South Dakota School Counseling Program Model

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South Dakota School Counseling Program Model

South Dakota School Counseling Program Model

Implementation Guide Table of Contents

Overview: ------Page 3 Program Readiness Survey: ------Page 4 Foundation: Mission Statement: ------Page 8 Foundation: Philosophy: ------Page 9 Foundation: Guiding Principles: ------Page 9 Management System: Advisory Counsel: ------Page 10 Management System: Sample letter: ------Page 11 Management System: Financial Resources: ------Page 11 Management System: Budget Example: ------Page 12 Management System: Facilities, Resources, and Equipment: ------Page 13 Management System: Professional Staff: ------Page 14 Counselor Job Description: Example One: ------Page 15 Counselor Job Description: Example Two: ------Page 17 Management System: Political and Legal Resource: ------Page 18 Management System: Management and Support: ------Page 20 Delivery System: Program Content: ------Page 21 Delivery System: School Counseling Curriculum: ------Page 22 Curriculum Crosswalk: ------Page 24 Delivery System: Individual Planning: ------Page 30 Delivery System: Responsive Services: ------Page 31 Accountability System: Student Assessment: ------Page 32 Accountability System: Personnel Evaluation: ------Page 33 Example School Counselor Evaluation: ------Page 34 Accountability System: Program Evaluation: ------Page 36 WCPSS-Action Plan Worksheet: ------Page 38 Sample Goal Outline: ------Page 39 Other Resources: ------Page 40

2 Overview There are four main areas of the Comprehensive School Counseling Program Model and SD breaks it up as follows:

Foundation: - Section : I Background o Element One: Mission Statement o Element Two: Philosophy o Element Three: Guiding Principles Management System: - Section: II Structure o Element Four: Advisory Counsel o Element Five: Financial Resources o Element Six: Facilities, Resources, and Equipment o Element Seven: Professional Staff: o Element Eight: Political and Legal Resources o Element Nine: Management and Support Delivery System: - Section: III Delivery o Element Ten: Program Content o Element Eleven: School Counseling Curriculum o Element Twelve: Individual Planning o Element Thirteen: Responsive Services Accountability System: - Section IV: Accountability o Element Fourteen: Student Assessment o Element Fifteen: Personnel Evaluation o Element Sixteen: Program Evaluation How to get started Hints:  It is easiest to focus on one section at a time, but you can develop them in any order.  Start where you already have the most done or where you feel most comfortable.  Read the State Model, also review appendix B which refers to implementation  Take baby steps  Remember that this can be a 3 year or more process, just to get everything put together.  Celebrate each completed section as a success.  It is helpful to open the State Model and use it as a template. You can use what you want that is provided or modify it to meet your school needs.

3  Another option might be to get your ideas and thoughts down in this guide and then transfer your information into the State Model and again us it as a template, it will save time in retyping everything.  Take the Readiness survey on the following page to see where you might have the biggest challenges.

Are You Ready for the ASCA National Model?

This tool is designed to help you assess your district’s readiness to implement the ASCA National Model and to determine what you will need to achieve successful implementation.

Components: Like Somewhat Not Possible My Like My Like Interventions District District My if Not Like My District District A. Community Support 1. The school board recognizes that school counseling is an important component of all students’ public education. 2. The school board believes school counselors can play an influential role in closing the achievement gap. 3. Parents understand the intended benefits of the school counseling program. 4. Parents support the school counseling program. 5. Students believe the school counseling program is an important resource. 6. Teachers at all levels appreciate the importance of the school counseling program. 7. Teachers at all levels collaborate with school counselors in meeting school counseling program goals and objectives. 8. School counselors are recognized by teachers for their expertise in issues that have an impact on learning and teaching. 9. Parents from all racial/ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds believe school counseling can be an important source of help for to all students. 10. Influential business and community leaders are familiar with and support the school counseling program. 11. Community leaders would be eager to be active participants on a school counseling advisory board. B. Leadership 1. The superintendent believes the school counseling program is an essential component of the district’s educational mission. 2. The superintendent believes the school counseling program can help support students’ academic achievement. 3. The school counseling program has a full-time, district-level leader who is respected by the

