating committee and the Priorities and Planning Committee.
17 4 18Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 19Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 20Save date: February 28, 2012
21 5 22Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 23Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 24Save date: February 28, 2012 ARTICLE I. NAME There shall be five (5) standing College Governance Committees encompassing representation from the administration, faculty, student body, and staff. The President of the College is an ex- officio voting member of all of the standing committees. All recommendations of standing committees are ultimately subject to the approval of the President and the Board of Trustees of the College.
111ARTICLE III: TYPES OF COMMITTEES 112 113There shall be six (6) standing College Governance Committees encompassing representation 114from the administration, faculty, staff, and student body. The President of the College is an ex- 115officio voting member of all of the standing committees. All recommendations of standing 116committees are ultimately subject to the approval of the President and the Board of Trustees of 117the College. The President may appoint sufficient ad hoc committees to address specific, or one 118time, issues not in the purview of the standing committees. 119 ARTICLE II. PURPOSE The Molloy College Governance Committees ensure the fullest possible participation in the formation of policies of college-wide importance. ARTICLE III. STANDING COMMITTEES The five (5) standing committees shall be: Priorities and Planning Committee, Financial Resources Committee, Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee, Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee, and Community and Campus Life Committee.
120 121ARTICLE IV: STANDING COMMITTEES 122 123The six (6) standing committees shall be: 124 1. Priorities and Planning Committee, 125 2. Financial Resources Committee, 126 3. Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee, 127 4. Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee, 128 5. Student Life Committee 129 6. Community and Campus Life Committee. ARTICLE IV. PRIORITIES AND PLANNING COMMITTEE
25 6 26Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 27Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 28Save date: February 28, 2012 130ARTICLE IVa: PRIORITIES AND PLANNING COMMITTEE Section 1. Duties The Priorities and Planning Committee shall: a. focus on the Mission Statement, the Strategic Plan, the goals, and the objectives in planning b. participate in formulating the Strategic Plan which integrates and prioritizes the future needs of academic programs, financial resources, space allocation, and operational funding in light of the Mission Statement and goals of the College c receive approved proposals (those approved in committee and presented at a Colloquium) from other standing committees and rank proposals requiring funding, space allocation, or major alterations in the physical plant d. send written recommendations based on long-range goals and priorities and comments made at the Colloquium, within one (1) month of the Colloquium to the President and standing committees regarding their proposals. The President shall also receive the original proposal and recommendation e. receive notice of petition to reconsider a decision made by the President concerning a proposal, as needed, with the other standing committees g. request to meet, as needed, with the Mission Effectiveness Committee of the Board of Trustees h. call for additional Colloquia when necessary i.initiate proposals when appropriate j.prepare revisions and amendments to these by-laws k. meet with the Institutional Assessment Committee at least once a semester to report on assessment activities. l. meet late in the fall semester with The Financial Resources Committee to present new Priorities which have budgetary implications and are derived from the Strategic Plan, and discuss and evaluate ongoing priorities 131 132Section 1 Duties: 133The Priorities and Planning Committee shall: 134 a. Carry out periodic evaluations of the Mission Statement, Strategic Plan and the College 135 governance structure and be responsible for the review of sponsored proposals. 136 b. In collaboration with the Leadership Team, evaluate the Mission Statement, ensuring 137 campus-wide participation in the process. 138 c. In collaboration with the Leadership Team, evaluate and revise the Strategic Plan, 139 ensuring campus-wide participation in the process. 140 d. Undertake the responsibility for evaluation and revision of the College Governance By- 141 Laws. Said evaluation shall take place at least every five (5) years. 142 e. Receive approved proposals (those approved in committee and presented at 143 Colloquium) from other standing committees. Send written recommendations, based 144 on long-range goals, priorities and comments made at the Colloquium within one (1) 145 month of the Colloquium, to the President and standing committees regarding the 146 proposal. The President shall also receive the original proposal and recommendations.
29 7 30Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 31Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 32Save date: February 28, 2012 147 f. Meet annually with the Financial Resources Committee to determine that the 5 year 148 financial plan contains the resources necessary to ensure the success of priorities of the 149 Strategic Plan. 150 g. Meet, as needed, with other standing committees or the Leadership Team to suggest 151 additional proposals. 152 h. Receive notice of petition to reconsider a decision made by the President concerning a 153 proposal. 154 i. Call for additional Colloquia when necessary. 155 j. Meet with the Institutional Assessment Committee at least once a semester to receive a 156 report on assessment activities. 157 158Section 2 Membership 159The Priorities and Planning Committee shall consist of sixteen (16) members distributed as 160follows: 161 162Administrators: Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty 163 Vice President for Enrollment Management 164 Vice President for Mission 165 Vice President for Information Technology, Planning and Research 166 Assistant Treasurer 167 Director of Campus Life 168Faculty: Faculty President 169 Two (2) elected tenured faculty members 170 Two (2) elected non-tenured faculty members2 171 One (1) elected faculty member (Faculty must have already served on at least (1) college committee other than departmental committees) 172Students: President, Molloy Student Government 173 One (1) student elected from undergraduate program 174 One (1) student elected from graduate program, or undergraduate if no 175 graduate student is available. 176Staff: One (1) staff member elected at large 177 178Section 3 Deadline for Proposal Submission 179Approved proposals from the other committees must be submitted to the Priorities and 180Planning Committee at least two (2) weeks in advance of the next scheduled Priorities and 181Planning meeting for consideration at that meeting. 182 183Section 4 Departmental Involvement 184Whenever an issue involving one (1) or more departments/areas is being discussed, said 185department(s) shall be notified and invited to the Priorities and Planning Committee? 186discussions. 332 34 If no qualified non-tenured faculty run for election, tenured faculty may be considered to fill membership.
