Tender for the Provision of Waste Management Services

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Tender for the Provision of Waste Management Services

Waste Management Services - Aston University Aston Ref No: EU/052/0211/WM

Tender for the Provision of Waste Management Services

Aston Ref No: EU/052/0211/WM



Tender Document (for retention)


Tender Submission to be completed and uploaded to In-Tend https://www.intendhost.co.uk/astonuniversity/

Aston University 1 Waste Management Services - Aston University Aston Ref No: EU/052/0211/WM

Tender for the Provision of Waste Management Services

Aston Ref No: EU/052/0211/WM



 Tender Information  Instructions To Tenderers  Aston University Standard Terms and Conditions  Schedule A – Service Specification  Appendix A –University Holidays  Appendix B—Waste Tonnages


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After successfully completing the Pre-Qualification process, you are invited to tender for providing a Waste Management Service to Aston University. Suppliers tendering for the contract to provide this requirement are requested to set out their approach in a context and the way in which they would fulfil the specific requirements contained in the specification.

The University is looking to appoint one Contractor to manage the vast majority of its waste streams. The University does however reserve the right to exclude certain waste which it feels is not appropriate to be included in the Contract. This could include waste from specialist research, and also where the University has a specific arrangement for disposal or recycling.


The tender will be judged against the following criteria, which are not ordered in terms of importance:

 Most economically advantageous.  Firm’s capability to fully satisfy the requirements as laid out in the specification.  Ability to deal with the range of waste streams, by the most appropriate methods.  Give a high priority to recycling, where appropriate.  Acceptable service standards with regard to removal of waste,  Recording paperwork and systems to comply with all current regulations, and legislation.  Demonstrable flexibility and adaptability to changing circumstances.  Environmental Factors and awareness of sustainability and social issues.  Can show evidence of successfully managing a similar contract (ideally with a similar value)

The performance of the contractor will be monitored on a regular basis with regular formal reviews of performance being undertaken. Using ‘Key Performance Indicators’ and the establishment of a ‘Service Level Agreement’.

Site visit to Aston University

A site visit will be available to all tenderers, jointly on Tuesday 17th May 2011, where details of current waste streams and other information, will be given, and a tour of the site will take place (Full information of this day will be sent out nearer the time)

The Contractor will be deemed to have inspected the sites and satisfied himself that present access and storage arrangements are adequate in all cases. No adjustments in the Tender price will be permitted due to lack of knowledge of site conditions.

The Contractor should be a registered carrier of waste in accordance with the Control of Pollution Act (1989 amendment). The Contractor will provide a copy of the certificate of registration. Claims on the grounds of want or knowledge in such respect will not be admitted. Information supplied during such visits is supplied for general guidance only, and contractors are expected to arrange their own audit

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Submission of your tender proposals will be by way of the ‘In-Tend’ system, and also (2) hard copies should be submitted as below, to be received by 12noon on Tuesday 21.06.2011

Hard Copies (2) Tenders must be returned in a sealed envelope/package marked as follows:

You must mark and address the envelope as follow; please be advised that if this is not adhered to there will be chance that your bid will not be accepted.

TENDER For the Provision of Waste Management Services

NOT TO BE OPENED UNTIL: (12 Noon Tuesday 21 June 2011 )

Peter Frazier Purchasing Officer Estates and Capital Developments Room SW707, South Wing Aston University Birmingham B4 7ET UK

1. The envelope or package must not be marked in any way so as to disclose your own or your company’s identity.

2. Tenders delivered after the time and date stipulated may at the sole discretion of the University be returned.

3. All details of the Invitation to Tender, enclosed documents and the subsequent amount Tendered must be treated as private and confidential and thus shall not be disclosed to any party, whether your Tender is successful or not.

4. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have received all of the documents listed in the Invitation to Tender Letter and that each is complete in the number of pages and the reproduction of each page.

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5. You are required to abide by your Tender for three calendar months from the submission date stated in the Invitation to Tender letter or any extension thereof and which may be accepted at any time during such period.

6. Tendered prices are confidential to Aston University and the policy is not to disclose any information regarding prices either before or after an Award of Contract. This is however subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

7. Where Aston University discovers any errors or omissions in your Tender, this will be pointed out and you will be given the opportunity either to confirm you adhere to the Tender sum or to correct the error or omission. Your decision and any subsequent adjustment must be confirmed in writing. Aston University reserves the right to disqualify incomplete Tenders.

8. No Tender or any part of it shall be deemed to have been accepted unless such acceptance shall have been notified to the Tenderer by notice in writing by Aston University.

9. Tenders submitted must be strictly in accordance with the Tender Documentation. The Tenderer may not alter the documents in anyway, including re-formatting. Should you wish to discuss any part of the Invitation to Tender or should you discover any discrepancies therein or be in any doubt as to the meaning thereof you should at once notify the Signatory of the Invitation to Tender letter.

10. All such matters are to be addressed 7 days prior to the return date of the tender. If you do have any questions, please contact:

Peter Frazier Tel: 0121 204 4417 Central & Estates Purchasing Fax: 0121 204 4316 Aston University E-mail: [email protected] Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET

11. Aston University shall not be responsible for or pay for any losses or expenses that may be incurred by you in the preparation and submission of your Tender.

12. Tenders shall be submitted in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set out or referred to in this Invitation to Tender Document.

13. Suppliers should respond to each item within the response to the specification section (Part B) in a clear, decisive manner with no likelihood at all for misinterpretation in the following manner:

Response Definition “Totally Compliant” The paragraph is accepted without modification and will be fully contractually committed to. Additional text may be provided to support the response.

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“Partially Compliant” The offer is not fully compliant but does meet the requirement to the extent indicated in the associated notes. The stated response will be contractually committed to. “Non-Compliant” The offer does not meet the requirement. Where possible Suppliers should propose an alternative solution/response to the requirement that will be contractually committed to.

Please note: The use of the terms ‘Noted’ or ‘Understood’ are not acceptable responses. If either of these terms are used, it will be understood to mean full compliance with the particular item referred to.

14. The Form of Tender must be signed by an authorised signatory.

15 Aston University reserves the right to not award the tender.

16. All prices must be stated in Pounds Sterling, Value Added Tax should be detailed separately where VAT is applicable.

17. Tenderers must confirm that no minimum order values will apply.

18. Tenderers are invited to submit alternative proposals only if they are offered in addition to a submission based on the Invitation to Tender, and any such alternatives should offer better value for money for Aston University.

