Getting to Know You Speech

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Getting to Know You Speech

EXPERIENCE SPEECH About 1-2 minutes

As a way to further introduce yourself to the class and to begin getting comfortable in the role of a public speaker, you must choose an experience you have had to share with the class. This experience can be funny or sad, a life lesson or something meaningless that just happened to you. However, it should be a story that is interesting enough to share with the class.

This will be a brief, initial speaking experience, which will help you become comfortable in front of the class. This situation will be low-risk, so don’t let your nervousness get the better of you. Your grade will be made up of your enthusiasm, your ability to speak comfortably, and your understanding of basic public speaking skills.

Obviously, as we get further into the course, the speech evaluation process will become more extensive, as you will be exhibiting your growing knowledge base in the best method of speech making.

You should deliver this speech extemporaneously from a brief set of notes (if needed). Your notes should occupy no more than one side of a single 4x6 index card.

SPEECHES SHALL NOT BE READ! Eye contact with the audience is VERY important.

"Extemporaneous" means that you know the information very well and your presentation seems very conversational. This comes from practicing what you plan to say several times -- often with an audience of one or two supportive friends or classmates. Practicing also helps you get your speech up to or down to 2 minutes!

Good luck -- you'll do great! Prepare and practice thoroughly; then, relax and have fun!

Name Period Experience Speech Rubric

0 1 3 5 Volume, Clarity & Student's voice is Student's voice is Student's voice is Student's voice is Rate often too soft to be low and a bit clear and loud clear and loud enough heard by the unclear. Audience enough to be heard to be heard by all majority of the members have by my most audience members audience members. difficulty hearing audience members. throughout the Student mumbles or presentation. Student Student pronounces presentation. Student cannot be incorrectly most words uses a precise understood. Student pronounces terms correctly and pronunciation of mispronounces and speaks too slow speaks at a steady terms and speaks at a many terms and or too fast. rate. steady rate. speaks too slow or too fast. Poise & Eye Slouches and/or Sometimes stands up Stands up straight Stands up straight, Contact does not look at straight and and establishes eye looks relaxed and people during the establishes eye contact with confident. Establishes presentation. contact. everyone in the eye contact with room during the everyone in the room presentation. during the presentation. Enthusiasm Student has no Student is excited energy and enthusiastic Organization The story jumps all The story is over the place and is organized and difficult to presented in a understand manner in which the audience can follow; the story has a beginning, middle, and end Extemporaneously Student reads from Student speaks Presented notes extemporaneously


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