35 8 36Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 37Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 38Save date: February 28, 2012 187 188Section 5 Confidentiality 189All information relating to the proposed budget referred to Priorities and Planning by Financial 190Resources shall be held in confidence. 191 192Section 6 Communications 193Communication of the decisions of the Priorities and Planning Committee shall be distributed to 194the President, the proposal making body and other entities upon whom the decision may 195impact at the earliest time after an issue has been discussed. The committee chair is 196responsible for disseminating minutes as hard copy and electronically. The chair will also keep 197an electronic archive of minutes. 198 ARTICLE V. FINANCIAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE
39 9 40Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 41Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 42Save date: February 28, 2012 199ARTICLE IVb: FINANCIAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Section 1. Duties The Financial Resources Committee shall: a. make proposals to the President concerning: 1. annual budget and future projections 2. the fiscal impact of enrollment statistics and projections, class size and student-faculty ratio 3. assumptions underlying the budget in light of the mission and goals of the College 4. the exploration of other appropriate forms of revenue as well as the impact of gifts, grants, or other sources of income on the operating budget 5. the fiscal ramifications of major facilities, additions, and/or renovations b. prepare preliminary operating and capital expenditure budgets after gathering information from all departments submitting budget requests c. propose the operating and capital expenditures budgets to the President for submission to the Fiscal Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees and send a copy of the proposal to the Priorities and Planning Committee d. meet in December with the Priorities and Planning Committee to explore budgetary implications of long-range goals and priorities e. request to meet as needed with the Fiscal Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees as well as with the independent auditors of the College. 200 201Section 1 Duties 202The Financial Resources Committee shall: 203 a. Annually, review, and refine and recommend for approval the College’s Five Year 204 Financial Plan to the Fiscal Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. 205 b. Meet annually with the Priorities and Planning Committee to determine that the 206 Five Year Financial Plan contains the resources necessary to ensure the success of 207 priorities of the Strategic Plan. 208 c. Critically examine and recommend for approval the annual operating and capital 209 budgets to the Fiscal Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. prior to submission to the Fiscal Affairs Committee of the Board. 210 d. Review the submitted budgets for new programs and proposals – providing 211 feedback to the sponsoring department/division and Priorities & Planning 212 Committee 213 214Section 2 Membership The Financial Resources Committee shall consist of thirteen (13) members as follows: 215The Financial Resources Committee shall consist of eleven (11) members as follows: 216 217Administrators: Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty 218 Vice President for Advancement 219 Vice President for Finance and Treasurer 220 Director of Financial Aid
43 10 44Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 45Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 46Save date: February 28, 2012 Director of Information Technology 221 Director of Student Financial Services 222Faculty: One faculty member elected at large Two (2) faculty members elected at large – with specific financial or administrative expertise. 223 One (1) faculty member from the Faculty Council 224 One (1) faculty member from the Contract Committee 225Students: Treasurer, Molloy Student Government 226 One (1) graduate student elected at large or, if a graduate student cannot 227 serve, the Vice President of the Molloy Student Government. 228Staff: One (1) staff member elected at large 229 230Section 3 Confidentiality 231When appropriate, for a period of time specified by the committee, the members of the 232committee shall hold in confidence the information gained and used at meetings. 233 234Section 4. Communication a. All communication to the President and to the Priorities and Planning Committee shall be in writing. Information shall be provided to the Priorities and Planning Committee for informational purposes only. b. After receipt of a proposal, the President shall give his/her decision in writing to the Chairperson of the Financial Resources Committee and the Chairperson of the Priorities and Planning Committee.
235All communication to the President and to the Priorities and Planning Committee shall be in 236writing. Information shall be provided to the Priorities and Planning Committee for 237informational purposes only. After receipt of a proposal, the President shall give his/her 238decision in writing to the Chairperson of the Financial Resources Committee and the 239Chairperson of the Priorities and Planning Committee.
47 11 48Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 49Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 50Save date: February 28, 2012 240ARTICLE IVc: UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC POLICIES AND PROGRAMS 241 COMMITTEE ARTICLE VI. UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC POLICIES AND PROGRAMS COMMITTEE Section 1. Duties The Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee shall: a. evaluate and approve proposals relating to undergraduate policies and standards regarding: 1. the introduction, continuation, and elimination of programs and/or majors 2. academic disciplinary policies 3. academic standards 4. criteria for admission and institutional academic scholarships
b. review, on a periodic basis, all undergraduate programs and majors
c. evaluate and/or revise general education curriculum d. send approved proposals to a Colloquium and to the Priorities and Planning Committee e. request to meet, as needed, with the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. on a regular basis, at least once a semester, with the Student Outcomes Assessment Group. 242 243Section 1 Duties 244The Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee shall: 245 a. Evaluate and approve proposals from Divisions relating to undergraduate policies and 246 standards regarding: 247 1. The introduction, continuation, evaluation, and elimination of programs and/or 248 major 249 2. Academic disciplinary policies 250 3. Academic standards 251 4. Criteria for admission 252 b. Evaluate and/or revise general education curriculum 253 c. Elected members are to report and lead discussion with own academic division about 254 impact of issues brought to UAPP 255 d. Send approved proposals to the Priorities and Planning Committee and to a Colloquium 256 e. Request to meet, as needed, with the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of 257 Trustees. 258 f. Meet at least once every semester specifically to systematically review, over a period of 259 approximately four years, undergraduate programs and majors, to oversee their ongoing 260 effectiveness, offering appraisals to the Student Outcomes Assessment Group, and, as 261 needed, appropriate recommendations.
51 12 52Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 53Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 54Save date: February 28, 2012 262 263Section 2: Process flow 264This section describes the processes for approval, addition or substantial revision of majors, 265minors, and college-wide academic policies. The typical process involves preparation of a 266proposal by a sponsoring division or group, submission of this proposal to UAPP followed by 267submissions to P & P who places the item on the agenda of Colloquium for discussion. 268Following discussion, P & P takes action, referring recommendations to the President and then, 269if required, to the Board of Trustees for approval. New undergraduate programs usually 270require a final step of approval by the State of New York or an external accrediting body. During 271UAPP review of a proposal, each division representative on the committee is required to inform 272their own division of the proposal and provide feedback from that division to UAPP during the 273semester the proposal is being presented. UAPP is also required to seek guidance from the 274Financial Resources Committee on the budgetary implications of the proposal during the 275semester the proposal is being presented. These consultations are designed to ensure sufficient 276input to the process and should not be used to slow down the proposal moving through the 277process.
55 13 56Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 57Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 58Save date: February 28, 2012
59 14 60Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 61Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 62Save date: February 28, 2012 279Detailed Undergraduate Flow Charts
280 Section 2. Membership 281Section 3 Membership The Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee shall consist of eleven (11) members as follows: 282The Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee shall consist of twelve (12) 283members as follows: 284 285Administrators: Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty 286 Director of Admissions Director of Library and Media Services 287Faculty: One (1) faculty member from Faculty Council 288 One (1) faculty member from Priorities and Planning Committee
63 15 64Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 65Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 66Save date: February 28, 2012 Four (4) elected faculty members from departmental clusters 289 One (1) faculty elected from each academic division. 290Students: Two (2) elected students from undergraduate program. Ad Hoc: Leadership team and appropriate administrators 291 Any member of the Molloy community may be solicited for relevant input and serve as a 292 resource for program development for the UAPP shall be involved and input from Section 3. 293 294Section 4 Departmental Involvement 295Whenever an issue involving one or more departments/areas is being discussed, said 296department(s) shall be represented at Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs discussions. 297 298Section 5 Communication 299Communication of the recommendations of the Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs 300Committee shall be distributed to the Priorities and Planning Committee, the proposal making body 301and other entities upon whom the recommendation may impact at the earliest time after an issue 302has been discussed.
67 16 68Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 69Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 70Save date: February 28, 2012 303ARTICLE IVd: GRADUATE ACADEMIC POLICIES AND PROGRAMS COMMITTEE 304 305 ARTICLE VII. GRADUATE ACADEMIC POLICIES AND PROGRAMS COMMITTEE 306Section 1 Duties The Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee shall: a. evaluate and approve proposals relating to graduate policies and standards regarding: 1. the introduction, continuation, and elimination of programs 2. academic disciplinary policies 3. academic standards 4. criteria for admissions and institutional academic scholarships b. review, on a periodic basis, all graduate programs c. send approved proposals to a Colloquium and then to the Priorities and Planning Committee d. request to meet, as needed, with the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. e. meet on a regular basis, at least once a semester, with the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Group.