19. Please acknowledge, your receipt of this Invitation to Tender, and all enclosures, via In-tend, by the due date, confirming that you intend to submit a tender by the required date.

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Pricing and Invoicing

1. Prices shall be firm and fixed for at least the first 12 months of the contract. Thereafter, the Contractor may submit a request for an adjustment to the stated prices 60 days before each anniversary date of the contract. Any subsequent agreed change to the prices should be limited to a maximum 90% of the RPI (x) increase over the following 12-month period. The University shall notify the Contractor of the RPI (x) baseline figure at the commencement of the Contract. Subsequent years RPI (x) calculations shall be based on the12 month period.

2. The University’s standard payment terms are 30 days from end of invoice month providing a correct invoice is received.

3. The monthly invoice should itemise the number, categories, weights and cost of collections, identify clearly any landfill tax paid, transport costs, purchase order number and name of the issuer of the purchase order.

4. Invoices for Aston University should be addressed as follows; Director of Finance, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham. B4 7ET.

5. In the event of building alterations or changes in the building use necessitates changes in the number of, type of, or location of Containers, or the access to the Containers in the schedule, the University will review the position with the Contractor. The overall cost of the services shall be adjusted in accordance with the rates in the tender on an annual basis. This would also apply in the event the University wishes to include a further site, or site during the course of the Contact.

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ASTON UNIVERSITY STANDARD CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES . INTERPRETATION: 1.1 In these Conditions: "Buyer" means Aston University "Conditions" means the standard conditions of purchase set out in this document and (unless the context otherwise requires) includes any special terms and conditions agreed in writing between the Buyer and the Supplier. "Order" means the Buyer's purchase order in respect of Goods and/or Service signed by an authorised signatory only. "Services" means the services (if any) described in the Order. "Goods" means the goods (including any instalment of the goods or any part of them) described in the Order. "Contract" means the contract for the sale and purchase of the Goods and/or the supply and acquisition of the Services subject to these Conditions. "Delivery Address" means the service point as stated on the Order. "Price" means the price of the Goods and/or the charge for the Services. "Supplier" means the person so described in the Order. "Specification" includes any plans, drawings, data, description of goods and services or other information relating to the Goods or Services. "Writing" includes telex, cable, facsimile transmission and comparable means of communication. “Correct Invoice” means a separate detailed invoice raised on or any time after delivery of the goods or performance of service quoting Buyers order number and setting out full particulars of the Goods and/or Services supplied and any discounts given. 1.2 Any reference in these Conditions to a statute or a provision of statute shall be construed as a reference to that statute or provision as amended, re-enacted or extended at the relevant time. 1.3 The headings in these Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

2. BASIS OF PURCHASE: 2.1 The Order constitutes an offer by the Buyer to purchase the Goods and/or acquire the Services subject to the Conditions. 2.2 These Conditions shall apply to the Contract to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions on which any quotation has been given to the Buyer or subject to which the Order is accepted or purported to be accepted by the Supplier. 2.3 The Buyer reserves the right to cancel the Order unless unconditionally accepted by the Supplier in writing within 28 days of its date. 2.4 No variation to the Order or these Conditions shall be binding unless agreed in Writing between the authorised representatives of the Buyer and the Supplier. 2.5 If the Order provides that Goods are purchased on any trade term defined in the current edition of Incoterms the use of the same shall import the obligations there provided upon the Buyer and Supplier respectively as buyer and seller.

3. CHANGES TO THE ORDER 3.1 The Supplier shall not unreasonably refuse any request by the Buyer to inspect and test the Goods during manufacture, processing or storage at the premises of the Supplier or any third party prior to despatch, but such inspection shall not constitute acceptance or approval of the Goods and/or Services and the Supplier shall provide the Buyer with all facilities reasonably required for such inspection and testing. 3.2 If, as a result of inspection or testing, the Buyer is not satisfied that the Goods will comply in all respects with the Contract, and the Buyer so informs the Supplier within 7 days of inspection or testing, the Supplier shall at its own expense take such steps as are necessary to ensure compliance. 3.3 The Buyer may at any time make changes in writing relating to the Contract/Order, including changes in drawings or specifications, method of transit, qualities, packing or time or place of delivery or performance of the Services. If such changes result in an increase in cost of, or time required for,

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the performance of the Contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made to the price, delivery date or both. Any claim or adjustment by the Supplier must be approved by the Buyer in writing before the Supplier proceeds with such changes.

4. PRICE OF GOODS AND SERVICES: 4.1 The Price of the Goods and the Services shall be fixed and as stated in the Order and, unless otherwise so stated, shall be: 4.1.1 exclusive of any applicable value added tax (which shall be payable by the Buyer subject to receipt of a VAT invoice) at the rate prevailing at the relevant point; and 4.1.2 inclusive of all charges for packaging, packing, shipping, carriage, insurance and delivery of the Goods to the Delivery Address and any duties, imposts or levies other than value added tax. 4.2 No increase in the Price may be made (whether on account of increased material, labour or transport costs, fluctuation in rates of exchange or otherwise) without the prior consent of the Buyer in Writing. 4.3 The Buyer shall be entitled to any discount for prompt payment, bulk purchase, or volume of purchase customarily granted by the Supplier, whether or not shown on its own terms and conditions of sale.