4 superintendent, principals and school counselors. 4. The superintendent commits resources to support school counseling program development. 5. The district’s school counseling leader knows the principals of standards-based reform and can communicate the relationships between school counseling activities and student learning outcomes. 6. The district’s school counseling leader knows how to initiate and coordinate systemic change in the school counseling program. 7. The majority of principals believe school counselors ought to be engaged in developmental and preventive activities. 8. The majority of principals believe school counselors ought to be involved in helping students achieve academically. 9. The majority of principals would be receptive to redefining school counselor activities. 10. The majority of principals would be receptive to creating yearly plans with school counselors. 11. The majority of principals would be willing to commit resources to alleviate school counselors from routine clerical/administrative duties so they can devote at least 80 percent of their time to activities directly benefiting students. C. Guidance Curriculum 1. The school counseling program operates from a set of student learning objectives that have measurable student outcomes. 2. The school counseling program operates from a set of student learning objectives that are grouped by grade or grade cluster. 3. The school counseling program operates from a set of student learning objectives grounded in both the ASCA National Standards and local norms. 4. The school counseling program operates from a set of student learning objectives connected to the district’s academic curricula. D. Staffing/Time Use 1. School counselor workload is consistent with needs of a National Model program (e.g. 300 students/elementary counselor; 200 students/middle school-high school counselor). 2. School counselors spend at least 80 percent of their time in activities the directly benefit students. 3. School counselors spend at least 25 percent of their time in educational activities that promote student development and prevent problems.

4. School counselors spend less than 30 percent of their time responding to crises, emergencies and delivering mental health counseling,

5 5. School counselors do not spend an inordinate amount of time on routine clerical tasks. E. School Counselors’ Beliefs and Attitudes 1. In general, school counselors are open to change. 2. In general, school counselors believe it is important to adopt the ASCA National Model. 3. In general, school counselors believe they should be responsible for helping all students achieve academically. 4. In general, school counselors believe it is important to demonstrate how students are different as a consequence of guidance interventions. 5. In general, school counselors believe it is important collect outcome data in order to be able to modify interventions. 6. In general, school counselors agree on a mission statement that establishes the school counseling program as an essential educational program that is designed to serve all students. 7. In general, school counselors are willing to devote the time to learn new skills. 8. In general, school counselors believe it is important that they serve as advocates for underserved students. F. School Counselors’ Skills 1. School counselors are competent in a wide range of interventions (whole school, classroom guidance, small group and individual counseling). 2. School counselors understand the individual and systemic factors associated with poor academic achievement and the achievement gap. 3. School counselors are familiar with the principles of standards-based educational reform and can identify the relationships between school counseling activities and student performance. 4. School counselors can identify evidence-based interventions that enhance academic achievement, career development and personal/social development. 5. School counselors know how to be effective advocates for underserved students. 6. School counselors can measure how students are different as a consequence their interventions. 7. School counselors can use institutional data (e.g. achievement, attendance, school climate surveys) to describe current problems and set goals. 8. School counselors use technology effectively to access needed student data. 9. School counselors use technology effectively to accomplish routine clerical tasks efficiently. 10. School counselors use technology effectively to communicate with students, parents and colleagues. 11. School counselors are recognized as leaders in their schools.

6 12. School counselors can establish goals and benchmarks for school counseling in their own schools. 13. School counselors can document their impact on students for principals, school committees and the community. G. District Resources 1. The district’s school counseling program has developed or adopted a set of instruments, referenced to the student learning objectives, to measure student change in academic development, career development and personal/social domains. 2. The district provides school counselors with regular institutional data reports (disaggregated student achievement, attendance and school climate data) in user-friendly form in order to facilitate monitoring students and defining problems. 3. The district has a school counselor performance evaluation system that evaluates counselor effectiveness in a broad range of activities (e.g. whole school, classroom guidance, small group and individual counseling). 4. The district has a school counselor performance evaluation system based upon professional performance standards. 5. The district has a school counselor performance evaluation system connected to meaningful professional development. 6. The district has a system for ensuring all school counselors have access to developmental supervision to improve practice. 7. The district is committed to providing professional development to help school counselors develop skills necessary for the implementation of the ASCA National Model. 8. The district school counseling leader has implemented a system for monitoring the ongoing outcomes and continuously improving programs in each school. 9. The district school counseling leader has implemented a system for periodic program evaluation for the entire school counseling program. 10. The district school counseling leader has implemented a system for coordinating school counseling program activities (e.g. a master calendar). 11. The district school counseling leader has implemented a system ensuring good communication and information sharing across the school counseling program. (Carey, in press)

7 Foundation

Section I: Background

The foundation section of your school counseling program consists of a mission statement, a philosophy and guiding principals for your program.

Element One: Mission Statement

1. Begin by finding the mission statement for your school (if they have one). Write it below:

Example School Counseling Mission Statement:

The mission is to address the needs of all students by helping them to acquire competencies in personal, academic and career development domains.

2. You may want to incorporate your school’s mission statement into your school counseling program mission statement. Write your mission statement below.

8 Element Two: Philosophy

1. What is the philosophy that underlies what your program will do for students? (refer to the SD state Model for an example)

Element Three: Guiding Principles

1. What are some key elements that should be a part of a school counseling program? (refer to the SD state Model for an example)

9 Management System

Section: II Structure:

Element Four: Advisory Counsel: Every school counseling program should have an advisory counsel. This counsel should meet one to two times a year. They should help provide feedback to the school counselor. They should represent a wide range of people some ideas are listed below.

