Briarwood Presbyterian Church, U

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Briarwood Presbyterian Church, U

THE GATHERING Master, thou callest, and this I reply, THE SENDING WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Rev. Charles Bowdler We are grateful for your presence and invite you to participate in the “Ready and willing, Lord, here am I.” * HYMN 447 Lead On, O King Eternal worship, program, and service life of Briarwood Presbyterian Church. Willing, my savior, to take up the cross; Willing to suffer reproaches and loss; * CHARGE AND BENEDICTION Rev. Bowdler *Worshipers are invited to stand, if able. +Usher will seat you. Willing to follow, if thou will but lead; * CHORAL BENEDICTION Please turn off all cell phones while in the sanctuary. Only support me with grace in my need. Master, Thou callest, and this I reply, * POSTLUDE INVITATION TO WORSHIP “Ready and willing, Lord, here am I.” The beginning of the prelude is a call to silent, personal preparation for the PRAYER CONCERNS THIS WEEK worship of God. PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Rev. Bowdler CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY: Susan Sumrall lost her mother, Joan Head, on PRELUDE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON October 21. Our prayers are with Susan, John, and their family. Numbers 11:1-15 Pew Bible p. 129 IN THE HOSPITAL: Louise Coleman (Larry’s mother) – UMC; Vickie CHORAL INTROIT PSALM LESSON Foster (Dick’s sister-in-law).

106:1-5, 13-15,47-48 Pew Bible p. 557 REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Hartwell Bowling, Daphne Colman (Paul +* HYMN 461 God Is Here Colman’s mother), Julia Crittenden, Dan Duggan, Jane Hogue, Leanne GOSPEL LESSON Jones (Wayne Forrest’s daughter), Bill Kirby, Delmar McCormick, Rudi Mills, Susan Mahan Neibur, Bill Nicholas, Scott Steele, Evelyn Stevens, OPENING PRAYER (Unison) Mark 10:35-45 Pew Bible p. 47 EPISTLE LESSON Earline Strickland, Joyce Stuart, Bob Thomson, Lamar Van Landingham God of the certain future, we look to you from the uncertain present (Crea Shelton’s brother), and Libby Wright. Philippians 3:10-4:1 Pew Bible p. 198 with confidence. We do not know what tomorrow brings, but you MISSIONS: Dr. Barbara Nagy, Lisa & Werner Schobesberger, Ben Mathes, bring us the morrow. We worship you for you are merciful and and Dr. Mike Parker. The Word of the Lord. gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Our times MILITARY SERVING OVERSEAS: Spc. Meagan Rowles – Korea; Thanks be to God. are in your hands, and so we trust ourselves to your care as we LCpl James A. Stuart – Afghanistan; and all other military. persevere in faith, hope, and love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. SERMON “Pressing Toward What Lies Ahead” CHURCH CALENDAR * AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed CALL TO CONFESSION SUNDAY, October 24 I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven 9:00 a.m. – Sunday School, Choir Rehearsal and earth, PRAYER OF CONFESSION 10:00 a.m. – Fellowship Time And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was 10:25 a.m. – Morning Worship Heavenly Father, we need your forgiveness. We have set our conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, affections on things of the earth. Instead of making your upward 11:30 a.m. – Youth Lunch & Program suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and 5:30 p.m. – Session Meeting call our life’s goal, we are diverted by paltry idols. Instead of buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose forgetting what lies behind, we focus on the past with nostalgia or WEDNESDAY, October 27 again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth 10:30 a.m. – Staff Meeting regret. Instead of accepting each other’s varying levels of spiritual on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from and moral maturity, we judge others harshly. Be merciful and 6:00 p.m. – WNF Potluck Supper & Program thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. Choir Rehearsal gracious to us, O God. Forgive our sins and cleanse us from all I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; unrighteousness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. THURSDAY, October 28 the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the 9:00 a.m. – Presbytery of Mississippi Meeting – Belhaven Silence for personal confession resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. SATURDAY, October 30 9:00 a.m. – Flower Workshop KYRIE Hymn 572 * HYMN 388 O Jesus, I Have Promised SUNDAY, October 31, 2¢ A Meal Sunday 9:00 a.m. – Sunday School, Choir Rehearsal ASSURANCE OF PARDON MINUTE FOR STEWARDSHIP Elder Carol Busbee 10:00 a.m. – Fellowship Time +* GLORIA PATRI Hymn 579 10:25 a.m. – Morning Worship PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Rev. Williamsen THE WORD 11:30 a.m. – Stewardship Lunch Elders for this week: John Barron & Suzanne Stephens LORD’S PRAYER YOUNG DISCIPLES TIME Rev. Heather Williamsen Elders next week: Amy York & Baxter Hogue Extended Session Volunteers this week: PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS ANTHEM Lord, Here I am Biery Linda Simmons Hugh Hogue OFFERTORY Extended Session Volunteers next week: Master, Thou callest, I gladly obey; Sandy French Mitzi Bowdler Only direct me, and I’ll find Thy way. * DOXOLOGY Hymn 592 Flower Team this week: Simmons, Staples, Planch Teach me the mission appointed for me, Flower Team next week: Bailey, Forkin, Wagner What is my labor, and where it shall be. * PRAYER OF DEDICATION Sanctuary preparation this week: Jennifer Patterson Sanctuary preparation next week: Rosanne Fischer