5. TERMS OF PAYMENT: 5.1 Unless otherwise agreed in Writing the Buyer will pay for the Goods and/or Services at the end of the calendar month following the month in which the Goods are received and/or the service performed, provided a Correct Invoice is received. 5.2 The Buyer shall be entitled to set off against the Price any sums owed to the Buyer by the Seller. 6. DELIVERY, PACKAGING, CARRIAGE: 6.1 The Goods shall be delivered carriage paid to, and the Services shall be performed at, the Delivery Address, or any other such address as the Buyer may subsequently specify, during the Buyers normal office hours. 6.2 The Goods shall be delivered, and the Services performed, on (or before) the date or within the period specified on the Order, or if no such date or period is specified then within 28 days of the date of the Order. 6.3 Where a delivery date is specified on an Order the Supplier shall not deliver the Goods and/or perform the Services before that date unless the Buyer gives its prior written consent. If the Supplier attempts to deliver the Goods (or any part of them) and/or perform the Services before the delivery date without obtaining this consent, the Buyer reserves the right to refuse such delivery of the Goods and/or performance of the Services without liability for any charges incurred by the Supplier. 6.4 Transit and off loading of the Goods shall be at the Supplier’s risk and no charges for packing, carriage or insurance will be allowed unless expressly stated on an Order. 6.5 Time shall be of the essence in respect of any time period or date specified by the Buyer. Without prejudice to any other rights which it might have the Buyer reserves the right to cancel an Order in the event that delivery is not made or the Services not performed in accordance with Condition 6.2 above and/or any Goods delivered and/or Services performed are not in accordance with the Specification and the Contract, and to claim for all loss and expenses incurred in obtaining the Goods or Services from another Supplier. 6.6 The Buyer shall not be deemed to have accepted the Goods and/or Services until the Buyer has had reasonable time to inspect them following delivery or performance but any such acceptance shall not constitute a waiver of the Buyer’s rights under the Contract. 6.7 The Buyer reserves the right to mark the Goods immediately upon delivery. This is undertaken for the purposes of security and the Buyer shall not thereby be deemed to have accepted the Goods nor shall the Supplier be entitled to raise an objection on this ground to any subsequent rejection of the Goods. 6.8 The Supplier shall supply the Buyer on delivery of the Goods with all operating and safety instructions and other information as are necessary for safe operation of the Goods. 6.9 The Buyer shall not be obliged to return to the Supplier any packaging or packing materials for the Goods, whether or not any Goods are accepted by the Buyer.

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6.10 If Goods are delivered to the Buyer in excess of the quantities ordered, the Buyer shall not be bound to pay for the excess unless it so elects and any excess will be and remain at the Supplier’s risk and will be returnable at the Supplier’s expense. 6.11 The Supplier shall provide the Buyer with such invoices, advice notes, statements and other documentation as the Buyer may from time to time specify and the Supplier shall ensure that the Buyer’s Order number is quoted on all such documentation. 6.12 On despatch of each consignment the Supplier shall send to the Buyer at the Delivery Address an advice note specifying the means of transport, the weight, number of volume and the point and date of despatch of the Goods; and each delivery of Goods and/or performance of the Services must be accompanied by a delivery note setting out full particulars of the Goods and/or Services and quoting the Buyer’s order number. 6.13 Should the Goods the subject of an Order, or any part hereof, be imported, the Supplier undertakes to give the Buyer every assistance, free of charge, in the completion of claims for and the collection of rebate of customs duty and any other taxes and impositions levied on importation.

7. RISK AND PROPERTY: 7.1 Risk of damage to or loss of the Goods and/or Services shall pass to the Buyer upon satisfactory delivery to the Buyer in accordance with the Contract and/or completion as appropriate. 7.2 The property in the Goods shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery, unless payment (or part payment) for the Goods is made prior to the delivery, when property in the Goods (and/or materials purchased or allocated by the Supplier for the purchase of the Contract) shall immediately vest in the Buyer unless specifically agreed in Writing by the Buyer.

8. TOOLS AND DRAWINGS 8.1 All tools, equipment, patterns, drawings, specifications and documentation supplied by the Buyer to the Supplier shall remain the property of the Buyer together with all intellectual property rights of whatever nature therein and all such items shall be used solely for the purchase of the Contract and returned to the Buyer forthwith on request or upon completion of the Contract whichever is earlier. In the event that the Supplier fails so to return such tools, equipment, drawings, specifications and documentation the Buyer is hereby irrevocably authorised without any requirement as to notice to enter upon the premises of the Supplier for the purpose only of recovering the said tools, equipment, patterns, drawing, specifications and descriptive matter. 8.2 Risk in such tools, equipment, patterns, drawing, specifications and documentation shall pass to the Supplier upon delivery of the same to the Supplier or collection by the Supplier and shall remain with the Supplier until the same are returned to the Buyer’s premises or collected by the Buyer as the case may be. The Supplier shall indemnify the Buyer in full against any and all loss and/or damage of such tools, equipment, patterns, drawing, specifications and documentation and shall insure the same whilst at its risk.

9. WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY: 9.1 The Supplier warrants to the Buyer that the Goods: 9.1.1 will be of satisfactory quality and fit for their normal purpose and any other purpose held out by the Supplier or made known to the Supplier in Writing at the time the Order is placed; 9.1.2 will be free from defects in design, material and workmanship; 9.1.3 will correspond with any relevant Specification quantities, stipulations or sample provided by the Supplier; and 9.1.4 will comply with all statutory requirements and regulations relating to the sale of the Goods including all applicable regulations and other legal requirements concerning the manufacture, packaging, packing and delivery of the Goods and the performance of the Services 9.2 The Supplier warrants to the Buyer that their Services will be performed by appropriately qualified and trained personnel, with due care and diligence and to such high standard of quality as it is reasonable for the Buyer to expect in all the circumstances. 9.3 Without prejudice to any other remedy, if any Goods and/or Services are not supplied or performed in accordance with the Contract, or if any defect shall materialise within a period of 12 months after delivery and/or performance then the Buyer shall be entitled at the Buyer’s Option:

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9.3.1 to require the Supplier to repair the Goods and/or to supply replacement Goods or Services in accordance with the Contract within 7 days; or 9.3.2 at the Buyer's sole option, and whether or not the Buyer has previously required the Supplier to repair the Goods or to supply any replacement Goods or Services, to treat the Contract as discharged by the Supplier's breach (which includes any failure of the Goods and/or Services to meet the Contract requirements following repair and/or replacement) and require the repayment of any part of the Price which has been paid. 9.4 The Supplier shall indemnify the Buyer in full against all liability, loss including loss of profit and increased production costs, damages, costs, claims and expenses (including legal expenses) awarded against or incurred or paid by the Buyer as a result of or in connection with: 9.4.1 breach of any warranty given by the Supplier in relation to the Goods and/or Services; 9.4.2 any claim that the Goods infringe, or their importation, use or resale infringes the patent, copyright, registered design, design right or trade mark or other intellectual property rights of any other person, except to the extent that the claim arises from compliance with any Specification supplied by the Buyer; 9.4.3 any liability under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 in respect of the Goods; 9.4.4 any act or omission of the Supplier its employees, agents or sub-contractors in supplying, delivering and/or installing the Goods; 9.4.5 any act or omission of any of the Supplier's personnel in connection with the performance of the Services; and 9.4.6 in the event of delays or non deliveries arising other than as a result of negligence on the part of the Buyer, again any increase in the cost of labour or material required to produce the Goods and/or Services, the cost of transportation, the cost of any other item in connection with the Goods and/or Services which would not have been incurred but for such default delivery or non delivery. 9.5 The Goods shall be marked in accordance with the Buyer’s instructions and any applicable regulations or requirements of the carrier, and properly packed and secured so as to reach their destination in an undamaged condition in the ordinary course.