An elementary school teacher A middle and/or high school teacher An administrator A school board member A community member (maybe from a local business or someone active in the community) A pastor from a local church A parent A student

Think about your school and your community, list five or six people that you could ask to be part of your advisory counsel. See a sample letter on the following page.

10 Sample Advisory Council Letter

Dear ______,

Because of your interest in quality education and demonstrated expertise in the field of ______, the counseling department and staff of ABC School are confident you could provide an invaluable service to the school as a member of the School Counseling Advisory Council.

The advisory council will be composed of outstanding leaders in the school and community and is tasked with making recommendations regarding student and community needs and advising the school counseling staff as it strives to meet these needs.

The advisory council will meet twice a year. Please give this invitation careful consideration and inform us of your decision by ______. Your acceptance of council membership will greatly enhance our school counseling program.

Element Five: Financial Resources:

This section is where you will set up the budget for the school counseling program. The state model outlines two types of costs.

 The “one-time-only” costs to create the system changes (primarily involved in forming, planning, designing, and implementing)


 The ongoing (annual) costs to maintain and improve the program.

See a sample budget below for clarification. When creating your budget consider what type of materials you requisition for each year. Also consider types of expenses that you don’t have every year, but that you have on occasion.

11 Counseling Program Budget Example


One Time Expenses:

Estimated Actual Item Requisitioned Actual Item Cost Use/need Expense

Recurring Expenses:

Supplies: Estimated Actual Item Requisitioned Cost Use/Need Expense Misc Counseling Supplies (title IV) $150.00

Misc Counseling Supplies $100.00

Professional Development: Actual Item Requisitioned Estimate Cost Use/Need Expense Registration SDCA Conference Same $150.00 Fee $150.00 Registration Fall Guidance Workshop Same $30.00 Fee $30.00 Registration Financial Aid Workshop Same $25.00 Fee $25.00 Membership SDSCA Membership Same $30.00 Fee $30.00

Travel Expenses: Estimated Actual Item Requisitioned Cost Use/Need Expense Travel to Sioux Falls (twice) $72.00 Room for conference (2 nights) $140.00

Element Six: Facilities, Resources, and Equipment

This section discusses the counseling office and the materials necessary to carry out the role of the school counselor. See the state model for a full example of what one might include. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

13 What type of space do I need to complete individual or small group counseling?

What materials or resources might I need to provide individual counseling, small group counseling and classroom guidance?

What furniture might I need to effectively complete the tasks of a school counselor?

Here is a brief example of how this section might read, you may want more detail, see the state model for further explanation:

A school counseling office is the “heart” of all school counseling services and program activities. It brings together all of the available resources and materials and makes them accessible to students. The school counseling office may be used for such activities as individual, small, and large group sessions, career exploration, and individual research and planning.

In providing all of the above services, it is recommended that at a minimum, the facility should include:

 space for individual and group counseling;  an office equipped with locking file cabinets, telephone, and computer;  an on-line student resource/career center with appropriate materials and resources, accessible during after school hours for student and parent use;  access to classrooms as needed; and  adequate storage space, as well as access to equipment for training.

Element Seven: Professional Staff:

In this section the personnel that will be employed in the school counseling program will be listed, qualifications explained, and their tasks and duties defined.

The counseling department personnel might consist of (depending on the size of the

14 school) 1. Professional School Counselor(s) 2. Office or clerical staff 3. Other

Below list the personnel that you will include in your comprehensive counseling program.

It is critical that the qualification of personnel also be defined. Below list the qualifications of counseling department personnel.

It is also important that each counseling department staff member have a job description. You may also want to distinguish between the tasks of a school counselor and a testing coordinator, while at times the same person; they can be considered two separate job titles. See the examples on the following pages.

Example: 1


15 POSITION: School Counselor

REPORTS TO: Principal

PURPOSE: Utilizing leadership, advocacy, and collaboration, school counselors promote student success, provide preventive services, and respond to identified student needs by implementing a comprehensive school counseling program that addresses academic, career, and personal/social development for all students.

The major functions of the school counselor job description incorporate the North Carolina State Board of Education priorities of Vision, High Student Performance, Healthy Students in Safe, Orderly and Caring Schools, Quality Teachers, Administrators and Staff, and Effective and Efficient Operation.


1. MAJOR FUNCTION: DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM 1.1 Discusses the comprehensive school counseling program with the school administrator. 1.2 Develops and maintains a written plan for effective delivery of the school counseling program based on the NC Comprehensive School Counseling Standard Course of Study and current individual school data. 1.3 Communicates the goals of the comprehensive school counseling program to education stakeholders. 1.4 Maintains current and appropriate resources for education stakeholders. 1.5 Uses 80% of time providing services through the Guidance Curriculum, Individual Student Planning and Preventive and Responsive Services and 20% of time in program management, system support and accountability.