USHERS Robert Davis (Capt) Polly Duggan (Capt) Paul Colman Jim McCreery Marcial Forester David French Bill Sikes Wayne Forrest 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Morning Worship ■ 10:25 O’clock RECEIVING NEW MEMBERS: Following the worship service each week, THE SESSION Liturgical Color: Green Elders meet to receive new members in the church office located on the Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class 2013 southwest side, behind the sanctuary. We welcome everyone who trusts in October 24, 2010 Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and who desires to be an active part of Rebecca Ansah……………………John Barron...... Carol Busbee Suzan Dorsey...... Robert Davis...... Baxter Hogue our family of faith. Betty Keating...... Charles Parrish...... Suzanne Stephens Amy York...... John Sumrall...... Tom Wagner SESSION ACTION: The Session has approved a love offering for our Presbytery’s retiring Stated Clerk, the Reverend Doctor John Dudley. Administration Committee Moderator...... Carol Busbee (‘13) Rev. Dudley has been our Stated Clerk for many, many years. He has Commitment Committee Moderator...... Amy York (‘11) Education Committee Moderator...... Suzan Dorsey (‘11) also been a Vacation Bible School speaker for BPC. Rev. Dudley will be Mission Committee Moderator...... Betty Keating ('11) honored at the October 28th meeting of Presbytery at Belhaven University. Worship Committee Moderator...... John Sumrall ('12) Please make checks payable to BPC and write “love offering” in the Clerk of Session...... Robert Davis (‘12) memo. Church Treasurer...... Paul Shelton

WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP: Join us at 6pm and bring your CHURCH STAFF favorite potluck dish – meat, vegetable, dessert, or salad & bread. Senior Minister...... Charles Bowdler...... 601.956.4553 Remember to bring at least enough to feed 4 times the number in your Parish Associate...... David Ray...... 601.924.5223 family. This week Rev. Bowdler will lead us with devotional program and Parish Associate...... Bill Smith...... 601.366.5994 singing. Youth Director...... Heather Williamsen...... 769.610.6660 Children’s Activities Director...... Dawn Barnhardt ...... 601.692.7366 Choir Director...... Barney McCann...... 601.857.6090 FLOWER COMMITTEE WORKSHOP: Saturday, October 30, at 9 a.m. Organist...... Judy Foster...... 601.856.4062 We encourage all flower committee members to attend, and welcome any Office Manager...... Audie Dodson...... 601.992.6791 others who would like to join us to learn about flower arranging. For more Sexton...... Larry Coleman...... 601.559.5345 information, contact Jane Gerber or Tommie Cole. Financial Assistant...... Brenda Hyde...... 601.212.7421 Childcare...... Josie Moore...... 601.316.0493 Sound Technician...... Kyle French...... 601.898.0958 WEEKLY WORSHIP BULLETIN: You are encouraged to take your Putting God First church bulletin home and use the prayers and scripture readings for your PASTOR EMERITUS MISSIONARIES personal devotional time. Continue to pray for those listed in the care John Kirstein Dr. Barbara Nagy Lisa & Werner Schobesberger Teaching Obedience to Jesus Christ concerns and keep the calendar handy for easy reference. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN RADIO BROADCAST: Each Sunday morning at 10:00 on WYAB, 103.9 Moderator...... Marcia Magee Vice Moderator...... Susan Bostwick Caring for People’s Needs FM radio you can hear Briarwood’s worship service from the week before. Secretary...... Mickey Velkey The broadcast is 30 minutes and features the sermon and other parts of Treasurer...... Carol Busbee the morning worship as time permits. CHILDREN’S OPPORTUNITIES: A nursery is provided in the Education Building for babies and young children. Pagers are available; ask your nursery caregiver. Worship childcare is for children up through the first grade. Following the Young Disciples’ Time they will be escorted from the 620 Briarwood Drive Jackson, Mississippi 39211 sanctuary. Second graders and older will remain in the sanctuary. 601.956.4553 [email protected] FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: Large-print bulletins, Bibles and hymnals and individual listening devices for improved sound are available in the back of the sanctuary. Also, knitted shawls are on the front row of each section. Please use them for your personal comfort during the service.

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