10. INSURANCE The Supplier shall insure and keep insured the Goods and/or Services for the period of the Contract against all risk of loss or damage in a minimum sum £1 million pounds on any one claim and with unlimited liability on the public liability policy. The Supplier shall produce the relevant policies and evidence of payment of premium from time to time upon request from the Buyer and shall require the insurance company to place an endorsement on the policy noting the Buyer’s interest.

11. WORK ON SITE 11.1 Where the supplier requires access to the Buyer’s premises for the purposes of installation of the Goods and/or performance of the Services the Buyer shall provide reasonable access and all services necessary to permit the Supplier to fulfil its obligations under the Contract at mutually convenient times. The Supplier will commit no act nor omission at the Buyer’s premises which would render the Buyer liable to any person and the Supplier shall observe all regulations and provisions in force relating to the safety of persons using the Buyer’s premises.

12. TERMINATION: 12.1 The Buyer shall have the right at any time by giving notice in writing to the Supplier without liability to the Supplier to terminate the Contract forthwith in any of the following events: 12.1.1 if the Supplier commits a material breach of any provision of this Contract which it does not remedy (where remedy is possible) within a period of 30 days of receipt of a written notice from the Buyer specifying the breach and requiring remedy; or 12.1.2 if the Supplier enters into liquidation whether compulsory or voluntary (otherwise than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction) or suffers a bankruptcy order or has a petition presented for the appointment of an Administrator in respect of its business or compounds with its creditors or has a receiver appointed over all or any part of its property and/or assets or takes or suffers any similar action in consequence of dept or if anything analogous to any of the foregoing under the law of any jurisdiction occurs in relation to the Supplier, or

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12.1.3 if the Buyer believes that the financial position of the Supplier shall have deteriorated to such an extent that in the opinion of the Buyer the capability of the Supplier to fulfil its obligations hereunder has been placed in jeopardy; or 12.1.4 substantial movement in the price of Goods or Services which are the subject of an Order or of competitive goods or services. 12.2 The termination of a Contract howsoever arising will be without prejudice to the rights and duties of either party accrued prior to termination. These conditions and any implied terms will continue to be enforceable notwithstanding termination. 12.3 Subject to Condition 17 the Buyer may at any time give written notice to the Supplier to terminate an Order forthwith in respect of all or part only of the Goods and/or the Services and in such event the Buyer’s sole liability shall be to pay the Supplier such a sum as shall reasonably compensate the Supplier for work done and raw materials received and/or Services undertaken and paid for by the Supplier in and for the performance of the Contract prior to its termination. 12.4 The provision of Condition 12.3 shall not apply if the Order is terminated by the Buyer pursuant to the default of the Supplier pursuant to any provision of the Contract.

13. REMEDIES: If the Supplier fails to comply with any of the terms of an Order the Buyer shall be entitled (whether or not any part of the Goods or Services have been accepted by the Buyer) to avail itself of any one or more of the following remedies at its discretion: 13.1 to rescind an Order; 13.2 to return any Goods to the Supplier at the cost of the Supplier who shall fully refund all sums paid by the Buyer for Goods so returned; 13.3 to give the Supplier the opportunity at the Supplier’s expense to remedy defect in the Goods or Services and carry out any other necessary work to ensure that the terms on an Order are fulfilled; 13.4 to refuse to accept any further deliveries of the Goods or the provision of any further Services without liability to the Buyer; 13.5 to claim such damages as may have been sustained in consequences of the Supplier’s breaches of the Contract. These rights shall be in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights which the Buyer may have.

14. HEALTH AND SAFETY: 14.1 The Supplier shall comply with the requirements of UK and International legislation and agreements relating to the supply, packaging, labelling and carriage of hazardous goods. Any goods supplied or installed under the Contract/Order shall be so formulated, designed, constructed, finished and packaged as to be safe and without risk to health and all goods will be supplied with full instructions for their proper use, maintenance and repair and with any necessary warning notices clearly displayed. 14.2 The Supplier shall ensure that Goods comply with all health and safety legislation current from time to time. The Buyer may require the Supplier to show that the Goods bear a CE mark and may ask for a copy of the EC Declaration of Conformity. 14.3 The Supplier agrees before delivery to furnish the Buyer in Writing with a list by name and description of any harmful or potentially harmful properties or ingredients in the articles supplied whether in use or otherwise and thereafter information concerning any changes in such properties or ingredients. The Buyer will rely on the supply of such information from the Supplier in order to satisfy its own obligations under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Heath Regulations Act 1988.

15. Equal Opportunities and the Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 (“the Act”)

15.1 All personnel employed by the Supplier for the purpose of performing the Contract shall be suitably trained, qualified and experienced, and shall fulfil their duties in a professional, ethical manner, consistent with the Purchaser’s commitment to equal opportunities and race equality. 15.2 The Supplier shall accept its legal obligation to comply with legislation for the prevention of discrimination on the grounds of disability, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion and belief and for the