2. MAJOR FUNCTION: DELIVERY OF A COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM Guidance Curriculum 2.1 Provides leadership and collaborates with other educators in the school-wide integration of the State Guidance Curriculum Standard Course of Study. 2.2 Implements developmentally appropriate and prevention-oriented group activities to meet student needs and school goals. Individual Student Planning 2.3 Assists all students, individually or in groups, with developing academic, career and personal/social skills, goals and plans. 2.4 Accurately and appropriately interprets and utilizes student data. 2.5 Collaborates with parents/guardians and educators to assist students with educational and career planning. Preventive and Responsive Services

16 2.6 Provides individual and group counseling to students with identified concerns and needs. 2.7 Consults and collaborates effectively with parents/guardians, teachers, administrators and other educational/community resources regarding students with identified concerns and needs. 2.8 Implements an effective referral and follow-up process. 2.9 Accurately and appropriately uses assessment procedures for determining and structuring individual and group counseling services. System Support 2.10 Provides appropriate information to staff related to the comprehensive school counseling program. 2.11 Assists teachers, parents/guardians and other stakeholders in interpreting and understanding student data. 2.12 Participates in professional development activities to improve knowledge and skills. 2.13 Uses available technology resources to enhance the school counseling program. 2.14 Adheres to laws, policies, procedures, and ethical standards of the school counseling profession.

3. MAJOR FUNCTION: ACCOUNTABILITY 3.1 Conducts a yearly program audit to review extent of program implementation. 3.2 Collects and analyzes data to guide program direction and emphasis. 3.3 Measures results of the school counseling program activities and shares results as appropriate. 3.4 Monitors student academic performance, behavior and attendance and assists with appropriate interventions.

Example 2:

The District employs one full time professional certified school counselor whose responsibilities will include but are not limited to:

 Oversees the counseling department  Implements the district’s guidance curriculum

17  Provides short-term individual counseling with students  Provides referrals for students and/or families in need of additional counseling  Provides informational meetings for students and parents when needed.  Develops and runs small groups when necessary  Provides individual post-high planning for all students  Maintains scholarship web site for students  Delivers Classroom guidance for grades k-12  Provides letter of recommendation for students and samples for teachers  Assists students in filling out applications (job or college)  Coordinates Testing Dates (PSAT, ASVAB, SDCAP)  Administer Tests (SDCAP, PSAT)  Assists other staff with testing issues when necessary  Interrupts test data for students, parents and staff  Provides or organizes parent or community educational opportunities  Assists students in registering for the ACT, SAT, Selective Service  Provides or organizes financial aid information for students and parents  Provides consultation for teachers and staff on student issues  Responds to crisis situations when necessary  Advocates for students when necessary  Develops additional programming when the need arises

In the District the School Counselor’s testing responsibilities include:  Interrupting test data for school board, teachers and staff  Helping students and parents understand test scores  Helping to analyze data for school improvement  Providing students/parents with information about the ACT/SAT  Organizing and giving the PSAT  Working with the MEPS Center to organize the ASVAB test  Helping students explore their ASVAB results  Organizes, gives and explain results of the SDCAP

The school counselor will not be responsible for giving any psychological assessments, IQ-tests or other tests required for special education services. The school counselor will assists in interpretation of such tests and provide input on suggested special education services, when input is requested by the district.

In the District the testing coordinator is responsible for all state mandated tests and the following tasks:  Ordering and inventorying testing supplies  Maintaining test security

18  Overseeing, managing and organizing the testing process  Dispensing the testing supplies to teachers  Collecting testing supplies when testing is completed  Counting and inventorying returned supplies  Packaging and returning completed assessments and materials

(please note: in the district it is possible for the school counselor to also hold the test coordinator’s title, in that case the counselor would perform both lists of duties, and any additional testing tasks assigned by the district.)

Element Eight: Political and Legal Resources

The political resources of a school counseling program include district policy statements, pertinent state and federal laws, state and local Board of Education rules and regulations, and professional association position statements and standards.

A clear and concise Board of Education policy is essential for the successful operation of the program in the school district. A policy represents a statement of support and provides a course of action, or guiding principles designed to influence and determine decisions concerning the program.

Below list any current board policies your school has related to counseling services. Also list any policies you think might be good to have in the future (see example on page 19).

Are there any other rules and relations that school counselors in your district should also adhere to (maybe state laws or codes of ethics)?