307The Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee shall: 308 a. evaluate and approve proposals from Divisions relating to graduate policies and standards 309 regarding: 310 1. The introduction, continuation, evaluation, and elimination of programs 311 2. Academic disciplinary policies 312 3. Academic standards 313 4. Criteria for admissions 314 b. send approved proposals to a Colloquium and then to the Priorities and Planning 315 Committee 316 c. Elected members are to report and lead discussion with own academic division about 317 impact of issues brought to GAPP 318 d. request to meet, as needed, with the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. 319 e. Meet at least once every semester specifically to systematically review, over a period of 320 approximately four years, graduate programs, to oversee their ongoing effectiveness, 321 offering appraisals to the Student Outcomes Assessment Group, and, as needed, 322 appropriate recommendations 323 324Section 2 Process Flow 325This section includes the processes for approval, addition or substantial revision of graduate 326programs. The typical process involves preparation of a proposal by a sponsoring division or group, 327submission of this proposal to GAPP followed by submissions to P & P who places the item on the 328agenda of Colloquium for discussion. Following discussion, P & P takes action, referring
71 17 72Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 73Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 74Save date: February 28, 2012 329recommendations to the President and then, if required, to the Board of Trustees for approval. 330New graduate programs usually require a final step of approval by the State of New York or an 331external accrediting body. During GAPP review of a proposal, each division representative on the 332committee is required to inform their own division of the proposal and provide feedback from that 333division to UAPP during the semester the proposal is being presented. GAPP is also required to 334seek guidance from the Financial Resources Committee on the budgetary implications of the 335proposal during the semester the proposal is being presented. These consultations are designed to 336ensure sufficient input to the process and should not be used to slow down the proposal moving 337through the process.
75 18 76Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 77Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 78Save date: February 28, 2012
79 19 80Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 81Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 82Save date: February 28, 2012 Section 2. Membership 339Section 3 Membership The Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee shall consist of eleven (11) members as follows: 340The Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee shall consist of twelve (12) members as 341follows: 342 343Administrators: Director of Admissions 344 Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty Director of Library and Media Services 345Faculty: One (1) faculty member from Faculty Council 346 One (1) faculty member from Priorities and Planning Committee Four (4) faculty members elected from those members with earned doctorate, ongoing research and publications. All departments offering Master’s Programs must be represented. 347 One (1) graduate faculty member from each Graduate program 348Students: Two (2) students selected from graduate programs. Ad Hoc: Leadership team and appropriate administrators shall be involved and input solicited as a resource to program development 349Any member of the Molloy community may be solicited for relevant input and serve as a resource 350for program development for the GAPP shall be involved and input from 351 Section 3.Departmental Involvement 352Section 4 Departmental Involvement 353Whenever an issue involving one or more departments/areas is being discussed, said 354department(s) shall be represented at Graduate Academic Policies and Programs discussions. 355 356Section 5 Communication 357Communication of the recommendations of the Graduate Academic Policies and Programs 358Committee shall be distributed to the Priorities and Planning Committee, the proposal making body 359and other entities upon whom the recommendation may impact at the earliest time after an issue 360has been discussed.
83 20 84Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 85Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 86Save date: February 28, 2012 361ARTICLE IVe STUDENT LIFE COMMITTEE 362 363Rationale for new Standing Committee: 364The Student Life Committee will be focusing on student-centered policies and programs which are 365rarely created solely by students. Student clubs and organizations are all advised/moderated by 366faculty, administrative or staff members. Athletic teams are managed by coaches and administered 367by the Athletic Department which is run by administrators and has a faculty representative who 368serves as a liaison between the faculty and Athletic Department. Athletic and student events are 369also attended by all constituencies. The Student and Residence Life Handbooks call for committees 370of faculty, administrators and staff in cases of formal judicial hearings and many of the policies 371come from specific departments (Information Technology, [as it applies to email and the internet], 372Academic Affairs, etc). 373 374Section 1 Duties 375The Student Life Committee shall: 376 a. Carry out periodic evaluations of the Student Handbook, Residence Life Handbook and 377 student-related policies, and be responsible for the review of sponsored proposals. 378 b. Receive, review and take appropriate action regarding proposals on matters of student 379 life and policy. (From where, define more clearly) 380 c. Send approved proposals to Colloquium and to the Priorities and Planning Committee. 381 d. To review, over a period of four (4) years, student life programs and services, to ensure 382 their ongoing effectiveness, offering appraisals to the Student Outcomes Assessment 383 Committee and, as needed, appropriate recommendations. 384
87 21 88Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 89Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 90Save date: February 28, 2012 385Section 2 Process Flow
386 91 22 92Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 93Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 94Save date: February 28, 2012 387Section 3 Membership 388The Student Life Committee shall consist of twelve (12) members as follows: 389Students Student Activities Coordinator 390 Two (2) students at large elected from the undergraduate student body 391 One (1) Resident Assistant 392 One (1) student selected from the graduate program or from the 393 undergraduate program if no graduate student is available 394Administrators Vice President for Student Affairs 395 Director of Campus Life 396 Coordinator of Residence Life 397 One (1) elected administrator at large 398Faculty One (1) elected faculty member 399 One (1) faculty member from Faculty Council 400Staff One (1) elected staff member 401 402Section 3 Departmental Involvement 403Whenever an issue involving one (1) or more department/areas is being discussed, said 404departments shall be represented at Student Life Committee discussions. 405 406Section 4 Communication 407Communication of the recommendations of the Student Life Committee shall be distributed to the 408Priorities and Planning Committee, the proposal making body, Molloy Student Government and 409other entities upon which the recommendation may impact at the earliest time after an issue has 410been discussed.