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promotion of race equality. The Supplier shall when required answer queries raised by the Purchaser on matters referred to in this Condition and breach of statutory obligations will entitle the Purchaser to terminate the Contract. Failure to answer queries raised by the Purchaser on matters referred to in this Condition 15 may result in the cancellation of this order or a delay in payment. 15.3 The Supplier shall not discriminate directly or indirectly against any person on grounds of colour, race, nationality or ethnic or national origins contrary to Part II of the Race Relations Act 1976 (Discrimination in the Field of Employment) and/or contrary to Part III of the Act (Discrimination in Other Fields) either in employment or in service and/or contravene Part IV of the Act (Other Unlawful Acts). 15.4 The Supplier shall comply with the provisions of Section 7 of the Act in all dealings with sub- contractors. 15.5 The Supplier shall in performing the Contract comply with the provisions of Section 71 (1) of the Race Relations Act 1976 as amended by the Act and the Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003 as if the Supplier were a body within the meaning of Schedule 1A to the Act. 15.6 Where in connection with the Contract, the Supplier, its agents or sub-contractors, or the Supplier’s staff are required to carry out work on the Purchaser’s premises or alongside the Purchaser’s employees or students on any other premises, the Supplier shall comply with the Purchaser’s own employment policy and codes of practice relating to racial discrimination and equal opportunities, copies of which have been supplied and henceforth form annexes to the Contract. 15.7 The Supplier shall monitor its employees by reference to the racial groups to which they belong, in accordance with the Purchaser’s procedures for monitoring its own employees. Further information can be obtained by contacting the Purchaser’s Purchasing Department. 15.8 The Supplier shall provide such information as the Purchaser requires about the Supplier’s policies and practices concerning the prevention of unlawful discrimination and the promotion of equal opportunities and race equality both in terms of employment and customer service. The Supplier shall have regard to the promotion of race equality and shall consider the promotion of race equality and good race relations as key objectives of the Contract. 15.9 The Purchaser and the Supplier shall monitor the performance and objectives of the Contract throughout its duration and make amendments or changes necessary to the Contract, or its performance or objectives in order further to promote race equality. 15.10 The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser forthwith in writing as soon as it becomes aware of any investigation or proceedings brought against the Supplier under the Race Relations Act 1976, the Act or the Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003 as amended. 15.11 Where any investigation is undertaken by a person or body empowered to conduct such investigation and/or proceedings are instituted following such investigation against the Supplier or against the Purchaser either in connection with matters referred to in the Contract or generally, the Supplier shall, free of charge:- 15.11.1 provide any information requested in the timescale allotted; 15.11.2 attend any meetings as required and permit Supplier staff to attend; 15.11.3 promptly allow access to and investigation of any documents or data deemed to be relevant; 15.11.4 allow itself and any Supplier staff to appear as witness in any ensuing proceedings; and 15.11.5 co-operate fully and promptly in every way required by the person or body conducting such investigation during the course of that investigation. 15.12 Where any investigation is conducted, or proceedings are brought which arise directly or indirectly out of any act or omission of the Supplier, its staff, employees, agents or sub-contractors and where there is a finding against the Supplier in such investigation or proceedings, the Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser with respect to all costs, charges and expenses (including legal and administrative expenses) incurred by the Purchaser arising out of or in connection with any such investigation or proceedings and further indemnify the Purchaser for any compensation, damages, costs and such other financial redress to cover any payment the Purchaser may have been ordered or required to pay to a third party. 15.13 In the event that the Supplier enters into any sub-contract (only if and where permitted elsewhere in these Conditions) in connection with the Contract, it shall impose obligations on its sub- contractors in terms substantially similar to those imposed on it pursuant to this Condition 15.

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15.14 If a finding of unlawful discrimination or breach of equal opportunities legislation is made against the Supplier or against the Purchaser arising from the conduct of the Supplier, the Purchaser will require the Supplier to take immediate remedial steps to prevent further recurrences. 15.15 Without prejudice to any of its other rights or remedies available to it, the Purchaser may terminate the Contract if notice has been given to the Supplier of a substantial or persistent breach of the provisions of this Condition 15.

16. Freedom of Information Act 2000 16.1 Aston University is a public authority for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 such that since 1 January 2005, Aston University has a legal duty to comply with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 16.2 Accordingly any information provided by you to the University in relation to enquiries/tenders or agreements/contracts may need to be disclosed to third parties following a request for access in accordance with the legislation. Information that is genuinely confidential or commercially sensitive may be exempt from the right of access. Therefore if you consider that any of the information supplied by you, as part of the above documents, is confidential or commercially sensitive, you should clearly identify it and explain (in broad terms) what harm may result from disclosure of it and you should indicate any time limits that may apply to the sensitivity of the information. If you consider that any other exemption may apply, you should identify it and explain why the relevant information should not be disclosed to a third party in response to a request for information under the Act. 16.3 The reasons you have given for such confidentiality and/or sensitivity and/or other exemption will be taken into account by the University when considering a request for access under the Act to the information provided by you. The University, however, cannot guarantee that any exemption will apply and that it may be required to disclose under the Act information received from you if a request is received. As such please note that the receipt by the University of any material marked ‘confidential’ or equivalent or alluded to as confidential in any reply you may make to the University should not be taken to mean that the University accepts any duty of confidence by virtue of that marking or indication. If a request is received, we may also be required to disclose details of unsuccessful tenders. 16.4 We may decide to include certain information in the Publications Scheme that we maintain under the Act and may consult the Organisation accordingly.

17. LAW: The construction, validity and performance of the Contract shall be governed by the Law of England. The Contract shall be deemed to have been made in England and the parties to the Contract hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

18. ASSIGNMENT: A Contract must not be assigned without the Buyer’s prior written consent, and neither the whole nor any part of the work which the Supplier is obliged to carry out hereunder shall be sub-contracted without the Buyer’s written consent to any such arrangements having first been obtained and subject to acceptance by the Supplier of full liability in respect of any act or omission of the sub-contractor and in respect of insurance of the Goods and/or Services when under the control of the sub-contractor.

19. FORCE MAJEURE: The Buyer reserves the right to cancel or reduce the volume of the Goods ordered or the Service contracted for if it is prevented from or hindered in carrying on its business through any circumstances beyond the Buyer’s reasonable control including (but not limited to) industrial action, war, fire or prohibition or enactment of any kind, without incurring any liability for a loss or damage whatsoever resulting therefrom.

20. GENERAL: 20.1 Any notice required or permitted to be given by either party to the other under these Conditions shall be in Writing addressed to that other party at its registered office or principal place of business or such other address as may at the relevant time have been notified pursuant to this provision to the

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party giving the notice. For the avoidance of doubt, such notice shall be deemed to have been received, in the case of a telex or facsimile upon transmission and, in the case of a letter, 48 hours after posting. In providing service by letter, it shall be sufficient to show that the envelope containing the notice was properly addressed and stamped and duly posted. 20.2 If any provision of these Conditions is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of these Conditions and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected thereby. 20.3 Failure or delay by the Buyer to enforce any of its rights under the Contract will not be construed as waiver of the Buyer’s rights, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right preclude any other or further exercise thereof. Any waiver by the Buyer or any breach by the Supplier of any of its obligations under the Contract shall not affect the rights of the Buyer in the event of any further or additional breach or breaches.