Example School District Counseling Policies

School Counseling Services Provided:  All students participate in classroom guidance on a regular schedule

19  Groups will be offered as needed.  Individual counseling for a variety of issues  Information and resources for parents on a variety of issues  Behavior modification programs for school/classroom  Future planning and preparation  Referral to other agencies when necessary

Parent Permission for Counseling Services:  The main goal of school counseling services is to foster healthy development in all students in the following areas: academic, school, social and emotional.  The school counselor will make his/her best effort to work collaboratively with parents in providing students with counseling services.  The school counselor will seek permission from parents before long term individual counseling services are provided to a student.  The school counselor will seek parental permission before students are allowed to participate in any voluntary group counseling offered by the counselor.  However the school counselor reserves the right to provide any classroom guidance activities, small group guidance, short-term individual counseling, teacher referred counseling or crisis intervention services to students without the permission of parents.

Confidentiality between Student and School Counselor:  The school counselor has an obligation to the student to keep what is shared in a counseling session confidential unless it falls under one of the following exceptions. A. There is intent by the student to harm him/herself. B. There is intent by the student to harm someone else. C. The activities the student speaks of put his/her life at risk. D. The student speaks of situations that may be considered child abuse or neglect.  By law the situations listed above must be reported to the proper reporting agency or persons.  In the event that a parent wishes the counselor to share any other information rendered during a counseling session, the counselor prefers to first obtain permission from the student.  The school counselor will do his/her best to work collaboratively with parents for the best interest of the student.  For any student who is receiving services at the request of a parent, parent(s) will receive appropriate updates as to how their daughter/son is progressing in counseling.

Element Nine: Management and Support Management and support strategies are in place for maintaining and enhancing the school district’s comprehensive school counseling program.

20 A comprehensive school counseling program requires an ongoing support system to maintain and enhance the total program. The support system consists of the management activities through which the program is established, maintained, and improved. Activities through this component may be part of the overall operations of the school district and supports the goals of the school system, as well as the school counseling program in the areas listed below (see the SD model for more information on each of these areas)

Describe how each the professional school counselor might play a role in each of these elements of support.

Research and Development:

Political and Legal Resources:

Professional Development:

Staff/Community Public Relations:

Community/Advisory Boards:

Community Outreach:

Program Management:

Teachers as Advisors:


Section III: Delivery

21 Element Ten: Program Content

The content of a comprehensive school counseling program is the overall umbrella of services and curriculum provided to students.

SD MODEL DOMAINS  Personal/Social Development  Career Development  Academic Development

This section explains how the standards will be evident in your curriculum and possible a listing of the standards in each domain. It also states who will deliver the stands and how they will be delivered. This is in some ways a summary or general overview of the program delivery.

1. What standards do you use or wish to use?

2. Who will deliver the standards?

3. What methods might be used to deliver the standards?

Element Eleven: School Counseling Curriculum

22 This section describes the curriculum of the school counseling program. It might be helpful to include a crosswalk tool in this section or as an appendix of this section. (see page 24 for an example)

There are also two sections in this area to make sure all areas of curriculum development are covered; they are needs assessments and curriculum development and delivery.

Needs assessments:

While all of the competencies are important for student development, each district will also set local priorities. The process for determining local priorities may be based on the results of needs assessment surveys. Needs assessments can be district created assessments or purchased services.

What type of needs assessments are currently done in your school?

What other needs assessments might be useful to your school or program?

Curriculum development and delivery:

Needs assessment results are used as a basis for developing the curriculum that is delivered to students. Program activities and curriculum are developed and delivered in a number of ways. Think about how you would use each of the following methods in your program.

Classroom Activities:

23 Group Activities:

Individual Activities:

Student/Parent Informational Meetings:


Curriculum Crosswalking Tool

24 Mark the standards/competencies currently addressed (Y) and those you intend (I) to address.

1 1 1 ACADEMIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K 0 1 2 SC K-12.2.1 Academic Development: Standard A Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and sills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span. Improve Academic Self-Concept Articulate feelings of competence and confidence as a learner Display a positive interest in learning Take pride in work and in achievement Accept mistakes as essential to the learning process Identify attitudes and behaviors which lead to successful learning Acquire Skills for Improving Learning Apply time management and task management skills Demonstrate how effort and persistence positively affect learning Use communication skills to know when and how to ask for help when needed Apply knowledge of learning styles to positively influence school performance Achieve School Success Take responsibility for their actions Demonstrate the ability to work independently, as well as the ability to work cooperatively with other students Develop a broad range of interests and abilities Demonstrate dependability, productivity and initiative Share knowledge SC K-12.2.2. Academic Development: Standard B Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial postsecondary options, including college. Improve Learning Demonstrate the motivation to achieve individual potential Learn and apply critical thinking skills Apply the study skills necessary for academic success at each level Seek information and support from faculty, staff, family, and peers Organize and apply academic information from a variety of sources Use knowledge of learning styles to positively influence school performance Become self-directed and independent learners Plan to achieve Goals

