Outstanding Customer Service Award
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Enter your business name here
The award is designed to reward exceptional standards of customer service and to promote these success stories as examples to the Industry. 1. Who Can Enter?
Applicants for this category must either be nominated by a third party who has experience of their exceptional customer service skills, or if self-nominating, must provide evidence of a customer’s experience of exceptional customer service.
Customers’ evidence for the nominated person or persons must show examples of them going over and above what would be normally be expected of them.
Nominations could include individuals or teams of people who have recognised the absolute importance of both welcome and customer service and who consistently demonstrate an exceptional customer care ethos.
Businesses from all parts of the visitor economy are eligible to enter this award including retail, entertainment, hospitality, transport, tour operators and guiding services as well as accommodation and visitor attractions.
All applicants must work for an organisation or business that is a member of Welcome to Yorkshire.
Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………...
Nominated by ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………...
Name of Property/Business ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………...
Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………...
Telephone ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………...
Email ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………...
Website ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………...
The answers to the following questions form the basis of your submission to the White Rose Awards 2015. Supporting documentation is helpful to illustrate your answers and should include feedback from satisfied customers showing where the applicant has gone the extra mile. IMPORTANT – please restrict your supporting documentation to 6 carefully selected pieces and include them in separate plastic inserts at the back of your application form. By inserting them back to back you will effectively be showing 12 pieces
We believe that our business should win this award ………
2. Customer Service & Welcome
Entrants must demonstrate consistently high levels of customer service. The judges will be looking for real commitment, demonstrated by the attitude of the member/s of staff in all aspects of hospitality and contact with guests/visitors. Judges will expect to see examples of ‘going the extra mile’ to make a real difference to the guest/visitor experience. They will also be expecting to hear about examples which demonstrate that the member/s of staff are doing much more than what is expected in their day to day work.
1. Describe what role your nominee/s plays in your business. Answer: (strictly max 150 words, any words above this limit will not be considered)
2. Describe how your nominee/s handles customer/visitor requests and complaints. Answer: (strictly max 150 words, any words above this limit will not be considered)
3. Give specific examples of the following within your supporting information:
- Letters/emails from satisfied customers (not just the usual appreciative comments but rather those that suggest the member of staff went ‘above and beyond’ what is normally expected). - A photo of the person at work
3. Staff Training & Development
Applicants should have completed customer service training courses or the establishment should have participated in awards for good practice. Please identify in your answer any schemes or awards for either the establishment or individuals. The judges will be looking for examples of how the training has been put into practice and how it has improved services to customers. Investment in training must have taken place within the last three years. Investment is defined as investment of money and/or time.
1. Give evidence of awards or commendations (in-house or external) the nominee/s has received. Answer: (strictly max 150 words, any words above this limit will not be considered)
2. Give specific examples of the following within your supporting information:
- Certificates of service-related training courses attended - Copies of awards/commendations
4. Judging Process
Please read thoroughly
Your entry will be judged on the clarity and relevance of your answers to the questions in this application form. We only require 6 relevant pieces of supporting documentation to support and enhance your answers. Please bear in mind, the judges have approximately 200 applications to read through and to assist them it is imperative that you do the following : 1. Use a lightweight plastic A4 ring binder file (not a lever arch file).
2. Put your 6 pieces of supporting documentation after the individual pages of the application form in separate plastic file inserts. By inserting them back to back you will be able to show 12 pieces.
3. Make your application easy to read. Place the individual pages of the application form and supporting documentation into separate plastic inserts as this prevents the judges from having to remove information when they assess your entry. The Judges will also look at your website and social media to help to get a feel for your business.
4. Remember – write your answers with the same PASSION you feel for your business!
Please note : the judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the outcome of the final awards decision.
If you are unsure about any aspect of the WRA process, please call Kim on 0773 828 3739