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1. Introduction to Aston University

Aston University’s research and teaching, in business and management, engineering and applied science, life and health sciences, languages and the social sciences, has a strong focus on relevance to business, the public sector, the professions and contemporary society.

Founded in 1895 as the Birmingham Municipal Technical School and a University since 1966, Aston has an established record of academic excellence.

The University campus, together with Aston Science Park, occupies a green and leafy 60-acre site right in the heart of Birmingham, the UK's second city. Our attractive estate has the physical capacity to accommodate expansion.

Aston University has almost 400 academic and research staff and 850 support staff, approximately 7,900 full-time, 900 part-time and distance learning students, over 6,900 undergraduates, 1,350 taught postgraduates, and 260 research graduates; 48% female/52% male; 60% of the undergraduate population enrolled on courses incorporating a period of off-campus practical training in the UK or abroad.

The University is made up of four schools: Aston Business School, School of Engineering & Applied Science, School of Languages and Social Sciences and the School of Life & Health Sciences.

More information about Aston University can be found at www.aston.ac.uk

2. Background to Tender

The Government’s Waste Strategy for England 2007 recognises the important role waste reduction can give in moving towards sustainable consumption and production and away from dangerous climate change.

At present most of England’s waste, including a large element of valuable raw materials ends up in landfill. While strict targets for diverting waste to landfill have been set by Government for municipal or household waste, similar targets to divert trade waste from landfill are yet to be seen.

2.1. Driver’s for a change in Aston’s Waste Management Strategy

In December 2007, Aston University adopted an Environmental Policy, followed by a Waste Management Policy in June 2010, please refer to:- http://www.aston.ac.uk/staff/purchasing/procurement/environmental.jsp. This policies commit the University to reduce waste and pollution through responsible disposal. The Environmental Policy reinforces the need to meet and where possible exceed the legislative requirements.

The “waste hierarchy” provides the foundation for the Waste Management Strategy, which is based on the principles of waste prevention as a priority over reuse, recycling, energy recovery and finally disposal to landfill.

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The University had made a high level commitment to reduce waste to landfill by 20% by 2008/9. Aston University aims to achieve zero landfill by 2012.

Aston University aims to achieve these challenging targets through the introduction of:

 a high profile bin less office system supported by mini recycling centres for source segregation of waste streams.

 on site composting and treatment of food and organic garden waste.

 And by establishing a new contract for Waste Management Services

Aston University is seeking an efficient, high quality waste management service, conducted in an environmentally friendly manner.

3. Purpose of the Tender

In order to meet the objectives of the new Waste Management Strategy, the contract will be required as a minimum to:

 Provide good contract maintenance and management  Ensure compliance with legislation (act as a consultant for waste management)  Reduce waste to landfill through agreed targets  Improve reuse and recycling of materials  Select waste management options which minimise the risk of environmental pollution and harm to human health.  Provide accurate waste management data  Allow for continuous improvement and innovation (through agreed objectives)  Identify potential cost efficiencies  Establish an income stream from re-cycling rebates to fund other “green initiatives”.  Identify recycling outlets for new waste streams  Ensure all duty of care documentation is kept in order and oversee any Audit from the Environment Agency.

4. Scope of the Requirement

Currently the University has approximately 400 tonnes of trade waste going to landfill and recycled around 85 tonnes, including construction waste, paper, card,metal and wood. Aston has a recycling rate of 22%. The data is based on estimated figures. Accurate tonnages, aggregating all waste contracts on the campus, are likely to be higher. (These details will be updated prior to sending out)

The Contractor shall be responsible for the management of the services as defined within this specification in respect of Aston University and to other members of the Aston Triangle to whom the services may extend.

The service comprises of the provision of a comprehensive service, including the collection, removal and the disposal of trade, clinical, hazardous and chemical waste.

Tenderers shall detail in their proposal the ways that the tenderer considers the most appropriate waste management strategy for the site. This shall include recommendations, and supporting information on waste minimisation, re-use, recycling and disposal. The University Schools and Departments have their own, particular waste collection areas, on site. Tenderers are asked to

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advise on the suitability of these areas and the types of skips/containers etc. that are currently used.

The Appendix C of this Schedule A will detail any restrictions pertaining to the site.

The Contractor shall arrange the services to suit the requirements of the Campus Services Manager and Site Managers of those parties within the Aston Triangle who wish to be included at a later date, and shall ensure that the execution of the services do not adversely affect the occupants of the premises.

5. Definition of Waste

Controlled waste includes the vast majority of the waste produced such as household or domestic waste produced by office work, food handling, shops and other domestic activities. Controlled waste to be included on this contract shall be described as the waste arising from household, commercial or industrial premises, shall include but not limited to:

 Office paper, newsprint, magazines and journals  Cardboards  Confidential Waste Paper  Plastics  Glass bottles  Aluminium and steel cans  Wood (including pallets)  Putrecible and green waste, potentially for treatment on campus  Cooking Oil  Textiles  Scrap Metals  Office furniture  Residual waste to landfill

Specialist waste streams included but not limited to:

 Waste electrical equipment  Light Bulbs  Books  Chemical Waste  Hazardous Waste  Radioactive Waste  Clinical Waste  Sanitary Waste  Batteries  Inkjet and toner cartridges

6. Waste Collection

The contractor shall be responsible for providing the number and type of waste storage containers appropriate for the main campus.

The Contractor must be in a position to replace or repair containers as necessary without delay or disruption to the service, where the need for repair or replacement is through fair wear and tear.

The Contractor shall be able to provide an emergency waste collection service when so requested. Please indicate response times for this service within the bid.

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The Contractor shall leave the container sites in a clean and tidy condition after each collection. No waste is to be left on site after collection and the containers must be returned to the point of collection.

It may be a requirement of the Contractor to paint any waste containers provided in the livery of the University where this facility is required. Tenderers must identify a separate cost of providing this service within the schedule of charges.

The Contractor shall ensure that each container is in good condition and is cleaned at least once per year with an appropriate cleansing agent.

The Contractor shall make collection of waste during normal working hours, unless otherwise requested. (Normal working hours shall be deemed to be Monday to Saturday, excluding public holidays, from 08.00 to 18.00.)