25 Establish challenging academic goals in elementary, middle/junior high and high school Use assessment results in educational planning Develop and implement an annual plan of study to maximize academic ability and achievement Apply knowledge of aptitudes and interests to goal setting Use problem-solving and decision-making skills to assess progress toward educational goals Understand the relationship between classroom performance and success in school Identify post-secondary options consistent with interests, achievement, aptitude and abilities SC K-12.2.3 Academic Development: Standard C Students will understand the relationship of academics to the world of work, and to life at home and in the community. Relate School to Life Experiences Demonstrate the ability to balance school, studies, extracurricular activities, leisure time and family life Seek co-curricular and community experiences to enhance the school experience Understand the relationship between learning and work Demonstrate an understanding of the value of lifelong learning as essential to seeking, obtaining, and maintaining life goals Understand that school success is the preparation to make the transition from student to community member Understand how school success and academic achievement enhance future career and a vocational opportunities

1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Career Development K 0 1 2 SC K-12.1.1 Career Development: Standard A Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions. Develop Career Awareness Develop skills to locate, evaluate, and interpret career information Learn about the variety of traditional and non- traditional occupations Develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills, interests, and motivations Learn how to interact and work cooperatively in teams Learn to make decisions Learn how to set goals

26 Understand the importance of planning Pursue and develop competency in areas of interest Develop hobbies and vocational interests Balance between work and leisure time Develop Employment Readiness Acquire employability skills such as working on a team, problem-solving and organizational skills Apply job readiness skills to seek employment opportunities Demonstrate knowledge about the changing workplace Learn about the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees Learn to respect individual uniqueness in the workplace Learn how to write a resume Develop a positive attitude toward work and learning Understand the importance of responsibility, dependability, punctuality, integrity and effort in the workplace Utilize time- and task-management skills SC K-12.1.2 Career Development: Standard B Students will employ strategies to achieve future career goals with success and satisfaction. Acquire Career Information Apply decision-making skills to career planning, course selection, and career transitions Identify personal skills, interests, and abilities and relate them to current career choices Demonstrate knowledge of the career planning process Know the various ways which occupations can be classified Use research and information resources to obtain career information Learn to use the internet to access career planning information Describe traditional and non-traditional occupations and how these relate to career choice Understand how changing economic and societal needs influence employment trends and future training Identify Career Goals Demonstrate awareness of the education and training needed to achieve career goals Assess and modify their educational plan to support career goals Use employability and job readiness skills in internship, mentoring, shadowing and/or other world of work experiences Select course work that is related to career interests Maintain a career planning portfolio

27 SC K-12.1.3 Career Development: Standard C Students will understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training, and the world of work. Acquire Knowledge to Achieve Career Goals Understand the relationship between educational achievement and career success Explain how work can help to achieve personal success and satisfaction Identify personal preferences and interests which influence career choices and success Understand that the changing workplace requires lifelong learning and acquiring new skills Describe the effect of work on lifestyles Understand the importance of equity and access in career choice Understand that work is an important and satisfying means of personal expression Apply Skills to Achieve Career Goals Demonstrate how interests, abilities, and achievement relate to achieving personal, social, educational and career goals. Learn how to use conflict management skills with peers and adults Learn to work cooperatively with others as a team member Apply academic and employment readiness skills in work-based learning situations such as internships, shadowing, and/or mentoring experiences

1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Personal/Social Development K 0 1 2

SC K-12.1.4 Personal/Social Development: Standard A Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, ad interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others. Acquire Self-Knowledge Develop a positive attitude toward self as a unique and worthy person Identify values, attitudes and beliefs Learn the goal setting process Understand change as a part of growth Identify and express feelings Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors Recognize personal boundaries, rights and privacy needs Understand the need for self-control and how to practice it

28 Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups Identify personal strengths and assets Identify and discuss changing personal and social roles Identify and recognize changing family roles Acquire Interpersonal Skills Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities Respect alternative points of view Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differences Recognize, accept and appreciate ethnic and cultural diversity Recognize and respect differences in various family configurations Use effective communication skills Know that communication involves speaking, listening, and nonverbal behavior Learn how to make and keep friends SC K-12.1.5 Personal/Social Development: Standard B Students will make decisions, set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals. Self-Knowledge Applications Use a decision-making and problem-solving model Understand consequences of decisions and choices Identify alternative solutions to a problem Develop effective coping skills for dealing with problems Demonstrate when, where, and how to seek help for solving problems and making decisions Know how to apply conflict resolution skills Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences Know when peer pressure is influencing a decision Identify long- and short-term goals Identify alternative ways of achieving goals Use persistence and perseverance in acquiring knowledge and skills Develop an action plan to set and achieve realistic goals SC K-12.1.5 Personal/Social Development: Standard C Students will understand safety and survival skills. Acquire Personal Safety Skills Demonstrate knowledge of personal information (i.e., telephone number, home address, emergency contact) Learn about the relationship between rules, laws, safety, and the protection of an individual’s rights Learn the difference between appropriate and inappropriate physical contact Demonstrate the ability to assert boundaries, rights, and personal privacy

