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Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Name of Unit: Faith: Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Christianity Story? Key Stage in which this unit should be taught: Recommended Year Group (if specified): Key Stage 2 Lower KS2 Previous Learning: Easter Story Why Is Easter The Most Important Festival For Christians and How Do Easter Symbols Help Us To Understand The True Meaning of Easter? AT1 Learning About Religion AT2 Learning From Religion Focus: Practices and ways of life. Focus: Values and commitments. Identify and talk about some of the key characters in the Gospel Talk about what is important to them in the challenges they face in accounts of Holy Week, what happens to them and what they may feel their relationships with others, with reference to their own and others’ and think at different points in these narratives (L2); feelings (L2); Describe and explain why people may have the same or a range of Link things that are important to the key characters in the Gospel different responses to the roles played by the key characters in the accounts of Holy Week and the ways in which they and others may Gospel accounts of Holy Week (L3); think and behave (L3); Use specific Christian and other religious language accurately to Ask questions about the moral decisions they and other people make describe and compare different beliefs about the experiences and the and suggest what might happen as a result of different decisions, moral dilemmas faced by the key characters in the Gospel accounts of including those made with reference to religious beliefs / values (L4). Holy Week (L4).

What This Unit Teaches:  Why did Judas betray Jesus?  What does Peter’s denial say about the challenges of Christian faith?  Why were the women important at the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus?  Who is the most important person in the Easter narrative and why?*

Key RE Vocabulary: Cross-Curricular Links:

Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Christian, Christianity, faith, Holy Week, Easter narrative, Gospel, Literacy, Drama, Art and Design, Dance. Jesus, disciple, The Last Supper, betray, betrayal, forgiveness, redemption, reconciliation, Garden of Gethsemane, crucifixion, Peter, denial, resurrection, salvation, Ascension.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development: Points To Note: Moral issues relating to betrayal, denial and forgiveness; *Jesus is obviously the central figure in the Easter narratives, so this Personal, Social, Health and Cultural Education, relationships. unit highlights other major characters. Sensitivities: Possible Further Thinking and Extension Activities: Please be mindful of any pupils who have suffered betrayal, loss and / How was each of the Easter people part of God’s plan / big story, as or bereavement. Be aware of any pupils who feel betrayed by others Christians may understand it to be? and also those who may be responsible for betraying their friends, be aware of any relationship difficulties that there may be in the class. Please also be aware of any pupils who will be particularly sensitive and unduly disturbed by references to the suffering and pain of Jesus on the cross.

Future Learning: Possibly: Easter – How Does Holy Communion Build a Christian Community? What Happens In Churches At Easter? How Does The Christian Festival of Easter Offer Hope? (Depending on where this unit is placed in the school’s RE Curriculum Map.)

Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources Lesson 1 Why Did Judas Betray Jesus? Make sure all pupils know what betrayal means. Pupils should: Introduction:  Ask pupils if they have heard the word ‘betray’ before? Resources: AT1: What does it mean? Artistic depictions of The Identify and talk about some Ask pupils to think of any time / times when they have been / felt Last Supper in various forms of the key characters in the betrayed? and styles; Gospel accounts of Holy What happened? Week, what happens to them How did they move on? (Forgiveness?) Biblical Texts: and what they may feel and Matthew 26:17-30, think at different points in Have they ever betrayed anyone? Mark 14: 12-26, these narratives (L2); What happened? Luke 22: 37 and 38, Did they learn anything from this? John 13: 18-38; Describe and explain why If so, what did they learn? people may have the same Possible pieces of music that or a range of different Main Part of the Lesson: could be used in the dances,  responses to the roles Display images of paintings of the Last Supper. Can the pupils although pupils could also be played by the key characters suggest who the people are in the painting? Which one is given the chance to come up in the Gospel accounts of Jesus? How do they know? with the choice of music from Holy Week (L3); Which person might be Judas? Why? their selection;

Use specific Christian and Read the Bible narrative where Jesus is stating that one of his Reflective Lent music. other religious language friends is going to betray him. What did Jesus mean when he accurately to describe and said, “One of you will betray me?” Sensitivities: compare different beliefs Discuss why Judas has decided to betray his friend. Be aware of any pupils who about the experiences and Read and highlight what Judas does and what happens to feel betrayed by others and the moral dilemmas faced by Judas later in the Holy Week narratives. also those who may be Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources the key characters in the responsible for betraying Gospel accounts of Holy   Activity: their friends. Week (L4). Provide groups with different titles about the story of Judas:  The Betrayal of Jesus;  The Last Supper; AT2:  In the Garden of Gethsemane; Talk about what is important  Jesus is Condemned. to them in the challenges they face in their relationships with others, Each group to respond with a drama / dance and a written with reference to their own recording, (emotions graph) to track Judas’ feelings at that and others’ feelings (L2); particular section of his story. (Play reflective Lent music whilst pupils record the emotions Link things that are important graphs.) to the key characters in the Gospel accounts of Holy Groups share their responses with the rest of the class. Week and the ways in which Discuss if all agree with the emotions portrayed. they and others may think Why? / Why not? and behave (L3); How and why might there be different opinions?   Does Judas’ actions and the consequences teach us anything? Ask questions about the moral decisions they and Plenary: other people make and Share the dramas / dances from the various groups. suggest what might happen as a result of different Would Jesus still have been crucified, had he not been betrayed decisions, including those by Judas? Discuss. made with reference to religious beliefs / values (L4). Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources

Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources Lesson 2 What Does Peter’s Denial Say About Make sure all pupils know what denial means. The Challenges of Christian Faith? Pupils should: Introduction: Resources:  AT1: Ask pupils to think about and possibly share any times that they ‘The Miracle Maker’ film: Identify and talk about some have fallen out with a friend. of the key characters in the What happened before? / during? / after? tch?v=jRzL1Aca4Lw Gospel accounts of Holy Week, what happens to them Main Part of the Lesson: Biblical Texts:   and what they may feel and Watch the film clip from ‘The Miracle Maker’ of Peter denying John 18: 15-27, think at different points in that he knew Jesus. Acts 2: 14-41; these narratives (L2); Peter was Jesus’ closest friend. Why might he do this? Is this the way that you would treat your friend? Free Bible Images / The Describe and explain why What do you think Jesus felt about Peter doing this? National Gallery images / people may have the same If you had treated a friend badly, what could you then do to Google Images; or a range of different show you are sorry and mend your friendship again? responses to the roles What guides you in your relationship with a friend? Thought bubble templates played by the key characters What do you think Peter did afterwards? Why? per pupil; in the Gospel accounts of Holy Week (L3); Read the Bible narrative, ‘Peter Addresses the Crowd’. Reflective Lent music. Unpack this text with the pupils. Peter’s message meant that Use specific Christian and 3400 people were baptised as Christians that day. Sensitivities: other religious language Be aware of any relationship accurately to describe and Activity: difficulties that there may be compare different beliefs   Divide the pupils into small groups. in the class. about the experiences and Give each group a different image of Peter’s denials or of Peter the moral dilemmas faced by addressing the crowds.

Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources the key characters in the Ask each pupil to write, (at the top of a thought bubble) a Gospel accounts of Holy question that they would like to ask Peter about his denial / Week (L4). message.

Pupils pass their question to someone else in the group who, AT2: below on the thought bubble, provides their answer. Talk about what is important to them in the challenges Keep passing the thought bubbles around the group until they face in their everyone has given an answer to each of their peers’ questions. relationships with others, with reference to their own Share the questions and answers by asking the pupils to move and others’ feelings (L2); around the classroom and read and think about the different responses to the images. Link things that are important (Play reflective Lent music while they do this.) to the key characters in the   Gospel accounts of Holy Plenary: Week and the ways in which What does Peter’s denial say about the challenges of Christian they and others may think faith? and behave (L3); How did Peter’s actions affect himself, Jesus, the crowd? Ask questions about the moral decisions they and Draw out with the pupils that, after his denial, Peter knew in his other people make and heart that God was telling him to make amends and repair the suggest what might happen damage he had done. as a result of different decisions, including those Can pupils recognise a link with the Christian message of made with reference to Easter? religious beliefs / values If so, what is it? (L4). Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources Draw out the core themes in Christianity of Easter: new life, redemption, reconciliation, making amends for sins and restoration and God’s relationship with humanity being mended, etc.

Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources Lesson 3 Why Were the Women Important at the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus? Resources: Pupils should: ‘The Yellow Christ’ by Introduction: Gaugiun:  AT1: Recap and list all the different characters of the Easter story that Identify and talk about some the pupils know about / have heard of / have learnt about. rtworks/19464-le-christ- of the key characters in the Discuss how some of the characters are women and that in jaune-yellow-christ Gospel accounts of Holy today’s lesson we are going to look at the part that they played Week, what happens to them in the Easter narrative. ‘The Descent From The and what they may feel and Cross’ think at different points in Main Part of the Lesson:  by Rogier van der Weyden: these narratives (L2); Show pupils an image of the painting of ‘The Yellow Christ’ by https://www.museodelprado. Gaugiun. es/en/the-collection/art- Describe and explain why What are their responses? work/the-descent-from-the- people may have the same Is there any symbolism in the colours used? cross/856d822a-dd22-4425- or a range of different How are the women who are observing Jesus on the cross bebd-920a1d416aa7 responses to the roles feeling? Whose actions led to this point? Why? played by the key characters Could Jesus’ crucifixion have been prevented? How? The Bible, in the Gospel accounts of The Bible narrative from the Holy Week (L3); Now show pupils an image of another painting, this time ‘The Garden of Gethsemane Descent From The Cross’ by Rogier van der Weyden. through to the crucifixion, - Use specific Christian and Ask them to focus again on the women – how are they the same Take care to choose other religious language as and different from those shown in Gauguin’s work? versions which focus on the accurately to describe and Why are they there? women; compare different beliefs How are they feeling? Use a zoom facility, if available, to look about the experiences and at their faces in detail. Individual copies of the the moral dilemmas faced by paintings;

Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources the key characters in the Read the Bible narrative from the Garden of Gethsemane Gospel accounts of Holy through to the crucifixion. Take care to choose versions which Reflective Easter music. Week (L4). focus on the women. Ask the pupils to listen carefully and think about the part that the women play in the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. AT2: Sensitivities: Talk about what is important   Activity: Be aware of any children to them in the challenges Ask pupils to choose one of those two pictures and to discuss who will be particularly they face in their and write answers to the following questions: sensitive and unduly relationships with others,  What part of the Christian story does the painting show? disturbed by references to with reference to their own  What is the artist trying to convey about the meaning of that the suffering and pain of and others’ feelings (L2); story? Jesus on the cross.  What would you like to ask the artist about the painting? Link things that are important to the key characters in the  Choose one of the women in the painting – who is she and Gospel accounts of Holy what would you like to ask her? Week and the ways in which  Why did you choose that particular woman? they and others may think  Why do you think the artist decided to include her and why and behave (L3); is she in the story?  What do you think makes a piece of art Christian? Ask questions about the moral decisions they and Pupils can record their answers around a copy of the picture, other people make and postcard or drawing. suggest what might happen as a result of different Pupils could create a personal response to their chosen art decisions, including those work, explaining and reflecting upon their work. made with reference to religious beliefs / values Plenary: (L4). Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources Play reflective Easter music whilst pupils view one another’s work.

Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources Lesson 4 Who Is the Most Significant Person in *Jesus is obviously the central figure in the Easter The Easter Narrative and Why? * Pupils should: narratives, so this unit highlights other major Introduction:  characters. AT1: Show pupils ‘The Miracle Maker’ clip of Jesus’ resurrection and Identify and talk about some ascension. Recap prior learning. of the key characters in the Who is the woman featured? Gospel accounts of Holy What is her relationship with Jesus? Encourage the pupils to think Week, what happens to them Why was she so upset at the beginning of the film clip? and write deeply about the and what they may feel and How and why did her mood change as the film clip continued? women as witnesses to think at different points in How did Mary Magdalene feel about Jesus’ crucifixion and Jesus’ death and / or these narratives (L2); resurrection? resurrection. Explore the answers given. Describe and explain why   people may have the same Main Activity (Assessment Task): or a range of different Ask pupils to choose one of the Easter People studied, (Judas, Resources: responses to the roles Peter or one of the other women present at Jesus’ crucifixion ‘The Miracle Maker’ clip of played by the key characters and / or Jesus’ resurrection, e.g. Mary Magdalene) and to write Jesus’ resurrection and in the Gospel accounts of a diary extract in the voice of that character about their part in ascension: Holy Week (L3); the Easter Story recording their feelings and thoughts about the events. tch?v=zc2NtYSI7oE Use specific Christian and   other religious language Plenary: accurately to describe and Remind pupils of the enquiry question for this teaching unit, Sensitivities: compare different beliefs ‘Who is the most significant person in the Easter story?’ Be clear that it is Christians about the experiences and Ask pupils to think carefully and deeply about their learning from who believe in the the moral dilemmas faced by this unit of work and all that they have learnt about the different resurrection and ascension Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note / Resources the key characters in the characters of The Easter narrative previously. of Jesus. Gospel accounts of Holy From their thinking and learning, which ‘Easter person’ has Week (L4). taught them the most about what it means to be a follower / disciple of Jesus and to live a Christian life? Why have they chosen that person from the Easter Story? AT2: What have they taught them? Talk about what is important Therefore who do they consider is the most significant person in to them in the challenges the Easter story? (*other than Jesus). they face in their relationships with others, with reference to their own and others’ feelings (L2);

Link things that are important to the key characters in the Gospel accounts of Holy Week and the ways in which they and others may think and behave (L3);

Ask questions about the moral decisions they and other people make and suggest what might happen as a result of different decisions, including those made with reference to religious beliefs / values (L4). Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of

Education Easter People – Who Is The Most Significant Person In The Easter Story? Christianity

Southwark Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education Southwark Diocesan Board of


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