95 23 96Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 97Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 98Save date: February 28, 2012 411ARTICLE IVf COMMUNITY AND CAMPUS LIFE COMMITTEE 412 ARTICLE VIII. COMMUNITY AND CAMPUS LIFE COMMITTEE Section 1. Duties In order to build community and campus life and fulfill the mission of the college the committee shall: a. foster the development of better student-faculty-administrator-staff interrelationships. b. review and take appropriate action regarding proposals on matters of campus life and policy. c. evaluate proposals concerning but not limited to campus wide service. d. send approved proposals to a Colloquium and to the Priorities and Planning Committee. 413Section 1 Duties 414In order to assess and evaluate campus-wide services and working with the Institutional 415Assessment Committee and advisory committees (i.e., food service, public safety, bookstore and 416information technology, etc) the committee shall: 417 a. Foster the development of positive administrator-faculty-staff-student-interrelationships. 418 b. Receive, review and take appropriate action regarding proposals on matters of campus life 419 and policy. 420 c. Send approved proposals to a Colloquium and to the Priorities and Planning Committee. 421 422Section 2 Policy Development Information Flow
99 24 100Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 101Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 102Save date: February 28, 2012
423 424 Section 2. Membership 425Section 3 Membership The Community and Campus Life Committee shall consist of twelve (12) members as follows: 426The Community and Campus Life Committee shall consist of eleven (11) members as follows: 427Students: 428 429Students: Vice President, Molloy Student Government 430 One (1) student elected from Molloy Student Government Three (3) students at large elected from the undergraduate student body 431 Two (2) students at large elected from the undergraduate student body 432 One (1) student appointed by the Student Election Review committee and 433 Office of Student Affairs One (1) student elected from the graduate program or from the undergraduate program if no graduate student is available 434Administrators: Vice President for Student Affairs 435 Director of Facilities 436 One (1) elected administrator at large 437Faculty: One (1) elected faculty member 438 One (1) faculty member from Faculty Council 439Staff: One (1) elected staff member
103 25 104Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 105Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 106Save date: February 28, 2012 440Any member of the Molloy community may be solicited for relevant input and serve as a resource 441for program development for the Community and Campus Life Committee Ad Hoc: Leadership team and appropriate administrators shall be involved and input solicited as a resource to program development shall be involved and input from 442 Section 3. Departmental Involvement 443Section 4 Departmental Involvement 444Whenever an issue involving one (1) or more departments/areas is being discussed, said 445department(s) shall be represented at Community and Campus Life Committee discussions. 446 447Section 5 Communication 448Communication of the recommendations of the Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs 449Committee shall be distributed to the Priorities and Planning Committee, the proposal making body 450and other entities upon whom the recommendation may impact at the earliest time after an issue 451has been discussed.
107 26 108Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 109Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 110Save date: February 28, 2012 452ARTICLE V OPERATIONS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES 453 ARTICLE IX. AUTHORITY OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES Section 1. Leadership a. The first standing committee meetings of the academic year shall be called by the third week of the fall semester. The following individuals are designated to call the meetings: Vice President for Student Affairs Community and Campus Life Vice President for Finance and Treasurer Financial Resources Vice President for Academic Affairs/ Undergraduate Academic Dean of Faculty Policies and Programs Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Vice President for Planning, Research Priorities and Planning and Information Technology 454Section 1 Leadership 455 a. The first standing committee meetings of the academic year shall be called by the third 456 week of the fall semester. The following individuals are designated to call the meetings: 457 Vice President for Student Affairs Community and Campus Life Vice President for Student Affairs Student Life Committee Vice President for Finance and Treasurer Financial Resources Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean Undergraduate Academic Policies and of the Faculty Programs Vice President for Academic Affairs Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Vice President for Information Technology Priorities and Planning Planning, and Research 458 459 b. Each committee shall elect a chairperson at the first meeting 460 c. The President has the power to call a special meeting of any standing committee. 461 Section 2. Responsibility a. each standing committee shall approve proposals by a vote before sending them to a Colloquium and to the Priorities and Planning Committee b. at least two (2) weeks prior to a Colloquium, the committee shall make the approved proposal available to the Molloy Community by e-mail and paper copies. (Additional paper copies shall be available at the Colloquium) c. committee minutes shall be disseminated by e-mail. 462Section 2 Responsibility 463 a. Each standing committee shall approve proposals by a vote before sending them to a 464 Colloquium and to the Priorities and Planning Committee
111 27 112Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 113Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 114Save date: February 28, 2012 465 b. At least two (2) weeks prior to a Colloquium, the committee shall make the approved 466 proposal available to the Molloy community by secure electronic means and paper copies. 467 (Additional paper copies shall be available at the Colloquium) 468 c. Committee minutes shall be disseminated by e-mail. 469 d. After receipt of the proposal and recommendation from the Priorities and Planning 470 Committee, the President shall render a decision. This decision shall occur within ten (10) 471 working days of receipt of the documents. The President shall communicate this decision, 472 in writing, to both the originating committee and the Priorities and Planning Committee. 473 e. The President shall send recommended proposals to the Board of Trustees for final 474 dispensation. Section 3. Ad Hoc Committees Ad hoc committees shall be formed at the discretion of the membership of each standing committee.
475 476 477ARTICLE VI: AD HOC COMMITTEES 478 479Ad hoc committees may be formed at the discretion of the membership of each standing 480committee or by the President for the purpose of addressing unique and specific issues at the 481College that are deemed beyond the prevue of an existing standing committee.
115 28 116Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 117Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 118Save date: February 28, 2012 482ARTICLE VII RECONSIDERATION OF DECISIONS 483 ARTICLE X. CHECKS ON THE POWERS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES Section 1. Decisions There is a variety of mechanisms available to committees and individuals in case of disagreement with a Presidential decision. After receipt of the proposal and recommendation from the Priorities and Planning Committee, the President shall render a decision. This decision shall occur within ten (10) working days of receipt of the documents. The President shall communicate this decision, in writing, to both the originating committee and the Priorities and Planning Committee. There are two (2) possible decisions: 1. the President approves the proposal 2. the President vetoes the proposal In the event of a veto, the President shall give written explanation.
484Section 1 Decisions 485There are various decision making points in the governance process. This section describes how 486varying groups may move for reconsideration of decisions brought through the governance process 487as described in ARTICLE II. 488 489There are potentially four (4) points in the process where a proposal might not be approved: 490 1. The Standing Committee does not approve the proposal 491 2. The Priorities and Planning Committee does not approve the proposal 492 3. The President does not approve the proposal 493 4. The Board of Trustees does not approve the proposal 494 In case of the and an invitation to meet and discuss the proposal. 495At each point in the process, a non-approved proposal will be returned to the submitting 496committee with a detailed explanation of the issues/questions that the committee, or individual, 497had with the proposal. Within an agreed upon period of time, the proposing committee and 498evaluating group will meet to evaluate outstanding issues. If an understanding between the groups 499can be achieved, the proposal will move to the next step. If an understanding between the groups 500is not achieved, the proposing committee may revamp the proposal by addressing the identified 501issues and re-initiate the approval process from the beginning. This step is essential to ensure that 502all constituencies have input regarding the reworked proposal. 503
119 29 120Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 121Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 122Save date: February 28, 2012 Section 2. Mandated Referral Procedure by a Standing Committee In the unusual event of a presidential veto of a proposal, a mandated referral may be invoked by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the entire membership of the originating committee. a. a mandated referral must be made, in writing, to the President within ten (10) working days after receipt of the veto b. a mandated referral requires that the President request the placing of the decision on the agenda of a proximate meeting of the Board of Trustees c. the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees may invite the chairperson of the standing committee to present the standing committee’s position to the Board of Trustees. 504Section 2 Continued support for proposal 505If after discussion with the non-approving committee the proposing group wishes to modify its 506proposal and resubmit it for further consideration, the modified proposal will start at the beginning 507of the process and each group will consider the proposal as a new proposal. Section 3. Challenge Procedure by a Constituency A challenge to a decision made by the President may be initiated by a petition to reconsider, signed by at least fifteen (15) members of a constituency. The President’s decision, in this case, is that he/she has approved the proposal from the standing committee, but that at least fifteen (15) members of the Molloy community disagree with the original proposal and the President’s decision to approve it. a. The challenge must be presented, in writing, to the original standing committee within ten (10) working days of the decision with a copy to the Priorities and Planning Committee. b. A challenge requires reconsideration of the proposal by the originating committee at its next scheduled meeting, or within one (1) month, whichever comes first, at which time a spokesperson for the objecting group will be heard. 1. The presentation should take no longer than twenty (20) minutes. 2. Committee members may ask questions at the end of the presentation. 3. The committee will meet to consider and vote on the original proposal within one (1) month of the challenge presentation. 4. The vote of the committee will be reported in the minutes of the meeting. c. If a challenge does not lead to a change in the proposal by the originating committee, a procedure to overrule may be initiated. (See Section 4 below) d. The originating committee must inform, in writing, the President and the Priorities and Planning Committee of the outcome of the challenge.