7. Segregation of Waste

Currently the University operates a multi-point collection system. During the period of the contract term, the University will be looking to work with the Contractor to:

 Move towards collection from a single location on campus and the operation of a mini-waste recycling centre. It is the intention with material segregation to be done at source by the University’s cleaning and portering staff.

The Contractor should state, within the response to the tender, how this could be achieved (the site map will identify a suitable area) and the estimated time-line for implementation.

 To introduce office re-cycling. Please provide images and costs of bins suitable for office re-cycling within Part B Schedule A (Schedule of Prices). The Contractor may be requested to purchase the bins on behalf of the University.

Contractors are required to provide advice, guidance and facilities for segregation at source in line with the University’s environmental and sustainable policies either current or future.

8. Protection of Property

The Contractor will allow in the Tender for the collection of excess waste material situated at the various collection points, which is not left in the Containers. These materials will be contained in secure refuse bags. The Container sites are to be left in a clean and tidy condition to the satisfaction of the University after each collection: No Waste is to be left on the site after collection other than in the Containers and the Containers must be returned to the point of collection.

9. Waste Reduction

The University is keen to reduce the amount of waste produced for collection and put to landfill. The Contractor shall provide advice, guidance and actively work with the University to develop a waste reduction programme. The Contractor shall detail how they will implement such a programme – please provide an example of an action plan. The Contractor shall also detail the waste reduction facilities that they will provide as part of the service. In particular, the Supplier will detail in Part B, Schedule 2, whether or not they are able to recycle the materials listed within paragraph 5 of this Schedule A which forms part of our University’s waste streams.

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10. Waste Recycling and Sustainability

The University is seeking to improve its environmental performance through the increased re-use and recycling of its waste. The Contractor shall include proposals for the development and maintenance of current recycling initiatives, and the implementation of new schemes. Tenders should outline any proposals that reduce environmental burden through the excessive transportation of waste, may involve social benefit to the local or regional community (for example. through SMEs and BMEs), or that have given appropriate consideration to re-use before recycling. Proposals should maximise the potential for re-use or recycling, and highlight cost-effective solutions to reduce Landfill Tax costs.

11. Weighing Waste

The Contractor shall weigh each of the waste collections. Please detail, within the tender response, appropriate weighing systems and their capability.

Weighing Waste: The Contractor shall have a facility for weighing each of the University’s individual waste streams by individual bin. Each bin shall be chipped. The Contractor shall allow the University to be present as and when required to observe the waste weighing process. The contractor shall provide a detailed monthly report of all waste stream collections. This shall include individual recorded weights of each waste stream removed at a bin level.

Landfill Tax

The Tenderer shall charge landfill tax and other taxes applied to the Contract in accordance with the method specified in their Tender Offer.

12. Legal Requirements

The Contractor must carry out all services expeditiously and in strict compliance with all relevant and future UK legislation including any regulations and guidance issued by the Environment Agency.

The Contractor shall provide the Facilities Campus Services Manager with certificates of incineration in respect of all types of waste and annual Waste Transfer Notes. Please indicate if documentation is available on-line.

The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all licenses/permits as may be required under any statute, regulation or by-law of any local authority; or any statutory undertaking or at common law.

13. Equipment

The Contractor shall supply all plant required to undertake the Services over and above that already owned by the University.

14. Work wear

The Contractor’s staff must be provided with suitable protective clothing, which must be clearly be labelled with the Contractor’s name and worn at all times whilst on a customer’s site.

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15. Contractor’s on site responsibilities – Spillages and discharges

The Contractor is to take all reasonable steps to avoid accidental spillages or discharges to the surface water drainage system. The Contractor shall provide a method statement and risk assessment showing what steps will be taken in the event of a spillage, which should include automatic notification to the Campus Services Manager.

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16. Nuisance

The Contractor shall prohibit employees from causing any unreasonable disturbance whilst on the customer’s/(s) premises; this includes but is not restricted to the use of radios, cat calling or the use of horns (except the use of reversing alarms).

17. Site Security

The University reserves the right to deny access or to remove immediately from their premises any such staff found not to be carrying the appropriate identification.

18. Audit Access

The University may undertake periodic audits and site visits of the later stages and final destinations of their waste. This allows the service provider to demonstrate that steps have been taken to prevent the illegal treatment of waste.

The Contractor shall ensure that there is an auditable trail for the collection, transfer and disposal or incineration of waste. The full process must be open for inspection by if requested.

19. Technical Support

Full details of technical support in-terms of advice and guidance on waste disposal, recycling routes and legislation, must be provided taking into account the following:

a) procedures to be utilised by the University to access the Contractor to deliver technical support (in summary how does the University get at the technical support and how is that support delivered); b) response times; internal (to the Contractor) administration procedures times in respect of requests for technical support and escalation procedures when times are exceeded

20. Contract Management

Contract Manager

 The Contractor shall employ a competent Waste Services Manager to be responsible for the satisfactory execution of the services, to whom directions may be given by the Campus Services Manager in normal working hours, i.e. 08.00a.m to 18.00 p.m. Monday to Saturday (Bank and Public Holidays and University Closed Days excluded). See Appendix A.


 The Contract Manager will attend meetings at the University to discuss the contract progress, at such intervals as deemed necessary by the Campus Services Manager and Central Purchasing.

 No claims will be accepted for the Contractors time at such meeting or any charge accepted for provision of any information relating to contract statistics or reports

 Prior to commencement of the Contract, a proposed programme of Collections shall be identified by the contractor, which shall then be submitted to the clients CM for discussion. Once approved the programme shall be subject to regular reviews as deemed necessary by either party.

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 The successful Contractor through the Contract Manager will at all times maintain a close liaison with the clients C.M. and shall ensure that the work indicated is carried out within the times specified.

 The Contractor will need to provision for adhoc on-site training to assist with any new initiative for environmental improvements regarding waste management.

 The Contractor shall give notice to the client C.M. of any matter which is likely to cause, or is causing, delay in completion of the services beyond the agreed programme. The Contractor, however, shall constantly use his best endeavours to carry out the work in the period stated for completion.

 The Contractor must prior to beginning collection report to the relevant University Officers and before leaving the respective University report any areas where Containers cannot be emptied.


An answer machine service is not considered appropriate and a person in charge must be detailed in the event of the communications system failure and must be contactable in emergency situations. All calls for service by the Campus Services Manager or his representative will be ‘at all times’ to a single point of contact to be arranged by the Contractor and stated later in this document.