29 Differentiate between situations requiring peer support and situations requiring adult professional help Identify resource people in the school and community, and know how to seek their help Apply effective problem-solving and decision-making skills to make safe and healthy choices Learn about the emotional and physical dangers of substance use and abuse Learn how to cope with peer pressure Learn techniques for managing stress and conflict Learn coping skills for managing life events

Thoughts, Comments and Observations of my current curriculum:

Element Twelve: Individual Planning

The focus of individual planning activities is on assisting students in developing life and career plans based on their skills, aptitudes, and abilities. School counselors serve

30 students and parents as facilitators of student development. The ultimate goal is for each South Dakota student to graduate from high school with the necessary skills needed to continue on to some type of post secondary training. The following questions will help you consider how individual planning will be a part of your school counseling program.

How do you plan to use individual career and academic planning activities?

Which grades will you receive individual planning?

What type of individual planning activities will you use to help students develop academic and career goals?

How will you use personal learning plans when working with students?

What other activities might be utilized to support individual planning?

Element Thirteen: Responsive Services

31 All students and their parents/guardians have access to responsive services, including consultation, individual and small group counseling, and referral to assist them with student’s problems or concerns related to their academic, social, and career development.

Responsive services consist of activities to meet the immediate needs and concerns of students. These needs may include counseling, consultation, referral, or information. These services are most often student initiated.

The purpose of the responsive services component is to intervene on behalf of those students whose immediate personal concerns or problems put their continued personal, career, and/or academic development at risk. Your answers to the following questions can help you set up the responsive services you will provide for students, staff and parents. Also see the SD Model for more information about this section.

How do responsive services fit into your school counseling program?

What type of response services are part of your school counseling program?

Are there specific situations that you feel would be considered responsive services?

Accountability System

32 Section IV: Accountability

Element Fourteen: Student Assessment

The comprehensive school counseling program provides students with academic, career, and personal-social assessments. The foundation is based on results for students that will assist them in continuing to be or becoming successful in school, in their lives, and in their careers.

Student assessment is vital to this process. A school counselor cannot assist students in reaching their full potential unless he/she knows where they are now, and have an indication as to how much they are able to achieve based on their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Assessment is an on-going process that assists students in making transitions. Use the following questions to help you determine how assessment might fit into your school counseling program. Also see the SD Model for more specific information.

What types of assessment do you plan to administer in your role as the school counselor?

Are there assessments that someone in the school counseling department will oversee?

Are there assessments that school counselors will help students, parents or teachers to interpret and understand?

How might the assessments used by the school counselor help students in academic and career choices?

33 Do you need to determine differences in the role of the school counselor, school psychologist and the district/building testing coordinator?

Element Fifteen: Personnel Evaluation

The district utilizes a personnel performance based supervision evaluation system for school counselors and other professional school counseling program staff.

Today's school counselors are vital members of the education team. They help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career development, ensuring today's students become the productive, well adjusted adults of tomorrow.

Personnel evaluation tools are designed based on the roles and responsibilities as outlined in the job description and based on the goals and objectives of the comprehensive program. An example of a school counselor evaluation is found on pages 34. Many others exists, see the SD Model and ASCA National Model for others.

School Counselor Evaluation Form


34 Evaluated by ______Evaluator Position

Please rate the counselor on the tasks below using the scale provided:

NA = not applicable S = Superior M = Meets Expectations O = Opportunity for Improvement Ratings Counseling Activities Counsel students regarding personal/family concerns Counsel students regarding school behavior and academic issues Counsel students in crisis/emergency situations Provide Small group counseling when needed

Consultation Activities Consult with school staff concerning student behavior Consult with outside agency regarding students Consult with parents regarding student issues Coordinate referral for counseling when needed Consult with administrators regarding students, school policy, programs or staff.

Curriculum Activities Conduct classroom activities to educate students on counseling services Conduct classroom guidance activities in the social development domain Conduct classroom guidance activities in the career development domain Conduct classroom guidance activities in the academic development domain

Coordination Activities Coordinate special events and programs for the school related to career, academic and social development domains Inform parents about the role of the school counselor in your school Conduct or coordinate parent education related to student issues Coordinate school wide response for crisis situations

Leadership Activities Attend professional development activities to improve counseling skills Work with an advisory group to analyze and develop your school counseling program Evaluate the effectiveness of your school counseling program

Other Activities* Get involved in the school and be a leader of change Develop community service activities Leadership of student organizations assigned to you

35 Coordinate standardized testing program Assist the district in compiling and interpreting data Develop student learning plans and discuss student classes

*Counselors are often assigned these activities although they are not a part of the general role of a counselor.