123 30 124Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 125Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 126Save date: February 28, 2012 eThe outcome of a challenge must be disseminated to the Molloy Community by e-mail and paper copies. Section 4. Overrule Procedure by a Member of the Molloy Community The overrule occurs if the challenge has been unsuccessful. Any member of the Molloy Community can initiate the procedure to overrule a decision made by the President. As in the case of the challenge, the President’s decision is that he/she has approved the proposal from the originating committee. a. A member of the Molloy Community begins with a written notification of intent to start the overrule process. This intent must be submitted to the Priorities and Planning Committee within ten (10) working days of the outcome of the challenge. b. A petition signed by at least two hundred fifty (250) members of the Molloy Community must be presented to the Priorities and Planning Committee within thirty (30) days after the request for the overrule procedure is initiated. c. The Priorities and Planning Committee will call a Colloquium for discussion and subsequent constituency vote by secret ballot. In order to successfully overrule a decision, a plurality of those voting within each constituency is necessary. The following individuals will call for a vote by their respective constituencies: Students President, Molloy Student Government Administrators Chairperson, Administrators’ Council Faculty Faculty President Staff Chairperson, Staff Advisory Group d. The President must be informed, in writing, of the results of the vote by the Priorities and Planning Committee. e. A written statement, describing the decision that was overruled, the petition, and the results of the vote will be sent to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees by the Priorities and Planning Committee. The Board of Trustees will then make the final decision regarding the petition to overrule. 508 ARTICLE XI. MEETINGS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES 509 510ARTICLE VIII MEETINGS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES 511 512Section 1 Number of Meetings 513Meetings of the standing committees shall take place as needed. All committees shall meet at least 514once per semester. 515 516Section 2 Attendance 517 a. At the first meeting of each standing committee, the membership shall determine 518 the number of unexcused absences that shall constitute removal from the 519 committee.
127 31 128Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 129Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 130Save date: February 28, 2012 520 b. Administrators who are ex-officio members of standing committees are expected to 521 attend all meetings. In the event that an administrator is unable to attend a meeting 522 of a standing committee, it is expected that he/she will send a delegate. 523 c. The meetings of all standing committees are open to the Molloy Community on a 524 no-voice, no-vote basis. The chairperson of a standing committee may call for a 525 closed meeting. 526 d. A quorum must be present for voting to take place. A proposal shall be passed be a 527 two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members voting. Written proxy votes will be accepted 528 on the first ballot. Ordinarily, voting will be taken by voice vote; however, any 529 member may call for a secret ballot subject to a majority vote of the membership. 530 Section 3. Agenda Group The Agenda Group shall prepare the agenda for the Molloy College Colloquium. The chairpersons of the Priorities and Planning Committee, the Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee, the Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee, the Financial Resources Committee, and the Community and Campus Life Committee shall constitute the Agenda Group. The Chairperson of the Priorities and Planning Committee chairs the Agenda Group and calls for meetings as needed. 531Section 3 Colloquium Agenda 532The Chair of the Priorities and Planning Committee shall prepare the agenda for the Molloy College 533Colloquium. 534 Section 4. Agenda and Minutes Agenda and minutes for standing committees’ meetings and Colloquium meetings shall be distributed via email. Colloquium agenda shall be distributed at least one (1) week before the Colloquium meets. 535Section 4 Agenda and Minutes 536The Colloquium agenda shall be distributed at least one (1) week before the Colloquium meets. 537Agenda and minutes for standing committees’ meetings and Colloquium meetings shall be 538distributed via email. 539 540 ARTICLE XII. ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF STANDING COMMITTEES 541ARTICLE IX ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF STANDING COMMITTEES 542 543All members of standing committees shall be elected or appointed by their respective 544constituencies in a manner decided by the constituencies. 545 546Section 1 Criterion for Membership 547Criteria for standing committee-at-large elected membership shall be as follows: 548 549 Elected Administrators Shall have completed two (2) years at Molloy
131 32 132Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 133Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 134Save date: February 28, 2012 550 Faculty- Must have completed at least two (2) years of full-time 551 teaching at Molloy.3 552 Part-time faculty See Faculty Handbook 553 Undergraduate students Must be full-time and have completed at least 554 one (1) year at Molloy 555 Graduate students Must be matriculated in a graduate program and have 556 completed three (3) credits of course work at Molloy 557 Staff Must have completed at least two (2) years of full-time 558 employment at Molloy 559 560Section 2 Terms of Office 561 a. Administrators At large members for two (2) years 562 Faculty Two (2) years staggered for all members* 563 Students One (1) year 564 Staff Two (2) years 565 *Faculty elected to the Priorities and Planning Committee serve a three (3) year 566 term for purpose of continuity. 567 b. Interrupted committee service, for any reason, by an elected committee member 568 shall result in the termination of service for that member. The appropriate 569 constituency shall elect a replacement member. 570 571Section 3 Times of Elections 572Elections to all standing committees shall be conducted by ballot independently by each 573constituency by the last week in April. 574 575Section 4 Communication of Elections 576The Chair of Priorities and Planning will be notified by each constituency of the election of a 577member. Notification of committee membership will be included in the meeting minutes. 578 579 ARTICLE XIII. PRESIDENT’S RELATION TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 580ARTICLE X MOLLOY COLLEGES POLICY DECISION’S RELATION TO THE BOARD 581 OF TRUSTEES 582 Decisions subject to Board approval shall be submitted in writing by the President to the appropriate Board Committee before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board or the appropriate Board Committee. Such decisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Board of Trustees. 583Decisions subject to Board approval shall be submitted in writing by the President to the 584appropriate Board Committee before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board or the 135 3 For specific requirements for faculty membership for each committee, see the sections on membership in 136 Articles V through VIII 137
138 33 139Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 140Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 141Save date: February 28, 2012 585appropriate Board Committee. Such decisions shall not become effective unless approved by the 586Board of Trustees. Decisions of the Board of Trustees on issues brought to them will be 587communicated to the College by the President’s office. 588 589 ARTICLE XIV. MOLLOY COLLEGE COLLOQUIUM 590ARTICLE XI MOLLOY COLLEGE COLLOQUIUM 591 Section 1. Duties The Molloy College Colloquium consists of all members of the Molloy College Community. Meetings of the Colloquium will be held at least once a semester for the purpose of communication and discussion of all proposals from the various governance committees. a. These meetings will also be called for the purpose of receiving and discussing proposals from the Molloy College Community on other items. b. Meetings of the Colloquium will be called by the Agenda Group and presided over by the President of the College. c. The Priorities and Planning Committee may call for additional Colloquia when the committee deems necessary.