21. Management Information

The Contractor shall provide a management information report in a monthly basis in respect of each collection.

This is to include;  the total tonnage of waste collected in a month  Accurate paperwork providing the weights of all weights must be provided  A monthly report detailing all collections , weights ,etc. must be produced.  Recycled weights to be produced monthly  the total tonnage of waste collected in the year to date  the average tonnage of waste collected in the quarter  the total number of collections per month  the breakdown of individual wastes  whether disposed or recycled  the price breakdown for incomes received from recycled/sold materials

The Contractor must ensure and provide evidence that a record-keeping system for the Disposal of Waste is in place. As a minimum this will include the following:  Copies of all waste transfer notes during the contract period.  Copies of all consignment notes during the contract period.  Amount of Waste Disposed dating back at least three years (If practicable).  It is proposed that, following the award of the Contract; a comprehensive Service Level Agreement (SLA) to include mutually agreed Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) developed and signed by both parties. For example:

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. % of waste recycled compared to the total waste produced) are to be set and reviewed at the formal monthly review.

One-Off Events: The University provides a recycling and waste service to a number of events during the course of the calendar year. These events are high profile and are attended by significant numbers of students, visitors and in some cases VIPs.

We aim to maximise the amount of recycling collected at these events to reduce the additional waste going into the general waste stream and to demonstrate our commitment to the environment.

Legal Requirements: The Contractor(s) must carry out all Services expeditiously and in strict compliance with all relevant legislation including:

 The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974  The Environmental Protection Act 1990  The Environment Act 1995  The Environment Protection [Duty of Care] Regulations 1991  The Controlled Waste Regulations 1992  The Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers and Seizure of Vehicles Regulations 1991  The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994  The Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994  The Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005  The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2006  The Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2002  The Waste Management (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007  Any amendments to the above and all other statutory obligations not specifically referred to herein  Any regulations and guidance issued by the Environment Agency

Duty of Care: In order to comply with appropriate legislation, the following legal requirements must be accepted by the Contractor(s) to be the minimum standards required.

Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 places a duty of care upon any person who imports, produces, carries, keeps, treats or disposes of controlled waste or, as a broker, has control of such waste/resource to ensure that all such activities are carried out in an authorised manner.

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The Contractor(s) shall be registered with a waste regulation authority. It is therefore essential that the Tenderer provide, as part of the tender response, appropriate documentation clearly identifying that they are registered with a waste regulation authority. The University shall confirm the registration with the relevant authority prior to acceptance of any proposal.

The Contractor(s) must provide the University with a waste transfer note prior to commencement of the Contract, and review transfer notes when appropriate to the nature of the Contract, to meet legal requirements, or when the content of the waste/resource changes. The Contractor(s) should provide details and copies of waste disposal licenses and waste management licenses for transfer stations to the University on request or at submissions of Tenders, or should provide evidence of exemption. The Contractor(s) should inform the University of the destination of the Waste as included on the transfer note. The University’s Waste is to be disposed of only at a Site licensed in pursuance of Section (5) of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 and also in accordance with Part (1) of that Act and/or The Environmental Protection Act 1990. The University is to be kept informed of which Sites are being used. The University shall be afforded the opportunity of inspecting the Disposal Sites annually, including the Contractors vehicles and plant and any interim storage or handling arrangements. Including the giving of such instruction as it may reasonably consider are necessary to ensure that its statutory responsibilities are duly discharged. The Contractor(s) must keep copies of all controlled waste transfer notes for at least two years. The Contractor(s) must ensure that the destination to which the waste/resource is transferred is licensed to accept it, and provide proof of the waste carrier being registered. The Contractor(s) should undertake to transport Waste with minimal environmental impact on campus and on route to the Disposal Site. This includes noise, vibration, dust, and mud on roads, malodours and fumes. The Contractor(s) must maintain accurate quantified written descriptions of Waste provided by the University, informing the University if the Waste is outside the scope of the transfer note description. If anything is unsuitable or dangerous in the waste then it must be removes for separate disposal or reported to the Environmental Agency. The Contractor(s) should dispose of Waste as quickly as possible after Collection.


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SCHEDULE A – Current Waste Streams

Current Waste Streams include:

Annual Quantities, where available

Batteries 400 kgs

Biomedical Waste


CD’s /Tapes/Videos


Confidential Waste

Contaminated Lab Equipment

Cooking Oil

Electrical Equipment


Food Containers


General Approximately 500 Tonnes

Glass (Bar Waste)

Hazardous 400 items ( solids ), Liquids 1,000Ltres

IT Equipment

Florescent Tubes


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Paper / Cardboard 80 Tonnes

Plastic Drums ( Chlorine Tablets)

Plastic Packaging


Printer Cartridges

Radioactive Waste

Residential Waste ( may be included at some point in the future)

Sanitary Waste


Toner Cartridges


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Tender for the Provision of Waste Management Services

Aston Ref No: EU/052/0211/WM



 Invitation To Tender Document Information Pack (attached)  Schedule of Prices/Rates  Schedule of Rebates, Incentives And Discounts  Schedule of Proposed Sub-Contract Services  Additional Information



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The Contract Period shall be from 01 October 2011, for 3 years, with the option for a further year extension, subject to satisfactory performance by the Supplier(s).

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Please provide prices for the Management, Disposal / Recycling of the following:


Office Paper, Newsprint, Magazines and journals


Confidential Waste Paper


Glass Bottles

Aluminium and Steel Cans

Wood (Including Pallets)

Putrecible and green waste, potentially for the treatment on

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Cooking Oil

Scrap Metals

Office Furniture

Residual Waste to Landfill


Other: Please Specify

Form of Tender – Appendix C

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Please use the table below to indicate the size of skips available, whether or not enclosed options are available, transport costs per skip ( delivery & collection), disposal costs per tonne ( excluding landfill) and indicate any minimum tip weight requirements.

Skip type i.e. 12 cu Enclosed option Transport Disposal Cost Minimum Tip yd, available Cost per tonne weight RO RO

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Please list any additional rebates, incentives (which could include financial support/and or supply of equipment to improve waste management efficiency) or discounts which apply.

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Acceptance of the Tender will not imply consent to these proposals.

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Suppliers may give any additional supporting information that they wish. This should include as a minimum:

[Insert detail if required]

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