Please answer the following questions in regard to the above counselor.

1. Indicate counselor strengths.

2. Indicate areas for counselor improvement.

3. After classroom observation, give suggestions or comments on classroom guidance activities.

4. What might be some goals of the school counseling program in the next two to three years?

Administrator Signature______Date______

Counselor Signature ______Date______

Element Sixteen: Program Evaluation

Accountability of the school counseling program is an absolute necessity. The role of the school counselor is defined by the administration of a school district, as well as by the

36 counseling program plan utilized by that school. School counselors must answer the question, “How are students different as a result of the school counseling program?”

Programs should be evaluated with short-term, intermediate and long-term data. Many types of data can capture the overall view of student progress. Demographics, graduation and post secondary attendance rates, discipline and attendance data, test scores and other sources of statistical information can be utilized. Other types of data might include evaluation of counseling standards or progress towards established goals. The following questions should help you think about how you might evaluate your school counseling program. Also see the state model for more specific information.

What evaluations have you used in the past to evaluate your program?

What type of evaluation might you use to gather short-term data?

How might you collect intermediate data?

How might you collect long-term data about your program?

Goals and Action Plans:

37 Goals and action plans are used to focus for the upcoming year. They allow professional school counselors to take steps that help improve school counseling programs one step at a time and not be overwhelmed the all of possible directions.

Goals need to be measurable, manageable and meaningful. Measurable means that you must be able to measure the outcomes with tangible evidence. Manageable means that the goals can actually be accomplished within the school year. Meaningful goals refer to goals which have been identified through data collection.

Keeping this in mind what might be some goals for your school counseling program? (If you do not have any current use something you see as a need in your school.) See page 38 of this guide for an example of an action plan worksheet and page 39 see an example of how you might write goals for a district. Other resources can be found in the resources section on page 40 of this guide.

This form is not on the ASCA CD. It can be found on TAO on the School Counseling Bulletin Board.

38 WCPSS Action Plan Worksheet Use this worksheet to help complete the ASCA National Model Action Plan

1) Goal: Based on your school’s data, what change do you want to see happen? ______

2) Who is target group? ______

3) (Confidential) Attach list of students in target group.

4) Objective:

Target group will increase/decrease ______(circle one) (behavior) ______by ______%. Or ______will (behavior) (target group) increase/decrease by ______%. (circle one)

5) Activities A. What can only I do? For target students:

For parents of target students:

B. What school services are available for this student?

C. What community services are available for this student?

6) Measurement A. How will I measure the activities in this plan?

B. What will the results of this plan look like?

C. What dates will I review this plan? (recommended quarterly)

39 Named School District Comprehensive School Counselor Program

Goals for 2008-2009

A. Continue to update and improve school counseling program a. Work with the model and make changes where necessary b. Use counselor time and task analysis B. Begin to collect data specifically on guidance curriculum a. Use the Senteo remotes to collect pre-post test data from at least two classes. C. Begin a transition program for students in grades 6 and 8 in order increase 7th and 9th grade readiness. a. Two guidance lessons per grade b. Hold an evening student/parent open house prior to the start of the 2009- 2010 school year. c. Provide a question and answer session with older students. D. Improve study skills program at the 7th grade level. a. Spend at least 4 guidance lessons working on study and organization skills with the 7th graders. b. Have the 7th graders produce a photo story of what was learned. E. Hold a parent night for 9th grade parents focusing on graduation pathways and post-high planning. a. Provide info on graduation pathways, post high options, changes and trends through a parent/student meeting. b. Get parent feedback by using the senteo remotes. F. Send home at least two counselor newsletters throughout the school year G. All Students in grades 9-11 will have a personal learning plan

40 Other Resources

Web sites:

Counselor resources: ASCA Web-site: ASCA SCENE: SDSCA Web-site: Dr. Kelly Duncan web site: %20Development%20Series.html

Congratulations!! You should be well on your way to a working Comprehensive School Counseling Program. You have accomplished a lot by getting this far. Be proud of your accomplishment and continue to do great work as a professional school counselors. Students have bright futures because of what you do.

Don’t Forget:  A well established Comprehensive School Counselor Program can take at least three years to put into place.  Each year there are updates made to your model, which are data driven.  Goals should be set each year for your comprehensive program. Goals should also be data driven, meaningful, measurable and manageable.  You don’t have to do all the work on your program alone, there are other counselors who can help you.  Join a list-serv if you have not done so already.  Use the SD Model as a guide  Follow the implantation guidelines given in the SD Model, they are very helpful


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