592Section 1 Duties 593The Molloy College Colloquium consists of all members of the Molloy College Community. 594Meetings of the Colloquium will be held at least once a semester for the purpose of 595communication and discussion of all proposals from the governance committees for the purpose 596of soliciting input and determining a consensus on topics presented and to discuss. These meetings 597will also be called for the purpose of receiving and discussing proposals from the Molloy College 598Community on other items. 599 600Meetings of the Colloquium will be called by the Chair of the Priorities and Planning Committee 601and presided over by the President of the College. The Priorities and Planning Committee may call 602for additional Colloquia when the committee deems necessary. 603 604Section 2 Communication 605Minutes from the Colloquium will be distributed to the Priorities and Planning Committee to aid in 606decisions and posted for College input 607 608 ARTICLE XV. AMENDING THE BY-LAWS 609ARTICLE XII AMENDING THE BY-LAWS 610 611These By-Laws may be amended by the Priorities and Planning Committee at any meeting provided 612that: 613 614 a. The amendment has been proposed at a previous meeting
142 34 143Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 144Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 145Save date: February 28, 2012 615 b. The amendment has been presented at a prior meeting of the Colloquium 616 c. The membership has been notified in advance that a conclusion on the amendment will 617 be reached at the meeting 618 d. Two-thirds (2/3) of those voting concur 619 e. the President and Board of Trustees approve. 620The President and Board of Trustees must subsequently approve amendments proposed by P&P. 621Results of the decisions will be communicated to P&P and the campus by the President. 622 623 ARTICLE XVI. RULES OF ORDER 624ARTICLE XIII RULES OF ORDER 625 626The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Molloy College Governance 627Committees in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with 628the By-Laws of the College Governance Committees. 629 630 ARTICLE XVII. PERIODIC EVALUATION OF GOVERNANCE BY-LAWS 631ARTICLE XIV. PERIODIC EVALUATION OF GOVERNANCE BY-LAWS 632 633The Priorities and Planning Committee shall undertake the responsibility for evaluation of the 634College Governance By-Laws. Said evaluation shall take place at least every five (5) years. 635 636 APPENDIX A NON-GOVERNANCE ENTITIES THE PRESIDENT’S LEADERSHIP TEAM The President’s Leadership Team is advisory to the President and is an extension of the Office of the President. The Leadership Team assists with the operation and the mission of the College. The team consists of the Vice Presidents who report directly to the President and facilitates communication among the Vice Presidents.
146 35 147Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 148Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 149Save date: February 28, 2012 The President retains the power to reject and/or amend any recommendations made by the Leadership Team. The Leadership Team does not take the place of any existing committee in the present governance structure. OTHER ADVISORY COMMITTEES TO THE PRESIDENT The President also receives input from the Collegial Committee, the Health and Welfare Committee, and the President’s Advisory Committee on Campus Security. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS Every undergraduate student who pays activities fees is a member of the Molloy Student Government and is eligible to participate in College Governance. The Molloy Student Government is the governing body of the Molloy Student Government. Active student membership in College Governance is in keeping with the stated goal of ensuring undergraduate students full participation in the College Governance process. The Constitution and By-Laws of the Molloy Student Government are in the Student Handbook. GRADUATE STUDENTS Every graduate student who pays activities fees is a member of the Molloy Graduate Molloy and is eligible to participate in College Governance. Active student membership in College Governance is in keeping with the stated goal of ensuring graduate students full participation in the College Governance process. ADMINISTRATORS’ COUNCIL The Administrators’ Council is the representative body of the administrators of the College. Its purpose is to support the President, represent the administrators on issues of importance, promote greater integration between administrators and other constituencies, and encourage professional development. The duties and responsibilities of the College administrators are specified in the Administrators’ Handbook. FACULTY COUNCIL The Faculty President is the chief, elected official of the faculty, the faculty spokesperson, and the usual liaison agent for faculty interests with the College President and with the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty. She/he is a voting member of the Priorities and Planning Committee, and Chairperson of the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council is the representative body of the teaching faculty of the College. Its purposes are to represent the teaching faculty to the various constituencies of the College, to regulate the internal affairs of the teaching faculty, to provide an efficient system of standing committees, to initiate studies of matters of faculty interest and concern, and to participate in the formation and implementation of major College policies that affect the faculty. Faculty Council is organized around a system of committees. Standing Committees are Contract Committee, Nominations/Elections Committee, Faculty Professional Center Committee, and the Committee for Faculty Scholarship and Academic Advancement. The Policy Standing Committees are Promotion, Tenure and Sabbatical. Ad hoc committees, such as Dismissal, Grievance, and Hearing, are formed at the discretion of the Faculty Council. The Constitution and By-Laws of Faculty Council are in the Faculty Handbook.
150 36 151Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 152Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 153Save date: February 28, 2012 CHAIRPERSONS’ COUNCIL The Department Chairperson has as her/his primary responsibility the administration of the department, maintaining and furthering standards in the department, as well as providing the environment for excellence in the department. She/he is directly responsible to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (Faculty Handbook p.17). The Chairpersons as a group (the Chairpersons’ Council) meet monthly or as needed with the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Chairpersons’ Council is composed of all Department Chairpersons, the Associate Deans and the Director of the Faculty Professional Center. The Chairpersons’ Council may form Sub-Committees to address issues as necessary. For a full description of Chairperson responsibilities, please refer to the Faculty Handbook. Working with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Chairpersons’ Council, in consultation with the Academic Departments: 1. Coordinates students-academic services. The Chairpersons’ Council meets periodically with the Registrar, Vice President for Enrollment Management, other administrators and guests as necessary to assure effective coordination of academic services. 2. Determines the format of the course offering grid for course schedules. 3. Formulates proposals regarding student progression and graduation. 4. Formulates proposals regarding academic policies and standards. 5. Formulates proposals regarding academic disciplinary policies. 6. Formulates proposals regarding General Education requirements. 7. Formulates proposals regarding admissions standards. Proposals in reference to academic disciplinary policies, academic standards, criteria for admission, and General Education are sent to either the Graduate or Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee of the Governance Structure. The Chairpersons’ Council are ex-officio members of the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Group. STAFF ADVISORY GROUP The Staff have a formal campus organization, the Staff Advisory Group. Staff policies are contained in the Staff Handbook. THE INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE The Institutional Assessment Committee is composed of all Vice Presidents, the Faculty President, two faculty members, one administrative representative (from the Administrative Council), one staff representative, one undergraduate student, and one graduate student. The chair of this committee is designated as the Vice President for Planning, Research, and Information Technology. The Institutional Assessment Committee is responsible for refining the identified components of the Institutional Assessment Plan and determines that: 1. Data are collected in an organized fashion. 2. Data are summarized and made available to the appropriate persons in non-academic and academic departments.
