For Magazine coverOther Use @mosphere a Schafer Richardson North Loop Office Community PAID PRSRT STD PRSRT U.S. POSTAGE TWIN CITIES, MN PERMIT NO. 7098 ADDRESS Supplement to Finance & Commerce and Minnesota Lawyer. 2 Twin Cities Tenant Fall/Winter 2016 BEYOND THE FITNESS CENTER Enhanced amenities are becoming almost standard 3 for office buildings A WORKPLACE FOR THE FUTURE PwC’s new HQ offers 4 flexibility with a view TENANT DATA 6 Enhanced Listings 8 Office Properties 16 Industrial/Flex Properties @mosphere is an 11 story state-of-the-art office community focused on efficiency and access, adding 200,000 SF of Class A office space and 4,500 SF of street level retail to the vibrant North Loop neighborhood of Minneapolis. @mosphere features 300 parking spaces, a grand lobby entrance, rooftop deck, and is perfectly located less than half a mile from Target Field Station & Rail Platform, I-394/I-94/State Highway 55, biking/walking trails and a variety of new retail, restaurant and entertainment venues. ADMINISTRATION CREATIVE President & Publisher Staff Photographer Twin Cities Tenant is a special publication of FINANCE & COMMERCE, 222 South Ninth St., Suite 2300, Twin Cities, MN 55402. Bill Gaier 612-584-1537 Bill Klotz 612-584-1562 Telephone: 612-333-4244 or 800-397-4348. Fax: 612-333-3243. ©2016 FINANCE & COMMERCE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EDITORIAL ADVERTISING SALES POSTMASTER: Electronic Address Change Service Requested, Editor Advertising Supervisor “Finance & Commerce” Subscription Services 10 Milk St Ste 1000, Casey Selix 612-584-1556 Mark Berriman 612-584-1539 Boston MA 02108 Assistant Editor/ Subscription Rates – Payable in Advance Advertising Account Executives Special Sections Editor 800-451-9998 /
[email protected] Sheila Bennett 612-584-1544 One year .