154 37 155Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 156Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 157Save date: February 28, 2012 3. Data are used to improve the identified process. 4. The Assessment Plan is modified when necessary. 5. Make recommendations to the Priorities and Planning Committee regarding the Strategic Plan in light of assessment data. 6. The Institutional Assessment Committee meets with the Priorities and Planning Committee at least once a semester to report on assessment activities. THE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT GROUP The Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Group is composed of all academic Department Chairpersons, the Associate Deans, the Vice President for Enrollment Management, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Planning, Research, and Information Technology, the Director of Academic Support Services/TRIO, the Director of Continuing Education, one graduate student and one undergraduate student. It is chaired by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Group is responsible for revision and implementation of the Molloy College Student Outcomes Assessment Plan. All data collection is coordinated through the Office of the Vice President for Planning, Research, and Information Technology. The Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Group: 1. Determines all procedures and processes in reference to student outcomes assessment. 2. Determines the schedule and desired outcomes for assessment. 3. Reviews the actual outcomes of assessment procedures and determines how assessment results are used. 4. Maintains contact with all academic and administrative departments involved in the Student Outcomes Assessment Plan. 5. Meets on a regular basis, at least once a semester, with the Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee to report on assessment activities. 6. As per the Governance Structure, the Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee/Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee receive and evaluate program evaluations from the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Group. 637 638FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATIONAL TEAMS AND COMMITTEES 639 640 641THE PRESIDENT’S LEADERSHIP TEAM 642The President’s Leadership Team is advisory to the President and is an extension of the Office of 643the President. The Leadership Team assists with the operation and the mission of the College. The 644team consists of the Vice Presidents who report directly to the President. The President facilitates 645communication among the Vice Presidents 646 647The President retains the power to reject and/or amend any recommendations made by the 648Leadership Team. The Leadership Team does not take the place of any existing committee in the 649present governance structure. 650
158 38 159Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 160Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 161Save date: February 28, 2012 651OTHER ADVISORY COMMITTEES TO THE PRESIDENT 652 653COLLEGIAL COMMITTEE 654The Collegial Committee is a joint committee of the faculty and administration whose charge is to 655make recommendations to the President on Faculty compensation. 656 657HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE 658The focus of the Health and Welfare Committee is to explore benefits not now offered as to 659desirability and feasibility, to examine benefits presently offered as to whether they are meeting 660today’s needs, and to foster a better understanding within the Molloy community of the present 661benefits plan. 662 663PRESIDENT’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CAMPUS SECURITY 664The President’s Advisory Committee shall review current campus security policies and procedures 665and make recommendations for their improvement. 666 667ADMINSTRATIVE MANAGEMENT COUNCIL 668The charge of the Administrative Management Council is to address and review non-academic 669issues related to the effective administration of the College. Specifically, the Council will focus on 670non-academic policy development review and implementation, assessment and improvement of 671operational processes and practices, and addressing other issues related to administrative 672effectiveness 673 674OTHER PARTICIPANTS IN MOLLOY COLLEGE GOVERNANCE 675 676UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 677Every undergraduate student who pays activities fees is a member of the Molloy Student 678Government and is eligible to participate in College Governance. The Molloy Student Government 679is the governing body of the Molloy undergraduate students. Active student membership in 680College Governance is in keeping with the stated goal of ensuring undergraduate students full 681participation in the College Governance process. The Constitution and By-Laws of the Molloy 682Student Government are in the Student Handbook. 683 684GRADUATE STUDENTS 685Every graduate student who pays activities fees is a member of the Molloy Graduate Student 686Association and is eligible to participate in College Governance. Active student membership in 687College Governance is in keeping with the stated goal of ensuring graduate students full 688participation in the College Governance process. 689 690ADMINISTRATORS’ COUNCIL 691The Administrators’ Council is the representative body of the administrators of the College. Its 692purpose is to support the President, represent the administrators on issues of importance, promote 693greater integration between administrators and other constituencies, and encourage professional
162 39 163Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 164Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 165Save date: February 28, 2012 694development. The duties and responsibilities of the College administrators are specified in the 695Administrators’ Handbook. 696 697FACULTY COUNCIL 698The Faculty President is the chief, elected official of the faculty, the faculty spokesperson, and the 699usual liaison agent for faculty interests with the College President and with the Vice President for 700Academic Affairs/Dean of the Faculty. She/he is a voting member of the Priorities and Planning 701Committee and Chairperson of the Faculty Council. 702 703The Faculty Council is the representative body of the teaching faculty of the College. The Faculty 704Council’s purposes are to represent the teaching faculty to the various constituencies of the 705College, to regulate the internal affairs of the teaching faculty, to provide an efficient system of 706standing committees, to initiate studies of matters of faculty interest and concern, and to 707participate in the formation and implementation of major College policies that affect the faculty. 708 709The Faculty Council is organized around a system of committees. Standing Committees are 710Contract Committee, Nominations/Elections Committee, Faculty Professional Center Committee, 711and the Committee for Faculty Scholarship and Academic Advancement. The Policy Standing 712Committees are Promotion, Tenure and Sabbatical. Ad hoc committees, such as Dismissal, 713Grievance, and Hearing, are formed at the discretion of the Faculty Council. The Constitution and 714By-Laws of Faculty Council are in the Faculty Handbook. 715 716DIVISION COUNCIL 717The Department Chairperson has as her/his primary responsibility the administration of the 718department, maintaining and furthering standards in the department, as well as providing the 719environment for excellence in the department. She/he is directly responsible to the Division Dean. 720 721The Division Council meets as needed with the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Division 722Council is composed of all Department Chairpersons, Division Deans, Associate Deans and the 723Director of the Faculty Professional Center. The Division Council may form Sub-Committees to 724address issues as necessary. 725 726Working with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Division Council, in consultation with the 727Academic Departments: 728 729 1. Coordinates students-academic services. The Division Council meets periodically with the 730 Registrar, Vice President for Enrollment Management, other administrators and guests as 731 necessary to assure effective coordination of academic services. 732 2. Determines the format of the course offering grid for course schedules. 733 3. Formulates proposals regarding student progression and graduation. 734 4. Formulates proposals regarding academic policies and standards. 735 5. Formulates proposals regarding academic disciplinary policies. 736 6. Formulates proposals regarding General Education requirements.
166 40 167Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 168Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 169Save date: February 28, 2012 737 7. Formulates proposals regarding admissions standards. 738 Proposals in reference to academic disciplinary policies, academic standards, criteria for 739 admission, and General Education are sent to either the Graduate or Undergraduate 740 Academic Policies and Programs Committee of the Governance Structure. 741 742The Chairpersons and Deans are ex-officio members of the Student Learning Outcomes 743Assessment Group. 744 745STAFF ADVISORY GROUP 746The Staff have a formal campus organization, the Staff Advisory Group. Staff policies are contained 747in the Staff Handbook. 748 749ADVISORY GROUPS - The College will create and support significant area advisory groups to 750monitor operations and alert the College of issues pertaining to student support services. 751 752THE INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE 753The Institutional Assessment Committee is composed of all Vice Presidents, the Faculty President, 754two faculty members, one administrative representative (from the Administrators’ Council), one 755staff representative, one undergraduate student, one graduate student and the Director of 756Institutional Research. The Chair of this committee is designated as the Vice President for 757Information Technology, Planning, and Research. 758 759The Institutional Assessment Committee is responsible for refining the identified components of 760the Institutional Assessment Plan and determines that: 761 762 a. Data are collected in an organized fashion. 763 b. Data are summarized and made available to the appropriate persons in non-academic and 764 academic departments. 765 c. Data are used to improve the identified process. 766 d. The Assessment Plan is modified when necessary. 767 e. Make recommendations to the Priorities and Planning Committee regarding the Strategic 768 Plan in light of assessment data. 769 f. The Institutional Assessment Committee meets with the Priorities and Planning Committee 770 at least once a semester to report on assessment activities. 771 772 773THE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT GROUP 774The Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Group is composed of all academic Department 775Chairpersons, the Associate Deans, the Vice President for Enrollment Management, the Vice 776President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Information Technology, Planning and 777Research, the Director of Academic Support Services/TRIO, the Director of Continuing Education, 778the Director of Institutional Research, one graduate student and one undergraduate student. It is 779chaired by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
170 41 171Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 172Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 173Save date: February 28, 2012 780 781The Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Group is responsible for the revision and 782implementation of the Molloy College Student Outcomes Assessment Plan. All data collection is 783coordinated through the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology, Planning and 784Research. 785 786The Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Group: 787 a. Determines all procedures and processes in reference to student outcomes assessment. 788 b. Determines the schedule and desired outcomes for assessment. 789 c. Reviews the actual outcomes of assessment procedures and determines how assessment 790 results are used. 791 d. Maintains contact with all academic and administrative departments involved in the 792 Student Outcomes Assessment Plan. 793 e. Meets on a regular basis, at least once a semester, with the Undergraduate Academic 794 Policies and Programs Committee to report on assessment activities. 795 f. As per the Governance Structure, the Undergraduate Academic Policies and Programs 796 Committee/Graduate Academic Policies and Programs Committee receive and evaluate 797 program evaluations from the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Group. 798 APPENDIX B DEPARTMENTAL CLUSTERS Cluster I Cluster II Art Criminal Justice Communication Arts & Sciences History & Political Science English Philosophy Modern Languages Psychology Music/Music Therapy Social Work Sociology & Anthropology Theological & Religious Studies Cluster III Cluster IV Business Management, Accounting, & Economics Biology, Chemistry, & Environmental Studies Education Allied Health Sciences Nursing Interdisciplinary Studies Mathematics & Computer Studies Physical Education
174 42 175Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 176Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 177Save date: February 28, 2012 799 800 GLOSSARY 801 802 803Ad Hoc: A committee formed for a specific purpose and for a limited 804 time. 805 806Annual Budget: The report of anticipated income and expenditures which is 807 prepared by the treasurer and indicates the financial needs for 808 the successful operation of the institution. 809 810Colloquium: An organized conference or seminar on some subject involving 811 the Molloy Community A forum for presenting proposals. 812 813Community: Administrators, Faculty, Staff, Students. 814 815Constituency: One of the members of the Molloy College Community, i.e., 816 Administrator, Faculty, Staff, Student. 817 818Decision: A judgment or conclusion reached by the President or the Board 819 of Trustees. 820 821Evaluation: The process of assessing the actual performance of the 822 institution in terms of the goals and objectives derived from the 823 planning process. 824 825Ex-officio: A member of a committee by virtue of one’s office or position. 826 827Goal: A desired future state or condition which, if attained, will 828 contribute to the achievement of the institutional mission. 829 830Governance: A structure and process of decision-making within the College 831 regarding philosophy, purposes, policies, programs, and 832 outcomes; the way that issues affecting the entire institution, or 833 one or more components thereof, are decided. Includes the 834 structure, both formal and informal, of decision-making groups, 835 and relationships between and among those groups and 836 individuals. Includes the process used to reach decisions and the 837 outcome of recommendations from governance groups to 838 higher-level individuals or groups. 839
178 43 179Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 180Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 181Save date: February 28, 2012 840Integrate and Prioritize: To form a plan from a proposal and then to devise a schema for 841 accomplishing the goals of this plan and rank in order of their 842 importance or need. 843 844Interrupted Committee Service: A period of time such as sick leave, sabbatical, or study leave, 845 when a committee member is away from campus and, 846 therefore, unable to attend meetings and participate in the 847 activities of the committee. 848 849Objectives: A desired future state or condition which, if attained, will 850 contribute to the achievement of one or more institutional 851 goals. Objectives are subordinate to goals and are more 852 narrow, concrete, specific, and subject to measurement. 853 854Planning: An ongoing process by which an institution assesses its 855 environment, changes or reaffirms its mission; establishes 856 derivative goals and objectives, and then designs programs and 857 courses of action to implement them. 858 859Policy: A guide established to provide direction in decision-making. All 860 policies should appear in written form in at least one college 861 publication. 862 863Procedure: A series of steps for the accomplishment of some specific 864 endeavor. 865 866Proposal: An idea, suggestion, proposition, or measure that originates 867 with an individual group, or in committee and goes through the 868 committee process. 869 870Quorum: One more than half of the membership. 871 872Recommendation: The act of recommending, or calling attention to a person or 873 thing as suited to some purpose. 874 875Strategic Plan: A written document or documents setting forth the goals and 876 objectives of the institution and specifying programs and 877 courses of action designed to achieve them. The Strategic Plan 878 may include background information on the institution, mission 879 and scope, goals and objectives, planning assumptions, policies 880 and procedures for planning, description of programs, and long- 881 range projections of enrollments, resource requirements, 882 capital and operating budgets, etc.
182 44 183Draft – Governance Document with proposed modification included 184Create date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 185Save date: February 28, 2012 883 884Vote: A formal conclusion, either positive or negative, made by 885 members of a group in regard to a matter brought before it. 886 887Working Days: Days when the College is open, as indicated by the College 888 calendar. Final 9/21/06 Rev: jz 8/14/06 jz 5/25/06 jz 2/9/06 jz 11/21/05 rsd 10/20/05 889
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